The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~14~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event
Update~ Incoming Major Events will Be Unfolding~
Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine Sand Joy~West Coast Freedom, Love, and Light Tour
Greetings Love beings... In the next 30 days we will be seeing some major events that will be undeniable and will contain the validations that Humanity's New Reality of Love, is manifesting before their eyes.
Love is not here to Play games or share lies. Love is here, to finally after 13,000 years, end the ridiculous illusions of pain and suffering. We are Here To bring Planet Wide Peace, Prosperity, and True Equality.
Many ask if we are Real, if the abundance programs are Real, if our Starships are Real, and if the removal of those who have been controlling Humanity is really gonna happen. Well, we sure would not be working 24 hours a day in service if we were not able to stand by all that we share here at the Galactic Free Press. We stand Courageously in the Light and Real Truth as Your Earth Allies. Every Moment we work for Humanity's Complete Freedom into Love. Thank You for Sharing with Your Family, Your Friends and Everyone that will Listen. We are moving with an Unstoppable Energy of Light across the Planet and We will Only Grow Brighter from Here. Love is Contagious.
Photo's Of Our Scout Craft By Earth Allie Will Harader
Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report:
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:
Cobra Report:
Earth Allie Report:
We have had 3 large Earthquake's and 2 from our ring of fire that is Now coming alive. You can intend these will increase, as This is a Final Wake Up call for Humanity from Mother Earth=Heart. She is still releasing alot of dense energy and pressure, which cannot be on her any longer. We are Moving Now At .9 Light Speed Vibration through this Ascension into the Galactic Center.
On Our wild weather front, tornado's are popping up everywhere and this Is Mother Earth=Heart's way to get everyone out of their boxes and to allow them an opportunity to pay attention to what is happening.
We have shared many times that all these incoming events are inevitable and a Part of the Divine Intervention. This is By Divine Decree and Per the Divine Plan for Planet Earth=Heart. We are here to Answer Mother Earth=Hearts Prayers. When they blew up the first atom bomb, these energies came to us with a Message that she required our assistance, before she was destroyed by the ignorance on this Planet. We are Here to Answer this Prayer and not one ego or illusion can prevent this.
We have 12 Million Ground Crew Members all From our 24 Flagships, specifically here for this Transformation Of Mother Earth=Heart. They are all now in position. We all wait patiently to take our Places in this next facet of the Divine Plan in service to Humanity and Love on this Planet.
Yesterday, we announced that very shortly, Humanity's Transitionary Government will come on Line and we are currently in preparations for all of this to occur. Its About to Get exciting. We Promise!
~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~ Keep the Press going. If You Love the Press Share Please~ We are currently over 1500$ behind for this Month.
Our Last Update we received 2 Love Share's
Total Love shares for April 1308.11$
Total Funding Needs 3000$
Every Moment you share with Love, You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100% Joy, No Kidden'
Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing
A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.
Thank You For honoring and sharing with those who work tirelessly, and endlessly for Humanity's Freedom. Your gift will be returned and infinitely because it's given in light and love. That's how we all do it together as ONE. Thank you !
We are working 24~7. NO KIDDEN'!! WE are Here to Give You Everything.. Thank you for SHARING. Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~
Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We are now preparing a new way to Have these Meetings that will allow for many to join us.We are asking only those that are ready for this experience with complete service to Love, to contact us. If you are interested this email us at and we will give you all the details. For the Moment connect with us via skype at father.mothergod.amon.ra
We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~WE are Going Home~
~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra
WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~
1's and 4's, such as 114 or 144 ~ The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thoughts right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment.
(NOTE: 411means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now."
Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~Embrace the coincidences that come into your life today. There is great love.
From Love & Light Tour Westcoast
F R E E D O M !
Yojman Chase ~ Street~Wise Ascension
From the Joy of Mt. Shasta
To the many of us (you)
who upon my bulk
are wishing for the
immediate transformation
of the species,
I wish for you to remember
the Divine Plan of you
being the Bridge to Freedom that you are.The scene on my planet
has gone so far into separation
that only the Greatest Powers in all of Creation
could possibly bring us all home safely.
Within this Power that You are
is the daily recognition
of the vast Celestial Force,
i.e. the 12 Great Elohim,
the finger and infinite Circle of the Godhead,
and all the Ascended Masters
who have gone before us.
Girded with these identities
you may become
the greatest healing and Freedom
to the Powers of Nature
and the Beings of the Elements.
If any of you were to call forth
the Sacred Fire Freedom
of all the powers of Heaven
to go before you in an infinite circle
and set all of Nature free from discord,
you would have instant feedback.
They will demonstrate their Love to you.
I Am a voice of Gaia.
From the land of sky blue waters
and galactic green meadows,
we gather for the Ascension
of the rest of Humanity
that might dwell otherwise.
As stewards we naturally
keep our attention on the ball (of Light).
So, we may wish to realize
the highest science of wave into particle
through the activity of creation
with regards to the “children”
that are now on the planet.
They (or we) are of what could only be termed
“the Rainbow Infusion.”
We are here to manifest at blow back speed
the hidden and the known structures of Grace;
Harmony’s outrageous Authority
of infinite, boundless splendor,
the science of Crystalline Programming
or flow of Fragrance,
(Fragrance being like Sacred Fire).
We have proof of our accomplishments “on record.”
We wish to just “do,”
like God-Beings in a supervised,
but unlimited, playground.
Till then, just hold a vision of Freedom.I Am the being of Light,
and I intend to see only Light acting here.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~14~12 Incoming Major Events will Be Unfolding~
David Wilcock: Major Event: Liens Filed against all 12 Federal Reserve Banks 2012 April 14
David Wilcock: Major Event – Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks
Stephen: David Wilcock has just posted an exclusive groundbreaking development in his current Financial Tyranny/Divine Intervention investigation series, which he has been intensively working on for the past few months.
This surely is evidence that things are happening.
As David writes: “As of this posting, liens have now been placed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. We already know they do not have the assets to meet these obligations. This is a critical step leading to the mass arrests and the defeating of Financial Tyranny”.
But there is so much more to David’s breakthrough story. To read it in full go here:
For those who may not know exactly what a lien is, this is from Wikipedia: “In law, a lien (UK: /ˈliːən/; US: /ˈliːn/) is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt or performance of some other obligation.
“The owner of the property, who grants the lien, is referred to as the lienor and the person who has the benefit of the lien is referred to as the lienee. The etymological root is Anglo-French lien, loyen “bond”, “restraint”, from Latin ligamen, from ligare “to bind”. In the United States, the term lien generally refers to a wide range of encumbrances and would include other forms of mortgage or charge. In the USA, a lien characteristically refers to non-possessory security interests.”
Divine Cosmos: Major Event – Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks
By David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos, April 13, 2012
The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks.
A Cease and Desist Order has also been filed — to prevent the world’s wealth from continuing to be stolen.
To continue reading go here:
As David prefers not to have his blog reposted, here is a brief extract from his exclusive revelations outlining the details of the filing of the liens against the 12 US Federal Reserve banks:
1. The amount of gold under contract to the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms. (2,420,937.4 metric tons.)
2. The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
6. The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit, whereby all countries would have equitable access.
7. The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
9. The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-
The Committee of 300
Skull and Bones Society
The Bilderberg Society
The Trilateral Commission
Council on Foreign Relations13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only — and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
14. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors — collectively and severally.
To continue reading David’s full story go here:
The War at the End of the Dollar
The history of the U.S. dollar is closely linked to U.S. involvement in a series of wars. The Bretton Woods Accord and the resulting world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar were both byproducts of World War II (1939-1945). The Korean War (1950-1953) was followed six years later by the Vietnam War (1959-1975) which led to the end of the Bretton Woods system. Unfettered by the constraint of gold backing after 1971, the U.S. dollar became a weapon in the Cold War (1945–1991) between the U.S. and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Each war corresponded with an increase in the U.S. money supply. The Gulf War (1990-1991) was followed by wars in Afghanistan, beginning in 2001, and in Iraq, beginning in 2003, and, simultaneously, by the U.S.-led War on Terror that began in 2001. Like the wars that came before them, the recent staccato of U.S. wars is correlated with increases in the U.S. money supply. The Iraq war, for example, is estimated to have cost as much as $4 trillion.
The loss of value in the U.S. dollar caused by excessive expansion of the money supply, together with rising demand for raw materials from emerging economies, has led to permanently higher global commodity prices. Higher crude oil prices, in particular, have put pressure on the U.S. economy, which is putatively in a gradual recovery from the recession that began in 2007. At the same time, international trade has begun to move away from the U.S. dollar, threatening its world reserve currency status. Given the history of the U.S. dollar, it seems likely that an eventual end of the U.S. dollar’s reign as the world reserve currency will be marked by war.
U.S. politicians are clamoring for war with Iran, the third largest oil exporter in the world. Iran refuses to sell its oil for U.S. dollars. If Iranian oil were traded in U.S. dollars, it would moderate the U.S. dollar price of crude oil and ease pressure on the U.S. economy, as well as extend the world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar and give the U.S. economic leverage over consumers of Iranian oil, which include China and India.
The U.S. news media is preparing the American public for a war with Iran with reports about the dangers of Iran becoming a nuclear power. Television news reports have speculated that Iran would immediately wipe out Israel if it obtained a nuclear weapon, despite the fact that a thermonuclear exchange would wipe out Iran. It has also been reported that Iran might carry out nuclear strikes on U.S. soil using intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), although Iran possesses neither nuclear warheads nor ICBMs. In fact, there is no evidence that Iran is currently building a nuclear weapon. One concern that is valid, however, is that no nuclear power has ever been invaded in a conventional war.
Forged in the Fire of War
The approaching end of World War II led to the creation of the Bretton Woods system in July 1944, although fighting in Europe and in the Pacific continued into 1945. The U.S. dollar, which was convertible into gold, became the dominant mechanism for international trade settlement. The price of gold was set to the pre-war price of $35 per troy ounce, which was deflationary at the time. There was nothing in the Bretton Woods Accord, however, that prevented the U.S. from issuing more currency than was backed by gold other than the threat of a run on U.S. gold reserves.
The Bretton Woods system worked as intended for roughly 17 years. The London gold market, which had been closed during World War II, reopened in 1954. By 1961, upward pressure on the price of gold prompted the establishment of the London Gold Pool by the U.S. Federal Reserve and major European central banks (including the central banks of the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and West Germany). The London Gold Pool defended the $35 per troy ounce price through interventions in the London gold market, but upward pressure on the price of gold grew. In July of 1962, Americans were forbidden by then president Kennedy to own gold abroad by Executive Order 11037. In a 1965 press conference, then president of France, Charles de Gaulle publicly denounced the U.S. for abusing the world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar. The London Gold Pool collapsed in March of 1968 after France withdrew from the group setting off a surge in gold demand that caused the London gold market to shut down for a two week period.
By 1971, substantially due to the cost of the Vietnam War, the U.S. had leveraged its gold reserves to the breaking point. The expansion of the U.S. money supply caused the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) to increase by more than 6% in 1970 and it remained above 4% in 1971. When U.S. President Nixon “closed the gold window” in August 1971 and instituted price controls, the Bretton Woods system ended and an ad hoc floating exchange system resulted. From their peak during World War II to 1971, U.S. gold holdings fell from approximately 20,205 tonnes to approximately 8,134 tonnes. In February 1973, the U.S. devalued the dollar and raised the official dollar price of gold to $42.22 per troy ounce. By June of the same year, the market price in London had skyrocketed to more than $120 per ounce.
Although CPI inflation was below 4% at the start of 1973, it rapidly accelerated, reaching 9% at the start of 1974. With the last vestiges of gold backing having been removed from the U.S. dollar, Americans were once again allowed to own gold as a hedge against inflation. Against a backdrop of runaway U.S. dollar inflation, Arab members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), along with Egypt, Syria and Tunisia proclaimed an oil embargo in October of 1974. Officially, U.S. support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War was the reason for the embargo, but it was also a challenge to the un-backed U.S. dollar’s position as the world reserve currency, i.e., as an exclusive medium for crude oil sales.
After the end of the Yom Kippur War in 1974, OPEC members, including Iran before the Iranian Revolution in 1979, began to accumulate hundreds of billions of devalued U.S. dollars due to current account surpluses linked to rising oil prices. Arab “petrodollars” were recycled into US Treasuries, invested in financial markets around the world and loaned to commercial banks.
By 1979, oil prices had roughly quadrupled and the price of gold was increasing rapidly. Then Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker raised the Federal Reserve’s funds rate to an average of 11.2% in 1979. Nonetheless, in 1980 CPI inflation soared to 13.5% and the stagnant U.S. economy also slipped into recession. The price of gold hit $850 per troy ounce and the price oil averaged $37.42 per barrel, more than ten times the average price of $3.60 per barrel less than a decade before in 1971.
In a desperate bid to save the U.S. dollar, Volcker increased the funds rate to an unprecedented 20% in mid 1981, pushing the prime interest rate to a usurious 21.5% by the middle of 1982. Finally, Volcker’s radical intervention slowed the rate of CPI inflation and restored confidence in the U.S. dollar. It also brought the price of crude oil down and smashed the prices of gold and silver.
The Committee to Flood the World
Post Volcker, the Federal Reserve’s dilemma was how to bring down interest rates while managing the CPI independent of increases in the money supply, e.g., to neutralize the Triffin Dilemma (a conflict between domestic monetary policy and the demands placed on a currency by international trade) and to support U.S. federal government borrowing during the Cold War. The first key to the solution was to look at inflation strictly in terms of its effects on prices and not as an increase in the money supply, which is a function of interest rates. When interest rates are low, prices tend to rise because the money supply expands more quickly, thus the second key was to de-couple prices and interest rates. The third and final key was to manage the psychology of the consumer in terms of inflation expectations. While altering the CPI to reflect relatively stable prices and managing consumer inflation expectations were easily accomplished, de-coupling prices and interest rates was a more difficult problem because the prices of global commodities were not entirely under U.S. control. Ultimately, managing the CPI required managing global commodity prices, especially the price of crude oil.
A crucial breakthrough came in 1988. The article, “Gibson’s Paradox and the Gold Standard” by Robert B. Barsky and Lawrence (“Larry”) H. Summers in the Journal of Political Economy, showed that the price of gold was inversely correlated to interest rates. Since gold is not industrially consumed in significant quantities, the price of gold changes relative to the value of major currencies. Specifically, the price of gold had proven to be a barometer of U.S. dollar inflation after 1971. What was more important was that the prices of gold and crude oil tended to correlate. The implication of Gibson’s Paradox was that interest rates could remain low as long as the price of gold did not rise. If interest rates could remain low without causing an accelerating increase in the CPI, as had happened in the 1970s, the money supply could be expanded indefinitely.
A few years after Alan Greenspan took the helm as Chairman of the Federal Reserve in 1987, interest rates were slashed and the resulting increase in the U.S. money supply began to pull away from the increase in the CPI. For roughly two decades, beginning with Volcker’s success in the early 1980s, the price of gold declined while oil prices remained relatively stable, despite the fact that interest rates had come down.
The innovations in U.S. monetary policy developed principally by Summers and Greenspan helped to make it possible for the United States to up the ante in the Cold War, which ended with the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1991. Setting aside all other issues, the U.S.S.R. had arguably been spent into oblivion by the U.S. The fall of the U.S.S.R. seemed to guarantee the hegemony of the U.S. dollar for decades to come.
During the 1990s, Greenspan, together with Larry Summers, who was Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Robert Ruben at the time, championed financial deregulation. Confident in their ideas, the so-called “committee to save the world” prevented regulation of over the counter (OTC) derivatives and succeeded in effectively repealing the Banking Act of 1933 (the Glass–Steagall Act).
In hindsight, Greenspan held interest rates too low for too long in the 1990s resulting in the dot-com bubble. The bursting of the dot-com bubble was a shot across the bow of the “committee to save the world” but the warning went unheeded. The Federal Reserve moderated the downturn beginning in 2000 by lowering interest rates and they remained low. U.S. banks took advantage of deregulation and low interest rates to speculate and to increase their leverage, especially in the mortgage market, while hedging the additional risks in the fast growing OTC derivatives market. As the resulting real estate bubble grew, the notional value of OTC derivatives exceeded $600 trillion on a global basis (more than ten times world GDP) and financial services industry profits expanded to 40% of S&P 500 business profits.
The price of gold had begun to move up after having made a historic low in June of 2001 and, in 2006, the price of crude oil began to rise at an accelerating rate revealing a fundamental flaw of de-coupling interest rates from prices. The flaw was that the Federal Reserve had absolutely no control over the flow of increased liquidity resulting from its policies. The “committee to save the world” was flooding the world with cheap U.S. dollars. Increased liquidity linked to low interest rates was fueling unprecedented levels of financial speculation and increasing the risk and magnitude of asset price bubbles, such as the dot-com bubble and the real estate bubble. To make matters worse, excessive monetary expansion was weakening confidence in the U.S. dollar.
Pressured by rising oil prices, the U.S. economy began to roll over in 2007. As the U.S. housing bubble began to burst, beginning with sub-prime loans, the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil hit an all-time high of $145 in June 2008. Roughly four months later, a financial crisis far larger than that of 1929 began to take place, i.e., the bursting of the largest credit bubble and monetary expansion in the history of the world. In October 2008 Greenspan testified before the U.S. Congress saying “…I found a flaw…in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works…”
Quantifying the Crisis
The policy responses of the U.S. federal government and of the Federal Reserve (under Chairman Ben S. Bernanke since 2005) to the financial crisis and to the so-called Great Recession were radically inflationary. The Federal Reserve loaned $16 trillion to financial institutions worldwide and $7.77 trillion to U.S. banks and corporations. The Federal Reserve also purchased roughly $1 trillion worth of toxic mortgage backed securities (MBS) from banks and monetized a total of roughly $800 billion of U.S. federal debt, expanding its balance sheet from $900 billion before the crisis to $2.7 trillion.
In the face of the most severe economic decline since the Great Depression, the U.S. federal government embarked on a $700 billion economic stimulus plan, despite the fact that tax revenues were falling. In addition to an initial $800 billion bailout package, government sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken into receivership, making the U.S. federal government liable for roughly $5 trillion of mortgage debt. In 2009, the total liabilities of the federal government were estimated to be as high as $23.7 trillion by then Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), Neil Barofsky. As a result, U.S. federal government debt increased sharply and, in 2011, the U.S. credit rating was downgraded for the first time in history.
Loss of value in the U.S. dollar, caused by radically inflationary monetary policies, set off a global currency war in 2009 and pushed global commodity prices higher than they would otherwise have been. Higher crude oil prices, despite lower demand, slowed economic recovery. At the same time, high debt levels, bank bailouts, soaring government budget deficits and falling tax revenues produced a sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Although the focus of the still developing sovereign debt crisis remains on Europe, the skyrocketing debt and unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities of the U.S. federal government, estimated to be more than $63 trillion, foreshadow a similar crisis in America.
The Trap of Financial Warfare
One of the key reasons why the U.S. has yet to experience a sovereign debt crisis is that the world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar supports demand for the U.S. dollar and for U.S. federal government debt. However, the U.S. dollar is in the process of gradually losing its world reserve currency status. Global trade is fragmenting into increasingly autonomous trading blocks defined by currencies and trade relations, such as the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China), together with South Africa.
Demand from emerging economies, particularly China, is placing steady upward pressure on the price of crude oil. Higher oil prices resulting from a combination of a weaker U.S. dollar and increased global demand threaten to push the U.S. economy back into recession. Setting aside flat to declining supplies of sweet light crude oil (Peak Oil), the fact that the price of gold has risen roughly 500% in a single decade suggests much higher oil prices in the future.
Iran, which is the world’s third largest oil exporter and a major supplier of oil to China, lies outside of U.S. control. Iran refuses to sell oil for U.S. dollars, partly as a consequence of the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953, orchestrated by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, and partly as a consequence of current U.S. policies in the Middle East.
In March of 2012, the U.S. unilaterally removed Iran from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system, effectively cutting it off from world commerce. However, wielding the U.S. dollar’s world reserve currency status as a blunt instrument could be counterproductive in the current international climate. If the U.S. dollar were to lose its world reserve currency status over a short period of time, a U.S. sovereign debt crisis would be certain and a catastrophic collapse of the U.S. dollar, i.e., hyperinflation, would be possible.
Having taken a decision to act unilaterally against Iran, the U.S. may be forced to resort to more extreme measures if the world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar begins to break down. Of course, the U.S. does not control the oil trade solely through financial means. With Israel as a close ally, Iraq and Afghanistan occupied by U.S. forces, close ties with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other Middle Eastern countries, Iran is surrounded by more than 40 U.S. military installations.
A successful invasion of Iran would eliminate the largest non U.S. dollar oil exporter, delaying the breakdown of the U.S. dollar’s status as the world reserve currency. Although a war with Iran would cause a spike in oil prices, U.S. control of Iran’s oil would increase the supply of oil available for purchase in U.S. dollars, which would bring the U.S. dollar price of oil down and enhance the ability of the U.S. to manage the price of oil to meet the needs of the U.S. economy. Controlling a major supplier of crude oil to China and India would give the U.S. additional leverage to support the U.S. dollar and U.S. debt, as well as a means of influencing the policies and economic growth of the two largest nations. The option of invasion, however, may be time limited. If Iran were to eventually obtain nuclear weapons, the risks involved in a U.S. invasion would escalate.
As an alternative to invasion, a limited U.S. military action might involve surgical strikes on Iranian nuclear research and power facilities, as well as on Iranian military forces that pose a threat to the U.S. military. Destroying Iranian nuclear facilities and suppressing potential counterstrikes also suggests neutralizing Iran’s threat of disrupting the oil trade by closing the Straight of Hormuz. Thus, a limited U.S. military action would involve military operations on a scale not seen since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
A limited U.S. military action might leave a weakened Iranian regime in place after the conflict and reignite the moderate, pro-democracy Green Movement that was brutally suppressed in 2009. Regime change from within might restore democracy to Iran after twenty six years of U.S.-imposed monarchy and more than three decades of quasi-democratic religious oligarchy. However, regime change is unlikely to result in the sale of Iranian oil in U.S. dollars or to extend the reign of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. A preemptive strike by the U.S. could also strengthen political support for the current Iranian regime.
There seems to be no political will in Washington D.C. to change course from a U.S. military conflict with Iran, despite the fact that a U.S. attack on Iran will increase anti-U.S. sentiment in the region and amplify the Islamic extremist dimension of the U.S.-led War on Terror. The drumbeat to war in the U.S. news media is loud and clear and, if history is any guide, the U.S. will soon, e.g., after the 2012 presidential election, “cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war”.
The Denver Airport Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) Explained this is a MUST SEE IMAO. The Denver Airport Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) Explained NOV 2011
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Shepard Ambellas – CFR Not Happy with Obama’s Buffet Tax – 14 April 2012
I am sure you have heard the old saying ‘Life is what you make of it’. It is so true and quite often I speak about how our thoughts create our reality. Is your life black or white or do you welcome in the colors to add joy to your life? Life doesn’t have to be just black or white. How we live our lives and how we choose to look upon them is up to us. Every summer I like to plant a flower bed so I can have cut flowers in my home all the time. Beautiful colors and enticing aromas. Just a single vase sitting on a table or window sill can add such joy. How about the clothes you wear or your hair style? Is it the same old same old or do you get daring and bold and go for the colors and new styles? If you feel like you are in a rut you probably are. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to change things, it just takes that first step towards making the change.
A new outfit to wear, a new hair style can make all the difference in the world in how you feel about your life. They give you a boost up and you tend to view things differently from your new perch. We need to be creating new ways of seeing our lives now. It is almost impossible to stay stuck in our same stations in life and imagine new ways of being. We have to first make a change so we can envision our new life with fresh eyes. I am not saying you have to move, or sell your house or anything major. Small changes can trigger a new you as well. These small changes not only give you new vision they keep you moving. If our life doesn’t keep a slow, gentle, flowing motion, we become mired down and soon we find ourselves stuck in a rut that repeats itself everyday, month after month, year after year.
The trouble with that scenario is not only do our lives get mired in the cement, our minds do as well. Our thoughts tend to stop being flexible and we become rigid in our thinking. How in heaven’s name can we change anything in our world if we are living rigid lives thinking from rigid brains? We must be flexible in our lives and minds so we are open to receiving new ideas and new ways of seeing things. I think one of the more important missions we have before us is to be able to open our minds so we can envision a new way of being. We cannot successfully build a new world on top of the old world’s failures. We must clean the slate and start again, but we will need the blueprints of what we want to go by. It is imperative we open our minds and become accepting of new ways and releasing old ways of being.
If you find it too difficult to open up to the truth of what is going on in the world then start small. Begin by changing your immediate life through flowers, wardrobes and hairstyles. It is time to step outside of the old 3D beings we have been for so long and embrace the shift that is upon us. Sooner or later we must recognize the illusion we have been living in and the perpetrators of that illusion and move on from that scenario. It is suffocating and imprisoning and if we want our freedom we must be willing to face life’s realities and change them if we don’t like them. Add color to your life and become a new you.
Blessings to you all,
Shepard Ambellas – CFR Not Happy with Obama’s Buffet Tax – 14 April 2012
CFR based puppets Sebastian Mallaby, Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, and Paul A. Volcker, Senior Fellow for International Economics are not happy with Obama’s new proposal, as the president calls for anyone who earns over $1 million per year to pay the same in taxes as the middle-class.
The CFR puppets state arrogantly in the article entitled, “Buffett Rule” Is a Sorry Excuse for Tax Reform;
After all, the tax would raise welcome revenue by ensuring that Americans with incomes of more than $1m pay a federal tax rate of at least 30 per cent – hardly onerous by historical or international standards.
The article starts out by reading;
No reasonable person can doubt that the US must eventually raise taxes. The country is running an unsustainable budget deficit. Its tax take, measured as a share of gross domestic product, is the lowest in the OECD. The 1990s suggest the US can raise revenues without damaging growth. Other countries have also managed similar feats. Sweden, for example, which collects 53 per cent of GDP in taxes, has grown faster over the past decade than the US, which collects 32 per cent, counting state and local government. From all this it follows that a distressingly large slice of the Republican party is unreasonable.
Equally, no reasonable person can doubt that the tax system must be used to soften inequality. Some inequality is good: it is a spur to enterprise and effort. But too much is clearly bad: it punctures meritocracy. As gaps in wealth and income have widened, it has become steadily harder for talented poor kids to compete against lavishly tutored rich kids armed with iPhones full of contacts. This is politically corrosive, morally unjust, and a shocking waste of human capital.
All this suggests Barack Obama is right to call for a “Buffett tax”. Yet in doing so, the president reminds us of why he is a disappointment.How so? After all, the tax would raise welcome revenue by ensuring that Americans with incomes of more than $1m pay a federal tax rate of at least 30 per cent – hardly onerous by historical or international standards. The Buffett tax is also politically clever: not even the most avid anti-tax Republican will defend a system in which a billionaire pays a lower rate than his secretary.
Coming in the week that Mitt Romney has all but sewn up the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Obama’s focus on the Buffett tax serves to remind voters of his opponent’s embarrassingly low tax rate. One marvels at the hubris of a candidate who imagined he could run without this becoming an issue.
Has Obama went against his masters or is the stage set for a new grand finale?
The Intel Hub – link to original article
Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 13 April 2012
Media channels receive their messages from channels who also receive messages sent to them from media channels as well. When this chain of information is broken for any reason, messages delivered through our channels to the people of your world are temporarily interrupted. This has been the case as of late here, as other pressing matters have superseded our regular duties of sending messages through this channel. Much is transpiring behind the scenes, and we wish you to know that here on our side we are very busy with last-minute details before a rush of activity begins in your world.
You can be always assured that we are here and we are always with you even if there are a few days where we cannot share our messages with you. There will not come a time when we were ever to leave you without our plans being fully explained to you. As we have said, we have been very busy finalizing details that will bring to your world the many changes we have often discussed with you. It is always quietest before the storm, and this rule certainly applies here. Be prepared for a flurry of activity to begin, and for all that we have discussed to now begin to take place.
As we have advised you all along, there is no need to fear as we have your well-being clearly in mind and we will make every effort possible to see that no harm comes to any of you. With great change often comes a certain level of turmoil and we do perceive this throughout these events, but we also see the people of your world handling very well these changes, and we are here to assist in our way see these changes proceed as smoothly as possible.
The time for the mass arrests of those of your world who have conspired against the people is upon you, and although we cannot say for sure when this event will begin, we can say that the final pieces have been moved into position and all systems are go. This is all we can say for now as we do not know exactly when the signal will be given to proceed. We do wish we could give you clearer information about this, but it is beyond our limitations as this signal is not going to be given by us, but by our Earth allies. We will try to give you some kind of advanced notice when we are sure these arrests will begin, but again, please do not count on this as we cannot guarantee any more advanced notice than has already been given.
Please do your best to remain calm and balanced throughout these arrests to act as Wayshowers to your fellow brothers and sisters who may experience a rush of emotions including fear and confusion as to what these arrests mean. Do your best to reach out to as many as you can and explain what is transpiring, and help them understand that these arrests were a long time coming and are the best thing that can possibly happen for your world at this time. It will not be long at all before your words are seen by all as truth, and we ask you to be a beacon of this truth throughout these proceedings which may last for days and even longer. It is difficult to foresee precisely how long it will take to incarcerate so many individuals who today are scattered throughout so many areas of your world. From our vantage point, we do see these arrests proceeding smoothly and we do see these arrests being fully completed, however, we do not see exactly how long this will take.
Please have on hand a few days or even up to a few weeks worth of supplies for your home as it is possible there will be some outages in certain areas as these arrests continue and certain services are disrupted. Please continue to do the tremendous work you are doing and disseminate this information throughout your circles. We see so many who just a short time ago had no idea of these arrests now not only fully aware of these proceedings, but also sharing this information with others. This warms our hearts tremendously, for it is this sharing of information that is and will continue to be of primary importance for the people of your world, and we cannot thank you, our brothers and sisters, enough for the work that you are doing.
Many of you will be working with us on our many projects together and you can be assured that this day is approaching rapidly. We will say from the moment of the launch of the mass arrests all the way through to the end of your year will see almost constant activity, as there is so much yet to be done and a very short time to do it. One of the major projects that we must accomplish is our disclosure of our presence to the people of your world. As we have said, we would begin to allow more sightings of our ships and we would also allow much clearer and longer sightings as well leading up to our disclosure announcements, and we are very pleased to see so many of you videotaping our craft and sharing this information throughout your online communities. We will continue this process throughout the days and weeks ahead to familiarize as many of your world as possible to our presence in your skies.
Some of you will be working with us on our disclosure project, and in due time the details of this will be fully explained to you. We would like to begin this process very soon, and we ask those of you who have been selected to be prepared to be picked up by us at a moment’s notice and escorted to a meeting that will take place in space for a number of hours. Please prepare yourselves and anything you need to do at home to be able to leave for an indeterminate amount of time that we feel for the purposes of this meeting will not be more than a few hours, however, we cannot say how many hours precisely. Just understand that we do wish you to stay for the entire duration of this meeting, and we do not wish to interrupt these proceedings to deliver you back home early before its completion. This is a very important assignment and as such deserves a certain level of preparation on your part. We ask you to remain as prepared as you can as we will contact you with no further notice when it is time to pick you up and escort you to our waiting ship. We cannot give you any more warning than this as there are safety concerns and we must do all we can to protect your safety and the safety of our crew.
Those of you who will be taking part in our disclosure plans have already been contacted and should by this time clearly understand what the next step will be. Once we can speak with you more personally we will fully explain to you what this assignment entails and what will be asked of you, and we will answer any and all questions that you may have. For now, this is all we can say on this matter as a certain level of secrecy is called for. Those of you who have expressed a desire to take part in these disclosure plans but who have not been contacted by us, we say to you that there will be future opportunities to participate in this plan that will be ongoing throughout the days and months ahead. This will not be the only opportunity to take part in our disclosure efforts, and there will be also be many opportunities to work with us throughout our many projects together.
Those who were selected for this assignment at this time have met certain criteria that we felt important. Some of these criteria concerned the availability of these individuals to be able to leave their home for a certain amount of time to take part in media events. We understand that not all of you can leave your home, your jobs and/or your families for prolonged periods of time, and we had to take this into account. We wish that we could have selected all of you for this assignment, but again we tell you there will be many more opportunities to work with us in future days. We thank all of you who have expressed an interest to work with us on our disclosure project, and we look forward to working with many of you in the days ahead. Until then, please continue to do the tremendous work you are doing today spreading the news of these mass arrests and of our presence here in your world. We say to you that none of the work you are doing is overlooked as we fully recognize and appreciate all the work each and every one of you are doing. We say to you that nothing we are accomplishing could be done without the work you are doing, and we will thank you personally in the days ahead.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Steve Beckow – Evidence Of The Divine Plan Is All Around Us – 13 April 2012
Stairway to Heaven
All of us seek happiness but few of us question why we universally do that. We want love, crave bliss, search for fulfillment. But seldom do we notice that we do or question why these circumstances would be so. We simply accept them.
They form part of what Werner Erhard called the “background of obviousness.” We take for granted some of the most profound circumstances of life.
In a similar vein, from time to time, we ask for proof that there’s a Divine Plan for life, but when we look upon the evidence all around us in our everyday lives, we seldom consider it to be evidence.
But in seeking happiness, love, bliss and fulfilment, are we not seeking Divine qualities? If we tirelessly seek the qualities of the Divine, does that not suggest that the Plan for life may also have something to do with seeking the Divine?
What is the Divine Plan? All life seeks God. That would seem to be its essence. There seems little difference between saying that all life seeks God or saying that all life seeks love, bliss, fulfilment and happiness because these qualities appear to be the same as God.
Has the Divine Plan been described by those who’ve known it? Let’s look first at Earth’s sages and then the galactic masters and see. Krishnamurti knew it and exclaimed:
“The really important thing is … the knowledge of God’s plan for men. For God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a man has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (1)
Great Chain of Being
Have any other sages had a vision of the Divine Plan, the stairway of consciousness or Great Chain of Being, and described it in detail? The closest we can get are the visions of Edward Carpenter and Dante.
Edward Carpenter’s Vision: “[In the] inner illumination … we can ultimately see things as they are, beholding all creation — the animals, the angels, the plants, the figures of our friends, and all the ranks and races of human kind — in their true being and order.” (2)
Dante’s Vision: “When Dante awoke into the Cosmic Sense, into the new Cosmos, the first thing to strike him … was the vision of the ‘Eternal Wheels’ — the ‘Chain of Causation’ — the universal order — a vision infinitely beyond expression by human words. His new self … had its eyes fixed on this, the Cosmic unfolding. Gazing thereupon the Cosmic vision and the Cosmic rapture transhumanized him into a god.” (3)
What is being described is a word picture of God’s Plan for humans: Jacob’s Ladder, the stairway of consciousness, depicting the spiritual evolution of God’s children from a point of unconscious awareness of their identity as God to conscious awareness. The dawning of conscious awareness we call “enlightenment.”
Does God Himself (Herself, Itself) discuss the purpose behind the Plan? Speaking as God, the Sufi sage Ibn Arabi says: “I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known, and I created the creation so that I be known.” (4) The White Brotherhood master Beinsa Douno says something somewhat similar: “Why did God desire to create the world? So that He might be made manifest.” (5)
The Divine Plan is like a circular spiral
The Upanishads say that God created the world “to enjoy his own exuberance and play, to know himself in manifestation.” (6) When one of us realizes God, it is really God that realizes Himself, as many sages attest.
Franklin Merrell-Woolf: “This space I produce that My Glory shall be revealed; yet I alone Realize that Revelation.” (7)
Ibn Arabi: “Only God sees God.” (8)
Bayazid of Bistun: “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!’” (9)
Paramahansa Ramakrishna: “Only grandeur appreciates grandeur: and God realizes God.” (10)
Swami Brahmananda: “Only God can know himself. Be a god, that you may know the infinite God.” (11)
The avatar Sri Ramakrishna playfully describes God’s reaction when, in the moment of enlightenment, God knows God: “When Siva realizes his own Self, He dances about in joy exclaiming, ‘What am I! What am I!’” (12)
So the Divine Plan is for God to realize God by making Himself manifest in the world as us, His Children, who rise by gradual steps from a place of unconscious awareness of our identity as Him to conscious awareness through enlightenment.
Do the galactics say something different? Can it be that this view of the Divine Plan is in fact something only terrestrials hold, or do the galactics say the same thing?
SaLuSa says: “All are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated.” (13) That is the divine circle, the stairway of consciousness, is it not? He explains that “the purpose of living many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual evolution.” (14) And again: “Life is a continuous round of experiences that you have all set in place to further your spiritual evolution.” (15) There’s no difference between SaLuSa’s statement and Krishnamurti’s, is there?
All nature reflects the Divine circle of consciousness
Ela of Arcturus evokes the same stairway of consciousness: “All proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution.” (16) SaLuSa agrees: “Life everywhere in the Universe is continually evolving, and it is a natural condition that forever impels you forward.” (17) Forward, upward, progressing, evolving from God to God.
Do the galactics themselves mount the same evolutionary staircase of consciousness? SaLuSa answers that question:
‘You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended. We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is.” (18)
“No matter where you choose to go in this Universe, the object of your experiences will be to increase your levels of consciousness. So when you meet with Beings from another civilization, know that they too are carrying out a life plan to move further ahead in their evolution.” (19)
Thus we can see the Divine Plan at work in our own everyday lives. We hear terrestrial and extraterrestrial sages refer to it and describe it. Do the galactics and celestials gathered around our planet at this time also serve it? SaLuSa says they do:
“There is a clearly-defined plan for your future. … There is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended. … The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure, Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.” (20)
This “grand plan for Man,” SaLuSa says, “is perfect in its concept.” (21) Our “glorious future is absolutely certain, and it is written into the plan decreed by the Creator,” he assures us. (22) Saul reminds us as well that nothing else is possible than what the Divine Plan lays out:
“The divine plan continues to unfold precisely as intended, and as it must; nothing else is possible. Your awareness of it will increase and intensify as your energy frequency rises in preparation for leaving your illusory reality of fear, suffering, pain, and death.” (23)
And what is that Plan? SaLuSa tells us that “the Divine Plan [is] to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.” (24) ”Ascension,” he tells us, “is in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (25)
So if we look at our own lives carefully enough, we can see the Divine Plan in action. If we study the words of the terrestrial and extraterrestrial sages, we can hear the Plan described and explained. Various visions that sages have had give us the flavor of it. And the galactics and masters who’ve gathered round the planet at this time of Ascension also tell us that they follow it. We have evidence from our own lives and from the experience of the masters, terrestrial and galactic, that the Divine Plan exists. And this very Plan holds within it the decree and provision that this planet will ascend and we will ascend with it.
(1) J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910. , 17.
(2) Edward Carpenter in Maurice Bucke, Cosmic Consciousness. A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. New York: Dutton, 1969; c1901, 85. [Hereafter CC.]
(3) Maurice Bucke, CC, 137.
(4) Muhyidden Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3. [Hereafter KK.]
(5) Beinsa Douno, “Life is the Musical Manifestation of God,” The Wellspring of Good. Downloaded from, accessed 2 Feb. 2005., n.p.
(6) Alan Jacobs, trans. The Principal Upanishads: A Poetic Transcreation. Winchester, UK and New York: O Books, 2003, 70.
(7) Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973 18.
(8) Ibn Arabi, KK, 48.
(9) Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.
(10) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Anon., Life of Sri Ramakrishna. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1977; c1924, 47.
(11) Swami Brahmananda in Swami Prabhavananda, The Eternal Companion. Brahmananda. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1970; c1944 , 205.
(12) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942., 393.
(13) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012, at
(14) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.
(15) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2010.
(16) Ela of Arcturus, Mar. 9, 2009, at
(17) SaLuSa, May 4, 2009.
(18) SaLuSa, July 14, 2010.
(19) SaLuSa, Jan. 13, 2010.
(20) SaLuSa, March 15, 2010.
(21) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2009.
(22) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2010.
(23) Saul, Sept. 6, 2009, at
(24) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.
(25) SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2012.
ohn Mauldin – Reports On King World News – Europe Is Destroying Their Currency, Bank Runs, Markets & More – 14 April 2012
The King World News link to the MP3 Radio Interview ( It starts with a commercial) with John Mauldin (it is the opinion from a foremost USA perspective told : link to Radio Interview
(Lucas : The talk is still on things that have passed already on basis of the old paradigm and the faulty system. Just ask why is the system not working? Ask yourself the question: Who benefits from it? Who is really in power? Should maybe a new system and another think system be more helpful?)
Adam Taylor – Ólafur Ragnur Grímsson : Iceland’s President – FULL TRANSCRIPT: Iceland’s President Explains Why The World Needs To Rethink Its Addiction To Finance – 14 April 2012
In a sign of desperation, the Dark Cabal is now trying to shutdown the internet, one alternative medium at a time, to avert the publication of alternative viewpoints and the imminent arrests and disclosures of all hidden knowledge, and most of all the crimes of genocide that have been committed for centuries. The latest victim is, one of the very prominent alternative media that we are familiar with.
As of April 14, 2012 10:14PM GMT+8: Entering in your browser would yield this…
These fools really think they can stop the massive awakening of the “Useless Eaters”.
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One comment on “Alternative Media Crackdown Intensifies”
Adam Taylor – Ólafur Ragnur Grímsson : Iceland’s President – FULL TRANSCRIPT: Iceland’s President Explains Why The World Needs To Rethink Its Addiction To Finance – 14 April 2012
Here’s the full transcript of our interview with Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, who has been President of Iceland since 1996, and announced last month he would be running for a fifth term. Keep reading to hear his thoughts on Iceland’s recovery, and how a large financial sector can ruin the world.
How has life in Iceland changed since the meltdown?
It’s very difficult to give a short description of how life has changed. It’s absolutely clear in Iceland, like many other countries, the financial crisis came as a profound shock, not only to the financial institutions, but also to ordinary people, the economy…
The march of tyranny continues.