Republicans Eye Return to Gold Standard
sage: Could this be the start of something big?
By Robin Harding and Anna Fifield, Financial Times – August 23, 2012
The gold standard has returned to mainstream U.S. politics for the first time in 30 years, with a “gold commission” set to become part of official Republican party policy.
Drafts of the party platform, which it will adopt at a convention in Tampa Bay, Florida, next week, call for an audit of Federal Reserve monetary policy and a commission to look at restoring the link between the dollar and gold.
The move shows how five years of easy monetary policy — and the efforts of congressman Ron Paul — have made the once-fringe idea of returning to gold-as-money a legitimate part of Republican debate.
Marsha Blackburn, a Republican congresswoman from Tennessee and co-chair of the platform committee, said the issues were not adopted merely to placate Paul and the delegates that he picked up during his campaign for the party’s nomination.
“These were adopted because they are things that Republicans agree on,” Blackburn told the Financial Times. “The House recently passed a bill on this, and this is something that we think needs to be done.”
The proposal is reminiscent of the Gold Commission created by former president Ronald Reagan in 1981, 10 years after Richard Nixon broke the link between gold and the dollar during the 1971 oil crisis. That commission ultimately supported the status quo.
“There is a growing recognition within the Republican party and in America more generally that we’re not going to be able to print our way to prosperity,” said Sean Fieler, chairman of the American Principles Project, a conservative group that has pushed for a return to the gold standard.
A commission would have no power except to make recommendations, but Fieler said it would provide a chance to educate politicians and the public about the merits of a return to gold. “We’re not going to go from a standing start to the gold standard,” he said.
The Republican platform in 1980 referred to “restoration of a dependable monetary standard,” while the 1984 platform said that “the gold standard may be a useful mechanism”. More recent platforms did not mention it.
Any commission on a return to the gold standard would have to address a host of theoretical, empirical and practical issues.
Inflation has remained under control in recent years, despite claims that expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet would lead to runaway price rises, while gold has been highly volatile. The price of the metal is up by more than 500 per cent in dollar terms over the past decade.
A return to a fixed money supply would also remove the central bank’s ability to offset demand shocks by varying interest rates. That could mean a more volatile economy and higher average unemployment over time.
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Republicans Eye Return to Gold Standard | The 2012 Scenario:
Mish/ Mike Shedlock – Trends In Interest Rates On National Debt Suggest Currency Crisis Is Coming – 24 August 2012
Here are a couple of charts from Tim Wallace regarding interest on the national debt. The first chart shows the interest rate is falling as debt skyrockets.
Interest Rates vs. National Debt
click on any chart for sharper imageKey Questions
- How long can the trend last?
- How low will the rate go?
I do not know the answers to those questions, nor does anyone else. However, a rise in interest rates would cause a shocking increase in interest on the national debt.
Interest on National Debt at Current Rate vs. Historical Average
Should interest rates rise to the long-term average, interest on the national debt would more than double from the 2011 figure of $454 billion dollars.
Here is a chart from the National Debt Clock site.
The site notes “Maturity of U.S. debt ranges from less than a year to over 20 years, with the average maturity about 3 years. More than half of the debt, however, is short term, maturing in less than a year.”
That is an interesting assertion short-term debt is at .09%, 10-year notes yield 1.67%, and the 30-year bond yields a mere 2.79%.
However, interest is on outstanding securities. A bond with a 6% yield maintains that yield until maturity. The average yield in Wallace’s charts paid comes from Treasury Direct.
Currency Crisis Coming
If you get the idea a crisis of some sort is coming, fueled by out-of-control deficit spending as well as the Fed’s ridiculous “Operation Twist Policy“, then you get the right idea.
The Fed ought to be selling long-term bonds at these rates, locking in financing at attractive rates, not buying those bonds hoping to drive yields still lower.
Of course, that latter statement assumes there should be a Fed or deficit spending in the first place, neither of which I believe.
Mike “Mish” Shedlock link to original article
Watch Live : As 100-Year-Old Mysterious Package In Norway To Be Opened Today
Alien artifact? Historical documents? A small treasure? Speculation over what might be inside a 100-year-old package that’s set to be unsealed today in a small town in Norway abounds, according to Verdens Gang, a Norwegian newspaper.
Verdens Gang explains that the package has been kept in a museum in Gudbrandsdal and dates all the way back to August 26th, 1912. It carries a note from a man named Johan Nygard, specifying that it is not to be opened until 2012. As the first mayor in Sel kommune in Norway wrote on a package from 1912 “Can be opened in 2012′ .
The package weighs 3.1 kilos, is 40 cm wide, 28 cm deep and 9 cm thick, and is safely placed in one of the Gudbrandsdal museums. The package is sealed. Previously it has been placed in both archives and vaults.
The package, which has survived both World War 1 and World War 2, has been moved around in the city Otta several times. It’s just a coincidence that the package has not been lost. Several times it has actually been lost, but luckily it has always been found.
There are few clues about what the package might contain. What is known is that Nygard was involved in local politics and that he reportedly walked up to the mayor and handed him the package telling him that its contents would “benefit and delight future generations,” according to a video that was posted the Verdens Gang website.
Professor of history at the University of Oslo, Gro Hagemann, defines the period of the early 1900s a as a time of great changes in Norway.- Norway was characterized by optimism and growth. In addition, the country had a newfound freedom and self-awareness after being an independent country in 1905, she says to VG.
Today,on August 24th, residents of the town will finally find out what’s inside. will be live broadcasting the opening of the Norway package on Friday at noon EST.
The mysterious package will be opened at 6 pm CEST (4pm GMT/UTC).
Please visit HERE (to calculate time difference between your location and GMT) and revisit us.
Link to the live viewer #!id=55544 link to article Thanks Laura!
Common Dreams – Abby Zimet – Victory / Victoire! –
Remember this fabulous front yard garden in Drummondville, Quebec that city officials, in all their wisdom, wanted to dig up? It’s staying, thanks to a 30,000-signature petition, media attention and much grousing from sensible people. City council members even invited its creators, Josée Landry and Michel Beauchamp, to help shape the city’s new guidelines for urban food gardens. Speak up. It matters.
“It will now be allowed to Drummondville this type of garden in the front yard.” link to original article
UK May Raid Ecuador Embassy In London But Who Are They Actually After? – 24 August 2012
The Hidden Truth Behind The News
The Ecuador Embassy London
Police outside the Embassy ready to pounce but on whom?
Who else is inside this building and what does the PM and Government fear?………….possibly a long time in prison?
Just a few of the potential “In mates or should I say partners in crime”
Do you really believe that Britain would breach sovereignty in order to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden and why would this country carry out such a raid when it had allowed him sanctuary for such a long period of time?
Do you really know the true reason behind such a threat?………..why is the British media not talking about the other person who remains inside this embassy that could be considered a major threat to the political infrastructure of this country and a person who could potentially put away a few ex and current Prime Ministers or very senior Members of Parliament or the House of Lords!!
Who are they really after?………could it be a “Star Witness” to the Chilcot Inquiry who was never called upon to give her vital evidence that could incriminate Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron to name but a few?
So who is this mysterious women that you do not know about and what exactly does she know that sends shudders down the spine of the British Government including local MP’s Margaret Beckett and Chris Williamson?
Her name is Andrea Davison (we are led to believe) and she had direct access to Number 10 Downing Street and is known to Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron plus a whole host of other political elite!!
She knows as much as the late Dr. David Kelly and in actual fact puts herself on par with him…..she also did many runs to Iraq and herself worked for the DTI Select Committee as an “Arms to Iraq” investigator and may have also worked for MI5/6…….and yes she would be considered as a “thorn in the side” to current and past leaders and their respective governments!!
Let me again remind you that it was this women who took Gordon Bowden and myself to court for deformation re the articles I wrote in my “Pandora’s Box Series” in which, according to the information I received, was also guilty of major international fraud!!
It was the arresting authority (Derbyshire Police) who has since put her through the court system and charged her with 27 offences relating to the very topics that Gordon and I had written about……….she was found guilty of those charges and sentenced to 2.5 years in prison…….she did not attend the court which resulted in a Bench Warrant being issued against her and caused her to seek refuge/asylum in the Ecuador Embassy.
The Nuke Team that went on a “Sanction Busting Trip” to South Africa
David Cameron (then 24 years of age) – Sir Ken Warren – Assisted by Dr. David Kelly!!
Our case was steamrolled out of existence over a small technicality during the build up to it going to trial in an open court with a full jury…….obviously the implications of our case extended beyond simply fraud and was about to expose everything from PM’s, MP’s and House of Lord’s involvement in the illegal purchase of nuclear weapons from South Africa to actually (by gross neglect) allowing them to be stolen from their insecure compound in Oman…… which then resulted in us going to war with the wrong country etc etc…..
It is fact that all of the above were all involved in the New World Order financial rape of not only this country but many others compliments of the Crown Templar that is housed in the City of London – the “True axis of evil” with its tentacles radiating out from the Rothschild’s and the Committee of 300 across the waters to Europe and the good old US of A.
Maybe I should refresh your memory as to who this unknown entity is, what she knew, what she kept in her private possession and what the Derbyshire Police confiscated under the “Proceeds of Crime Act” all of which was believed to have been orchestrated by our ex PM, Gordon Brown!!
As I have said before – Why isn’t the world media camped outside this place? – Because our government and others don’t want you to know what lies within!!
Have you ever asked yourself why the founder of WikiLeaks always reaches the front pages of our daily and international newspapers and yet this unknown entity (Andrea Davison) has little or no coverage!!
We are all led to believe that the information that has been made available via WikiLeaks is explosive in its content and in some cases is an embarrassment to certain leaders and countries. However I do not totally agree with the intentions of Julian Assange as most of the highly sensitive information is totally out of date and no longer serves any purpose in today’s fast moving world……..I would even go a step further by saying all of this WikiLeaks garbage was a well orchestrated plan by the CIA and other intelligence agencies to make it appear to be a scoop and that Julian Assange forms part of that network. [This makes much more sense to me than Gordon Duff's idea that Assange is aligned with Russia and Israel. ~J]
It is clear to me however that Andrea Davison has certainly more to offer the British and international media than Julian Assange could ever dream of and it ceases to amaze me why our Zionist controlled media is not camped outside of the Ecuador Embassy in London with their satellite dishes and reporters waiting to pounce on anyone coming from within.
Again I would like to refresh your memory as to who is Ms Andrea Davison in her own words dated 1stJuly 2010:
Dr David Kelly and Andrea Davison have several things in common both were experts on Biological Weapons and both were involved in the arms that went to Iraq and WMD’s and both were whistleblowers.
Andrea was an intelligence adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq and also gave evidence to Scott Inquiry into Arms to Iraq, It was her whistle blowing to the then opposition leader Niel Kinnock that revealed that the then Conservative Government were selling arms to Iraq. In December 2009 she was getting a file together to send to the Chilcot enquiry.
David Kelly was allegedly ‘suicided’ in 2003 after meeting Andrew Gilligan, a BBC journalist who had spent some time writing about the war in Baghdad.. The Hutton enquiry was established to cover-up this dark deed and save Tony Blair embarrassment.
US Air Force officer Mai Pedersen’s, Dr Kelly’s friends and colleague recently wrote to the attorney general Dominic Grieve saying that Mr Kelly could not have committed suicide. Two weeks earlier Andrea Davison had written to Dominic Grieve asking him to look into the seizure of all her documents into Arms to Iraq.
A spokesman for the Attorney General stated “The Attorney remains concerned about this issue and is keen to explore how the matter might be taken forward with ministerial colleagues.” No comment has been made about Andrea’s documents.
In January this year 13 male officers raided Andrea’s home with a warrant issued under the Proceeds of Crime Act. They took from the building everything of value, confiscating her passport, drivers licence. all the keys to her property and vehicles and 7000 documents about Arms to Iraq amongst a treasure trove of other documents and valuables including her watch. 6 Months later none of these have been returned.
Following the raid, orgainsed by Derby Police in an effort to discredit her, Andrea’s home and car has been broken into. Her car tyres have been let down several times and doors that were locked have been opened and widows likewise. She has had three brake-ins that were reported to the police but no-one has been found.
Andrea is afraid she may be ‘suicided’ and cannot protect herself because in April the Court made her virtually penniless by issuing a Restraining Order. This Court Order prevents her from spending any of her own money and also invidiously prevents her paying for legal advice or assistance to challenge the Courts Order.. Without a passport and made penniless by the Order of the Court she feels they are driving her towards suicide but states they will not succeed.
End of Andrea’s article.
Below is a list as produced by herself which I am sure would cause any citizen of the United Kingdom to cringe knowing the implications and involvement of our dear democratic country in providing WMD’s and CBW to Iraq which were then used on the Kurds, the Iranians during the Iraq-Iran War and on our own troops and allies during the early stages of the Iraq War etc etc……….
I would urge you to pay particular attention to the sensitive documents seized from Ms Davison’s house and ask yourself two questions:
- How could such secretive documents remain in her possession for such a long period of time and why has she and her investigative journalist, Pete Sawyer, not been charged under the “Official Secrets Act”?
- Why was she called as a star witness to the previous Scott Inquiry and yet not called to the Chilcott Inquiry to provide them with not only the documents that were held in her possession but also her own knowledge and involvement in the “Arms to Iraq” debacle?
Here again is that list as provided by Ms Davison herself:
· Cash £100-£.200
Cash in Euros 200 to 500
· Share certificates
· Credit Cards
· Masonic Jewels (father was a mason)
· Gold and Jewellery worth now about £40,000,00
· Watch Jules Audemars
· Watch Rolex
· Passports
· Driving licence
· Training Records
· Educational and Professional Certificates Employment records (clearance correspondence)
· Personal records concerning security Top Secret Nuclear
· Family History Records
· Company Pension Records
· All insurance documents for property and vehicles
· MOT certificates
· Family Photographs
· Parents death Certificates
· Tax Records
· Pay Slips
· All bank statements and documents with passwords etc. House deeds and original documents
· Cheque books personal and business
· Credit card statements
· Files of receipts guarantees and instruction books
· Spare keys for the House and barn and outbuilding and all keys to the locked gates
· Property Keys
· Car Keys
Since then there have been burglaries and numerous “brake ins”, car doors opened windows opened and left open etc
· Coolpix camera with SD Card installed
· Eriksson Mobile phones 3 off
· 3 other mobile phones
· Electronic scales
· 2 Desktop computers
· 4 laptops
· Ipaq Personal organiser
· 3 portable hard drives
· I mobile dongle (now paying each month for a service only the derby police can receive because they have the dongle
· Large box of various software for the computers perhaps 20-30 CD’s
· Windows
· Office 2007
· Fire proof safety box
· One wooden 4 draw filing cabinet
Large Box containing documents not restricted to but including Documents and Records (some originals and some copies).
· Project Babylon (supergun) file and corresponded about same
· Biological weapons and delivery systems in Iraq
· Location of Planes and WMD’s following Desert Storm
· Mobile Biological Weapons Laboratory in Iraq
· UK supply of Biological and Chemical agents to Iraq
· Evidence given in secret to Lord Justice Scott
· Note books concerning arms to Iraq
· Production line facilities in Iraq for CBW
· Gulf War Syndrome.
· Arms running through Yugoslavia.
· Electromagnetic Warfare (star Wars).
· Iraq’s nuclear programme.
· Hard evidence and papers on investigation by Ministry of Defence police (fraud Squad) with which I was assisting NATO sensitive.
· Correspondence from Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Gerald Kaufman, Lord Douglas Hoyle, Lew Smith, Stan Crowther covering several years mostly about Arms to Iraq and Yugoslavia plus correspondence with Tony Blair about Child abuse in Children’s Homes in North Wales and Cheshire.
· Documents concerning a nuclear warhead and group discussion with Peter Hain, Pete Sawyer, David Lowrey and Peter Hains researcher Isabell.
· Documents on Jonathan Aitken including letters from Customs about Jonathan Aitken.
· Computer discs several boxes all about arms to Iraq and the war in Yugoslavia and the IRA.
· Records cards 1 box dealing with companies that supplied Iraq one box dealing with the people involved in the supply of arms to Iraq .
· Record box with cards of those involved in the Care Homes child abuse enquiry.
· Correspondence Atomic Weapons Establishment
· Documents concerning the Atomic Weapons Establishment.
· Letters from Tony Blair when he was shadow Home Secretary
· Letters from Kenneth Clarke and others
· Evidence concerning Police Officers, Judiciary, MP’s and Government Ministers involved
· Witness statements from victims including statements from witnesses in the Welsh Childrens Homes Scandal
· Notebooks containing information and conversations with victims, carers and whistle blowers
· large amount of index cards with names and links
· Various documents concerning International Paedofile Network
· Evidence collected to write various newspaper and magazine articals calling for a public enquiry
· File of my ongoing investigation into a fraud (in which I am the victim)
· Hard Evidence an original signed document
· Hard evidence in the form of letters
· Chamber of mines medical records
· Records about current incurable illness
· Legal Council during divorce
· File of letters from solicitor about property purchase
· Privileged letters between my solicitor and myself
· Client records with confidential details from when I was acting as an appropriate adult (I was a mental health advocate for over 10 years) and an appropriate adult on call. Including personal and confidential details of adults who had been abused in the North Wales Children’s Homes scandal
· Investment Club financial records
· Confidential Client coaching session records
JOURNALISTIC Material and client in confidence
· Journalistic Material Documents and records of interviews given in confidence including but not limited
End of Ms Davison’s own account of items seized.
When you consider that our Prime Ministers and our Government have in the past placed an emphasis in not allowing such countries as North Korea and Iran to enter into the WMD phase or drawn attention to the fact that a particular country may have Chemical and Biological Weapons( CBW) (such as the very deadly VX Gas) and may use them against us!!!!…… we have to understand that all of this is only lip service to cover up their own illegal arms dealings.
The same naturally applies to the Presidents of the United States and their government who together with the British Government paid for, delivered and built Iraq’s CBW’s facilities, provided nuclear weapons parts and indeed provided Saddam with VX gas!!
Now perhaps you can now see just how hypocritical and two faced our leaders are and believe me it goes much deeper than this when one puts together just how much Ms Andrea Davison knows and again I ask the question as to why the international media is not camped outside the Ecuador Embassy in London for one of the biggest scoops of all time??
Obviously it goes without saying that her sidekick (investigative journalist) Pete Sawyer should be pulled in for questioning based on her own admittance above where she quoted ” Documents concerning a nuclear warhead and group discussion with Peter Hain, Pete Sawyer, David Lowrey and Peter Hains researcher Isabell……..since when would an ordinary journalist be involved in such sensitive discussions unless our Mr. Sawyer worked for MI5/6 as could be the case with Ms Davison!!
Maybe now you are starting to understand the true reason as to why our government is wishing to raid the Ecuador Embassy and as to why the police are currently waiting outside……the question remains will they go in and who will come out with them……if she is secretly extracted no doubt Ms Davison will disappear from the face of the planet by changing her ID and living the high life or may simply fall victim to the secret service just like her close friend Gareth Williams who simply knew too much and ended up in a red bag in the bath of a so called MI5/6 protected property…….such is the state of our secret service and our terribly deceitful Prime Minister and Government!!
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 16/8/2012
Related articles
- Andrea Davison; Chemical Weapons (
- UK Intel: Andrea Davidson, Dr. David Kelly, Julian Assange and Other Key Stories (
A message from Steve Greer
Many have asked about the Sirius movie in light of the tragic killing of Amardeep Kaleka’s father at the Sikh Temple. We all want you to know that are moving forward with a full production schedule this month and have just returned from Mt. Shasta CA where substantial footage of Contact was obtained by the Senior CE-5 team.
Next week our senior team will be filmed here in VA and new Disclosure witnesses filmed in Washington DC and environs.
We will be in LA September 16 for a presentation that I will be making at the Broad Street Theater which will be a comprehensive presentation on Disclosure, Contact and New Energy that will be filmed. This presentation will be the thread that pulls the Sirius movie together. You are ALL invited to attend!
And we are making plans now to visit the possible EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Being).
Several Arrests in Vietnam, Major Bank Faces Run As a Result | The 2012 Scenario:
Several Arrests in Vietnam, Major Bank Faces Run As a Result
sage: Nguyen Duc Kien has become the fourth Vietnamese tycoon arrested this month (August). See second story, below, with news of the other three tycoons’ arrests. For some strange reason, I never figured that Vietnam – or any of the myriad small countries around the world – would have their own Cabalistic problems, separate from those plaguing “the west”, but my eyes are being opened daily as to just how far and deep this ‘illusion’ has been wrought.
Story 1: Vietnamese Bank Faces Run After Tycoon’s Arrest
By Ho Binh Minh, Reuters, Hanoi – August 23, 2012
(Reuters) – A major Vietnamese bank founded by arrested tycoon Nguyen Duc Kien faced a run on deposits on Thursday, witnesses said, but the central bank has injected funds into the banking system and assured jittery residents their money is safe.
Monday’s arrest of Kien, 48, sent shockwaves through the Communist-run country, triggering a 9.2 percent slide in the stock market this week and causing depositors to pull funds from Asia Commercial Bank (ACB), one of Vietnam’s biggest lenders, which Kien helped found in 1994.
Withdrawals began on Tuesday when the arrest was made public. By Thursday, crowds had formed at ACB’s branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s business center, residents said. At one branch, depositors shoved tables aside to try to reach bank tellers, a witness said.
The central bank said the entire banking sector “will commit to standing ready to provide, funding support to ACB to ensure it meets its obligations for repaying deposits”.
It pumped 13 trillion dong ($624 million) into the banking system on Wednesday and another 4 trillion on Thursday.
Outside ACB’s headquarters, two dozen cars lined up and about 70 depositors crowded the transaction office, a witness said, as confidence dwindled in the financial system of what a few years ago was one of world’s hottest emerging markets.
“I have some cash in ACB but since the bank belongs to the same system controlled by the central bank, it does not mean much to withdraw cash from one bank to put it in another, as all in the system face the same risk,” one ACB depositor said in a telephone interview from Ho Chi Minh City.
The bank’s chief executive officer, Ly Xuan Hai, widely believed to be detained by police, had submitted his resignation, ACB said late on Thursday.
He was replaced by Deputy Chief Executive Officer Do Minh Toan, who has been running the bank this week and told state media earlier that depositors took out 5 trillion dong ($240 million) from ACB on Wednesday. As of June 30, the bank’s deposits totaled 145.62 trillion dong ($7 billion), up 2.4 percent from a year earlier, according to the bank.
Kien, a well-connected tycoon and one of Vietnam’s highest-profile bankers, held less than 5 percent of ACB’s stock. The government said he played no part in managing the bank, which is 15 percent owned by British bank Standard Chartered Plc.
Kien is chairman of B&B Investment and Trade Joint Stock Co, ACB Hanoi Investment Joint Stock Co and Asia Hanoi Financial Investment Co, and the alleged violations concerned these firms, the police ministry said.
He was accused of running unlicensed businesses. His three companies were established to invest in real-estate projects while they raised funds and invested the proceeds in bank shares instead, state media said.
Gold Prices Jump, Currency Falls
Economists were already worried about the fragility of Vietnam’s banking system and some Vietnamese have quickly turned to the traditional safe haven of gold: bankers said demand had jumped from Monday, pushing up the retail price by about 5 percent.
The dong has fallen 0.3 percent since Monday against the dollar.
The main stock market has slid for three consecutive days, trading at a six-month low on Thursday when it lost 4.5 percent. On Tuesday, it posted its biggest daily loss since October 2008. ACB’s stock price has slumped 18.6 percent this week, losing 6.7 percent on Thursday. The bank is valued at about $1 billion.
But some experts doubted the panic would spread.
“I wouldn’t think we are going to see a lot of contagion,” said Jonathan Pincus, dean of the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City and a former Vietnam economic specialist at the United Nations.
“The State Bank acted quickly and provided liquidity immediately,” he added.
The banking sector has been hit by high inflation and rising bad debt stemming from losses at big state firms in particular. At the end of March, 8.6 percent of all loans in Vietnam were bad, the highest in Southeast Asia, central bank data showed.
Pincus and other experts said ACB should weather the crisis but that plenty of other Vietnamese banks remain in difficulty.
“The immediate problems are for those banks that are heavily overextended in the property market and which are owned by one or two families or groups. Those banks, of which there are many, are very vulnerable. But ACB is not one of those,” said Pincus.
Bankers said ACB and several small banks had been borrowing short-term funds on the interbank market to ensure liquidity. The fixing on overnight dong loans eased to 7.14 percent on Thursday after surging to 7.5 percent the previous day from 4 percent at the start of the week, Reuters data showed.
Deputy CEO Toan was quoted in state media as saying the volume of cash withdrawn from ACB was higher on Wednesday than Tuesday. Toan, who is in charge of the bank in the absence of the CEO, said ACB could access up to 46 trillion dong ($2.2 billion) if needed.
It had borrowed 10 trillion dong from the central bank on August 21-22 and could also gradually withdraw 36 trillion dong from the interbank market, Toan said. That is about a third of the total weekly transactions on the interbank dong market of between 110 trillion and 130 trillion dong over the past month.
Kien’s family is ranked fifth among Vietnam’s 30 richest families in terms of stock market holdings, based on a list compiled by online news website VNExpress. He is also deputy chairman of the Vietnam Professional Football Joint Stock Co, which runs Vietnam’s top-tier professional soccer league.
($1=20,860 dong)
Story 2: Three Vietnamese Big Guys Arrested Within 20 Days
sage: This article says ‘three big guys arrested within 20 days’, yet, there are actually five arrests reported, with the remaining two being no less than the Chair and Deputy Chair of a major securities firm. While they may not be classified as ‘tycoons’ their arrests are still part of the ongoing mass arrest/containment procedure.
Complied by Kim Chi, VietnamNet – August 24, 2012
VietNamNet Bridge – The public has been dazed by the sudden news about the arrest of Nguyen Duc Kien, one of the most influential portraits in the Vietnamese business circle, and has started in surprise that three tycoons have been arrested just within 20 days of August.
The Ministry of Public Security arrested Nguyen Duc Kien on August 20 evening at his home, a villa in the West Lake area in Hanoi.
Kien has reportedly been arrested for his wrongdoings relating to three companies which have denounced the behaviors of Kien. These include the B&B Investment and Trade Joint Stock Company, the ACB Hanoi Investment Joint Stock Company and A Chau Hanoi Finance Investment Company Ltd.
Kien has been well known in Vietnam as a multitalented businessman. This explains why he succeeded in many different business fields and held important posts in businesses, from the chair of a bank to the chair of a bitumen joint venture, a shareholder of a of a fashion company to a chair of a football club.
In 1994-2008, Kien held the post of Deputy Chair of ACB Bank and once worked as the General Director of the bank for a period. In 2008, Kien and some other founding shareholders withdrew from the board of directors to form up a founders’ council comprising of six members.
Kien has been well known as a big investor in football. He was Chair of Hanoi ACB Football Club, Deputy Chair of the Vietnam Professional Football Company. He recently made a lot of shocking statements believed to create a revolution in the Vietnamese football.
The Hai Phong’s Famous Tycoons
Pham Van Thu, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Thai Son Company and his son, Pham Hai Thanh, the two famous tycoons in the port city of Hai Phong were arrested on August 8, 2012.
The two big businessmen in the steel industry have been prosecuted for their behaviors of swindling and appropriating assets relating to the bank loans.
The arrest also caused a big surprise to the public, because the two businessmen were believed to “do business in a correct and legal way.”
In 1995, Thu established Thai Son Company which then specialized in trading scrap steel and old ship devastation. In 2007, Thu expanded his business by jumping into the shipbuilding sector, ingot steel manufacturing and real estate. At that time, the company had the average turnover of 4 trillion dong a year.
In 2011, Thai Son was named in the list of the 500 private biggest businesses in Vietnam. It has been recognized as the biggest steel import and export company in Hai Phong City. The good reputation allowed the company to easily access bank loans.
However, since the steel price fell down by 50 percent in economic crisis in 2008, Thai Son bogged down in difficulties with the big inventories of 80,000 tons, which then led to the loss of 250 billion dong.
Thai Son also incurred the loss in the contract with ALCII, a finance leasing company on building three ships. ALCII became insolvent and stopped disbursement.
The defeats, plus the overly high bank loan interest rate of 24 percent, has pushed Thai Son against the wall. It could not pay debts, leading the company’s debts reaching 752 billion dong by February 2012. Thai Son is still owing 180 billion dong to other seven companies.
However, Thu still tried to play tricks to obtain capital to maintain production by borrowing new loans to get money to pay for old debts.
SME Securities’ Chair
On August 2, Phan Huy Chi, Chair and CEO of SME Securities was arrested for his behavior of appropriating assets.
Pham Minh Tuan, Deputy Chair of SME Securities was also arrested on the same day.
Sources said that Tuan instructed his staff to forge documents to sign contracts on capital contribution to invest in a batch of stocks. He received 107 billion dong from an insurance company and could not pay money back.
China Begins Its Own Process of Disclosure | The 2012 Scenario
Photographer Wu Chunyan snapped this unidentified flying object in Fenghuang Mountain near Harbin, Heilongjiang province in early July. Provided to China Daily
China Begins Its Own Process of Disclosure
Thanks to Allen.
Stephen: Bit by bit. Piece by piece. News story by news story…that’s how Disclosure is currently unfolding. And it seems China may be taking the lead.
We heard Archangel Michael speak this week of China as follows: ” The aura of China is magenta, and it speaks to compassion. It speaks to bridges and awareness. It speaks to the future.
“This is not about China ever gaining or becoming the pre-eminent power. This is — yes, as Quan Yin would say — awakening the dragon, for there is nothing more glorious than the goddess riding the dragon. But the awakening of the dragon is the awakening of the people, and it is the awakening deep within them that they know their truth, they know their capacity to create.”
Judging by stories like this below China is indeed creating a ‘bridge’ and awakening the truth for billions of people worldwide – for it is not just the Chinese who are now able to read their stories. And the Chinese media may not now be as ‘controlled’ as the media in other countries, it seems…
Watch This Space as Close Encounters May Occur
Rumors of UFO sightings and aliens visiting this planet seem to be increasing…
By Cui Jia and Wu Wencong in Beijing, China Daily – August 23, 2012
After 17 years of hard work, Xiang Kuansong has finally completed the “alien research station” he has been building in his village in Mayang county, Hunan province.
The 79-year-old said he was told to build it by two beings from another planet.
“Don’t be afraid. We are not ghosts or god. We are people from another planet who want to help you,” the aliens allegedly told Xiang in Chinese.
Xiang’s research station has none of the radio dishes and high-tech equipment that are usually associated with the search for extraterrestrial life. In fact, it looks more like a traditional Chinese temple, with a sign at the entrance that reads: “The harmonious way to a foreign planet”.
The retired soldier said he first met the two aliens from the planet of “Dongsheng” in the late 1980s. They are about 1.95 meters tall and visit him quite often, wearing clothes that make them invisible but he can see them and communicate with them. The two “Dongshengians” asked him to build the station so they could have a place to rest during their trips to other planets, and so far he has spent 200,000 yuan ($31,470) on their way station.
Inside there is a concrete model of a saucerlike spaceship, and stone tablets marking the spots where Xiang says the aliens talked to him are scattered around the compound.
Although the other villagers believe Xiang is crazy, he just smiles and ignores their taunts.
UFO detectives
But even some of those who believe that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe pour scorn on those who claim to have been visited by aliens.
“I always turn my back on people who claim that they have seen aliens. Most of them have mental health problems,” said Zhou Xiaoqiang, secretary-general of the Beijing UFO Research Organization, which was founded in 1983 and now has more than 100 members.
A model of an alien attracts visitors at a recent exhibition featuring space science in Beijing. An increasing number of UFO sightings have been reported in China since 2011. Kuang Linhua / for China Daily
“If aliens visited earth, it doesn’t make sense they would not make themselves known to all of us. These stories of meeting aliens are just unbelievable,’ he said.
An increasing number of UFO sighting have been reported in China since 2011, but according to Zhou, such sightings are fueled by the media.
“People read about mysterious things or see television reports about such things and it fires their imagination,” he said.
“The media have been reporting supposed UFO sightings for the past three or four years and they always mystify the incidents to grab people’s attention. Meanwhile, people have become more interested in unsolved phonomena – I think it has something to do with the 2012 end of the world theory,” said Zhou, who has been studying UFO sightings for more than 20 years.
Also, some people still try to manipulate others by claiming they are in contact with aliens, he said. “In the old days, such people would say that they could see and talk to ghosts. Nowadays, its aliens.”
Zhou said the mission of his team is to simply identify what it is people have seen when there has been a UFO sighting.
“We investigate the circumstances and analyze the evidence. We are more like detectives,” he said.
The Beijing UFO Research Organization has received 14 detailed reports of UFO sightings in Beijing so far this year. All of them have been identified as kites with lights, aircraft or insects.
According to Zhou, the majority of UFO sightings are reported during public holidays in big cities or scenic spots.
China’s Roswell
Zhu Jin, curator of the Beijing Planetarium, also believes intelligent life probably does exist elsewhere in the universe, but says that most “sightings” of UFOs have nothing to do with aliens from another planet.
“Chinese people love to associate UFOs with alien spaceships. But all UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, man-made objects, illusions or hoaxes. Aliens might not even need a spaceship to travel to earth.”
In the most recent UFO sighting to grab the public’s attention, Li Hui told the media of the UFO she saw at Fenghuang Mountain, a scenic spot in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province.
On the afternoon of July 8, Li, a local tourist, claimed she had seen a flying object faintly glowing on the opposite mountain when she finished posing for photos at one of the viewing platforms. She said the object had already disappeared when she took off her sunglasses for a clearer view, but its image had been caught on camera.
Most media showed a cropped version of the photo, which showed a glowing oval with two bright “wings”. But the original photo, which was obtained by a reporter from Harbin Daily, shows that Li is the subject of the photo and the “glowing” object is on the left side of the photo.
On July 13, five days after the incident, Xi Wang, a doctoral candidate in bioscience at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, posted a photo of a hoverfly, which was clearly similar to Li’s UFO.
Xi told China Daily that considering her major and personal interests, she is very familiar with the flying posture of the insect.
“It looks more like sensationalizing the scenic spot to me,” said Xi. “I understand UFO fans’ enthusiasm, and personally I also believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life in such a big universe, but we need to investigate and analyze every incident carefully before coming to a conclusion.”
Other netizens also pointed out that judging from the size of the object in the photo, if it really was an alien spaceship more people would have noticed it as it would have been about 1 kilometer long.
But despite all the doubts, UFO researchers and enthusiasts rushed to Fenghuang Mountain, because this is not the first time the mountain has been linked with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. It is known as China’s Roswell because of the many UFO sightings that have been reported there.
Loving the alien
A youngster faces up to the possibility of extraterrestrial life at the Beijing exhibition. Kuang Linhua / for China Daily
In June 1994, a local farmer claimed he had seen a shining white “metal monster” when he was out picking wild plants on the mountain. Meng Zhaoguo became famous throughout the country after he claimed he’d had sex with a female alien three times. Once at the landing site and twice at his house the same night. The alien then told him that she would have his child once she returned to her planet.
Meng, now 45, later told local governmental officials that about a month after his amorous adventures with the alien, he was invited to her spacecraft, where a male extraterrestrial spoke to him in his dialect.
“Sixty years from now, the son of a farmer from the Earth will be born on our planet,” the alien told him.
Since then the mountain has been a popular destination for UFO enthusiasts.
“There is nothing wrong with using UFO sightings to attract tourists. It might even be a good thing because it might make people more interested in exploring the unknown,” said Zhou Xiaoqiang of the Beijing UFO Research Organization.
But Wang Sichao, a scientist at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, which is run by Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that people should not be so quick to dismiss all sightings of UFOs as illusions or publicity ploys. He believes that there have been more than a dozen genuine sightings of alien spacecraft in China.
He files unexplained UFO sightings into two categories: those that lack details, so that it is difficult to say what they really are, and those that are detailed, but they still can’t be explained. These, he says, could be genuine sightings of alien spaceships.
“People should not underestimate the power of aliens. Although there is no evidence that they are harmful to people,” he said.
The Ascended Masters: We Come to Issue a Message of Celebration | The 2012 Scenario:
The Ascended Masters: We Come to Issue a Message of Celebration
Channelled through Wes Annac – August 23, 2012
Energies of a Crystal resonation and vibration are being funneled down through your bodies and chakras, and many of you are beginning to recognize these energies as they are given through you.
You are recognizing that these energies are indeed a sign of things to come, and this realization is making way for your unlimited powers of natural Creation to become known in wonderful ways.
You are beginning to understand the importance of vibrations and harmonic expressions of all of that which you wish to manifest in your Lives, and this is a process that has been guided by your higher selves who are existing in the states of consciousness that they have funneled themselves down to the realms of the third and fourth dimensions from, so as to exist in the dense vibrational planes of the Earth and learn lessons while helping others along their growth to ascend.
But you may say to us – dear friends we [the general Lightworker collective] are not helping others to ascend in our everyday Lives. We are simply ascending ourselves while absorbing and reading the energies and communications that you dear souls give. And we tell you that this energy you are feeling, expressing and radiating out to others, even when you do not realize you are doing so, is having an enormous collective ripple-effect on the energies given out by every soul on your world.
Every action and expression of the Light Creates an effect so very mighty and powerful, and it is understood that you dear souls would not yet be able to understand or fathom the very real and grand effects that you are having on your world and on the collective energies being expressed on your world, but we should say that the energy work being performed by every Lightworker who, in many cases do not realize they are performing such work, has seen the able manifestation of all that is to occur in your immediate future.
You have heard so very much and so very little about this future, and this is why your manifestation and visualization abilities are always very important. We wish for you to exist on the plane of consciousness that is housing your new, fifth dimensional world, and we wish for you to begin to Create in these realms.
We want you to treat these realms as if they are your own Home because dear souls, you are fast to grow into and resonate with such realms and you will find very pure planes of experience and consciousness upon ascending to the realms of the fifth dimension, as you will find your natural Creation and manifestation abilities are vastly and sharply heightened within these realms.
You are all Loved so very dearly and in the realms of the fifth dimension, you will see and understand why we feel such a strong and pure Love for all of humanity and why we wish to assist you, if such is your wish, to evolve and ascend to the pure realms of experience and consciousness and to those extents, we have been working more with your physical reality than you might imagine.
Many dear souls on your world assume that since we are existing within higher dimensions, we are performing only energy work and we are not working directly with many governments, military institutions and souls who could and do have the power to make a bold, big and positive change.
Of course, you have heard of the dreamtime interactions taking place between us and many figureheads and souls on your world in important positions of power who could use such positions to begin enacting the change that has been needed as well as exposing truths that they have been directly exposed to, as a part of the overall disclosure program that will be taking place.
As so very many of such leaders and souls within important positions have begun to jump ship and willingly and actively work with us in their sleep realms to help them absorb a strong purity of Light, the energies of compassion are arising within such souls as they either step down to allow change to take place, or begin actively working in your Earth realms to enact such change.
There are many who are absorbing the Light that we are willingly giving them and, along with consulting with us in the sleep realms about what to do on your world to help change get enacted and to help truth come forth, such souls are [and will be] themselves taking to active roles to assist your beautiful world.
Strides and turning-points are being reached by individual awakening souls as many of you are proclaiming your distaste of the [lower] Earth experience as you have been experiencing it, within notably limited confines and structures.
Many of such limited structures have come about as a result of subconscious and in many cases, unknowing feeding of such constructs as they are mental constructs as much as physical. Many have been feeding predefined perceptions of reality for so very long and now, you are beginning to realize that there are a plethora of other realities so very pure that one can dip into upon doing the inner-work and opening the chakras that need to be opened in order for one to gain a full and pure perception of the higher realms through such chakras.
You are sent Universal energy through your chakras every moment of your experience, and this energy is funneled down from sources as pure as the Creator of your Universe, all the way down to the Sun of your Solar System and down through the higher astral realms of your world, where such energy is distorted to a degree, farther than is usually attained with the funneling-down of such energy, in order for it to match the dense and covered-up chakras that it is to be coming through upon being funneled-down to your lower realms , through you all to Create your realities.
It has been marvelous to behold the opening and expanding of the chakras of humanity, as while this expansion has been ongoing and has occurred individually for many souls throughout your Earthly history, the mass collective ascension and the collective realization and opening of your Universal chakras which are quite great in number, is acting in accordance with the continually-pure energies you are now being given that are seeing a further opening of such chakras, which will allow down the line, a very pure absorbing of such energies.
Many of you are undergoing processes of absorbing these energies that are quite noticeable, as you notice and can clearly feel your perceptions expanding and as your realities and heart sets seem different or seemed to have shifted.
Many have labeled this process as ‘absorption’, and we say that this is quite an accurate label for this is essentially what is happening, dear souls; you are absorbing energies of a very pure potency that we have decreed to be sent down to your world for you all to absorb, and as these are energies of a purity that your world has not seen in so very long, many of you who are more sensitive to openings and absorbing of energy in yourselves will notice the expansion and the shifts in perception that accompany your absorbing of these quite pure energies.
You are finding your perceptions, mindsets and heart sets shifted and your realities are shifting in similar manners, in that all which used to be important to you in your Lives is beginning to be replaced with the always-prevalent feelings of Love, calm and most of all, peace. Many of you are finding a peace and stillness within that has not been reached in a plethora of Earthly Lives that you have taken, and you are re-familiarizing yourselves with the higher dimensional experience; the fifth dimensional experience in particular.
As has been stated before, the fifth dimension is the combination-realm of all of the lessons you have learned in the realms of the third and fourth dimensions, and you will find the rewards for all of your tribulations through the lower realms upon ascending to the fifth dimension.
What we mean is that you will find the natural energies of Love, peace, calm and stillness that you have always existed from and recognized as normal before lowering yourselves down to the realms of the third dimension and existing in extremely limited bodies and mindsets. Those on your world who do not yet seem to be finding the pure energies being given are still in their own way, absorbing the energies being given in less pure increments than those who are finding these energies and being able to assimilate them without becoming too overwhelmed by their mere presence and potency.
You are to find in the near future, many Masters arriving on your world on our always-favored waves of Light.
We travel upon such waves as, upon reaching a certain state in one’s higher dimensional growth, even the wish to travel by star or Mothership becomes less of a wish and many of us instead choose to express ourselves as and travel upon the pure Light of Creation, which every soul is and exists as behind the shells and temporary bodies. We are all the energy of pure Love, of the heavenly realms and energetic structures of our Mother and Father Creator, and this Light is infinite in its capacity and in what it can do for all who can become open to it and understand its omnipotence.
Even the technology that will be given by your star brethren in the immediate period ahead runs from and is constructed of this pure energy in which many souls of realms past those of the fifth dimension choose to make their travels on, and the advanced technology is tech that will vastly benefit your world but that in realms past the fifth dimension, become less and less of a [perceived] necessity.
The pure energy [that fuels Galactic technology] has been sent to your world to Create your realities and filtered to match the specific resonance of your realms and the other lower dimensional realms throughout Gaia’s structure. Even the realms of the dimensions above the lower realms are constructed of this energy as it exists at different octaves and different vibratory, harmonic frequencies.
As the frequency and purity of energy one is able to experience and absorb rises, so does one experience the accompanying state of consciousness that such pure energy constructs. You are existing upon increasingly pure states of consciousness and sub-planes of consciousness each and every moment of your experience, and the pure Light that is being given in extreme potency which has been discussed so very much, is Light that is vastly less distorted than that which has been sent down to your lower dimensional realities for so very long.
We have been able to give the decrees to release this Light to your realms in accordance with meetings with the Higher Councils assisting your world in Her evolution, and we have reached the conclusion that this Light vastly needs to be sent to and absorbed within your lower realms, because very many incarnate Lightworkers and Starseeds have been making it their intents to not only expand themselves and the energy they are able to bring through which is to ultimately benefit the collective energies in very big ways; many of such souls have also agreed to incarnate or find themselves on your world within incredibly difficult circumstances, in an effort to experience and clear the ‘worst’ and most dense of the collective energy that has been expressed on your world for so very long.
We have previously discussed the tremendous sacrifice that souls such as dear Jesus have made on your world, in that such souls have went through some of the worst of experiences to be had upon your Earth, cleared [the energies behind such experiences] and have been able to assist the collective in clearing such energies on a very big level by doing so. This is a very advanced and pure method of energy work that very many incarnate Lightworkers have willingly agreed to take on so that the collective energy could match the pure energy being sent to your world that is being released in increasingly pure increments.
Because of this and because of the openings being found by very many awakening souls on your world, many of whom are in fact Earth natives; because of all of this we have seen the opportunity to go ahead and bring forth the most important and needed of manifestations.
Dearest souls, you must still allow some more of your physical fading time for the vast effects of these energies to be made known on your world stage, and we ask you to trust when we say that physically, much has been ongoing for a very long time to bring down the dark souls in power who would continue on in their rampages and aspirations if this intervention were not taking place.
Energies of a very pure potency have been released and many of you are indeed noting the personal and individual effects of feeling such energies, and such energies are building upon the foundation of energy that has been laid in very marvelous and pure ways to bring forth the giving of truth, technology and a better reality in preparation for your decreed collective ascension.
We understand that many do not yet perceive of how so much change can be enacted in such a seemingly small timeframe, and we tell you that so very much needed work is being performed outside of your realms and concept of time, and the inner-codes that have programmed your reality for so very long are now [fully] being given back in the hands of the Light and in the Light’s intent, so that humanity can begin to access such codes and the gifts of abundance and freedom and multi-dimensionality available with such codes, again in accordance with the long-decreed collective ascension of your world.
Even many souls who are still in line with the agendas of the elites may find themselves wishing to interact with the Light as the Light makes itself clearly known, and as so very many are now courageously stepping up to expose truth on your world and to give technologies that have been so very needed for all of your world, for you all to benefit from; you are seeing the beginning signs of your future manifesting before you at this time.
At this time, you are seeing groups proposing the giving of free energy-based technologies to every country [Keshe Foundation] ( Ed note from Stephen: I’m personally not quite sure of the purity of Keshe Foundation’s motives, at this point in time), in an effort to expose the agendas of the countries who will not accept such technologies and to give abundance and peace to the countries who will willingly accept such technologies, and we say that that number [of countries who will accept] is vastly in the majority.
Eventually, this technology is to be given to every single aspect of your world and you are to find a resulting collective upliftment, unity and harmony that will have you wondering how the separation was ever enforced and fed as it has been for so very long. You are the dear Lightworkers making this all possible and you are finding the awakenings and openings in yourselves that are supremely aiding in the manifestation of energies which are again, setting the stage for the physical exposures.
As one grand, physical event leads your entire world to understanding what has been kept from you, you are all to find the resulting exposures on a mass level, of the inner-workings, actions and intents of the dark souls who have kept you all within pre-programmed states of lower consciousness and reality in an effort to control you as they were existing upon higher sub-planes of mental intelligence.
They used such mental intelligence and the coldness that came along with the realms they were experiencing, to control and outsmart humanity as they built up an entire society with many cities hosting monuments to them and their beliefs.
You will see the Statue of Liberty in New York City as one symbol of their Luciferian beliefs, as they have hidden quite out in the open the signs of what they have done and have wished to do for so very long. They have thought themselves cunning and occult with the blatant giving of such signs but as humanity is waking up, their missteps in purposely exposing themselves to have a laugh at an unawakened humanity who did not at first sees such signs; such missteps are now seeing them exposed on a grand level by all who are beginning to become open to the very idea and reality of what has happened on your world for so very long.
Alas, the actions of the dark could not have been so without the actions fed by humanity for so very long and you are seeing now, many souls of influence who are stepping up and preaching the much-needed truths and energies of Love, Light, peace and respect for all dear souls.
It is time for humanity come together. The energies and needed manifestations cannot be stalled any longer as the Earth Herself no longer exists within the densities that are fed daily on your surface. Her spirit is far away from the actions of the third dimension while Her body structure which is ascending to the realms of the fifth dimension, is still being vastly affected by such happenings that are bred out of hate, separation and a misunderstanding of the very real effect you are having on a very real and conscious world who has hosted your Life.
There are many who would stay behind within the old ways forever on your world if they were allowed to but there are now very many on your world who are ready to do all that they can to help lead dear Gaia into her ripe Golden Age.
The [Lightworkers] who are not directly stepping up to offer truth and Love to your world are finding themselves performing much-needed energy work and we ask you to continue on in your efforts to maintain the balance in your Lives that is seeing you able to absorb these energies in the purity that they are now being given. You are all Heavenly messengers and Givers of Light and peace to this world who has hosted the lower dimensions and the resulting feelings, heart sets and actions for very much of Her history.
Do not lose faith now, dear souls, because your new Lives are just beginning.
Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
'JPM's $150 Billion FDIC Reality Adjustment' - Jamie Dimon Just Admitted To The World That JPM's Assets Are Overvalued By $150 Billion | The Galactic Free Press
Mail Online
By Gerri Peev
PUBLISHED:19:59 EST, 19 August 2012
Treasury Select Committee chairman Andrew Tyrie, who is heading the Commission, is a supporter of an end to free banking
Banks are plotting to use a parliamentary inquiry into their bad behaviour as a way of imposing account fees on customers.
MPs and peers on a commission set up to examine the recent Libor scandal will be approached by financial institutions this week which will argue in favour of introducing current account charges.
To read the rest of this story, visit
'JPM's $150 Billion FDIC Reality Adjustment' - Jamie Dimon Just Admitted To The World That JPM's Assets Are Overvalued By $150 Billion | The Galactic Free Press
The Daily Bail
August 16, 2012
JPM's $150 Billion FDIC Reality Adjustment
Reuters published an exclusive story this morning:
Buried in the final paragraph:
In a presentation in March, JPMorgan Chase said it had a recovery plan in place and said it was ordered by regulators. The presentation was organized by Harvard Law School and was closed to the media at the time, but is now available online.
Here's the BEST part of the JPM document.
It's easy to see on the PDF:
Go to page 9. Under the wipeout scenario JPM describes a $50 billion trading loss turning into a $200 billion loss as soon as the FDIC takes over. Why... ? Because JPM says they would expect the FDIC to immediately writedown JPM's assets by an additional $150 billion.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Medical Reporters Are Destroying Our Knowledge About Medicine | The Galactic Free Press
August 21, 2012
Vietnamese police have arrested a banking tycoon and summoned another senior executive for questioning, state media said on Tuesday, reigniting concern over Vietnam's fragile banking industry.
Nguyen Duc Kien, the well-known multimillionaire founder of Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank, was accused of wrongdoing in connection with three private firms, state-run Vietnam Television quoted the Police Ministry as saying in a statement.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Medical Reporters Are Destroying Our Knowledge About Medicine | The Galactic Free Press:
Jon Rappoport – Medical Reporters Are Destroying Our Knowledge About Medicine – 22 August 2012
Posted on August 22, 2012 by lucas2012infos |
As a medical investigative reporter for the past 30 years, I’ve found facts and connected dots. I’ve discovered that reporters in the mainstream are opposed to connecting dots. They won’t go there. They know they’ll be rejected by their editors and, if they persist, they’ll be demoted or fired. That’s the way the job works.
Mainstream reporters aren’t supposed to make inferences from facts. They’re supposed to solicit comments from “experts” on both sides of an issue and then slant the story toward the favored side.
This is especially true in the medical arena, which is a sacred cow. When editors want to restrain wandering medical reporters, they take them off hot stories and assign them something pedestrian.
In the summer of 2009, Sharyl Atkisson of CBS exposed the fact that the CDC, responsible for counting the number of Swine Flu cases in America, had stopped counting. This was a blockbuster revelation. On the heels of Atkisson’s discovery, the CDC announced a lie so absurd it produced gasps of shock even within the mainstream medical-reporting community: suddenly, the several thousand cases of Swine Flu in the US were TEN MILLION.
Anyone with a grain of common sense could connect the dots: the CDC was lying to cover up the fact that Swine Flu, at best, was a very light non-epidemic, and all the fear-based hype was empty. The push for everyone to get vaccinated was venal and stupid.
In a reasonable world, CBS and other networks, to say nothing of the NY Times and other major papers, would have gone after the CDC with hammer and tongs. They would have attacked until the CDC was a smoking wreck.
But these media outlets backed off and pretended there was nothing to see, nothing to infer, nothing to connect.
At CBS, Atkisson was sent off to cover other stories. That’s the way it works.
Here is the interesting part. If these dying networks and newspapers had actually pursued the CDC story, they would have attracted huge audiences. The public wants this kind of information. The public is hungry for it.
So you could say major media are digging their own graves. They’re not so much being phased out by the Internet; they’re committing suicide.
They insist on remaining part of the problem, at their own peril.
Here is another example:
Glaxo, the drug giant, was recently fined $3 billion for bribery, fabricating drug-safety data, and fraud.
Only a fool, however, would assume this legal attack against Glaxo would stop them from lying, cheating, and endangering the public in the future.
The $3 billion Glaxo fine covered scheming, lying, and cheating in connection with three of its drugs: Paxil; Wellbutrin; and Avandia. Total sales of those drugs during the period of time in question? 27.9 billion dollars. Three billion dollars is a drop in the bucket. And Glaxo was comfortably prepared to pay the fine. It had money set aside for that day.
So the fine was just the beginning of the story. An outlet like the NY Times could have set their hounds loose and dug up inside information on how Glaxo managed their crime and their anticipated fine, from the get-go. That would have been, in time, a hurricane of a story. It would have exposed Glaxo as an ongoing RICO operation.
And then the question of why no Glaxo executives were prosecuted by the Dept. of Justice and sent to prison would have had teeth.
Day by day, week by week, the media story would have gained legs. The public would have been transfixed as Glaxo executives came out and made confessions to reporters.
This is what connecting the dots means. This makes stories grow and expand, and nets more criminals. This is what reporting is supposed to do.
So why don’t major media outlets become relentless in their coverage? Why don’t they multiply their readership and viewership by millions of people? Why don’t they succeed?
The answer to those questions has layers. First, there is the obvious advertising revenue at stake from drug companies. A former reporter for a Los Angeles daily paper told me that, on the heels of publishing a story critical of vaccines, the editor of the paper received a visit in his office from pharmaceutical executives of a company that was buying ads in the paper. These execs didn’t stand on ceremony. They read the editor the riot act.
On another layer, all major media outlets understand that stories highly critical of the medical cartel—when pursued to full exposure—are a taboo. They’re not allowed, because the cartel deeply involves the federal government as an active partner. The cartel is one of those too-big-to-fail institutions. The money at issue is enormous.
On a third layer, we have the ever-popular “national security” dictum. That’s right. The interlock among medical schools, the FDA, doctors, drug companies, and researchers is considered “vital to the interests of the nation.” If the NY Times went up against that, they would pay a big price. They would find themselves on the receiving end of FBI investigations and IRS investigations and bank foreclosures on their debts and union work stoppages. It would be a pitched battle.
I’ll tell you something, though. If the NY Times had the balls and the commitment, the outcome would be a toss-up. If the paper didn’t blink and kept turning out copy on deepening medical investigations—including copy on how the paper was being attacked for speaking the truth—they could print three editions a day and they would have readers knocking each other down to snatch a copy off a newsstand.
But this is just a fantasy, because finally, it turns out that the Times, and every other major media operation in America, is inextricably linked with top-level globalist criminals. These media giants are engaged in an ongoing pysop of programming their audiences to accept official authority without questioning it. The medical cartel is a key player in the Globalist takeover of nations:
In medical circles, it’s known that the American medical system kills 225,000 people a year. That’s 2.25 million killings per decade. (See: Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000, “Is US health really the best in the world?”)
Even an idiot can see that, as a story, this has gigantic staying power. The NY Times and the Washington Post could attack it from so many angles and chase so many rats out of the woodwork, they would make Watergate look like a biddies’ embroidery club in Kansas.
You would have front-page revelations for months on end. Just for starters, the FDA, which approves as safe all the drugs that cause these deaths, would be exposed as the Gambino or Gotti of the medical universe.
Obamacare, which will drag millions of new unwary customers into the system, exposing them to death and destruction, would be crushed underfoot like an old beer can in the street.
But the operating strategy of media megaliths is limited hangout. They squeeze out a few facts like toothpaste from a tube, and then they back away. They don’t make the connections they know are there. Reporters, their foot soldiers, acquiesce and whiten their teeth and buy new suits and visit psychiatrists, where they’re diagnosed with clinical depression and given drugs.
On January 15, 2009, the NY Review of Books published a devastating quote from a woman who, for 20 years, edited the most prestigious medical journal in the world:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Marcia Angell, MD, “Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.
For any ambitious medical reporter, the quote could have been the jumping-off point for an investigation aimed at taking down medical journals and the whole peer-review system that underpins medical publishing.
But nothing happened. No dots were connected. The quote was left hanging in mid-air like a Hindenburg whose explosion had been indefinitely postponed.
Here is another Hindenburg quote of a similar nature, also published in the NY Review of Books (May 12, 2001, Helen Epstein, “Flu Warning: Beware of Drug Companies”):
“Six years ago, John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece, found that nearly half of published articles in scientific journals contained findings that were false.”
Here’s another quote from the same article:
“Last year, GlaxoSmithKline’s diabetes drug Avandia was linked to thousands of heart attacks, and earlier in the decade, the company’s antidepressant Paxil was discovered to exacerbate the risk of suicide in young people. Merck’s painkiller Vioxx was also linked to thousands of heart disease deaths. In each case, the scientific literature gave little hint of these dangers.”
And finally, here is yet another statement from Marcia Angell, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine:
“A review of seventy-four clinical trials of antidepressants, for example, found that thirty-seven of thirty-eight positive studies [that praised the drugs] were published. But of the thirty-six negative studies, thirty-three were either not published or published in a form that conveyed a positive outcome.”
It turns out that the informational pipeline that feeds the entire perception of pharmaceutical medicine is a rank fraud.
Could any major newspaper add up these quotes and launch an all-out attack on the massive crimes surrounding published medical studies? Of course. And that attack, if carried out long enough, would shake the pillars of the Church of Modern Medicine. But it doesn’t happen.
And when it doesn’t happen, even bright readers tend to think they haven’t read those quotes correctly, because if they had, surely some investigation would have been mounted; surely somebody would have been indicted and prosecuted; surely the whole medical system would have undergone a revolution.
No. Instead, by failing to connect the dots, the major media are killing themselves off; they are faking it day by day; they are putting on mask after mask and pretending to be wise and cognizant of the latest developments. It’s all a con. It’s a con of cons, and it’s going bankrupt, as Internet reporters now carry the real freight.
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. / link to original article