More Amazing DO’ing!!! BE’ings in Ireland take back their country.
Declaration ancient land of Éire by breakingthesilence / link to original article
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RemovingTheShackles – Declaration Ancient Land Of Éire – 28 February 2013
RemovingTheShackles – Declaration Ancient Land Of Éire – 28 February 2013
More Amazing DO’ing!!! BE’ings in Ireland take back their country.
Declaration ancient land of Éire by breakingthesilence / link to original article
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Europe Votes to Cap Bankers’ Bonuses
Europe Votes to Cap Bankers’ Bonuses
The City of London, the region’s financial capital with 144,000 banking staff and many more in related jobs, will be hit hardest Photo: Getty Images
Europe Votes to Cap Bankers’ Bonuses
Stephen: We may not need these laws once the worldwide prosperity programs kick in. Nevertheless, this EU agreement is sure to damp down greed by bank CEOs even before it is introduced.
Blow for City as Brussels Agrees Banker Bonus Caps
By Telegraph Staff, and agencies – February 28, 2013
Bankers in Europe face a cap on bonuses as early as next year, following agreement in Brussels to introduce strict new curbs, in a move politicians hope will address public anger at financial sector greed.
The agreement, announced by diplomats and officials after late-night talks on Wednesday between EU country representatives and the bloc’s parliament, mean bankers face an automatic cap on bonus payouts at the level of their salary.
If a majority of a bank’s shareholders vote in favour, that ceiling can be raised to two-times pay, Reuters reported.
“For the first time in the history of EU financial market regulation, we will cap bankers’ bonuses,” said Othmar Karas, the Austrian lawmaker who helped negotiate a deal.
“The essence is that from 2014, European banks will have to set aside more money to be more stable and concentrate on their core business, namely financing the real economy, that of small and medium-sized enterprises and jobs.”
Such limits to bankers’ pay, which is set to enter EU law as part of a wider overhaul of capital rules to make banks safer, will be popular on a continent struggling to emerge from the ruins of a 2008 financial crisis.
But it represents a setback for the British government, which had long argued against such absolute limits. The City of London, the region’s financial capital with 144,000 banking staff and many more in related jobs, will be hit hardest.
Ireland, which holds the rotating EU presidency and negotiated what it called a “breakthrough”, will now present the agreement to EU countries. The backing of a majority of EU states is needed for the deal to be finalised.
“This overhaul of EU banking rules will make sure that banks in the future have enough capital, both in terms of quality and quantity, to withstand shocks. This will ensure that taxpayers across Europe are protected into the future,” said Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan, who led the negotiations for 27 governments.
The change in the law will be introduced as part of a wider body of legislation demanding banks set aside roughly three times more capital and build up cash buffers to cover the risk of unpaid loans, for example.
The backing of a majority of EU states is needed for the deal to be finalised. One member of the European parliament privately signalled that the deal could yet change, pointing to the “reservations” of some EU countries.
Many in banking argue that reform will do little to lower pay in finance, where head-hunters say some annual packages in London approach £5m.
“If the cap is implemented, it could result in significantly more complex pay structures within banks as they try to fall outside the restrictions to remain competitive globally,” said Alex Beidas, a pay specialist with the law firm Linklaters.
An earlier attempt to limit bankers’ pay with an EU law forcing financiers to defer bonus payments over up to five years merely prompted lenders to increase base salaries.
But it would be harder for banks to raise base pay this time around. The bonus rules will come as part of wider legislation setting higher capital standards for banks, increasing their costs and curbing freedom to raise salaries.
Posted by Stephen Cook on February 28, 2013 / World Banking Changes / Comments OffTags: Banker Bonuses, Europe
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Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration
Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration
I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael on Feb. 19, 2013, through Linda Dillon, and was able to ask him for more information on how the decision was reached to give humanity additional months before the full restoration of consciousness so that more than the estimated 30% could come with us.I also wanted to hear more about the rough timetable of Ascension. Denise Le Fay has suggested that September 2013 is the approximate timetable. Archangel Michael here offers a longer window and doesn’t want to be pinned down.
Neither Linda nor I want to participate in giving ironclad dates because so many variables enter into the situation and we don’t think it’s possible to predict exactly when full restoration will be. But if people are prepared to hold this discussion lightly, then Archangel Michael does go over the matter here. Thanks to Lorraine for this transcript.
Archangel Michael: So how are you doing? You, my beloved brother, your circle and many [others], you are making remarkable strides and progress. You are doing well!
Is the collective there yet? No. But are they under way, even those that you think are sound asleep? They are not [sound asleep], you know. For even in their sleep they are being impregnated with dreams of peace – with fantasies of joy of inspiration of potential. We, and when I say this I mean the Company of Heaven, are seldom surprised. Now were we somewhat taken aback by the collective decision? Yes. But you continue to surprise us with the rate of your progress and with your decision to go forth. You are doing well!
Steve Beckow: Can I ask you a question about the collective decision?
AAM: Yes.
SB: Could you tell us more about the process by which the collective decision was communicated to you or communicated to the Mother – and how that all came to eventuate – so that readers can have a little more background on that please?
AAM: Yes, and in very practical terms and in terms of your society you can almost think of it as a vote or a consensus. These are not conscious decisions. But call it a soul decision, please, not an unconscious or subconscious or conscious decision, but a soul decision.
SB: All right.
AAM: So within the populace of Earth, of this magnificent Gaia, whether they were aware or unaware [of it], every soul has been aware of the Ascension process and the plan to go forward interdimensionally, multidimensionally and to bring the adjusted physical form along, and the impact that that would have on not only Gaia and yourselves, but throughout the omniverse.
As the time grew nearer, much progress was made —– and that was something we have not spoken enough about. (1) We have talked during our many discussions, prior to December 2012 of the enormous progress the human collective, not just Light workers and Light holders, but the many very positive strides that were being made by the humans.
Now that also entailed help, shall we say, from this side of things – like containment, some moderate adjustment, the beaming love with increasing frequency from moment to moment from the heart of the Mother/Father One, as well as your star brothers and sisters, different frequencies, different rates of receiving. Nevertheless, the beaming. So much was done. Now as you know, during our latter conversations, it was still felt that about 30 percent of the population was, shall we say, good to go. (2) Then there was the gray area, and then there were those who were well behind the fence.
Very married, very connected, very reliant upon, very much in love with the illusions of the old third dimension.
Now there comes a window and you tended to think of that window – and I do not just mean you personally, I mean you collectively, you who were actively working on such things. There was a window that actually was open for well over a year then shrunk into the November 11, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 21, 2012. But the window was actually quite broad and momentum was gained and being gained every day.
Now on our side, yes, we understand time, but we ask you to bear with us as I try to explain this in ways that will be comprehensible to the readers. There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place - even though some where already through the portal and anchored, but many were not, most were not.
The collective of humanity, the soul decision consensus, plea, vote, however you wish to think of this – the plea went up to ask the Mother, not for a halt, not even for a pause – that was not the plea. The plea was: we came together as one family, to do this, to make this monumental change that not only changes each of us and our family and Gaia, but has effect so far beyond – we are aware and we choose to make this shift, but not all are completely ready. But we are asking, and it was a request, in that instantaneous moment: May we do it together? And the answer was yes.
The heart plea was the most earnest perhaps that we have ever witnessed from the collective. Now it wasn’t instantaneously put on hold or halted. The process is still very much underway – we did not put a timer on it, but you – humanity, your soul collective – said that we want to do this – and we listen to what you are saying to us – we do not want it to take hundreds of years or decades – just (what is your expression) give us a chance to get our ducks in a row. And that is exactly what you are doing, and might I say, that you are doing it with surprising rapidity.
So when we say, or indicate to you, that it was a collective decision – that is what we are saying. It has nothing to do with whether the collective had earned it, whether they were ready. You were ready the moment you incarnated and made the decision to return. So the readiness has always been there on the soul level.
So you say to me – well Michael, Lord, what happens if some of those beings are slower than others don’t hurry along. And what I am telling you is that not only we, because we have not stopped doing what we do. But you, each of you, in your own way, as builders and determiners of Nova Earth have stepped up your activity. You have moved it from a point in time to a completion. So you have moved it from a simple event to something you are creating and doing with us.
So you have entered into a much stronger form of partnership and you may see this – you see it in your energy fields, you see it in how you feel, you see it in what you are experiencing, you see it in your level of exhaustion, your ascension symptoms and in what is happening. And yes, I know, you will say to me – Lord, it is still not fast enough. And my brother, I could not agree more with you, but it is still happening. Does this help?
SB: Yes it does Lord and I think it would help us too, and I’m very much cognizant of the channel’s [Linda's] agreement with you around dates, but the problem that I am having is that earlier you said months. Is that as in less than one year, or is it in more than one year?
AAM: It is around a year.
SB: Around a year, is it under 2 years?
AAM: We would say yes.
SB: All right, because light workers may get very, very testy, touchy, if we passed a year and something has not happened. We need to try to give them as much certainty as is possible given all of the other factors that are at play.
AAM: We understand this.
SB: All right. So just to clarify. We’re aiming for less than one year, it may take longer, but it won’t be two years. Is that correct?
AAM: Now we are not saying that this is ironclad, but that is the 99% percent likelihood, yes.
SB: All right, then to clarify again, the 99% likelihood is that it’s under 2 years?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: And we are aiming for under one year. Is that correct?
AAM: You are all aiming, and so are we. It is the Olympic sprint.
SB: All right, okay then. Now, I am going to have to move fairly smartly to get all of my other questions in within the hour framework.
(1) Sanat Kumara has said that the Company of Heaven did not correct our impression that we would ascend on 21/12/12 because so much momentum was being generated and the COH did not want this lost: “So why did we not warn you that you might be disappointed? Because the energy, the forward thrust of what you were creating together with us, was so strong that we had no desire, particularly in the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan, to say, ‘Wait a minute, and stop. Let us take time out and breathe.” Because that would have … hmm … you have a saying, “put a wrench in the works.’” (Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 7, 2013.) Archangel Michael says he has not discussed the progress we did make as much as he might have.
(2) Archangel Michael stated this figure to me in a pre-21/12/12 reading and referred to it again in a post-21/12/12 reading: “Archangel Michel: As you know, in our private channelings, we have indicated to you thirty percent. Think of it as a family decision, saying, slow down, because we all want to come. The plan has still need to go forward with great rapidity, by the way. But we will slow down because we want to accommodate everybody [who wants to ascend, that is].” (“Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 2/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at
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Greece: Big Pharmaceutical Companies Responsible for Serious Medicine Supply Shortage
Greece: Big Pharmaceutical Companies Responsible for Serious Medicine Supply Shortage
A woman gestures at the state health fund office in Athens. Chemists say patients have been going from pharmacy to pharmacy in search of prescription drugs. Photograph: John Kolesidis/Reuters
Greece: Big Pharmaceutical Companies Responsible for Serious Medicine Supply Shortage
Stephen: Imagine popping down to your local chemist to top up your medications and finding they have none in stock. Nor does the drug store down the road. Or any others in town.
Greeks are now experiencing another side effect of having a downtrodden economy: the hugely-profitable international pharmaceutical companies are no longer providing a ready supply of normal prescription drugs because the chemists and the country can’t pay their bills. To me, this is simply inhumane.
Panic in Greek Pharmacies as Hundreds of Medicines Run Short
Pharmaceutical companies accused of cutting supplies because of low profits and unpaid bills
Elizabeth Sukkar and Helena Smith in Athens, The Guardian – February 27, 2013
Greece is facing a serious shortage of medicines amid claims that pharmaceutical multinationals have halted shipments to the country because of the economic crisis and concerns that the drugs will be exported by middlemen because prices are higher in other European countries.
Hundreds of drugs are in short supply and the situation is getting worse, according to the Greek drug regulator. The government has drawn up a list of more than 50 pharmaceutical companies it accuses of halting or planning to halt supplies because of low prices in the country.
More than 200 medicinal products are affected, including treatments for arthritis, hepatitis C and hypertension, cholesterol-lowering agents, antipsychotics, antibiotics, anaesthetics and immunomodulators used to treat bowel disease.
Separately, it was announced on Tuesday that the Swiss Red Cross was slashing its supply of donor blood to Greece because it had not paid its bills on time.
Chemists in Athens describe chaotic scenes with desperate customers going from pharmacy to pharmacy to look for prescription drugs that hospitals could no longer dispense.
The government list includes some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca. Pfizer, Roche and Sanofi all said a few products had been withheld. GSK and AstraZeneca denied the claims.
“Companies are ceasing these supplies because Greece is not profitable for them and they are worried that their products will be exported by traders to other richer countries through parallel trade as Greece has the lowest medicine prices in Europe,” said Professor Yannis Tountas, the president of the Greek drug regulator, the National Organisation for Medicines.
The regulator has investigated 13 pharmaceutical companies that have reduced supplies and has handed the names of eight to the ministry of health so they can be fined. Tountas did not disclose the names of the companies, saying this was the responsibility of the ministry of health, but added that they were “big multinational companies”.
The body representing pharmacists, the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association, confirmed the shortages. “I would say supplies are down by 90%,” said Dimitris Karageorgiou, its secretary general. “The companies are ensuring that they come in dribs and drabs to avoid prosecution. Everyone is really frightened. Customers tell me they are afraid [about] losing access to medication altogether.” He said many also worried insurance coverage would dry up.
“Around 300 drugs are in very short supply and they include innovative drugs, medications for cancer patients and people suffering from clinical depression,” said Karageorgiou. “It’s a disgrace. The government is panic-stricken and the multinationals only think about themselves and the issue of parallel trade because wholesalers can legally sell them to other European nations at a higher price.”
The Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies said the picture was more nuanced. Its president, Frouzis Konstantinos, said there were “probably a very few companies” that were not supplying the Greek market, and only for very specific products — “the reasons being a combination of Greece’s low medicine prices and unpaid debt by the state”, he said.
In Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece’s second city, chemists say they are often overwhelmed by people desperately trying to find life-saving drugs. Oscillating between fury and despair, the customers beseech pharmacists to hand over medications that they frequently do not have in stock.
“Lines will form in the early morning or late at night when you’re on duty,” said Karageorgiou, who is based in Thessaloniki. “And when the drugs aren’t available, which is often the case, people get very aggressive. I’m on duty tonight and know there will be screaming and shouting but in the circumstances I also understand. We have reached a tragic point.”
Greece’s social insurance funds and hospitals owe pharmaceutical companies about €1.9bn (£1.6bn), a debt going back to 2011, with companies expecting payments of €500m this month.
Some companies admitted they were not supplying some medicines. According to the government list, Pfizer had not supplied or would not be supplying 16 medicines. A company spokesperson disagreed with the total but confirmed four medicines had been withdrawn “because alternatives were available and because of the parallel trade [reselling] situation in the country”. The products are the two leukaemia treatments Zavedos and Aracytin, which were withdrawn last year, and the analgesic Neurontin and the epilepsy therapy Epanutin, which were withdrawn last month.
Roche stressed it had not halted supplies of medicines to Greece, but said it had withheld supplies to public hospitals that owed the company €200m. Daniel Grotsky, a spokesman, said: “We are insisting that they [the public hospitals] fulfil their contracts and this is something we do in any country … We are withholding [medicines] until they meet their obligations.”
Roche could not say how many hospitals were affected but said it was still supplying public hospitals with “critical medicines”, which included treatments for HIV and transplantation. Grotsky said patients could still get their medicines through pharmacies.
Angeliki Angeli, spokeswoman for Sanofi Greece, said it was supplying public hospitals with medicines considered life-saving, unique or irreplaceable. “Non-unique products are supplied based on hospitals’ outstanding obligations and overdue status,” she said. Non-unique products are medicines for which either a generic exists or a therapeutic alternative option is recommended by treatment guidelines.
She said most Sanofi medicines on the government list remained available on the market with the “exception of a couple of dosages/forms where alternatives exist”.
GSK Greece said it had never halted the supply of any product in the Greek market. “This is a joint decision taken not only at local level but also at corporate level. Equally, GSK has maintained the uninterrupted supply [to] Greek public hospitals with all its products irrespective of the accumulated debts,” the company said.
Vanessa Rhodes, of AstraZeneca, said the company had not halted the supply of any of its medicines to Greece. “Our priority is to ensure patients have access to the medicines they need. Furthermore, we have an emergency ‘direct–to-pharmacy’ supply system in place should pharmacies find themselves out of stock of any of our products.”
Zeta Chatziantoniou, of Boehringer Ingelheim in Greece, stressed it “has not halted any of its medicine supplies in Greece in the retail sector and in the public sector”. Novartis said it was not halting supplies to Greece.
The pharmaceutical industry says many shortages are because of products being exported through parallel trade, and has urged the government to address set drug prices. Under EU trade rules, the free movement of goods is allowed. So for example, while a pharmaceutical company may sell a medicine to a wholesaler or pharmacist in Greece, the wholesaler or pharmacist can sell these medicines on to wholesalers in other countries. Parallel traders do this to make money on the price differences between countries.
“The government needs to correct these wrong prices to avoid a surge of exportation. Greece’s drug prices are 20% or more lower than the lowest prices in Europe,” said Konstantinos, who is also the general manager of Novartis in Greece.
The industry wants the health ministry to bring in a new pricing system so that Greece uses a basket of eurozone countries to calculate prices. At present, medicines are priced at below the average of the three lowest prices in 22 EU countries.
The regulator has introduced export bans for nearly 60 medicines to try to tackle the problem and is looking at 300 more products. It is also investigating 10 wholesalers and 260 pharmacists who it believes have broken the export ban. The ministry of health will decide any punishment, which is likely to be fines ranging from €2,000 to €20,000, said Tountas.
This month will be crucial as Greek officials and Greece’s creditors – the European commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank – must agree the 2013 public pharmaceutical budget, which has fallen in recent years. More cuts would put patients at a “critical level”, said Tountas, who will be one of the key players at the negotiating table. The budget was €3.7bn in 2011 and fell to €2.44bn last year. Tountas is concerned creditors may cut it to €2bn for 2013.
Posted by Stephen Cook on February 28, 2013 / Big Pharma / Comments OffTags: Greece, Medicines Shortage
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ET Contact Day, March 22, 2013
ET Contact Day, March 22, 2013
James Iandoli, Dave Hillis, Grant Haygood and Cryptox Drake have created “ET Contact Day.” They’ve issued a video to promote acceptance of contact.
I have to admit that, if I were to create a similar video, I think I’d use the image of a galactic being who appears to be directly in our stream of evolution because most galactics around our planet do come from our direct line of descent. In fact the star beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, etc., who look exactly as we do, are our ancestors and seeded the Earth in the first place.
As SaLuSa said on Feb. 15, 2013: “We are not intruders or strangers, and many members of the Galactic Federation of Light are your forefathers, linked to you genetically as your species has evolved.”
But they’ve chosen to go with a being who doesn’t resemble us as closely as the beings here around the planet do. They’ve named March 22, 2013 as “ET Contact Day.” Their detailed write-up says that they intend the celebration to last from 7:00 p.m. on March 22 to 11:00 p.m. on March 24, perhaps to take in all parts of the globe in a 24-hour period.
I cannot say that I know the people involved but welcome any attempt to speed up the Disclosure agenda.
ET Contact Day
The idea/goal is to have as many people as possible, globally, all coordinating in a massive ET Contact Initiative!
We are open to all support and ideas.
We have seen the interest and involvement with ET Contact grow and mature so much over the last few years. It really seems to be becoming a global phenomenon.
Please join us in this endeavor. Share and Invite everyone you know who may be interested in this event.
More details to come in the near future.
We will include guidelines and source information for people who may want more information and instruction. We hope to see many new faces/spirits joining in!!! Ask friends and family to keep the event in the hearts and minds even if they do not join in.
Here is a great website link that mentions guidelines and preparation for ET Contact:
It even includes a breathing exercise, and more!
A meditation for ET Contact Day :(For this meditation/prayer, find someplace comfortable that is quite. Dim lighting and incense may also help relax the body and mind. Become as comfortable as you can possibly be.)
- Start by breathing in slowly. Breathe in through your nose, until you fill your lower abdomen. Then, just as slowly, and peacefully, breathe out through your mouth. Now, remain in a breatheless state for a moment.
Feel your breathe, and universal life force fill your entire being. Let it surround you and your field of awareness. Feel a fuzzy tingling sensation, vibrating through your entire body, activating your dna, astral body and bodies of light.
Connect with all the members participating in World contact day and share your fields of awareness. Connect with feeling and intent, in the name of universal peace, the healing of earth and humanity.
Now see the extraterrestrial peoples out in space and invite them to join you in this moment, here on earth. Ask them to join you in this cosmic moment, prayer and meditation. By visualizing, show them your exact location. Let them know they are welcome, to share this moment with you, the people of the earth and especially, those participating in World contact day.
Thank the extraterrestrial peoples for joining you and everyone else in this event with a heart felt gratitude.
Visual meditation and C.T.S. (Coherent Thought Sequencing) for ET Contact Day:
Created and coordinated by The CE-5 Initiative Facebook page:
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Rumors on Disclosure and NESARA
Rumors on Disclosure and NESARA
There are rumors circulating that the galactics have despaired of the governments of the world disclosing the ET presence and may turn to lightworkers to disclose instead.Steven Greer is an example of someone who might participate in a joint galactic/lightworker Disclosure. There are also rumors that this event, if it were to happen, may have a significant NESARA component as well.
If we turn away from the rumors and look for support from our sources, we can see support in SaLuSa’s messages.
He gave a clear indication of this trend away from governments to lightworkers. on Feb. 15, 2013. He began that message by saying that “our allies are more assured than ever before, and proceed to place the dark Ones where they can be of least trouble.” (1)
But having used the usual term “allies” initially, he then switches to using the not-very-common term “lightworkers,” which he also capitalizes (he does not capitalize “allies”), which usually shows the early use of a term.
“The Lightworkers now move ahead with renewed confidence and prepare to make a final move, that will effectively put an end to any last chances the dark Ones may have had to gain lost ground.” (2)
He has never before spoken about “Lightworkers” making moves on the cabal, always “our allies.”
In a very telling follow-up, he then announces that lightworkers have very important work to do and puts the spotlight on their activities, which he does not do often.
“Please do not get disheartened when you see little of the outer signs, that would indicate what the Lightworkers are doing. Most of their work is co-ordinated with us as together we have some extremely important work to do very shortly.
“Lightworkers are to congratulated on becoming settled into their new tasks, and their actions are every bit as important as they ever were.” (3)
Why is he suddenly thrusting lightworkers to prominence, rather than the Earth allies?
He then hints at sources other than governments being used in the Disclosure effort: “Disclosure is being pushed ahead, and now approached from several different angles.” (4)
To add to this impression, he outlines how the galactics know who the committed lightworkers are, where they are and how to bring them together when they wish.
“We know exactly which souls are aligned with the Light, and have a full profile of each of you.
“Furthermore, we can pinpoint your location at any given time, so those of the dark and Light are all under our supervision. What will be nice is the time that we can provide you with better means of communication, not just amongst yourselves but also with us. Some of you are destined to do quite a bit of travelling, and for your friends and family it is important that they do not lose track of you.” (5)
I think all of these statements combined are designed to prepare us for what may soon come.
He then says that “time continues to speed up and there are more key infusions of Light that are soon to be activated.” (6) An infusion of light could be a companion event to a Disclosure/NESARA announcement.
Earlier, on Feb. 1, 2013, SaLuSa referred to both a NESARA and a Disclosure announcement together:
“We are naturally aware of the ever growing demand for the Prosperity funds to be issued, the announcement of Disclosure and the bringing about of peace. Be assured they will be satisfied before long, and arrangements are well advanced. Your joy and happiness will abound in due course as deep down you know that you are already victorious.” (7)
Earlier again, on Jan. 25, 2013, SaLuSa told us “we really do expect some notable progress very shortly.” (8)
And he hinted on that occasion at the fact that lightworkers might be used: “Disclosure is forging ahead from many sources, and knowledge and understanding of our presence is spreading far and wide. More people with first-hand experience are coming forward, which gives confidence to others to come out with what they know. It is all building up to the time when an official announcement can be made, that will allow us to show ourselves.” (9)
So the question becomes: Are we being prepared for Disclosure to come from lightworkers rather than governments? Will it be tied to a NESARA announcement? And are we to expect the wave or infusion of love soon that SaLuSa has been discussing for some time, as part of this announcement?
(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2013, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2013.
(8) SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2013.
(9) Loc. cit.
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Re~Post: Plasma Mothership UFO Analyzed (Video) - By Tom Rose, July 19, 2012 03:20 AM EDT
A UFO video which caused a sensation online in 2009 has been enhanced and analyzed by a new researcher with updated video tools. It still doesn't answer the question: what is it?
The video shows a brightly flashing object which seems to be dripping plasma and shooting out streaks of light as a group of witnesses comment on the sighting, clearly unable to believe their eyes.
This new version is commented on by a YouTube researcher who zooms in on the shaky images and enhances them with stability software and some really high-tech effects. The new version is just as perplexing as the original, but the higher quality does seem to rule out any hoaxing.
The UFO mothership is brilliantly lit and as it rises in the sky, it seems to throw out some darting missiles which zoom past camera range into the darkened night.
Despite some sober, critical and analytical reasoning, the conclusion remains the same. This unidentified flying object doesn't resemble any known aircraft and behaves in a way never seen before.
So, what is it?
Here's the video:
What do you think?