Relocalization is the exact opposite of globalization.It is about restoring representative government in our towns, cities and counties and rebuilding them around the best interests of those that call these places HOME!
It is about locating and supporting the local businesses that are owned by our neighbors.
It is about buying locally grown fresh food and growing some of your own. Our "just in time" food delivery system was designed to maximize profit for the big corporations, - not provide communities with food security.It is time to stop focusing on Washington, District of Criminals and pay attention to what is going on in our own back yards.
Did you know this network is growing by leaps and bounds?
The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) is North America's fastest growing network of socially responsible businesses, comprised of over 80 community networks in over 30 U.S. states and Canadian provinces representing more than 22,000 locally owned, independent business members. BALLE networks create local living economies through the building blocks of independent retail, sustainable agriculture, local zero-waste manufacturing, and community capital.
There is an ongoing struggle today that is hitting all communities across the planet. It is globalization and the construction of a 'global corporatocracy'; definition: Of the Corporation, By the Corporation and For the Corporation. This structure is vertaking local business and local cultures. It is negatively reshaping our communities. The globalists (who are monopolists) have been building their global corporatocracy using their control of currency & credit, stock market manipulations and economic warfare. Once they established a global pricing system for commodities and 'world trade polices' their agenda went into high gear. The closing of factories in the U.S., the Savings and Loan debacle, and the mortgage fraud crisis are only the latest escapades of the globalists (the bankers and the robber barons) in a long and tragic attack on the good people of our country.Addressing 'the global corporatocracy' is long overdue. As I write these words the globalists are seeking to make water a 'commodity' and place it under their control as well.
Relocalization is a growing movement to reverse the negative impacts of globalization. Many refer to this effort as "Going Local". The Relocalization 'movement' has the potential to undo the corporatocracy and allow us to regain control (lawfully and economically) of our own communities also known as 'the localities we call home'. Instead of being just consumers for the global corporatocracy, we seek to create a local credit system, local businesses, and local markets that serve our own communities . . . not the monopolist's corporatocracy. Relocalization is also about resurrecting "home rule" at the county level, so that nonsensical government rules/regulations do not impinge on our rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of economic independence.
Relocalization is a big project with big payoffs!
It is all about restoring The Economics of Health and Happiness.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
County Relocalization
County Relocalization
Relocalization is the exact opposite of globalization.It is about restoring representative government in our towns, cities and counties and rebuilding them around the best interests of those that call these places HOME!
It is about locating and supporting the local businesses that are owned by our neighbors.
It is about buying locally grown fresh food and growing some of your own. Our "just in time" food delivery system was designed to maximize profit for the big corporations, - not provide communities with food security.It is time to stop focusing on Washington, District of Criminals and pay attention to what is going on in our own back yards.
Did you know this network is growing by leaps and bounds?
The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) is North America's fastest growing network of socially responsible businesses, comprised of over 80 community networks in over 30 U.S. states and Canadian provinces representing more than 22,000 locally owned, independent business members. BALLE networks create local living economies through the building blocks of independent retail, sustainable agriculture, local zero-waste manufacturing, and community capital.
There is an ongoing struggle today that is hitting all communities across the planet. It is globalization and the construction of a 'global corporatocracy'; definition: Of the Corporation, By the Corporation and For the Corporation. This structure is vertaking local business and local cultures. It is negatively reshaping our communities. The globalists (who are monopolists) have been building their global corporatocracy using their control of currency & credit, stock market manipulations and economic warfare. Once they established a global pricing system for commodities and 'world trade polices' their agenda went into high gear. The closing of factories in the U.S., the Savings and Loan debacle, and the mortgage fraud crisis are only the latest escapades of the globalists (the bankers and the robber barons) in a long and tragic attack on the good people of our country.Addressing 'the global corporatocracy' is long overdue. As I write these words the globalists are seeking to make water a 'commodity' and place it under their control as well.
Relocalization is a growing movement to reverse the negative impacts of globalization. Many refer to this effort as "Going Local". The Relocalization 'movement' has the potential to undo the corporatocracy and allow us to regain control (lawfully and economically) of our own communities also known as 'the localities we call home'. Instead of being just consumers for the global corporatocracy, we seek to create a local credit system, local businesses, and local markets that serve our own communities . . . not the monopolist's corporatocracy. Relocalization is also about resurrecting "home rule" at the county level, so that nonsensical government rules/regulations do not impinge on our rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of economic independence.
Relocalization is a big project with big payoffs!
It is all about restoring The Economics of Health and Happiness.
Court rules that Google-NSA spy ties can remain secret
WASHINGTON (AP) – A federal appeals court has turned down a Freedom of Information Act request to disclose National Security Agency records about the 2010 cyberattack on Google users in China.
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The Electronic Privacy Information Center, which focuses on privacy and civil liberties, sought communications between Google and the NSA, which conducts worldwide electronic surveillance and protects the U.S. government from such spying. But the NSA refused to confirm or deny whether it had any relationship with Google. The NSA argued that doing so could make U.S. government information systems vulnerable to attack.
A federal district court judge sided with the NSA last year, and on Friday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the ruling.
In 2010, Google complained about major attacks on its website by Chinese hackers and suggested the Chinese government may have instigated them. The Chinese government denied any involvement. Soon after, there were news reports that Google was teaming up with the NSA to analyze the attack and help prevent future ones.
The privacy center's FOIA request drew a "Glomar" response, in which an agency refuses to confirm or deny the existence of records. The term refers to a case in the 1970s, when the CIA refused to confirm or deny the existence of the Glomar Explorer, a ship disguised as an ocean mining vessel that the CIA used to salvage a sunken Soviet submarine. Courts consistently have upheld Glomar responses.
"In reviewing an agency's Glomar response, this court exercises caution when the information requested" involves national security, Judge Janice Rogers Brown wrote in the unanimous appeals court panel's ruling. "NSA need not make a specific showing of potential harm to national security in order to justify withholding information" under one of the law's exemptions because Congress has already, in enacting the FOIA statute, decided that disclosure of NSA activities is potentially harmful.
Brown said the question was whether acknowledging the existence or nonexistence of the requested material would reveal an NSA activity. The privacy center argued that some of the records it sought — unsolicited communications from Google to NSA — are not covered by exemptions cited by the NSA.
"The existence of a relationship or communications between the NSA and any private company certainly constitutes an 'activity' of the agency" subject to exemption, Brown wrote. "Whether the relationship — or any communications pertaining to the relationship — were initiated by Google or NSA is irrelevant to our analysis."
"Moreover," she added, "if private entities knew that any of their attempts to reach out to NSA could be made public through a FOIA request, they might hesitate or decline to contact the agency, thereby hindering its information assurance mission," which focuses on protecting national security information and information systems.
Brown, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, was joined in the ruling by Judges Brett Kavanaugh, another George W. Bush appointee, and Douglas Ginsburg, who was appointed by former President Ronald Reagan.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
The FDA Thinks It's Totally Cool For Us To Eat Seafood 10,000 Times Over The Contamination Limit Eric Goldschein|December 23, 2011|
A new study has concluded that the FDA severely underrated the risk of contaminants in seafood following the BP oil spill of 2010, according to Environmental Health Perspectives (via Alternet).
The report, conducted by non-governmental scientists, says that 53 percent of Gulf shrimp samples tested revealed "levels above concern" of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Some cases showed carcinogenic levels up to 10,000 times more than what is considered safe.
This leaves pregnant women, children and big seafood eaters at risk to develop issues stemming from the consumption of these chemicals. Prenatal exposure to PAHs has been shown to lower IQs and increase the risk of asthma, heart malformations and low birth weight.
Surprised anybody?
Suzanne Posel – Non-Profits Use Vaccines To Control Africa’s Population – 12 May 2012
Jeffrey Sachs, the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, believes that vaccinating the world’s populations are the key to securing global health.
Through the Millennium Villages Project (MVP), African communities are invasively forced to adhere to preconceived strategies to control population through the securitization of food supplies, kept underfoot in impoverished conditions; yet the issue of vaccination appears to be the answer to all these problems.
Read the whole article at: link to original article
John Ward – Euroblown : Why The Greeks Should Ignore The Scaremongering, And Dump The Euro – 13 May 2012
“The state will not be able to pay salaries and pensions. This is not recognised by the citizens. We have got until June before we run out of money….I am very much afraid of what is going to happen”.Er, hang on Mr Panicalogos, you just told us: you’ll all have no money.And no euro. No jackbooting pillocks telling you what to do. No creditors on your back, on account of having defaulted. A new currency worth a quarter as much…which will make exporting a breeze.But you will have no less money than you have now, Theodoomoros my friend, because all the bloody money is in an escrow account ready for the bondholers – and it’s only a bit of toilet roll Draghi decided to sign after taking a dump a month ago anyway.It’s a scam, chum. Maybe the first few months will be very tough. But Greece has lots of things to sell: olive oil, holidays, fruit, kebabs, Retsina, Taramasalata – all sorts of stuff that nobody does better. You can charge the German holidaymakers double as they’re doing so well; and whatever money you make from selling State assets will go to you, not the creditors.The sky will still be there: an azure blue thing of beauty beaming down on a glistening Aegean full of fish…at the bottom of which is more oil and rare earths than China could mine in a century. And Turkey will be a threat. And so Israel will be an ally. And you know what all that means?LOTS OF LOVELY PENTAGON AND WALL STREET MUNNNNEEEEE….only this time it won’t be loans. This time, they’ll be paying you for the rights to everything from gold to feta salad.By the time the Fuherin in Berlin has finished bailing out Spain and France, Greece will be richer than Germany….and debt free. Think about it: You’ll be able to call Germans sausage-munching tramps, and the French cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Your car factories will employ German bankers at a cost of one souflaki and chips day-rate. You’ll be able to force Goldman Sachs to apologise for screwing you up and lying to Brussels. You could make Lloyd Blankfein wear an ill-fitting ginger wig for the rest of his life. You could spend endless hilarious hours forcing Mario Draghi to listen to puerile Italian tank gags.All my readers in Hellenica…please, get this put out far and wide:TELL THE EU TO GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR EXCEPT FEAR ITSELF. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS.«Ζήτω η Ελεύθερη Ελλάδα! ‘
Manufactured False Flag Bomb Plot Exposed, Officials Irate Over Leak Proving CIA Ran Entire Operation – 12 May 2012
The supposed al Qaeda bomb plot to blow up a U.S. bound plane has completely fallen apparent with recent revelations that the terrorist was actually working for the CIA and Saudi Intelligence the entire time.
That’s right, this huge corporate media manufactured story was literally a NON EVENT with the terrorist actually being an operative who then turned the bomb over to the Central Intelligence Agency.
In an all too predictable next move, the corporate media is now running direct homeland security advertisements for body scanners throughout the entire world.
Immediately after the release of this full scale propaganda story, the corporate CIA run media went to work promoting the dangerous naked body scanners and literally worshiping homeland securities draconian “security” measures.
Employees of the Chertoff Group touted their naked body scanners throughout all three major news networks within minutes of the story hitting the newswires.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee is furious over the leak that eventually proved that the supposed terrorist arrested in this latest staged event was actually working for the CIA and Saudi Intelligence.
In a segment on Anderson Cooper(Vanderbilt to be specific) show, Rep. Peter King claimed that its unfortunate this information got out and that a major investigation is being launched to find out how it happened.
“It’s really, to me, unfortunate that this has gotten out, because this could really interfere with operations overseas,” Rep. Peter King of New York told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. “My understanding is a major investigation is going to be launched because of this.”
The mole, who volunteered as a suicide bomber for the terrorist group, was actually working as an intelligence agent for Saudi Arabia, a source in the region familiar with the operation told CNN.
The man left Yemen, traveled through the United Arab Emirates and gave the bomb and information about al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to the CIA, Saudi intelligence and other foreign intelligence agencies, the source said.
The agent works for Saudi intelligence, which has cooperated with the CIA for years, the source said.
“Indeed, we always were the ones managing him,” the source told CNN.
Consider this: If the information was not leaked, networks such as CNN would continue to broadcast 24/7 propaganda as to how al Qaeda almost just blew up an American airline and that we are all in danger if we do not give up more of our rights.
Another report from CNN, this time by Marnie Hunter, used the fear many Americans are most likely feeling from this “bomb plot” to promote the use of naked body scanners not only inside the United States but throughout the world.
Quoting a former head of Israeli airport security, Marnie then went on to reference the Christmas Day Bomber from 2009 (an event completely 100% staged in its own right) and described how the use of naked body scanners inside the U.S. is making us all so much more safe.
A foiled plot to sneak a bomb through airport checkpoints and onto a plane bound for the United States calls attention to gaps in screening measures that are supposed to detect threats airport metal detectors miss.
Outside the United States, the controversial body-scanning technology is not widely used, security experts say. But they say it is the best way to detect plastic explosives hidden on people boarding airplanes.
“Since most of these airports are not using body-scanning technology, including for American flights, I would say that this is an opening that was probably intended to be abused by (the bomb-maker) and those who planned the attack,” said Rafi Ron, president of New Age Security Solutions and former head of security of Ben-Gurion International Airport in Israel.
As Madison Ruppert noted in his recent article, “CIA Thwarts Own New Underwear Bomber Plot, Continues Trend of Manufactured Terror,”there are a variety of reasons for such a staged plot.
This comes as Senator Rand Paul is pushing to dissolve the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) completely while they continue to expand operations outside of airports and into the daily lives of Americans with no reason to do so.
When the American people begin to become increasingly intolerant of the TSA’s invasive tactics and dehumanizing treatment as well as the never-ending global war on terror, there has to be something done to keep us believing that this is for our own good.
This farcical case of manufactured terrorism is just another example of this principle at work. Without the CIA keeping us safe by foiling their own bomb plots, we might have real bomb plots, right?
Or, perhaps, the more logical conclusion would be that without these manufactured bomb plots, there would actually be no bomb plots.
Sadly it seems this country is set to continue to lose the very freedoms the terrorists supposedly hate us for, all in the name of security and the worshiping of the Homeland Security gestapo.
It is up to free thinking citizens throughout the country to continue to expose these staged terror plots and the role that the corporate mockingbird media plays in tricking the public into accepting more and more tyrannical actions in response to plots that were actually staged in the first place.
Via link to original article
Yvonne Ridley – Bush Found Guilty Of War Crimes – 13 May 2012
12 May, 2012
Information Clearing HouseKuala Lumpur — IT’S OFFICIAL – George W Bush is a war criminal.
In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were today (Friday) found guilty of war crimes.
Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.
The trial held in Kuala Lumpur heard harrowing witness accounts from victims of torture who suffered at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They included testimony from British man Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee and Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi who was tortured in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.
At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
Full transcripts of the charges, witness statements and other relevant material will now be sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission is also asking that the names of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yoo, Bybee, Addington and Haynes be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals for public record.
The tribunal is the initiative of Malaysia’s retired Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who staunchly opposed the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He sat through the entire hearing as it took personal statements and testimonies of three witnesses namely Abbas Abid, Moazzam Begg and Jameelah Hameedi. The tribunal also heard two other Statutory Declarations of Iraqi citizen Ali Shalal and Rahul Ahmed, another British citizen.
After the guilty verdict reached by five senior judges was delivered, Mahathir Mohamad said: “Powerful countries are getting away with murder.”
War crimes expert and lawyer Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law in America, was part of the prosecution team.
After the case he said: “This is the first conviction of these people anywhere in the world.”
While the hearing is regarded by some as being purely symbolic, human rights activist Boyle said he was hopeful that Bush and Co could soon find themselves facing similar trials elsewhere in the world.
“We tried three times to get Bush in Canada but were thwarted by the Canadian Government, then we scared Bush out of going to Switzerland. The Spanish attempt failed because of the government there and the same happened in Germany.”
Boyle then referenced the Nuremberg Charter which was used as the format for the tribunal when asked about the credibility of the initiative in Malaysia. He quoted: “Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such a plan.”
The US is subject to customary international law and to the Principles of the Nuremberg Charter said Boyle who also believes the week-long trial was “almost certainly” being monitored closely by both Pentagon and White House officials.
Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who headed the prosecution said: “The tribunal was very careful to adhere scrupulously to the regulations drawn up by the Nuremberg courts and the International Criminal Courts”.
He added that he was optimistic the tribunal would be followed up elsewhere in the world where “countries have a duty to try war criminals” and he cited the case of the former Chilean dictator Augustine Pinochet who was arrested in Britain to be extradited to Spain on charges of war crimes.
“Pinochet was only eight years out of his presidency when that happened.”
The Pinochet case was the first time that several European judges applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, declaring themselves competent to judge crimes committed by former heads of state, despite local amnesty laws.
Throughout the week the tribunal was packed with legal experts and law students as witnesses gave testimony and then cross examination by the defence led by lawyer Jason Kay Kit Leon.
The court heard how
· Abbas Abid, a 48-year-old engineer from Fallujah in Iraq had his fingernails removed by pliers.
· Ali Shalal was attached with bare electrical wires and electrocuted and hung from a wall.
· Moazzam Begg was beaten, hooded and put in solitary confinement.
· Jameelah was stripped and humiliated, and was used as a human shield whilst being transported by helicopter.The witnesses also detailed how they have residual injuries till today.
Moazzam Begg, now working as a director for the London-based human rights group Cageprisoners said he was delighted with the verdict, but added: “When people talk about Nuremberg you have to remember those tried were all prosecuted after the war.
“Right now Guantanamo is still open, people are still being held there and are still being tortured there.”
In response to questions about the difference between the Bush and Obama Administrations, he added: “If President Bush was the President of extra-judicial torture then US President Barak Obama is the President of extra judicial killing through drone strikes. Our work has only just begun.”
The prosecution case rested on proving how the decision-makers at the highest level President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, aided and abetted by the lawyers and the other commanders and CIA officials – all acted in concert. Torture was systematically applied and became an accepted norm.
According to the prosecution, the testimony of all the witnesses exposed a sustained perpetration of brutal, barbaric, cruel and dehumanising course of conduct against them.
These acts of crimes were applied cumulatively to inflict the worst possible pain and suffering, said lawyers.The president of the tribunal Tan Sri Dato Lamin bin Haji Mohd Yunus Lamin, found that the prosecution had established beyond a “reasonable doubt that the accused persons, former President George Bush and his co-conspirators engaged in a web of instructions, memos, directives, legal advice and action that established a common plan and purpose, joint enterprise and/or conspiracy to commit the crimes of Torture and War Crimes, including and not limited to a common plan and purpose to commit the following crimes in relation to the “War on Terror” and the wars launched by the U.S. and others in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the Tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the Tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
“The Tribunal also recommends to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission that the names of all the 8 convicted persons be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and be publicised accordingly.
“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions if any of these Accused persons may enter their jurisdictions”.
British journalist Yvonne Ridley is also a patron of Cageprisoners
Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry Cassidy
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry Cassidy
Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry CassidyI am writing this letter in the name of all humanity. Humanity cries for freedom. Each day that passes, around 25,000 people die of hunger. Each day that the Cabal is allowed to exist, is a day of untold suffering for many. It is time for action.It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.This is a call from my heart to all key positive players in this cosmic drama of liberation of the last planet in the grip of the dark forces - planet Earth. We need to join forces, share resources and support each other. We need to create a coherent field of intent that will manifest through the masses of humanity. We need to show them with our example how the world can be set free.I invite all five of you to a meeting in a location you can choose, where we can settle the differences, forgive, heal and then create a unified field of light, love and support. If such powerful and dedicated people meet in one place, many synchronicities can happen. United, we can design a strategy how we can best assist the liberation of the planet.I know there are friends of all five above mentioned people reading my blog. Please pass this to them as they might be too busy to notice and read this on their own.You can contact me if you are so guided at and we can coordinate things.Victory of the Light!
' + entry.content.$t + '
AnonymousMay 12, 2012 8:07 PMPowerful Idea, let's do's up to us...let's intend and manifest the glorious historic completion of this dark phase of our dear Earth's history! Namaste
ReplyDelete AnonymousMay 12, 2012 8:45 PMI say absolutely not! Does anyone know who this Cobra individual is? You never place all your top Generals in a predetermined location by someone knowbody really knows! Stupid idea!
I believe half of these channelers are CIA or a division of the black opps that are stringing all of us along while they are getting ready to unleash a bio weapon or some ungodly ,nasty plague that will wipe out all of us before we can load our guns.I stated this before to Drake,you don't give your foe four months advanced notice that you are going to arrest them,then ask the most corrupt outfit, the Pentagon to lead the charge against them> Iam starting to lose my freaking mind this is like something the great Usurper would think up,completely nuts!You start taking out the main chesse and you watch how fast these pukes will crawl into their holes in the ground,they are all cowards,they have used their trillions to buy everything they have and want,let's get seal teams tohether and get rid of the problem now!
Waiting time is over,these insane bastards need to be taken out!! AnonymousMay 12, 2012 10:23 PMANONYMOUS 8:45 YOU ARE RIGHT AND VERY SMART MORE THAN I CAN SAY ABOUT THESE OTHER KOOL AID DRINKERS ON HERE
Delete AnonymousMay 12, 2012 10:47 PMFor pete's sake, they are meeting in Virginia for the Bilterburg group in May and also in Chicago.... they will all be together... time is up! Time for them to get taken out one way or another, don't care how just end this reign of terror!
Delete AnonymousMay 12, 2012 9:29 PMThey do no more than we can do our self.
Someone will disagree with me and it's because 'they do not know what they can do' their own self.I remember when the other freedom groups were taking off. People were doing things them selves that had an affect on the system (or as Drake would say, they were getting off the couch) and were told to 'stand down' and let someone else take over, negotiations were on the way.
They've come to a difference of opinion of how to do things, there is nothing wrong with that.
People of different spiritual frequencies aren't expected to sit down and come to a common frequency.
Each in their own way are contributing to the changes and they don't need each other to do it.
All men are created equal. My youth knows that basic secret.
ReplyDelete Pete L.May 12, 2012 9:32 PMGreat idea!! Let's all drop the ego and work together in the name of love!
ReplyDelete AnonymousMay 12, 2012 10:42 PM....a summmary..... ..may-8-10-11th...
..................................... .apr-6-8-18. ****//// may12: