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International Public Notice - March 4, 2013 - GUILTY

OPPT Live WebTV Interview on thatchannel.com

WakeUpWorld – Andy Whiteley – Open Letter To The Prime Minster Of “Commom Wealth Of Australia” Regarding The One People’s Public Trust ( OPPT) – 5 March 2013


On 25th December 2012 the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust announced the conclusion of a series of UCC filings which ordered the foreclosure of corporations and corporate-governments, and the repossession of their assets. Now, over 10 weeks later, the UCC filings remain unrebutted and – more importantly – totally unacknowledged by the former governments they terminated.

It’s a predictable response. But it is not acceptable…. for two reasons.

Firstly, in a genuine democracy, silence is an inadequate answer of government to reasonable questions of its legitimacy. The role of a true democratic government is to serve its people with full accountability to its people. But as the OPPT discussion continues to unfold around the world, our former corporate governments remain silent, going about their “business” as though nothing has changed.

In essence, the facade of democracy is over. They are still claiming the rights and authority of former government, but have openly disregarded their responsibilities as public servants to the “democracies” they claim to represent. And by doing so, they continue to obstruct the free-will rights of other Beings.

Secondly, members of visible (former) governments were never “in charge” of the system, they were effectively “middle management”. Although some may have been knowingly complicit, they are ultimately employees and not the beneficiaries of the former corporate government structure. Their continued public pretense to government status just demonstrates that the control and duress exerted on them by their corporate bosses still continues today.

Whether you were a “ground-level” slave or “middle management” to the system, we were all mistreated by the former structure. We all played our roles. And a system that robs any Being of their right to a free, unencumbered and transparent existence is intolerable. And now it is unlawful.

So in an attempt to bridge the gap of silence, I present today an open letter to Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of the ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA’ (U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission Central Index Key # 0000805157)

An open letter to the Prime Minister of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA

Dear Prime Minister Julia Gillard,

I am writing this letter to you to with truth in my heart and the utmost respect for your Being.

I am writing to inform you of a very pressing issue; an issue that touches every human being on this planet. I urge you to read this correspondence and seek legal advice on what this actually means to the structure of our society and how we will live our lives from today onward.


After several years of legal investigations, a complex series of UCC filings and extensive processes of legal notification, the world’s corporate entities were foreclosed and duly notified of such by the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT). The UCC filings claimed that the former corporate system (including the ‘Commonwealth Of Australia’ corporation) operated slavery and private money systems, and left unrebutted, the filings were entered into law. As remedy, the funds and resources that were accumulated by those corporate entities are now repossessed for the use of humanity. Since December, millions of people around the world have become aware of this, and all of us – including you – stand to benefit.

I respectfully request that you carefully read these documents and become acquainted with their authenticity and lawful standing. The full public record of these filings can be found at http://peoplestrust1776.org. As a former commercial lawyer yourself, I’m sure you will grasp the complexity and gravity of these filings, but I encourage you to contact the Trustees via the Contact option on the above-mentioned website if you require clarification.

In short, the people of the world now have lawful equity in the world’s resources and a permanent legal standing that enables us to reject the system of corporate slavery that has been imposed upon us. And as a result, we – The One People – finally get to dream the dream and build the kind of world that we want to leave for future generations, with pride and a true sense of accomplishment. We can peacefully exit the systems of slavery imposed on us, and bring an end to the systemic pain and suffering of billions of our brothers and sisters.

Our newly ratified framework of governance ensures that every entity on the planet is accorded respect, love and compassion, and that systems of inequity, harm and hardship can never again be created. It also ensures that each individual now stands in full liability of their own actions and creations, without company policy or the protections of corporate liability to hide behind.

This is the beginning of a new social paradigm.

The reality is that only a select few truly benefited from the old system of systemic control, debt, poverty and resource wars. The establishment of corporate ‘government’ bodies underhandedly removed our freedom of choice. And the acts of its agents and its business partners – all perpetrated under the guises of “governance” and “progress” – have had terrible and dramatic impacts on our planet and the fabric of our societies.

At no time did we, The One People, give our knowing and willing consent to:

  • the gradual erosion of our rights and freedoms under corporate rule.
  • governments holding the level of power and control that has been exerted over us.
  • every aspect of our lives coming under the scrutiny of corporate government.
  • laws being implemented that are in contradiction of our constitution.
  • being treated as a financial commodity rather than as a living, breathing human Being.
  • the devastation of our planet and its resources to satisfy corporate greed.
  • being viewed as ‘less’ than the powers that were.

But while our freedoms were appropriated by corporate rule, that is exactly what happened.

By now, it must be obvious to you and others in the corporate government structure that we, The One People, are no longer receptive to the former systems of control. We understand that the recent UCC filings proved these mechanisms to meet the lawful definition of slavery. And we understand that we have other options.

The game is over and we’re not playing anymore.

As a result, we can each make conscious choices and live our lives unrestricted by the authority of others. We can each step away from the structure of corporate rule and its inherent destructiveness, and move toward systems of governance in which freedom, co-creativity, personal responsibility and accountability are valued. For the first time ever, we are no longer commercial commodities or slaves to an oligarchy that was created by the deception and manipulation of its ‘elite’ beneficiaries. In due course, the community’s enforcement of the repossession order will see the resources and infrastructures that were controlled by our former masters reformed – to truly serve the people.

Our time of obedience to any and all “authority” is over. The use of force, duress and control over any and all peoples is over. Obtaining profit, power and dominance over the divine and universal rights of others is over.

No Being has the lawful right to impede another’s experience of the abundance of creation. That is now law.

So it is with great relief that I share this with you today…. together, we can finally end this cruel parody of governance. It has taken a personal toll on me, and it has no doubt taken a great toll on you too. But you, just like the rest of us, will benefit immensely from this historic change. And from one Being to another, I encourage you to embrace it.

There are moments in our lives when we have to make the biggest of all choices; choices that will change the course of our lives, and the lives of others. That moment is upon us. It is upon you.

We have the courage, knowledge, compassion and understanding to make historic and wondrous changes to the way we live on Earth, and the time for us to act is now.

I invite you to join me – and millions of others like me – on this path of love, compassion, freedom, abundance and endless co-creation. We are entering a new era of human existence. And the enactment of the One People’s Public Trust has ratified it… in perpetuity.

Accordingly, you have a choice to make. As do we all. This new paradigm affects you and I equally.

So I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • Did I truly join politics to serve corporate interests?
  • Do I believe each human Being is entitled to live abundantly and free?
  • Am I prepared to continue serving the interests of former corporations in total transparency and full personal liability?
  • What do I truly want our world to look like?

From this moment onward, your actions, as well as the actions of every human Being alive on this planet, will carry with them complete personal responsibility and liability. And although the corporate government who previously employed you has been lawfully foreclosed, you hold a unique position of influence in the global community; a position which – employed ethically and effectively – can have an enormously positive affect on the way we rebuild our society. As this extraordinary time unfolds, I trust that the decisions you make will not only honour your position of influence, but your own nature as a loving, compassionate human Being.

In return, human history will remember you as someone who fought for our freedom, and not just as “another bloody politician” who went down with the sinking ship.

In full personal liability, the choice is now yours.

I HOLD OUT MY HANDS IN FORGIVENESS, HONOR, RESPECT AND LOVE. I salute you for helping to bring humanity to a point where we can realize our true potential and re-claim what is rightfully ours. Without the struggles that have been put upon us, we would not have appreciated so keenly the freedoms we have now achieved through this process.

I invite you to become part of the solution that we have all been waiting for. Please, join me… and help the global community to manifest the free and equitable paradigm to which we are now lawfully entitled.

With the honour, love and sincerity,

Andy Whiteley

Being of the Creator

Note to our readers: I have sent copies of this letter to Prime Minister Julia Gillard via email and post, and I encourage our Australian readers to do the same. You can send an exact copy of this letter to the Prime Minister, or a non-specific version of this letter to other Members of Parliament. To locate your local Member or Senator, click here.

For readers outside Australia, click here to access a generic version of this document which can be sent to former government agents in any country.

About the author

Andy Whiteley is the co-founder of Wake Up World and a Being of the Creator.

“Think globally, act locally”.

Visit the new OPPT page on Wake Up World!

www.wakeup-world.com  / link to original article

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The Pleiadians- Our DNA Helped Form Many of You – 5 March 2013


Someone asked the scribe the other day how people get drawn to us, or even interested in connecting with us.  We would like to answer this question.

Your lineage stems from the native beings that resided here and us (as well as a few other cosmic lineages).  When you return to a certain vibration, you often begin to remember this without evening realizing it, and then you are drawn to us…essentially drawn back to your roots, to your “inner home” so to speak.  We wait until you summon us as we do not wish to push your remembering or your evolution.  But, when those are ready to remember all that you are, all the gifts, and limitless multidimensional abilities, we come in to adjust, heal, download, and ignite all that you came from.

Some who have yet to remember may find our information as odd or strange.  It may seem like some silly story that was made up for those that despise the mundane aspects of human life.  And we knew some would do this, which is why we left behind markings in Egypt and other places.  We left these for the skeptical and also for those who need help to remember.

We came to your planet in a tumultuous way crashing down.  We planned to come and assist for we heard this planet had much potential.  And yet, we did not plan on staying in the way we did consciously.  This made us stay much longer than we had planned. We ultimately realized we were here for a purpose. The purpose of blending, teaching, and uniting.   In order to assist here we would need to teach and unite with the native peoples of this land.  On a soul level, we did this out of love for all life.  We saw that you could grow into beings that experienced much growth and joy if you had just a little bit of our DNA and cellular coding.  And so we began to blend our lineages and now, you are here today.

We sense in many of you this longing for something you cannot quite put your finger on.  It is a way  of life and an understanding of divinity, oneness, and peace.  It is a type of life that we taught you to live honoring all your relations and community.  And so we see that as other lineages came to blend and experiment on the human form, other types of behaviors formed.  We see in those that your bloodline trace back to us, that the way some may act is foreign to you and confusing.  Know this is because you have developed senses, an extremely empathic existence, and deep desire for peace.  You know that life can be this way for we live this way. You are here now to do what we did for you: to teach others to live in a loving, empathic way in which actions taken are for the good of all.  Please know the infusion of this into your world is very close. Many humano-pleiadian, which is what we call you actually, are remembering and not tolerating the reality and consciousness that is for the purpose of harm, control, manipulation, and judgment.  You are alive at this very time for the purpose of bringing about the true revelation, not the distorted revelation in which only pain and suffering end your land. The true revelation is the bringing about of the prophecies which speak of the dark ones (all those who choose conscious living for self-serving and harm) actions beginning to back fire.  This is why Gaia, the sweet, grand being that is Earth, is reacting. She absorbs the energies that backfire out of love and affection for all life.  The revelation is the awakening of all people and actually those “having” a revelation. The revelation is the awareness of life as joyful, and impulsing light to all that is.  The revelation is the knowing that we are one and living in peace and harmony.  You are here to help bring about the cosmic understanding now more than ever.  It is all so very exciting and we thank you for coming back here into body over and over again even though you at times longed to come home to us, to the 7 sister planets, where we have already established this way.  But you came here anyway for you saw some had lost there way.  Yet, your planet has so much potential to live in love and light, we would not leave you behind…leave you as you say on your planet “high and dry”. We are brothers and sisters and of course, we care about what happens to you. And you care too. So, with the blessings you bring to others in this incarnation, comes your harmony and balance, for you know  you are living your life purpose. Carry on with grace and strength.  It is time for all you have been waiting for.

We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.  http://www.blissfullifecounseling.com, http://blog.blissfullifecounseling.info, http://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2013

Thank you to http://www.lucas2012infos.wordpress.com for publishing!

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Advice to Lightworkers and Lightholders – Part 2/2

Advice to Lightworkers and Lightholders – Part 2/2

Posted by on March 5, 2013   /   Comments Off
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Future City 2918

(Continued from Part 1.)

Yesterday we looked at how lightworkers and lightholders are midwifing the new reality and listened to the Company of Heaven give us some general advice on how to conduct ourselves to fulfill our missions. Today we pick up the thread and listen to advice for those who will be playing roles of social leadership in the coming times.

Many lightworkers are being groomed to take leading roles in the structures of Nova Earth, Archangel Michael says.

“Many Souls will choose to leave the Earth plane as a part of their contract and Divine mission, and many other beautiful Souls are being placed or readied to assume positions of authority, positions of power. They will remain low key, possibly in the background, until it is time to step forward and make themselves known.

“They will be dynamic, forceful and carry a new vision for humanity – one that will serve all people and create the foundation for the New Age to come.” (1)

We cannot sit back and rely on governments to make things better. We’ll find ourselves coming up with many of the solutions to problems, the group called the Angels say through Tazjima.

World Leaders 2939

“Do not expect governments to work miracles or to solve the unsolvable problems created by greed, lack of vision and entropy. Some of you will discover as you begin to open up to your multidimensional self that solutions for these problems will present themselves. Many wonderful creative notions will be able to be put into practical usage once the institutions that would have prevented these things from coming into being have disappeared from the world’s stage.” (2)

Archangel Michael invites us to “build your communities globally.”

“You have had tastes of what is possible, with the Occupy movements, with Arab Spring, with many institutions that are in place to assist those in need.

“Now, do they need to be cleaned up? Yes. And can you do that? Yes. You do not need to reinvent the wheel. What you need to do is perhaps clean up the wheel, and put in a few new spokes, and fill the tires.”  (3)

He exhorts us to “begin the communication. Expand the communication.”

“Become involved in your community, whether it is in a community garden, in a community action group; whether it is bringing together singers who are interested — and we do not mean simply scientists — who are interested in the issue of free energy.

“There are many among you who are in very active collaboration with your star brothers and sisters. Why are you not coming together and sharing what you are learning?

“And I do not simply mean about the technology or the play, I mean about the vibration that is required for you to actually come and conjoin. So, choose your area, or your areas, that you wish to address and get going.”   (4)

If issues come up, we have the power to deal with them and we’ll learn new laws and new ways as we go along, he says.

“Come together in collaboration and in groups to deal with any issues that are coming forth that need to be eliminated, eradicated. Use the law of elimination, dear heart. This is something that Sanat Kumara has not talked of very frequently in the old days, in the past. But now it is time to bring this and anchor this law firmly within you.” (5)

When we kick things off, SaLuSa tells us, we empower the Company of Heaven to intervene: “In most of these matters we do look to you to get things started, thus allowing us by the Law of Attraction to join you.” (6)

Our work will be made easier when we as individuals begin to link up and join other lightworkers prepared to build Nova Earth with us.

“As the transformational period continues through the next months, you will find yourself coming into contact with those who are of a similar frequency level as your own. Some of you will begin working with other members of your soul family, either those who are embodied on the planet, those who are part of galactic crews whose ships populate the skies above your planet, as well as those who work from the spirit world.”  (6)

For many of us it has been a lonely time, Tazjima’s sources suggest.

“It has been a lonely time for many lightworkers, who have been sprinkled liberally across the face of the planet, many being the sole anchor of light in their communities. However, as more people awaken, those same lightworkers will find themselves more in demand, as people begin to question everything about their lives.

“ Just being a calm presence will assist these new seekers to discover more about themselves. People are more sensitive to vibration and thought than is presently realized. Your calm presence will assist greatly and people will respond by relaxing in your presence.”  (7)

The particular role we’ve come to play doesn’t matter, Archangel Michael says. We’ve come as a collective from the creator race and are inventing what our partnership requires.

“It matters not what you call yourselves, whether it is wayshowers or pillars or gatekeepers or lightholders or loveholders. You are the creator race and you step into the fullness of that role. It is not something new. If anything, it is something ancient. It is that closing of the circle and the beginning of the new.

“So I invite you, I hold out my arms to you as do all the mighty ones [archangels], all the ascended masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, we hold out our arms to you and say, please, join with us now in partnership.

“Yes, you are learning, you are remembering, you are inventing what this new realm of partnership truly entails. There is room for maneuvering. There is room for you to think and re-think, feel and re-feel, fill and re-fill, design and re-design who you are, but also who you are in terms of your plan, in terms of the Divine Plan, and in terms of your role in bringing forth the fulfillment of Nova Earth and Nova Being.”  (8)

According to him:

“It is time for … the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?” (9)

The Company of Heaven “welcome(s) you to this new chapter, this new book, this new adventure.”  (10)

In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll need to go through a time of awakening in which revelations of truth will shock and disturb many.  We’ll find our contribution needed to calm the populace down and avoid the violence that could result.

Our economies will continue to shrink until the Illuminati are denied all sources of revenue. Their leaders are within containment and soon all resistance will die.

But before that time, the structures of government and all other institutions will need staff replacements and again lightworkers will fill the gap. So we have much work ahead of us to take up Archangel Michael’s invitation to build this new world.


(1) “Archangel Michael – ‘Hold Steady, Beloveds,’” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Feb. 28, 2013, at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html

(2) “Metamorphosis – All is in a State of Flux,” 26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima  at http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/02/26/tazjima-message-from-the-angels-metaph...

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” Jan. 21, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nova-earth-society/archangel-michael-youre-building-the-new-reality-of-gaia/

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) SaLuSa, March 1, 2013.

(7) “Metamorphosis,” ibid.

(8) Loc. cit.

(9) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building,” ibid.

(10) Ibid.

(11) Ibid.

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British Terror Suspects Quietly Stripped of Citizenship… Then Killed by Drones

Sananda: You Are An Aspect of Creator

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Sananda: You Are An Aspect of Creator

As channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ March 4, 2013


Greetings my dear Soul Beings, keepers of the Christ Consciousness in your very being. I am Sananda at your service, as you are also, to all Beings on Earth and beyond.

It is time to re-orient yourselves into your new Reality, my dear ones. I say re-orient because of course as you know, you are already, as you have always been, magnificent Souls of God Consciousness, of the Divine Consciousness of Creator of All That Is.

You are just realizing that identity, and also manifesting that identity, into your Reality more and more as you receive the new energies and re-orient yourselves into what you have always been.

The time is Now to fully orient and experience that essential part of you, dear ones, in everything you do, think and say, for you are the Masters of your Universe, the creators of your Soul’s experiences, as you know already.

The expansion of your energies to date has been immense and you are integrating the incoming energies nicely. We have seen such progress with you as you allow and surrender to receiving the new energies and engulf them and integrate them in each moment.

It is truly a beautiful sight to see, as we observe your pulsing energies glimmer and sparkle as they expand and adapt to the new milieu of energies being presented to you as we speak. Harken to what is being offered, receive what is being offered, with full and present abandon.

My dear Souls, the time is nigh to throw away your concerns with where you are going and to be present with the ride, with the full impact of the ride and the insurgence of Pure Light Energies being offered to you.

I take you in my stride and in my heart and guide you to your new illustrious beginnings, in progress now, the beginnings of what really has always been there for you, but just hidden. You are being exposed more fully to it dear ones: to the Divine totality of your very Being, so majestic and full of the Divine Essence of Creator that your Soul is made of, as it integrates with your physical being and becomes one with it.

Take a moment now to ponder this, dear ones: Do you know that your Soul’s energies are part and parcel of Creator? Do you know that your Soul’s energies are becoming more and more available and accessible and present as you allow and surrender to the new energies being made available to you for your immediate taking and integration? Are you truly and essentially aware of that? Are you open to this Truth? Are you open to this Reality? Are you open to the wonders it will bring you as you accept and allow it to manifest within your very Being?

I trust that many of you are. And I trust that you are also becoming acclimated to it all as if you are trying on a new suit of clothing. It may feel strange at first, but lo and behold, it soon becomes a comfortable part of you.

My dear ones, if you could see yourselves from our perspective, you would be astounded. For now you may be too close, as to “not see the forest for the trees”, to coin a phrase, but that will change as well and your orientation will be much different, much more encompassing and expansive as is our orientation, for you are just like us, and it just takes awareness to develop for it to be more apparent.

For now, suffice to say that you are coming along superbly and it will just take patience and acceptance of the process, for you are well on your way to completion of this next phase of ascension, well on your way to discovering your True Selves, your beautiful Souls, unique unto themselves but also so connected and part of Source.

Can you feel it? Are you beginning to feel it? Are you allowing yourselves to accept it? Excellent!

My dear souls, I congratulate you on coming this far, and I commend you for continuing on this unprecedented journey of ascending in your physical bodies, of coming back to your True Selves as angels and messengers and aspects of Creator, as we in the Celestial Realm are aspects; we are just waiting for you to fully realize it.

I bid you adieu for now. You have my complete and undying respect and adoration and of course support, as I am always at your service.

I Am Sananda

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.
http://www.franheal.wordpress.com (Blog)
http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html (Website)

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British Terror Suspects Quietly Stripped of Citizenship… Then Killed by Drones

British Terror Suspects Quietly Stripped of Citizenship… Then Killed by Drones

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The trouble with such a policy, if it ever had any legitimate grounds for being, is that it begs the integrity of the officials involved and whsitleblowers like Kay Griggs, for instance, tell us that many officials have no integrity. They use the assassination program to eliminate whomever they wish for whatever reasons they wish.

The so-called “war on terror” was created by western countries to hide an erosion of civil rights. Granted there are now genuine “terrorists” afoot, many of them are in the employ of the western countries. Others might not have become terrorists if not for western actions. And the “counter-terrorism” operation in general has become indistinguishable from western ambitions toward global domination in the same way that the “war on drugs” hides CIA involvement in the drug trade. Thanks to Roth.

British terror suspects quietly stripped of citizenship… then killed by drones

 Exclusive: Secret war on enemy within

Chris Woods, Alice K Ross, Oliver Wright, The Independent, 28 February 2013


The Government has secretly ramped up a controversial programme that strips people of their British citizenship on national security grounds – with two of the men subsequently killed by American drone attacks.

An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism for The Independent has established that since 2010, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, has revoked the passports of 16 individuals, many of whom are alleged to have had links to militant or terrorist groups.

Critics of the programme warn that it allows ministers to “wash their hands” of British nationals suspected of terrorism who could be subject to torture and illegal detention abroad.

They add that it also allows those stripped of their citizenship to be killed or “rendered” without any onus on the British Government to intervene.

At least five of those deprived of their UK nationality by the Coalition were born in Britain, and one man had lived in the country for almost 50 years. Those affected have their passports cancelled, and lose their right to enter the UK – making it very difficult to appeal against the Home Secretary’s decision. Last night the Liberal Democrats’ deputy leader Simon Hughes said he was writing to Ms May to call for an urgent review into how the law was being implemented.

The leading human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce said the present situation “smacked of mediaeval exile, just as cruel and just as arbitrary”.

Ian Macdonald QC, the president of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association, described the citizenship orders as “sinister”.

“They’re using executive powers and I think they’re using them quite wrongly,” he said.  “It’s not open government; it’s closed, and it needs to be exposed.”

Laws were passed in 2002 enabling the Home Secretary to remove the citizenship of any dual nationals who had done something “seriously prejudicial” to the UK, but the power had rarely been used before the current government took office.

The Bureau’s investigation has established the identities of all but four of the 21 British passport holders who have lost their citizenship, and their subsequent fates. Only two have successfully appealed – one of whom has since been extradited to the US.

In many cases those involved cannot be named because of ongoing legal action. The Bureau has also found evidence that government officials act when people are out of the country – on two occasions while on holiday – before cancelling passports and revoking citizenships.

Those targeted include Bilal al-Berjawi, a British-Lebanese citizen who came to the UK as a baby and grew up in London, but left for Somalia in 2009 with his close friend the British-born Mohamed Sakr, who also held Egyptian nationality.

Both had been the subject of extensive surveillance by British intelligence, with the security services concerned they were involved in terrorist activities.

Once in Somalia, the two reportedly became involved with al-Shabaab, the Islamist militant group with links to al-Qa’ida. Mr Berjawi was said to have risen to a senior position in the organisation, with Mr Sakr his “right-hand man”.

In 2010, Theresa May stripped both men of their British nationalities and they soon became targets in an ultimately lethal US manhunt.

In June 2011 Mr Berjawi was wounded in the first known US drone strike in Somalia and last year he was killed by a drone strike – within hours of calling his wife in London to congratulate her on the birth of their first son.

His family have claimed that US forces were able to pinpoint his location by monitoring the call he made to his wife in the UK. Mr Sakr, too, was killed in a US airstrike in February 2012, although his British origins have not been revealed until now.

Mr Sakr’s former UK solicitor said there appeared to be a link between the Home Secretary removing citizenships and subsequent US actions.

“It appears that the process of deprivation of citizenship made it easier for the US to then designate Mr Sakr as an enemy combatant, to whom the UK owes no responsibility whatsoever,” Saghir Hussain said.

Mr Macdonald added that depriving people of their citizenship “means that the British government can completely wash their hands if the security services give information to the Americans who use their drones to track someone and kill them.”

The campaign group CagePrisoners is in touch with many families of those affected. Its executive director Asim Qureshi said the Bureau’s findings were deeply troubling for Britons from an ethnic minority background.

“We all feel just as British as everybody else, and yet just because our parents came from another country, we can be subjected to an arbitrary process where we are no longer members of this country any more,” he said.

“I think that’s extremely dangerous because it will speak to people’s fears about how they’re viewed by their own government, especially when they come from certain areas of the world.”

The Liberal Democrat deputy leader Simon Hughes said that, while he accepted there were often real security concerns, he was worried that those who were innocent of Home Office charges against them and were trying to appeal risked finding themselves in a “political and constitutional limbo”.

“There was clearly always a risk when the law was changed seven years ago that the executive could act to take citizenship away in circumstances that were more frequent or more extensive than those envisaged by ministers at the time,” he said.

“I’m concerned at the growing number of people who appear to have lost their right to citizenship. I plan to write to the Home Secretary and the Home Affairs Select Committee to ask for their assessment of the situation, and for a review of whether the act is working as intended.”

Ms Peirce, a leading immigration defence lawyer, said, “British citizens are being banished from their own country, being stripped of a core part of their identity yet without a single word of explanation of why they have been singled out and dubbed a risk,” she said.

Families are sometimes affected by the Home Secretary’s decisions. Parents may have to choose whether their British children remain in the UK, or join their father in exile abroad.

In a case known only as L1, a Sudanese-British man took his four British children on holiday to Sudan, along with his wife, who had limited leave to remain in the UK. Four days after his departure, Theresa May decided to strip him of his citizenship.

With their father excluded from the UK and their mother’s lack of permanent right to remain, the order effectively blocks the children from growing up in Britain. At the time of the order the children were aged between eight and 13 months.

The judge, despite recognising their right to be brought up in Britain, ruled that the grounds on which their father’s citizenship was revoked “outweighed” the rights of the children.

Mr Justice Mitting, sitting in the semi-secret Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac), said: “We accept it is unlikely to be in the best interests of the appellant’s children that he should be deprived of his British citizenship…

“They are British citizens, with a right of abode in the UK.

“They are of an age when that right cannot, in practice, be enjoyed if both of their parents cannot return to the United Kingdom.”

Yet he added that Theresa May was “unlikely to have made that decision without substantial and plausible grounds”.

In another case, a man born in Newcastle in 1963 and three of his London-born sons all lost their citizenship two years ago while in Pakistan.

An expert witness told Siac that those in the family’s situation may be at risk  from the country’s government agencies and militant groups. Yet Siac recently ruled that the UK “owed no obligation” to those at risk of “any subsequent act of the Pakistani state or of non-state actors [militant groups] in Pakistan”.

The mother, herself a naturalised British citizen, now wants to return here in the interests of her youngest son, who has developmental needs. Although 15, he is said to be “dependent upon [his mother and father] for emotional and practical support”.

His mother claimed he “has no hope of education in Pakistan’. But the mother has diabetes and mobility problems that mean she “does not feel able to return on her own, with or without [her son].”

Mr Justice Mitting ruled that the deprivation of citizenship of the family’s father had “undoubtedly had an impact on the private and family life of his wife and youngest son, both of whom remain British citizens”. But he added that the father posed such a threat to national security that the “unavoidable incidental impact” on his wife and youngest son was “justifiable”, and dismissed the appeal.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “Citizenship is a privilege not a right. The Home Secretary has the power to remove citizenship from individuals where she considers it is conducive to the public good. An individual subject to deprivation can appeal to the courts.”

She added: “We don’t routinely comment on individual deprivation cases.”

Asked whether intelligence was provided to foreign governments, she said: “We don’t comment on intelligence issues. Drone strikes are a matter for the states concerned.”

Mahdi Hashi: From Camden care worker to US prisoner

Mahdi Hashi, a former care worker from Camden in north London, was well known to Britain’s security services – in fact they tried to recruit him when he was 19.

Now 23, Mr Hashi is in a high-security US prison having been secretly “rendered” from the African state of Djibouti last year.

Mr Hashi claims that before being sent to the US on charges of working with the terrorist group al-Shabaab he witnessed torture in an African prison, before being handed over to the CIA and forced to sign a confession.

Despite Mr Hashi being brought up in the UK, the British Government has washed its hands of him, having stripped him of his citizenship shortly before he disappeared in Somalia last summer.

His UK family say that when they lost contact with their son they approached the Foreign Office for help. But they were told by officials that they could not provide assistance because the Home Secretary had issued an order depriving him of his British citizenship.

It was only five months later, when he re-appeared in the US, that they were able to contact him again. The family’s lawyer, Saghir Hussain, said at the time: “The UK Government has a lot of explaining to do. What role did it play in getting him kidnapped, held in secret detention and renditioned to the US?”

The case has led to allegations that Britain may have conspired with the US to strip Mr Hashi of his citizenship knowing he would be arrested in Africa. They have no further obligations towards him and can avoid potentially embarrassing questions about his treatment before his rendition.

The case is all the more bizarre as Mr Hashi gave an interview to The Independent in 2009 when he alleged that MI5 had attempted to recruit him. He claimed that on a previous trip to Africa he was held for 16 hours in a cell at Djibouti airport, and that when he was returned to the UK he was met by an MI5 agent who told him his terror-suspect status would remain until he agreed to work for the Security Service. He alleges he was to be given the job of informing on his friends by encouraging them to talk about jihad.

Mohamed Sakr: The British car valet killed by a drone strike

In February last year, international agencies in Africa reported that “four foreign Islamist militants” had been killed in a drone strike south of Somalia’s capital, a day after the country’s Prime Minister called for foreign air strikes against the terror group al-Shabaab.

At the time a senior Western intelligence officer was quoted as saying that a “very senior Egyptian was killed” in the raid, along with three Kenyans and a Somali.

That was technically true – but in reality the Egyptian had not even been born in the country for which he held a passport. It would have been more accurate to describe him as a British terror suspect who once ran a car valeting business in London.

The Bureau has established that the victim of the February air strike was Mohamed Sakr, who was born and brought up in the UK before having his citizenship revoked in September 2010 by the Home Secretary, Theresa May.

Sakr appears to have come to the attention of UK intelligence officials after he visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Dubai in 2007. He was then repeatedly targeted by counter-terrorism officers over a two-year period, according to reports.

It was this, it is alleged, that drove Sakr out of the country; he left Britain in late 2009 for Somalia.

The law allowing the Home Secretary to remove citizenship was in place when Sakr left the UK, but it was not until after the Coalition came to power that it was used in his case.

It would be another year and a half before he was killed.

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Swiss Vote for Tough Powers on Executive Pay

Swiss Vote for Tough Powers on Executive Pay

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Swiss businessman and senator Thomas Minder waiting for the result (Fabrice Coffrini)

Swiss businessman and senator Thomas Minder waiting for the result (Fabrice Coffrini)

Swiss Vote for Tough Powers on Executive Pay

Thanks to Philipp

By Emily Payne, The Sunday Times – March 3,2013


Shareholders will have the right to vote on executive pay after voters backed “Rip-Off Initiative” by more than two to one

SWISS voters have approved a measure to boost shareholders’ say on executive pay.

Some 67.9% of voters backed plans for shareholders to veto executive pay, as well as a ban on big rewards for new and departing managers.

A law will now need to be drafted that gives shareholders the right to hold a binding vote on all compensation for company executives and directors.

The law will also ban signing and leaving bonuses for senior managers and push greater corporate transparency.

Justice minister Simonetta Sommaruga said: “Today’s vote is the result of widespread unease among the population at the exorbitant remuneration of certain company bosses.”

Breaching the rules could lead to a fine of up to six annual salaries and up to three years in prison.

Anger over the big bonuses, blamed for fuelling risky investments that nearly felled Swiss bank UBS prompted support for the move.

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Montague Keen - March 3, 2013

It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done.

The organic, natural essence of a human being is not hate, it is LOVE, and it is the eternal life force. If a human being consumes himself with hate, he will destroy his eternal nature. This choice is of critical importance during these evolutionary times as the illusions and deceptions are being exposed. Hate eventually destroys those who hate; it is destructive, it should have no place in your lives. I have reminded you, many times, that love is your weapon of choice. When you can look on your oppressors with love and pity, they will lose all power over you. It will make them and their evil plans feel exposed, naked, and at your mercy. Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?

There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need their help and guidance. Their work is to ignite and spread the light of truth. Go to your sacred places, reclaim them, they belong to you. Use the wonderful energy available at them. The energy you will release will bring the light to those places that have yet to wake-up. Check the ley lines. They will guide you to the most sacred places. Look where they cross and experience the wonderful energy for yourselves. Still, so many of you do not understand how your world works. This information was kept from you. Now, I encourage you to find out for yourselves. Enjoy the freedom it brings to you. You will begin to see life in a whole new light.

The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable. They just cannot accept that you are awake and can see clearly what they are up to. Some people are being used to create a completely false picture of events. Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately, many have become tainted by the lure of the corrupt. Money and fame are used to entice them. They will find that this is short lived and they will regret becoming involved. You all need to be strong and determined to create a future where love and light will remove all that was dark and corrupt. When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all.

You were told, my dear, that when humanity cries out for help, then your friends from other planets will come to your rescue. You see them in your skies. They are ready to land and assist you. They will help you to create free energy for all. Food and shelter will become freely available as never before. Because you have never experienced it, you think it is not possible. Yours is the only planet with such problems, because you are living on a slave planet. You were made to believe that you were the only beings in the universe. What nonsense! You are embarking on the greatest adventure. We are all behind you, encouraging you to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve your goal.

The Dark Cabal has stepped up the attacks on those who try to expose it. This proves just how frightened they are of you. If you were not succeeding they would not be frightened of you. You would not be a threat to them. You are living in the worst war zone since time began. Your enemies hide behind every facade of democracy. Now, you can see them. You know who they are. They are desperate to escape your planet.

Veronica, my dear, everything will happen in divine time. The right people will be at your side. All obstacles will be removed and you will go ahead as planned before your returned to Earth. Sometimes it takes a little time for people to come to terms with what they agreed to do, before their return to Earth. Those who have a role to play must complete it before they are allowed to return to spirit. There is no choice, as you, yourself have found, my dear. Such agreements cannot be broken, no matter how many obstacles are placed in the way. The Dark Ones have done everything possible to isolate you but we continue to bring people to you. The more good people come together, the more light is created. It will extinguish the dark. When the 99% come together in love and harmony, they cannot be defeated, and the Dark Ones know this only too well. This is what they fear. Yes, this is what I am saying. They fear YOU, the awakened you. The ball is in your court, your decision matters.

It is time for people to learn about the God of love and remove all memory of the God of vengeance that was forced on you to keep you under control. Those of you who are still locked into the fear of the God of vengeance need to research for yourselves the truth. You were made to fear death, when so many of us return to assure you that death is a beautiful experience. It is a real homecoming. If you have harmed another during your life, then you alone approach that person and ask forgiveness. It is as simple as that. You are reunited with those you have loved. I chose to continue my work with Veronica. It is what we agreed when I was at her side on Earth. We have worked together in many lifetimes and we were together before Earth was created. Our love has survived many lifetimes on Earth and will continue when we are together in Spirit. Our work will go on. In the meantime, I assist her to accomplish what she returned to Earth to do.

Be kind to yourself, my love. Take time to rest. Everything will soon fall into place once more, as everyone takes their place in the team again. All is in hand. Trust me, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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Sirius Disclosure: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell – Witness Testimony

Sirius Disclosure: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell – Witness Testimony

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Sirius Disclosure: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell – Witness Testimony

Thanks to Alice.

Posted by Sirius Disclosure -  Feb 22, 2013

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.

Special thanks to James Fox for providing the interview.

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Get more information: http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com.

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Benjamin Fulford ~Murder Attempt Against Queen Elizabeth II Foiled, Manhunt On For Former “Black Pope” Peter Hans Kolvenbach

The Daily Telegraph - 5/25/10



EX US President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth and was invited to meet alien visitors.

Dwight D Eisenhower

General Dwight D Eisenhower in uniform infront of a USA flag. Pic. Ap Source: The Daily Telegraph

Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire, declared this week that former US President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Daily Telegraph.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Benjamin Fulford ~Murder Attempt Against Queen Elizabeth II Foiled, Manhunt On For Former “Black Pope” Peter Hans Kolvenbach

World news media have been widely reporting that Queen Elizabeth II has been hospitalized with “gastroenteritis” but MI5 sources are saying the Queen is not ill and that the story was put out so that she could cancel a trip to Rome where there was a real murder plot against her. The MI5 source says that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former “black pope,” or head of the Jesuits, who already got rid of the Pope, was plotting to get rid of the Queen during her Rome visit as a part of his plan to create a “one world religion.” Kolvenbach is now hiding in Lebanon where he has been helping orchestrate the ongoing Muslim brotherhood led “revolutions,” in the Middle East. He is expected to be captured and taken in for questioning soon.

Kolvenbach has been previously recording bragging on the phone that he was the mastermind behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to CIA and MI5 sources. He has also been recorded threatening to poison Adolfo Nicolas, the current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the same sources say. Nicolas and the Queen are both cooperating with Asian groups and the White Dragon Society to push for a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

In any case, if it turns out Queen Elizabeth II follows Queen Beatrix of Holland and the Pope out of office, then the next in line for removal will be US President Obama, according to the gnostic illuminati faction. The gnostic illuminati claim to have started the French, American and Russian revolutions and are now pushing to free Europe and the US from cabalist bloodline rule, according to one of their “grand-masters.” According to the original, and now unraveling, plot to create a “New World Order,” Barak Obama was supposed to be the leader of a world government that would oversee the merging of Islam and Christianity into a one world religion.

<!–more–>However, instead of presiding over the birth of a fascist world government, Obama has been presiding over the bankruptcy of the United States of America.

The cabalists in control of the Washington D.C. corporate government, however, are still trying to cling stubbornly to the old plot. US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is part of the Vatican led homosexual Skull and Bones secret society, visited the Middle East last week in a fruitless attempt to get the New World Order agenda back on track.

However, a global financial and economic boycott against the D.C. cabal has meant the US cannot even afford to keep much of its fleet of aircraft carriers afloat which is why the pentagon announced, while Kerry was in the Middle East, that one of the two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf would be removed due to budget cuts.

In any case, only the most truly brainwashed idiots can still believe the cabalist claims, ones they have been making constantly for over 20 years (since 1992) that “Iran was months away from making a nuclear bomb and so we need to start World War 3.”

A senior member of the Vatican P2 fascist freemason lodge warned the P2 was “joining with the cabalists” in a battle to maintain the status quo adding that they are “desperate and so ready to use every option.”

Given their past penchant for carrying out genocide and mass murder to achieve political objectives (eg Hitler, Stalin, 911, 311) they may be plotting to blow up Rome in an attempt to blame it on, and thus discredit, peace loving anti-terrorist groups like the White Dragon Society.

The cabalists have also been using an agent by the name of Adnan Sacly to claim inheritance rights to historical Asian treasure that was used to found the cabal front known as the BIS. Sacly falsely claims to have inherited these rights from Madame Chiang Kai Shek who was an heiress to the fabulous Sung dynasty treasure, according to the CIA.

In any case, the cabalists are facing the very real threat of revolution in Europe. The Italian election has resulted in a hung parliament with the 20-40 age group internet generation voting en masse for the anti-establishment 5 Star movement. This party is calling for a debt renegotiation and a return to the Lire. If there is a re-election, they are expected to win and the result would be the end of the Euro and a subsequent collapse of the German financial system (since they are Italy’s biggest creditor).

In the UK as well, the anti-EU Independence Party won a bi-election only to have it stolen by means of a “huge postal vote,” according to and MI5 official. It is now expected that the UK will head into a general election in May that will result in an anti-EU coalition taking power, the official says.

Signs like these, together with the horrific economic data emerging in the West, make it clear both the EU and the US are visibly falling into bankruptcy. Reality is something that no amount of cabal propaganda can cover up forever, it has a way of catching up and prevailing.

In Asia, meanwhile, the new Chinese regime formally took the reins of power this week and is eager to show its mettle. What they must first prove is whether they are mice or men. If they are mice, they will be manipulated by the cabal into a war with Japan that will hurt both China and Japan as well as destroy Asian unity. If they are men, they will completely revamp the world architecture of power away from an inbred European elite and into the hands of the people of the world. In specific, that means totally overhauling the UN (they can start by moving its headquarters to Asia), the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, NATO etc.

The Asian Secret Societies made a sacred promise that if Asia was once again placed at the center of world power, they would end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The heavy pollution choking China and the accelerating destruction of the global ecology mean they are not keeping their sacred promise to the creator. If they fail to keep this promise, the mandate of heaven will be taken away.

www.benjaminfulford.net/ link to original article

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Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Disclosure, Abundance and the Galactic Federation’s Organizational Structure

Posted by Wes Annac

Wes Annac: Greetings to you on this day, dear friends. I’m wondering if you could give us a general update in relation to the delivering of disclosure and the truth of your existence.

The Pleiadian High Council: With Love and admiration for each of you, we will be happy to prove our insight into this inquiry. At present, we are monitoring the collective energy levels to determine what the best course of action in relation to disclosure is, and we are looking upon a couple of different options.

The Ascended Masters are helping to oversee many of the matters relating to the delivering of abundance to every soul on your world, and we have been working from a myriad of different positions and on a myriad of different “projects”, one of them being the ongoing attempt to push disclosure through in small doses into your mainstream media so that the collective perception, which is largely turned toward your media, can begin to be opened up to and become aware of the reality of our presence, our wish to assist you and as well, your ongoing cycle of evolution that has largely been kept from you.

We are working on the softer aspects of disclosure at present while keeping an opened eye on the collective energy levels and admiring the work so many of you have already done to see our presence acknowledged and eventually accepted.

Your governments have been very resistant to delivering disclosure; some of them for reasons of control and others for political reasons and while we cannot yet give a concrete prediction as to which nation could be the first to disclose our existence fully to your entire world in a very blatant manner (if they were to stop stalling), we can say that we are also still following upon the potential course of disclosing ourselves if your governments continue to stall or their respective parties and the people behind the scenes continue to bicker amongst each other about the bringing-forth of disclosure and the bringing of your world into the Age of Aquarius.

There will be so many advancements and truths coming with the issuing of disclosure, and we are pushing our Earth Allies more than ever to continue in their agendas and to complete the immediate items on such agendas, which are related to a greater releasing of revelations about us within your media.

Again; we are also working increasingly to bring forth small revelations, and each piece of news you see about a UFO sighting or a potential Earth-like planet which is reported in a neutral manner, is the result of both our actions and those of our Earth Allies.

Wes: Well thank you so much for that explanation, dear friends. Knowing the importance of staying away from time-based matters and expectations, is there a general time frame you can offer us for the issuing of disclosure?

PHC: Please remember that we are not bound by your physical and time-based limitations, but we can say with optimism that events are being pushed forth in a much stronger manner than ever. There have indeed always been potential timeframes, because your reality is built upon potentials that you the collective take and manifest, and we could continue to point out potential (manifestations) with the added explanation that you manifest these potentials based on your emotions and a plethora of other factors and circumstances.

We could tell you of these timeframes which are always coming and going, because in every moment you are subconsciously feeling and working with the potentials and one of such potentials is always the complete disclosure of our existence.

You can collectively manifest this potential and affirm that it be pulled-in and manifested in your reality, and doing so will aide us tremendously in being able to push disclosure and the very ideas of our existence and spirituality through to a collective that has been blocked-up and unable to receive many of the startling truths and pure energies and perceptions the higher realms have to offer.

We will always and forever encourage you to get in groups and mediate upon the delivering of disclosure, abundance and a plethora of other things that will drastically change the condition your world has been in.

While there are always potential timeframes, you are manifesting them or casting them aside to be recycled and used as a potential in the next moment of your Creation, and we will continue to work with the energies and under the limitations we are given to help you bring about the confession of our existence on the part of those who have hidden it from you for so long.

Of course, dear souls, you can get active in a physical sense along with uniting in groups and meditating upon disclosure. You can protest and let those who have attempted to rule you know that you are ready for the truth come out. You can truly do this, and we will be by your side to help you see it through.

Wes: Are there any general tips you can offer us for getting active and exposing truth?

PHC: So many souls have already been so very active in exposing and bringing forth truth on your world, and something we strongly advise is realizing where you personally fit in to the Earth-collective puzzle because when doing so, you will be able to work from your corner of perception anchoring as much Light and exposing as much truth alike as you possibly can in any given moment.

Getting active means just that; allowing laziness and complacency to fall by the wayside and be replaced with a sheer drive and motivation to complete every facet of the task at hand. You can find and realize motivation in yourselves and in doing so, you can work to motivate others around you to realize their specific piece of the puzzle and themselves get active from a spiritual and physical point of view.

Each one of you carry the pure Love of the Creator within, and we would not want for you dear souls to feel as if you are limited or unable to expose the truth of all that’s been done for again, much of this truth has already begun to be exposed and now that the first and some of the most important revelations have surfaced and been accessed and remembered by so many of you, you can take the foundation of knowledge and insight you have built upon and work to discover and spread even more truth; even more awareness; even more Light out from within yourselves.

This Light, truth and knowledge will radiate out for absolutely every soul on your world to feel and benefit from, and the general collective awareness and growth that will be facilitated will move mountains.

Wes: Thank you so much, dear friends. I know that I’m excited to continue building-upon this higher dimensional foundation.

PHC: You and so many others, dear Wesley. We see and feel in the minds and hearts of many of you that the awareness and higher dimensionality intended to be re-accessed in this time are finally beginning to spread and garner understanding of the illusory nature of the reality you find yourselves in.

Wes: Indeed. Well dear friends, we are in the third month of 2013 and we’ve been told that we will be Creating a lot of change and making a huge impact upon the surface of the Earth. Is there anything that’s happened or will be happening that we should know about, that has helped to anchor in the new paradigm?

PHC: Oh yes dearest Wesley, so very much has happened that your media will not yet confess to you. Our presence is indeed becoming generally more accepted by an increasing number of your population, and those of you who have become fully aware of and welcoming to our presence have done so much to anchor the understanding of our presence unto the collective energies and frames of perception, that our aforementioned goals in bringing forth subtle and then bold disclosure in your media has been aided tremendously.

If we could speak again on those efforts for a moment, the continual missions and causes of each of you and the dedication you have shown to them have been strongly rooted in the collective energies, because you are radiating and bringing through yourselves the very idea of our existence which, at present, is important to be spread within the collective.

While so many of you feel as if you continue to work toward a paradigm that doesn’t seem to be manifesting in your physical reality, we say that your efforts in remaining diligent to your work and your missions are making it much easier for us to gain more headway.

The Ascended Masters have recently been able to secure very important funds that they intend to have their and our Earth allies distribute, and there is a possibility of this distribution being televised with a full explanation of what is happening and as well, an explanation that it will be happening all over the world. (1)

Please understand, dear souls; we say this not to bring up hopes or expectations, and this possible happening is a part of the field of potentials you can collectively bring to and through yourselves and see manifested.

However, with the decreasing ability of your cabals to sabotage plans we bring forth and express through channels or plans that are expressed by insiders, we are able to detail some of these possibilities and as well, remind you of your strong manifestation powers as a collective.

No matter the manner in which it is brought about, abundance will be delivered to every facet of your world and each of you will be Living the sovereign future you have wished to Live in for so very long.

So very much more has happened that for the most part, we are still unable to detail because it is still too sensitive to be expressed and have your cabals pick up on, but if you look outward in a healthy and balanced manner and in a one that makes allowance for the understanding of everything that is happening at this time and the sovereign future you are heading into, you can and will be able to see the increasing signs of change being manifested on your dear planet.

Wes: Thank you, dear friends. I trust that much is happening beyond the veil to anchor our future. I think I’ll change the discussion up a bit, and ask you what it is like to be a part of an entire Federation of ascended beings.

PHC: We will be happy to provide our insight on what it is like to be a part of the Galactic Federation. This Federation we are part of is comprised of a myriad of Galactic and ascended souls and collectives who have awakened to the higher realms. We have united in the one common goal of helping any and all lower dimensional planets and civilizations to see the Light, and we deliver our communications to humanity as a facet of that goal.

We are so very happy and honored to be a part of this wonderful Federation, and we all hold meetings amongst the entirety of our Federation quite routinely on the ascension of your Earth and that of multitudes of other lower dimensional planets whose collectives are ready to see the Light and reunite with the pure realms of our Creator.

We hold meetings amongst ourselves as well, with our specific races and with each specific Council comprised of our respective races.

Wes: How does the, for lack of a better word, hierarchy of the Galactic Federation work? I’ve heard about so many of your different Councils, and I’m wondering what the organizational structure is there.

PHC: Our hierarchies as they are perceived are very similar to those of the Company of Heaven, which we are indeed a part of as well.

If you wish to label how we organize ourselves as a hierarchy, than we would prefer it to be seen as one based upon the soul growth of each individual who is a part of each individual Council. Souls who are just beginning to grow into the realms of the fifth dimension or souls who have evolved from one of the lower dimensional celestial bodies in our star system which, for the most part, humanity has not yet discovered, will be given the choice to be a part of our Councils of the Galactic Federation and work with us to serve others and to serve our Creator.

Some choose to join our Councils, while some chose to take different paths; some of which involve joining other Councils or Organizations, or training with and being an active member of the Council of another race comprising the Galactic Federation.

Each soul is given the full choice as to what they wish to do, and their actions are never controlled. We Live a sovereign and free higher dimensional existence, and absolutely nothing can take that away from us. Those who choose to join our Councils are first admitted to a beginner’s Council where they “learn the ropes” and the general recommendations and, if you wish to call them this, guidelines.

As you perform a specific duty while a part of the beginner Council, you are trained as you learn and grow into further positions of serving others which act in accordance with your higher dimensional soul growth. The lessons you are given and the service-to-others you perform as a part of the beginner’s Council pave way for new understandings and new abilities to serve others in greater ways.

When you find you have served your position within the beginner’s Council, you move up to a general Council wherein the work you perform is heightened to match your newer levels of ability and understanding.

The hierarchy continues in this manner, and one grows onward to our High Council and our Council of Nine before moving even further along in their higher dimensional growth as a soul. We are comprised in what we feel to be an orderly way and in a way that makes allowance for the growth of each of us and for the specific lessons we have charted-out for ourselves to learn, and other Galactic and ascended Organizations use a similar structure.

Wes: I see! Well, While there will always be more questions to ask, I’m going to go ahead and wrap this up by letting you speak uninterrupted for a while.

PHC: We will be delighted to do so dearest Wesley, thank you so very much. The specifics of lower dimensionality and density you have allowed yourselves to take on, which some of you may feel as if we don’t notice the difficulty of, is quite noticed and not only respected, but honored.

You are honored, respected and Loved throughout all of the higher realms for the situation you have incarnated into. You have rekindled a Light that is so pure and grand, that if you could only see and feel even a fraction of it you would understand that there is no more need for doubt, negativity or sadness of any kind. For many of you, doubt of the higher realms has caused and fed a further blockage between you and them and between you and us as well.

So many have forgotten their nature as spiritual beings, and you are just beginning to rekindle the flames of awareness and unlock the resulting higher dimensional understanding and perspective in yourselves. The fears and doubts of the reality of the higher realms and the existence of we souls within the higher realms can make many of you feel so separated from anything positive, happy or good that you allow yourselves to sink into the muddy waters of depression and uncertainty, and the dense vibrations you bring through yourselves when doing this serves to hold you back.

However, the many downloads you’re being which are of such a strong purity that they are delivered in many cases from increasingly-purer etheric realms, are helping to wash away the mud from your minds and hearts and helping you to break your chains to the distortions and illusions of the fading Earth experience.

You have multitudes of Galactic and Angelic beings with you now, and we do not lie or exaggerate when we say that thousands of our ships are invisibly cloaked and stationed in your skies and along with many other ascended souls, we are sending our energies and the communications imbued unto them down from our ships for each of you to personally absorb and feel if you wish to.

Specifically, we are communicating with you at present from a Mothership that is stationed right outside of your planet. We could not bring this Mothership into your atmosphere because of the size of it, and when we wish to we will simply detach a section of this Mothership (a very large section, of course) to fly down and land for you dear souls to see and enjoy.

Oh yes, there will be so very much to do in our ships and for those who may still worry by the time we are openly with you that we will use your exploration of our ships as a means to “abduct” you or do something else heinous and negative that our image has been associated with on your planet; we will at first keep our ships firmly on your ground for you to explore and only offer space travels to those who are interested and unafraid.

You will find that there is no reason to fear your immediate future, and the myriad of ascended souls who will be with you will help you find the Lighted energies and perspectives that will help you fully realize and know this. Truly we are all with you and we will continue to be, and we ask you to hold strong to your higher dimensional faith and resolve, for you are much more powerful beings than you have known.

We wish to offer guidance and inspiration for each of you to take your own measures of and absorb, and we thank you supremely for attending this communication and for allowing us to speak and answer the questions our dear scribe has for us which, in many cases, are strongly representative of the collective’s questions and inquiries concerning us and our existence.

We will continue to enjoy speaking to you in this format, and we will be with you in much more direct and real ways so very soon to help you see, feel and know the reality of our existence and presence on and around your Earth.

Dearest Wesley, inquire about our underground bases in our next “interview” as you have called it, because we have much information and insight to share about them and about the destruction of the cabal’s underground bases and bunkers, which are different from ours.

Wes: Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.  I will be sure to do that next time.

PHC: We extend our most heartfelt of thanks to you, dear Wesley, for continuing to allow us to speak through you and offer our perspectives on every matter pertaining to the raising of consciousness.



(1)-It’s being floated around at present that Lightworkers could also have a hand in bringing disclosure forth with the Galactics. While there is a very real difference between the “Lightworkers” and “Earth Allies”, I wonder if the Pleiadians were not perhaps referring to both groups when using the term Earth Allies in this message; as the actions of more and more Lightworkers of late have been leaning toward repairing our physical reality and in some cases, working behind the scenes.


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