This blogsite is unabashedly and unapologetically pro-Obama. We here actually do want President Obama re-elected and we’re passionate about it.
Every two or three days until the election, we’ll be re-posting articles on why we’re pro-Obama and what President Obama seems likely to deliver once the cabal is out of the way.
We think that lightworkers have often bought into a wall of manufactured opposition from the political right that is committed to electing anyone but Obama. And much of what has been said about him we regard as untrue.
Schaeffer’s analysis here proceeds from a lack of knowledge that 9/11 was an inside job and ushered in illegal and immoral wars, which would have made the rest of his analysis much more comprehensible and coherent. But I still think he’s done a great job with the rest.
He has made some mistakes, as have we all, but we consider him an evolved soul who is here specifically to lead America safely through these end times and into the Golden Age.
I’m not really drawn to the rah-rah school of journalism, but I still agree with what Frank Schaeffer has written. I may have put it a liiiiitle differently, but no matter. Thanks to Janis.
Obama Will Triumph — So Will America
By Frank Schaeffer, Frank Schaeffer Blogspot, Dec. 21, 2009
Before he’d served even one year President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right. But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds — including this white, straight, 57-year-old, former religious right-wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of a famous evangelical leader) unlikely Obama supporter — are sticking with our President. Why? — because he is succeeding.
We faithful Obama supporters still trust our initial impression of him as a great, good and uniquely-qualified man to lead us.
Obama’s steady supporters will be proved right. Obama’s critics will be remembered as easily panicked and prematurely discouraged at best and shriveled hatemongers at worst.
The Context of the Obama Presidency
Not since the days of the rise of fascism in Europe, the Second World War and the Depression has any president faced more adversity. Not since the Civil War has any president led a more bitterly-divided country. Not since the introduction of racial integration has any president faced a more consistently short-sighted and willfully-ignorant opposition – from both the right and left.As the President’s poll numbers have fallen so has his support from some on the left that were hailing him as a Messiah not long ago; all those lefty websites and commentators that were falling all over themselves on behalf of our first black president during the 2008 election.
The left’s lack of faith has become a self-fulfilling “prophecy”– snipe at the President and then watch the poll numbers fall and then pretend you didn’t have anything to do with it!
Here is what Obama faced when he took office– none of which was his fault:
# An ideologically divided country to the point that America was really two countries
# Two wars; one that was mishandled from the start, the other that was unnecessary and immoral
# The worst economic crisis since the depression
# America’s standing in the world at the lowest point in history
# A country that had been misled into accepting the use of torture of prisoners of war
# A health care system in free fall
# An educational system in free fall
# A global environmental crisis of history – altering proportions
(about which the Bush administration and the Republicans had done nothing)# An impasse between culture warriors from the right and left
# A huge financial deficit inherited from the terminally-irresponsible Bush administration.
And those were only some of the problems sitting on the President’s desk!
“Help” from the Right?
What did the Republicans and the religious right, libertarians and half-baked conspiracy theorists — that is what the Republicans were reduced to by the time Obama took office — do to “help” our new president (and our country) succeed? They claimed that he wasn’t a real American, didn’t have an American birth certificate, wasn’t born here, was secretly a Muslim, was white-hating “racist”, was secretly a communist, was actually the Anti-Christ, (!) and was a reincarnation of Hitler and wanted “death panels” to kill the elderly!
They not-so-subtly called for his assassination through the not-so-subtle use of vile signs held at their rallies and even a bumper sticker quoting Psalm 109:8. They organized “tea parties” to sound off against imagined insults and all government in general and gathered to howl at the moon. They were led by insurance industry lobbyists and deranged (but well-financed) “commentators” from Glenn Beck to Rush Limbaugh.
The utterly-discredited Roman Catholic bishops teamed up with the utterly-discredited evangelical leaders to denounce a president who was trying to actually do something about the poor, the environment, to diminish the number of abortions through compassionate programs to help women and to care for the sick! And in Congress the Republican leadership only knew one word: “No!”
In other words the reactionary white, rube, uneducated, crazy American far right, combined with the educated but obtuse neoconservative war mongers, religious right shills for big business, libertarian Fed Reserve-hating gold bug, gun-loving crazies, child-molesting acquiescent “bishops”, frontier loons and evangelical gay-hating flakes found one thing to briefly unite them: their desire to stop an uppity black man from succeeding at all costs!
“Help” from the Left?
What did the left do to help their newly elected president? Some of them excoriated the President because they disagreed with the bad choices he was being forced to make regarding a war in Afghanistan that he’d inherited from the worst president in modern history!
Others stood up and bravely proclaimed that the President’s economic policies had “failed” before the President even instituted them! Others said that since all gay rights battles had not been fully won within virtually minutes of the President taking office, they’d been “betrayed”! (Never mind that Obama’s vocal support to the gay community is stronger than any other president’s has been. Never mind that he signed a new hate crimes law!)
Those that had stood in transfixed legions weeping with beatific emotion on election night turned into an angry mob saying how “disappointed” they were that they’d not all immediately been translated to heaven the moment Obama stepped into the White House! Where was the “change”? Contrary to their expectations they were still mere mortals!
And the legion of young new supporters was too busy texting to pay attention for longer than a nanosecond. “Governing”?! What the hell does that word, uh, like mean?”
The President’s critics left and right all had one thing in common: impatience laced with little-to-no sense of history (let alone reality) thrown in for good measure. Then of course there were the white, snide know-it-all commentators/talking heads who just couldn’t imagine that maybe, just maybe they weren’t as smart as they thought they were and certainly not as smart as their president. He hadn’t consulted them, had he? So he must be wrong!
The Obama critics’ ideological ideas defined their idea of reality rather than reality defining their ideas-say, about what is possible in one year in office after the hand that the President had been dealt by fate, or to be exact by the American idiot nation that voted Bush into office. twice!
Meanwhile back in the reality-based community – in just 12 short months — President Obama:
#Continued to draw down the misbegotten war in Iraq
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Thoughtfully and decisively picked the best of several bad choices regarding the war in Afghanistan
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Gave a major precedent-setting speech supporting gay rights
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Restored America’s image around the globe
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Banned torture of American prisoners
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stopped the free fall of the American economy
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Put the USA squarely back in the bilateral international community
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Put the USA squarely into the middle of the international effort to halt global warming
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stood up for educational reform
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Won a Nobel peace prize
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Moved the trial of terrorists back into the American judicial system of checks and balances
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Did what had to be done to start the slow, torturous and almost impossible process of health care reform that 7 presidents had failed to even begin
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Responded to hatred from the right and left . . . with measured good humor and patience
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stopped the free fall of job losses
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Showed immense personal courage in the face of an armed and dangerous far right opposition that included the sort of disgusting people that show up at public meetings carrying loaded weapons and carrying Timothy McVeigh-inspired signs about the “blood of tyrants” needing to “water the tree of liberty”.
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Showed that he could not only make the tough military choices but explain and defend them brilliantly
(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)Other than those “disappointing” accomplishments — IN ONE YEAR — President Obama “failed”! Other than that he didn’t “live up to expectations”!
Who actually has failed…
…are the Americans that can’t see the beginning of a miracle of national rebirth right under their jaded noses. Who failed are the smart ass ideologues of the left and right who began rooting for this President to fail so that they could be proved right in their dire and morbid predictions. Who failed are the movers and shakers behind our obscenely dumb news cycles that have turned “news” into just more stupid entertainment for an entertainment-besotted infantile country.
Here’s the good news: President Obama is succeeding without the help of his lefty “supporters” or hate-filled Republican detractors!
The Future Looks Good
After Obama has served two full terms, (and he will), after his wisdom in moving deliberately and cautiously with great subtlety on all fronts — with a canny and calculating eye to the possible succeeds, (it will), after the economy is booming and new industries are burgeoning, (they will be), after the doomsayers are all proved not just wrong but silly: let the record show that not all Americans were panicked into thinking the sky was falling.
Just because we didn’t get everything we wanted in the first short and fraught year Obama was in office not all of us gave up. Some of us stayed the course. And we will be proved right.
PS. if you agree that Obama is shaping up to be a great president, please pass this on and hang in there!
Pass it on anyway to ensure that his “report card” gets the (we the people) attention it deserves.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Frank Schaeffer: President Obama’s "Report Card"
SaLuSa: October 5, 2012
Andrew: SaLuSa says today that many things are coming to a head and that Disclosure may come from unlikely sources. If it does, it will force the hand of other countries to reveal their own contacts. It is, however, time for the truth of Extraterrestrial contact and agreements to come out.He reminds us that due to the suppression of new technologies our development has been held back, especially by the Drugs and Petroleum Industries who have used threats and intimidation to prevent the introduction of changes. The biggest area of secrecy surrounds advancements in space travel where those involved have gone to great lengths to conceal the truth, despite the fact that Governments and the military have been working with Extraterrestrials for many years.
SaLuSa says that it is time for peace and to an end to all wars, despite the attempts of the Cabal to start another in the Middle East. The Galactics cannot stop petty fighting, but will always step in where there is any intention to deploy nuclear weapons.
He reminds us that we are all at different stages of evolution, and not to be concerned about those who are lagging behind in their development as they will have future opportunities to Ascend. He encourages us to remain focused on our Ascension and not be distracted by those trying to put us off.
SaLuSa: October 5, 2012
Channelled by Mike Quinsey
Many things are coming to a head, and even disclosure may yet be first announced by unlikely sources. If it does, it will force the hand of other countries to admit what their own contacts have been. No doubt there will be a reluctance to reveal the full extent to which they have been made.
However it is the time for the truth to come out, and after all much of it will simply be an acknowledgement of what is already known. No doubt National Security will be used as an excuse to hold back on information relating to agreements with Extraterrestrials, that have seen them working with the U.S. Government in underground bases.
There is also the handling and outcome of those who have been captured after being rescued from crashed craft. There is so much at stake for the dark Ones, and the truth will be revealed when the facts finally come out. The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, you have been living in a time warp and your advancement has been deliberately held back.
If the benefits of new discoveries had been passed on to you, you would have long moved through the re-growth period after the last World War. Instead you have been held to ransom by the Petroleum and Drugs Industries who have ensured that you cannot get out of their control, and have stopped any advancements to free energy and less dependence on drugs.
It is not that the changes could not have been introduced, but instead those who were prepared to do it have been threatened, or even worse have not dared to proceed. In time you will get to know who the perpetrators are and who has supported them.
Perhaps understandably the biggest area of secrecy surrounds advancements in space travel. The whole subject is clouded by misinformation meant to confuse you, and those involved have gone to great lengths to hide the truth. It makes the “search” for extraterrestrial life sound rather comical when Governments and the military already work with them, and have done so for many years. The reports about such matters can be found on your Internet, and many researchers have brought out very good books detailing their findings.
Members of the Galactic Federation of Light have often been harassed and threatened when travelling in your skies. It is not that we would come to any harm, as we are more than able to look after ourselves using our advanced technology. However, we find the military attitude towards us unacceptable, as we have never posed any threat to you whatsoever.
Unless we have been forced to react beyond moving out of their sight, we have had to “remove” some craft but have first beamed the pilot on board ours. In the near future they may return to Earth to verify the truth of our statements. We have also had to resort to similar action when your authorities have ignored our orders not to take nuclear devices off Earth. When what you are doing brings a threat to other civilizations, we have total authority to take action and prevent it.
The time to finish with wars and all that is associated with them has passed, yet certain countries are prepared to put their own in peril by starting another one in the Middle East. We cannot stop your petty fighting, but will step in as we have done many times if we find that nuclear weapons are intended to be used.
Think peace Dear Ones, and you will help create more Light and power the grids around Earth. That will help transmute the negative energies and lessen the chances of more fighting between countries. It is time to grow up and become responsible citizens and take care of your beautiful Earth, and all other forms of life. Those who find themselves unable to do so will have no right to claim Ascension, and will have more to learn.
We know that you are all at different stages of evolution, and we make no judgment of those who are lagging behind. You proceed at a pace that suits you as an individual, and that is the beauty of reincarnation that gives you repeated opportunities to learn your lessons.
So you have no need to concern yourselves about those around you, who appear to have little understanding of what Ascension means. You take it or leave it, and it comes around again because of its cyclic nature. Such souls will not lose the benefit of what they experienced in duality, and it will give them a useful advantage when they continue their spiritual evolution.
Bear in mind that God has a great plan for the Universe, and because of God’s Love for all life it is treated as an experience that allows you complete freedom to do as you desire. However, you do have to learn from your choices should they interfere or harm another soul. In that event it is you who decides how you should achieve the necessary understanding that will carry you forward.
Naturally Higher Beings will share their wisdom with you and advise you the best way it can be arranged. Life often seems to progress by pure chance, but we tell you that where it counts and makes an impact on your life, it is all planned. It may not seem like it, especially if you have taken on tasks that are unpleasant, yet it is the difficult challenges that give you the greater opportunity of making leaps and bounds forward.
In these end times most of you will have opted to clear any outstanding karma. It means that you are certainly having a busy life, and where your relationships are concerned a very up and down existence. Stick with it and do not walk away from them, as you are being given not just a chance to uplift yourself, but your actions can also help other people.
The Human Race are all in it together, and it is your collective consciousness that dictates how high or low you go. Certainly, because of the importance of Ascension, you are getting immense help for your upliftment. We want to see as many of you as possible Ascend, and when you “light up” we know you have found something of your true self and are awakening.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that the midnight hour is striking, and you have so little time left to put your heart and soul into making sure you are ready to Ascend. Stay focused on your goals and do not be distracted by the antics of those who are trying to put you off. The dark Ones are having their last futile attempts to prevent you Ascending, and it will only happen if you allow it. Walk safely in the Light and Love that is surrounding your Earth.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
Feds Charge 91 in Massive Medicare Fraud Scheme
Feds Charge 91 in Massive Medicare Fraud Scheme
CBS News – October 4, 2012
Ninety-one people have been charged in seven cities in a series of arrests carried out by the Medicare Fraud Strike Force. The suspects are accused of participating in various fraud schemes involving more than $429 million in false billing.
According to officials at the Department of Justice, the suspects allegedly billed Medicare for treatments that were improper or unnecessary. In some cases the government was billed for treatments that were not even provided. Doctors and nurses are among those arrested.
Arrests were made in Houston, Dallas, Brooklyn, Baton Rouge, Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami. The largest crackdown occurred in South Florida where 33 people were rounded up and charged in connection with health care fraud cases totaling more than $230 million. In Texas, the president of Riverside General Hospital in Houston and his son were also charged.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius added that new provisions in President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act made it more difficult for fraud to be committed.
This fraud sweep is the latest in a series of raids conducted since 2007 by the strike force. Over the past five years 1,480 suspects have been arrested in Medicare fraud cases totaling $4.8 billion dollars.
John Ward – Broker Blair, JP Morgan, And Benefits From The Post Office – 5 October 2012
Wes Annac’s Pleiadians have given us yesterday the clearest and most concise explanation of why Disclosure did not take place at the time of the Olympics, as Sierra predicted for instance, and what factors enter into their decision of when the best possible time is for our galactic family to disclose its presence. I personally don’t want anyone to miss out on his explanation so I’ve excerpted it here and will leave it “sticky” for a day.The rest of the channeling on the mysterious “Event” that so many people have been talking about is equally interesting. Do read that as well.
The Pleiadian High Council: We Revel at the Strides you are Making
Channelled through Wes Annac,Aquarius Channelings, Oct. 3, 2012
Earth already has many Councils existing within the Galactic Federation and we are one such Council who has worked with your Earth many times. Many of us have taken a plethora of Lives on your world and some of us consider ourselves as both Pleiadian and Earthly souls of this Galaxy by nature.
You are to realize in the time ahead how linked your Earth is with our world Erra and many of you could perhaps already realize how liked our star system is with yours. We are very close with humanity and we wish you dear souls to know that you are very close with each other.
You are an interconnected collective of souls who have simply forgotten your connected nature and as a result, have fed a mass separation that has been instigated by the dark souls on your world.
The subtle and not-so-subtle stereotypes that are played upon in your media in various different avenues are quite fabricated and you are seeing in general, a purposeful continuation of the old which is meant to discourage you dear awakening souls and is meant to make you think that events on your world are simply churning along as usual. We can tell you with the advent of many recent developments which are to solidify certain plans set forth, that things are certainly not moving on in the old fashion that they have been.
We have been largely preparing ourselves to make open contacts on your world and we understand as well that humanity will need to be informed a little bit before our [widespread] presence can be accepted. There is a plan set forth at present that is being carefully worked-on and adjusted accordingly with each development, and this plan calls for a very brazen event to occur on your world [after an initial disclosure] that could shock the collective into understanding and becoming open to the truth of the higher realms and the truth of the metaphysical in general.
We must be very careful about the manifestation of this event and we are relying heavily on the opening of various stargates and portals to assist this event but again, even that manifestation must be one that requires explanation and discussion before and after it manifests. (2)
As you can see dear souls, there are quite a lot of factors in play for the issuing of disclosure and our landing on your world and we assure you with Love and our hearts and a knowing in ourselves and in yourselves as well, that there are a myriad of beings assisting your world at present and our plans are being seen-to in a manner that will ensure their complete success.
A large part of the initial ‘event’ could in fact include a decloaking of our ships, but as such plans are not yet solidified we stress that this is only one possible plan for this event. We had indeed planned a possible decloaking during your Olympics and the dark souls knew this, which is one of many reasons they took to the Olympics as a display of their ‘power’; to subconsciously scare you dear awakening and unawakened souls alike and to subconsciously program you with symbolism, in a manner that was meant to make you understand their presence on your world which they have tried for so very long to keep occult.
By spreading rumors of a possible false-flag [alien invasion] that the dark did indeed wish to orchestrate but that they knew would not be allowed to happen due to meetings they had with us shortly before such events; by starting such rumors the awakened collective would also be subconsciously programmed in a way that would see many put in a limited state [by shifting focus out of balance] and would see you that much more unable to ready yourselves for a possible decloaking of our ships during such time.
It was necessary that souls of the higher realms come through to assure you dear souls that such [false-flag] events were not going to happen as they wouldn’t be and weren’t allowed to commence, and it was hoped by the Ascended Masters that their issuing of a reminder that such events would not happen would help to put you dear souls in the right direction so that you could go about absorbing the energies of our ships, were we to decloak them.
We were looking toward the Olympics as a possibility and in the end, we used the collective [energy] levels to determine whether or not a decloaking was a good idea.
We did indeed show ourselves during the opening ceremonies of your Olympics and the dark souls very adamantly took to denouncing such sighting and purveying false evidence to support their claims that we were not in your skies during the opening ceremonies. We absolutely were and the reason for our presence during such a time was to determine how the unawakened collective and the awakened collective alike would feel upon witnessing a starship.
The very prevalent factor during the Olympics was that we did not want to put you dear souls in a state of fear or shock, and we had planned and still plan upon the inevitable and eventual decloaking of one of our ships in your skies, to utilize a healing and a calming energy which has been discussed before, that would and will be radiated out to you dear souls so that you do not fear our presence as much as many of you otherwise could.
The dark souls are ‘preparing’ you for disclosure so to speak in that that are attempting to program humanity subconsciously into fearing us by broadcasting continually, an array of ‘alien invasion’ related movies [and television shows] and an array of movies concerning us in general. They are indeed attempting to open up your perceptions to the very idea of us and our presence, but not for an ultimately positive purpose.
The dark souls wish to open your minds and hearts to the idea of us so that they can further fill your chakras with an array of fear-based energies toward us. They wish for you dear souls to, upon the disclosure of our existence and upon our landing on your world, think that we have ulterior motives and intentions or at the very least, that we are ‘scamming’ humanity.
They want you dear souls to feel that we are a malevolent outside force that is utilizing your world for Her resources, just as the negative extraterrestrial races who had taught your dark what they know were intent upon.
Such races are no longer allowed upon your world but the dark souls will be and have been using their media and subconscious programming to attempt to convince you dear souls that we are such entities, but our presence upon your world and our issuing of communications to humanity [via worldwide media] that will have our very same energy attached to them as is attached to our communications; such a revealing of ourselves will show you dear souls that we have no malevolent intent upon your world.
We have been observing you for your entire history; at times intervening to help you find pure states of consciousness and at times simply letting your collective and individual Life paths pan-out as you found the higher realms and broke through distortions in yourselves that resulted in your finding of such realms.
While we Love you all so very dearly and we strongly wish we could simply whisk you away to the realms of the fifth dimension; this is simply not how we work and would be against decrees set out for us by souls who have an even purer perspective of matters upon your world than we do, and such souls know fully the proper course of action in relation to our presence upon your world becoming widely-known and in relation as well to the decloaking of our ships.
We are again, to utilize a special brand of healing [and calming] energy upon decloaking our ships and the calm energy we will be giving from our ships which will as well be radiated-out by a select few souls who have subconsciously made it their mission to do so upon our ships becoming decloaked; this energy will in no way force you into a complacency or submission, but it will rather enable even those of you with the most locked-up of hearts and minds to simply see matters from a different perspective.
Those on your world who have been subconsciously taught and programmed to fear us or to automatically assume that since we are a perceived outside force on your world, we must have some type of malicious intent, will instead be able to have a bit of a Lighted perspective of the matter and will naturally lead themselves upon discovering such a perspective to enable a bit more trust in us and a bit less fear of us, which will have a wonderful effect on your collective energies.
Couple this with the many, many Lightworkers who have been waiting and waiting for our presence to be made known on your world and who will be adding to the marvelous array of positive and uplifting energies upon our presence being made known, and we do indeed feel that the events which are to be brought forth in the immediate period ahead are in fact going to go quite smoothly.
These events are going to go smoothly because they have been planned to, and while you dear awakening souls have been showing as well that you are indeed capable of handling an evolutionary experience on your own without our intervention, such intervention [is still being given] to make the playing-field fair so that you dear souls can undergo your experiences without meeting an ultimate destructive event that would be caused by the dark souls on your world who do not wish to see your collective ascension played-out.
You dear Lightworkers and Light Holders will be offered an amazing array of cleansing and healing energies upon our presence being made known on your world and we ask you to begin aiming your meditative efforts toward the decloaking of us and our ships in your skies, even moreso than many of you have already been doing.
Our presence upon your world will be the natural result of strides that you dear souls have reached along your growth, as was so with the various civilizations of your past whom we have contacted and helped to initiate themselves into purer states of consciousness and perception.
John Ward – Broker Blair, JP Morgan, And Benefits From The Post Office – 5 October 2012
Tony Blair, neocon Socialist
Celebrated financial blogger Max Keiser is fond of saying that the nine scariest words in the English language are “I’m from JP Morgan, and I’m here to help you.” He’s probably right, but did you know they are the main partner bank for the UK Post Office? No, I didn’t either.
The reality is that JP Morgan (Europe) handles all the welfare payment transmissions for the Post Office. (They’re into this welfare shtick in a big way in the States as well). So JPM has all the details of how much money HMG pays out in welfare benefits, and all the people on the recipients’ database.
Hands up all those who think this is a good idea. All those with their hands up, read on.
Morgan the Pirate’s Chief Investment Office in London booked billions of dollars in losses earlier this year, after several gigantic trades went pear-shaped. In 2011, Bank of England officials raised concerns internally about the riskiness of some JPM practices, although Merv’s pervs didn’t formally alert other regulators. (Nothing new there then). In 2010, the BoE’s finest also became nervous about J.P. Morgan’s domination of residential mortgage-backed securities in the City.
Only last week, the respected financial site Seeking Alpha suggested that ‘the JP Morgan trading blunder could result in a $100 billion loss, a contagion of its massive portfolio, and even the wipeout of its entire asset base.’
And, um, leave millions of Britons without any welfare payments.
The Pirate’s credit derivatives, interest rate derivatives, and currency trading are in turn vulnerable to leveraged hidden bets. “At J P Morgan, we view leverage as a potentially powerful resource,” burbles the firm’s website, but like Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street habituees, JPM is ludicrously over-leveraged….and really hasn’t a clue to the nearest $50 billion how much of its debt is or isn’t adequately hedged.
So what on earth is this Wily ol’ Coyote doing running our dear old Post Office?
Well, you may recall that when Teflon Tony
was shoved out of Downing Street by the Caledonian blackmailerresigned gracefully as Prime Minister in 2006, he fairly swiftly became a consultant to…..J P Morgan. Within months, Northern Rock went under and, to save three Labour seats, was bailed out by Alistair Darling, Brown’s Chancellor of the Exchequer. Now, you’ll never guess who lucked into getting the good bit of the bank where all the savings were: J P Morgan, thanks to an introduction from Moral Tone. We the taxpayers picked up Northern Crock, the debt-ridden part that was standing on the naughty step.In a speech last month, Blair observed that “We need to be on the side of the modern-minded, sensible people”. All along, in fact – as the debate raged throughout the Naughties – he insisted that we couldn’t afford to keep the Post Office going in its then form. So although Peter Mandelson made promises to the TUC in the mid 1990s that he would keep the royal mail a closed shop if they helped get Tony Blair into power, once in power Mandelson demanded they get rid of 30,000 staff.
Ironically, Margaret Thatcher never seriously considered privatising it. Like most people of her generation, she saw the post as one of the bulwarks of the British state — an institution of which the nation could be proud. But Tony Blair had very different ideas.
As part of the softening-up process, Blair propagated the myth that the Post Office was losing money. This simply wasn’t true: in 1999, it contributed £310m to the Exchequer, and had made a profit for every one of the previous twenty-three years. But keen to conform to the new orthodoxy of Thatcherism, New Labour meddled and fiddled and left it in limbo, neither public nor private. Meanwhile, deliveries were slashed, staff numbers were axed mercilessly, and many villages saw their post offices sacrificed in the name of solving an inefficiency problem that didn’t exist.
Even the bonkers Dacre Mail observed last December that ‘Future generations may laugh with disbelief that we were so attached to our state monopoly. But the Royal Mail’s proud history is a reminder that there is more to life than fat profits for the few.’
One of the few is, of course, Teflon himself. When he joined Jamie Dimorgan Chase, the former British PM gushed (my italics):
“It is a great opportunity to be able to contribute to the work of
JPMorgan Chase. They are a leading company at the cutting edge of
the global economy, with a footprint in virtually every part of the
world. I look forward to advising them on how they approach the huge
political and economic changes that globalisation brings.”Well, one of the huge changes wrought by braindead neocon globalism was an awful lot more folks needing welfare. And funnily enough, the piratical moron has wound up doing just that.The deal between Blurrgh and Morgan has been hugely enriching for both sides. A month ago, Blair made $1 million in less than three hours by brokering late night talks between billionaire businessmen trying to save a £50billion mining deal.And no doubt, when the hour came for the Post Office to get into bed with JPM, Tony was able to oil the wheels and grease the pump. I don’t know that’s what happened. But isn’t it awful when you suggest such a heinous thing about a former socialist, God-fearing bible-thumper, and everyone’s immediate reaction is that it’s highly possible…not to say probable?
As they used to say in the mail business, “Sorted”.