It can be noticed on the internet that in some spiritual circles, there are some who are still uncomfortable with the notion of extraterrestrials assisting us in our evolution as a planet. There are some who are weary of a message purported to come from a Galactic Federation of ascended and advanced beings who are not from our world, and many misunderstandings and misconceptions can be noticed in relation to our brethren within the Galactic Federation, that should perhaps be cleared up.
It is interesting to note that many are uncomfortable with the notion of the Galactic Federation, but are yet still comfortable with channeled messages that come from Angels, Spirit Guides, Archangels and so on. Is it not possible to think that advanced and evolved extraterrestrials could be included with such Guides who are assisting our world?
For many, this seems to be so and it is hoped with the giving of this message that some of the misconceptions concerning the Galactic Federation and evolved extraterrestrials in general, can be cleared up so that we can all work toward collectively Uniting in Harmony, rather than continuing to argue amongst each other about this one subject!
Misconception #1: The Galactic Federation want us to think they are our ‘saviors’ and that we must follow them to ascend or remain in a state of safety. They use channels to slowly manipulate any who follow them.
This is a common misconception that seems to be fed daily by many who do not resonate with messages given from our Galactic brethren, and this seems as well to be the core argument given by many as to why the Galactic Federation’s messages should not be followed.
Just as there are many Archangels and Ascended Masters assisting our world who would not want us to think they are our sole prophets, saviors and communicators with God, our Galactic brethren do not want to control us or make us think in any way that they are here to save us. They have stated many times through many channelers that they do not want to be looked upon in this manner, but this mindset is still garnered much of the time.
The Pleiadians via yours truly have went as far as to encourage any who do not resonate with their messages, to stop following them:
“Dearest ones, if it helps you than do not follow our words any longer.”
It can be compared to the unquestioned fixation on religion; how much many of you seem to follow our words and fixate yourselves on specific dates and occurrences.
(…) If you wish to, do not follow us or our messages anymore, as now is truly the time to turn within, to look yourselves in the mirror and see what aspects of yourselves are incompatible with ascension, with the higher vibrations.
Many of you have felt that following channeled messages somehow makes up for the lack of inner-work that we dearly wish to see you doing, and we guide that if you follow such hollow ascension procedures, than you are bound to be disappointed when events that are predicted do not transpire.”
We never wished for any of you to look to our or any other channeled messages as a sole source of spirituality, rather we look for you to do the inner work that is required.
Many have taken on the assumption that we are out to deceive, and to those beginning to subscribe to such opinions we say to you now, if you feel we are deceptive, if our messages do not resonate with your hearts or do not feel right for some reason, any reason, than we are a source that does not match your own vibrations and as such, we would recommend turning away from our messages or any messages or messengers that do not resonate, and instead of looking outward for other sources that may resonate, turn inward to yourselves, to your own guides and your higher self, because your own personal ascended energies will always resonate, and will see you progress upon your paths as you know you should be.” (1)
I would as well encourage anybody who does not resonate with the Galactic Federation to stop following such messages but if one was to stop reading the messages of our Galactic brethren, it is hoped that it would not be because of the misconception that they are trying to control us, save us, or make us think they are going to save us in any way. This simply isn’t true!
Like all other ascended sources assisting us in this time, the Galactic Federation have always encouraged us to do the work ourselves that is needed, for our own ascension and for the ascension of Earth. They have assisted us by ensuring that the elites on our world do not blow us up as we undergo our collective ascension and they have helped to undermine the intended damaged caused in many natural disasters but as far as ‘intervening’ in our affairs goes, they have not gone any further.
They encourage us to collectively meditate to clear away the influence and residue of lower astral beings, and the messages that they give are meant only to support and to be one source of information. Like many, they have encouraged discernment even with their messages, as well as going within at all times for any aspect of the higher realms that one wishes to feel.
#2: The Galactic Federation are a Service-to-Self Organization who wishes to invade/plunder Earth for Her resources.
I think this misconception and mindset is one that is fed out of a lack of understanding and knowing of the very evolved and advanced nature of the Galactic Federation, as well as a lack of understanding of the history of our world.
Many fear an alien invasion of sorts but it must be expressed and has been expressed that the Earth has been slowly invaded already, by service-to-self entities who themselves wished to plunder the Earth for Her resources and use human slaves to do so. These beings spoken of would be known as the Annunaki, and since performing their many injustices to the Earth they have since surrendered to the side of the Light, and are currently going through karmic repercussions for the worst of the actions they have committed, while helping the Galactic Federation to neutralize the energies and actions of the last cabals on our world.
The Galactic Federation have been with us for centuries of our time and indeed, for even longer. They have helped various civilizations to reach the next step of their collective evolution by introducing themselves and their technologies to many civilizations, but they have never proclaimed themselves to be ‘Gods’ and to solely hold the only secrets in an attempt to gain a following, and they have only had our best interests at heart.
It has been the Annunaki that has had the worst interests of humanity in mind, and more recently a few misaligned Greys who sold advanced weaponry to the cabals on our world; weaponry that the Galactic Federation can and has been neutralizing. (2)
It must be understood that there are Universal Laws and Edicts that the Galactic Federation and all other ascended beings and collectives have to adhere to, and were the Galactic Federation to express desire to control the world in the slightest, the various Angels and Councils overseeing our world would not let such a thing happen.
The Galactic Federation as a collective and as individuals, are ascended by nature. This Federation is comprised of whole collectives of ascended beings throughout various planets in this Galaxy, many of which are actively communicating with humanity at this time through channels while disarming the tools of the dark and making themselves known through showings of their craft to us.
Many of these beings reside within the fifth dimension and are assisting in the ascension of Earth and the ascension of this entire Universe, not only out of a desire to serve humanity which is bred out of a Love and closeness with humanity, but to assist in their own ascension and evolution into even purer states of consciousness as well.
A vast multitude of beings and collectives existing within the Galactic Federation are experiencing states of consciousness past that of the fifth dimension and are still serving Earth out of a sheer desire to see our ascension play out as it has been decreed to.
They have done so very much for us throughout our entire history and if the full view could be given and the many suppressed documents concerning benevolent ET contact fully disclosed, it would be unanimously understood that the Galactic Federation have always had our best intents at heart and have always been working to bring humanity away from the influence of the dark souls on our world who were employed by the Annunaki and who are still being influenced by lower astral entities on our world.
This brings us to number three on the list:
#3: The Galactic Federation are actually lower dimensional entities within the astral realms of our Earth, who use cute but shallow ‘new agey’ terms to manipulate and deceive.
Like most other misconceptions on this list, this one as well is fed out of a lack of understanding of the very nature of our Galactic brethren and the sheer flowing, Lighted and intricate nature in which they are coming through many Earthly souls at this time.
Two of the seemingly most ‘new agey’ terms are those of ‘Love and Light’ that are expressed routinely through many channeled sources. Many skeptics and detractors use the expression of these and other seemingly shallow terms to attack the messages of our Galactic brethren as being shallow and thus, suggestively manipulative. What is not understood is that behind these terms that seem to be meaningless, lay real meanings and expressions that cannot be easily expressed another way than by using terms of happiness and Love that we on Earth have become familiar with.
An ascended being within the astral realms of our Sun has explained to an extent, what is meant by the terms ‘Love and Light’ that are misconceived as being shallow:
“We know that for many, when the terms Love and Light are used the concept of hollow shells of expression are brought forth as it is perceived that these are simply ‘new age’ terms that mean little, but it must be expressed that what are routinely called ‘Love and Light’ by many channeled sources are actually two of the purest distortions which can still be considered distortions, of energy being sent down from our Mother and Father Creator.
Love and Light represent our Mother and Father; our beautiful Creator seemingly divided into two United polarities and segments. One lays the foundation for Creation and experience, and the other sees such experiences brought forth through the Creation of a mirror-energy; a mirror consciousness to experience the landscapes, templates and blueprints that have been Created by the Universal energies.”
The Masculine Logos energy Creates and sustains your realities, whereas the Divine Feminine Light energies which you all are as well, sees such a mirror consciousness Created in the form of all of you who experience the lower dimensions and various planets in every form that they take, as you are experiencing such Creation and consciousness while at the same time, mirroring it and being a part of it.” (3)
Our Galactic and ascended brethren mean much more by much of what they say, that many on Earth assume to be shallow and hollow, and there is much that they are still not yet able to express to us as we would not yet be able to fathom such things with our current collective levels of consciousness, and as a result they work through the veils that are established in much of humanity to inform us of the true nature of our reality among many, many other things, in preparation for our collective planetary ascension.
(1) The Pleiadian High Council on our Disappointments, Looking within and Giving Up Lower Attachments:
(2) See a report on Larry King Live of UFOs shutting down nuclear weapons:
(3) Solara: A Summer Solstice Message:
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Wes Annac – Misconceptions Of The Galactic Federation: Part 1/3 – 28 June 2012
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