Uploaded on 13 September 2012 by RussiaToday
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss David Cameron appointing former bankers to Treasury. We look at another former banker who became a Treasury Secretary only to become a bankster – Robert Rubin – and his role in Citigroup bilking Abu Dhabi of billions. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Reggie Middleton about Facebook, fraud and financialization.
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Keiser Report: Banksters Bilking Billions – 14 September 2012
William Wagener – Hidden Original 13th Amendment, 1812, Real Evidence – 14 September 2012
Uploaded by William Wagener on 22 January 2012.
Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any OFFICE . This has been hidden since Pres. Abe Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment the “13th”, when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment.
(Thanks Gillian!)
William Wagener – Hidden Original 13th Amendment, 1812, Real Evidence – 14 September 2012
Uploaded by William Wagener on 22 January 2012.
Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any OFFICE . This has been hidden since Pres. Abe Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment the “13th”, when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment.
(Thanks Gillian!)
UntitleITCCS – Kevin Annett – Announcement : The International Common Law Court Of Justice -
Kevin Annett 15 September 2012 Announcement
Uploaded on 4 September 2012 by rich freedomcentral
Hello and welcome. My name is Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice and I am speaking to you today on behalf of the Council of Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State: a multinational coalition of over fifty organizations in seven countries.
Under the authority of that Tribunal as well as Common Law and the Natural Land Law Jurisdiction of Sovereign Nations, I declare that as of this day, Saturday, September 15, 2012, a Public International Court of Justice is hereby convened to consider evidence related to charges of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy by institutions of church and state, and their fiduciary officers.
The crimes that will be documented and judged in our Court are abominable and almost unimaginable. They span centuries, and range from outright murder to systematic torture, rape, slave labor, germ warfare, medical experimentation, drug testing, involuntary sterilizations, child trafficking, genocide and wars of extermination against peaceful nations. These crimes are all the more heinous by the fact that they were often aimed at children and occured not randomly by isolated individuals, but historically, systematically, deliberately, and officially, by express command of heads of church and state according to their laws and customs – and by the fact that many of these crimes carry on today against the innocent at the hands of the same authorizing institutions and heads of state.
The enormity of these crimes requires a new approach. For this Court is a unique experiment, in that under existing international law, institutions cannot be brought to trial or account for genocidal or criminal actions, despite the fact that these crimes arise from and are caused by such institutions. There has consequently been no legal recourse for millions of people whose cultures and lives have been destroyed by the deliberate plans and actions of institutions of church and state, such as in the case of the conquest of entire continents of non-Christian people by European kingdoms operating under the sanction of so-called papal laws.
Similarly, in the case of countless victims of sexual assault and torture by clergy of catholic and protestant churches, national courts have continually denied these victims the right to sue these churches as a whole and restricted their litigation to individual perpetrators, despite the fact that church laws and policies allow, protect and legitimate such assaults.
These very restrictions require not only an entirely new legal approach to the historic wrongs of church and state, if justice is to be done and seen to be done; but the fact that existing courts refuse to address the root cause of these crimes by naming the systems respoinsible for them compels the citizens of all nations to rely on their customary and unalienable rights to win justice and protect themselves and their children when existing authorities refuse to do so.
It is in this spirit that our International Common Law Court of Justice is convened.
Our Court stands upon the precedent of the Nuremburg Laws and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which state clearly that citizens everywhere have the right and obligation to refuse to obey or pay taxes to governments or institutions engaged in crimes against humanity. That is, it is recognized by international law that institutions as well as individuals can be engaged in criminal actions and can therefore be held accountable and liable in a court of law.
The purpose of our Common Law Court is to do precisely that. Our Court has standing under not only the customary right of citizens to pursue justice and defend their communities, but by our relationship with the courts of various nations that claim universal jurisdiction over human rights cases. The evidence presented before our Court will also be filed in these national courts that do not operate under the authority or legal systems of the various powers we will be naming as defendants, such as the so-called Crown of England and its Admiralty laws, or the Vatican and its so-called Canon laws.
Our Court will be pursuing this course in order to render an enforceable verdict against churches and states responsible for the heinous crimes that we will document to the world. Our Court is not a symbolic gesture but a legitimate legal procedure that will seek the indictment and imprisonment of guilty parties, the restoration of stolen land, lives and wealth, and the abolition of institutions responsible for ongoing crimes against humanity.
With all this in mind, let me begin by explaining the procedure and protocols of our Common Law Court, and our timetable in the weeks ahead.
Today’s session is part of a normal pre-trial process, in which the terms of the trial are established, the cases and parties to the action are named, and a Public Summons is issued by the Prosecutor’s Office to the named defendants. These defendants will be given ten working days – until October 1, 2012 – to respond in writing to the Summons and agree to a Pre-trial Conference (often called Voir Dire or Examination for Discovery) in which evidence can be shared and pleadings heard. If the defendants refuse to respond, their silence can be deemed to mean they do not contest the charges made against them, and is often interpreted as a tacit admission of guilt. In this case, our Court will proceed with the Prosecution’s case against the Defendants in absentia and the formal trial will begin.
This legal process will be overseen by a Panel of five sworn judges, an Office of Citizen Prosecutors, and a common law jury of fifty eight Citizen Jurors based in Canada, the United States, Ireland, England, the Netherlands, Italy, and Australia. All of these participants have as of today been duly sworn and have taken an oath of confidentiality and service. For reasons of security and due process, the identity of these judges and jurors will remain confidential until the day the final verdict of the Court is pronounced, and the court officers are discharged.
Today, September 15, a Public Summons is being issued to all of the parties and institutions named in the five cases being presented by our Court. These parties will have until midnight Greenwich mean time on Monday, October 1, 2012 to respond to the charges and agree to a Pre-trial Conference date. After October 1, either that Conference or the trial itself will proceed, if necessary in absentia.
These events as they occur will be posted the same day on this website.
Now, in conclusion, allow me to present to all of you the five cases being brought to trial by our Prosecutor’s Office: cases which summarize the main evidence gathered to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the churches, governments and individuals named as defendants are guilty and indictable for crimes against humanity and a monstrous criminal conspiracy.
Our first case, in the Matter of Kevin Annett and the People v. the Government of Canada, The United Church of Canada, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church in Canada, the Crown of England, the Assembly of First Nations, the Weyerhauser logging company, the RCMP “E” Division, and the Law Society of British Columbia, and the officers of these corporations.
The Plaintiffs Kevin Annett and the People claim that the defendants are associated with a centuries-old criminal conspiracy and crime against humanity authorized by church laws to conquer, enslave, terrorize and permanently eradicate non-Christian nations and indigenous peoples, and to deprive these peoples of their identity, livelihood, lands and resources; and that the same defendants have actively used and are using the medium of their religion and so-called Indian residential schools to accomplish this conquest and other crimes which fit the definition of genocide under international law.The Plaintiffs further claim that these crimes have caused the death of at least 50,000 children in the residential schools alone, and many hundreds of thousands of other native people and their offspring.
The Plaintiffs further claim that these crimes continue to the present day and involve the deliberate targeting and extermination of indigenous families, children, and land based communities across Canada; and that these crimes are aided and abetted by officials of the Crown and private corporations, as well as the media, church officials, the RCMP, the courts and legal community, and their agents.
The Plaintiffs further claim that this plan to eradicate native familes is deliberately aimed at traditional female elders and their lineage, and involves operating child trafficking and pedophile-sex slavery networks, the murder of native women and children, “snuff” films and other criminal acts.
The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants are actively concealing these crimes and their complicity in them through a sustained campaign of historical falsification, misinformation, lies, destruction of evidence and eyewitnesses, obstruction of justice, and other methods of dissumulation and fraud.
The Plaintiff Kevin Annett further claims that the defendants did knowingly and with malicious intent enter into an ongoing criminal conspiracy to intentionally assault and destroy his livelihood, employability, good name and family in order to conceal evidence of all of these crimes and especially of their theft and profiting off of land of the Ahousaht Nation, their defrauding of the public, and their collusion in genocide, rape and murder of generations of indigenous children across Canada in their so-called Indian residential schools and Indian hospitals.
In our second case, in the Matter of the People v. the Government of Canada and its officers, the Roman Catholic Church and its officers, the Anglican Church in Canada and its officers, the United Church of Canada and its officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the government and named churches of Canada are deliberately obstructing and subverting justice, defrauding the public, and concealing their own crimes against humanity by establishing a self-regulated, restricted inquiry into Indian residential schools named the “truth and reconciliation commission” that has neither the mandate nor the legal power to conduct a competent and legally effective investigation.
The Plantiffs further claim that these named organizations and persons are deliberately concealing, destroying and subverting evidence of their own crimes in these schools, silencing eyewitnesses, denying the latter due process and civil liberties, and are re-traumatizing the latter with intent to destroy them.In our third case, in the Matter of the People v. the Crown of England and the New England Company, the Anglican Church of Canada, the government of Canada, and the Six Nations Confederacy and its officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants are responsible for the intentional, planned extermination of generations of native children at the Mohawk Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario, and for the deliberate and ongoing concealment and destruction of evidence, documentation, burial sites and human remains at this school and elsewhere.
The Plaintiffs further claim that these parties actively conspired and planned ways to destroy the Mohawk Nation in its entirety through the medium of the same Mohawk Indian school by way of a formal agreement signed between these parties in 1870.
In the fgourth case in our Docket , in the Matter of the People and Victoria Stewart v. The United Church of Canada and its officers, the RCMP and its officer4s, the Estate of Ann Knizky, the government of Canada and its officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants killed and aided and abetted in the killing of Victoria Stewart, age 9, at the United Church Indian residential school in Edmonton, Alberta, on April 9, 1958.The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants concealed this murder by falsifying records, removing body organs of the deceased, silencing eyewitnesses to the killing and issuing a false and fraudulent account of her death; and that this concealment and obstruction of justice continues.
And in the fifth case in our Docket, in the Matter of the People v. the Vatican and its chief executive officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants are part of a deliberate international criminal conspiracy and crime against humanity to aid and abett organized child rape, torture and trafficking within the Roman Catholic Church, using their position to protect and maintain such crimes.The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants are actively obstructing justice in Italy and internationally according to a Vatican canon law policy known as Crimen Sollicitationis, which is binding on all Catholic clergy, and which compels them to engage in the same criminal conspiracy by protecting and aiding child rapsists within the Catholic church and concealing these criminals from police and legal authorities.
The evidence regarding these five cases will be presented by our Prosecutor’s Office commencing October 1, in the absence of a pre-trial conference. That evidence will be posted and available on line in the course of the trial, as well as being submitted to the fifty eight sworn Citizen Jurors who will be charged with rendering a final verdict. The world in effect will be in the court room to hear and consider this evidence of some of the worst crimes against humanity in history, and to come to its own consensus about what must be done to end forever the reigh of terror of criminal institutions in our midst.In the meantime, please read the background to these cases and some of the evidence being presented at the website www.hiddennolonger.com .
Again, you can follow the progress of our court at www.itccs.org . Our next broadcast will occur on October 2, 2012. Thank you, and may we close by saying: Let justice be done though the heavens may fall.
Jon Rappoport – Shocker: How Many Drug Prescriptions Are Written In The US Every Day? – 15 September 2012
Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of prescriptions written in the US.
The increase brought the total to: 4.02 billion. Yes, in 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America.
That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and child.
That’s about one new prescription every month for every American.
The Medical News Today article concluded, “…the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending.” Yes, I’m sure the drug industry is popping champagne corks.
We’re talking about prescriptions here. We’re not talking about the number of pills Americans took. We’re also not counting over-the-counter drugs or vaccine shots.
Pharmacopoeia, a 2011 exhibition at the British Museum, estimated that “the average number of pills a person takes in his or her own lifetime in the UK is 14,000.” That’s as a result of prescriptions. Including over-the-counter drugs, the 14,000 number would swell to 40,000 pills taken in a lifetime.
What are the effects of all these drugs?
We are looking at a supreme Trojan Horse that is rotting out America and other industrialized countries from the inside. Wars, no wars, economic deprivation, economic prosperity, the drugs continue to do their work, debilitating and ruining and terminating lives.
Many sources can be cited to confirm this assessment.
On January 8th, 2001, the LA Times published an article by one of the best medical reporters in the business, Linda Marsa: “When Good Drugs Do Harm.” Marsa quoted researcher Dr. David Bates, who indicated that, in the US, there are 36 million serious adverse reactions to medical drugs per year.
On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the most stunning mainstream estimate of medical-drug damage in history: “Is US health really the best in the world?” The author was Dr. Barbara Starfield, a respected public-health researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
Starfield concluded that medical drugs were killing Americans at the rate of 106,000 per year.
This is a conservative sketch of the Trojan Horse that has been placed in the center of the industrialized world.
The pharmaceutical juggernaut will continue, no doubt about it. The only question is, how many people will wake up and seek another way?
The destruction of societies by medical drugs goes far beyond what some people call “over-prescribing.” This isn’t just a tilt in the wrong direction. It isn’t simply errors of judgment compounded by the number of doctors dispensing medicines.
Those are all polite terms suggesting the situation can be corrected through a show of good will and better judgment. That will never happen.
Countries of the world are literally being assaulted by pharmaceutical companies and their foot-soldier doctors. It’s chemical warfare.
To even begin to see light at the end of the tunnel, hundreds of millions of people must add themselves to the rolls of those who already are pursuing better health through natural means.
We need an all-out rebellion against the Pharmacopoeia.
Not even the Nazis and their dearly beloved cartel, the monster IG Farben, dreamed of the day when the citizenry would line up and demand to ingest more and more life-destroying chemicals.
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/250213.php http://healthbeat.areavoices.com/2011/10/12/pill-city/ http://humanitiesandhealth.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/pharmacopoiea-or-how-many-pills-do-we-take-in-a-lifetime-a-wellcome-trust-exhibition-at-the-british-museum/
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
www.nomorefakenews.com /www.jonrappoport.wordpress.com link to original article
Half Of France’s Drugs Are ‘Useless’ And Five Percent Are Dangerous : Top French Doctors – 15 September 2012
Half of France’s drugs are ‘useless’ and five percent are dangerous, a book by two top French doctors claimed. The duo believes the pharmaceutical industry is forcing ineffective drugs on the market, costing taxpayers up to ten billion euros a year.
The duo reviewed 4,000 French drugs and found that 50 percent were ‘useless,’ 20 percent were ‘badly tolerated’ and five percent had adverse effects.
Philippe Even, former head of the Necker Hospital in Paris, and Bernard Debré, doctor and member of parliament for the UMP party, recently co-authored a book titled ‘The Guide to 4,000 Useful, Useless or Dangerous Medicines.’
The book claimed that France could save up to ten billion euros a year by halting social security reimbursements for drugs that are hazardous or have no health value.
The pharmaceutical industry is “the most lucrative, most cynical and least ethical of all the industries,” Dr. Even said. He claims that in order to reduce budget shortfalls in France’s healthcare system, “one simply has to take the dangerous, useless and ineffective medicines off the market.”
The book was written in light of a Mediator Affaire report Dr. Even and Dr. Debré conducted in 2011 for former President Nicolas Sarkozy, where they investigated an incident where some 2,000 people were killed by a prescribed diabetic drug before the medicine was taken off the market.
Their report stated that the French medical system was in dire need of reform, spurring Dr. Even and Dr. Debré to write their book.
The two made a list of drugs that pose health risks, including cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory and anti-smoking drugs, and contraceptive pills.
Statins, drugs taken to lower cholesterol, were just one of the many drugs found to be “completely useless,” Dr. Even said in an interview with Le Nouvel Observateur. “[Statins] are taken by three to five million French people, which costs France two million euros per year.”
France a top drug consumer
According to 2011 study, France is the world’s fifth-largest market for pharmaceuticals, with the average French person having 47 pills and prescriptions in their medical cabinet. The combined cost of those medicines is around 532 euros per person, with the state covering 77 percent of the price, France24 reported.
“We have to do a big clean-up of our pharmacies,” Dr. Even told Le Parisien. “France has a huge public debt and the state can make considerable savings.”
“Meanwhile in the UK, where people take far fewer medicines than us, people are no less healthy as a result,” he said.
The two believe that, while there is no room for ‘useless’ drugs on the market, people should certainly continue to use effective drugs. “Antibiotics are the best [medical] discovery of all time,” Even told Le Parisien. “Antiretroviral drugs have given us a very real lead on AIDS and a large number of anti-cancer medicines have had an immense impact on our treatment of the disease.”
Book blasted by medical establishment
The Professional Federation of Medical Industrialists (LEEM) criticized the book as un-academic and unclear. The group argued that the doctors’ assertions could have a destabilizing effect, needlessly alarming ill patients into ceasing treatments for their diseases.
“We must not forget that the state exercises strict controls on drugs. France has specialist [government] agencies responsible for the health of patients and of controlling what information is given to them [about drugs],” LEEM President Christian Lajoux told AFP.
www.shiftfrequency.com link to article / www.jeenyuscorner.wordpress.com link to original article
Legal News - C Suisse, Deutsche, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Raj Rajaratnam
HITC - 9/10/12
Christos Bagios, the former banker at UBS and Credit Suisse who was arrested in January 2011 amid a crackdown on offshore tax evasion, may not leave Florida to visit Switzerland and Greece, a U.S. judge ruled.
To read the rest of this story, visit hereisthecity.com.
Japan’s Finance Minister ‘Commits Suicide’ on Suicide Prevention Day
Japan’s Finance Minister ‘Commits Suicide’ on Suicide Prevention Day
Stephen: Or was he murdered, as Benjamin Fulford has suggested?
We must have been so caught up on the 9/9 portal and the 9/11 11 Years that we missed this suspicious death of one of the world’s leading finance ministers – the day before 9/11. A man said to have been struggling with the pressures of his job. Really?
It’s certainly all rather ironic that the politician supposedly in charge of Japan’s economy would ‘suicide’ on such a landmark day.
Japan’s Finance Minister ‘Commits Suicide’ on Suicide Prevention Day
By Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky, Reuters – September 10, 2012
TOKYO — Tadahiro Matsushita, the Minister of Financial Services, was found dead today, on World Suicide Prevention Day in what police are investigating as a suicide. He allegedly hung himself in his own home. He would not be he first Japanese government minister to kill himself and he won’t be the last. It was reported that he was struggling with the pressures of his job.
According to Jiji News and other sources, the weekly magazine Shukan Shincho, was getting ready to print a story involving Matsushita and an affair involving a woman. Shukan Shincho editors were not available to comment. The last time a cabinet minister committed suicide was in 2007, when agriculture minister Toshikatsu Matsuoka hung himself after allegations of fiscal misconduct.
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said, according to Reuters, “I’m shocked to hear the sad news. He always gave me encouragement when things were tough.”
The timing of Matsushita’s death underlines the scale of Japan’s suicide problem. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Despite laws and outlines adopted by the government to tackle Japan’s high suicide rate, the number of suicides has remained over 30,000 per year for 14 years. While there have been rises and ebbs, the numbers stay high even as Japan’s population continues to shrink.
Suicide hotlines in Japan are so overloaded that getting through to a live operator can take thirty or more calls. Many don’t have that patience. And there’s a new documentary released in Japan this week examines why the Japanese government is unable to significantly reduce Japan’s high suicide rates. Suicide in Japan does not have the same nuance it does in the West. It’s not a religious taboo. The Japanese have a curious history of finding beauty in the act of suicide. Taking one’s life is sometimes considered more heroic than defeat.
The Japanese word for the act is remarkably straight-forward: 自殺 (ji-satsu). It literally means “kill” (殺) “oneself“(自)”. Suicide in Japan has a long tradition of being a means of apology, protest, means of taking revenge, and dealing with illness.
Rene Duignan, director of the documentary Saving 10,000: Winning a War on Suicide in Japan which was released in Tokyo just prior to Suicide Prevention Day in Tokyo, says: “Nobody tries to highlight the real problems and most importantly what to do about them. I planned to interview 10 people but it turned out to be 100.”
The documentary poses a very good question: “Why is it that life insurance companies pay out on suicide? Stop paying people to kill themselves. Stop incentivizing people to die and leave their families alone.” Etsuji Okamoto, a researcher at the Japanese Institute of Health, makes the same arguments convincingly in his 2010 essay “Suicide and Life Insurance.” [An English translation is at the bottom]
In post-war Japan, people would sign a life insurance contract. And go straight out, and kill themselves under the nearest train. Eventually, the life insurance companies started putting in one-year exemption clauses in their policies, so people would sign a contract and they must wait one year before killing themselves to get the money. It was still a very good deal for desperate people, so the suicide rate spiked on the thirteenth month. The insurance companies extended the exemption period to two years. The result was that suicides spiked on the twenty-fifth month of the contract.
Insurance agencies and the police say some men laid off from jobs have killed themselves to enable their families to live in comfort. “Japan has no law mandating how insurance companies deal with policy holders’ suicides,” said Masaru Tanabe, spokesman for the Life Insurance Association of Japan famously told the Associated Press in 1999. In March 2004, the Japanese Supreme Court ruled that insurers “must pay for suicides” if the death occurs within the terms of the insurance agreement.
Novels, movies and the spread of the Internet suicide chat rooms have contributed to the suicide boom in Japan. They have also popularized some areas as suicide landmarks. A forest near the Mount Fuji became the ideal site for committing suicide when a 1960s novel by Seichō Matsumoto was published. The novel tells a story of a couple who meets their end in Aokigahara forest. Others attribute an increase in the number of suicides to Wataru Tsurumi’s description of Jukai (the ocean of trees) as “the perfect place to die” in his 1993 perennial best-selling book The Complete Manual of Suicide. Both books are reportedly often found along with human remains in the forest.
The manual of suicide seems to have been written in a way to “encourage” readers to choose an easy way of getting rid of problems. “If your children have a copy of that book in their room, you should be aware that something might be going wrong in his life, and do everything possible to prevent suicide by detecting early signs of suicide,” says Duignan.
In 2010, the Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s largest paper reported that police conducted autopsies in only 4.4 percent of the cases determined to be suicides the year before. The lack of proper autopsies was only brought to the attention of the media after a several cases of a killer being caught after successfully staging murders as suicides. The National Police Agency reportedly said that 39 deaths handled by the police since 1998 as suicide later turned out to be murder and/or criminal actions resulting in death. Sometimes suicides are only found to be murders after a criminal confesses his or her past crimes to the police. Suspicious deaths in Japan only have a 10 percent autopsy rate compared to 50 percent in the United States.
There’s no doubt that people are killed and the murders sometimes staged as suicides so the criminal can collect the insurance money. But very often, the simple truth is the insured kill themselves for the sake of their family or to pay off their debts.
Taiki Nakashita, a Buddhist priest, social activist, and counselor to those contemplating suicide, says that there is no one way to prevent suicide and no easy answers to the problem. He believes that Japanese society needs to change to support the disadvantaged and poor, adding, “Most people don’t kill themselves because they want to die. They kill themselves because they don’t know how to go on living. We need to make Japanese a place easier for people to live.”
NESARA Was Intended to be Announced on 9/11
You recall I said that, if I were a member of the highest universal council, planning the events of these times, I would plan for NESARA to have been announced on 9/11 – Sept. 11, 2012 – exactly eleven years after 9/11. (1)
Listen to Geoff West on Cosmic Vision News tonight at 4:00 pm Pacific Time and 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time for a repeat of this announcement and details of other exciting events.
The events of 9/11 were planned in part to forestall the signing into law of the NESARA Act, which was to happen in one of the World Trade Centers at 10:00 a.m.
The first plane struck the first tower around 9 a.m.
NESARA gold was stored beneath the Twin Towers. The documentation was there. Everything was in readiness and then … the rest is history.
Archangel Michael confirmed today in a personal reading I had with him that this 9/11 was intended to be the day NESARA was announced. And then the group behind the anti-Muslim video released on Youtube, inflamed the Middle East, and again forced a postponement.
This is how the forces ranged against NESARA have worked for many years. However AAM says that the delay will be brief. NESARA will indeed soon be announced.
And yes, the top levels of the Illuminati are in containment. These are lower-level people who are not in containment. Here is the portion of that reading that concerns NESARA:
Steve: Many people are asking what is holding NESARA up, when will NESARA begin. Any comment on that?
Archangel Michael: It was intended to begin, as you have guessed, on…
S: On 9/11?
AAM: Yes, 9/11. And there has been disruption as you know.
S: No, I don’t really. Can you say what that disruption was?
AAM: There has been disruption with the bombings in the Middle East.
S: OK. The bombings in the Middle East. You mean the embassy protests?
AAM: Yes.
S: Can I say that?
AAM: Yes, you can.
So it’s a brief interruption, not a long interruption.
Now even having said this, I still say: be prudent. Don’t do anything that you might regret later. Just wait patiently a little while longer and don’t make any large moves until the money has actually been released. Please. We all need to remain safe and nothing is sure until it’s right here in front of us.
There was more said in the reading but I’m unbelievably busy these days with matters that also will be announced soon (whether cosmically soon or terrestrially soon I don’t know).
It’s a hectic time and all is bent towards the wonderful culmination that we’re all expecting.
And it’s going to get a heck of a lot more hectic as time goes on.
(1) “If I Were Asked to Schedule NESARA….,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/if-i-were-asked-to-schedule-nesara/
To trust or not to trust
…And above all, keep trusting! Even if your trust is betrayed. Yes, you read correctly. Even if you are betrayed. Here is what happens…we learn from the actions of our parents, not from what they say. In other words we learn from the modeling behaviors of our parents and society in general. When you are betrayed you are because the other person was not exposed to the concept of trust in its entire wholesome meaning. Therefore, again even if you feel like a da#& ass when you are betrayed, remember it is not personal and you are still providing a great value by modeling your sense of trust for the person who betrayed you. It was never a waste. They are trying to learn that behavior from you…The truth is they don’t know how to trust….and even if they are not aware just yet, they deep inside are drawn to you because of your sense of trust. They want to learn that from you.
Bottom line, to trust others you have to trust yourself and if you don’t, is because you are measuring everybody else against your own perception of who you are and mainly your conditioning… in other words “the thief believes everybody is like him.” If he is not trustworthy obviously he will not trust anybody. He knows better.
Move on and keep trusting. Like a child
And above all enjoy the people who honor and respect your trust because the joy of reciprocity creates more trust and co-creative coherence in the world. In other words Oneness.
In the end we all do the best we can with what we have. The difference is in the modeling we were exposed to and we attract each other with one purpose only, to be modeled the behavior we need to incorporate in our persona to become whole again mirroring others.
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Your vulnerability your ticket to invulnerability.
Your vulnerability your ticket to invulnerability.
One of the major misunderstandings of our time is that we are actually under the illusion our vulnerability defines our weakness when the opposite is true.
Embracing and exposing your vulnerability, in other words honor it defines your highest strength, It is the source of your power.
It brings an unlimited added value to your life, taking most of the drama, self doubts and the incapacity to make decisions without worrying about made up consequences.
In other words, believe it or not, your vulnerability is the only thing that will make you invulnerable. Mark my words!
Let me elaborate.
- Exposing and embracing your vulnerability restores the authority of your Soul,
- Exposing and embracing your vulnerability re establishes your natural sense of authenticity,
- Exposing and embracing your vulnerability enhances a real bonding connection with other spiritual beings having the human experience
- Exposing and embracing your vulnerability secures a sense of empathy for yourself mirrored to others. We are all in this together…Oneness.
- Exposing and embracing your vulnerability is the first step to paving your way to emotional integrity.
And guess what! Developing those tools in the inventory of your thinking can actually become very handy and give you unimaginable success. Empathy is the keyword in 21st C mindset. Empathy vibrates oneness, community, cooperation and passion to contribute. !
So please don’t hesitate to show your vulnerability any more, and honor it as it deserves it, this opens the door to your own invulnerability, eradicating the drama for good.
The thing is, your beauty as a human being expands to 100% of wholeness when you are not afraid any more to show that you are human like the rest of us…remember we are all vulnerable. Not only you.
I can’t wait to see your beauty expanding to 100% wholeness. Accepting all of your humanity and proud of it. The world is waiting for you. Show up Today.
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire
“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”
Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
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JFK's 9~11 Transcript ~ Pvt Sessions with Ashtar
InLight Radio Team Releases Global Disclosure Video: I Know My Galactic Family Is Here – Do You?
SHARE THIS VIDEO with all your friends, family, neighbors and work colleagues TODAY!
The InLight Radio team – Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Linda Dillon, Geoffrey West, Sierra Neblina, Dave Schmidt and Stephen Cook – has produced and released an 18-minute, free-to-share video announcing Disclosure to the world.
The video titled I Know My Galactic Family is Here – Do You? – is premiering on the new InLight Radio YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/InLightRadio – from today, Friday September 14, 2012. The team is asking people to send the video viral throughout the world as soon as possible.
In the video (below) each member of the InLight Radio on-air team shares their own personal disclosure stories. The production also includes specially-researched and collated starship and lightship footage, UFO photos and historic news clippings as evidence that our star brothers and sisters are indeed here.
The video also includes appearances by people from around the world in short cameos, who ask viewers: “I know my Galactic family is here – Do You?” in a variety of languages, including Russian, Turkish, Armenian, Cantonese and Hindi.
“As the title I Know My Galactic Family is Here – Do You? Suggest, the video we are releasing to the world today speaks to how our Galactic family has been with us since the beginning by offering specific ways our Galactic family is visible in our skies today and has been and continues to assist the Earth and humanity,” says InLIght Radio’s Founder and Producer Graham Dewyea, host of Our Galactic family and Heavenly Blessings
“One of our main goals with all of the InLight Radio programs is to raise awareness about our star brothers and sisters: that they are family, they are here to help, and that they come in peace and to make people aware of the role our Galactic family has been and is already playing in our planet’s and our Ascension.”
The video has been produced in a relatively short space of time to ensure that the announcement it features will create news beyond the Lightworker and UFO-watcher communities.
“Steve Beckow, co-host of An Hour With An Angel and owner of the 2012 Scenario, had the terrific idea just a few weeks ago of creating this Disclosure video to advance that effort, and also to formally announce the presence of our galactic family,” says Graham.
“The whole InLight team saw this as a great opportunity for us to take the issue of Disclosure and run with it to lead the way and take it into our own hands – as ordinary, every day members of our world.
“We no longer have to wait for our governments, religious leaders, military heads and mainstream media to make such announcements on our behalf – we can do this ourselves.
“And that’s exactly what our video does! It says to the world that we know our Galactic family is here, we’ve seen them and been with them and we know they come in peace and are here to help us to create the world we all deserve – a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level – racial, financial, sexual – and, importantly, love.”
I Know My Galactic Family Is Here – Do You? has been specifically produced to be shared on social media by everyone who sees it with their friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues.
“It’s our hope that this video will be widely shared by everyone who sees it to bring hope and awareness about the presence of our Galactic family to their friends, their families, their neighbours and their work colleagues – and get al of them them to thenshare this, free, with their own friends, family members, neighbours and workmates. And hopefully this process of sharing our video continues on and on.”
The InLight Radio team who produced and recorded the video, I Know My Galactic Family is Here – Do You? is (in order of their appearance in the video):Graham Dewyea – Montpelier, Vermont, USA. Founder, InLight Radio and host, Our Galactic Family and Heavenly Blessings. Graham is Graham Dewyea has had over 16 years in public administration, including serving as a hospital executive.
Steve Beckow – Vancouver, Canada. Founder and Owner the 2012 Scenario and co-host, An Hour With An Angel. Steve is a former member of The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
Dave Schmidt – Edmonds, Washington, USA. Former US State of Washington Senator, co-host Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond, an editor, the 2012 Scenario and Director of The Hope Chest. Dave is also an ordained minister and has a B.A. in Religion and an M.A. in Biblical Studies
Geoffrey West – Toronto, Canada. Anchor, Cosmic Vision News and co-host, An Hour With An Angel. Geoffrey is a former CTV News staffer with a Bachelor in Radio and Television and a Masters in Peace Education.
Linda Dillon – Port Saint Lucie, Florida, USA. Channeller for The Council of Love and co-host, An Hour With An Angel and Heavenly Blessings. Linda has an extensive professional background in the social services, behavioural and mental health arena, where she was a successful healthcare executive and consulting CEO.
Sierra Neblina – Sedona, Arizona, USA. Co-host, Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond and an editor, the 2012 Scenario. Sierra is a Desert Storm veteran, a minister and a Cherokee medicine woman.
Stephen Cook – Sydney, Australia. Host, The Light Agenda and News Editor, the 2012 Scenario. Stephen is a journalist, writer and broadcaster and was Public Relations Manager and Media Advisor for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
Together with some of the editors from the 2012 Scenario and researchers from Inlight Radio – led by Allen Atkinson together with, Alice C, Andrew Eardley, sage and Anthony Morrison – the InLight Radio team scoured the internet looking for suitable clips, pics and clippings from around the world for the video.
“We’ve had a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and involvement on this project from many people who are so excited to welcome our star brothers and sisters as we co-create a wonderful future together,” says the video’s script co-writer Steve Beckow.
The team also had the assistance of Luisa Vasconcelos (a Lightworker in Portugal who regularly ensures many of our favourite channels from SaLuSa to the Galactic Federation of Light are translated into various languages and shared around the world), who helped bring together a diverse team of translators from a variety of countries especially for this video. They each recorded the video’s title phrase: “I know my Galactic family is here – do you?” in their own language.
Those who provide international language cameos are: Armine Zargarian – Armenian; Edgar Alan – Filipino; Claire Mastri – French; Mounir – Arabic; Jimena Yantorno – Spanish; Ian Lee – Cantonese; Inna Lobanova-Heasley – Russian; Marco Missinato – Italian; Daisy Chu – Cantonese; Anita Camera – German; Özge Şimşek – Turkish; and, Amit Jain – Hindi.
Los Angeles-based, Italian-born musician, Marco Missinato, who provides the Italian-language input, also generously lent his musical talents to provide the video’s dynamic score – his own composition, “Good News From Heaven”, which is a slight variation of the new theme music he provided for InLIght Radio’s Cosmic Vision News program.
“The aim of this Inlight Radio disclosure video is for everyone who sees it to take it and make it go viral – via their Facebook pages, their Twitter accounts, Google+, their email lists, whatever social media outlets they have – even re-posting the video on their own blogs and websites,“ says Stephen Cook, who co-wrote the video’s script with Steve Beckow.
“We own our social media: we don’t need to wait for our so-called leaders and media to spread this message of universal peace – we can do it ourselves. So we ask everyone who sees I Know My Galactic Family is Here – Do You? to make their own personal disclosure today – by sending our video all around the world!!”
I Know My Galactic Family is Here – Do You? is released on the InLight Radio YouTube Channel today at https://www.youtube.com/user/InLightRadio
You can share this video today by going to the InLight Radio You Tube Channel and licking on the share link on the video page. or you can send the video link via email today.
JFK's 9~11 Transcript ~ Pvt Sessions with Ashtar
hmm..interesting now that we have evidence to support the nuclear(and for some, ANTIMATTER test) power, that we know how hazardous it is, and how shortlived and the shortcut path to weapons of terror that Z.Stitchin talks about.
The others brought this plague upon us, we just repeated history.
I hear we are using crystal drives now.
I await the momenst soon to come. Namaste.
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