Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012
My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.
By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.
Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.
You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.
You know this, but what you may not fully grasp is that you are already experiencing the absence of illusion many times throughout your day, and during dreamtime, especially. You are finding that you can “bend” time with your mere focus and intent, to slow it down or speed it up, or make it stand still because you guessed it, time is just an illusion.
As the veils are thinning more and more around your perception of your identity and place among the many changing realities of your existence, you can begin to see that you are not separate and powerless at all and you are just beginning to see what you have created with your combined collective prayers and intentions for a more peaceful, balanced and loving planet.
And yes, I am referring to all the group meditations you have been holding, However, on a deeper level, I am referring to the change in perspective deep down inside your consciousness as you remember more and more of who you are, and moreover, accept it gracefully and peacefully within you, as you eradicate the fears that have held you back for so long.
This has been no easy task, we know, for as you expand and infiltrate more and more of the new energies from the Great Central Sun, it spurs many hidden fears and issues to come to the surface, and the more you allow the Light to overtake you, the more it spurs changes in yourselves and others that is not always comfortable.
For you are shedding the cocoon that has protected you until now from seeing the Truth and you are discovering all the magnificence of your new butterfly wings of transformation. They may still be a bit wet and sticky but so capable, nonetheless, of flight.
And so you embark on a new journey of destinations into the unknown, filled with possibilities that are becoming more clear as the illusions come tumbling down with each new revelation and insight you gain through your awareness of your true essence of Divinity and eternal connection with All That Is.
Please continue making meditation and frequent periods of stillness your priority as you continue to let go of your fears and clinging limiting beliefs that you are separate and unworthy and powerless. Step out of that illusion and greet your new Reality, that you are powerful, precious, whole, and One with All That Is.
I AM Sananda, and I am with you always, and am always at your service.
Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~10~12 The Light of Love is Fully Lit, Now ~
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~10~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~The Light of Love is Fully Lit NOW ~
Greetings Love Beings, The Light of Love is Fully Lit On Planet Earth=Heart. The Energy is Now Quickly Moving Into Alighnment for our Next Series of Events towards Humanity's Freedom from the chains of illusion. Through our Last Extra Boost of Energy we were able to Successfully Dissolve the resisisent Energies.
The Greatest Show In All Of Planet Earth=Heart's History is Beginning.
This Light of Mine, I Am Gonna Let it Shine
Due to Our Recent Events, Peace On Earth=Heart is Now Possible and Inevitable. More Are Awakening at a Quickening Rate Now. As this Occurs the Light Grows Brighter By the Moment. Indeed Together, We are Victorious.
Eye of the Tiger
The Light Is Shining Bright on the darkness across the Planet. Our Love Party Yesterday has Lit the Final Candle to Lighten Up Planet Earth=Heart. As We shared in Our Last Update the Energy will now be arriving In Continual waves to assist in the Mass Awakening Now Underway.The Sun is Becoming Active Again to Assist!
Daily Sun: 10 Jun 12
New sunspot 1504 is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
Can You See the Starships Coming through?
Our Sun is Quite Active Now, with More Sunspots coming to face us. 1504 Sunspot has already produced 3 M Class Flares In A row in the Past 24 Hours. Our Wind Speed is Now steady around 400. We are seeing an increase in Earthquakes Greece had a 5.8 today and Taiwan had a 6.0 Yesterday. The Turkish Press reported several Injuries from people jumping out of their Balconies when the quake struck. We have Wildfires happening in Colorado and New Mexico and A Heatwave has Hit India. To read More about Whats Happening across the Planet you can read our Galactic Truth Report:
Blue Star Ufo Report:
Earth Allies Report:
Messages from The Earth Allies:
Quoted from Montague Message Today "The missing elements in your world today are LOVE and COMPASSION. When you have love in your life, you cannot kill or harm others. You will see yourself in others and respect them. You have been lied to for so long, that now you are awake, you will not fall for such lies again. Your eyes have been opened. Your world is changing for the better. Their satanic[ignorant] games no longer produce the results they want. They have been rendered powerless.
You are right, my dear, the space[ Star] ships are getting closer. They are showing their support for you. It will be good to reunite with your greater family. Look to the solstice for some surprises. Everything is falling into place as promised." End of Quote
Thank you to Sun Gazer
Thank An Iridescent Cloud Over Colorado.
May all beings be released from suffering.
The Solstice Event Energy is a Week and a Half away which is a Huge Energetic Date. This is An Anticipated Event, as this is a Global Event for The Entire Planet. This will Further the Grounding of the God Consciousness Energy as all Higher Selves Become Present On Planet Earth=Heart. This is a Universal Event. All Eyes Are On Planet Earth=Heart. Everyone is Here from Around Creation To Witness an Event which has never occurred before in all of Creation.
All darkness aka illusion was, is simply just shadows on the wall in the cave and were not Real. The Moment has come for Humanity to Step out of the cave and Bathe in the Sunlight Of Creation, the Reality. Once You step Out, you Will See Your Star Family There with You. We will Say Welcome Home, We have Missed You.
Armageddon I dont want to miss a thing
The Angels are already Cheering and Awaiting Your Arrival With US.
Love is Here and the world of illusion is dissolving. All which will remain is One Living Planet Unified. This is the Destiny of this Planet unfolding right Now, and there is absolutely nothing the darkness can do about this.The Love Army is at the Forefront, and Freedom IS Guaranteed.
We have shared there is no where to hide in this Energy.
Decreed by Heaven, The Final Candle Has Been Lit. Increasing the Light Quotient On Planet Earth=Heart to Prepare for the Solstice Event. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission Here Unfolding On the Galactic Free Press~ We Love You!
WE are Currently 2999$ Behind in our Funding Goal
Total Love shares for June 701.01$
June Funding Needs 3000$
~Only Love can Be Consistent and Constant~
We are Here In Service to All of You 24 Hours a Day. If You can Share Thank You For sharing with Those Who Serve Love Consistently. In the old paradigm money was used to support the illusion. Money as used right now is Energy. When You Share with those Who are Also Utilizing this for Love, this Energy gets returned to you. Maybe not always back in the form of money, usually Much Grander. Lover Serves Love.
Since Our Last Update we Have received 4 Love Shares.
Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.
Thank you for Only sharing if You Can. With 3000 Members and everyone sharing a little, we will all have enough.
Join us Live Every Saturday for the Internet Love Party. At 1:30pm Pacific.To Help Bring in the Higher Energies. This will Be Announced On the Press Every Saturday. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~
Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
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Counterparties: Today's Best Links Handcuffs are attached to bars at an unidentified prison in Caracas August 15, 2011. REUTERS/Jorge Silva How private prisons profit from incarcerating immigrants Thanks to crackdowns on immigration and partnerships wit
Ex-Goldman director Gupta changes mind on testifying
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Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc board member Rajat Gupta leaves Manhattan Federal Court in New York June 8, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/Andrew Kelly
By Grant McCool
NEW YORK | Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:09pm EDT
(Reuters) - Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc board member Rajat Gupta, on trial on insider trading charges, has decided not to testify in his own defense, two days after his lawyer said it was "highly likely" he would take the stand.NEW YORK
"After substantial reflection and consideration, we have determined that Mr. Gupta will not be a witness on his own behalf in the defense case," Gupta's main lawyer, Gary Naftalis, wrote in a letter to U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff on Sunday.
Gupta, 63, is fighting charges that he illegally divulged financial information to his one-time friend and business associate, Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam, between March 2007 and January 2009 while serving on the boards of Goldman and Procter & Gamble Co.
The trial in U.S. District Court in New York began on May 21 and prosecutors rested their case on Friday. As the defense began its leg of the case, Naftalis told the judge after the jury had gone home for the weekend that "it is highly likely my client will testify."
The trial resumes on Monday and the jury is expected to hear closing arguments on Wednesday.
Rajaratnam, who was convicted a year ago of insider trading and is serving an 11-year prison term, opted not to testify in his own defense. If convicted on charges of securities fraud and conspiracy, Gupta faces a possible maximum 25 years in prison.
The case is USA v. Gupta, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, No. 11-907.
(Editing by Dale Hudson)
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Brilliant Idea: Spacecraft Propulsion Device Invented By Egyptian Student
Aisha Mustafa is a 19-year-old Egyptian university student of physics who can transform space travel once and for all!
She has namely invented an ingenious spacecraft propulsion device that can send mankind boldly where no man has gone before.
Her amazing propulsion device has potential to send spacecraft to other solar systems without using a single drop of fuel. Instead, the device utilizes the best quantum physics and chemical reactions in artificial satellites have to offer.
In other words, forget current radioactive-based jets and ordinary rocket engines! What Mustafa offers is future space technology that is badly needed if we truly want to explore space!
Aisha Mustafa, a very intelligent student of physics who can change the way we explore space.
Nutrition Can Save America!
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Nutrition can save America.
But from what, exactly?
Every day, it seems, there are more signs of the accelerating decline of the American Empire. The economy is tanking, the currency is being abandoned by other nations, health care remains a disastrous failure, unemployment is atrociously high, prisons are filled to capacity, public education is failing yet another generation of children, and the population seems to be getting more diseased with each generation.
The question, though, is why?
Why is our population so diseased? Why is unemployment so high? Why can't our kids learn well in school? Why is America losing its leadership position in the world? Why are so many jobs being offshored to other countries?
What if there were a single underlying reason that answered all these questions? As you may have guessed, there is:
Poor nutrition destroys any nation. Good nutrition saves it. And in this NaturalNews special report, you'll learn why nutrition plays such a powerful role in the rise or fall of any nation.
It's also a warning message for America: If we don't make immediate, radical changes in the available food supply -- and the marketing of foods to consumers -- we won't survive much longer as a nation. America will fall, brought down by the inevitable consequences of a nutritionally deficient, chronically diseased population.
But to understand why this is the case, you first have to see why food has such a powerful impact on everything that matters in society: Health, happiness, employment, productivity, education and even freedom. To explain all that, let's start with a lesson on poor nutrition.
Next: The consequences of poor nutrition...
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Keep voting! Voting Results… “94% in favor of the Conditions listed for [the] Poll”
Voting Results… “94% in favor of the Conditions listed for [the] Poll”
Posted on 2012/06/09 by kauilapele
This was posted at Drakes (newer) website, here. It details the results of the vote from Drake/Lady Dragon’s poll. Also note that there is another site where a more detailed vote is in progress, through June 12. Here is that link (I’m putting up a separate post for that).
This is the update posted on Facebook…For those who have not voted yet, you can vote atSoldier Hugs…
ANNOUNCEMENT: I was just contacted by GVN with a message from Drake regarding the Vote Polling and its data. I was asked to post this announcement relaying that the original Lady Dragon Poll has been tabulated and is now closed for the purpose of obtaining the initial “Sampling” of votes.
I was informed that the Lady Dragon sample indicated approximately 94% in favor of the Conditions listed for that Poll. I was asked to relay to the people here that Drake has requested that the SoldierHugs Poll remain open and aggregating votes for longer tabulated sample to be collected sometime Tuesday.
As such, please continue to share and vote on the SoldierHugs Poll if you have not already. Additionally, I am pasting some location demographics from Google Analytics for the SoldierHugs site as of this morning just in case folks would like to see how its going. Very interestingly, Canada was the 2nd largest demographic behind the US. As of this morning Japan is #2 with nearly 4 times the numbers of Canada. Thank you to all…
Country/Territory Visits Pages / Visit Avg. Visit Duration % New Visits
1. United States 5,254 2.30 00:03:20 76.08%
2. Japan 1,757 1.65 00:02:10 80.08%
3. Canada 554 2.11 00:03:10 79.06%
4. United Kingdom 245 1.96 00:02:45 82.45%
5. Australia 199 2.55 00:03:20 76.38%
6. Italy 129 2.02 00:11:03 81.40%
7. Netherlands 99 1.68 00:02:03 84.85%
8. (not set) 91 2.05 00:07:30 54.95%
9. Germany 86 2.41 00:03:40 74.42%
10. Romania 85 1.59 00:02:06 95.29%
More Than Encouraging. Inspiring
More Than Encouraging. Inspiring
2012 June 9by Steve BeckowI wanted to correct an impression that I may have left earlier.
Although I feel myself rather worn out from messages from years ago that NESARA was coming tomorrow or the cabal was about to fall by the weekend, predictions which simply did not come true at the time, I was not trying to imply earlier that I don’t fully support Drake and Cobra in their work.
The notion of a global vote is wonderful, as is the notion of a global meditation. Just what’s needed. I’m very happy to see this kind of public mobilization being done.
In other years, we held World Freedom Day, World Disclosure Day, and they were great fun and hopefully accomplished a modicum of purpose. Global mobilization is definitely the order of the day and if Drake and Cobra can achieve it, I’m as pleased as can be.
I’d also like to say how jubilant I am to hear what David Wilcock said recently. And perhaps I can reproduce a few passages of that statement:
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Virtually every single ancient culture reports human-looking “gods” who came and brought them written language, mathematics, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, building techniques, astronomy and extensive spiritual teachings. …
It is quite astonishing that in the face of this much data, we still have not reached a point where the reality of ancient ET contact and assistance is considered common knowledge.
Any widespread recognition of this fact will inevitably create a legendary shift in our society — regardless of how many people will claim to have known it all along.
After several hundred years of frustrating obscurity, it appears that we are on the verge of a stunning mass awakening — to the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial humans guiding our development here on Earth, behind the scenes.
The Visitors appear to be much more knowledgeable about science and spirituality than we are at present — and there is every indication that we are on the threshold of an event that has been predicted for thousands of years, with great precision.
Hallelujah! You can’t see me but I’m doing a little dance here.
This is not the whole enchilada. The whole enchilada would come when the whistleblowers and insiders begin to listen to the most reliable from among the channeled messages – SaLuSa, Matthew Ward, Saul, and the like. After all, the galatics and celestials have done their bit to make their views known to us. This is their chosen way. But what’s been said is more than I felt I could reasonably expect.
If and when they do, I suppose we’ll go through the inevitable discussions and disagreements over which channels are reliable and which not. That can’t be avoided when using channeled messages, I imagine.
We seem to be coming together! And I’m jubilant. Sure, everyone will be much happier when the Company of Light is actually here, on the ground and speaking to us from our television sets. But this kind of open admission from David of the existence and role of beings that most people in society are loathe to even acknowledge exists is heart-warming and can only help with the overall acceptance of the galactics.
Yes, I know David has referred to them many, many times. I’m not saying he hasn’t. But he’s extending to them their due of recognition for the role they’re playing in a very full and no-holds-barred way here, and that is for me a great and welcome development.
I’d like to believe that the rising energies are opening all of us in ways that we never expected. World leaders reaching out, lightworkers coming together – I’m excited to think of what may be next. Even though in some areas like Syria, we’re still mired in dismal violence and killing, seeing what’s happening on other fronts is more than encouraging. It’s inspiring.
More Than Encouraging. Inspiring
More Than Encouraging. Inspiring
2012 June 9by Steve BeckowI wanted to correct an impression that I may have left earlier.
Although I feel myself rather worn out from messages from years ago that NESARA was coming tomorrow or the cabal was about to fall by the weekend, predictions which simply did not come true at the time, I was not trying to imply earlier that I don’t fully support Drake and Cobra in their work.
The notion of a global vote is wonderful, as is the notion of a global meditation. Just what’s needed. I’m very happy to see this kind of public mobilization being done.
In other years, we held World Freedom Day, World Disclosure Day, and they were great fun and hopefully accomplished a modicum of purpose. Global mobilization is definitely the order of the day and if Drake and Cobra can achieve it, I’m as pleased as can be.
I’d also like to say how jubilant I am to hear what David Wilcock said recently. And perhaps I can reproduce a few passages of that statement:
We are not alone — and we never have been. Extraterrestrial humans, widely regarded in ancient folklore as “angels,” “elves,” “leprechauns,” “faeries,” “jinn”, et cetera, have been guiding and helping us all along.
Virtually every single ancient culture reports human-looking “gods” who came and brought them written language, mathematics, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, building techniques, astronomy and extensive spiritual teachings. …
It is quite astonishing that in the face of this much data, we still have not reached a point where the reality of ancient ET contact and assistance is considered common knowledge.
Any widespread recognition of this fact will inevitably create a legendary shift in our society — regardless of how many people will claim to have known it all along.
After several hundred years of frustrating obscurity, it appears that we are on the verge of a stunning mass awakening — to the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial humans guiding our development here on Earth, behind the scenes.
The Visitors appear to be much more knowledgeable about science and spirituality than we are at present — and there is every indication that we are on the threshold of an event that has been predicted for thousands of years, with great precision.
Hallelujah! You can’t see me but I’m doing a little dance here.
This is not the whole enchilada. The whole enchilada would come when the whistleblowers and insiders begin to listen to the most reliable from among the channeled messages – SaLuSa, Matthew Ward, Saul, and the like. After all, the galatics and celestials have done their bit to make their views known to us. This is their chosen way. But what’s been said is more than I felt I could reasonably expect.
If and when they do, I suppose we’ll go through the inevitable discussions and disagreements over which channels are reliable and which not. That can’t be avoided when using channeled messages, I imagine.
We seem to be coming together! And I’m jubilant. Sure, everyone will be much happier when the Company of Light is actually here, on the ground and speaking to us from our television sets. But this kind of open admission from David of the existence and role of beings that most people in society are loathe to even acknowledge exists is heart-warming and can only help with the overall acceptance of the galactics.
Yes, I know David has referred to them many, many times. I’m not saying he hasn’t. But he’s extending to them their due of recognition for the role they’re playing in a very full and no-holds-barred way here, and that is for me a great and welcome development.
I’d like to believe that the rising energies are opening all of us in ways that we never expected. World leaders reaching out, lightworkers coming together – I’m excited to think of what may be next. Even though in some areas like Syria, we’re still mired in dismal violence and killing, seeing what’s happening on other fronts is more than encouraging. It’s inspiring.
Humanitarian Efforts and Sightings of Galactic Federation Light Ships
The Pleiadian Council of Nine:
We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and we are speaking to you through many conduits and scribes at this time while at the same time, taking part in the subtle disclosures that are being given to all those who know which signs to look for.
We have been showing ourselves in very veiled ways in your skies, and this is a subject that has been discussed very much and will continue to be discussed for the recent grants of ‘authority’ that we were given that have been discussed as well through other sources, saw that we were able to act in accordance with the overall collective freewill-manifested energies of humanity, which includes any new and pure Lighted energies manifested by the many Lightworkers now existing beautifully upon Gaia’s surface, to show ourselves to you in ways that can get your attention if you employ the belief that such showings of ourselves to you could be possible.
It certainly is, and many of you will begin to notice anomalies that we send you in your skies.
We say that this occurrence will pick up as humanity grows more and more and as you ready yourself as a collective for the experience of disclosure and of ascension alike.
Of course, the changes that you have been hearing about are to precede the overall Earthly ascension that is to result from the energies manifested by you as a collective from such changes, and we can say that the New World that you are quickly growing, learning and heading to, is so very different from your reality that the two will seem very much like day and night.
Complete opposite experiences these will be, and many of you are already finding many things that have been exposing and breaking the paradigms that you have instated in yourselves whilst you underwent this Earth experiment.
You are ‘earning’ more and more the right to be able to see us in your skies, and we have taken to the basic ‘Light in the sky’ approach very much whenever showing ourselves to you. In these scenarios and instances that we speak of, we are speaking for the Galactic Federation as a whole. We are taking part ourselves in such showings of our craft, but we must stress that this is a Federation-wide effort to be in your skies and to have our many awakening Lightworkers notice us in your skies.
Whenever you see us in your skies and can recognize our ships in any veiled manner, an energy is manifested around you and within your auric sphere, and this is a similar energy to that which is manifested inside and around oneself whenever any startling or paradigm-breaking event is set before them.
For those who do not immediately choose the energies and emotions of fear and concern upon experiencing something reality-busting, many will experience excitement instead and a rushing of many (safe) chemicals and energies within the body that make one feel very, very good.
We say as well that whenever you see us in your skies, you are not just getting a glimpse of the lights that we deliberately turn on and shine from our ships when appearing before you, in the night or in the day; you are feeling as well our energies in very pure forms, in forms the proportions of which are just beginning to be reached by the scribes bringing us through.
The energies that one receives upon viewing us in your skies and recognizing us, is one of an instant, seemingly-fleeting connection; for just one moment so very many things seem to fall into place and make sense for one upon seeing us and not being afraid, because we allow our energies to be exposed to you and to fill and untie the voids and knots that are placed within the auric fields and chakras of many, making it hard for the Universal energies of Love and Harmony to come through you.
Oh dear, beautiful souls, there are so many different facets of the work we perform happily for your world and for many other worlds every single moment, and suffice to say you have heard little of the majority of what we do for you and for your world.
We are Peacekeepers. We are negotiators, energy-workers and healers. We are your Family and we are the Family of every ascending and unawakened alike, planet in this Universe who is experiencing ascension at their own rate and at your own pace.
We are you, in a form so very marvelous and spectacular to behold and to inhabit alike.
We are the pure energy of Love, performing our various duties set out for us upon the octave of reality and consciousness that we experience. Much of the energy work that we do is coordinated with the beings within the reams of your sun and various planets, and we assist in bringing specific signatures of energy down upon Earth and your different layered and nested realities.
This energy serves specific purposes and is itself different energy every time it is sent and every time we interact with it, and the job of energy work throughout this beautiful Creation is one that we enjoy quite a bit and perform very happily.
All that we do is in the name of service to others and in the name of every last beautiful soul of our dear Mother and Father, experiencing Creation in every octave and form that it has to offer.
When we looked upon the Earth experience and the traps that many had set up for themselves, and by this we mean many honest and beautiful Loving souls who simply wanted an experience unlike any they had ever had; we saw many of these souls get caught up in their own lower vibrations and their own lower manifestations, and the pull to serve Earth was literally magnetic, as we care deeply for you dear beautiful souls experiencing boarded-in consciousness on a world that is truly so very different from the rest of Creation.
For a very long time, Earth has been nearly by definition a dualistic and polarity-based world.
Earth has upon Her beautiful surface, the most breathtaking and marvelous to behold fields of nature, of beautiful forest, and experiencing the Earth in Her most beautiful forms is an experience that is looked upon favorably even by the souls farther along their paths [than us] who Guide us in our moment-by-moment affairs.
Along with the many other higher dimensional beings assisting you and your world at this time, we will also come to your aide if called upon, and we will help you to perform the specific energy work that is needed.
Many of you have experienced and fed the blockages that you are now finding yourselves on the final and last absolute cusps of transmuting, forgiving and bringing over to the side of your continually developing and growing Light, and we ask you to ask us to assist you in such affairs for we do indeed have very much that we can give and that will be valuable to you along your Life paths, it simply takes your willingness to have us be with you and to have us assist you with such work for dear souls, you are the proprietors of your experiences whilst on Earth.
You have the grand opportunity now to peel away and integrate all of those parts of yourselves that would still have you think this entire experience is too unreal to be true. You are clearing away the influence of those parts of yourselves that tell you that anything that seems too good, must not be true.
Every experience, every lesson that you have undergone whilst on Earth has been for the purpose of working through the veils you have placed upon yourselves in relation to your perception of what the experience of consciousness is supposed to be.
Every single endeavor that you have undergone throughout your many Lives in the lower vibrations, has seen you looking for happiness and looking for the experience of the higher realms in the veiled ways that the Earth experience has had to offer.
Many of these ways have served you for a short time, and then needed to themselves be faded away, integrated and transmuted as after a certain point in your own growth and development, even that which may have helped you significantly along your path and with your feeling the feelings of the higher realms in ways that you had not previously felt such things; such things may not be as much of an aide to you now for you are growing away from such things and realizing along the way, the hollow nature of such things when looked upon from the perspective of not needing them anymore.
As you grow away from your former self, you find many things around you seem to disintegrate as you realize that true, pure unfiltered reality is absolutely nothing like you have been led to believe on your world for the majority of your Lives within the lower dimensional matrix.
This matrix has, with your help of course, binded you to it through the identities and personalities Created by your higher self in higher realms, that were only meant to be your personalities and identities whilst on Earth to grow from and with, and learn lessons from and with.
Of course, with how intense the lessons of the Earth have been for so very long, it was figured and concluded that many would have trouble giving up these earthy selves and this is a topic that has been discussed by others as well.
Indeed, there are souls who are not yet ready for the Nirvana experience just as there will be many who are not yet ready for the experience of disclosure and the giving of prosperity.
There are many who are going to be given prosperity, who may at first choose to use such prosperity to fulfill and feed the many addictions that have been established in much of humanity.
By this we do not just mean addictions to drugs and alcohol, we mean as well with addictions to food, your Earthly act of gambling, and many other things that the majority of humanity would not realize are actually as addicting to your minds and hearts as they are.
We must say that while we are indeed helping to introduce prosperity to you and your world and while we will allow humanity the freewill and growth needed when giving such prosperity, a very crucial part of the many humanitarian acts to restore your world will be getting rid of the various and many lower vibration-feeding centers established on your world.
By this we mean the liquor stores, the restaurants which sell unhealthy food for cheap and make big money whilst the majority of humanity is kept in poor states of health, and many other things that have only served to hold you back in your Lives and in your growth whilst on this world.
So very many things that you would not expect have actually been Created for the purposes of distorting, manipulating and controlling the auric and energetic fields of humanity as well weakening the body so that it is more susceptible and prone to the diseases which are manufactured by fringe scientists working for your dark, who then [the dark heads, not the scientists] attempt to spread such illnesses in hopes that those whose bodies and spirits have been kept weak will catch such diseases, which would then begin to feed a mass ritualistic sacrifice that your media would brand a natural epidemic.
When we tell you of such things, of such ways that you have been manipulated for so very long, we must stress that even though such information is being exposed and will shock you exponentially beyond what you can currently comprehend, there is no need to fear or worry.
Indeed, the dark on your world have been able to get away with so very much whilst you underwent your collective experiences, and the energy being manifested by the collective on Earth was always and is always the deciding factor in what events could and could not be manifested by your dark.
We will give you an example of what we mean by explaining a mirrored [similar] situation.
There are some darker-inclined astral beings who will surround Earthly souls who are susceptible to giving in to lower vibrational influences, and sometimes the influences of these beings will seep through one’s spirit and auric fields if one lets them, to bring forth in oneself the energies and feelings of anger, angst and frustration.
If one then takes such frustration or anger and directs it toward others, a karmic energy is Created.
If this happens on a mass, collective level than a collective karmic energy is Created, and this is the energy that your dark utilize if it is manifested for the worst.
They have tried to continue feeding forever, the most dense energies that could be fed and manifested on your world through their own darker-inclined rituals and through the sacrificial acts of those in the ‘lower levels’ whom the heads of such families have made perform such acts.
However, if one individual has not manifested enough individual negative karma for a negative event to manifest in one’s Life, than a negative event which could be shaped, molded and attempted to be caused by the very being who was influencing one; a negative event of such a nature would not be able to manifest and in the same vein, as humanity is now ascending and finding the Love and the Light that is gracefully driving your ascension into ever-purer states of consciousness, the negative karmic events of the collective to be manifested are themselves lessened and Lightened, and the influence that the dark attempts to throw out on your world every single day its itself diminished quite significantly.
This is why we urge every dear soul who is becoming open to the energies of the higher realms, to begin bringing this energy through and expressing it in any dear way you can.
You are the dear and beautiful shining Lights upon the surface of Gaia, and every action, thought and feeling alike that you have is shaping the overall manifestation of the events set to unfold in your reality.
No matter which way these events manifest, they are going to take many of you by surprise and we urge as well the continual preparation that you have all been undergoing with yourselves and with each other, for we are with you in your meditation groups, your healing sessions, in your group spiritual discussions, and we see and feel alike the wonderful, brimming Light that is being manifested by the beautiful awakening collective of Earth at this time.
This manifested energy is to reach its peak-point as the energy coming to your world and to your bodies and spirits from many places throughout this beautiful Creation reaches its own peak-point.
Suffice to say dear souls, just as the water in your body and the water on your world acts in conjunction and accordance with your moon, your inner energies being brought through act in accordance with the outer energies being given to your world from innumerable areas throughout Creation and from innumerable advanced and ascended beings throughout Creation.
Many of these souls we speak of are not yet perceivable by even our most opened up of channels and awakening souls on Earth, and there are the beings we speak of which Guide us in all that we do. Whenever a situation or event occurs upon your world that we feel we may need assistance on as we are learning many lessons about you and your world as well, we call upon these beings to give us their Love, Guidance and advice.
We delight in chatting with these beings, as they are the further advanced and ascended forms of us, just as we are the further ascended and advanced forms of [many of] you dear beautiful souls who are on this Earth at this time.
The influx and increase of Lighted souls making their presence known on your world has been amazing to behold and while it was indeed planned this way, nobody had thought or felt that this experiment was going to go as smoothly and as wonderfully as it has.
The energies that have literally fed and kept the dark souls on your world going, are diminishing and being transmuted on individual and collective levels by millions of you dear souls. As their influence diminishes, their ability to cause any type of mayhem or most importantly, forestall the many events that are set to blossom forth, any longer, [is diminished] and everything that we’ve all been both waiting for and growing toward begins to become a reality set to manifest in your very near future.
This is currently what is happening now, and with the month of June that you have just reached [and are now almost halfway through], you will find yourselves opening up and expanding even more, beyond your current comprehension.
Many of you did not think you would be where you are right now, and our congratulations are given to all as you have far, far excelled what you set out to achieve by undergoing the lower dimensional experience.
This is all for now; we send you our energies and our communications with our Love. You will feel such a fulfillment when you can finally meet us on your world, but for now these changes are developing and beginning to come into focus in the physical Earthly spectrum and we are quite happy with how clearly and how often alike we are able to be with you.
By this we do not just mean through our channels, dear souls. We mean as well each and every time you make it your intent to feel us with you.
We Love you all so very much, and we leave you with the imprint of this Love which you can then take and utilize to your own wonderful, Lighted advantage.
Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 3/4 FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture By Fath
An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 3/4
2012 June 10by Steve BeckowIn the weeks and months ahead, besides the events already mentioned, we can expect to see the climate of the Earth approach an ever more uniformly-temperate state. We’ve worried about “global warming” but what we don’t know is that this very global warming is apparently intentional and designed to benefit the Earth.
Some animal species will be leaving the Earth and be reintroduced to other planetary situations where they’ll continue their spiritual evolution just as we’re doing. Other species will ascend with us.
The energies have been constantly rising on Earth for many decades now, but are increasing at a more rapid pace as the year progresses. The months of May and June have seen energy said to be sent to this universe straight from the heart of One. Ascension is not an event which happens only on or before Dec. 21, 2012, but is a process that proceeds gradually but at a quickening pace before the culmination on that date. Allegedly some people have ascended early, many among them said to have returned to help the rest with what lies ahead of us.
The ascended Earth will have no more infestations, outbreaks of epidemics or any other conditions that could be considered negative or harmful. Such cannot exist on the higher dimensions. We’ll return to a younger version of ourselves with limbs restored, medical conditions absent, and an expected lifespan of perhaps ten times what ours is at present. When we wish to change our form, we’ll simply do that. There will be no further need to die to change form.
The galactics have already been controlling such areas as Fukushima to see that radioactivity is reduced and does not spread. They’ve been neutralizing the chemtrails that contain nanotechnology, harmful isotopes, heavy metals and chemicals designed to harm us, dumb us down, surveil us and make us susceptible to pandemics which have been regularly launched against us.
Once the galactics can land their ships on Planet Earth, with our permission, they’ll begin the work of terraforming the planet, restoring it to its pristine condition, free of radiation, pollution, oil spills and other harmful conditions. This work will be completed in record time and we’ll have the opportunity to participate in it, using the galactics’ own technology.
We’ll also participate in the spread of NESARA’s abundance across the planet and in the resuscitation of areas that have been impoverished or devastated by design such as Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East, Myanmar, and parts of Africa.
We’ll also participate in the revolution in health care, education, housing construction, transportation, food production and many other areas planned and expected from the contributions of the star nations here to assist us.
Artificial borders designed to divide us and allow us to be easily controlled will be removed. Technologies will eliminate the divisions caused by different languages. The errors in religions will be revealed and the truth that religions seek to address shared in comprehensible terms. The rising energies themselves will erase much of the edge between people of different cultures and restore a sense of harmony and unity to the world.
Peace will be restored and armies disbanded or turned to peace-keeping services. We’ll begin the exploration of the cosmos alongside the various organizations here to assist us, like the Galactic Federation of Light and the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies. We’ll be invited to serve aboard spacecraft if we so desire. And we’ll sit on the various councils that already exist and have been instrumental in coordinating the mission to Earth and to other planets that will ascend.
Linda Dillon: What’s It Like to Live on a Spaceship? – Part 2/2 GLR ANdReA's picture By GLR ANdReA - Posted on 10 June 2012
We continue with Linda Dillon’s story of her experiences with galactic beings on Earth, her practice of channeling them, her workshops and experiences with UFOs over the Arizona desert and elsewhere. What a life! And no, I did not know about these aspects of Linda’s life! I’m hearing it right along with you. Pray tell what else do we not know?
Our Galactic Family, 27 May 2012, with Linda Dillon
LD: No, I don’t. Because I love my life on Earth. I love what I do, I love my clients, I love the work that I’ve chosen to do, I love being connected with the Council of Love. So it doesn’t feel like a downer at all. And the thing is, is that after — I told you — after I made that decision, it just got easier. I’m really committed, and especially now. I mean, with everything that’s happening, with all the great awakening that’s going on is that I don’t think I’d be anywhere else.
I think that when I get discouraged when we see war or the lies or the cheating or the greed that goes on, that can be discouraged. But then that gives me the feeling that I really need to be here, because if we’re not here, who is? And how does the change take place?
GD: You mentioned you’re from the Pleiadian sector. Are you conscious, or are you aware of the family that you have there?
LD: I’m aware of the family that I have on the Neptune. I have a daughter, who is a science officer. I have a partner. I have my extended family. Yes.
GD: Well, help me out with this. I’m told I’m Arcturian and I have a family on Arcturus, a partner, and what I would consider grown kids, and as this year unfolds, 2012 comes around, we’re going to have some options. And one option that’s presented to me is, well, a few would be to stay on Earth, go up to the Neptune, perhaps, because my specialty is in communications — I might be a communications officer on the Neptune or another ship — or go back home to Arcturus.
And so, I wanted to ask you if you’d be willing to share. You have a family here. You have a husband, and — on Earth — and you also have a family on the Neptune. Are you going to be faced, perhaps like me and many others, with choosing where you’re going to be? Are you going to bi-locate and — are you going to go back and forth? I mean, what are your thoughts around that?
LD: I don’t think I’m going to have to make a choice. My partner on the Neptune is my twin flame, and I think he and I together had a wonderful — made a wonderful choice in my husband, who also isn’t from here. So, I want to see it through. Because I have incarnated on Earth many times — that was something that the Council walked me through years ago — but this is the time that I’ve waited for and that I feared or — yeah, feared — would never really come to pass.
So as it does finally come to pass, I want to be here. I want to see it through. So I’m lucky. I can go back and forth. And I feel fully connected to my family. And I know that my family — my kids are grown too — that they have their mission and purpose, but I also know that there’ll be a lot of visiting back and forth. And the thing about our twins is that when we have a mate, it’s a group decision, almost.
So, in this life, in this incarnation of Linda Dillon rather than Suzy Q., this is who I am and this is what I plan to see through.
GD: Well, thanks for speaking to that. What can you tell us about some of the technology on the ships? We talked about the healing chambers, we talked about the replicators. Have you experienced the Akashic Records much?
LD: A long time ago. And when I said this is something that they led me through…. You know, the very first time the Council came through, and I asked, “Who are you, and what do you want?” and they explained that they were angels and archangels, ascended masters, brothers and sisters from the stars, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and beings that had ascended into sheer energy.
So, right from the beginning, I understood that I was working with star beings and with star energies. So one of the things that they did was early on they took me through the Akashic Records, and they helped me — my personal records — and they helped me review and understand what many of my lives and my purpose, my bigger purpose, and my smaller purpose, the individual “what did you learn, what did you need to learn, what got left undone?”
And then we look at the Akashic Records. I don’t interfere in anybody’s personal space. It’s not what I do and not what I’m interested in doing. But we did look at the Akashic Records for Gaia, which she allowed us to look at. And that was — that was phenomenal. When I think of what this planet has done and sacrificed and given up for us, oh, my God.
GD: So you were able to see her in its purest, original form?
LD: Oh, I did. And I do. You know, I do, and I do more lately. I see that radiance just coming through, and it’s like, oh, man! The same way if we looked at each other and saw who we really are, it would just blow our socks off.
GD: Who are you really?
LD: Ahh. I can’t say. It is an agreement that I have with the Council that I don’t tend to go into, because I think it’s really important that I’m Linda Dillon and that I’m here, in this form, just like everybody else, doing a job. And trying to have a good time!
GD: It’ll be interesting, when the time is right and that’s to be shared, what what comes out. That will be exciting.
I’d like to hear — one of the great things about you being a guest on the show — I’ve brought other guests on the show, and a lot of people have experiences with ships, but they’re limited, and they might not be conscious physical experiences. You have. Tell me a little bit about your first experience. It was very unique, and it’s something that I think is important to talk about. So, seeing a ship while on Earth.
LD: Yes. And then before we get cut off I want to also talk a little bit more about the technology. But let me tell you, I’d love to share about my very first contact!
I was in Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree National Park, out on the high desert in California. And I was guided there very clearly by the Council of Love, and in fact just getting there was pretty miraculous, but that’s a whole other story. But I was teaching a small class, but one of the things that we wanted to do was to go out on the desert at sunset, and as it moved into evening and to night, to call in the ships, the rainbow ships.
And at that time, that was basically all I knew, that they’re present, and we see them every night in the sky, and we can talk a little bit about that, anyway. So we went out, and we went to a place that is called Crystal Mountain, which is exactly right next to a place called Giant Rock. Now, Giant Rock is where Tesla lived. And he literally lived in sort of a cave in the rock. I mean it’s what its name implies.
GD: For those who don’t know who Tesla is, or was, can you speak to that a little bit?
LD: He is a man who worked very closely with the ETs for, oh, I think a period of about 30, 40 years? When you think of Tesla, think of alternate energy and free energy. That’s basically what his mission and purpose was. But he also had a very close contact with Howard Hughes. And this is where Howard Hughes used to test a lot of his very innovative aircraft, in this desert.
GD: Oh, I didn’t know that.
LD: Yeah. And in the fifties, in this valley in the middle of nowhere — I mean you have to drive for miles and hope you know where you’re going; now, the edges of this valley are now a military site, a very private, high security military site — but in the fifties, tens of thousands of people would gather for UFOG, for UFO gatherings, to watch the ships as they would fly by.
The valley itself is miles deep — I think it’s three miles, but don’t quote me — deep in crystals, in quartz crystals. And so the ships would literally recharge their batteries, as it were. Now, knowing what I know today, maybe they were just coming to put on a show, I don’t know! But it was a very big and very public phenomenon until the government sort of got involved and shut it down.
So, anyway, back to the story. We passed Giant Rock and we’re going up on Crystal Mountain, a group of us, and we’re sitting on the edge. And where we are, Crystal Mountain is like a box canyon. So on three sides there are huge boulder cliffs of rock, and then the fourth side is open and we’re there looking out over the valley.
Well, we called in the rainbow ships, had fabulous, fabulous —
GD: And why do you call them rainbow ships?
LD: You know rainbow ships because they change color. So, they come as red, as blue, sometimes as gold or orange, and sometimes blue….
GD: So, while you’re looking at them they change color, from one color to the next?
LD: They can. Or they can be like a red ship or a blue ship.
GD: You know, that’s interesting because the recordings, or video footage of a lot of the, well, most of the UFO sightings that I’ve seen, usually they aren’t colored. You know, I might see colored lights. But is that a rarity, a rainbow ship?
LD: No, they’re really, really common.
GD: Okay. Okay.
LD: And if you look up at the sky at night, you’ll see. And you might think, well, there’s a blue star. Well, guess what, guys, it’s not a star at all. And you can talk to them, you know. I don’t know if any of your guests have asked about this, but they move and they will answer you. They’re very eager to communicate with us.
GD: I saw a really neat clip of a ship at night. It looked like an orb. And it was being — it was on YouTube — and it was being videotaped by some women. And so it was going across the sky, and the women were really excited. And they were saying, “Hello, hello! It’s great to see you,” and, so they asked, “Are you Sirian? Are you Pleiadian? Are you Andromedan?” And then it lit right up.
And they said, “Oh, wonderful!” I mean, it might have been Sirian or Andromedan, but it was clearly communicating back. And then they said, “We love you! We love you!” And then it really lit up, and it was still flying. And that was really cool.
LD: And they’ll bounce up and down. If you say “Give me a yes,” it’ll give you a movement. And if you say “Give me a no,” it’ll give you a movement.
So, back to Joshua Tree. Here we are sitting on the edge of the mountain looking out and having a wonderful time talking to the rainbow ships. But we had gone with a very clear intent that we wanted full contact. We wanted them to land, get out of the ship and come and talk to us.
So, a portion of us, a smaller group, about six or seven of us, decided that we would spend the night asleep out on the mountain, still in hopes that they would come and they would talk to us. And so the rest of the group left, and we were there, and we made a campfire, and we were having a lovely time.
And this huge harvest moon, only the biggest harvest moon I have ever seen, rose up, or came down, behind us, just slightly to our side. If you think of it, it would be like on the right-hand side of this box canyon. And the moon just came, and sat there, and it was incredibly beautiful, and it lit the way so that — because we were way out in the desert, there was no light, we had a couple of flashlights and that that was it, and our campfire.
So we finally went to sleep by the light of this beautiful moon, sort of a burnt orangy, yellowy color moon — gorgeous! I remember it to this day. And then we woke up in the morning and we headed back to town, because it was day two of the workshop.
That night, we came back out again to Crystal Mountain, Giant Rock, and decided to give it another try. And so we’re, again lined up along the edge of the mountain as sunset is coming and dusk is falling. And what happens is, is that this brand new sickle moon is rising out into the desert, over the desert. And we look at each other, and we realize, “Oh, my gosh! That’s where the moon comes up!” And that’s [laughing] — that is when it’s a new moon. It was in the summer! It wasn’t time for a harvest moon!
So our friends had been there, fully engaged with us, all night and we just didn’t realize it. It wasn’t what we were looking for, and therefore we didn’t see it.
GD: It’s great that you share that story, which you’ve shared with me before. And it’s very unique; I hadn’t heard anything like that before. You mean, that’s in concert with this idea that they can change not only themselves, but they can shape-shift ships!
LD: Absolutely.
GD: Have you experienced any other — I know you’ve experienced other encounters — but do you have any others that stick out in your mind as, “Well, I’ve got to tell them this as well”?
LD: Oh. Well, I’ve had — since that time I’ve had several experiences — can I say with the moon?
GD: Yes.
LD: Of ships coming. One time when I lived in Phoenix I went up to Colorado, to Durango, with my niece — who is one of my favorite people in the world, whose name is Linda — and we were —
GD: Did you have any influence on that?
LD: No, none at all. And she is also a very gifted channel and an intuitive. So we were driving back from Durango, and we decided we would go across the reservation, the Navajo reservation, because it’s more beautiful and it’s just — it’s gorgeous. Well, that trip should have taken maybe two to three hours, and we left in the morning so that we would be making our trip primarily in daylight, because it’s desolate.
Well, we got — what I can put in quotes: “lost.” And we drove and drove and drove — for hours! And we never saw a soul. Now it’s nighttime, and we finally come to, literally, four corners in the road. I don’t mean Four Corners, the place, I mean, like, there was a gas station and the other three corners were empty. So we pulled in to try and ask for directions. Now, the amazing thing was, this is like, oh, seven hours later? We looked down at the gas thinking, “Thank God, we didn’t run out of gas,” but we looked down at the tank and it’s still full.
Now, the whole time we had been traveling across the reservation, there had been ships following us. We had been following it, and no matter which way we turned, it was with us. It was guiding us.
So we get out of the car and there’s this old woman. And we’re on the Navajo reservation, but this is an old, old, old black woman. And we say, “Where … where are we? And how can we find our way back to Flagstaff?” And so we said…. She gave us directions, and her directions were, “Follow the star.”
And so we did. And we found our way back to what would have been a major thoroughfare, which was really just, still, a two-lane highway. So we were on that highway, not very long; Linda’s driving at this point; and we haven’t seen a soul — not another car, no nothing, in hours and hours and hours.
And all of a sudden, in a field off to the side, is this huge thing — is the only way I can describe it — with what we would think of as emergency lights spinning around, blue and red. And it was massive, and it was lit up. And we thought, “Oh, my God!” Because we had lost track of our star. All of a sudden it had disappeared. And we were thinking, “This is it! This is our ship! We’ve been following it!”
We try and pull off, but right then and there, there’s a car right on our tail — right on our tail! So, we couldn’t pull over. We’re really disappointed; now we’re getting back to the major highway to lead us back to Phoenix. We get on the highway, and all of a sudden — we’re looking for our star, obviously, and — it appears again, like hovering. We’re talking eye level — oh, I could tell you so many stories! I’ve had a lot of experiences like this — but eye level, and so we pull over. We pull over, we want contact, right?
We pull over and we get out of the car, and we look up, and there’s the moon, again, huge harvest moon coming over the Mogollon Rim, which is the mountains just outside of Sedona. And it’s coming right at us. And not just us. People on the highway are all pulling over, and they’re looking at this phenomenon, and again, it came right down and just hovered there. It was unbelievable.
So we stayed there for about an hour. Then we thought, okay…. Now, Linda was a computer geek long before that was keen. We go home, and apparently this kind of moon phenomenon, which has happened to us several times, is really common!
GD: So when it’s right over your head like that, does it look like a cylinder? Does it look like just a smaller moon right over you?
LD: It looked egg-shaped.
GD: So it looked like an egg? Okay.
LD: It looked like an egg shape. It didn’t look like the moon any longer.
GD: So you wanted, obviously, physical contact where they come out of the ship and you’d have a chat. So why didn’t that happen the first time or this time around? Why didn’t they come out and make themselves more available?
LD: Well, I think the second time was that by that time there were hundreds of people pulled over on the side of the road, and maybe that was against the rule. The first time, I think they were teaching us. You know, we think that we’re ready. I don’t know that we always are. And I think that sometimes it’s like people say “I really want to see. I want to see, I want to know….” But if a star being or an archangel appeared directly in front of you, there’s a good number of us that would have a heart attack.
That can be my only understanding, because from that the contact just grew and grew and grew.
GD: But at that time weren’t you pretty plugged in and aware? You had been working with the Council of Light, so —
That wouldn’t have — that wouldn’t have rocked your world that much. Maybe the people with you —
LD: It wouldn’t have rocked my world. but don’t forget, Graham, I was going there …. Well, that’s not true, they would come to me, too. But primarily I would go there. So, I don’t know. Maybe they’re abiding by the rules of contact, that they that they adhere to. But man, oh, man, it was phenomenal.
GD: That’s great. I know you wanted to talk a little bit about technology, a little bit more.
LD: Yes, I wanted to talk about their ability to put things in what I can only describe kind of as microwave ovens or huge microwave ovens, and just take energy particles and make whatever it is they want. That’s one of the most amazing things. They just put it in these energy cylinders to create and to bring forward whatever’s needed …
GD: Well, what’s the — what’s the material or substance in advance? Or is it a molecular construct that you can’t see and it goes into this microwave-like unit?
LD: It’s just a molecular construct. And the reason I’m bringing it up is that we’re being told, a lot, to gather the creation codes. You know, if we’re trying to work on something, to feel like we’re putting out our arms and collect the codes and bring them into our body. And I think that that’s basically what they’re doing. They’ve learned how to collect the molecules of energy and then just program it, technologically program it into what we need. You know. Do we need clothing? Do we need a vest? Do we need a replacement for a part on a spaceship? Do we need new furniture? Food? Whatever it is that’s needed. It’s amazing.
GD: If I want to bring in a ship, what’s your advice for doing that? How do I facilitate contact?
LD: Okay. Go out at night, and look up …
GD: What’s the best time?
LD: The later at night the better. Just because many of the lights from the city or the ambient light in your neighborhood is gone. So, if you’re in a rural area it’s even better. So, go out at night and look up.
And first of all, before you go, you’ve already created your intention to have contact. So, you go out and look at the stars. And a little hint is that very often the bigger ships will — oh, I’m having a senior moment! — put themselves over a planet, so they’re super-imposed. So pay attention to what you’re looking at. But that’s the advanced class. So, let’s just talk about how to contact a ship.
See that you want to look up at the sky and look for the “stars,” quote-unquote — and the way that the starships move is very different than airplanes, so that’s a given — and look at what stars are moving and blinking and not in a starry kind of way but seem to be talking to you. Then focus on one or two or three. They always work in triads, so if you see one ship you’re going to see three.
So focus on one and notice the color. Is it more of a reddish hue? Is it more of a blueish hue? Just for the fun of it, focus on it. And then allow yourself to say, okay…. Ask it “Are you my star brothers and sisters?” and watch it move. And we’re not talking about, “Oh, did they really move? Did I really perceive that?” We’re talking about dancing and bouncing across the sky like your other friends were describing.
So it will move up. And then you can say, “Okay, are you Pleiadian? And for yes, please go up,” or “go sideways,” or “come down.” And start talking…
GD: Are you saying this out loud or telepathically?
LD: I do both. Because I get excited. But they are there. Just — all you’ve got to do is just go out and look.
I do these gatherings every year in Sedona, and very often, because it’s a great spot to visit, people will come with their spouses. Well, this one year this guy, who was the spouse of one of my dear friends — and a great guy, great guy! but a lawyer, very methodical, very logical — but he came out.
We went out one night so I could show people how to spot the ships. And we went out, and he was just completely wowed. Because we called them in. And then the next night we were going out for dinner and we were just standing outside chatting, and he looks up at the sky, and he looks at me and he says, “Linda, this isn’t the same sky as last night. I really believe that the starships are there now.”
So, just look up, call them, and start the fun.
GD: And the reason why they’re not coming right down to Earth and coming to the ground and popping out is just the mindfulness of our readiness, and the process that we have been talking fairly openly about Disclosure, and when the timing’s right, and when…
LD: Yes. But there are portals that you can go and see. I mean, I used to live in Sedona, in Oak Creek, just outside of Sedona, by Bell Rock. And Bell Rock is a portal for the spaceships, the small ships, to be coming into. It’s a spaceship itself. It’s landed. It looks like a rock, it isn’t. It’s hollow inside. It’s a portal for landing.
GD: So you go out there, and then what?
LD: You can go and you can see the ships flying into the rock.
GD: Inside the rock?
LD: And then what they do is it’s one of the spots where they’re delivering people who are part of the ground crew. And there’s tunnels underneath and they come out on the other side of Cathedral Rock. So there are places —
GD: So you can see them come down and …
LD: — there are a couple of places, in North Carolina, that I’m aware of.
GD: You see them…
LD: Yep.
GD: … come down and fly into the rock?
LD: Yep. You can see them — well, you can see them come — you think something’s going to crash, and then all of a sudden it disappears.
GD: Oh.
LD: Guess what? Yeah. It’s way cool.
What I think is the most important thing is we, as starseeds, Earth-keepers, human beings, are the biggest piece of the equation in making Disclosure happen. That we are in partnership with those star brothers and sisters, and the more that we talk about it openly, not as something woo-woo or out there, but just something that is, like, “Of course there’s planes in the sky. Well, guess what? There’s also ships in the sky.”
That we are — we are Disclosure.
GD: Yeah. Well said. Well said. Linda, what’s your website?
LD: My website is
LD: You’ve been listening to Linda Dillon, and, Linda, it’s been terrific to have you on the show. And thank you for sharing your knowledge and your experiences. It’s been delightful.
LD: Oh, thanks for having me, Graham. This was a lot of fun.
Indians are thick as thieves, but fewer ethics.