(the picture of the probably not elected but self-pro-claimed president Enrique Pena Nieto.)
Ignored in the most mainstream media are the huge protests in the streets of Mexico. The people are robbed again from an elected president.
The election campaign was full of protests and biased media attention for PRI ‘s presidential candidate Pena Nieto. The “President” Pena Nieto proclaimed himself winner before the election results where final. The voter fraud and buying votes have been not really researched yet, but the claims and evidence becomes even clearer. After massive protests and statements of fraud there was within one day a partial re-count. The irregularities were pronounced off the table after one day again the Pena Nieto proclaiming he was the one. This seems to be defying the power of the Mexican people. Whilst the real voting results and re-count can only be official after 6 september 2012 it is strange again that the re-count in full is not completed and the president proclaimed twice.
The streets have seen masses of students protesting against this undemocratic election and behaviour. It becomes evident that issues of self-proclaimed leaders and politicians taken power without honouring their constitution and people is a recurring problem. Vote rigging and buying, media manipulation it is all to see even in so-called bastions of “democracy”. Therefore watch Mexico!
Mexicans in Guadalajara protest against Enrique Peña Nieto’s electionwin amid claims his PRI party bought votes and paid TV networks for support. Photograph: Ulises Ruiz Basurto/EPA
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Lucas – Watch Mexico! – 10 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
John Ward – Planetary Rates Scam : Nobody Can Deny It Now – 10 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Reuters joins MSM chorus accepting global knowledge of Libor frauds
Further to previous Slogposts about the multinational nature of Libor manipulation – and the authorities’ knowledge of the same – Reuters said this today….
‘The Federal Reserve Bank of New York may have known as early as August 2007 that the setting of global benchmark interest rates was flawed. Following an inquiry with British banking group Barclays Plc in the spring of 2008, it shared proposals for reform of the system with British authorities.
The role of the Fed is likely to raise questions about whether it and other authorities took enough action to address concerns they had about the way Libor rates were set, or whether their struggle to keep the banking system afloat through the financial crisis meant the issue took a backseat.
A New York Fed spokesperson said:
“In the context of our market monitoring following the onset of the financial crisis in late 2007, involving thousands of calls and emails with market participants over a period of many months, we received occasional anecdotal reports from Barclays of problems with Libor. In the Spring of 2008, following the failure of Bear Stearns and shortly before the first media report on the subject, we made further inquiry of Barclays as to how Libor submissions were being conducted. We subsequently shared our analysis and suggestions for reform of Libor with the relevant authorities in the UK.”‘
It is hard to believe than anyone with a brain could still believe that rate fixing is restricted to any one continent, let alone one bank in one country.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/10/12 ‘Arrest After Arrest’
Stampeding now towards progress is your people towards a new, better, safer, more peaceful, more productive, more caring, more determined, more rightful and more prosperous way of being. We have come this far with you, our dear brothers and our dear sisters, and we assure you that we will continue to walk the last mile with you. We will not stop and allow you to go on up ahead without us, without our guidance, without our assistance, without our protection, without our love, for we have traveled step-by-step and hand-in-hand with you for many eons of time and it was never our plan or intention to discontinue our journey with you, not even for one step or one day of time.
We will continue, dear ones, to travel ahead with you, only we will be far greater known and perceived by you instead of operating, assisting, guiding and leading you from beyond the ethers of your perception and senses. So many of you are now fully aware of our presence and understand very well who we are in relation to who you are, and this already for us has been a joyful reunion on many levels. To come together in a merging of dimensions is the next step, and it is a step that we eagerly anticipate, look forward to and plan for each day. We are so very close to rejoining you now that the cabal's days are dwindling faster and faster now that the men and women on your front lines have moved forward and have stepped up their game and are now making arrest after arrest in such great numbers that as we behold these sites we shiver in anticipation of what is surely to happen next, which is our landings in your world to greet you face-to-face and commence our many projects to alter the course of your world and help raise her to the higher standards of an intergalactic community based on ease and pleasure, efficiency and safety, cleanliness and purity, love and friendship, cooperation, spirit, community and togetherness. These are the elements of a higher dimensional society, and these are the seeds that we, along with you, will be planting all across the new fertile soils of your new enriched earth.
We have so many surprises in store for you dear ones, and we can barely contain ourselves as we are so overjoyed for you and for us as well, as we have waited on and looked forward to this reunion with you, our very own families, for so very long. Many of you have been a part from your families for many lifetimes, not returning to us after each individual incarnation, but rather you took a detour and returned back here for another go around in the physical, all to acquire more wisdom, understandings and experiences here where the learning curve is much sharper than where we reside in the higher realms, where life is of a much more steady gradient, where sharp drop offs in life stations are not experienced and great upheavals do not present themselves, which in many cases lead to an advanced and accelerated learning process. This is why many of you have come here to this rocky rollercoaster you call Earth, for it is here where daredevils such as yourselves can make the most out of a short timeframe and accelerate your growth and maturity as an eternal spiritual being on a never ending quest for more knowledge, wisdom, experiences and pleasures in life, in love, in artistic expression and so many other avenues that you so love to journey.
For many of you, this particular avenue of your exploration will be coming to a close. It is a happy conclusion for you, it is a joyful conclusion, it is a successful and even a miraculous conclusion to your journey that has taken you so far from us in a way, but in actuality, we were never as far away from you as a step, as we have been with you every foot of the way. We would never allow you to journey alone if this is not what you wish for, and we will say to you that this is just what most of you have wanted. You wished for us to be there with you every step of the way, guiding you, nurturing you, looking after you, protecting you, as you wished for the sensation of traveling alone through a mysterious and sometimes dangerous and very unpredictable world, but you had the foresight to understand that it was best to have a lifeline, if you will, to have a backup plan, to make sure the concern of safety was taken care of, and you wished no harm to ever really come to you, your loved ones or friends, and this is what we have ensured you throughout your many different journeys into the physical.
Many of you now will be returning to us, and we look so forward to this special and wonderful occasion and say to you that even if this day came tomorrow, you have already succeeded in just about everything you have set out to accomplish, and although there is much more for you to get experience, to learn from, to triumph over, we say to you that you are all already winners and you are now playing with house money, as there is no way none of you can lose now. It is all a win-win situation. The arrests of the many members of the criminal cabal and their underlings is perhaps the greatest milestone for your people and all deserve their share of the credit, and with this accomplishment by you, many countless doors will now be opened for you and your people. Behind these doors are spectacular things, wonderful things, beautiful things, mesmerizing and enchanting things.
We do not wish to spoil surprises as we absolutely love the look on your faces when surprises are gifted of you, and we know how much you truly appreciate these gestures. So we will only say to you today that there is so much in store for you that there is no part of your lives that you may be unhappy with that you will not have the power and the opportunity to change completely to an alternative that will surely bring you greater joy, pleasure and ease of existence, an existence that has, at times, been very hard on you physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually, but we tell you all these aspects of yourselves have become so much stronger through your experiences here and every single moment, even if the moment caused you pain, was well worth the effort, and you will clearly see this when the veil is lifted in the near days ahead, a day that is growing so much closer every day now that you, the people of Earth, have stepped up and made perhaps the greatest decision you have ever made and will ever make, and that is to remove the elements of your world that have caused you so much pain, grief, destruction, destitution, hardship and struggle.
This is truly a remarkable achievement for you, and we wish you to enjoy this moment to its fullest as these arrests continue hour by hour and day by day. We will, until your media joins in the celebration, continue to share with you these admittedly very small and brief updates to these arrests, but as you hear these words from us repeatedly on a daily basis, we believe they will begin to sink in and many more of you will start to believe that these arrests are actually taking place, as they are, and we would never mislead you in any way, shape or form, especially in a matter of such great importance and significance as this.
We are, as we always have been, with you, right beside you and right above you, and we would not let any harm ever come to you as long as we can do something about it. We are your family and friends of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we will see you soon. Amen.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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It Won’t Be Too Long Before The Gold/Silver Market Manipulation Scandal Goes Mainstream … BIG TIME! | The Galactic Free Press
GFP Note: A recent article indicates that silver will form the final stake that brings down the "Banking Industry."
By: Bill Murphy, LemetropoleCafe.com
-- Posted Monday, 9 July 2012
Times are finally changing. It will never be at the speed the GATA camp expects, yet slowly but surely our time is coming. The GATA camp will be proven correct and it will evolve into one of the most grotesque scandals in history … dwarfing the Enron, Madoff, MF Global and Barclays scandals combined, in terms of its effects on financial markets around the world.
First of all, it has come to my attention that in January 2011 JP Morgan, for some yet unknown reason, was compelled to stop manipulating the silver market. That is when the price of silver went vertical to the upside…
Silver practically went straight up to $49 an ounce. THEN, it collapsed for no apparent reason. That reason, from my most well informed source, was that JPM came back into the market in June. Now, if that is the case, JPM worked through some sort of auxiliary account to overnight raid silver in the earliest of May in 2011, because that is when The Gold Cartel/JP Morgan went into combative action in earnest to crash the price down…
Monthly silver price
http://futures.tradingcharts.com/chart/SV_/M?anticache=1341620769I hope to be able to explain more of this in the near future, but that is what I can put in the public domain for the moment.
But, there must be more for me to be jumping up and down like I am doing here, and there is.
To begin with, there is the Barclays LIBOR market manipulation scandal. Many of the participants are the same banks GATA has cited over the years for manipulating the gold and silver markets. Speaking of some of those banks…
To read the rest of this story, visit http://news.goldseek.com/LemetropoleCafe/1341831900.php
TheIntelHub – Andrew Gavan Marshall – Super Mario Monti And The Dictatorship Of Austerity In Italy | The Galactic Free Press
CNN – Nick Valencia – Feds : Georgia Banker Is Missing, So is $17 Million – 10 July 2012
Posted on July 10, 2012 by lucas2012infos
Atlanta (CNN) — A Georgia banker who went missing last month is being sought by federal authorities for allegedly embezzling millions of dollars from a south Georgia bank.
Aubrey “Lee” Price, 46, is charged with wire fraud, and is suspected of defrauding more than 100 investors of at least $17 million over the course of two years, a criminal complaint from the U.S. attorney’s office in the Eastern District of New York, said.
Read the whole story and see the video at www.cnn.com link to original article
TheIntelHub – Andrew Gavan Marshall – Super Mario Monti And The Dictatorship Of Austerity In Italy | The Galactic Free Press
TheIntelHub – Andrew Gavan Marshall – Super Mario Monti And The Dictatorship Of Austerity In Italy – 10 July 2012
Posted on July 10, 2012 by lucas2012infos
In Part 1 of this series (The Decline of the Roman Democracy and Rise of the ‘Super Mario’ Technocracy), I examined the Technocratic coup in Italy, which removed the democratically-elected Berlusconi and replaced him with an unelected technocrat, Mario Monti, an economist, Bilderberg member, former European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, former European Commissioner for Competition, and a former adviser to Goldman Sachs International, was also on the board of the Coca-Cola Company, and founded the European think tank, Bruegel. Mario Monti was installed by the European elites with one purpose: punish the population of Italy through ‘fiscal austerity’ and ‘structural adjustment.’
The Technocracy of Austerity
Monti wasted no time in punishing the people of Italy for the crimes and excesses of Europe and the world’s elite. On December 2, 2011, Monti announced a 30 billion euro ($40.3 billion) package of austerity measures, which included “raising taxes and increasing the pension age.”
Monti described the measures as “painful, but necessary.” He told a press conference that, “We have had to share the sacrifices, but we have made great efforts to share them fairly.” Monti, who is both Prime Minister and Economy Minister, said he had renounced his own salaries from those positions.
Read the whole story at: www.theintelhub.com link to original article
Things that make you go Hmmm
July 9, 2012
Source: Zero HedgeFrom Grant Williams, author of Things That Make You Go Hmmm,
Attempts to manipulate free markets invariably end badly – after all, they are, supposedly, by their very nature, free.…
Over the past few weeks, the exposure of the Libor-rigging scandal has monopolized the headlines of the financial press and inveigled its way onto the front pages of every major news publication in the world through the sheer size and scale of the story.
Something as big as this just CAN’T be hidden from the public.
Only… it can.
It has been. It no doubt still is to a certain extent. I’m not going to go through all of the events of the past few weeks as you are no doubt familiar with them, but [simply understanding how LIBOR works makes for a simple conclusion].
I’m afraid it’s rather obvious. Given that almost half the reported inputs that help establish the Libor rate are discarded immediately, Barclays simply CANNOT have manipulated the Libor rate alone. Period.
What’s more, to effectively ensure the rate is set at the price required, you’d need to not only establish the highest and lowest 25% of prices, but then ensure the remaining 50% average out to the required rate and, based on the fact that there are 16 banks that submit rates, that would mean about 13 of the 16 involved would need to be complicit.
As a very good friend of mine put it earlier this week; at best this is a cartel, at worst it’s outright fraud on a scale that is completely unprecedented.
So for five years there have been attempts to fix the Libor rate and, take it from me, during that time, many inside the financial industry were familiar with the rumors of such manipulation but it was another huge scandal with such highpowered connected interests that it would no doubt be brushed squarely under the carpet. Forget ‘too big to fail’. This was ‘too deep to prove’.
Libor is so important to so many people in the financial industry that the question of why it was manipulated really ought to be framed differently:
Assuming you COULD manipulate something as important and potentially beneficial as the Libor rate with such ease for years, why wouldn’t you?
The answer to this question would ordinarily be:
“Because it’s illegal and government regulators would throw the book at us”
So, working from the ground up; we have a set of traders looking to produce the best profits they can for personal gain, the major bank they work for and who should be supervising them with a need to disguise the level of its own funding costs and above them all, a government seeking to keep borrowing costs down in the middle of a gigantic financial storm. From such alignments of interest are the greatest of conspiracies born.
In my humble opinion, the Libor scandal (which has a LONG way to go before it has played out and which will claim a LOT more scalps) will mark a fundamental change in the treatment of financial conspiracy theories in the media. The sheer amount of coverage it will undoubtedly receive will signal a shift in attitude towards the exposing of such scandals rather than the blind-eyes that have been regularly turned in recent years.
But perhaps, most-of-all, watching how quickly those in high places begin to throw each other under the bus, it will hasten the end of many other possible government conspiracies as exposing such events becomes an exercise in self-preservation. Prime amongst conspiracy theories that may soon be finally proven to be either valid or the figments of overactive imaginations, are those alleged in the gold and silver markets.
The allegations concerning precious metal price manipulation predate those surrounding Libor by decades but until now day they have remained similarly acknowledged within financial circles and ignored without. That may well be about to change.
Unencumbered by liability, the rising price of gold has always been a barometer of governmental failure to protect the purchasing power of fiat currency and the best indication of the damage that inflation does.
Forget inexorably rising gold prices. Forget the corrections that shake loose hands from the wheel at every turn. In the broader context they carry far less relevance than the intrinsic values that gold provides a consistent yardstick to.
A look at the value of assets measured in ounces of gold remains the most consistent way to get a sense of their real value and the charts below demonstrate all too clearly the true performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and average US house prices over the long term when measured in gold ounces.
If the long-stated claims about government-sanctioned, bank-led manipulation of precious metals markets put forward so eloquently by the likes of Ted Butler, Bill Murphy & Chris Powell at GATA as well as Messrs. Sprott, Sinclair, Davies et al are eventually proven to have any validity whatsoever, the fallout from the Libor scandal will prove to be (to use the words of Jamie Dimon) just another “tempest in a tea pot” as the precious metals are the very underpinnings of the entire global financial system. Conspiracy or no, it would be a blessed relief to get closure no matter what the truth turns out to be.
As for the full note by Grant Williams, which has much more in it, it can be found below (pdf):
hose who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.
Posted on July 7, 2012 by cosmicconvergence2012
Financial Institutions and National Economies Implode Worldwide
Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, financial and political events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.
I. As everyone sat back and waited for an October Surprise during the presidential campaign season of 2008, very few ever understood that it came early that year on September 15th, a day that will go down in world history and forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October in 2008 was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. Therefore, if history is any indication, this critical point of 2012 may be a very good time to brace yourself since this year’s presidential election cycle will undoubtedly bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the real beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against US all the time.
From listening to the real experts, it appears that the only legitimate currency is one which is backed by GOLD or some other precious commodity with intrinsic value that is universally valued and which cannot be manipulated? The same currency must be issued directly by the de jure US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the FED operating on behalf of a de facto US Corporation. Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking – the real bane of global finance – will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury & loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank & International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen. Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western Civilization, will no longer be: maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
The writing is on the wall: THE FED IS DEAD. And so is the Fed’s collection agency – the IRS. The FED has obviously been on extreme life support since September ’08, and the only compassionate response is to let it go peacefully into the sunset. Perhaps we should organize a simple taxpayers’ revolt, not too unlike those that occurred prior to the American Revolution, to bury this beast forever. When the people do wake up, and realize that the Federal Reserve Note that they carry in their pocket is exactly that – a note (i.e. debt, obligation, debit, commitment, instrument of indebtedness), things will start to get REEEEAL interesting!
II. Another little surprise will come in the form of an announcement that goes something like this: The USA was conceived to be a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy by plutocracy or corpocacy. Nor was it conceived as an oligarchy or synarchy. Once corporate crony capitalism took over the nation has fallen prey to every other ism/cracy/archy they have tried to foist upon US. The founding fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the “mob rule by the privileged elites” into which this once great nation has degenerated. Every political philosopher knows that democracy, when sufficiently dumbed down and unduly influenced by the moneyed ruling class, will always devolve into a tyranny of the rich who control the media, corporations, etc. Therefore, the wholesale exportation of our fraudulent notion of democracy, and its supposed freedoms (to buy, buy, buy after watching the boob tube hucksters), by the political and corporate classes must be reconsidered. And it will be soon, on a new channel during this ‘Fall’ season’s new lineup! Stay tuned —The last presidential election, incidentally, is perhaps the most flagrant example of how the US constitutional republic has been suspended (at the very least, once every 4 years, right?). Just as much as the voting populace has been suspended in the state of perpetual ignorance is bliss for generations. Can you imagine – the winner having raised close to $700 MILLION in campaign contributions – just how many debts the president-select* has incurred?! How, pray tell, do you think these debts will be paid back in light of the trillions that are already owed across the world by the US Treasury, US corporations, US citizens, etc.? They won’t be paid, because they can’t be paid. The US Corporation is, and has been, bankrupt for quite some time now. It’s stone cold broke and plum busted. And We The People should be thoroughly disgusted. Therefore, this fraudulent corporate entity – US Inc. – can now be trotted off the global stage, so that the REAL Constitutional Republic can be resurrected to its proper place in the nation’s governmental and political life.
*Demoplican or Republocrat – either way, they are still two sides of the exact same counterfeit coin. The coin of the realm that excludes We, The People.
III. Another announcement will be made, in the not too distant future, about the business entity commonly known as the CORPORATION – the main huckster of this ‘brand’ of faux democracy. Surely, if the devil were to ever choose the perfect form in which to enter in order to carry out his nefarious designs, Inc. is it. Is there any other entity on earth – person or party, organization or association, government or institution, jurisdiction or bureaucracy, club or group, fraternity or sorority, etc. that can function with such impunity, as it hides behind the shield of LIMITED LIABILITY. Those two words have given complete cover for the flagrant and wanton destruction of planet Earth.
You name it – oil slicked coastlines, razed rainforests, beaches strewn with dead dolphins and whales. Not to mention the complete erosion of human, civil and national rights, wherever INC decides to set up shop.
Let’s pick a country. Let’s go to India and visit Bhopal of Union Carbide fame. Close to 8000 people died within two weeks of that December day in 1984 in what is known as the worst industrial disaster of the last century. Now that Dow Chemical owns Union Carbide, you can only imagine the veritable phalanx of attorneys who are paid unconscionable fees to ensure proper responsibility and accountability will never be assumed by their master.
Or let’s visit the Punjab and talk to the thousands of widows of farmers who committed suicide because of Monsanto’s “seedless seeds”. Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Walmart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation. Let’s not forget about all the Coca Cola bottling plants that have become notorious for stealing the most precious commodity that every Indian cherishes and covets – WATER. Well, that takes care of land, water, air … and blood. What else in heaven’s name do these stakeholders want?!
We all know the deal. It’s the one where the individual, and his/her environment, is always trampled in favor of the corporate interest. Isn’t it time to really take stock of what our current predicament has left us with? Perhaps it’s also time to seriously think about actually re-ordering the ORDER, instead of once again rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Like we’ve said, “optimizing stockholder profit” will soon be history, as the cease and desist orders are not that far from being issued to Corporate America. Might as well get a head start on dissolving (or re-chartering) that corporation.
IV. Termination of Globalization: The dominating and predatory form, that is. No other global initiative has been more unsuccessful at creating a framework for a more efficient transfer of goods and services around the planet. Truly, every aspect of this corporate inspired policy has failed miserably. Wherever it promoters trumpet its stated intention to make markets more streamlined, effective and resilient, it has done quite the opposite.
One only needs to look at the current debacle within the European Union concerning the banking, credit, and stock market breakdowns. Never has a response from the appropriate governing bodies been more disorganized, full of mixed messages and working at cross purposes with the member states. It’s like watching The Three Stooges (France, Germany & the UK) play musical chairs blindfolded and with no clothes on. What an unprecedented spectacle, and in plain view for the entire world to watch! This will undoubtedly put the brakes on any scheme to formalize a North American Union and their planned currency – the Amero. Praise the Lord!
As a matter of fact, all of the financial unions and economic superstates (e.g. European Union; Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Union of South American Nations) that have been created over the past many years will, by sheer necessity and desperation, be forced to re–organize themselves in the coming months and years. Even South America, which has two distinct camps that are constantly gummin’ up the works for each other, will abandon their current emerging model in favor of one that enjoys complete freedom from its North American taskmaster. To their credit, they have set the bar higher than it has ever been set concerning their strongly stated desire to be free of IMF and World Bank (WB) control. Only Russia has exceeded their standards, as they had already been fleeced by the Oligarchs in what may very well be the grandest larceny of national wealth/resources in history. This, of course, was preceded by a 75 year scourge of incessant rape, pillaging and plundering by the Bolsheviks and their Western financiers & handlers. Clearly Mr. Putin will not allow a repeat of any such conduct within his borders, and the international persecution that he has suffered certainly reflects their displeasure and frustration with him. No wonder Vladimir Putin is now considered a “reincarnation” of Peter the Great by his own people.
The ruinous influence of these two globalization thugs (IMF & WB) can be instantly assessed by looking at the economic calamities they caused in Argentina (1999-2002), as well as in Thailand, South Korea & Indonesia during the 1997 Asian currency crisis. Likewise, every nation in Africa that has chosen to take on their monetary yoke has only misery and war and financial oppression to show for it. Wherever these 2 scrooges show their faces, it’s quite like Ebenezer himself showing up to make a house call. You know the patient will soon find himself in a pine box after all the gold fillings and rings have been removed.
We have seen this globalization scam unfold in country after country, as a ruse to steal a nation’s resources, always taking from those who have, and giving to those who want it. In fact, an objective assessment of all the world’s current conflicts would reveal that the vast majority are directly the result of this geo-political/commercial dynamic. The privatization of water sources/bodies/supplies/rights is perhaps the most provocative and glaring, and can be found at the root of a number of these resource wars.
Clearly the verdict has been delivered: Economies are much less vulnerable, the more locally they are positioned and the less centralized their decision-making process. This arrangement affords much greater resiliency when dealing with the vicissitudes of the marketplace. And it takes the power away from those who are insulated in ivory towers, and far from the plight of the common man. It is time for everyone on the planet to “think globally; act locally”.
V. Stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the NYSE. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150 year old multi-billion $$$ companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries. They can, and do, do it all right there on the floor.
Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house ALWAYS wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out!!!
For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night”. Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings is currently residing?
The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street – economic reality – that they put into jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to us all.
Remember – DERIVATIVES are the real pink elephant in the living. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conducting financial and economic terrorism anytime, anywhere completely under the radar screen. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point.
VI. Mass Consumerism & Perpetual Economic Growth – the Fric & Frac of our Age – are history. One need not look any further than the inside of one’s own home to see the ravages of these adopted twins. They own the bedroom, the living room, the family room and all the closets. They’ve taken over the kitchen, the den and the garage, as well. Since their middle names are Amass and Accumulate, we can only imagine what might lay hidden in the attic, the basement and the shed.
Ever since they became the twin pillars of Kali Yuga’s overarching philosophy of life, things started to really go to hell in a handbasket … or rather gilded cage. How so? What else could one expect from a political economy that demands growth, necessitates growth and extols the virtues of growth at every turn (and on every other commercial and newscast). Growth, at the expense of WHAT!! We’ll tell you what – Life!
One of the most tragic parts of this ever-unfolding tragedy has been the dramatic change in the spirit of the people with whom these twins associate. The very society loses its refinement, as the culture becomes debased. Aren’t so many things associated with Americana experienced as coarse, and crude, and crass? Likewise, the nation, which was once known as the “land of the free; home of the brave”, morphs into a country reviled for its unkindness, lack of compassion and cruelty. Before anyone realizes, the citizenry is easily being herded, and then stampeded, into wars and conflict of every sort and kind.
What else could be expected when the meme of consumerism is subliminally implanted at such a young and tender age, and relentlessly reinforced from cradle to grave? And, what does it really say about a society when all who belong to it are known as consumers? Kind of like little pac-men (and pac-women) gobbling up everything in sight. Starts out with BIG Macs and 24 oz cokes, then super-sized HUMMERS, then oil fields and gold mines and precious rainforests, and then whole countries.
Likewise, in the corporate realm, any board director, company officer, division president, regional director, department manager, production supervisor, etc. will candidly speak to the greatest pressure in their lives. More income, more sales, more profit, more production, more revenue – anything that will show an increase in year over year growth. Always gotta GROW, even though yuv been out of puberty for 20 or 30 years!?
Well, you can imagine that this state of affairs can only go on for so long. As a matter of fact, this party’s now over. And the hangover is about to begin. Perhaps it’s time to send these twins on a permanent vacation to the waterless region.
VII. War, as a means of wealth creation, is now bankrupt. War, as a means of conflict resolution, is over. As a means to any end whatsoever, war is finished. You get the picture, don’t you? War has outlived its usefulness, and has become as obsolete as the derivatives hawker. There is simply no more place for it in civil society. It’s time for the curtain to fall on this show for the last time, and for all of its bad actors to hit the stage exit.
It never was a legitimate policy for conflict resolution, as we know. Virtually all conflicts and wars were manufactured in the boardrooms of the world. And impeccably stage managed by the directors of the war studios. Isn’t the Iraq war a perfect example of this kind of terrible and awful-to-watch “B” movie?
Any deliberate, probing and unprejudiced analysis of all the major wars going back to the French Revolution will reveal an extraordinary degree of carefully calculated and coordinated events leading up to the actual conflagrations we call war. Just read the actual history that is only now beginning to surface, and you will reach this very same conclusion.
War has consistently served its masters in three ways which no longer have relevance in an enlightened civilization: (i) population control (ii) artificial creation of wealth for the plutocracy (iii) imposition of a tyrannical order in the wake of the chaos that always results from war. Population control in this context has different meanings. The number of people who are systematically genocided, wantonly annihilated and deliberately infected with disease agents serve the purpose of population reduction. Then there is the sheer terror of war and its effects on whole populations (see how easily controlled both the Germans and Japanese were after WWII). “Order out of chaos” is made easy when all concerned parties have been faced with the extraordinary distraction, mayhem and pandemonium that war always brings.
The Pentagon Productions premiere of 9/11 was merely the first in a mini-series entitled The War on Terror.
There are, of course, many other declared wars whose battlegrounds are far from the traditional battlefields of armed conflict. The WAR on Drugs. The WAR on Poverty. The WAR on Crime. The WAR on AIDS. Just like the WAR on TERROR, all of these so-called wars are entirely bogus and fabricated, as they all have consistently produced outcomes that are completely contrary to their stated purposes. How so? Because each of them has been designed, and engineered, to perpetuate and expand the status quo. The War on Drugs, for instance, was designed in part to ensure that the opium (and all of its profitable derivatives) flows freely and efficiently from the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the targeted markets in America and elsewhere. In this way, all clandestine US and foreign intelligence agencies/secrets services are able to fund their innumerable black operations without any congressional oversight or public scrutiny from the massive revenues generated by this perfectly controlled black market. Oh, yes, did we forget to mention that most of these black ops are actually wars, as well. What a Racket?! As Major General Smedley Butler once proclaimed to the world in his book: “WAR IS A RACKET.”
May the shadow governments of the warmongering and real “Axis of Evil” – the USA, the UK and Israel – truly imbibe the message contained in this ongoing proclamation: WAR is no longer an option. For each of these nations is facing an economic armegeddon of staggering and unprecedented proportions. When confronted with such an incapacitating monetary meltdown, the impulse and subsequent orchestrated plan, historically, has been to provoke wars through false flag attacks/operations. This knee-jerk, yet carefully calculated, reaction will no longer work. The consequential global financial apocalypse, this time around, will simply be too demanding and debilitating, especially for those who would attempt to plunge the planet into a full blown WWIII scenario. Why? The global money matrix, that supports and keeps their war machine well-oiled, has been in a slow motion collapse for many years, and is now in an epoch-crashing free fall. It’s disintegrating before our eyes, and will soon be unable to fund not so much as a dustup in the neighborhood sandlot.
The 4th Reich has completely run its course. This last covert phase of the “Holy Roman Empire” is finally over. And it’s now imperative that the maestro, and his orchestra, in ‘Rome’ get over it. Let us once again proclaim, here and now, that: WAR HAS COME TO ITS FINAL END.
VIII. There is a very profound and significant connection between the US Government sponsored and staged terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 and the PRE-PLANNED Financial & Economic 9/11 of 2008* that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes:
The OMEN that 9/11 truly was, looks a little bit like THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in NYC, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess were on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US Dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we saw it collapsing all around us, in September of 2008 exactly 7 years after the original 9/11 apocalyptic events.
When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state-sponsored terrorism. This, because She had lost all moral ascendancy.
Furthermore, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning.
The GOOD NEWS is that the nation – its people – will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks”.
Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights. As long as She ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And She reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.
As a modern day prophet said in the days immediately following September 11, 2001:
“America, Wake up! ! ! Seize this God-given opportunity. There is no more time to dally in fear and ignorance and greed. For yours is a destiny that must serve as a beacon of Light and Hope and Peace to the world. Make haste, the time is drawing nigh!”
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: July 7, 2012
cosmicconvergence2012@gmail.com©2012 Cosmic Convergence 2012®. All rights reserved
Permission is granted to post this essay as long as it is linked back to the following url: http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2009
DR Congo Warlord Thomas Lubanga Sentenced To 14 Years | The Galactic Free Press
BBC News 10 July 2012 Last updated at 07:05 ET
Judge Adrian Fulford said Lubanga would effectively spend eight more years behind bars.
Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga has been sentenced to 14 years in jail for recruiting and using child soldiers in his rebel army in 2002 and 2003.
Taking into account time in custody, he will now serve a further eight years.
In March, he became the first person to be convicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since it was set up 10 years ago.
The conflict between ethnic groups in Ituri, north-eastern DR Congo, is estimated to have killed 60,000 people.
Lubanga led the Union of Congolese Patriots, an ethnic Hema militia which was active in the war that started in the Ituri region and its main town of Bunia in 1999.This was a local conflict within the wider DR Congo war, which left an estimated five million people dead - mostly from hunger and disease.
The Lubanga case is closely related to the current fighting in DR Congo, where forces loyal to Gen Bosco Ntaganda are threatening the main eastern city of Goma.
Gen Ntaganda is accused of the same crimes as his erstwhile ally Lubanga and his M23 group resumed its rebellion shortly after Lubanga was convicted, amid mounting calls for Gen Ntaganda to be arrested.
During the trial, the court heard how Lubanga would go to people's homes and ask them to donate something for the war effort. He would ask for cash, a cow, or for a child to fight for his rebel army.
The court also saw video footage of Lubanga at a training camp, galvanising children as young as 10.
Another video showed young children working as bodyguards.
Lubanga was arrested in March 2005 by UN peacekeepers, along with other militiamen.
He showed no emotion as he was sentenced.
He cried as he was transferred to The Hague in March 2006.
To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-18779726
DR Congo Warlord Thomas Lubanga Sentenced To 14 Years | The Galactic Free Press
BBC News 10 July 2012 Last updated at 07:05 ET
Judge Adrian Fulford said Lubanga would effectively spend eight more years behind bars.
Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga has been sentenced to 14 years in jail for recruiting and using child soldiers in his rebel army in 2002 and 2003.
Taking into account time in custody, he will now serve a further eight years.
In March, he became the first person to be convicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since it was set up 10 years ago.
The conflict between ethnic groups in Ituri, north-eastern DR Congo, is estimated to have killed 60,000 people.
Lubanga led the Union of Congolese Patriots, an ethnic Hema militia which was active in the war that started in the Ituri region and its main town of Bunia in 1999.This was a local conflict within the wider DR Congo war, which left an estimated five million people dead - mostly from hunger and disease.
The Lubanga case is closely related to the current fighting in DR Congo, where forces loyal to Gen Bosco Ntaganda are threatening the main eastern city of Goma.
Gen Ntaganda is accused of the same crimes as his erstwhile ally Lubanga and his M23 group resumed its rebellion shortly after Lubanga was convicted, amid mounting calls for Gen Ntaganda to be arrested.
During the trial, the court heard how Lubanga would go to people's homes and ask them to donate something for the war effort. He would ask for cash, a cow, or for a child to fight for his rebel army.
The court also saw video footage of Lubanga at a training camp, galvanising children as young as 10.
Another video showed young children working as bodyguards.
Lubanga was arrested in March 2005 by UN peacekeepers, along with other militiamen.
He showed no emotion as he was sentenced.
He cried as he was transferred to The Hague in March 2006.
To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-18779726
5 Foreign Banks Shut Down Philipine Offices | The Galactic Free Press
By: Michelle V. Remo
Philippine Daily Inquirer1:53 am | Tuesday, July 10th, 2012The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said the asset sale was meant to help the financially troubled parent firms generate liquidity.
In a circular notifying the local banking industry, the BSP said the five foreign banks have already packed up and left. Apart from American Express Bank, the others were Societe General, Union Bank of California N.A., First International Bank and Fortis Bank.
Societe Generale is based in Paris, while First International Bank is based in North Dakota. Fortis Bank is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, which operates mainly out of Belgium.“The closure of the offices in the Philippines is a case of deleveraging that is happening now in the West,” BSP Deputy Governor Nestor Espenilla Jr. told the Inquirer. “Because of the financial problems of the parent firms, they decided to sell some assets.”
He said the concerned banks were engaged mostly in the business of foreign-exchange lending in the Philippines.
The banks were making profit here, Espenilla explained, but their parent firms were pressed for resources.
“I had a chance to talk to the head of one of the five foreign banks. He told me he was sad about closing the bank’s Philippine office because it was actually making money,” Espenilla said.
He said the closure of the Philippine offices of the five foreign banks is consistent with the ongoing trend of deleveraging in the United States and Europe.
Troubled banks in the West are now disposing their assets in foreign countries as a means to shore up capital.
To read the rest of this story, visit http://business.inquirer.net/70122/5-foreign-banks-shut-down-philippine-offices
Suzanne Lie – The Arcturians – The Birth Of New Earth – 10 July 2012
Greetings dear ascending ones,
We the Arcturians are here to assist you during your ascension. As we look into your aura, we see that your ego is diminishing more each day. Whereas once your ego was a dominating component of your ability to survive physical embodiment, now it is becoming a manner of functioning in a reality that is coming into completion.
Feel how your once dominant ego, with its many wounds and protective devices, has become an “old fashioned way to deal with daily life”…Now, feel how your mind has expanded into its innate multidimensional thinking and your heart has transmuted its energy into unconditional love…Feel how this force of unconditional love expands your consciousness beyond your third dimensional earth vessel, through your fourth dimensional aura, and into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice…
Which reality do you choose to experience?Do you wish to experience a reality of flowing, unconditional love and expanding light? Or, do you wish to experience a reality of frightening possibilities?Can you remember that you DO have the choice?
Remembering that YOU are the creator of your reality is the means by which you can release the last remnants of your addiction to third dimensional illusion. A primary illusion of the third dimension is the illusion of polarity. The frequency of the third dimension is so slow that only the edges of an energy spectrum can be perceived. For example, your third dimensional perceptions often experience the spectrum of unconditional love as “fear” on one extreme and “conditional love” on the other.
As you know, conditional love is one of the main causes of fear because some one separate from you sets conditions under which you are “good enough” to receive their love. Trying to be good enough to receive love diminishes you to third dimensional consciousness and limits your perceptions to that of your earth vessel. Furthermore, conditional love can make you can feel as though you are a victim who can no longer find peace.
It is often true that third dimensional consciousness does not offer much peace. Fortunately, the belief in a Higher Power has offered some relief. However, this Higher Power was too often limited to a dominating and demanding force who had power-over you. Hence, this Higher Power did not provide much peace, as peace must come from within.
NOW, you have expanded your consciousness enough to perceive the fourth dimensional reality in which more of the energy in-between is perceivable around the polarized edges. From this new information, you realize that the extreme edges of any given polarity are very similar. Thus, you are realizing that conditional love and fear are very similar. When one is afraid, their love will be conditional, and when one only receives unconditional love, they are afraid.
With this realization, you become curious about what else is in-between these polarities. There must be something in-between these edges that is the Core of that polarity. Upon your deeper inspection you discover that fear and conditional love are the extreme edges of unconditional love. Unconditional love holds no fear and no conditional love. However, the edges of this spectrum become distorted in the third dimension to become fear and conditional love.
Conversely, the Core of this spectrum, unconditional love, is eternally anchored in the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. In fact, the Core of every Divine Quality is anchored in the ONE. However, as the frequency of these Qualities, such as unconditional love, lower into the of third/fourth dimensional frequencies of expression they become distorted by the lower resonance of the reality. This distortion of infinite Divine Qualities creates the illusion of separation between extremes.
Hence, the polarity of love/fear is actually the spectrum of:
conditional love ——–UNCONDITIONAL LOVE———-FEAR
As we have said many times, reality has octaves of resonance, and everything on every octave resonates to that frequency. Hence, love on the fourth dimension, with the exception of the Lower Astral Plane, is not as conditional as it is in the physical plane, and fourth dimensional fear is less toxic than in the physical plane.
http://www.multidimensions.com/Unconscious/uncon_dreams_travel.html fourth dimensional Sub-planes
As you move your consciousness beyond the Lower Astral Plane, which is even a lower frequency than the third dimension, and through the fourth dimensional realities, each fourth dimensional sub-plane has less and less polarity. The polarity diminishes because the faster spin of the molecules of the higher dimensions creates less separation and more unity.
Furthermore, the state of consciousness that allows you to visit that higher reality is infused with more spirit and less matter. It is the matter of the third dimension that creates the slower frequency of rotation, which creates the illusion of separation.
In truth, everything is connected with higher frequency molecules that cannot be perceived by your third dimensional senses. When your consciousness is resonating to higher frequencies, your multidimensional perceptions come online to reveal more and more of that which is in-between the edges of every spectrum.
The fourth dimensional sub-plane of the Lower Astral Plane, which resonates to even a lower frequency than the physical plane, reveals only the lowest frequencies of unconditional love, which are extreme fear and love that is bound by dominating conditions and rules. Then, as your consciousness rises into the next fourth dimensional sub-plane, the Emotional Plane, there is less fear and love is less conditional.
In the fourth dimensional Mental Plane, you can perceive frequencies of love that are more unconditional and fear that is more manageable. The Causal Plane exposes how fear and conditional love interact and create each other, and the Spiritual Plane guides you to your I AM Presence, who awaits you at Threshold of the fifth dimension.
This Threshold is the Rainbow Bridge, which gradually collapses all polarities of third/fourth dimensional light and earth-bound consciousness into the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. It is within this ONE that the Core, the higher frequency source/ Divine Quality, of all polarities exists. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge allows you to collapse all polarities into the Oneness of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
Once your consciousness even briefly visits this frequency of reality and experiences the FEEL of unconditional love, you will never again experience fear or conditional love in the same way. You will remember that the Core of every extreme lies not in any external source or earth-bound leader, but within your own multidimensional consciousness, which guided your inner journey into the higher frequencies of reality.
At this point you begin to realize that you can only change your physical reality in the same manner in which you changed your self, which is by infusing it with unconditional love. Unconditional love is the Core of the polarity of conditional love and fear. It was the conditional love and fear that lowered your consciousness and separated you from your own Divine Quality of unconditional love. Therefore, it is unconditional love that will heal your wounded ego and unite you with the higher expressions of you Multidimensional SELF.
You also realize that playing the Polarity Game focuses your attention on the very conditional love and fear that you wish to release from your reality. This realization is an important moment in your ascension process, for you remember that you have the power to choose to ignore whatever lowers your consciousness. Then you can decide to direct your attention onto that which you love unconditionally. In this manner, you are able to perceive and participate in higher and higher frequencies of reality.
Once you remember that you can choose your version of reality by calibrating your consciousness to the frequency of that world, you know that the only way to change any given reality is to lower or raise its resonance. This is a fact that the lost ones discovered long ago. They discovered that if love was conditional and fear was an ever-present force, that the frequency of reality would lower to the extend that the majority of those within that reality would loose connection with the their own inner Source of unconditional love.
Those who found a way to raise their resonance to the higher frequencies of reality would disappear from the 3D Game because they were no longer limited to such a low frequency expression of life. However, many former residents of third dimensional Earth chose to return again and again so that they could assist others by grounding and integrating unconditional love into that lower expression of reality.
This grounding of unconditional love is much like putting more helium in the balloon that once rose to the ceiling and has slowly fallen to the floor. With each new infusion of helium, the balloon can rise higher towards the ceiling and maintain that position for a longer period of “time.” However, the very time that allows the balloon to stay at the ceiling longer is the very reason why the balloon will, eventually, fall to the floor.
The only solution for this dilemma is to leave time and return to the NOW of the ONE in which the Core of unconditional love infinitely exists. “But what about the ones who caused us fear with their constant conditions on love,” you may ask. Our answer is, “Do you want to stay in the lower dimensions of reality so that you can hurt those who have hurt you? Or, do you want to raise the resonance of that reality into the Core of the ONE where there is NO conditions on love and NO fear?”
What is YOUR answer to that question? Some of you may say, “NO, I just want to get out of this reality NOW.” To this response we say, “Blessings on your ascension. You can assist from the higher frequencies.” Others may say, “I DO feel complete with this experience, but I know I have a responsibility to those who cannot find their inner light, as well as to Gaia who has offered me this home.”
To this second answer we say, “We are joyous that your are experiencing Unity Consciousness. Therefore, can you allow us to Unite with YOU so that, together, we can create a chain of unconditional love from the Core of the ONE into the Core of your ascending Earth? In this manner, we can supply a constant transfusion of unconditional love into your world to assist you in raising it into the fifth dimension and beyond.”
What is YOUR answer to this question? Many of your may answer, “But what about the ones who harmed us and created great fear in our world?” To this we are saying, “We are here to assist you by containing these ones so that they can no longer contribute fear to your reality.” We use the word contain, rather than imprison or arrest, because containment is not a punishment.
Containment means that these negative energies are isolated, much as a virus is isolated in a containment field. A virus, the cause of disease, is contained so that it cannot infect another. Within isolation, a virus has no “food” upon which it can feed and no way to release its “disease” out to others or to the planet. Hence, the carriers of that disease must deal with their own darkness, as they can no longer project it out to others or the planet.
As you all know, darkness can be very contagious. You may be in a very good mood, but when you enter a room in which several others are in a bad mood your good mood is quickly challenged. However, we are not interested in punishing anyone, as we see the big picture of the 3D Game of Polarities. On the other hand, we have seen that the polarities of fear and conditional love have become very extreme at the close of this cycle.
This extreme darkness is partially because there are many outside sources that are not members of the human kingdom who have taken over key positions within your reality. Hence, the disease of fear has infected many of your trusted leaders. The “carries of this disease of fear” invaded your reality without following the “rules” of the third dimension by incarnating into your world. Therefore, since they invaded your world, we can assist you and Gaia by containing them long enough for the wounded ones to regain their equilibrium and return to their true, Multidimensional SELF.
Many humans have been so down trodden that they have lost all hope for a better future. With the dark ones contained and isolated from society, those who are basically honest and loving people have a greater chance to awaken. However, once they have regained their hope and begun their ascension they will have to take full responsibility for the life that THEY have created, just as the ascending ones have done.
Becoming fifth dimensional is step one. Step two is remaining fifth dimensional. If you are unable to take full responsibility for the reality that you have created, you will not be able to maintain Mastery over your energy. In the higher frequency realities, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. Therefore, if you have fearful thoughts that someone “else” will harm you, you will manifest the reality in which that will happen.
But, harm against another is not possible in a higher dimensional reality that is based on unity consciousness and unconditional love. Therefore, your fearful thought will lower your consciousness out of the ONE and back into the third/fourth dimension. The best protection from this fearful thinking is to remember that YOU chose your reality before you were born into your present life. That fact will give you a greater sense that you are the creator of your destiny, which is the Truth.
With the knowledge of and connection to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will regain the higher perspective of your myriad incarnations on Earth. Then, you will likely find that you, too, have lives in which you were lost to the darkness. Therefore, heal that version of YOU before you try to heal another. In other words, “Before you try to take the twig out of another’s eye, take the log out of your own.”
Thus, before you fear (which empowers) an external foe, find the enemy within who is projecting-out the picture of external enemies. Then, you can open heartedly give detached compassion and unconditional love to those you have perceived as your enemy.
We the Arcturians, are with you ALWAYS