Posted on March 30, 2012 by Nancy B. DetweilerTHE PENTAGON WANTS THIS INFORMATION
Background information - Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Many have already heard of the abnormally large number of arrests and resignations of officials in banking, money funds, investment houses, insurance companies, and governments throughout the world that have taken place since September 2011.
What Americans have not known is that a huge operation is about to take place in the United States.
In order to comprehend why we have heard nothing of this event, we must understand that the major newspaper and television media is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal or Illuminati.
It is the Illuminati who intend to establish the New World Order by killing off huge segments of the planetary population and enslaving the rest.
These are the persons who will be arrested and removed to a location where they can perpetuate no more harm.
Before you stop reading and refuse to take 3 hours of your time to listen to the audio listed below, you need to consider:
Do I want to know what is about to happen?
Do I as a parent, minister, news reporter, teacher, or citizen want to remain ignorant of what is ready to take place that will impact every phase of my life and that of my family and community?
Much preparation is and has taken place behind the scenes to prepare for the forthcoming mass arrests of top officials of corporations and government.
As you will hear on the audio, the Pentagon had already drawn up The Plan for such an event by around 1979.
The legal preparation is in place.
Extremely detailed planning has the goal of disrupting the general public and the activities that make up our lives as little as possible.
However there will be a few days-hopefully not weeks-in which services may be disrupted.
During the actual mass arrests, a period of up to 72 hours will involve the closing of our borders and the shutting off of satellites.
This will be required to prevent escape of those to be arrested.
This is the period for which we need to be prepared.
We will be given 24 hours notice.
In order to prepare the American people, the Pentagon recently asked a former Vietnam veteran who has been involved in the legal preparations to go on the radio and internet and explain what is about to happen.
This veteran is going by the name of Drake.
The below YouTube is an interview of Drake by David Wilcock, who also has high level insider information.
In the interview, Drake will explain the legal preparation done by average citizens in a majority of the states that allows this event to take place in accordance with our nation’s founding documents.
This event will remove the major obstacles to a far better life for all Americans and eventually for all on the planet.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and to those to whom you minister to listen carefully to all three hours of valuable information.
People who have no idea what has really been going on in America will be shocked and angry to hear all that has been done to them.
As many of us as possible can greatly alleviate this shock by letting them know of this event and that the end result will be a much better world for all.
The Pentagon is also asking that all of us help to publicize the information on this audio.
Public panic will prolong the procedure and violence of any kind will do the same.
We the people need to be in the know and to peacefully assist in any way we can-spreading the word being a major avenue of assistance.
The goal is that this event is peaceful, with no violence.
Please send the URL below to all you know and to your local media.
Ministers, you have access to large numbers of people.
We are speaking of the resurrection of our nation. I beg of you to listen and help prepare your congregations.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
Steve: It may sound strange to hear Ashtar deny that he is being currently channeled. But in Aug. 2009, he made a similar statement through Suzy Ward. Hatonn has also denied through Suzy that some channellers claiming to speak for him are actually doing so. We are, unfortunately and unavoidably, obliged to use discernment with the claims made by all channels. The evidence presented by our heart (or inner voice) is usually the best star to steer by.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles, April 4, 2012
Ashtar communicates directly to the minds and into the hearts of all who wish to receive his love and his guidance. Ashtar does not speak through any channels at this time.
Ashtar does not have a need or want to share information in this manner. Ashtar hears what is called for to guide those who seek his guidance, and he answers their call in ways that do not necessitate the need for a medium or channel.
There are many beings throughout the cosmos that do speak through channels to share their thoughts, their feelings, their teachings, their guidance and their love, but Ashtar does not communicate with any of you at this time in this way.
Anyone who claims they are channeling Ashtar at this time is either mistaking Ashtar as the sender of their communications or they are purposely perpetrating a hoax or a con. These individuals who claim to be channeling Ashtar himself may not be channeling any other being at all, and may only be sharing a reflection of their own thoughts.
We do not judge anyone for this. We only wish to make it clear to all who wish to understand this; Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Ashtar Command, is not speaking directly to you or through any channels at this time.
There are individual members of the Ashtar Command who are speaking to you through channels at this time, and some of these communications speak officially for the Ashtar Command as an organization and some of these communications speak only of the personal views and teachings of the individual members of this command that are sending messages in this way.
In the great scheme of all that is transpiring here in your world and what ripple effects spread throughout your universe, it is important to understand the influences of your thinking and your behavior. We do not wish for you, our brothers and sisters, to be misled in any way, shape, or form.
We understand that many of you have your different opinions as to who are trustworthy sources of this kind of information and we honor and respect the choices each of you make, and we do not wish to tell you who’s words to follow and who’s not to follow. What we wish to do instead is offer you guidance and our wisdom to help you better use your own powers of discernment and intuition to reach understandings of where particular information is deriving from.
We feel this way is far greater for your advancement and your growth then merely pointing you in the right direction ourselves. We would rather offer you the tools and share our knowledge of how to use these tools, and then allow you to make these decisions on your own.
Today we only say to you that Ashtar himself is not communicating with you at this time in a manner that necessitates a channel because we see a great amount of information coming from certain areas at this time that is impeding the progress that we feel needs to be made. We feel this progress is of such importance that we decided we would step in and clear this matter up to allow you to more clearly and confidently receive the important information and notifications that we are sending you through our channels at this time.
You now understand better certain avenues of information that is being given to you, and we hope that you take this information and use it wisely to assist you to make better choices as to which voice of guidance you will follow through the days up ahead that will present to you certain challenges. We have decided that we could not sit back and allow voices of false information to lead you into certain situations that would require great effort and intervention on our part to assist you in eradicating yourselves from the consequences of following such false information.
As we have said many times, we must honor each and every decision that you make, but if there came a time where you asked for our assistance to help you in your time of need we would respond, and so with foresight we are attempting at this time to share with you information that can, if you so choose, allow you to stay clear of certain situations in the days ahead that would require you to ask for our assistance to remove you from these situations that you do not wish to be in.
That is why we say to you that although it is important for you all to follow your own intuition and inner voice, we do officially state that Ashtar, the Commander of the Ashtar Command, is not speaking to you, offering you guidance, instructions, and predictions of your days ahead. Ashtar is with you in spirit and in love and he is very much a part of our mission here at this time, but he offers his service to you in other very important and wide-ranging ways.
Now that we have this matter cleared up once and for all, we can continue with our messages to you which we feel are imperative for you to understand, as many events are about to unfold and each of you would do well to have a solid comprehension of them. These events are many, and each of them carries its own importance for your world.
We would like to begin the first stages of our disclosure plans which will necessitate a working relationship with selected individuals who we feel would be qualified and very suitable for this purpose. We will begin contacting those of you who we feel we would like to work with throughout this process, and you will clearly recognize when we begin these communications.
You will be instructed on how to proceed and what the next steps will be, and we ask you to keep this information to yourselves at this time as there are matters of safety concerns and a certain level of discretion is called for.
There is no reason or need to share this information publicly, and we wish you to know that many of your postings throughout online social networks are monitored by those who do not play for our team. There is no reason to fear or be concerned about this as it should be no surprise to you that the Internet is accessible by anyone, and of course, it is just natural that not only those of the light communicate in this manner.
You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about in regards to your safety, as we are watching over you and we have and will continue to make every effort to protect your safety and well being throughout our mission and our disclosure project.
If you wish to share this information with family or friends privately, we say to you that this is acceptable and that there is no gag order rule issued to you, but we do suggest you not speak of this information through your online social networks even when you are sending a private message, as the security of these websites cannot be absolute and block computer hackers from accessing these communications.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and tell you that in the days ahead there will no longer be a need for this type of security precaution, but that day is not yet at hand and we ask you to assist us in our efforts to protect you by practicing a certain level of discretion. We thank you very much for your cooperation and for your willingness to participate in our disclosure project.
We see this project reaching millions of your people, and we say to you this will surely be a most exciting time for you and the people of your planet. Those of you who we are selecting to take part in this project will be the ambassadors for your people and will also be ambassadors for our people.
This is why our selection process has been a careful one, and we have carefully chosen each of you for this assignment. We have great confidence in each and every one of you, and we look forward to working with you to bring to the people of your planet evidence of our existence and our true nature, and an understanding of our mission in service and in love to the people of your world.
You may assist this project at this time by preparing yourselves to be able to leave your places of residence with little or no prior notification whatsoever. We will try to give you at least a few minutes’ notice of when we are going to come to rendezvous with you, however, we cannot guarantee this as every precaution must be taken to protect you as well as our crew sent to collect you.
Please try to remain prepared to be able to leave your residences at a moment’s notice. This will require different levels of preparation for each of you, and we ask you to think about what it is you will have to do to be able to leave your home without any prior notice to meet with us for an indefinite amount of time. We understand that many of you cannot leave your home for days at a time, and we will see to it that you are returned within a suitable time frame.
We do have much to discuss with you, and when we can speak more personally we will make known our entire disclosure plan with you and you will learn when you will be called upon to meet with us and how long you will stay. We will not disclose this information with you at this time through our channels or any other way. We will wait until we can speak with you personally.
We look forward to meeting with each of you that we have selected for this process, and say to those who have not been selected at this time that there will be many more opportunities for you to take part in this process and also on many other projects that we will be working together on.
This disclosure project will merely be the first project we undertake with you, and this will open the door and allow our many other projects to get underway. By necessity, there will not be a long waiting period between our disclosure efforts and the projects we will be working on together, so those of you not selected for the initial disclosure project will not have long to wait to meet with us and begin working with us. You can be assured of this, as time is running short and we have much work to accomplish.
Please be advised we are at this time contacting many of you who have been selected for this project, and we ask you to keep your eyes and your ears open for our communications. These communications will differ from individual to individual depending on how fast we feel you will recognize our attempts to communicate with you.
Please use your powers of intuition and make an effort to recognize our attempts to contact you. If you do this, we are confident you will indeed recognize these communications, and we will know that you have understood our message and there will be no need for you to attempt to contact us and inform us that you have received our message. We will know this. You are asked again not to publicly announce that you have received this invitation from us. Again, safety is a priority, and a certain level of discretion is called for.
We thank all of you who have been selected for this process, and tell you we look so very forward to meeting with you personally and discussing our plans with you. Many lives will benefit through the success of this project, and we ask you to give this project your sincerest efforts and focus once we begin. Many lives will be changed in very positive ways once we are able to begin working with you, and this disclosure project is the key that will open this door for your world.
It will be an honor for us to meet and begin working with you, and we look so forward to the coming together of our people and your people in the spirit of love and universal cooperation. We will achieve such great things together, and will bridge the gap not only between worlds and star systems, but of dimensions.
This is what we can do when we come together as one and work to achieve a common goal, and we see nothing stopping us from achieving what we set out to do together. So much can be accomplished when people and worlds put aside their differences and cooperate with each other to achieve common goals, and your world will be a testament to how much can be accomplished when we all work together as one. This is our mission here, and many different worlds have contributed to this truly universal project.
Your world and your people will soon be welcomed into our Galactic community as you have earned your place of honor at our Galactic Roundtable. This is a place where discussions concerning Galactic projects take place, and planning and strategies to build worlds and bridge gaps between them are the topic of discussion. Your planet will have representation at this Galactic table, and you will have the ability to voice your views and visions for this galaxy, which is also your galaxy.
Much can be learned by everyone at these meetings, and we look so forward to your contributions and your thoughts and vision to build upon our universe. Much planning and design goes in to the construction of our galaxy and our entire universe, and it is here at meetings such as this where policy and projects are conceived.
Your representatives will learn a great deal about your galaxy and universe and take back home to your people this knowledge which will allow you all to gain a further understanding of your home. We look forward to this day when you are officially welcomed and a seat is pulled out for your representatives. We remember the day we were welcomed at this table and tell you that you may feel honored, for indeed an honor it is, and we congratulate each of you for this achievement to be welcomed into your Galactic community.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
The Galactic Free Press – Daily Blue Star UFOs Report – Are We Really Here? – 3 April 2012
Some keep asking “why, if we’re really here… we don’t simply show up and save the world… why, if we are who we claim we are do we allow such things to happen, why, we don’t simply save the world…” Because Humanity’s permission is needed. And untill the magic numer is reached, until HUmanity will accept what happened and face it and stand up for its own freedom… noone can help more than this. We’re close, so much close… just a blink away… and so many have done an amazing job, and so many started doing it, and so many will start doing it Now… for it’s like a wave… it gets bigger and bigger the more everyone understands that it’s the Only Way… share. Share Love. Share Truth. As ONE=ALL=GOD. You are the front line for Love Everywhere Present. You are not looking for prizes… you’re here for Love.
You are here to be a Gift of God…
And when you’ll see those that did not want to listen to you come back and say: “what was that again?” You’ll understand how much your sharing has been important. For ALL=US=YOU.
Thank You.
Review of UFO activity near the Sun for April 2, 2012. (HQ)
UFO ValFormazza ValRossa
UFO, Never Doubt Again Here It is.
REAL UFOs In Daylight! – UFOs Hiding behind clouds? – Day light UFO’s
UFO Sighting – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 04/02/2012
UFO Glowing Changing All Colors Over OHIO 3 AM 4/3/12
Ufo Fleet in Barcelona,Spain 31th March 2012
With all The Love I AM
ANdReA, Mother and Father God & the entire GFP
The Free Galactic Press – link to original article
Progress Has Not Come to a Standstill
DD, I’m now listening to David’s interview, and I’ve come to the conclusion this is a different group. Drake said specifically they are not associated with RAP Restore America, and that was what I was watching for. I think this is entirely legitimate. We’ve had someone post on my blog called The Maine Patriot, and I think he belongs to Drake’s group, and while I need to consider this a bit, I think if this is a ‘good’ group – and I don’t think David would involve himself with anyone that isn’t – then I think my blog could be of tremendous help in getting this message out. I’m rather excited about the idea. We’d need to help our readers to understand this is the ‘real deal’, and we’d have to figure out what it would take for them to come to that conclusion for themselves, and then I think my readers would help just by doing what they do get this info out to the world. We’ll have to see. I need to look up the recent post by The Maine Patriot – I’d emailed him privately, trying to see with whom he is affiliated, and he speaks of the group on Pennsylvania. It’s looking good, DD.
James Murdoch is to resign as chief executive and chairman at BSkyB. Photograph: Miguel Villagran/Getty Images
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
By Kamal Ahmed – The Telegraph
April 3, 2012
James Murdoch is to resign as chairman of BSkyB with immediate effect.
He took the decision after speaking to close colleagues at BSkyB and News Corporation last week and over the weekend.
Mr Murdoch decided to quit now, ahead of what is likely to be a critical report by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee at the end of the month into allegations of phone hacking.
The media select committee report is likely to raise fresh questions about Mr Murdoch’s role as chief executive of News International during the phone hacking scandal.
He admitted he did not read an email from senior executives about the widespread nature of the allegations.
It is believed that Mr Murdoch thought it is better to go now than being seen to be “forced out” by a critical report.
He is also due to appear before the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics with his father, Rupert, at the end of the month.
Any criticism is likely to increase the scope of an inquiry by Ofcom into whether Mr Murdoch is a “fit and proper” person to hold a licence for a television company.
At this stage it looks likely that Mr Murdoch will attempt to stay on the board. Nick Ferguson, presently deputy chairman, will become chairman, a move that will probably be temporary.
His resignation comes after growing pressure from shareholders. They are concerned that the phone hacking allegations at News International, where Mr Murdoch was formerly chief executive, are having a contagion effect on BSkyB.
Mr Murdoch also faced conflict of interest issues after News Corporation, of which he is deputy chief operating officer, launched a bid to buy the proportion of BSkyB it does not already own.
Here is a quick timeline of the recent developments in James Murdoch’s role in the UK:
• Today: Revealed that Murdoch is to step down as chairman of BSkyB.
• 17 March: Murdoch resigns his directorship at auction house Sotheby’s.
• 14 March: Murdoch writes to MPs on Commons media select committee expressing “deep regret” over News of the World phone hacking.
• 29 February: Murdoch resigns as chairman of News International, publisher of the Sun and formerly News of the World.
• 27 January: Murdoch quits GlaxoSmithKline board.
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
James Murdoch is to resign as chief executive and chairman at BSkyB. Photograph: Miguel Villagran/Getty Images
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
By Kamal Ahmed – The Telegraph
April 3, 2012
James Murdoch is to resign as chairman of BSkyB with immediate effect.
He took the decision after speaking to close colleagues at BSkyB and News Corporation last week and over the weekend.
Mr Murdoch decided to quit now, ahead of what is likely to be a critical report by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee at the end of the month into allegations of phone hacking.
The media select committee report is likely to raise fresh questions about Mr Murdoch’s role as chief executive of News International during the phone hacking scandal.
He admitted he did not read an email from senior executives about the widespread nature of the allegations.
It is believed that Mr Murdoch thought it is better to go now than being seen to be “forced out” by a critical report.
He is also due to appear before the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics with his father, Rupert, at the end of the month.
Any criticism is likely to increase the scope of an inquiry by Ofcom into whether Mr Murdoch is a “fit and proper” person to hold a licence for a television company.
At this stage it looks likely that Mr Murdoch will attempt to stay on the board. Nick Ferguson, presently deputy chairman, will become chairman, a move that will probably be temporary.
His resignation comes after growing pressure from shareholders. They are concerned that the phone hacking allegations at News International, where Mr Murdoch was formerly chief executive, are having a contagion effect on BSkyB.
Mr Murdoch also faced conflict of interest issues after News Corporation, of which he is deputy chief operating officer, launched a bid to buy the proportion of BSkyB it does not already own.
Here is a quick timeline of the recent developments in James Murdoch’s role in the UK:
• Today: Revealed that Murdoch is to step down as chairman of BSkyB.
• 17 March: Murdoch resigns his directorship at auction house Sotheby’s.
• 14 March: Murdoch writes to MPs on Commons media select committee expressing “deep regret” over News of the World phone hacking.
• 29 February: Murdoch resigns as chairman of News International, publisher of the Sun and formerly News of the World.
• 27 January: Murdoch quits GlaxoSmithKline board.
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
James Murdoch is to resign as chief executive and chairman at BSkyB. Photograph: Miguel Villagran/Getty Images
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
By Kamal Ahmed – The Telegraph
April 3, 2012
James Murdoch is to resign as chairman of BSkyB with immediate effect.
He took the decision after speaking to close colleagues at BSkyB and News Corporation last week and over the weekend.
Mr Murdoch decided to quit now, ahead of what is likely to be a critical report by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee at the end of the month into allegations of phone hacking.
The media select committee report is likely to raise fresh questions about Mr Murdoch’s role as chief executive of News International during the phone hacking scandal.
He admitted he did not read an email from senior executives about the widespread nature of the allegations.
It is believed that Mr Murdoch thought it is better to go now than being seen to be “forced out” by a critical report.
He is also due to appear before the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics with his father, Rupert, at the end of the month.
Any criticism is likely to increase the scope of an inquiry by Ofcom into whether Mr Murdoch is a “fit and proper” person to hold a licence for a television company.
At this stage it looks likely that Mr Murdoch will attempt to stay on the board. Nick Ferguson, presently deputy chairman, will become chairman, a move that will probably be temporary.
His resignation comes after growing pressure from shareholders. They are concerned that the phone hacking allegations at News International, where Mr Murdoch was formerly chief executive, are having a contagion effect on BSkyB.
Mr Murdoch also faced conflict of interest issues after News Corporation, of which he is deputy chief operating officer, launched a bid to buy the proportion of BSkyB it does not already own.
Here is a quick timeline of the recent developments in James Murdoch’s role in the UK:
• Today: Revealed that Murdoch is to step down as chairman of BSkyB.
• 17 March: Murdoch resigns his directorship at auction house Sotheby’s.
• 14 March: Murdoch writes to MPs on Commons media select committee expressing “deep regret” over News of the World phone hacking.
• 29 February: Murdoch resigns as chairman of News International, publisher of the Sun and formerly News of the World.
• 27 January: Murdoch quits GlaxoSmithKline board.
CFTC Accuses Royal Bank of Canada of Sham Trades
Thanks to Gene.
CFTC accuses Royal Bank of Canada of sham trades
By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer The Associated Press, April 2, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. regulators are accusing one of Canada’s largest banks of engaging in hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal futures trades to reap tax benefits on its holdings of company stocks.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission filed civil charges Monday against Royal Bank of Canada, saying the bank made the sham trades with itself. The agency said it is the largest case it has brought against so-called wash trades, which cancel each other out. Royal Bank of Canada engaged in “a wash-trading scheme of massive proportion,” the CFTC said.
In addition, the agency alleged that the bank concealed the true nature of the trades and made false statements to a futures trading exchange, OneChicago.
The CFTC alleged that Royal Bank of Canada made the trades in stock futures contracts from June 2007 to May 2010 at non-competitive prices with two foreign subsidiaries. The transactions weren’t “at arm’s length,” as required by law, and as reported by the bank to the exchange, the agency said.
An arm’s length transaction either is one in which the buyer and seller aren’t directly related or one done at a price that would prevail if they were unrelated. The federal rules allow futures trades between companies and subsidiaries, but only if they are done on an arm’s length basis.1
Toronto-based Royal Bank of Canada called the CFTC’s allegations “baseless” and said it will contest them in court. The bank said the trades had been vetted in advance by the CFTC and futures exchanges back in 2005 with no objections being lodged against them, and they were monitored for several years.
The CFTC is seeking a permanent injunction against the bank committing further violations of the federal commodities laws and rules, and unspecified monetary penalties in its civil lawsuit filed in federal court in Manhattan.
The CFTC said the bank’s trading strategy was devised to gain Canadian tax credits on its holdings of U.S. and Canadian company stocks. The strategy was created and carried out by a group of executives at the bank. However, the agency’s suit didn’t name any individuals.
“Today’s action should make clear that the CFTC will not hesitate to bring charges against even the most sophisticated market participants who unlawfully exploit the futures markets for their own gain,” SEC Enforcement Director David Meister said in a statement.
Meister, questioned by reporters, wouldn’t say whether related suits could be filed against individuals in the future or if the alleged misconduct by Royal Bank of Canada also occurred at other banks.
The buyer or seller of a futures contract commits to purchase or sell something at a specified date and price.
There were two types of futures trades the bank engaged in that corresponded to two different Canadian tax benefits, the CFTC said. One benefit allows Canadian companies that hold U.S. stocks that pay dividends to get a tax credit for the U.S. dividend tax they pay. The bank bought stocks in U.S. companies that it expected to pay dividends on certain dates.
As a hedge against risk, the CFTC said, the bank also sold single-stock futures contracts at the same time to a foreign subsidiary. The subsidiary sold the stock short, meaning it bet against the stock — borrowing shares, selling them and then buying them when the stock price falls and returning them to the lender, while pocketing the difference.
The net effect was a “wash,” but the bank got a tax credit as a result, the CFTC said.
Another Canadian tax benefit allows Canadian companies that hold shares of other Canadian companies for more than a year to receive dividends tax-free for a year. In that case, Royal Bank of Canada bought baskets of Canadian stocks that it held for more than a year and also sold stock-index futures contracts as a hedge to another foreign subsidiary, the CFTC said.
“Before we made a single trade, we proactively contacted the exchange to seek its guidance,” Royal Bank of Canada said in a statement. “These trades were fully documented, transparent and reviewed by both the CFTC and the exchanges, and for the next several years were monitored by them. RBC’s trading was permissible in 2005, and it is permissible today under the CFTC’s published guidance.”
The bank said that since there was no objection in 2005, it is “absurd” for the CFTC to claim now that the trades were fictitious or wash sales.
The trades were engaged in by independent RBC entities with the intention of taking genuine market positions, in accordance with CFTC guidelines, the bank said. “They were executed at competitive market pricing and no market participants suffered any negative impact.”
Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Japan’s Government Formally Agrees To Set Up 1000 Trillion Yen Fund But Worries About Geopolitical Ramifications – 3 April 2012
This week’s newsletter was delayed for a day because of sensitive ongoing negotiations involving the Japanese, Chinese, Russian and US governments among others. The negotiations are still going on as of this writing and there is much we still cannot report. However, we can confirm that the Japanese government has agreed in principle to set up a 1000 trillion yen (12 trillion dollar) fund to be used to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and roll out previously forbidden technology in a responsible manner. The problem now is how to sort out the massive geopolitical repercussions this fund will create.
In what may be a related development, there appears to have been a regime change in China because Xi Xinping, the man widely assumed to be the next president of China has not appeared on the official Chinese Xinhua news site since March 31st, while his erstwhile rival, Li Keqiang, is being given massive coverage. This is only one of many signs of massive changes in planetary governance.
In the US, the Pentagon has begun asking citizens to stock up with 72 hours’ worth of food because of possible disruptions associated with the imminent replacement of the US dollar with a new Treasury dollar, according to CIA sources in California. This move is also expected to be accompanied by a massive clean up operation aimed at draining the corruption out of Wall Street and Washington D.C. in order to restore the US to its former moral and economic greatness.
Any new treasury dollar will initially have much lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now being used. This will make Americans buy made in USA products and will make US exports competitive again. It might be a good time now to go out and buy Chinese stuff at Wal-Mart before it suddenly becomes more expensive. Also, do take the Pentagon’s advice and stock up on food to tide you over the transition.
Another sign that something big is about to happen is that a European CIA source asked the White Dragon Society for the names and addresses of members of the following organizations: the committee of 300, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the European Commission. These have been forwarded. Here, by the way, is a link to what appears to be a credible list of the current members of the Committee of 300: to the members of this group: “please do not get in our way.”
In any case, the most concrete and detailed intelligence available to this writer comes from Japan where government officials say that for technical administrative reasons, it will take a couple of weeks to set up the 1000 trillion yen fund. These reasons include maintaining payrolls, pensions, tax revenues and other administrative nitty gritty. However, there are no goons available now the [to(?)] Kissinger, Nakasone, Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Koizumi old world order people so their removal from power in Japan is a given.
The big question to be solved now is how to set up mechanisms to handle the disbursement of the 1000 trillion yen to the countries of the world. The only thing decided for sure on this issue is that it must no longer be a secret, centralized system held in private hands. There is also an agreement in principle that the Japanese government will administer 500 trillion yen while the new international economic planning agency will get the other 500 trillion.
This agency, tentatively named LIFE (Long Term Investments for Everyone) will finance European and US economic restructuring as well as promote massive development projects in the rest of the world. However, before it can be started, a small planning staff will begin the process of selecting international talent to run the agency. Exactly when this will happen is subject to ongoing negotiations but hopefully the first usable cash will be delivered as early as the middle of this month.
The BRICs nations will, for their part, set up their own, independent fund as announced at the BRICs summit last week. This fund will be run by China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa and will presumably use a basket of currencies dominated by the Renminbi and the Ruble. This group will work in close tandem with the G20 nations, according to their declaration: back to China, a look at who is appearing on the Xinhua news site indicates that Premier Wen Jiabao, President Hu Jintao and Le Keqiang are being prominently featured. The text of Le Keqiang’s speech
at the Boao forum reveal him to be a moderate centrist and thus likely a compromise candidate between powerful behind the scenes factions. We also know from various sources that the Chongqing party boss Bo Xilai was backed by Henry Kissinger and the old world order cabal he represents. No doubt he was promised the job of dictator of China and the world in exchange for his cooperation. Memo to Kissinger and the committee of 300: the world does not want a dictator.
When the dust settles, the world will have harmonious collective leadership.