
ETs/EDs Disintegrate North Korean Unha-3 Rocket–Breaking!

I saw this first here, thanks to Susan who put the link in a comment. I almost removed the comment, but then felt there was something to this.

Then later, I saw it reported at Huffington Post.

Now, all during the time after seeing that the rocket had failed, I kept getting that this had been “failed” by an ET “force”. They were the ones who canceled out this flight, in order to cancel out any cabal plans to incite a war by launching “stuff” out there, from there, a country that Ben Fulford has called one of their (the cabal’s) places (North Korea). That’s what I “got”.

So what next comes up was I checked John Kettler’s blog and found this article:


ETs/EDs Disintegrate North Korean Unha-3 Rocket…!

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces reported clobbering the provocative North Korean missile launch in boost phase under a minute after ABC News reported a possible rocket failure. The ETs/EDs reportedly used precisely targeted phaser fire from one of their ships to wipe out the rocket and payload in a single fiery bloom. That target could’ve been taken out via certain orbital Earth built weapons, but the ETs/EDs “didn’t trust them,” so acted immediately. The Unha-3 and payload were destroyed at an altitude of 75,459 feet (23 kilometers), according to the ETs/EDs. The engagement was conducted interdimensionally and, per the ETs/EDs, from just outside the atmosphere.

ETs/EDs Say North Korea Lied About The Payload

According to the ETs/EDs, there was no weather satellite aboard. Rather, the payload consisted of a full service weight dummy thermonuclear warhead and associated telemetry gear, and that is why the ETs/EDs downed the rocket. It was anything but peaceful in intent, and, judging from various news reports, the Japanese rightly viewed it as a threat and were prepared to act. But how?

Japan Can Defend Herself, ETs/EDs & Sensitive Terrestrial Sources Agree

The Japanese today weren’t bluffing, seeing as how Japan has had very advanced Patriot missiles for some time now and has Aegis guided missile cruisers, which have substantial antimissile capability in their own right. Originally put in place as a defense against China, these systems now have another foe with whom to contend, North Korea. That foe, though, never reckoned on launch interdiction by the ETs/EDs! Today’s shootdown was intended by the ETs/EDs as a pointed reminder that highly charged provocative military acts and aggression won’t be tolerated. The ETs/EDs are sick of our endless fighting and wish we’d “learn to get along.” Maybe today’s object lesson will help.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

EDITOR Notes from David Wilcock’s “Mass Arrests” Drake Interview Transcript

(LUCAS NOTE: I urge you to use your extreme and utmost discernment in the writings of David Wilcock in this matter as he is not telling the whole story. I have to put up this notice for you as it is needed. There are things David is not willing to tell us as even as asked and that is crucial as you need all info to make up your own minds. Nor will David have any conversations with or hides behind others to distort the whole story about the factions Drake and Tim Turner. We can not check any evidence presented about Drake nor the accusations put towards Tim Turner and RUSA,  Republic of USA. Also are no efforts made to get in touch with Tim Turner’s group or to have the other side of the story presented also there are only accusations made but not made  stick by real evidence. Tim Turner has invited you David to have him interviewed. You keep telling like Teri Hinckle that they, Tim Turners faction will not answer to accusations. You have to put evidence in. Accusations are just words without proof. Hiding behind it and not confirming makes you deceive people and take their rights to a balanced story to make up their own minds. This needs to be done first. Hiding behind the stories not proven and putting up a facade of secrecy and telling support will be gone as you would get in touch with the Turner faction are not enough. Give credible evidence and bring balanced information and not  lower yourself to the dark ones tactics .  To spread disinfo and have no evidence put forward. Do  tell the whole truth not only the convenient truth. As said I have no association with both sides. But fight for the right all to be informed correctly as the matter of the new reinstated republic or nation or the new Constitution and or 13 amendments are very important to all. Now follows the message of Kauilapele)

As I was surveying David Wilcock’s Mass Arrests Transcript of his interview with Drake, there were a number of “EDITOR” comments throughout the document. These had information that some might find useful, so I post that here.

Particularly I found the U.S. Constitution links interesting.

These do not appear in the pdf version, so apparently were added later. Also, you may open the web article and search (CTRL-F) for “[EDITOR:" to find them.

These are listed in order of appearance in the website article.


EDITOR Notes from David Wilcock's "Mass Arrests" Drake Interview Transcript
[KP Note: these snips are separated by short lines]

[EDITOR: Common Law predates Admiralty law (which is the corporate “law,” legal fiction “law” and under the UCC Code), which is the basis of all the current statutes, regulations, etc, that currently “govern” the US.

It’s all color of law, which means that it’s a mere imitation, an imposture of the Substantive Law that is the Organic Constitution for the United States of America, as Lawfully amended.

Color of law has its origins in Common Law, but it does not operate within the Common Law.

Common Law is like clear water; color of law is like petro oil -- the former supports life, the latter destroys.  Note that I underlined "for" above. The two links below will explain why I underlined the "for":

-- This is the Organic Constitution of 1787, as Lawfully Amended.

http://constitution.org/usconsti.htm -- The corporate version. "Of" means "owned" by the "United States" that is a corporation that was incorporated in 1871. This corporation functions outside of the Common Law and entirely within the color-of-law system. The current US "government" is NOT YOUR government!

This is explained very well by this link: http://www.barefootsworld.net/usfraud.html]


DK: The neat thing about this is that the manner of the process steps outside of both Ecclesiastic-based Law and Canon Law.

Any formal statute, be that local, state, national, or international [that operates under color of law – ED.] And it protects itself, because it does not state anything other than the simple Notification Process.

[EDITOR: I inserted the above comment to make sure that people understand that the “formal statute” mentioned is under color of law, which is the corporate, Admiralty “laws” that currently dominate the entire G5 nation structure.]


DW: Mmm.

DK: It stays within the system, but also is set in such a fashion that it’s outside of any challenge. This is the idea that I was trying to find out about…

[EDITOR: If the Notification Process arises anywhere in the color-of-law system, it can be challenged by any color-of-law entity/agency, hence the critical need to stay within the Common Law system.

The value of the Notification Process is that it is recognized by an existing legal authority -- the International Court of Justice in the Hague -- hence any color-of-law authority automatically has no standing, no power of law over anything within Common Law.

Color-of-law is inferior to Common Law, because Common Law is real and substantive by being based on the land, the will of the People, the Organic Constitution and being in a group of sovereign nation-states united by a Declaration of Independence.]


[EDITOR: I’m going to not capitalize “federal” because that’s not part of the official name like “Marshal”; if Drake had said “US Marshals,” then I would have capitalized “US,” of course.

What’s great about US Marshals is that they date all the way back to the original Republic, so their source of power PREDATES their conversion into a “Service” that supports the current, corporate form of government.

The reactivation of the Declaration of Independence reactivates not only the Republic, but any Lawful police-related offices that the Republic had on all levels – County, State, etc, including the US Marshals acting under the Organic Constitution.

Another important thing to understand is that the local County (de jure County, not the corporate county) Sheriff is THE #1 Lawful Officer in the de jure County.

He has the full power to apply the necessary police action to protect the fledgling, born-again Republic within the County.

His power supersedes ANYONE acting under color of law, be it county, state and federal. A sheriff can order the CIA, FBI, FEMA to leave. Period.]



DW: Okay. This might piss some people off but I really want to clear this up. [DK laughs] Do these Marshals exist in different offices?

I mean, how would you find one? What kind of offices would they be employed by?

DK: National Security Administration would probably be the end office if you wanted to really look them up in that relationship.

DW: Okay.

[EDITOR: Drake is one man and it’s OK that he doesn’t know everything about this. That shows he’s the real thing.

It turns out that the US Marshals predate the NSA.

Thus, the Republic-based aspect of the US Marshals is superior in lawful power to anyone in the NSA.

The NSA is a color-of-law agency that derives its power wholly outside of the Common Law / Constitution.]


DK: That’s all the difference there is.


[EDITOR: I don’t mean to undermine Drake’s info here, but the Fed Air Marshals seem to be a part of TSA, not of the US Marshal Service.

I’ve searched through the US Marshal site and see nothing related to any air service, other than prisoner / alien (human) transport in jets.

Federal Air Marshals were started by Kennedy; it was later absorbed into the monster of the TSA, which in turn is part of the DHS.]


[EDITOR: If I may add another note here, “Law Enforcement Officers” is the term for the corporate-service cops.

“Peace Officers” is the term for police officers who serve the Republic.

There are many cops within the current color-of-law framework who would not hesitate to support the police action to bust the color-of-law conspirators – and support the re-creation of our beloved Republic.]


Anything that disagrees with the Constitution, first of all, is null and void of any legal or lawful impact.


EDITOR: This is the best site on the Internet, bar none, for accurate and transparent information about the differences between the Organic, Lawful Constitution of 1787 and the corporate constitution that has been unlawfully in effect since the 1800s.]

Further, anything that disagrees with the Constitution, basically, is to be stricken if it is a law, rule or regulation.

www.kauilapele.wordpress.com  link to original article

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Fran Zepeda – Sananda – Open to Truth – 13 April 2012

April 13, 2012


I come before you today to speak of the Truth that is in your hearts, dear ones. No one can deny that you are waking up to it. The depths to which you are reaching are astounding and unequalled. The expansion of your energy has contributed to this and you are just beginning to see the ramifications of it. Your bravery in opening up to consciousness that you have not perceived for eons is applauded and cherished by all of the Company of Heaven. We thank you for this.

Be prepared for even more widening of your energy fields. This may cause a discomfort in your physical bodies, a kind of opening that you may be unfamiliar with. All openings seem unfamiliar at first, dear ones, as you attempt to understand it from a point of reference from your third dimensional experience.

We ask you to let go of that urge or tendency to define it based on what you have experienced in your un-awakened state and be open to just being with it, without engaging your mind. With this, you will begin to activate the memories you all carry within you.  Be aggressive with this to the degree of abandoning your tendency to control your frame of reference in attempting to understand.

Waking up your memories has begun with the new influx of golden energy from the Central Sun. Your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.

To experience this in complete safety and confidence, it is necessary that you frequently ground yourselves into Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia. She will hold you in Love as you share your Love with her. Becoming fully committed to ascending with Her will insure your development to a greater degree and increase your abilities to keep raising your vibration in your Ascension with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.

As channeled through Fran Zepeda



Copyright © 2012 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author/channeler, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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Assange show premiere: Time to watch ‘The World Tomorrow’ (PHOTOS) More at EndtheLie.com - http://EndtheLie.com/2012/04/13/assange-show-premiere-time-to-watch-the-world-tomorrow-photos/#ixzz1rxgge77W

Assange show premiere: Time to watch ‘The World Tomorrow’ (PHOTOS)

You’ve been waiting and we’ve been teasing. Julian Assange. The World Tomorrow. Arguably the most anticipated news show of 2012 premieres next week on RT.

­Dateline  – Tuesday, April 17. Timeline – 15:30 Moscow time, 11:30 GMT, 07:30 am in New York and 21:30 in Sydney. The world will be watching “The World Tomorrow”.

In the spirit of WikiLeaks we’ll be publishing exclusive trailers, sneakpeaks, previews and behind-the-scenes content to bring you Assange’s show in-full on “The World Tomorrow” official video-page.

The announcement that RT would host Assange’s show created a global media stir, with many questioning the RT/Assange link-up. In a pre-show interview (details TBA) Assange explained his rationale.

“A lot of the things that we have been trying to report have not been carried accurately in the mainstream press. There are many, many fine exceptions but when we look at international networks there’s really only two that are worth speaking about, and that’s RT and Al Jazeera.”

RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan sees no coincidence in the connection. “RT is rallying a global audience of open minded people who question what they see in mainstream media and we are proud to premiere Julian Assange’s new project. We provided Julian a platform to reach the world and gave him total editorial freedom. He is absolutely the right person to bring alternative opinions to our viewers around the globe.”

The 10-episode series features Assange in conversation with “iconoclasts, visionaries and power insiders”. But what brought Assange, under house arrest for 492 days without charge, to the RT screen?

“First of all, being under house arrest for so long, it’s nice to have an occasional visitor and to learn more about the world. And given that the conversations we were having are quite interesting, why not film them and show other people what was going on.”

Incredibly, his detention became an ace card in his TV journalism debut as the show “revealed sides of very interesting and important people that are not normally [sic] because they are not dealing with a standard interviewer, they are dealing with someone who is under house arrest, who has gone through political problems that they can sympathize with.”

The first-episode, with a notorious guest who’s identity is still under wraps, will coincide with the 500th day of financial blockade on Wikileaks. The countdown for “The World Tomorrow” begins today.




Source - http://rt.com/news/assange-world-tomorrow-premier-date-time-934/

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Insider Drake: After Mass Arrests, Ron Paul Might Be Our New President


Insider Drake: After Mass Arrests, Ron Paul Might Be Our New President

Insider Drake: After Mass Arrests, Ron Paul Might Be Our New PresidentLast updated on April 12, 2012 at 7:38 pm EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Insider Drake has been revealing a new movement regarding a mass arrest of all corrupted politicians, banksters, etc... which possibly might involve the selection of Ron Paul as an interim or temporary President of the United States until formal elections can be held.

For more on tihis please visit their website http://www.freedomreign.us and/or read the following:

Imminent Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers and Political Elite
Imminent Mass Arrests Updated Q&A April 1, 2012

Drake stated in an interview on Thursday, April 12, 2012, 'Ron Paul is a good advocate for a lot of the things that are coming up and quite frankly, I'd like to see him involved in it. I think he'd be a good man for some sort of position, I don't know what. Whether that would be as high as president or just be in charge of running the Senate or helping somebody rescind the orders that are amoral and anti-constitutional, etc... I don't know, but I like the guy so everybody go figure on their own."

What would this mean? Regardless of who is appointed as an interim president, there will be a release of suppressed technology that will literally catapult us into a world beyond our wildest dreams. Drake likened the scenario to a 25th century Star Trek-like environment.

Drake gave a timeframe of 3-4 weeks from this date for us to start seeing some action against the elite, so we should hear some big news no later than June 10, 2012.

Interestingly, a rare astrological alignment is currently underway involving Pluto in Capricorn.  The last time this alignment occurred was during the 1776 American Revolution.  It may not be a coincidence that Ron Paul’s campaign uses the word “Revolution” as Pluto always brings in a new regime change during this transition.

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

People Being Prepared for the Beginning of NESARA?

One after another the videos and radio interviews are coming out, apparently preparing the public for NESARA.

Back in January, we heard James Martinez tell us he was authorized to discuss a new abundance program that was emerging. At the time leading lightworkers, assuming that the Monaco Accord represented the new shape of the world economy, called it a hoax. But, on An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael said, no, it was a quiet announcement meant to demonstrate to those who await NESARA that things are happening. (1)

YouTube Preview Image

Archangel Michael added that it neither originated with the Monaco Accord group nor was it a hoax. It originated with “a group – and it is a combination group – of star beings and human beings and, can we say, with our input [i.e., celestials], that is working together.”

Fast forward to March 28, 2012, when David Wilcock said that mass arrests were being stage managed by aliens and angels, essentially lining up with what AAM said in January. David said:

“Top insiders have now confirmed that everyone in the Pentagon is now aware that some form of Divine Intervention is happening — regardless of what side they are on.

“Most of them do not know who is responsible. Even the ‘bad guys’ are now saying it could be ‘Angels or Aliens’ doing this stuff.

“No one on Earth has the technology to do the things they are now seeing — regardless of how classified that technology may be.

“It is utterly astonishing that even the ‘bad guys’ are now acknowledging this may be an angelic intervention.” (2)

On March 21, 2012 on this site, Stephen Cook covered a report by “Drake” (his full name is known but we’ve been asked to hold it back for security reasons) on Freedomizerradio, in which he revealed that the American law enforcement will soon be arresting members of the cabal and holding them in the same FEMA camps that they set up to hold dissidents among the population after martial law.

YouTube Preview Image

Drake, who lives in the southeast, is billed as a person the Pentagon has asked to make announcements on their behalf. He said that the cabal had attempted to declare martial law twice and been forced to abandon their efforts. He outlined some of the provisions of the new economy, which included greatly reduced taxation, debt forgiveness, a non-debt-based currency, etc. On Freedomreigns Radio, Drake and his team say:

“We are in a time of great change. America’s currency was captured in 1913. Her government was captured in 1933. This explains why petitioning our government has been to no meaningful avail. These corporations that masquerade as our lawful government have almost destroyed America. Top people in our government – including our military – know this. They have been waiting for the right time – to help take America back to our lawful government.

“In the very near future, we can expect a major, constructive change in our banking and currency systems. We can expect to see contingents of federal marshals – backed up by our active military – in the major seats of power. These military are not any part of a military coup. They are backing up civilian re-establishment of our lawful government.

“We can expect do see interruptions in our normal way of life. This transition has been designed to minimize interruptions in vital services and our economy – minimize hardship. This will be accompanied by announcements in mainstream media. What we do not want – is for people to panic.

“Our so-called president has been informed that he is no longer commander in chief of our military. This is part of a worldwide operation whereby the non-aligned nations – those who are not part of the G20 – re-establish solid currencies.” (3)

I personally don’t believe that President Obama has been dismissed as commander-in-chief but we’ll have to wait to see what actually occurs. Note the advice to lay in some supplies in anticipation of interruptions in distribution.

On March 28, 2012, David Wilcock interviewed Drake in a three-hour program in which Drake went into even more detail on what is coming down the road.

YouTube Preview Image

Drake himself said that he had a cache of interviews, some of which can be found here.

Important things to remember on this score is that Drake has been asked by the Pentagon to discuss these plans so that, when the American military suddenly shows up on the scene, people do not panic but realize that they are acting to take down the dark cabal.

As I said on Extraordinary Year recently, elements of the American military – in particular the American Navy – have been leaders among the white hats for many years now, assisting to thwart attempts to start a nuclear World War III, standing up to the Bush regime, and assuming control of Northern Command (which appears to have carried out so many cabal-related assignments)  and the secret space fleet, Solar Warden.  Now it appears that the American military as a whole has taken up the cause of the Light.

Now, evidently, the military can be counted on to take the side of the people and participate in rounding up the cabal.

We’ve been told by our sources in the past that, once the cabal are removed so that they cannot harm NESARA recipients and once the old financial structures have collapsed, NESARA will be inaugurated.

On Feb. 17, SaLuSa warned us that the cabal was being taken down and that this would enable the redistribution of wealth.

“Look around you, Dear Ones, and see the signs that are there for all to see, as out of the seeming chaos the new beginnings are becoming apparent. You are correctly hearing of a world plan by many countries to topple the Illuminati, and present the world with a new system that creates a new deal where financial matters are concerned.

“It will remove the illegal structure and methods that have placed you in a debt ridden society that is in danger of collapsing. Having reached this point, if offers the very opportunity that can be taken to implement it. It will remove the burden that so many of you carry, and the hardships it is causing.

“More importantly it will enable wealth to be re-distributed, much of which has been acquired by criminal actions. You have been deliberately kept poor as a way of keeping you under control. Likewise you have also been kept ignorant of your status and history, which is why you are to be fully informed of your past and reason for being on Earth. (4)

On March 1, Matthew Ward agreed that the world financial scene was being cleaned up and that NESARA would then follow.

“Rampant corruption in multinational corporations will meet its well-deserved end; directors who serve the interests of the populace will remain; those who are greedy and self-serving will go. National economies in bankrupt status will not be successfully revived; the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide.” (5)

We’ve been asking the celestials and galactics for tangible proof for some time that all of what is being talked about is real and the resignations and arrests that are transpiring as we speak are surely tangible proof. They will only speed up at some point probably reaching a climax when law enforcement descends on the dark ones and takes them into custody. That day is surely not far off.


(1) “The James Martinez Video Was Not a Hoax,” Jan. 7, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/the-james-martinez...

(2) “DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I — Defeating Financial Tyranny,” at http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1035-divineintervention1

(3) “A Message for Americans, 3/15/2012,” at http://freedomreigns.us/Featured_Guests_Shows.html Freedomizerradio can be found at http://www.freedomizerradio.com/. Freedomreigns Radio is at http://freedomreigns.us/ and http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio/2012/03/18/freedom-reigns

(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 17, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_...

(5) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Subtle as a brick


' + entry.content.$t + '
  1. Fantastic and brave! Hats off to David Icke.


  2. David is a man of conviction and is couragous enough to stand before "the man" and speak his truths. The world needs more David Ickes!


  3. That so rocks. He is definitely a man who stands up for what he believes. Bravo


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Iceland forgives their mortgages


' + entry.content.$t + '
  1. UBER-AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU AK (0:
    it all has to start somewhere....next -
    The WORLD! (0:


  2. Sword of TruthApr 12, 2012 09:13 PM

    This is just the beginning, my beloveds! 4th D for some 5th D for others. No matter how you slice it, it will be served!


  3. I love those people they are the bravest toughest people on the planet. They said F*** you dirty, grimy, sleezy, criminal bankers and politicians, we are having no more of your debt based fiat currency enslaving our people and is putting them in prison. I love it. Now is America would just grow some balls and do the same


  4. same could be done here in portugal, if the people wasn't so brainwashed


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Ideology Of Catastrophe

Third-Dimensional Communication and Behavior 2012 April 12

As we approach a time when we’ll be communicating with galactic beings of higher dimensionality, it becomes desirable to actually look at our communication and behavior patterns at present and see where we might want to institute changes.

In my opinion, so many of the difficulties we’ve had as a world trace back to our everyday communication and behavior patterns in the first place.

The starting place for those difficulties, again in my view, is irresponsible communications. The epitome of them is to discuss, and especially to gossip about or criticize, a person absent to the discussion we’re having.  This kind of water-cooler communication leads to and perpetuates divisiveness and distrust.

One of the rather painful exercises we used to do in a three-month encounter group that I took in 1975 was to go to a person we gossiped about and report what we had said. Oooo, that hurt.

The greater lesson was not to gossip at all, but to reserve our beefs and gripes to be expressed to the person concerned or not at all. That kept our communication clean.

The second difficulty arose out of the first and that was that, when we criticized someone behind their back, we were then left with what the est Network called a “withhold.” We now had a secret to guard and part of our energy, instead of being open and flowing, was now given over to protecting our secret.  Someone once said that we didn’t need a memory if we always told the truth and had no secrets. Said another way, transparency eliminates the need for secrets and for remembering.

One of my favorite shows when I was a child was I Love Lucy.  And the plot of I Love Lucy was always the same: Lucy began the program by telling a little white lie. And, when questioned, she covered up by telling another little white lie. And then another. And then she needed to tell a big white lie to throw her questioner off the track. And so it went until at last she broke down and confessed the lie and the reason for it.

Lucy would feign a look (see above) of fear of exposure and reluctance to be lying on the one hand, but a fear of telling the truth and suffering the consequences on the other. She could exactly balance the two and therein lay the genius of her comic portrayals.

She typified the way so many people at that time were actually communicating that it seemed incredibly hilarious. It allowed us all to acknowledge the broken way we communicated but at a low cost to ourselves.

As a student of the path of awareness, I observe myself, including when I lie. It’s a peculiar thing. Covering up a lie or hiding a malignant secret seems to cause the energy to fold back on itself. We speak of “tying up our energy” in our lies.  We tie up our energy in hiding our lying in the first place and in remembering to keep the lie a secret in the second.

As time goes by, we find we’ve obliged ourselves to shut down our awareness to maintain the lie. Then comes the time when awareness begins to force itself upon us. Of this time, enlightened psychologist John Enright said: “Unawareness leads to momentary relief and continuing pain; awareness leads to momentary pain and continuing relief.” (1)  est Trainer Randy McNamara said something vaguely similar: “It takes an instant to tell the truth and it’s like cutting yourself off at the knees.”  (2) He might have added that not telling the truth is like having perpetual bursitis.

I well know the experience of coughing up the truth. There is tremendous pain that arises as we are just about to do it and then the pain rapidly drains away. The alternative is not to tell the truth and then the pain lasts, at a lower and duller level, forever.

I can certainly tell you that the wider one becomes known, the more criticism one invites and the more frightening it becomes to tell the truth and to have the truth be known about oneself. I, for instance, do not take frustration well and it was recently pointed out to me that I can be disrespectful to checkout clerks, etc., if I am not served to my satisfaction or at a speed I’d like. That’s true.

And it extends much further than that. Patterns like these have a habit of growing and spreading. They seldom remain stable; gradually they spread and take over the house.

I’m aware that I imbibed my parents’ dislike generally for being kept waiting. And I feel very right and justified while I’m acting out around being kept waiting so I come across as bullet-proof in the matter. And this is only one area of my acting out.

But the bullet-proofing is a lie and the maintenance of the lie costs me a huge amount. I lose my chance to be impeccable and lead a squeaky-clean life – well, we now would call that a Fifth-Dimensional or ascended life. I build myself a rap sheet and lose my self-esteem. I lose aliveness, spontaneity, and full self-expression. We really seldom have a conception of what it costs us to perpetrate something as simple as a lie.

And finally the weight of all my lies, all my perpetrations, weighs on me like a wet blanket. I feel totally smothered by the weight of all my lies. Or so it seems.

This same frustration becomes an angry streak when indulged too often. And I notice that, when I can’t force the other person to do what I want, over which I’m frustrated, I respond by simply pouring on more force. I do more of what didn’t work in the first place. And, predictably, it doesn’t work either.

Perpetrations like these are such commonplace ways of being that they go on and on below awareness. Here I am, 65, and still responding in as automatic and wooden a way to life as I did when I was a child. No wonder some of the people we listen to here say that we often make very little progress from lifetime to lifetime. My life may as well be a serial like I Love Lucy. And it makes it clear as well why serials like I Love Lucy were so popular: because they really did seem to portray how things were for many of us.

It very well could be that we’ve entered a time when the really big changes are coming to an end – the cabal is banished, war stops, we are awakened. And now begins the really hard work, the slog, of turning the attention inward and tackling all the low-grade perpetrations, weaknesses and vices that the necessity to fight to free ourselves allowed to remain hidden.


(1) John Enright, Awareness, Responsibility and Communication Workshop, Cold Mountain Institute, Jan. 20, 1979.

(2) est Trainer Randy McNamara, est Training, Jan. 11, 1981.





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North Korean Rocket Fails Less Than 90 Seconds After Launch

North Korean Rocket Fails Less Than 90 Seconds After Launch

Stephen: No matter what we think about North Korea and whether they do or don’t have nuclear weapon capabilities or aims, today’s failed rocket launch – allegedly of a satellite – is most interesting.

Could the Galactics have stepped in? They, above everyone, would know if the country has ulterior motives. If so, maybe North Korea does have nuclear plans. And the Galactics have told us time and time again there will never be another nuclear weapon impact here on earth.

Maybe the rocket needed to fail to show the world that this sort of military silliness will no longer be tolerated and cause fear – even if it is just for military show. And maybe they were sabotaged from the ground level – either from within North Korea or elsewhere – by our earth allies. Yet again, could it have been stopped just to show the rest of the world that we have nothing to fear from North Korea at all?

Sadly, the politicians,  military experts, reporters and commentators throughout the world will be banging on for days about their various theories. Whatever they are, today’s rocket failure lessens the fear surrounding North Korea’s possible immediate plans. Personally, all I care about is that it fell back to Earth and did no damage – other than to plain, old 3D pride.

As this story from yesterday points out, I would love to see every country in the world redirect every cent of their defence budget to more humanitarian needs.

$815m Spent on North Korea Rocket Could Have Fed Millions

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo – The Daily Telegraph

April 12, 2012


The cost of the rocket, revealed in restricted documents seen by The Daily Telegraph, would have been able to buy 2.5 million tons of corn of and 1.4 million tons of rice – helping to alleviate poverty for millions.

North Korea is attempting to legitimise the rule of 28-year-old Kim Jong-un, who is assuming the titles of his father, Kim Jong-il, who died in December, and was on Wednesday named first secretary of the ruling Workers’ Party.

The country announced yesterday that it was ready to launch the rocket. The launch is due to take place between today and March 16.

Ignoring international warnings from the US and China, its key ally, the launch is also tied to the regime’s promise to its people that the year 2012 would see North Korea develop into “a strong and prosperous” nation.

To elevate Kim Jong-un to the status of “Great Successor” and put him on an equal footing with the “Dear Leader,” the regime is investing heavily in “idolisation projects”.

The documents reveal that coal exports from North Korea earned the regime $1.14 billion in 2011, which has been used to finance the projects.

The interior of the Kumsusan Sun Palace, where the embalmed bodies of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il are on display, has undergone extensive remodelling and at least 20 statues of the late leader have been erected in rural parts of the country.

In the Mansudae District of Pyongyang, a complex of 3,000 apartments reserved for the regime’s elite is benefiting from a $140 million makeover. An estimated $50 million is also being spent on a new facilities at the Rungrado Theme Park, which will boast a dolphin show pool, an enlarged amusement park and new swimming pool.

The World Food Programme had to launch an emergency operation in April 2011 to provide enough food for 3.5 million people to survive until the crops were harvested. It was the biggest intervention since the 1990s, when as many as 3.5 million people from a total population of 22 million died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses.

In June of last year, cereal rations were down to 150 grams per person, per day. The government’s rations are less than half of the daily calorific requirements of 68 per cent of the 16 million people receiving food aid.

One in every three children is chronically malnourished or stunted, according to the WFP, while one quarter of all pregnant and breast-feeding women are also malnourished.

In times of hunger, the North Korean government turns a blind eye to markets – “jangmadang” – where peasants are able to sell any surplus they have or food aid they have received, but clamps down again when the situation improves.

This serves to limit the amount of food people have access to and keeps them physically weak and no match for the relatively well-fed military.


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Stairway to Heaven

All of us seek happiness but few of us question why we universally do that. We want love, crave bliss, search for fulfillment. But seldom do we notice that we do or question why these circumstances would be so. We simply accept them.

They form part of what Werner Erhard called the “background of obviousness.” We take for granted some of the most profound circumstances of life.

In a  similar vein, from time to time, we ask for proof that there’s a Divine Plan for life, but when we look upon the evidence all around us in our everyday lives, we seldom consider it to be evidence.

But in seeking happiness, love, bliss and fulfilment, are we not seeking Divine qualities? If we tirelessly seek the qualities of the Divine, does that not suggest that the Plan for life may also have something to do with seeking the Divine?

What is the Divine Plan? All life seeks God. That would seem to be its essence.  There seems little difference between saying that all life seeks God or saying that all life seeks love, bliss, fulfilment and happiness because these qualities appear to be the same as God.

Has the Divine Plan been described by those who’ve known it? Let’s look first at Earth’s sages and then the galactic masters and see. Krishnamurti knew it and exclaimed:

“The really important thing is … the knowledge of God’s plan for men. For God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a man has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (1)

Great Chain of Being

Have any other sages had a vision of the Divine Plan, the stairway of consciousness or Great Chain of Being, and described it in detail? The closest we can get are the visions of Edward Carpenter and Dante.

Edward Carpenter’s Vision:  “[In the] inner illumination … we can ultimately see things as they are, beholding all creation — the animals, the angels, the plants, the figures of our friends, and all the ranks and races of human kind — in their true being and order.” (2)

Dante’s Vision: “When Dante awoke into the Cosmic Sense, into the new Cosmos, the first thing to strike him … was the vision of the ‘Eternal Wheels’ — the ‘Chain of Causation’ — the universal order — a vision infinitely beyond expression by human words. His new self … had its eyes fixed on this, the Cosmic unfolding. Gazing thereupon the Cosmic vision and the Cosmic rapture transhumanized him into a god.” (3)

What is being described is a word picture of God’s Plan for humans: Jacob’s Ladder, the stairway of consciousness, depicting the spiritual evolution of God’s children from a point of unconscious awareness of their identity as God to conscious awareness. The dawning of conscious awareness we call “enlightenment.”

Does God Himself (Herself, Itself) discuss the purpose behind the Plan? Speaking as God, the Sufi sage Ibn Arabi says: “I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known, and I created the creation so that I be known.” (4) The White Brotherhood master Beinsa Douno says something somewhat similar: “Why did God desire to create the world? So that He might be made manifest.” (5)

The Divine Plan is like a circular spiral

The Upanishads say that God created the world “to enjoy his own exuberance and play, to know himself in manifestation.” (6) When one of us realizes God, it is really God that realizes Himself, as many sages attest.

Franklin Merrell-Woolf: “This space I produce that My Glory shall be revealed; yet I alone Realize that Revelation.” (7)

Ibn Arabi: “Only God sees God.” (8)

Bayazid of Bistun: “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!’” (9)

Paramahansa Ramakrishna: “Only grandeur appreciates grandeur: and God realizes God.” (10)

Swami Brahmananda: “Only God can know himself. Be a god, that you may know the infinite God.” (11)

The avatar Sri Ramakrishna playfully describes God’s reaction when, in the moment of enlightenment, God knows God: “When Siva realizes his own Self, He dances about in joy exclaiming, ‘What am I! What am I!’” (12)

So the Divine Plan is for God to realize God by making Himself manifest in the world as us, His Children, who rise by gradual steps from a place of unconscious awareness of our identity as Him to conscious awareness through enlightenment.

Do the galactics say something different? Can it be that this view of the Divine Plan is in fact something only terrestrials hold, or do the galactics say the same thing?

SaLuSa says: “All are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated.” (13)  That is the divine circle, the stairway of consciousness, is it not? He explains that “the purpose of living many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual evolution.”  (14)  And again: “Life is a continuous round of experiences that you have all set in place to further your spiritual evolution.” (15) There’s no difference between SaLuSa’s statement and Krishnamurti’s, is there?

All nature reflects the Divine circle of consciousness

Ela of Arcturus evokes the same stairway of consciousness: “All proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution.” (16)  SaLuSa agrees: “Life everywhere in the Universe is continually evolving, and it is a natural condition that forever impels you forward.” (17)  Forward, upward, progressing, evolving from God to God.

Do the galactics themselves mount the same evolutionary staircase of consciousness? SaLuSa answers that question:

‘You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended. We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is.” (18)

“No matter where you choose to go in this Universe, the object of your experiences will be to increase your levels of consciousness. So when you meet with Beings from another civilization, know that they too are carrying out a life plan to move further ahead in their evolution.” (19)

Thus we can see the Divine Plan at work in our own everyday lives. We hear terrestrial and extraterrestrial sages refer to it and describe it. Do the galactics and celestials gathered around our planet at this time also serve it?  SaLuSa says they do:

“There is a clearly-defined plan for your future. … There is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended. … The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure, Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.” (20)

This “grand plan for Man,” SaLuSa says, “is perfect in its concept.” (21) Our “glorious future is absolutely certain, and it is written into the plan decreed by the Creator,” he assures us. (22)  Saul reminds us as well that nothing else is possible than what the Divine Plan lays out:

“The divine plan continues to unfold precisely as intended, and as it must; nothing else is possible. Your awareness of it will increase and intensify as your energy frequency rises in preparation for leaving your illusory reality of fear, suffering, pain, and death.” (23)

And what is that Plan? SaLuSa tells us that “the Divine Plan [is] to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.” (24)  ”Ascension,” he tells us, “is in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (25)

So if we look at our own lives carefully enough, we can see the Divine Plan in action. If we study the words of the terrestrial and extraterrestrial sages, we can hear the Plan described and explained.  Various visions that sages have had give us the flavor of it. And the galactics and masters who’ve gathered round the planet at this time of Ascension also tell us that they follow it. We have evidence from our own lives and from the experience of the masters, terrestrial and galactic, that the Divine Plan exists.  And this very Plan holds within it the decree and provision that this planet will ascend and we will ascend with it.


(1) J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910. , 17.

(2) Edward Carpenter in Maurice Bucke, Cosmic Consciousness. A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. New York: Dutton, 1969; c1901, 85. [Hereafter CC.]

(3) Maurice Bucke, CC, 137.

(4) Muhyidden Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3. [Hereafter KK.]

(5) Beinsa Douno, “Life is the Musical Manifestation of God,” The Wellspring of Good. Downloaded from http://www.beinsadouno.org/lib/sg.htm, accessed 2  Feb. 2005., n.p.

(6) Alan Jacobs, trans. The Principal Upanishads: A Poetic Transcreation. Winchester, UK and New York: O Books, 2003, 70.

(7) Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973 18.

(8) Ibn Arabi, KK, 48.

(9) Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley,  The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.

(10) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Anon., Life of Sri Ramakrishna. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1977; c1924, 47.

(11) Swami Brahmananda in Swami Prabhavananda, The Eternal Companion. Brahmananda. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1970; c1944 , 205.

(12) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942., 393.

(13) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_...

(14) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.

(15) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2010.

(16) Ela of Arcturus, Mar. 9, 2009, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_...

(17) SaLuSa, May 4, 2009.

(18) SaLuSa, July 14, 2010.

(19) SaLuSa, Jan. 13, 2010.

(20) SaLuSa, March 15, 2010.

(21) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2009.

(22) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2010.

(23) Saul, Sept. 6, 2009, at http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com

(24) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.

(25) SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2012.


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3D vs 5D Communication Revisited

As we begin to create our teams and projects, the whole subject of how we work together becomes important, which is why I’m discussing matters like communication at this time.

Whenever the discussion of communication is raised, the sticking point seems to be around what is and what is not “gossiping.”  I’ve just had a long conversation with a reader about the subject, which I’ve had with others as well. Let me see if I can describe what is 3D about gossiping and what a better way would be.

Third Dimensionality is all about duality, polarity, separativeness, division. Fifth Dimensionality is all about unity, commonality, collective endeavor.  Communication that erects barriers among us, that divides us, separates us, stresses what keeps us apart, etc., is what allows Third Dimensionality to continue and prevents us from moving on to Fifth Dimensionality – or is one of the things that prevents us.

In Third Dimensionality, what we do is criticize and complain about each other, but usually we don’t do that to the person we have the criticism or complaint about. We do it with our friends, associates, family, etc. and the criticism or complaint seldom gets to the only person who can do something about it – the person the criticism or complaint is about.

Operating in this way erects barriers in the office, fractures teams, and inhibits projects. But the practice is all but invisible because we think that we should have the right to criticize and complain about others as part of our generalized free will.  Well, we certainly do have the right to conduct ourselves as we wish. It isn’t that we don’t.

It’s more that the impact of conducting ourselves in this way is to introduce unworkability into our team and project processes. What is that unworkability, specifically?

(1) The person being complained about usually never knows what the basis of the complaint is and therefore cannot do anything about it. They are often subjected to containment, obstruction, rejection and ostracism without knowing that they are or why they have been. Nothing is done in the light of day. The fact that they only wake up gradually to the fact that barriers have been erected against them leads to disillusionment and distrust. It often sees the one treated in this way departing the team and never knowing exactly why that outcome seemed advisable or came about. All remains simply speculation and reaction to the feeling of not being wanted.

(2) One by one, the people with whom we have disagreements are hived off from the circle of our good regard and lose their place upon the team, until the team is degraded. The team’s abilities shrink. Good personnel are lost. And the team itself subjects itself to the politics of hostility and unworkability rather than the prospects of collegiality and workability. Ultimately the team can fail or be destroyed and people scratch their heads, wondering how that happened.

This is a “normal” occurrence with offices, teams and projects in Third Dimensionality.

There’s nothing amiss in discussing another if the discussion is empowering, ennobling, cooperative, etc. These discussions forward the action and contribute to the team’s or project’s success. They promote unity and therefore unity consciousness and are, in my view, consistent with where we’re headed into Fifth Dimensionality.

But “gossiping,” or what I call negative sidebar discussions, are disempowering, debasing, uncooperative, etc.  They promote disunity and disharmony and are old paradigm. They tend more towards keeping us anchored in the same divisive or polar ways of being predominant in Third Dimensionality.

For me, therefore, a better way is to refuse to gossip with or about another. As it happens, at present, when I tend towards gossip, the inner voice intervenes and gives me a jolt – and I stop my forward motion. If the criticism is indeed something that stands between me and another, then I take it to the other to get the matter cleared and out of the way.  But I don’t deliver it to anyone who can’t do anything about the matter. I deliver it to the one who has that power – the person concerned. I find that works best for me.

I may still choose to associate with some and not with others, work closer with some and not with others. But the matter is a choice and not the result of persistent barriers I’ve erected as the result of gossip. I can change that choice at any time whereas, when gossip sits in the space and is withheld, I’m usually bound by my decision to gossip and withhold. I’ve erected an invisible barrier which then dictates to me what comes next.

The last comment on this subject:  I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but whatever comes out of my mouth, I usually make right thereafter. If I say that I don’t like X or Y, I usually bind myself forever after to making that assertion right. I remain consistent with my statement. I justify it. I excuse myself from taking a second look at the matter.

Thus, when I say I don’t like someone else or criticize them, I tend to make that statement right as well. But if I refrain from criticizing, the matter in question can recede into the background of forgetfulness and I haven’t made a bookmark around it or a record of it. That to me is another reason for refraining from criticizing others – to deprive me of that bookmark or record.




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Mainstream Media Story Says “NASA Found Life On Mars in 1976″

Viking 2 Lander image (Nov. 2, 1976) shows the rocks of Utopia Planitia in background. Photo: NASA

Mainstream Media Story Says “NASA Found Life On Mars in 1976″

Stephen: Is disclosure now gently underway and beginning to trickle out through the mainstream media?

This story, based on new research just released by the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, claiming that NASA’s Viking found life on Mars back in 1976, appeared on MSNBC yesterday.

Remember: “One small step for disclosure. One giant leap for mankind.

Viking Robots Found Life on Mars in 1976, Scientists Say

By Irene Klotz – Discovery News, MSNBC

April 12, 2012


New analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows that NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week.

Further, NASA doesn’t need a human expedition to Mars to nail down the claim, neuropharmacologist and biologist Joseph Miller, with the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, told Discovery News.

“The ultimate proof is to take a video of a Martian bacteria. They should send a microscope — watch the bacteria move,” Miller said.

“On the basis of what we’ve done so far, I’d say I’m 99 percent sure there’s life there,” he added.

Miller’s confidence stems in part from a new study that reanalyzed results from a life-detection experiment conducted by NASA’s Viking Mars robots in 1976.

Researchers crunched raw data collected during runs of the Labeled Release experiment, which looked for signs of microbial metabolism in soil samples scooped up and processed by the two Viking landers. General consensus of scientists has been that the experiment found geological, not biological, activity.

The new study took a different approach. Researchers distilled the Viking Labeled Release data, provided as hard copies by the original researchers, into sets of numbers and analyzed the results for complexity. Since living systems are more complicated than non-biological processes, the idea was to look at the experiment results from a purely numerical perspective.

They found close correlations between the Viking experiment results’ complexity and those of terrestrial biological data sets. They say the high degree of order is more characteristic of biological, rather than purely physical, processes.

Critics counter that the method has not yet been proven effective for differentiating between biological and non-biological processes on Earth, so it’s premature to draw any conclusions.

“Ideally, to use a technique on data from Mars, one would want to show that the technique has been well-calibrated and well-established on Earth. The need to do so is clear; on Mars we have no way to test the method, while on Earth we can,” planetary scientist and astrobiologist Christopher McKay, with NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., told Discovery News.

While not iron-clad, the findings are an additional plank of evidence challenging the popular contention that Viking did not find life, Miller said.

Miller also is reanalyzing the data to see if there are variations when sunlight was blocked by a weeks-long dust storm on Mars, with the idea being that biological systems would have acted differently to the environmental change than geologic ones. Results of the research are expected to be presented in August.

The research is published online in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. You can read it here:  http://ijass.org/PublishedPaper/year_abstract.asp?idx=132


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John Ward – Revealed : Blatant Manipulation Of Spanish, Italian And German Bonds Yields Today – 11 April 2012

It is very hard not to see the finger of Mario Draghi on the pulse of today’s eurobond market

“You see dissa finger? You messa wid me, I takea dis finger and ram it up your ass” Now here’s a funny thing, missus. (All timings are GMT)

At 9:27 AM Spanish industrial production figures for February released, showing the appalling state of its economy, falling a monthly 3% vs. -2.5% in January.

At 9:48 AM in an €11B auction of Italian 12- and 3-month debt, bond yields leap upwards. The 1-year doubles to 2.84% from 1.405% in a previous sale in March, and 3-month paper zooms to 1.25% from 0.49%.
It’s looking pretty bloody out there. But there will be no help forthcoming from Mario Draghi’s ECB, right, because the bond-buying programme is at an end.

10:03 AM  Yields on 10-year Italian and Spanish bonds suddenly plummet….by (respectively) 18 basis points and 14 basis points.
Apart from 15 minutes, nothing has happened, nothing has changed. No ClubMed miracle discovery of gold-plated uranium has come to light. And yet, in that same 15 minutes – when equally, no news of a nuclear attack on Berlin has broken – German yields, which had been dropping, suddenly zap up 15 points. (Which, on a total level of 1.79%, is some going).
Now you know why Merkel and Schauble were so bitterly pissed off when they realised how the politically adept Mario Draghi had turned their central bank into his ECB. You buy a little here, you sell a little there….and hey presto, eurozone bond spreads fall. On to the next stage….
12:00 noon, Germany sees very weak demand at an auction of 10-year Bunds, undersold by  € 1.13 bn.  The debt needed a yield of 1.77% to achieve even that – much higher than the 1.64% DeutscheBunds were yielding yesterday

The sequel: Paul Donovan, deputy head of global economics at UBS AG, talked  to Bloomberg soon afterwards about the prospect of further European Central Bank intervention in the Spanish bond market.

This is just a little bit of empirical observation to back up the more sweeping global observations I made in today’s earlier post.  The moral of the story is – as I keep saying over and over again: the minute you are deep in debt (whoever you are) the banks have the upper hand. When the key bank is run by a former Goldman Sachs whizz-kid, they have that upper hand round your balls. Anna da big finger up your ass.

Thanks duly offered to Forex Seeking Alpha for the data stream re this one.

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