Changes at The Galactic Free Press to Mirror Changes in Our Reality
We would like to inform you of some changes we are making in our focus here at The Press.
We will be sharing less 3D news because The Matrix is crumbling and, although the mainstream media is currently keeping up a façade of “business as usual,” we don’t want to encourage or be a part of that.
This is especially true of stories about the banking system. We know that the new banking system is in place and that the switchover to the new system is happening gradually and that news of it will be released gradually so that people won’t panic. Again, the mainstream media is carrying on as if nothing has changed but we don’t want to support or encourage that approach. Therefore, we will not be posting any more stories about topics such as the possible collapse of the Eurozone or the devaluation of the dollar. We will post stories about the banking system that are relevant to and honest about what is really happening.
We have decided to focus on these 3D topics: weather and physical Earth changes, the new banking system, UFOs, disclosure (of all types), and Good News (such as stories about people reaching out to help one another). Our goal is still to provide useful information that is of the Highest Truth.
We would also like to invite all of our readers to take a more active role in The Press. Please let us know what topics you are interested in or if you have any other suggestions.
Please let us know if you would like to help. There are many ways you can help. You can volunteer to be a reporter, you can send links to new UFO videos or stories, you can submit stories you have written, etc. You can contact us via comments here or messages here or via email or via FaceBook messages. You are all part of our Family and we welcome your input!
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Welcome to the Fifth Dimension – Shift Happens | The Galactic Free Press:
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 10 September 2012
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 10 September 2012
Posted on September 10, 2012 by lucas2012infos
Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth. However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with Mother Earth.
There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.
We share your frustration where delays are experienced, and are preventing you from being aware of what is happening behind the scenes. However, it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities are concerned, but be assured we are constantly working to bring about completion. The projects involved are quite challenging and involve a tremendous amount of co-operation, and we must thank our allies for what they have achieved in extremely difficult circumstances. The objective has always been to involve you in the changes, as it was never intended that we should do it all for you. Together we will proceed to create the conditions that allow for Disclosure, but be prepared for it to come out in a series of revelations.
A tremendous amount of work has been put in by our allies, and that includes all of you who are spreading the truth. Yet, because of the success of the dark Ones in spreading false information, there are still many souls who are finding it difficult to shift from their present beliefs. Whatever they are it is hard to believe that you have been fooled, particularly when you have leaders that have become respected for their knowledge. The answer is to think for yourselves and be prepared to change your views to those that you can comfortably live with. In time you will be confronted with irrefutable facts and information that will leave you in no doubt as to the truth about you and your civilization.
Ascension is to be your total release from the lower vibrations, and lift you into a level that is your true state of being where your creative powers become more evident. Your power of thought is still creating in your present dimension but it rarely provides you with an instant result. However, as a civilization you have set each turn of events, and it is only in comparatively recent times that you have lifted yourselves out of the pit where the lower vibrations were pulling you down. It is true that you have always had help, but that has been in response to your pleas and never placed upon you without it. Our role is not one where we are forcing changes upon you, as they are taking place as a natural result of the upliftment of your vibrations.
What is beyond all of our abilities to change, is the process of Ascension that has been divinely decreed. It is affecting the whole Universe and you are but a small but nevertheless important part of what is taking place. You could describe us as the servants of God as we carry out God’s bidding, and that is indeed the function of the Galactic Federation of Light. Living in peace and harmony is a joy that you will yourselves soon experience, and your words do not really describe how it feels to be in the higher vibrations. There are no harsh or repulsive energies such as you experience on Earth, and all aspects of your life are satisfying and uplifting. If you could only sample what we describe you would never want to return to your old ways or experiences. Keep it in mind and let events on Earth find their own path to completion.
Back on Earth you are getting nearer to the actual end time, and in the weeks that remain you will experience many surges of energy. Gradually you will recognise the changes that they are bringing about within you, and most likely it will be a calmness that you have created around you that is unaffected by outer happenings. Start to live your lives as though you have already ascended, and release any attachments that you know will not serve you when you have done so. It is not perfection that is expected whilst you are on Earth, as that is virtually impossible. However, by being such an example you are doing much that will help uplift other souls, and your Light will pass on your calmness to others.
Dear Ones, we are close to bringing about some of the events that you have been waiting for and you must realize by now that we are reluctant to talk of actual dates. In fact it is not always possible to be so precise as events on Earth shift so quickly, and we move according to the most appropriate time. We can remove the Illuminati but that will not immediately bring a cessation of their activities. Their controls go deep into society and we have to cut it off bit by bit. They cannot resurrect their power bases which have been seriously weakened by our allies, and total collapse is not far away.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and see the day we can get together looming large, and will so pleased when we can acknowledge each other in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Top 4 Execuses for Iran War - 2007 WW3 Attempt
A war against Iran is not necessary. The Lame Stream Media continues to tell us how Iran is developing a nuclear missile, but it's not the truth. Iran's major banks are not under the control of the Rothschilds family. Iran is the world's #4 producer of oil. There are lots of lame reasons why TPTB want Iran attacked.
New Book Chronicles Official Government UFO Investigations (VIDEO)
Huff Post - Alejandro Rojas, 9/5/12
Many do not realize that for several decades the United States took UFO reports very seriously. In fact, it was the Air Force that coined the term UFO in the first place. Furthermore, there are several governments around the world who still take UFO reports very seriously and continue to investigate them in an official capacity. All of these government-sponsored UFO investigations have been documented like never before in the new book UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry.
The cover of the book says it is a history of government UFO investigations "from the perspectives of the governments themselves." That is because the authors have undergone years of painstaking research, unearthing hundreds of official government documents from government and university archives chronicling the manner in which government agencies went about tackling the UFO phenomenon and why they even bothered.
Lady Nada and The Ascended Masters of light, All Is A Great Tapestry Of Light By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 09 September 2012
Dear Ones we are here to be with you in this way and at this time to speak to your living essence, yourself, as the living essence of love that you are in truth!
You are this living essence of love that is as well your divinity. This divinity is your presence, as a being of Light; a true knowledge that you are Light, you are from Light, you are made of Light. Light is living essence and it is all knowledge, all wisdom and all creation. In everything that is it is made of pure Light and the filaments of this Light create your reality.
In this reality that you deem as very real to you, it is quite moldable for in it’s essence Light is continuous and reflecting. It is Light that is moving and changing as reflected Light and sound moves like the breeze. It is flowing and alive in its true essence and it is awake and alive as you are. All matter is made of this Light including all that you perceive and all that you are.
As this Light is all that is, and is all creation, and as well must be you. Why does it feel that you are not truly seeing this or knowing this in your reality?
If we could stop time with you- in this moment- to help you to see what is truly real, we would ask you to come into this knowledge by allowing your essence to know that this Light is you. Give yourself this moment to come into this awareness that you are this divinity of Light; right now, where you are… Light, you are. Light you are made of; Light you are from. There is no separation from the Light and from you… are your shadows also made of Light? Yes, the shadow is made of this Light for it is also resonating as Light- but in your knowledge or awareness you are not able to see the threads that make up the darkness. ALL IS A GREAT TAPESTRY that is connected so intricately to create all reality. All is connected… All is Light.
We speak to each of you to come into this resonance of knowing this Light from within, to re-awaken the knowledge within you. A long, long time ago you were this Light, you helped to create this Light from the darkness and you breathed Light or life-force into this Light to form reality which brought forth new experiences. New creations.
This time now is the return of the Light, the knowledge of the Light and the Light within you, it is all one and the same, the Light out there, is the Light within you; it is your divinity. We ask each of you to acknowledge this Light, to honor it, to allow it’s awakening; as it is who you are. These filaments of Light are your consciousness that is awakening within each of you, coming alive again to the memory of All Light, of the tapestry of Light, of how intricately connected each particle is… For all Is You!
We love and honor each strand of awareness that is all the fabric of creation; we are all creation for we are you.
Remember this message and align with the knowledge within… you are Light, you are this essence of divinity… this divinity is your consciousness and it is infinite.
We love you and greet you in this resonance of home. We are… as are you.
We thank you.
Lady Nada and the Ascended Masters of the Light, your true family in one resonance of home, we sing with you forevermore…
Of the Light, for the Light, in the Light, we are the Light, in truth we are One…
Ray Dawn
copyright 2010 Ray Dawn all rights reserved
Feel Free to re-post in full as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included, Blessings!
Shift Update ~ September 2012 A New Consciousness Unfolding
Jim Self
There is a shift of consciousness that is unfolding. The changes that are happening within and around us are very significant. They are directly related to the electromagnetic shifts that are occurring, both within the electromagnetic field around the Earth, as well as in our own auras. While there are many positive aspects to this, the reference points for where we are heading are still not readily available to us. We are in the phase where we first have to clear away all the personal baggage we have accumulated. You cannot take your baggage with you on this journey. This is what is happening all around us right now. The entire planet is in a very significant state of flux, but you don’t hear much about it in the media.
In this article I am going to focus on some of the aspects of the Shift that are affecting the world today: Geopolitics, world finance, climate changes, and the Earth itself.
What’s happening on Planet Earth… and beyond?
In the months of May, June, and early July, there was a massive stepping up of solar activity: solar flares, winds, storms and coronal mass ejections were larger and more frequent than we have seen before. In the second half of July they calmed down a lot, until the 25th of July, when they began to build up again. There have been some very interesting aspects to this, because the velocity of these solar events is no longer predictable. The explosions we are currently seeing from the sun are being rated as having four times the velocity of those we are used to experiencing, which means that they are having a much greater impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, our own magnetic field, and the physical structure of the Earth itself.
The Earth’s core is heating up. As the magma beings to move upward through the cracks into the mantle of the Earth many areas of the world are experiencing significant changes in the physical structure of the land. In the last few weeks several new volcanoes have appeared in different parts of the world, while a rise in the temperature of the Pacific Ocean has started to alter the currents that produce the planet’s weather patterns. As we are aware, the extreme weather patterns in the northern hemisphere have created a drought in many areas. This has impacted around 50 per cent of the production of corn, soybeans, and other grains, the consequence of which is now becoming evident in rising food prices across the world.
The torrential rainstorms experienced in other parts of the northern hemisphere, are also having an effect that has never been experienced before. The storms are actually occurring much higher in the atmosphere, into the stratosphere, with reports indicating that water molecules are rising up to 60,000 feet, which is unheard of. What makes this very challenging is that when water molecules interact with sulphur dioxide in the stratosphere, it has a warming effect, which in turn adversely affects the ozone layer, causing holes to begin to appear. This has typically only been found in areas that contain a lot of ice, like the Antarctica, south of Australia, but new reports suggest that an ozone hole is now being formed over the United States.
Elsewhere in the world, Europe has been badly affected by persistent rainstorms and flooding, which is impacting their economies accordingly, while the southern hemisphere has experienced its coldest winter in 40 years, which has resulted in unanticipated energy shortages in South America. Moreover, the increase in volcanic eruptions over the past five years is causing massive emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other chemicals, which are made up of exceptionally fine particles that remain suspended into the stratosphere where they reflect back as heat. This is creating a general cooling in weather patterns around the world, which, assuming there are no more volcanoes, will take at least five to ten more years to clear.
Welcome to the Shift. This is what we have been talking about for many years.
World Finance and Geopolitics
At this point in time, issues of world finance and geopolitics are very intermeshed, and will continue to push against each other in terms of belief systems about how economies should work. Whenever there are challenges, the nature of the third dimensional human being is to “push it down the road, and let somebody else deal with it.” But we are now at a point where we no longer have that luxury.
2012 is an election year for the United States, and I believe that key decisions will be made by default that will have a significant impact on taxes. Major tax rollbacks and reductions were put in place in 2002 for a ten-year period, which ends on December 31st. Politically, this is a hot potato that no one has been willing to deal with so far. So here we are, with an election occurring in November, and a massive set of decisions that must be made by January 1st. And yet the President, and the new Congress will not be sworn in until January 4th. And be aware: if no action is taken, there will be substantial consequence in terms of changing the economies, not just of the USA, but the entire world.
The Shift is happening. We are right in the middle of it. And though it may not be definable, the reality is that people the world over are waking up and saying enough! It is going to take a period of time for some of this to be heard, but it IS being heard. The Shift in consciousness that is occurring across the globe is building up to point of decision-making that will change how we are going to live our lives in the coming days. Is that a fearful thing? Not necessarily.
If we can begin to allow ourselves to make different decisions than the ones we have made in the past, we will have the opportunity to choose. All the financial, political, agricultural and climate issues currently facing us will be viewed by the collective third dimensional