
Disclosure Video now with English, German, Russian, Turkish, French and Dutch Subtitles with More to Come

Disclosure Video now with English, German, Russian, Turkish, French and Dutch Subtitles with More to Come

InLight Radio’s video I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You? has exceeded 100,000 views in just over a week, and thanks to the great work of the many volunteers on the project, the video can now be viewed in 6 different languages with 34 more language options to come!

Simply click on the “cc” icon at the bottom of the video and choose your desired language (note: there is an “English-Transcribed” option that is automatically computer generated which is quite poor. We’re trying to replace it with a correct English version).

We want to thank all the volunteers who are transcribing including Christoph from Germany who is also setting the subtitles up for the video.

Over 50 volunteers are involved in this video project to announce Disclosure to people all over the world. Share it far and wide.

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Perhaps Change the Channel

If the channel tilts at windmills, change the channel

I anticipate emails about a recent channeling that says the following:

“Only those who desire the ultimate in consciousness can ascend. When you are called to move out of the world you cannot take the world with you. Friends, family, animals, containers of items and all appearance choices must be left behind.”

I’d rather avoid light wars so I won’t mention the channel, but the person in question is not credible. But I do say that this reading was circulated by a lightworker so we do continue to be misled, I’m afraid. And the same channel continues to be posted on discussion groups as a recommended source.

It isn’t necessary to desire the ultimate in consciousness to ascend. Many people may have no idea of what the “ultimate in consciousness” is and they will still ascend.

What concepts you hold in your mind is not what finally determines who ascends or not. Choosing to ascend and leading a decent life so as to assimilate sufficient light to tolerate the more refined conditions of 5D is what is important. And that takes in large groups of people.

There is no need to “leave behind” family, friends, or animals. Pets are automatically assumed to be innocent and will ascend. Granted some family and friends may choose not to ascend, but those who do and have assimilated the needed light will surely go with you.

Ascension is inclusive, not exclusive, unifying not separating.  Ascension is not about leaving love behind, or loved ones. Not per se. Some loved ones will choose not to go, but that isn’t the same as what this channel is implying.

For some reason, I’ve been receiving a lot of mail in the last few days about all the channels who disappoint. In light of that, perhaps I can make the following general comments.

(1) A channel who disparages others, calls anyone stupid or foolish, makes threats, makes dire predictions, or says that we are lost, that few are going to make it, etc., is on a balance of probabilities not credible. Higher-dimensional beings do not judge or disparage. A huge congregation of higher beings from other dimensions and the far reaches of space are here to see that nothing dire occurs in these last 90 days.

We wouldn’t eat a food that tasted bad to us; in the same way, perhaps, set aside a channel who does not sit well with you. There are plenty of really good channels and channelers: the Arcturian Group, SaLuSa, Marlene Swetlishoff, Linda Dillon, Suzy Ward, Ronna Herman, to name a few.

(2) Your heart is an honest broker. Your heart is your connection with your guides, your Self, and God.  The spiritual heart or hridayam (not to be confused with the heart chakra) is a pinprick on the other side of which sits the soul, Self, Atman or Christ. It’s your direct connection with Divinity.  The more you cultivate listening to it, the greater your connection with it grows. I consider it the final word on matters of truth, ethics, etc.

(3) Listen for consistent indications of dimensionality. If you hear gruff, mundane or objectionable statements that the fellow down the block would make, chances are you’re listening to a Third-Dimensional entity; usually the channeller’s own mind. There’s little benefit in listening to Third-Dimensional sources. They’re wrong as often as they may be right and they’re certainly well within the influence of the ego.

(4) On occasion it’s possible to tell a false source by their mangled cosmology. I remember one who said that the cosmic male decided to make a galaxy and called it “Andromeda” while the cosmic female decided to make one and called it the “milky way” after a mother’s milk. The cosmic male is formless, motionless, in a state of constant repose. It creates nothing. Only the cosmic female – the Divine Mother, the creative universal vibration called Shakti or the Word, Aum, the spirit that moves upon the waters – creates.  Such a source has no deep knowledge and is bluffing.

That makes emails on four channels who disappoint in two days.  And some of these have been channeling for years. I’m sorry that we have to wade through so much disinformation and misinformation to find the true nuggets. The Third Dimension is the only dimension, as I said a few days ago, where we find the good, the bad, and the ugly rubbing shoulders. Everything gets sorted out on the Fourth Dimension (the astral planes) and nothing negative can enter the Fifth (the mental planes).  We won’t have to be so cautious in 5D.

That having been said, even the best channels can be affected by illness, fatigue, personal beliefs, etc. There is no substitute for relying on one’s own personal discernment no matter who one listens to. And the best channels know this. A good channel will acknowledge when he or she is too fatigued to do a good job and not channel that day. That does not mean he or she is not a good channel; on the contrary, it’s our best assurance of quality.




Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Lehman Bros Liable for the Millions

A newspaper headline about the US investment bank Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy, is seen on a street in Hong Kong in 2008. Source: Supplied

Lehman Bros Liable for the Millions Australian Councils Lost

Stephen: Thanks to Cherily and Annika who sent two stories through reminding us of this momentous decision involving Lehman Brothers in Australia – but which will have major global ramifications.

Lehman Brothers Ordered to Pay Compensation

By court reporter Jamelle Wells and staff, ABC Radio and TV – September 22, 2012


A group of Australian councils, charities and churches has won a Federal Court case against defunct investment bank Lehman Brothers in a case which could have global ramifications.

The judgment is considered a test case as it is the first in the world to look at the conduct of an investment bank, on both legal and ethical grounds, in the lead-up to the global financial crisis and how they behaved in the aftermath.

Read the judgment here

The class action involved 72 councils, churches and charities who sued Lehman Brothers for around $250 million, claiming it breached contracts and engaged in misleading and negligent conduct.

Justice Steven Rares has ruled that the parties are entitled to compensation but the amount has yet to be finalised.

They had sought compensation for losses incurred on investments they made on advice from Grange Securities, which was bought by Lehman Brothers Australia in 2007.

The investments had exposure to the housing market collapse in the United States.

Members of the group were advised by Lehman’s Australian arm before buying subprime mortgage-related derivatives or collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) branded locally as federation notes.

This was prior to 2007 when America’s housing sector began to crash, sparking a meltdown on Wall Street.

Lehman Brothers’ CEO Richard S Fuld Jr Testifies

Justice Rares found the investors were not properly advised of the risks involved in highly complex financial products.

He said councils were often targeted by Grange Securities because they had ready access to large sums of money for investment, but the the “high risk” nature of the investments made them unsuitable for local councils.

“I have found that Grange engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in breach of [the act] when it promoted the SCDOs to the councils in terms of suitable investments,” he said.

Because Grange is in liquidation, it cannot be ordered to make any compensation payments at this time.

Wingecarribee Shire Council, south-west of Sydney, led the class action seeking to recover $21.4 million in losses.

Held to account

Those involved in the class action appear set to get back about 33 cents in the dollar.

John Walker, executive director of IMF which helped fund the litigation, says the ruling paves the way for significant recoveries from the estate of Lehman Australia.

“So what this judgment means in divvying up around $230 million in assets in Lehman Australia, is if this finding holds, and it holds for every person in the class (action), then they’re looking at around three or four times what was proposed by the liquidators about three years ago,” he said.

“What we dealt with in these proceedings is to see whether or not we could make it accountable – an investment bank which actually sought to target not-for-profit organisations and make profit from selling derivatives to them in circumstances where they certainly should not have sold these products to those targets.”

Economics correspondent Stephen Long says the representative action paves the way for compensation to a large class of claimants who invested in the CDOs:

There’s a separate case being run in Australia which is targeting Standard and Poor’s – the ratings agency which rated these products as triple A – and that action will involve investors worldwide.

There’s a class action, a book being built of investors right now all around the globe. This case was being keenly watched in the United States, in Europe and elsewhere.

It’s significant on a number of fronts. One, that it opens up the possibility for further litigation; secondly, that it’s the first time, as I understand it, that a court anywhere has looked at the substantive issues in this case.

There are policy implications from this too.

One of the possible policy implications of this is that churches and charities aren’t really treated as being like say your ordinary retail investors, your mum and dad. They’re treated as being akin to a sophisticated investor where clearly they’re not and maybe there’s a need for reform of the Corporations Law on that front.

Secondly, the judge has made quite critical comments about the legislation. Justice Steven Rares said that there is a mind-boggling complexity in the definition of misleading and deceiving conduct now.

We used to have one simple test under the Trades Practices Act. Now there are separate definitions for financial services and financial products, definitions in different acts.

He says it should be simplified and all brought together in a very simple and easily administered test; that’s something for government to think about.

Great video story here:


And another roundup here:



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

St. Francis Reveals at Least One of His Later Lives: As Mohandas Gandhi

In this interview with Geoff and Steve, St. Francis reveals, among other things, that St. Claire was Mother Teresa in a future life and that he himself was Mohandas Gandhi. I can’t describe how emotional I felt when I realized that I was speaking to a soul who had been both these beings who have been my heroes all my life.  The feeling just swept over me.I wish everyone could have that thrilling experience of meeting their boyhood heroes.

He followed up his discussion of twin flames and his relationship with Claire with an intensive look at humility and arrogance, two subjects which people preparing for Ascension may find quite interesting.  We’ve been told that the Masters will be returning and Francis seemed to allude to that in the interview when he said that he had planned to return at this time. For sure we’ll have him back to continue discussing both his magical lives.

An Hour with an Angel with St. Francis, September 24, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening. Today, both Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario and Geoffrey West of Greenprint for Life will interview our guest, St. Francis.

So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Geoffrey.

Geoffrey West: Thank you, Graham. Greetings and blessings to all.

In a slight departure from our usual program format, it’s a pleasure for both Steve and I to be joining together this evening to welcome in a new guest to An Hour with an Angel. Steve, welcome, and thank you for joining in this particular program with me.

Steve Beckow: Thanks, Geoff. It’s a pleasure to be here with you. And we’d like to invite Linda Dillon to come on for a few moments as herself to introduce our new guest and offer a little background information on St. Francis, or Brother Francis. Linda, welcome, this evening.

Linda Dillon: Oh, thanks. It’s not often I get to come on and to speak for a few minutes as myself, as Linda Dillon. So, thanks for inviting me.

St. Francis, or Brother Francis, as you have said, Steve, is a — just a phenomenal, phenomenal being, and probably… you know, I don’t think I’m misspeaking when I say one of the most beloved ascended beings. In every culture, it seems to have a soft spot for St. Francis.

I’ve been channeling St. Francis I guess for about 15, 16 years. And the very first time he came in, he sent the room into pearls of laughter, and surprise, when he introduced himself as, “ St. Francis, but you can call me Frank.” And I think what he does is he brings the energy of what we think of as St. Francis — you know, which is what, 800, 830 years ago? — into the present, and presents himself as someone who understands and relates to our situation in the here and now, and particularly our situation as we go through, you know, this Ascension process. Which, in many ways St. Francis did in a different way, letting go of his body, of course.

So he’s a character. He loves to make us laugh. He loves to give us food for thought, not so much in terms of answers but provoking us to really think and to feel our way through to where we want to draw our conclusions.

So it’s going to be an interesting show, and it’s really an honor to channel St. Francis of Assisi.

SB: Thanks, Linda. Geoff?

GW: Great. Yes? Thank you, Linda. Okay, so we’ll give Linda a moment or two to bring in St. Francis, and while she’s doing this we can take a moment to hold the vision of all global change happening as quickly, as safely and as comfortably as possible, for the highest good of humanity and Gaia.

We can hold the vision of Archangel Michael’s blue flame of peace, and some of you may feel called to bring in Raphael’s green flame of healing to send to all of humanity, but especially to those serving in the dark cabal, that they will receive these loving energies and choose to embrace them and be welcomed among the energy of love sweeping the planet.

Okay. I believe St. Francis is with us now. So, with that, I will say, welcome, dear Brother Francis. It is a joy and honor to receive your presence and your energies this first time on our program.

St. Francis: Greetings, and thank you for having me. Yes, I am Francis. And at the risk of surprising your readers and listeners, I say you may call me Frank, and I say this not only because it is a nickname for Francis, but also because that is what I tend to be, is frank. But I am pleased to be with you, by whatever names — and there are many — that you may call me by.

It is my honor to talk to all of you, and to talk in plain English, which may be translated in every country in the world, not through sub-text, but through the heart, and through the knowing of the heart. Because that is what I offer, that is what I share, and that is what I bring you this day, is my truth and my heart.

So, dear friends, where do you wish to begin?

GW: Great. Thank you, Brother Francis. The part that I would like to focus on is a little bit about the twin flames and a new concept which I have just recently heard about, which I will touch on shortly.

But it has been said of you and St. Clare that when you came together to break bread that you would be found levitating near the ceiling. Now we discover that Clare is your twin flame. Can you describe to us, please, your relationship with Clare?

SF: Well, you have pretty much described it, my friend. Yes, my beloved Clare, twin of my heart, twin of my soul — the other half, as you can think of it — and in this life that you think of as Francis. And yes, it is true I do not refer to myself either as saint, for that is a human terminology.

But let me talk about my beloved Clare — sweet angel of pink, with the biggest heart and soul energy, of devotion, of love, of joy, a gift to the planet, and a gift to the universe as well. My being, even for the short period that we were allowed during that incarnation with Clare was a gift, and I am not presumptuous in saying that it was a gift to both of us.

It allowed us to truly practice, to demonstrate to many, even to this day, what it meant to be with your sacred other. So, the gift was not in the levitation, for that was us at play. It was in the demonstration of what love can be.

Each of us, independently and together, had decided to teach the path of joyous humility, of service, to bring people and to show people about the freedom, the true freedom that comes in dedicating oneself to the pursuit of spirit, to the pursuit of God, to the pursuit of love. Because everything we did was of love.

Does this mean that we detached wholly and completely from human experience? No. And I want the listeners to understand that. The human experience is not to be denigrated or dismissed or ignored, but it also has need to be in the balance of where it truly belongs. And when you become over-involved, obsessed, frivolous about the human physical experience, what you are doing is denying yourself of the bliss, of the joy, that comes from truly being in alignment with One and with yourself, and with your sacred other.

Let me speak just a little bit about this, if I may. Now, yes, I was fortunate to have Clare incarnated and in form with me. And it gave each of us such phenomenal support that allowed us to complete our mission together. But each of you have your beloved other as well, some in or out of form, and as you know it is highly unusual for your twin to be in form with you during your lifetime. Because of the unusual circumstances of Ascension that is more common at this moment than has been in the history of the human race.

But whether they are in or out of form matters not, because when you are embracing each other, when you are truly working as a unified whole, as a unified one, the assistance that you get, the fulfillment that you get from the fullness of that embrace will give you what you need to go forward.

Now, I do not mean that one steps away or divorces themselves from relationships and from community. As you know, one of my fondest and most beneficial — to this day, beneficial — undertakings is the building of community. But, again, it is community that is based on values, on heart, on joy, on trust and common purpose. And it is in that way that community truly begins to function.

And, my dear friends, what I am saying to you also is that as InLight Radio, that is what you are doing. You are building your community of truth. You are building your community of heart, of light. So, when I say to work and to be and to unite and to fulfill your promises to your sacred other, to your twin, I do not mean to the exclusion of your community.

The building of community is one of the most sacred purposes of the human collective that there is. And it has been in many ways ignored and certainly has been part of the old paradigm. Yes, you got off track. It matters not. You are finding your way back.

So, your real question to me, dear Geoffrey, is about Clare, my beloved other, my sacred twin, the one that has sacrificed joyously. She never thought of it as sacrifice, but she did. She followed her heart and she followed her soul, and she never veered away. I like to think that just as Clare assisted me in keeping focused, that I did that with her and for her as well. And that is what your twin, wherever they are, can do for you as well.

So, look to the euphoria, to the bliss, to the elevated love, not simply the human, physical partnership, for in many ways when you put that aside what happens is the relationship has the potential to be even more meaningful. And that is something that human beings do not often think of. No, I do not mean to minimize the joy and the sacred nature of intimacy, but what I am saying is that the intimacy of spirit is so much more.

GW: Great, thank you. Thank you, Brother Francis.

Now, you brought up the word unified, and that actually is a great segue into a question that I’d like to ask in a moment. But maybe just quickly, while we’re still focusing on you and Clare, what other lifetimes that we might know of, when you and Clare have worked together, or perhaps incarnated together, has this happened again?

SF: No, it has not. There has … that was a highly unusual circumstance. And as I said we really came together to form community and to support each other in a foundation that would last for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. But no, we have not had that honor. Very often what we have found is that the support that we can give each other from what you think of as this side is more effective. So, no, that has not occurred since that time. But that does not matter, because we are together.

GW: Are there any other incarnations individually that either you or Clare have had come down that we might recognize?

SF: You have known me in the east, yes. You have also known Clare in the east. And I do not believe she would object for me to share this, that she has been Mother Teresa.

GW: Well, that’s wonderful. Great. Thank you.

Well, as we move to this question of unified, an interesting experience happened to me very recently in Toronto. I was at a radio television show and met an individual who now publicly informed an audience that he is a unified soul, meaning that he had I guess united as one with his twin flame, not just merely incarnated together with his twin flame. So this was a fairly new term and concept for me, and he indicated that very few unified souls exist that he knows of on Gaia at this time.

Can you help us to understand exactly this concept of a unified soul and whether or not there are more of them that have incarnated on Gaia at this time?

SF: There are many unified souls on Gaia at this time. So, do not underestimate who you are, for that truly would be false humility, and that is not something that we want to encourage.

Now, let us explain. The unification of your own sacred being takes place first. And that has been part of the work that you have all been doing, some consciously, some not. And there are many who have a long distance still to go. But it is the calling back of all parts, all aspects, all pieces of yourself and the finding of love and balance of that within your sacred self.

Now, as I have said, your twin flame, whether on Earth, on ship or in the angelic realm, or any other realm for that matter, may help you enormously with that, because the role of the twin flame is to also to act as the mirror, as the catalyst, as the balancer. So when you are working with your twin flame in that process of reunification and unification, then it is smoother, and it is also more rapid.

But what generally happens in the human experience is that what you have tended to do is to do the self-unification and then go looking for your twin flame. It matters not, the end product will be the same. But what I do say is that if you seek your twin earlier rather than later it will simply be easier and more rapid.

When you reunite and unify with your twin, what you are doing is bringing into balance the wholeness of yourself. Now, what does this really mean? It means that you feel a sense of expansion. If you were to think of it in terms of layers, you would unify with your sacred I Am, with your universal or your higher self, the fullness of your being. Then you would take another layer and you would unify with your twin, which expands you field.

Now, when you expand your field in this way what you are doing is you are also entering into their field as they are entering into yours. So the heart, the being, the energy field is larger than simply one soul. Then you are expanding further into unification with All.

So it is a progression, and it is a progression that all of you are in the midst of. So, to say that one comes, if I understand your question correctly, as a unified soul, is very unusual. Because part of what you have come to do is to be part of Gaia and this unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan, which has also meant the destruction… the same as I sought to destroy the human illusions and false paradigms 800 years ago, you are still doing the same thing. So if you come with full enlightenment, then you are not really destroying, because it is not an internal process. It is not personal.

So you may come as an enlightened master. That would be highly unusual. Most of you go through the unification process simply as I did as well. So it is part of your Ascension, it is part of what you are doing, it is part of the gift of being in form, in the human form, at this time.

Does this answer your question clearly? Because I wish to be clear with all of you.

GW: I think we’re getting there.

It has been said that many twin flames, when they get together, can spark off one another and they may find that everything… because nothing can be hidden from your twin flame. So it often tends to be at the very least, an uncomfortable process of meeting your twin flame, if not very uncomfortable to another extreme, because they’re mirroring each other.

But in the sense of being a unified soul, I guess that mirroring or those differences have been balanced, as you [seemed to suggest?] a moment ago?

SF: Have been resolved and embraced. Now, yes, to meet your twin flame, in or out of form, it matters, not, while you are still in your own process of what I would call becoming, it can be exceptionally uncomfortable. Because… you have an expression now, in your face. They will show you everything that you did not want to look at, and then some. But also understand, my friend, what you are doing is exactly the same thing to them.

Now, it is easier if your twin is on this side because they are not affected in the same way, and that is why it can be such a challenge.

Now, there is much written or known about the bliss or the union that Clare and I have shared. But that does not mean that there were not times when she would look at me and absolutely trigger… especially early on, for I loved this one, and my human, masculine self wished to be in union with this one. It brought up all the human things that I felt that I had escaped and left behind by retreating to the countryside, only to discover that I was still human, and in my judgment — and I use that word because it was cruel of myself — I felt frivolous because I was in the physical desire as well.

Well, we got past that very quickly, because our commitment, particularly to Jesus, but to the One as well, was very deep and sacred. And it was the driving force in both of our lives. But there were also times when Clare would say to me, “Francis, you are acting rather arrogantly.” Or, “Francis, why do you think you are the only one who can do this?” Or, “Francis, where is your smile? Where is your joy?”

And I would respond back to her with similar insights, when I had the opportunity, not in criticism — and that is the difference that sometimes twins in form spark. Because it is viewed or perceived, because you have not reached a place of unification or of self-worth where you perceive those comments as judgment and criticism. The severest criticism and judgment of course comes from the self.

But yes, being in form with your twin can be very uncomfortable, because they do know you. And I can tell you, very personally, they are not about to let you get away with anything. But it is reciprocal. But when you face these challenges, when you embrace these challenges and overcome them, that sense of oneness, of looking into the eyes of your very soul, is a gift far beyond any human measure.

But yes, it can be challenging, and that is why we suggest to you right now that you begin, if you have not already begun, to work with your twin, because they will point the way for where there are still obstacles or blockages that have need to be surrendered.

GW: Great. Thank you, Brother. Now, just before I turn things over to Steve, two very quick questions, please.

You mentioned earlier that you had incarnated in the east, and I’m sure the listeners would love to know who it was that you incarnated as in the east. And what has been your work, or what has been your work since, in your lifetime as Francis?

SF: First of all, I have incarnated in the east several times, not as saint or master, although you may choose. But I do not wish to really discuss this. I do wish to discuss my work. My favorite thing, my favorite occupation when I am amongst the humans is to tend to the sick, because they grow in the sweetness of capacity for mercy.

I wish to tend the meek of heart, of soul, of countenance, but I also work with the kingdoms. Many of you think of me as a patron for the animal kingdom. I tend to think of it as an honor that they will speak with me and share with me and be with me.

My other task, and I work extremely diligently on this, particularly at this time, is I am a keeper and a patron of the environment, of the air, of the water, of the land, of the trees, of the flowers, of the plants, yes, including my little plant. But that is what I do. And that is why I have been focusing so much on the work with Gaia.

I have spoken of my connection and my dear love of Jesus, but I am also of the emerald ray, and I work and I serve and I bow to Archangel Raphael, and particularly not just his work with the human collective, but particularly with the kingdoms and with the planet herself. Because without that, there is no Ascension, there is no future, there is no past. So that is what I do.

So I have often positioned myself in places of extreme poverty or sickness, where the balance has been, oh, for centuries, out of alignment. There is a deep, abiding prejudice that I am working on with the human collective about their feelings about those who are ill. And I do not mean simply a cold or something minor, I mean those who are very debilitated or disabled, because these are also the teachers and the holders of compassion, of mercy. They sacrifice a great deal. So you will find me in the alleys, in the colonies. That is where you will find me.

GW: Thank you, Brother. You are also an Earth-keeper, and you had mentioned that just briefly a little while ago, and this is going to be a good time to perhaps turn things over to Steve. We are certainly witnessing a change in relations as far as humanity and animals. And on a personal note, a few days ago I actually had a skunk come and eat from my hand for the very first time. So, this is a wonderful example of how I think things are beginning to change.

But for now, I’d like to turn things over to Steve. Steve, carry on.

SB: Thanks, Geoff.

SF: Bless you, my brother.

SB: Thank you, Francis. And just before continuing with our interview, I’ve been asked to mention two matters, if you’ll excuse me.

We’ve been talking about the video, I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You? a video produced by InLight Radio now on YouTube. The video now is available in several different languages, and you can check out the video link on our show page today, or you could go to YouTube and enter I Know My Galactic Family is Here.

We’ve also been discussing our conference in Sedona next month. The first conference is sold out, so we are putting on another conference on October 30, 31 and November 1, which includes the whole InLight Radio team, and others, such as Mike Quinsey, Linda Dillon, Suzy Ward and other wonderful guests. The link to register is also on today’s show page.

Boy! There’s so much I want to ask you! Were you Mohandas Gandhi?

SF: Yes, I was.

SB: Oh. My, my! I’m so overwhelmed to hear that. Feel so affected. Thank you.

SF: You know that you are ferreting out my secrets, do you not?  But yes, I am glad to share it with you.

SB: Oh, thank you, Brother Francis. What rich lives you’ve led! What can I say?

SF: It has been a joy, you know.

SB: Well, but they were hard, were they not? I mean, these were hard lives!

SF: What do you think of as hard? I am so glad you have brought up this subject.  What is hard?

SB: Deprivation, facing an enemy that could be murderous on occasion, a whole nation that rises in conflict — that seems to me to be hard.

SF: No. You are looking at it… do not make me a hero.

SB: Oh, I don’t want to do that. I want to learn from you, that’s what I want.

SF: Then let me say this, because one of the things that you have all talked about is about detachment.

[Please note that I had it on my list of questions to ask Brother Francis what the essence of detachment was. So here he answered my question before I asked it. And Linda never knows the questions Geoff and I ask.]

And how does one detach? How does one surrender? How does one let go? Well, you turn around and you do it. It is not a mystery, it is not a formula, it is not a trick of spirit, it is simply turning away and walking towards, embracing, truth, love, fairness, justice, community, equality. And caring enough and loving enough to simply do that.

Yes, some could say single-mindedness, but I would not agree with that. Yes, of course it takes the focus of the mind and the emotional body. But once you have truly decided, in every particle of your being, to simply align with what is light and right, what is truth, then what you think of as the hardship, as the deprivation, as what has been defined as lack, yes, of murderous colleagues, it disappears.

Because in many ways all you can see, all you can perceive, all you care about is that light. And as you walk further and further into that light, into that sacred purpose of your life — which all of you have — everything else falls away, like the garments, they simply fall away, so that you are doing what is asked of every human being — and that is putting yourself beyond choice.

Now, what does this really mean? When you put yourself beyond choice, what you are really doing is choosing and deciding to be in the alignment with One, with God, with Source, with Allah. It does not matter. Everything else and the human turmoil, the people who are calling you to turn back, they disappear, not because you don’t care about them or know that they are there; of course you do. But they cannot drive you.

And that is what happens so often in the matters of human life, is that you are deeply affected and driven by affairs and by people who are outside of you and outside that choice for light.

When you are truly in union — and I include in this the unity of community, the truth of unity and community — your community does not grab at you or tempt you to turn aside from what you know to be true. They may not understand, they may not have the exact same fullness of vision, but they support you. And even if they do not agree with you, they love you. And that love feeds you and gives you the strength to keep going.

So, no, my dear brother and friend, I would not say that my lives have been hard. I would say that I have in many, many situations, repeatedly been given the honor to simply show the way. I do not have followers. I have those who choose to walk with me, the same way the birds and the animals do — yes, the skunks, the rabbits, the fox and the wolf; the birds, always.

SB: I have so much to ask you and I know I’m not going to have time. I think you know that I too enjoy the birds, especially. You have anticipated some of my questions, and I’d just like listeners to know that, that you’ve already answered some of the questions I had of you, but one question I would like to investigate with you is can you explain to us, as a person who knew this subject very well, the essence of humility?

SF: It is humility… let me back up. And for this day I will refer to my life as Francis… and I would be happy to come back and talk to you again at another time also, you know.

SB: Please do.

SF: For now is a time when I am coming forward to speak yet again. Arrogance, the belief in the supremacy that one knows everything, and one is most important on the planet, has been a true cancer of humanity. And that arrogance has led to many of the difficulties that your planet — and mine — has experienced, that there is one right way. And of course that is absurd.

Humility, humility is being in the awe of God. It is surrender to your infinite place within that unified field, within that love, within that eternal, non-changing energy. When you connect in what I have called in every lifetime in divine contemplation, when you allow yourself and practice discipline — a very unpopular term! —— when you are disciplined enough to be in that place of divine union, the sense of wonder renders you humble.

And if you truly — not for a moment, but for a lifetime — can truly look at yourself within the grander scheme and unfoldment, and truly embrace the gift that you are given in and out of form, to be part of this majesty, to be part of that fabric, to help build and create and make what is old new again, then you are in humility.

It is the deep anchoring and recognition that you are all and you are insignificant — and insignificant does not mean less than— but your meaning comes in connection and service to others. Yes, there have been times when I went for periods of time into seclusion as a hermit, but that was to reach a deeper level of contemplation and union, and then to come back to share that energy, to share that love, that absolute bliss with my community, to hold the vision, not for self-grandeur, for that is meaningless, and it is oh, so temporary.

SB: I have to apologize to readers because I’ve thrown my script away. It’s useless. Perhaps you could take us a step further with this, Francis, and help us to understand. What is arrogance? Why are people arrogant? What is it that they accomplish by being that way? What are they trying to do? What is arrogance?

SF: Arrogance is extreme sense of self importance. And arrogance is truly simply a manifestation of a lack of self-worth and self-love, that you position yourself because you are so afraid that people will think you without substance or power that you puff yourself up to look and to feel important. And the danger of arrogance is that it leads to behaviors that are not of love.

A true leader is never arrogant, for a true leader shepherds, does not control. So arrogance — and I am speaking now not only in the human sense; I am speaking in the spiritual sense — because the core of arrogance is believing that you’re better than God. Can you imagine? But that is the true substance of arrogance, that you place yourself above Source and One and therefore All. And you do so because you are afraid, you are afraid that God doesn’t recognize how important you are and he doesn’t love you enough. Therefore you deny and you place yourself above.

So, arrogance has no place on Earth or anywhere else. It leads to destruction.

SB: I feel arrogant at times, and not only that, I enjoy the feeling of arrogance. It has some kind of quality about it that’s, oh, very pleasant, very — I don’t know, something to flirt with. But when I do feel arrogant, I declare it right away, so that it’s out there, so that I’m visible, so that I don’t allow myself to just be that way and hide it.

How does one move from arrogance to humility when one feels arrogance?

SF: First of all, I agree with you, my friend. Arrogance is very seductive, is it not?

SB: Oh, yes.

SF: You know, we don’t talk about sin, and it is a passé term in many ways. But it is because some people always see sin as something that is grievous in nature, something that is injurious. But what you think of as arrogance, or what people have called through the papist hierarchy as sin, is in fact very often seductive.

So, you are correct in one of the first steps is to declare, oh, I am feeling arrogant! I feel like I know better than anyone else, including God, because I do not understand the Plan, and I am sure that I know better.

When you look at that, the first thing to do is to laugh. That is one of the things that my beloved Clare never ceased to show me and teach me, was the ability to see the humor in some of these ridiculous beliefs and behaviors. So, if you can look at arrogance as a temporary moment in time when you can say, “Oh, Source/One is allowing me the feeling of this superiority,” and then say, “but I know it is not of truth, for I only know a piece of this firmament, of heaven, of this eternal energy.”

And so what you do is you take the arrogance and you go into your heart, humbly, without reservation, and say, “Can you please show me more?” And as soon as you do that, what happens is the wonder comes, because you will be shown more. And that will bring you to the place of humility.

SB: That is a wonderful share with us, a wonderful teaching, Francis.

We just have a few more minutes, and I have two questions of you in that last few minutes. First is, I put up on the 2012 Scenario the film Brother Sun, Sister Moon, which is one of my favorites. So my first question would be, is that accurate about you? Is it worthwhile that people watch that film?

And the second question is, either, could you tell us how it felt when you ascended, or else give us some advice on the very best way for us to be when our time of ascension arrives? Please.

SF: That is an excellent piece to enjoy, and it teaches a great deal. And yes, it is worthwhile to watch, to observe, and particularly as you are doing so to see what is moving inside of you, because it is infused with my energy and my love. It was a sacred undertaking.

How does it feel to go home? During my life, and during times of divine contemplation, and union, it was difficult to be in body and in fact that is what the stigmata helped with. Now, I am not suggesting you have need to do this. But being in your body, particularly during this Ascension, is very important.

Now, I practiced deprivation, but I also practiced balance. So be in balance of your spheres. Do not be in too great attention to your body. What do you need to do? What is the best way to prepare for Ascension?

It is threefold. Love yourself more deeply. Go to the place of awe and from that into the humility. It is the meek who will inherit the Earth, you know.

SB: Thank you for that.

SF: Then, love your twin and allow that relationship, that union, to flourish. And then go to the place of divine union and stay there. This is how you prepare. It is by building what I would call your love grid.

SB: For a person who practiced deprivation, you have certainly given us a rich feast, Francis. Thank you. We look forward to having you back again.

SF: Thank you, my friend, and go in peace. Farewell.

SB: Farewell.




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