


We are FOR individualism, accomplishment and excellence.

We are AGAINST the mediocrity, self pity, condemnation and discouragement of the news media and of “normal” people sleepwalking through life.

We are FOR alchemy. We believe that there is everywhere lead waiting to be transformed into gold. Opportunity hides literally under every rock and shade tree.

We are AGAINST scarcity that says that everything you receive was forcibly taken from somebody else. Entrepreneurship is about making new pies, not dividing up old ones.

We are FOR you, regardless of mistakes you’ve made. Whatever stupidity spasms you’ve had in the past don’t matter. If you owe $100,000 and you’re scraping change out of your car seats for lunch today… if every time you pick up the kids at your ex’s apartment you’re accused of being a devil… we are still FOR you.

We are AGAINST complainers, fault-finders and critics. It’s easy to criticize. It’s hard to take action. But in the end, only action-takers make history.

We are FOR marching into every battle prepared and engaged and equipped to fight.

We are AGAINST all who would send soldiers into battle armed with plastic swords and helmets.

We are FOR those who take responsibility to arm themselves and invest in quality weapons and tools needed for battle.

We are AGAINST those who think that it is someone else’s responsibility to prepare them for business or life or give them a “free” education.

We are FOR the wise use of technology. We are for every tool that makes you more productive and more effective and able to serve others.

We are AGAINST using technology to abuse people, spam them, or dehumanize them. We use technology to express individuality, not erase it.

We are FOR gratitude and celebration under every circumstance. No matter how many times you fail, the sunrise still comes tomorrow morning. The autumn leaves still radiate brilliance in the fall, and lovely flowers grow in the spring. No matter what befalls you, the world is still a beautiful place.

We are AGAINST the crippling belief that the past dictates the future. We know that if you can look up, you can get up.

We are FOR gifts and giftedness. We are for expertise and specialization. We acknowledge that each of us wields precious talents. We sharpen our skills. We discover ways to delegate the rest to those who have different gifts than us.

We are AGAINST the belief that any one person has to do everything or be everything.

We are FOR human ingenuity because it’s the mother of all natural resources.

We are AGAINST the false belief that finite physical resources mean finite possibilities.

We are FOR the hand of Providence. We are humble enough to request help when we need it.

We are AGAINST the self-deception and pride that says we’re smart enough to figure it all out by ourselves.

We are FOR innovations, developments and paradigm shifts. We transport the future into the present.

We are AGAINST “business as usual” passivity and lazy “wait and see” attitudes. We are proactive.

We are FOR timeless principles and age-old wisdom. We study the ancient masters and respect those who have come before us.

We are AGAINST those who destroy the old simply because it is old. We judge ideas by their value and permanence, not by their age.

We are FOR making every minute count.

We are AGAINST time-vampires, time wasters and time killers.

We are FOR entrepreneurs and all who move resources from areas of low value to areas of high value.

We are AGAINST those who de-value business and burden us with excessive responsibilities, taxes and restrictions.

We are FOR communities, networks and relationships. We recognize that for every problem that needs to be solved, there is someone we can turn to who has already solved it.

We are AGAINST loneliness, isolation and discouragement. We know that the #1 cause of failure is lack of accountability, community and wise counsel.  We know there is no such thing as a self-made man. Everyone has a father and a mother and everyone comes from a tribe.

We are FOR the daily discovery and unfolding of our personal destiny.

We are AGAINST the limitations imposed by other peoples’ judgments and prejudice.

We are FOR your unique performance, reputation and achievement.

We are AGAINST everyone who says you should apologize for your success.

We are FOR the Golden Rule. The highest level of conducting business is loving your customers.

We are AGAINST those who sell things to strangers that they would never sell to their friends.

We are FOR recreation, creativity and refreshment. We believe that friendships, rest and fun fuel our life force and nourish our creative engines.

We are AGAINST slavish devotion to anything, including our work. We do not live to work. We work to live.

Perry Marshall

white 300x203 FOR | AGAINST

Download the FOR/AGAINST manifesto in PDF

You are welcome to copy, forward or re-post this, with attribution.

Comments on FOR | AGAINST »

  1. August 16,2010

    Larry @ 11:46 am

    Great eye-opening controversy, Perry.

    At our house….

    We are AGAINST the freedom-sucking Globalist Socialist elite that have invaded business and Government like a cancer virus, of whom Obama is just a front man.

    We are for prosperity, individual self-determination and freedom to breathe without stifling intervention.

    As far as not criticizing or fault-finding, Perry, that is necessary to frame the invasive threat.

  2. August 16,2010

    Joshua Boswell @ 11:55 am


    Bravo. I love the list… and I love the marketing mind behind it.

    Well done.

    – Joshua

  3. August 16,2010

    Larry Foster @ 11:55 am

    Thank you.

  4. August 16,2010

    Jet @ 11:56 am


    I like it when you get a bee in your bonnet! (I was going to say something more graphic, but this is family content after all……

    Oh yeah, I’m FOR and AGAINST right along with you.

    • August 16,2010

      Jet @ 2:51 pm

      Funny. You said, “Pass it on,” so I took you at your word and did. I sent it to more than half my contacts. Everybody has their favorite in the list – but you already knew that, didn’t you?

      • August 16,2010

        Perry @ 2:54 pm

        I should’ve asked everybody to name their fave!

  5. August 16,2010

    Willaim @ 12:08 pm

    Two words ‘clarity’ and ‘focus’. It’s your ability to produce something that can be used productively by others that is YOUR true value. I am FOR Perry Marshall.

  6. August 16,2010

    Phil Martin @ 12:09 pm

    I am for parents being involved parents and being a positive influence in their children’s lives.

    I am against parents thinking that they have no choice but to let others raise their children because they “have to” work.

    Bring back the family business where everyone contributes and wins or loses together.

  7. August 16,2010

    Rich @ 12:12 pm

    Bravo! I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for putting it in a .pdf. This should be made into a poster and offered as a stand alone or bonus item – it is that good. I will frame this! Thanks Perry

  8. August 16,2010

    Frank Welzig @ 12:15 pm

    This is going up on my bathroom mirror. I don’t need to see myself every day but I would like to read this every day. Thanks.

  9. Perry,

    You have no idea how close to home some of this hits for me!!! It was serious but it made me laugh too.

    Thanks for the shot in the arm!!!


  10. August 16,2010

    JeanPaul @ 12:18 pm

    Powerful words Perry. Plus I’ve learnt a couple of things from this. Thanks!

  11. August 16,2010

    Tracy @ 12:22 pm

    Thank you Perry.

  12. August 16,2010

    Neil @ 12:27 pm

    Quite powerful.

  13. August 16,2010

    Scott Lovingood @ 12:32 pm

    We are FOR Boldness – Every great decision requires boldness to be effective. Nothing is gained from being passive.

    We are AGAINST Timidity – Don’t let the world pass you buy because of fear. Take heart and take the challenge.

    We are FOR Perry Marshall Just cause he’s cool and deep and makes us think.

    We are AGAINST 1984 and taking away the creativity of language which inspires us.

    We are FOR Greatness – because without greatness we never know what can be accomplished.

    We are FOR Inspiration – To be Breathed into and create wealth in the world.

  14. August 16,2010

    Ernesto Verdugo @ 12:51 pm

    Perry, recently there was a question in Facebook asking what marketer delivers the Most Value on their emails, and the usual suspects were written by other people, I said without any question in my mind: ‘Perry Marshall’ This document is again proof of my beliefs.

    I hope one day to bring you to Dubai as I strongly believe that you’re one of the best marketers ever.

    Keep it up, you’ve been a true inspiration (again)
    Ernesto Verdugo

  15. August 16,2010

    John Chancellor @ 1:00 pm


    Those are great. All you would need to do is write a one page essay on each point and you have a great book. While the points are self-evident, some folks need a little more explanation. But that would be a great book … a great exercise in what we should be for, what we must fight for and what we must be against if we want to maintain our freedom and way of life.

  16. August 16,2010

    Robert Schwarztrauber @ 1:52 pm

    Excellent Perry! That’s one that has to be shared. I think I’ll frame it and put up on the wall for my kids to read too.

  17. August 16,2010

    Lancrey @ 3:35 pm

    Great stuff as always. Perry is like Winnie the Pooh : everything seems clear afterwards. Or the contrary.

  18. August 16,2010

    Becki Maxson @ 4:06 pm

    Bravo. And bravo again. Passing this on to my young adult kiddos who are just starting out in the big confusing world.


  19. August 16,2010

    Kim Willis @ 4:11 pm

    This is great. I always read Perry’s posts and emails – have been for years. This one is one of the best, very powerful and thought provoking.

  20. August 16,2010

    David Rothwell @ 4:12 pm

    A great call to arms – very invigorating.

  21. August 16,2010

    Ian Greenwood @ 4:53 pm

    This should be the Entrepreneur’s Creed. Well done Perry this will do the rounds of the social media sites!



  22. August 16,2010

    Mike Grady @ 6:20 pm

    Can he play?(write). Awesome article.

  23. August 16,2010

    Jim @ 6:26 pm

    Thank YOU,
    and well done .


  24. August 16,2010

    Sharon Dugger @ 7:52 pm

    WOW Perry! AWESOME! Thank you for allowing us to share this….I will keep it handy & read it often!

  25. August 17,2010

    Simon Phelan @ 4:07 am

    The world works in deficit. The higher up the pecking order you are, the greater use you make of money you don’t have. Western Governments are arguably the worst offenders.

    If I borrow an inordinate amount of money to fund a property purchase in the expectation that its value will grow sufficiently to cover the cost and make a profit, am I being an entrepeneur or am I just exploiting the future purchaser or the marketplace?

    If growth fails to take place and I loose everything am I just unlucky or am I the criminal I will be made to feel by the reactions of the lenders and the authorities?

  26. August 17,2010

    Sharon Ford @ 5:02 am

    This is beyond amazing…I’m in an impossible spot right now and it seems like there’s no way out. I want to believe in integrity, guidance and contribution like I used to, but my partners are in Werewolf survival mode and appear to be less interested in principles than money. I am going to make this into a poster and put it in a prominent place so everyone understands the standard to which we must aspire.
    Thank you, Perry – We’ll be at the Roundtable next year!

    • August 17,2010

      Perry @ 5:42 am


      Every day, STOP everything you’re doing even if it’s only for 5 minutes – use a stopwatch if you have to – and FOCUS on what’s really important and what your values and priorities are. Then stand and deliver. Can’t wait to meet you.


  27. August 17,2010

    John McGraw @ 6:31 am

    Perry, thanks. In the greatest family movie ever made “Second Hand Lions” The lead actor, an grumpy, elderly
    Texan beats up an teenage gang up in a BBQ joint, and then brings them home to his house and gives them the “Everything a boy needs to know to be a man” speech that he used to give in the military to troops under his command. Upon dismissing the boy’s, he turns to his brother smiling with an look of pride on his face and proclaims “Them boys are going to be just fine”
    A little later, the man’s great nephew has an life crisis about what is real and what to believe, he’s too young for the whole speech but is told “there are certain things that should be believed are true whether they are or not, Good always wins over evil, true love is forever, etc etc, these are the things worth believing in and building your life around” The rest of the speech in never revealed but I bet it’s an whole lot like the one you wrote.
    If you’re ever having an bad day, especially at work marketing, play this movie and see what these two grumpy old Texans do for entertainment.

  28. August 17,2010

    margaret henry @ 8:35 am

    I really enjoyed this Perry it was like a breath of fresh air.

    Thank you


  29. August 17,2010

    Zeng @ 2:19 pm

    Awesome article,
    proaction not hesitate and not lazy,
    to delegate if necessary, not isolate, willing to work, not slavish devote to,
    to help neighbor , not to dehumanize,…
    It help us when we feel lonely.

  30. August 18,2010

    Lorwai Tan PhD @ 2:36 am


    Would I be right in saying that this wisdom you share has been distilled from years of personal experience.

  31. August 19,2010

    Steve @ 8:39 am

    As always, Perry
    Tremendous writing skills! I don’t know if I can get this all in my ‘moleskin’ you suggested for daily encouragement! ;-/

    Rock on, my man! Long live the internet!

  32. August 20,2010

    Jake Kittell @ 8:49 am


    An inspiring list. Thanks!


  33. August 23,2010

    John Shull @ 8:54 am

    Additions we would like to add: We are FOR being a good steward of the animals in your care. We are AGAINST people who consume whatever a corporation puts out and think profits weren’t the motive.

  34. August 28,2010

    Sharon Scholl @ 5:12 pm

    All in a nutshell. Thankyou.

  35. September 17,2010

    Urano @ 11:05 pm

    Hi Perry.
    It is a great “Credo” for us. I translated it to spanish and published it in http://uranogonzalez.com/Alquimia_A_Favor_y_En_Contra

    I put a link to this page.

    Great Revelations!

  36. January 1,2011

    Louis Esquivel @ 4:02 pm


    Great ideas to ponder on this first day of the new year.

  37. January 1,2011

    Jorge Padro @ 9:35 pm

    Where can I begin and when? I am dying to find someone with honest intentions to help me start and grow an online business.

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Thank you Perry! As always you hit the nail right on the head Thanks!

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Soul Hang Out,

Helping Entrepreneurs become the Magnets in their niche, by bringing the magnetic field of their heart back to their Mindset, articulating the authentic language of the right brain from the Inner Child.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired…?  And you wish you could finally take the drama, self judgment and self doubt away from your life plus your business, and stop procrastinating?

Do you secretly wish to Become Clear, Centered, and Able To Make Decisions aligned with who you are, and  for once stop procrastinating?

Actually, you don’t have to secretly wish anything any more, it doesn’t have to be a secret, and you have the power to fulfill your own wish.

You are not alone. And, mark my words,  there is nothing wrong with you.

Do you wish to become Free from the Fear of “Made Up” Consequences?

Do you wish to let go of Procrastination, the bottom line behavior that keeps you paralyzed?

Well, here it goes. You need a partner. You need a partner that will inspire and motivate you endlessly. Like a perennial  source of light. Yes, that is what you need.

Yes,a  source of constant joy and creativity. A source of critical thinking, a source of passion to contribute, passion to co-create, and passion for community. You , my friend above all, need to learn how to see the big picture because that is what keeps you stuck and prevents you from moving forward… You can’t see the big picture as yet.

Believe it or not, that partner that I am talking about is within yourself. Yes… ready to help you if you let him/her do it for you. It takes a little reaching out or in,  I might say, to actually  taking away the veils of the collective amnesia or virus of the mind you are carrying without knowing. Yeah!

Are you ready? That partner that will help you associate yourself  and feel whole for the first time in your life is your Inner Child. He/She represents your right brain. Your right brain is the chamber of your creativity, your critical thinking, and your passion to contribute in community, to name a few.

You see, because the truth is,  you are the master or your own journey, and integrating those elements within yourself, will be the mechanism that will make procrastination, your worse enemy,  become a memory in the past.

Here is the sacred answer. “Giving Birth to your Inner Child”.  I assure you. United, you and your inner child are UNSTOPPABLE. It’s  like the other half orange that makes the whole that you have been longing for,  for life. I know that. I remembered…after a lot of research, the amnesia faded away, like an old shadow, with no purpose.  And I couldn’t live one more day Dependent, useless and without purpose.

So, Why do we do it? The attributes of the right brain are the attributes of the Inner Child. The only one who have those necessary codes for you, is the Inner Child. The source of the right brain.

Let me elaborate a little bit :

  1. Your God/dess given creativity lies in the health of your Inner Child. You need all   your creativity back because you want to fulfill the mission you came here for. ( I know, it sounds weird to see yourself as on a mission. It is only because you  forgot you are on a mission, an important mission, I may add.)
  2. Your lost innocence lies in the divine codes of your Inner Child. You need your   innocence back, so that you stop judging yourself and doubting yourself.
  3. Your capacity to forgive lies in the Inner Child because in the end, he/she will tell you that there is nothing to forgive. As long as you recover more of your emotional integrity  with each experience.
  4. Your parent skills lie in your capacity to acknowledge your Inner Child because a healthy Inner Child will help you stop passing pervasive behaviors through to  the next generations. That is your mission as a parent.
  5. Your capacity to play lies in the divine joy of your Inner Child. You need that   capacity back. Life is about playing, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. You know it is true. Nothing wrong with having fun at work. On the contrary. Sustainable productivity can come from it.
  6. Your capacity to cooperate in oneness comes from the divine connection of the Inner Child to Divinity. You need that because you lost it with the first thought of competition, and we all know how bad it hurt that one in your stomach. In oneness there is no separation nor competition.
  7. Your complete comfort with the truth at all times, lies in the Inner Child. It is the Inner Child who  will reassure you that it is safe to tell the truth. It is safe to be you. Furthermore, it is necessary to honor who you really are!

Welcome to Soul Hangout

a 50/50 proposition, an experiential experiment against procrastination, and the virus of the mind.

“Harnessing Your Inner Child’s Power”

Daring to Give Birth to the New Collective Inner Child,  starting with yourself.

If you belong to the tribe of Paradigm Shifters,  Change Agents, Light Workers, Social Architects, Soul Hangout is your tribe and together we are consciously  changing the world,  by co-creating coherence.

Inside out while courageously confronting the status quo.

The new paradigm will be planted as a seed first in our hearts and then in our communities, from the magnet of our hearts.

We’ll hold the co- creative vision until we reach enough people to penetrate the 100% of the collective consciousness. We  start with the nucleus.  Your Inner Child

Ari Galper,  the Pioneer Visionary Sales Guru of the 21st C. Who dared to bring truth and humanity to the sales equation. Unlock the Game Founder.

“Luz is a precious gift to the world. She has single handly changed hundreds of lives of our Unlock The Game Inner Circle members.

She has an effortless and natural ability to help people see the truth of why they are struggling and then provide a logical path to happiness, authenticity and success. If you get the chance to work with Luz (I know she has a long waiting list of clients), then grab it while you can!”

Ari Galper – Unlock The Game Founder

Now,  what is the benefit of choosing this path?

  • It will bring you  peace of mind.
  • No more sense of separation, or loneliness.
  • No more doubts.
  • No more grief sitting in your stomach or your heart, or your being.
  • No more despair. No more fear.
  • No more paralysis manifested in procrastination.

It means recovering  the 100% of your Passion

It means recovering the 100% of your Integrity.

In spite of the status quo.

Now, just imagine how would it feel.

It means being fully aware and fully responsible for your life. You, nobody else. Recovering the sense of Autonomy you have been dreaming of for years.  That is a lot of power.

It means Success in all areas of your life because your Passion is the Motor of your Success in business. A motor with eternal refill of fuel coming  from the source. Your Inner Child will hand you the the codes of connection to divinity. To the oneness of all things.

It means you have got yourself the best partner you could ever imagine. When you realize that, you will find that…

Now you can put your Inner Child in charge of your Visionary Team. You are ready for  the 21st C Entrepreneur Mindset. You are ready to see the Big Picture.

Three sessions with me ONE on ONE, and you will be able to MASTER THE ART OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET. On AUTOPILOT.

Sign up now!


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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

How to start harnessing difficult situations and troubles. | Soul Hangout

Just a reflection and the thought behind it. Big hug my friends on both sides of the sun!

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous