The Ashtar Command is a another of the galactic commands that are also here and working with us, the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to our Creator and to you, the people of Earth. We have worked before with the Ashtar Command and much has been learned through our association with them and their devoted and experienced team members. You will also be introduced to their command just as you will be introduced to our command in the days ahead. There will be several introduction ceremonies, if you will, and it will be through these ceremonial displays that you will learn first-hand who it is that has been sharing these messages with you as well as who has been orchestrating many of the events of your world from behind the curtains.
We wish you to know now and to please keep this in mind, that we are not strangers to you. We did not come here bearing gifts for strangers. We know you, it could be said, just as well as you know yourselves, as we are your friends and your family and have been with you in spirit all throughout your journey here in the physical plane. We of the higher realms knew you well before you stepped through the door of incarnation, and we have been working with you on a virtual daily basis since that moment all those years ago. In this light, can you now understand how we know you so well? Can you understand how we are family in what could be considered an even closer relationship then many of your nuclear family members in your life at this time?
We have been with you through the good times and through the bad times and we have seen you at your best and we have seen you at your worst, and we want you to know that we love you and care for you and watch over you no matter which peak, plateau or valley you find yourself in at any particular moment in time throughout your journey. We support you and your choices at all times, and we never interfere with your sacred right of free will and choice, instead, we work with you to help you learn lessons that will perhaps allow you to make a better choice the next time one avails itself to you.
It has been a very long journey for many of you, and you will soon find out just how long this journey has been. You will learn who it is you truly are, where it is you come from and a world of information about yourself, your friends and working colleagues, some of who have stayed behind in the higher realms to act as guides and to perform other necessary tasks, and others as well who have journeyed with you into the realm of the physical and have been through this lifetime your friends, your family and even sometimes your foes, taking on this role to help teach you a lesson that you felt important enough to learn.
Nothing that you have experienced here has been done against your will in the higher sense, as you are the directors of your own performance. There is no one else calling the shots from above you or beside you. It is you and you alone who have scripted the dialogue and the action, although we wish to remind you that you have also scripted several different outcomes for each scene of your production. You have always had more than one choice to make at any given time, and it was all up to you which path you felt you wished to travel and learn through the experiences that awaited you down that road.
It is now time for many of you to choose between a path that will return you back home to us and a path that will perpetuate your travels and your experience within a lower dimensional realm. This choice is completely up to you, and we will not interfere with your decision-making at all. We will honor each choice you make no matter what that choice may be or where it will lead you to. This is important for you to know, as even if your choice leads you to experience some of the difficult experiences that some of your brethren are headed for we will not come in and stop you and convince you to choose another course of direction. We wish you to know this, and wish you to think over your choices carefully before you make them. That is all we will say and do about this, as we must leave it up to you to decide your own future by choosing your own path to continue on your journey.
There will be telltale markers and road signs along each path that you may choose, we wish you to know this, and we wish you to look for them as there will be clues given you as to where that path will lead to. This is not a potluck dinner where you will not know what you are receiving for your meal, as you have the ability to rely on your intuition as well as other means that you have used to evaluate a situation and make a choice. It is this self reliance that is the call of the day, and it is for this reason that, although we could easily tell you which path that will present itself to you will lead to a particular experience for you, we will not do this as you will gain nothing through this experience if we were to kibitz and share with you all the answers that you may seek. We wish you great success on your continued journey, and we will be right here supporting you each and every step of your way, but we will not take you by the hand and guide you any longer as it is time you began to take your own steps and create the future that you wish to experience, as it is your future and it is no one else's right or responsibility to carve it for you.
You have the tools, you know what to do, so get to it and create whatever it is you wish to experience for yourself. What will be created from this is a conglomeration, a bouquet if you will, of many different flowers that have been created by many different individuals. Some of these flowers will piece together in a beautifully matched and complementing bouquet of peddles, flowers and stems, and the wraps that others may create will not match or compliment your creation, but they will create for themselves an entirely separate arrangement of flowers that, although may not match yours or fit in any way into your bouquet, their peddles stems and flowers will match the vibrations of others that have been created by souls of like minded vibration at this time and they will be presented this bouquet of their taste and choosing. Remember this. Remember that there are many flowers of different types, sizes and colors, and that more than one bouquet can and will likely be created through your thoughts, your actions, your intentions and your dreams throughout these last days of your current form of reality.
We are your friends and your family who have helped you create the beautiful bouquets of all your experiences, and we will help you create this last bouquet based on all that it is that you wish to experience in your new lives. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/3/12 ‘The Return Path Home’ | The Galactic Free Press
Government-sponsored study destroys DEA’s classification of marijuana
A government-sponsored study published this month in The Open Neurology Journal concludes that marijuana provides much-needed relief to some chronic pain sufferers and that more clinical trials are desperately needed, utterly destroying the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) classification of the drug as having no medical uses.
While numerous prior studies have shown marijuana’s usefulness for a host of medical conditions, none have ever gone directly at the DEA’s placement of marijuana atop the schedule of controlled substances. This study, sponsored by the State of California and conducted at the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research, does precisely that, driving a stake into the heart of America’s continued war on marijuana users by calling the Schedule I placement simply “not accurate” and “not tenable.”
Barclays Bank Chiefs’ Backflip ~ CEO out; Contoversial Chair Back In | The Galactic Free Press
13 Oc, 3 Kumku, 8 Manik
Dratzo! The time for changes is upon us all. Heaven has moved upon the Earth and decreed that a time for liberation and for freedom has arrived. Thus we are honor-bound to come forth upon the Earth and face in all diligence those who, in haste and sheer arrogance, have forgotten that they are merely temporary masters of this most magnificent realm. Our coming is to make these points absolutely clear to them and to pave the way for a new epoch for surface Earth's humanity. Nearly 13 millennia ago, you began to fall into the uneasy world of limited consciousness. This is a realm where it became relatively easy for your new masters and their trained minions to control and manipulate you. This time is now swiftly coming to a divine close. Actions have already begun which are to force those who have for so long ruled this land with impunity to let go of the reins. Our liaison teams and their many sacred companions are working hard to complete programs which will revitalize your world-a world where you are to be set free, and where, in sacred purpose, you can complete your journey to full consciousness.
We come now to finish a process that will assist our Earth allies to evict several regimes currently controlled by the dark cabal. This will allow a new type of governance to be established which, along with a new financial system, is to deliver an era of abundance. In addition, this new governance will introduce and apply now-hidden, Earth-based technologies which we will eventually combine with our own to give you a time of peace, prosperity, and unprecedented international cooperation. We come to present you with a wealth of knowledge that is to set you free from the silly lies and misrepresentations of your soon-to-be castaway masters. This cabal is the last vestige of the groups which have ruled you so unkindly, and they are now to be revealed for what they truly are! This arrogant and ill-intentioned bunch was planning to strip you even further of God's divine gift of full consciousness and keep you in permanent servitude. These despicable plans are being short-circuited as we speak, and will never come to fruition!
Our mission here is ultimately related to first contact. We have come from afar to carry out the divine edicts of Lord Surea and to bring sacred comfort to you from the highest spheres of Heaven.
The great Seraphim from AEON have blessed you and us with a divine grace that will bring forth a new era upon the Earth. This new epoch will usher in a 5-D reality and a time of full consciousness for Gaia and for her many peoples. Long ago, we of the Galactic Federation colonized this planet and brought forth what you mainly call Lemuria. In this magical land we flourished, both on and below the surface. This high culture watched over the sacred essence of Mother Earth and her most diverse ecosystems. Then a group of Atlanteans was swayed by dark elements to move some of you into a state of temporary servitude. Events then followed which placed this small contingent of humans into great peril. Heaven intervened and decreed that this small band was to pass through a period of limited consciousness.
This odyssey was intended to be a key to delivering permanent peace to this galaxy. It seems that the dark Anchara continuum had created a multiplicity of galactic empires, populated with Beings who had been denied the necessary Light Body for returning in Will to the Light. Heaven's plan was to use, at a future time, Earth humans' infinite Love and their acquired wisdom of the dark to move these bereft civilizations back into the Light. That time is now. It is the moment for you to fulfill your divine mission, and it is our sacred task to prepare you for this immense service. To this end we are using our powers and abilities to secure a new world for you. Here, you are to meet your Lemurian ancestors and, in Agartha, to transform, bathed in Love and Light, into fully conscious Beings. In this, your original state, you can meet your new clients and, in Love, bring them a most precious gift: a fully functional Light Body! This divine service delights Heaven and brings the entire galaxy into the great Oneness that is the True Light of Heaven.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come before you today with some information about what is going on around you. At present, a great many, who have been quietly observing the enormous greed and corruption of the dark ones, are preparing the vast amounts of evidence for their trials. This collection of data has also been used to trace and secure the masses of gold and related debentures that the cabalists either illegally seized or issued. These funds are now in our possession, and our various associate groups are adding many of these instruments to the ever-growing monies to be distributed shortly to those who are the initial recipients of the prosperity funds. This operation is taking longer for two reasons. First, we needed to collect, surreptitiously, the enormous amounts of money stolen by the dark. Second, we needed to compile and collate the evidence about how the dark, through arrogance, managed to destroy the very basis of its power!
The layers of control with which the cabal dominated you are rapidly disintegrating, and as these layers lose their effectiveness, the unbelievable extent of the avarice and illegality of their institutions begins to be revealed. Heaven has graced us with an amazing tool which permits us to monitor these miscreants, and in this regard we note that those who deeply wish to enslave humanity are in fact a most incompetent bunch! Their many procedural errors and unwarranted overstepping of their authority plainly brought about their present predicaments, and the mountains of illegal debt are the direct result of this unbridled avarice. In this, Heaven provided a most effective means for us to subdue them, and the addition of our Inner Earth and Space cousins has sealed the deal for humanity! We are very grateful for this, and deeply bless all in Heaven for her wondrous gifts and for our deliverance from the dark.
The procedures now underway are in their final stage and so we have given the 'green light.' Look at this like the launch of a manned space flight at Cape Canaveral where all is in the final countdown. Many sequences need to be completed, and on the way some delays may happen. However, all is geared for takeoff once these final complex sequences are checked off. This is where we are now. We require honesty and trust, and therefore ask you to use your immense positive energies to ensure that this 'launch' goes off as planned. Our collective intention is fully focused on this. Many groups of Galactic Federation and our associates' personnel are working diligently to complete this on time. We fully believe that divine events will take place shortly which is to create a reality of peace, prosperity, and above all, freedom!
Today, we reviewed what is occurring on your world. Things are underway which will shortly ensure the termination of the dark cabal and its many partners. You are very close to witnessing a wonderful event: the return of the Light to planet Earth! With this, you are to quickly complete your short journey back to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Barclays Bank Chiefs’ Backflip ~ CEO out; Contoversial Chair Back In | The Galactic Free Press
French police raid home of former president Nicolas Sarkozy
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy (AFP Photo/Lionel Bonaventure)
Police officers have carried out a number of raids in Paris – on the villa Nicolas Sarkozy shares with his wife Carla Bruni, on the law offices of the former president’s attorneys and on the apartment provided to him by the government.
Judge Jean-Michele Gentil and financial police searched the Sarkozys’ villa Montmorency, located in the French capital’s most luxurious district, the offices of Arnaud, Claude and Associates, in which Sarkozy is a shareholder, and an apartment given to the former president by the government.
The raids are reportedly linked to a campaign finance corruption scandal involving billionaire L’Oreal heiress Lilian Bettencourt.
Bettencourt, France’s richest woman, is alleged to have illegally contributed two payments of 400,000 euros each to Mr Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign, despite the fact the legal limit on individual donations being 4,600 Euro.
Both were traced to Swiss accounts, and one was allegedly received by Sarkozy in person in Paris, in return for offering the cosmetics magnate tax breaks once he came to power.
Numerous witnesses including a butler, nurse and chauffeur have described seeing Mr Sarkozy paying personal visits to the Bettencourt mansion in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the upmarket Paris suburb.
Sarkozy’s presidential immunity from prosecution expired on June 16th and his former budget minister Eric Woerth has already been charged with corruption.
This is just one of several cases Sarkozy may be investigated for, now that constitutional protection has been removed. He is also facing allegations that he profited from illegal arms sales to Pakistan, and that he accepted millions from former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
His lawyer Thierry Herzog said Sarkozy, who was defeated in his re-election bid in May by the Socialist Francois Hollande, is currently in Canada with his family.
SOURCE here.
~Freedom Project:French police raid home of former president Nicolas Sarkozy | The Galactic Free Press
French police raid home of former president Nicolas Sarkozy
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy (AFP Photo/Lionel Bonaventure)
Police officers have carried out a number of raids in Paris – on the villa Nicolas Sarkozy shares with his wife Carla Bruni, on the law offices of the former president’s attorneys and on the apartment provided to him by the government.
Judge Jean-Michele Gentil and financial police searched the Sarkozys’ villa Montmorency, located in the French capital’s most luxurious district, the offices of Arnaud, Claude and Associates, in which Sarkozy is a shareholder, and an apartment given to the former president by the government.
The raids are reportedly linked to a campaign finance corruption scandal involving billionaire L’Oreal heiress Lilian Bettencourt.
Bettencourt, France’s richest woman, is alleged to have illegally contributed two payments of 400,000 euros each to Mr Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign, despite the fact the legal limit on individual donations being 4,600 Euro.
Both were traced to Swiss accounts, and one was allegedly received by Sarkozy in person in Paris, in return for offering the cosmetics magnate tax breaks once he came to power.
Numerous witnesses including a butler, nurse and chauffeur have described seeing Mr Sarkozy paying personal visits to the Bettencourt mansion in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the upmarket Paris suburb.
Sarkozy’s presidential immunity from prosecution expired on June 16th and his former budget minister Eric Woerth has already been charged with corruption.
This is just one of several cases Sarkozy may be investigated for, now that constitutional protection has been removed. He is also facing allegations that he profited from illegal arms sales to Pakistan, and that he accepted millions from former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
His lawyer Thierry Herzog said Sarkozy, who was defeated in his re-election bid in May by the Socialist Francois Hollande, is currently in Canada with his family.
SOURCE here.
Drake Update Today on Facebook: July 3, 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
Drake Update Today on Facebook: July 3, 2012
Thank You to Pat Donworth
Okay, Drake appeared on his facebook page, Global Voice 2012, today. Here is his message. Note that he will be on his scheduled radio show tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central time. See link below.
Here’s today’s message (I’m posting as is, with no punctuation edits):
Drake Kent
I see lots of rumors bout me…
What great imagination and drive!
I am alive and well. Due to not having any communications and no electricity,
we figured to find all that away from home.
Drake Kent is the name I am using for posting on here.
ALL others are fakes.
And yes, I do have security watching my house.
Seems like a lot of people would love to get their five minutes of glory, an all that.
This ain’t gonna happen, just yet.
ALL kinds of things are happening here and around the planet…
One does have to know what they are seeing, understand it, and know how it fits into our efforts.
OOEE, this and that is only good for an OOEE…
What is going on is that the communications and financial connections are being cut.
Does anyone think that Soros and Trump being charged with RICO violations is unimportant?
Without Soros, Bush can’t play…
And soon the banks will be closed…their banks.
As for those who are so hard after their five minutes of glory, it has been decided that each of you will be given exactly that, five minutes…no long speeches/statements, no legal dissertations, etc.
There is some news as to continuing efforts by our patriotic military.
As before, I offer to serve in whatever capacity they think I can best serve in…
Communications will remain as they are now, a specific chain of trusted people who can accurately forward info. This is the best and most secure way to do this at this time.
I started out as an information relay. This was turned (not by me) into a sort of information command. The last stages of ALL this are just beginning now.
The next info is what will be done to finish the job…
I have offered (again) to serve in capacity as the tactical sees fit, and am willing to do as much more as the rest believe I can handle.
I have the best team I could find on the planet, and some are already involved at different levels and in differing ways.
And yes, there is an exchange of some info going on as we speak…
I will make an announcement concerning mass arrests and other things on the show.
From all that needs done, I believe we will need a temporary Commander in Chief. One who knows most all of what needs attended to, and one who has proven they can be trusted. There is a short list…
Take the time to digest the info above, and listen in.* * * * *
You can catch Drake on the radio tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central Time / 7 PM Eastern at:
What Happens After Containment? ~ Part 3 | The Galactic Free Press
What Happens After Containment? ~ Part 3
2012 July 2 8:27 pmby Steve BeckowI’m now acting on Archangel Michael’s request, made in An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012, to change our phraseology from “mass arrests” to “containment.
In this next article in our series, I’d like to look at the advice from SaLuSa and Archangel Michael on how to respond to the containment of the cabal, which according to SaLuSa, on July 2, 2012, has now begun:
“The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place.”
Despite alleged channelings recently that tell us that we should hate the cabal and rejoice over their destruction, our sources here tell us that to do so would be to lower ourselves to the dark levels of the planetary controllers. They warn us against it.
SaLuSa cautioned us in May 2012 not to allow the expected revelation of truth to stir us to vengeance but to allow justice to follow its course.
“Once the media commence reporting the arrests that are already underway that include many public figures, there will be calls for retribution. We do however ask that everyone avoids their emotions running away with them, as we assure you justice will be seen to be done. Unlike earlier times, no one will be able to cheat justice or buy their way out of it.” (1)
He warned us that, if we seek revenge against the cabal, we may end up little better than they.
“We wish you to concentrate on the future and seek first to maintain the Light upon Earth, without wasting your energy by directing your anger at the Illuminati and their minions. These will be hard times for anyone who has recently lost loved ones or friends as a result of their actions. It will however be a test of your ability to stay within the Light, and show your strength by forgiving those responsible.
“If you do not do so and seek any form of revenge you end up little better than what they are, and you form a link of energy with them. They may not deserve much sympathy, but see them as souls who have gone badly astray and almost lost their spark of Light. It will take a lot of Light to raise them up again but it can be done. We feel sure you will see that it is far better to lift the fallen up again, than compound their situation by linking them to more negative energy.” (2)
He advised that all of us have had lives where we too descended to dark levels.
“All of you have experienced stages where you have gone against the Light. However, with few exceptions you have understood the reasons that brought it about, and stand today as examples of those who have overcome the challenges of duality. You are all the stronger for it and that is indeed the reason you elected to spend many lives in the lower dimensions.” (3)
He suggested it was fine to speak about matters but without getting into our emotional energy of hostility.
“By all means speak about matters, but do it from an impersonal angle without empowering it with your emotional energy. Remember as we have informed you on a number of times, you do not know another soul’s life plan or why they have chosen their experiences. In the higher Spirit worlds souls are of a vibration that gives no energy to judgement or condemnation, they hold the love vibration and it is not in their way of thinking.” (4)
He reminded us that there is no reason to “concern yourselves too much with the fate of the dark Ones. They will be treated with full justice and be given every opportunity to make amends, and every help to find a path back to the Light.” (5)
Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel in March 2012 echoed SaLuSa’s request.
“We ask for you not to join in any way, shape or form in judgment or relishing what is happening to another, for that cannot be of love. So, yes, there is divine justice, and there is an absolute balancing that is taking place. And we want you to understand that, as it is taking place on Earth, upon your beloved Gaia, that those ripple effects are felt throughout the Universe, that that rebalancing is taking place far further than any of you can even imagine.
“But the key to that amplification effect is for you to hold love, is for you to hold peace. You do not stand as judge and jury, my friends, … of your children, of your family, of your friends, of your neighbors – not of anyone. Do we sometimes pick someone up and say, “No, you are not permitted to continue in this manner any longer?” Of course we do! That is my job. And that is your job, as you work with me.
“But we do not fall into that old human paradigm of old Earth and say, ‘Now we will punish you. We will judge you. We will seek retribution.’ No. That is not loving. That is not kind. That is not gentle.
“Retribution comes in the rebalancing. It comes in the brilliant light of a new dawn. It comes in you stepping forward and assuming your rightful place, as light-holders and showers of the way. It is its own reward.” (6)
When we ponder the rebalancing that will take place, we might think of it not in terms of more or less, but in terms of returning to the center from extreme states like greed and hate. Love and peace reside in the center. Thus rebalancing means a return to the center, some would say, to the heart.
He asks us to join him in the new world rather than perpetuating the old.
“I ask you, we all ask you – for you are our beloved family; yes, a family of billions, it is an extended family – we ask you to join us in the new. And in the new there is no place for fault or blame or guilt. That does not mean, my brothers and sisters, that there is not room for acknowledgment and responsibility, for that is the bedrock. For when there is self-responsibility and mutuality, then there is joint responsibility and there is not an exercise of greed, of taking, of usurping power, for that power is already there. It is within you.
And so, as you see those who have tried and succeeded in many ways to control – and I could go down a list, but why would I wish to do that? – as you see that happening, feel the compassion – not sympathy, compassion – understanding about fallen angels and lost souls, and send them love. Send them forgiveness. And then begin with me – with all of us, with the Company of Heaven and far beyond, with your brothers and sisters from the stars – and let us build anew, because that is what this transition is about.” ( 7)
He reminded us that we have not yet finished our work. There is more to go and it makes it important for us to let thoughts of vengeance go.
“The old can only drag you down. Do not go there. My mission of peace has just begun, and I have need of you. You have travelled with me forever, in faith and trust and hope. So now you see the fulfillment of what we have talked about, the crumbling, the elimination, and yes, the destruction of the old. But let it go, and come with me, for there is further yet to go.” (8)
Thus our sources urge us not to allow the containment to stir thoughts of vengeance in us. There is no reason to fear that justice will not be done this time, as it has not been done in the past. If we seek revenge, we’ll lower ourselves to the level of the cabal. They remind us that all of us have spent lifetimes in the lower dimensions.
We are encouraged to speak about matters and as lightworkers we’re expected to. But we’re also encouraged not to go into emotional negativity or extremes. They remind us that all members of the cabal will be given the opportunity to return to the Light.
The notion of rebalancing is explained. The cabal are returning to the center rather than living in the extremes of qualities like greed and hate. In the center resides love and peace. We’re invited to join the Company of Light in the new world of the divine qualities like love and peace. We’re asked to forgive and put these events behind us, turning our faces to the future.
(1) SaLuSa, May 11, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, June 20, 2012.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 27, 2012.
(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(6) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 5, 2012, at .
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Loc. cit.
The Galactic Free Press Honors Andy Griffith TV's Sheriff Taylor And Matlock | The Galactic Free Press
The Galactic Free Press Honors Andy Griffith TV's Sheriff Taylor And Matlock
~Welcome Home To The Starships~
Enlarge CBS /Landov
Andy Griffith in 1960, when he started playing Sheriff Andy Taylor on TV.
Andy Griffith, who played the wise sheriff of Mayberry, N.C., in one of American television's most beloved situation comedies, has died, according to a family friend and a real-life sheriff in North Carolina.
He was 86.
WITN-TV in Washington, N.C., says an ambulance was called to Griffith's home on Roanoke Island around 7 a.m. ET this morning. Former University of North Carolina President Bill Friday, a friend, was the first person to report the death in an interview with the station. In the past hour, local Dare County Sheriff Doug Doughtie has released a statement saying that "Griffith passed way at his home on Roanoke Island. The family will be releasing more information, but no more information is available at this time."
(Note at 1:15 p.m. ET: The sheriff's office has released a statement from the family that says, in part, "at approximately 7 a.m. [today] Andy Griffith passed away at his home, peacefully.")
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To Read this Entire Article You can Follow this Link:
Cobra~Galactic Central Sun Activity
Cobra~Galactic Central Sun Activity
The storms, heatwaves, satellite disruptions and power outages of this weekend are a direct result of increased Sun activity. This is a milder version of the famous Carrington Event, which was a solar superstorm that hit our planet back in 1859:
Inside that National Geographic article you can read:
“The eastern half of the U.S. is particularly vulnerable, because the power infrastructure is highly interconnected, so failures could easily cascade like chains of dominoes.”
Our Sun directly responds to the Galactic pulse. Galactic pulse is a period of increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun which happens every 26,000 years:
Now we are in a period of this increased Galactic Sun activity and we may expect events similar to what happened this weekend during the rest of 2012, but no drastic cataclysms or polar shifts will happen as some people are afraid.
Our Sun is a multidimensional stargate that transmits the energies from the Galactic Central Sun towards our planet. Positive ET races direct and regulate these energies in a way that is most beneficial to our planet and humanity. These energies assist in removal of non-physical Archons and heal quantum anomaly that is surrounding our planet. They also bring to the surface everything that was hidden and will soon expose all actions of the Cabal in a way that will be very evident to everyone and the dark ones will have nowhere to hide.
So the events of the last few days are not a result of HAARP or artificial weather modification as many would like to believe. The Cabal is not that powerful anymore.
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Has Revolt Started In America? | The Galactic Free Press
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Has Revolt Started In America? Also, Why The Moonies And Nazis Tried To Kill This Writer Last Week ~ 3 July 2012
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We would Like to reheart You everyone has their Own Aspect of the Divine Plan. Just Follow the Synchronostic Signs of Truth and Love~ Ben's information is mainly focused on the Economic Situation ~All Our Love The Earth Allies
The long expected hot summer of discontent in the US has started with extremely suspicious “forest fires” disintegrating houses and chimneys into white ash but leaving trees and grass intact
near known Nazi underground bases in Colorado and with a “week-long” power outage around Washington D.C. following a “freak super-storm.”
Also, the White Dragon Society has now obtained original documents signed personally by US President John F. Kennedy and President Sukarno of Indonesia allocating the gold to be used to back the accord signed at the “Green Hilton Memorial Building, Geneva.”
Plus, this writer was approached after a speaking engagement on June 30th in Tokyo by an English speaking Asian man (probably Korean judging by accent) who asked to shake my hand and then stabbed my wrist with a needle.
The needle stabbing took place after a talk in which I described some of the testimony being given by recently arrested fugitives from the Aum Shinrikyo sect that was responsible for spreading Sarin gas within the Tokyo Subway system. The suspects are saying the entire incident was ordered by Kim Jong Il, who has long worked hand in hand with the Nazi Odessa underworld aiming to establish a “New World Order.”
This writer remembers news reports in the official Jiji and Kyodo News agencies from the day of the attack describing balloons arriving from North Korea on the same day bearing unknown liquids and propaganda leaflets. The articles were quickly scrubbed and attempts by this writer to follow up at the time were met with veiled threats.
In any case, this writer sucked at the needle wound in an attempt to remove any toxins and feels fine as of this writing on July 3rd.
It is also worth pointing out that this writer is physically fit (I go on 50 mile bike rides) and has no heart or cholesterol problems despite being slightly overweight. Stieg Larsson, the author of the “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” died of a heart attack at age 50 shortly after writing his fictional trilogy clearly based on real Nazi types he ran into as a journalist. Murder by heart attack has been a standard Nazi tactic in the post-war years. This writer also received warnings about a possible heart attack attack before the needle stabbing incident.
Here is a message to Reverend Moon, Kim Jong-un, Lee Myung-bak, Yasuhiro Nakasone, George Bush Senior, Baron Fritz Thysen, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Pope Ratzinger and other senior Nazis: “if this writer dies of any cause whatsoever without leaving a handwritten will you and your entire extended families will be hunted down and killed.”
This is a matter of legitimate self-defense. The members of the cabal are advised to look out their windows and behind their backs to confirm that they are being followed and watched 24/7. We want a peaceful resolution and a win-win solution to the ongoing financial war but are prepared for worse.
In any case, the Aum subway gas attack was an experiment by the Nazi faction to see if a manufactured terrorist incident could be used to establish a fascist dictatorship in Japan. The answer turned out to be no.
Now, the senior members of this sect who were recently arrested have also added to the growing body of evidence that it was this same group that was responsible for the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks against Japan in 2011.
This cabal also engineered the Hurricane Katrina weather modification warfare attack on New Orleans to see if Americans could be forced into concentration camps in the event of a “natural disaster.” For those of you who still do not think weather modification warfare is real please search news archives for June 18th to 20th 1975 editions of papers like the Washington Post and New York times and read about the treaty signed then between the Soviet Union and the United States not to attack each other with weather modification and earthquake weapons.
Returning to the documents signed by Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno, these are clearly smoking gun type evidence providing criminally indictable details about the theft of thousands upon thousands of tons of gold (not the millions of tons talked about) by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank.
The reason the Europeans announced for the 19th or 20th time that they had “solved” the European financial crisis and only got a “dead cat bounce” from the market is because they have cried wolf more than once too often.
The fact of the matter is that the BIS is under lockdown and no new funny money based on forged Asian (dragon family etc.) gold certificates is being put into the system. The Europeans (except for the Germans) then realized their “real” economies were mostly non-existent and that their massive “financial services” sectors were largely based on fraud.
All this means is that Europeans will once again go back to the legendary work ethic that made them world dominating powers in the first place. It is like a junkie going cold-turkey, it hurts at first but it is actually benefiting them.
The situation in the US is actually harder to read. It seems that Drake has called for drastic military action to make the US free by July 4th. When the smoke clears we may or may not find out if he succeeded.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is negotiating with cabalists for a peaceful transition and expects these negotiations to drag on through the summer. However, it may be that less forgiving and more impatient forces will make changes on the ground before these negotiations conclude.
If that is the case, the Asian creditors to the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank will have to negotiate with the new powers on the ground.
Europeans and Americans need to take note and learn from Iceland, debts owed by bankers are not the people’s debts. If the big banks go under, they will not be able to force average citizens to pay their fraudulent debts. In other words, Europeans, Americans and Japanese can be freed from debt slavery.
Galactic Infinite diversity guidelines and security protocols were attempted to be over-stepped by the archontic clone oppressors of EARTH but their attempt was met and stopped!
In short, death threats and attempts have been perpetrated on several earth allies without success!This allowed for the release of galactic codes authorizing the long awaited super-green light operation to be distributed to the fleets and ground crews!
Yesterday Positive Pleiadian and Andromedean fleets outside GAIA’S orbit detected incoming high level gamma rays from a solar EMP blast which was a billion times stronger than the energy of visible light and about two billion GeV.THIS intense burst of radiation coming from the release of the huge pulse of magnetic solar energy would not have impacted the Earth directly with the necessary force required to raise the light quotient to the critical level needed to wipe out the dark lower vibrations of the 3D MATRIX!
THE flux of the high-energy gamma ray super wave yesterday was 500 times greater than the sun's normal radiation and was intercepted by the fleets and bounced off of 2 5-mile wide reflectors towards earth’s atmosphere! The true information about this super wave event was not reported through main stream media or through internet channels.
Our ships working in tandem harnessed the incoming X-18 solar wind and deflected the super-photon wave towards the earth’s outer atmosphere on July 1, 2012.
The pressure of this plasma light hitting the aurora produced a super green light barrier around Gaia creating a temporary impenetrable and inescapable shield!
The occult built 3D digital holographic low-vibrational SCREEN matrix received its death blow when this green light surrounded and penetrated the super-resistant synthetic earth-grid breaking the 300 thousand year old archon-created enslavement hologram completely apart!This solar reflected laser pulse knocked out several orbiting cabal-operated covert satellites around the globe as it passed by!
This CME was not reported to be what it was in actuality, an X-18 Flare, but instead it was presented as an M-class! NASA’s servers were offline for several hours for ‘reported maintenance’ and engineers replaced the actual solar data with a version the public was to see!
This shield will stay in place for a few days until the CABAL-Clones and their human counterparts are all rounded up and dealt with!A recent release of orgonite-phosphate into earth’s inner atmosphere not only targeted the NWO archontic false-authority clones for tracking and termination but also greatly reduced the chemtrailing of GAIA and its people and completely reversed the effects of this death spray on innocent people and all living species on GAIA! The cabal’s psychotic chemtrailing episode over the last 6 months was an effort to implant destructive synthetic archons into humans at the nano level. These alien micro-machine-organisms would have created a complete transhuman race in rapid time! This was a key factor for the higher races to set aside the prime directive and to intervene for Gaia!
The orgonite-phosphate dust was designed not to harm sentient life in any way!
A number of these archon soulless non-sentient clone cabal elite will be killed by this operation because it is know that they will continue to charge against the people of earth to do murder!This spraying operation was implemented by the orbiting starfleet in a benevolent manner for the good of Earth’s survival and to ensure the safe ascension of GAIA and its life under codex guidelines.
Large numbers of military personnel have now been moved strategically into place under the guise of weather related states of emergency! The immediate removal of the cabal is the real emergency as we said!The Military, with the aid of U.S. Marshalls, The People’s Constitutional Militia and instructed local peace keepers are clear to receive their calls with directives to move in on the cabal!
The Earth Allies on the ground and the Resistance Movement from inner earth are concerting efforts in tandem with the orbiting starfleet to commence actions by combining military force and advanced spiritual technology to inject super gamma light upwards into the 3D Earth Matrix.
You can now be informed that: ‘As Above So Below’ is the galactic code and tactical operation now implemented!
All light forces have exerted extreme pressure on the dark archontic clone-elite remains from above and below! All negativity left on earth will be forced to a higher dimension of light to be forever eliminated from this realm.THE cyborg NWO Archontic Clones ARE NOW COMPLETELY trapped LIKE RATS and instantly sensed their own un-imaginable created fears as they realized their demise! OVER THE NEXT 2 DAYS all remainders of these mutant-BLOODLINES along with their human counterparts WILL BE rounded up, the clones dismantled and the human counterparts that are not-repairable will have their being completely dismantled and returned to the AEONS and forwarded to PRIME CREATOR for re-packaging and assembling as pure light! Turning evil into light is LOVE, understand this!
This is the ‘EVENT’ that will now move GAIA and its beings into the Higher 5th Dimension! (HEAVEN ON EARTH!) After this the majority of earth’s beings will ascend and all beings with a 51% light quotient will make this shift! The ones who are still in lower vibrations during the shift will remain in the 3rd dimension but without any negativity and many of you will volunteer to return again to 3D to help these raise their vibrations and ascend back with you, most within a few hours and days!
IN 5D YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMTED POWER WITH NO CONTROL OR NEGATIVITY AND ALL THINGS WILL BE POSSIBLE!The False-Financials of earth will completely crumble over the coming days due to this operation. Do not look at this as a bad thing! Money has enslaved the masses for eons on EARTH! It has to go! You won’t need it! You will have all abundance to replace it! This has to happen because it is a cornerstone of THE ARCHONTIC CORPORATE COMMERCIAL TYRANNY MATRIX. YOUR POSITVE MILITARY WILL KEEP YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROVISION IN PLACE AND KEEP PEACE! This TEMPORARY disruption will be handled properly and safely so not harm or cause anxiety to Earth’s population! Do not be concerned about major money issues or survival plans as your positive military has carefully allowed for all of this since the early 1970’s.
We suggested before, use wisdom and store some basic necessities for minor disruption for a week or so!
Un-imaginable technologies that have been hidden from you and more will be given to you in phases over the coming weeks and months.MANY HAVE ASKED ABOUT OUR DISCLOSURE SO HERE IS HOW IT WILL HAPPEN:
Disclosure will occur in five phases to smoothly integrate our contact.
PHASE-1, OUTER ORBIT DOCK. Our fleet and one other are already here and have been, this time around, for a few months! Our fleet is larger than any EARTH city and is docked and cloaked just outside of your orbit!
PHASE-2, THE INTRODUCTION. We will make ourselves and our intentions known to the people of EARTH through our Earth allies first. This will be done through selected channels and by direct contact.
PHASE-3, LOW VISIBILITY FLY-OVERS. You will see our smaller ships all over your skies on July 9, between 11 pm – 1 am.
PHASE-5, One-on-one contact (with higher evolved Earth beings first) and then we will gradually assign a guide to each of you who is ready to teach you the higher ways and prepare you for the next dimension!
Phase 3-5 will occur ONLY after the HOSTILE ARCHONTIC ALIEN CLONE CABAL is removed from your realm!
We so look forward to seeing you again after eons of time! You knew this day would come and you will see that it will be glorious. Your Archon-controlled media has told you so many ugly things about us that are not so! There were many negative and hostile ‘alien’s in your galaxy and realm but we have completely cleared them out! Most other galaxies have done this a long time ago! We do not expect you to trust us and as an advance spiritual race we know that we must be gentle, loving and earn your trust and never break it! This is something that most of you haven’t even experience on your own planet so it will be a wonderful thing!
Some have said that we do not feel emotions but as highly evolved spiritual beings the truth is we feel emotion fully and at the deepest level. We have learned to only feel positive emotions because we know that emotion is the engine of all creation. In time you will learn this as well.
We are VERY real, WE ARE HERE and we do love you! We created the Earth with many of you eons ago! When your 12[13] strands of DNA are fully activated in 5D you will remember and see it all clearly!
What we say is the truth!
Bless the Earth and its divine people forevermore!
End communication…
Andreas Wassermann And Peter Wensierski – Catholic Church Fears Growing Vatican Bank Scandal – 2 July 2012
A new scandal threatens to engulf the Catholic Church and this time the focus is money. Senior Vatican officials are battling over the future of the Vatican bank. While some would like total transparency, dubious transactions from the past and present could harm the Church’s image.
The Vatican scandal over shady bank accounts and millions in suspect transfers began shortly before sunrise on June 5 on Via Giuseppe Verdi, a picturesque street in the old part of Piacenza, a town in northeastern Italy. An elderly gentleman in a tailor-made suit had just left his house with a leather briefcase dangling from his right hand. He was on his way to his car.It was to be an important day for Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, who had recently been fired as the head of the Vatican bank — even if it turned out differently than he’d expected. Tedeschi was planning to go to the Vatican on that morning, but he never got there. The 67-year-old banker missed the high-speed train to Rome, meaning he couldn’t, as he had planned, get into a taxi at the Italian capital‘s central station for the short journey across the Tiber Riverto the Vatican. There, he had hoped to take the documents out of his briefcase and hand them over to a confidant of the pope.
Instead, Gotti Tedeschi found four men waiting for him in the street — not a hit squad as he feared at first, but investigators with the Carabinieri, Italy’s national military police force. Even before he reached his car, they presented him with a search warrant and escorted him back to his house. For several hours, they searched through his sparsely furnished, cloister-like home office. At the same time, other officers were searching through Gotti Tedeschi’s office in Milan. Among the objects they confiscated were two computers, two cabinets’ full of binders, a planner and his briefcase.
The investigators were pleased. While they made but little headway in their corruption investigation involving a client of a company Gotti Tedeschi had once headed, an Italian subsidiary of the Spanish banking giant Santander, they stumbled upon something else in there search which proved to be spectacular.
The documents confiscated from Gotti Tadeschi, a former confidant of the pope, provided Italian law-enforcement officials insight into the innermost workings of the Vatican bank. The secret dossier includes references to anonymous numbered accounts and questionable transactions as well as written and electronic communications reportedly showing how Church banking officials circumvented European regulations aimed at combating money-laundering.
A Possible Motive
The drama unfolding in the Vatican is now heading toward a climax. First, it was “il corvo,” the raven, whose revelations about life in the court of the embattled andexhausted Pope Benedict XVI caused months of unease. Then came the arrest of Paolo Gabriele, the pope’s butler, whom the Vatican has fingered as the source of the private papal correspondence that was leaked to the public. And now the scandal surrounding Gotti Tedeschi is providing a possible motive for the Catholic soap opera: money.
The pope had apparently tasked the financial executive with making the Vatican bank more transparent. But by approaching his task with perhaps an excess of zeal Gotti Tedeschi upset powerful forces within the Roman Curia, the Vatican’s administrative and judicial apparatus. Several high-ranking officials within the Curia viewed the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), as something akin to a trust company for clandestine monetary transactions that is not only used by the Church, but allegedly also by the mafia as well as corrupt politicians and companies. In one of the seized Gotti Tedeschi memos, he wrote: “I’ve seen things in the Vatican that scare me.”
It is a clear turning, one which transforms the so-called “Vatileaks” affair into a financial scandal that could seriously damage the reputation of the Holy See. Internal correspondence dated May 22 from a member of the bank’s supervisory board to the Vatican’s Secretariat of State notes that the Vatican bank is presently “in an extremely fragile and precarious position” and that the situation had reached “a point of imminent danger.”
The next act in the drama is set for Wednesday. Money-laundering experts from the Council of Europe will present a preliminary report on the Vatican in Strasbourg. It currently looks as though they will indicate serious misgivings about whether the IOR has taking sufficient precautions against money-laundering.
Their worries are corroborated by the work of Italian authorities. In questioning sessions sometimes lasting several hours, Gotti Tedeschi told public prosecutors whom he trusted in the Vatican, other than Pope Benedict XVI, and whom he didn’t. The banker reportedly fingered Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone as the ringleader of his “enemies,” accusing him of doing everything possible to keep the Curia’s accounts hidden from Italian authorities. The Vatican has been trying to make its bank eligible for inclusion on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development‘s so-called “white list” of financial institutions not suspected of being involved in money-laundering or terrorism financing. But Gotti Tedeschi reportedly complained that: “If we continue with Bertone’s line, we’ll never get off the black list.”
Alarmed Vatican Leadership
Fabio Palazzo, Gotti Tedeschi’s Milan-based lawyer, has declined to discuss details of the interrogations and the content of the documents seized from his client. Nevertheless, he stresses that the documents contain “useful facts” that would indicate that there were no legitimate grounds for sacking Gotti Tedeschi as head of the bank.
The Vatican leadership is alarmed. Archbishops and cardinals are far from thrilled that Italian officials are now rummaging around in their secret affairs. Papal spokesman Federico Lombardi has openly threatened Italy’s law-enforcement apparatus and urged it to kindly respect “the sovereign rights of the Holy See.” In other words, he believes that all those documents including confidential details about the Vatican bank that were seized during the search of Gotti Tedeschi’s home should not be in the hands of Italian investigators.
The fears of the pope and the Curia are well-founded. In the past, every time Italian prosecutors have stepped in and confidential documents have found their way to light, the secretive ways of the Vatican bank have always ended up damaging the Church’s prestige. For more than 40 years, the IOR, founded in 1942, has been regularly embroiled in scandals, including bribery money for political parties, mafia money-laundering and, repeatedly, anonymous accounts.
Many who have become ensnarled in illegal business dealings with the Vatican bank have been forced to pay with their lives, while others have spent years behind bars. Despite all of its sacred and solemn promises, the Vatican has succeeded in keeping the pope’s bank a haven for money-launderers. And instead of being on some Caribbean island, this one is right in the middle of Europe, in the heart of Rome.Its business model depends on keeping things as shrouded as possible from all financial authorities. Capital gains are untaxed, financial statements are not disclosed and anonymity is guaranteed. The bank’s exotic status of belonging to a religious monarchy in a sovereign state the size of a city park has shielded it from investigations and unpleasant external monitoring.
The bank’s headquarters are housed in a medieval defensive tower known as Niccolò V nestled right against the Apostolic Palace, the pope’s official residence, and is home to a vast amount of money and commercial papers. Here, roughly 100 employees look after 33,000 accounts with total deposits of some €6 billion ($7.6 billion). The direct beneficiary is the pope and his Church; 2010 earnings from the bank were €55 million. Such revenues help make up for a decline in donations from members of his global congregation.
Part 2: The Shady Past of the Vatican Bank
Whereas Benedict XVI and his predecessors have preached humility and ethical financial dealings from the window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, his confidants working directly beneath the papal windows have continued to pursue shady financial transactions.
The Vatican has yet to divulge the business practices its bank has been using for decades. “There is fear that, owing to the transparency necessary today, one will find something in the past that one doesn’t want to,” says Marco Politi, a Rome-based Vatican expert.
Such things could include a complex system of ghost accounts and shell companies like the bank had when Archbishop Paul Casimir Marcinkus was its head in the 1980s. At the time, the bank did business involving foreign currency and weapons with the Milanese banker Robert Calvi and the mafia financier Michele Sidona — and helped launder illegal proceeds the mafia earned from drug-trafficking as well as bribes paid to Christian-conservative Italian politicians.
In the end, Calvi was found dangling beneath London’s Blackfriars Bridge and his private secretary fell to her death from the window of his Banco Ambrosiano. Four years later, in 1986, Sidona would die in prison after drinking a morning espresso laced with cyanide.
Under Monsignor Angelo Caloia, Marcinkus’ successor as head of the bank, the Vatican consistently expanded its money-laundering activities. While he was in charge, there were secret accounts such as that for Giulio Andreotti, the controversial former Italian prime minister. On an almost weekly basis, Caloia would bring suitcases into the Vatican full of donations from Italian companies in the form of cash and securities. There, the origin of the money would be obscured using accounts such as the one with the number 001-3-14772-C owned by the nonexistent “Cardinal Spellman Foundation.” Likewise, relief organizations were founded with nice-sounding names masking the identity of their true beneficiaries.
It wasn’t until about three years ago, when evidence of such dealings came to light, that Pope Benedict XVI ousted Caloia. What prompted his change of heart were the more than 4,000 documents that Vatican financial expert Renato Dardozzi had assembled and hidden before his death in 2003. In his will, Dardozzi had written: “These documents should be published so that everyone can learn what has happened here.”
Eliminating the Traces
It became Gotti Tedeschi’s job to clean things up. As a married layman who didn’t belong to the clique of curial cardinals, he was well-qualified for the task.
Still, as a Catholic bound by a sense of loyalty to the pope, Gotti Tedeschi found the new job challenging. Owing to the shady dealings in the past, the IOR enjoyed a reputation in the global financial word as being about as transparent as offshore banks in Caribbean tax havens. Gotti Tedeschi wanted to change this and make the Vatican eligible to be included on the OECD’s “white list” of global organizations not suspected of money-laundering. Officials from the Council of Europe committee responsible for combating money-laundering were supposed to assist these efforts and, to do so, even be allowed into the inner sanctum of the Vatican bank.
Yet veteran Church bankers and members of the Curia apparently had no intention of abstaining from lucrative dealings with problematic funds. The plan, Italian financial investigators believe, was from then on to discretely eliminate all traces of clandestine business dealings.
A role in the effort was played by a bank in Benedict’s home country: Germany. In 2009, the same year that Gotti Tedeschi took over as president of the IOR, the bank set up an account with the Milan-based branch of the American bank JPMorgan Chase. From that point on, millions started flowing on an almost daily basis from JPMorgan’s Milan office to the one in Frankfurt, where the IOR also had a JPMorgan account.
Vatican officials opted for a special account in Milan with the number 1365, a so-called “sweep facility account,” which was automatically zeroed out at the end of each day. The Vatican bank confirmed the existence of this account late last week, though it said it was primarily used for handling securities transactions.
Through last year, this financial set-up was allegedly used to process more than a billion euros for the Vatican bank. Italian investigators suspect that it was also used to launder funds from dubious sources.
The transfers via JP Morgan would likely have remained unnoticed if the IOR hadn’t involved another Italian bank two years earlier in two cases. The attention of Italian financial regulators had been attracted by curious transactions the Vatican bank had made via Credito Artigiano. In 2010, a total of €23 million had been transferred from several accounts at that bank, but without listing the account holders or purposes of the transfers. Of that, €20 million was reportedly supposed to make its way to the Vatican’s JPMorgan account in Frankfurt, while the remaining €3 million was destined for an account at another bank in Rome.
Distressing Financial Storm
Before the transactions could be completed, federal prosecutors in Rome had the funds frozen. Then they launched investigations against Gotti Tedeschi and Paolo Cipriani, the IOR’s general director, on suspicion of having violated anti-money-laundering regulations. Alarmed by the Italian investigations, JPMorgan executives started asking Vatican officials where the money that had been regularly flowing through the Milan account was actually coming from. But they didn’t get any satisfactory answers. As a result, the bank then gave the IOR an internal classification as a high-risk client and started monitoring its transactions for clues that might point to money-laundering.
The probes of the prosecutors in Rome and the distrust of the bankers in Frankfurt forced the Vatican to act — more, one is tempted to believe, out of panic than regret. At the end of 2010, Benedict issued a decree obliging the Vatican bank to abide by EU anti-money-laundering norms. He also established a supervisory authority for the Vatican, the Financial Information Authority, and named as its head Cardinal Attilio Nicora, who had served as the papal asset manager for many years.
With these emergency measures, the Vatican succeeded in getting Italian officials to release the €23 million in frozen IOR funds. But the calm it had hoped they would bring to the distressing financial storm did not materialize.
Indeed, fresh aggravation threatens to come from several quarters soon. On the one hand, there are the money-laundering experts of the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe who the Vatican had to allow in to evaluate its bank. This week’s vote by these experts will influence whether the Vatican will one day number among the states on the EU’s “white list.” The experts from the Council’s Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) already set up camp in the Vatican for several days in 2011. There, they questioned cardinals, bishops and IOR executives on 16 points. They will only give the pope’s bank a clean bill of health if all of those points are answered positively.
On top of that, federal prosecutors in Rome are moving forward with their investigations. Last October, they asked their German counterparts for assistance in obtaining documents related to the IOR account at the JPMorgan branch in Frankfurt. The move failed in November, however, when a judge in Frankfurt refused to issue a seizure order due to a “lack of evidence.”
‘Remaining a Tax Haven’
The pope’s bankers faced another bitter setback early this year when JPMorgen closed the IOR’s transfer account in Milan. In explaining its decision, the American bank wrote to Rome in mid-February that strict anti-money-laundering regulations no longer permit “additional deposits or withdrawals via account No. 1365.”
Meanwhile, the situation back at IOR headquarters was becoming increasingly unchristian. While Gotti Tedeschi lost support from above, Cardinal Secretary of State Bertone took care to see that Benedict’s decree was watered down. In the new version, it says that monitoring of the Vatican bank is only permissible with the consent of Bertone himself. Cardinal Nicora, the man originally assigned to become the Vatican’s new financial watchdog, was not pleased. In a letter to Bertone written soon after the change, Nicora complained that, with it, “we are taking a step back and remaining a tax haven.”
A confidential memo leaked to the Roman daily Il Fatto Quotidiano makes clear just how dramatic and divisive things have gotten in the Vatican’s top echelon. Although the document is undated and bears no indication of who wrote it, the newspaper claims it comes from “the very top,” perhaps among those close to Georg Gänswein, the pope’s private secretary and extremely close confidant. In the document, the anonymous author describes the Vatican bank’s current business practices as “inconsistent with the transparency requirements.” It then goes on to say that there is a “concrete risk of a rating downgrade and, thereby, of a significant loss in the prestige of the Holy See.”
The new panel charged with supervising the Vatican bank began operations in May. In impassioned letters to Cardinal Secretary of State Bertone, two of its members — the former banker Ronaldo Schmitz, a German, and his American colleague Carl Anderson — expressed their lack of faith in Gotti Tedeschi. In his letter, Anderson specifically eluded to the closure of the JPMorgen account. Given the “difficult times,” Anderson wrote, Gotti Tedeschi had failed to “vigorously defend the institution.” Schmitz, on the other hand, lamented Gotti Tedeschi’s “wanting loyalty.”
Two days later, Gotti Tedeschi was forced to abandon his uncomfortable position.
In order to establish at least a bit of transparency, papal spokesman Lombardi last Thursday did something that had never before been done in the history of the IOR: He invited journalists to a meeting within the fortress tower housing the bank so as to counter the claim that there were anonymous numbered accounts.
In the bank’s ornate salon, it quickly became clear how seriously God’s bankers are taking things. Questions? Yes, though preferably in written form. Cameras? No. Recording devices? Forbidden. A glimpse into the vault? Of course not. Still, things weren’t completely serious: Bank director Cipriani jokingly displayed a T-shirt bearing the words: “Anti-Moneylaundering Expert.”
Follow the author on Twitter:Translated from the German by Josh Ward