
Scottish Independence: Yes Campaign Board Announced | The Galactic Free Press

Elaine C Smith as Mary Nesbitt in comedy Rab C Nesbitt
Elaine C Smith, who plays Mary Nesbitt in TV comedy
Rab C Nesbitt, is on the board.

The members of the board which will lead the campaign group for Scottish independence have been announced.

The eight include Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, actress Elaine C Smith and musician and writer Pat Kane.

The advisory board for Yes Scotland will be chaired by former MP Dennis Canavan, whose appointment was announced last week.

Sir George Mathewson, former RBS chair, will offer advice as honorary vice-president but he is not a board member.

The other members are property developer Dan Macdonald, solicitor and businesswoman Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, socialist politician and former MSP Colin Fox, businesswoman Sarah-Jane Walls and restaurateur Andrew Fairlie.

Yes Scotland was launched with a high-profile event in May, bringing together pro-independence politicians and supporters, including famous faces such as actors Brian Cox and Alan Cumming.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18752141


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Norway has no debt. Why? | The Galactic Free Press


Norway has no debt. Why?
By Edward Campbell - Posted on July 7, 2012

(Google translation)

Norway has no public debt, for different reasons that we will now explain. The main reason, however, remains primarily one and one only: it has not adhered to the slave system of money and debt, its central bank is one of the last in Europe in the hands of a state. To summarize the case: a single currency, the Krona, and a single bank. Owned by the state.
The Norwegian Central Bank not only has remained one of the few European banks controlled by the state and not by private bankers, but handles even the Norwegian Pension Fund in surplus, another miracle, especially in times of crisis! And that's why the Norges Bank does not want to be part of the Euro system. Obviously, the Norwegians are not idiots. Lucky them ... But we see other strengths that make Norway a symbol to emulate:

Has not joined the euro. The currency is the Norwegian krone. As we said.

Non-privatized energy companies - oil (Statoil), hydropower (Statkraft), aluminum (Norsk Hydro), the country's largest bank (DnB NOR), and telecommunications (Telenor). 

About 30% of all companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange is state owned.
Government bonds make the 6.75% net to investors.

Despite being the largest producer of Europe's oil, it's not part of OPEC. (For the record, Italy is the second largest producer and Basilicata was located the largest onshore oilfield in Europe). Returning to Norway, the country's oil is controlled by the government through major operators such as 62% by Statoil in 2007, the state-controlled 100% Petoro, and SDFI, plus control of exploration permits and production. Then if you're digging through one more time 'you know what you might discover? Norway has established a Pension Fund Sovereign in 1995 to redistribute oil revenues, taxes, dividends, sales and royalties. Ahhh! And we could not do the same as Italy is the second largest producer and Basilicata was located the largest onshore oilfield in Europe? Obviously, it lacks the raw material that takes the decision ...

This is why these Norwegians are really strong. And do not even think of privatizing the water or the waste collection, as our politicians would like to do ... You see, the excuse of debt related to the costs of the state is an EXCUSE! The problem is the currency of debt .. And that is so especially now that you mention another fact: Norway has a state budget surplus of 10%, while we, who have privatized almost everything, we have a public debt equal to 119% of our GDP ...

Finished? Nope! Go on! It should be noted that the Norges Bank is the first central bank that ever sued for fraud on derivatives in 2009 the City Group, the largest business group in the world. Imagine the outcome of the judgments that the Norwegian State Administrative Tribunal should issue ...

It should be remembered that the Norwegian Government has signed a few months ago an important treaty with the boundary water agreements in the North Sea with the Russian Federation, at the end of a joint oil-gas exploitation, effectively excluding the "7 sisters" global corporations, historically "involved" in such experiences and representing the best interests of Canada and the U.S., of course contrary to that agreement. Norway after an initial support has withdrawn its troops from Libya, adding further difficulty to NATO "politics". The Government of Norway was the first to have highlighted a future recognition of Palestine as a state by raising many supporters, but also hard and sharp criticism.

Source: mercatoliberotestimonianze.blogspot.com / Filmed by: free-italy.info

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Scottish Independence: Yes Campaign Board Announced | The Galactic Free Press

Elaine C Smith as Mary Nesbitt in comedy Rab C Nesbitt
Elaine C Smith, who plays Mary Nesbitt in TV comedy
Rab C Nesbitt, is on the board.

The members of the board which will lead the campaign group for Scottish independence have been announced.

The eight include Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, actress Elaine C Smith and musician and writer Pat Kane.

The advisory board for Yes Scotland will be chaired by former MP Dennis Canavan, whose appointment was announced last week.

Sir George Mathewson, former RBS chair, will offer advice as honorary vice-president but he is not a board member.

The other members are property developer Dan Macdonald, solicitor and businesswoman Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, socialist politician and former MSP Colin Fox, businesswoman Sarah-Jane Walls and restaurateur Andrew Fairlie.

Yes Scotland was launched with a high-profile event in May, bringing together pro-independence politicians and supporters, including famous faces such as actors Brian Cox and Alan Cumming.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18752141


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac: You are Reaching Incredible Strides | The Galactic Free Press


The Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac: You are Reaching Incredible Strides


By GLR Wes Annac-

You are being Guided in every moment of your existence to turn toward the continually pure energies of Joy and harmony that are making their way to your world at all times, and as you find yourselves able to tap into the reservoir of unlimited energy that has always been available to you, you will find that your body complexes in general seem to have much energy and you will find your overall stress levels decreased as well.

There are an infinite amount of positive effects for one’s body, mind and soul that the continually pure energies are going to have for you in the upcoming period ahead, and suffice to say you are all reaching incredible strides in integrating the higher and lower energies alike, that you have garnered throughout your continual processes of transmutation, integration and forgiveness.

We can feel that for many of you, such continual transmutations are beginning to pay off while some of you are beginning to reach the most intense peak-points of your personal process, as the Earth undergoes Her own peak-points and as events manifesting on your world seem to heat up more and more every day.

You are beginning to reach that point of no return that has been so awaited by all of you, and you are now to find in the immediate period ahead many disclosures and revelations that we Lovingly ask you to prepare yourselves for.

The truths that have been given through channels have been only a small fraction of the overall truths that you are going to be given, and the plan for your world in general is that each and every one of you are to take up the work required to begin healing your beautiful world in the mass, effective ways that have been needed.

Indeed, many Corporations and controlling individuals within your government and within greedy Corporations, have taken to harming the Earth for their own profit but dear souls, it has been the instilled complacencies in all of humanity that has continued to allow the ravaging of the Earth in every form that it occurs in, every day.

In the immediate period ahead there will be much work for the collective to nullify and neutralize the pollution, both long term and short term, that has been caused on your world for so very long but rest assured knowing that we do indeed possess technology that will see you better able to clean up the messes you have made, in a much smaller timeframe as such cleansing will be a very small part of the overall jobs that need to be done.

Event still, they will be important efforts and our technology will help you to greatly nullify the worst of what has been done, while the collective freewill of humanity must still ensure that you as a collective do much of the work yourselves.

We should say however, that by assisting with our technology we will be saving you dear beautiful souls perhaps decades of cleansing of the pollution and density that has been manifested on Gaia, so that She can be rid of such densities on Her surface and see Her surface and all on Her surface who are ready, able to ascend with her.

Indeed, your Earth has already ascended and as has been expressed, is awaiting the ripple-effects of Her core ascension to reach your reality among a few select other realities who have not yet seen these energies reach them.

The beings within the [higher] astral realms of your Earth are overseeing the transfer of these revolutionary and Lighted energies to your specific physical realms, while maintaining the balance and stability of every realm throughout Gaia’s structure and assisting as well in the mere Creation of such realms with the Logos that is continually funneled down from higher realms, echelons and Universal structures of being.

The energies are going to need a bit of a boost to reach your realities in the pure ways that are needed to see your collective ascension, and this is why we are urging the collective to now begin enacting many of the changes that are needed on your world, that can be attained without our help.

We should be clear on what we mean by this, dear souls. The main purposes of our presence and our assistance on your world have been those of helping you to reach purer states of consciousness along collective strides reached along your collective growth cycles, and we have as well assisted with energy movements throughout your astral realms for a long time.

In this current day and age you find yourselves in, our main tasks besides communicating with humanity and showing ourselves to you via starship sightings, have been those of neutralizing the cabals many attempts to cause mayhem on your world on their way out of the collective perception and influence.

There are many aspects of your world that the cabals still have a bit of a strangle-hold on but there are also very many things right now that can be done by the collective of humanity – by each and every one of you reading and absorbing this communication, to help anchor the energies of Light, Peaceful intent and change that will see your realities better aligned with the patterns in which the Universal energies of change and evolution are being brought through each and every realm of dear Gaia at this time.

In many avenues of your worldly Life, complacency is still fed on a mass scale and this is why many humanitarian projects that could otherwise be started, have not yet been started on your world and dear, beautiful souls, it simply takes getting past those barriers of complacency in oneself and realizing that there are now millions of you dear souls on your world who are looking and in some cases, waiting for the change that you all know needs to be done and dear souls, as has been expressed numerous times, we simply cannot do this work for you!

Indeed, we Love you all and your world so much that we would Love to be able to neutralize every density, every pollutant that has ever been Created and fed on your world and we could easily help your world to turn back into the Shining beautiful planet She has always been, but we simply cannot step in and intervene in a way that is seen or perceived as too bold for dear souls, this is not our mission whilst amongst you.

Our missions and the primary agendas we have been fulfilling as discussed above, were those of assisting while making the ‘game ‘fair in that the cabals could not destroy you as a collective as you are just about to realize their influence and ascend, as they now wish to do [destroy].

The cabals have always wished to control, influence and manipulate humanity in any ways they could, and because many of those souls found themselves possessing intelligence that many around them did not yet perceive of or because they gained contact with a select few negatively-oriented extraterrestrial races, these souls have for generations assumed themselves to be smarter, stronger and overall better than humanity and they have set up your world as you see it now, quite purposefully in many areas of your society, especially many areas of the United States society.

Your societies and the general way that your main cultures think and feel, has been fabricated from the very beginning and the many mindsets that are considered as normal in the American ‘mainstream’ are purposefully very far from the truth and one can consider your mainstream media at this current moment, as a near-complete instrument of propaganda.

There are many now who are coming to humanity via television and attempting to break the constraints that have been placed, both on what can be said on television in relation to many Lighted issues (1) and to how much exposure the agendas of the elites can be given.

There will not just be much [Peaceful] Earth cleansing to perform as you all heal your planet, but many preconceived notions and misconceptions about the way your world works in general will have to be cleared up so that humanity can be given the whole, big picture.

You must understand dear souls , how fabricated the realities many of you now find yourselves in have been, as the dark souls on your world have taken to any and every means they can to hold humanity back and dull-down your brainwaves.

The Annunaki, upon attempting to build a slave race in which to mine the Earth for Her resources with (a long ‘time’ ago), purposefully did not include the pineal gland in many of the bodies they Created as they did not want you to gain awareness in any form that it had to offer.

The last remaining elites on your world are playing from a rulebook that has been fashioned by the Annunaki, by lower astral beings on your world and by the studies the dark have made on the general public.

These souls have studied mindsets, heart sets and patterns of behavior that can be common in an unawakened person, in an awakened person and in a person who is gaining contact with the higher realms in any ways, as they wish to manipulate and control the awakening that is taking place in all of humanity at this time.

There are as well at this time, quite a few beings within the lower astral realms of your world who are attempting to influence many souls who will become open to their influence, in an attempt to feed continually dense energies that have been expressed and recycled on your world very many times.

These beings are themselves beginning to panic as they realize that every day, their influence on the surface of your world is being diminished more and more as the game of the elites on your world is itself continually broken down and exposed. We say not to worry if one finds oneself in the vicinity of such beings, as you all hold the individual power to neutralize the influence of these beings and they truly only need to be Loved and forgiven.

Now that many of you are finding the innate Love that has truly been with you for every bit of your Earthly experience, you find that many parts of yourselves are now coming up for review and transmutation and this is a process that has been spoken of very much, for it is important for you all to know that you can not only receive innumerable assistance from the higher realms in Loving, transmuting and forgiving such aspects of yourselves; many of you are now also finding it incredibly easy to ward off the influence of these beings whenever you find yourselves the vicinity of them.

Many of you have been training for a variety of Lives to rid yourselves of the influences of lower astral begins whom have influenced many on your world to commit many lower acts and again, the lower astral entities on your world are only able to come through you via the egotistical residue around and within one’s chakras.

This is because this residue of density around your chakras and within your auras that has been spoken of so much, is by its very nature energy that feeds and garners the influence of the lower astral beings that such energies and residue would resonate with. This is how these souls are able to come through you and they conform to the specific patterns of your ego when coming through but no matter what, they will always try to present darkness or density to you in any form that they can offer, it, while working within the egotistical limitation of any soul they would be attempting to come to [and influence negatively].

We as well work through the instated barriers in all scribes whom bring us through and we assist each and every dear soul who becomes open to our energies, to transmute the most important [to transmute] and blocking of energies within oneself that could otherwise block one from a full and pure, clear line and connection to our energies.

Each and every ascended soul who is being communicated with at this time will help any Earthly soul who wishes to fully and purely become open to them and their energies, to transmute the former ego patterns in one that would keep one from such pure energies and this is why you will see many ‘beginner’ scribes of the energies of the ascended collective, [whose messages] seem to pick up in purity and information after the scribe has been working with the ascended source(s) being brought through for a while.

We say as well that this occurrence is due to the openings and expansions of our scribes, and their own sharpened senses of discernment and abilities to bring through the energies of an ascended soul without such energies being filtered through one’s own ego.

We will be working through the confusion that will be garnered in the majority of humanity in the immediate time ahead when many startling revelations come to the fore, and we will be doing everything we can to ensure that humanity is not in fear and that humanity understands what is going on.

The main ‘theme’ of the announcements will be that there is nothing to fear and that the collective of humanity should not be in fear but rather Joy, for influences of an extremely dense frequency will have been taken away from your world and as a result, many energy-sensitive souls on your world may automatically feel Lighted and more free.

We say that we cannot rid the world of the influence of the elites until the influence of the lower astral entities who employ them is transmuted and forgiven, and this is why we encourage each and every Lightworker to continue on in the transmutation of the lower astral beings on your world.

You will continue to be graced with many celestial alignments and events on your world which will open numerous energy gates all throughout Creation and within yourselves as well, and we wish for you all to make it your intents every day or night of your experience on Earth, to proclaim that you are ready to leave your former selves and those former patters of ego which have only been attached to your Earth experience, behind.

We should say dear souls, that you should only make these intents and vocal statements if you are truly ready to. Some may find that they are not yet ready to give up various facets of themselves that they are still comfortable with, and that is ok for dear souls, you are all finding the energies of the higher realms and for some, certain lower and dense mindsets and heart sets are still comfortable and many may have trouble giving up such mindsets and heart sets to ascend.

This is [again] ok dear souls, for you will all be treated with Love and compassion as the true history of your world is made known.

Many by their very nature will not yet be ready to hear may truths and revelations and may at first take to lashing out at those giving the revelations.

There will be many on your world initially, who will feel that we are misleading you and that we have negative intents for you and your world, and there are many souls currently on your world who subscribe to such mindsets.

We are counting on many of you Representatives on the Ground and trust us dear souls, there are more of you than you currently realize and many who are even reading and absorbing this communication do not realize that your mere purpose on your world is to Represent us and our Federation in the very near future, and there are so many incarnate starseeds on your world who will be vastly needed and utilized in the immediate period ahead.

There are going to be oh so very many positions to be filled on your world and we can feel already that many of you will be quite enthusiastic about taking up the many tasks at hand to cleanse your world once and for all, of the many densities [and pollutants] that have been manifested and that are still fed on a daily basis on Gaia’s surface, though there will again be some who are not quite yet ready for the changes and all will choose their own paths.

The disclosure period will be followed by the period of Resumed Contact by us with your world and suffice to say, we will be monitoring the initial reactions of humanity whenever the initial disclosures are given and whenever specific disclosures in relation to us are given; to see how humanity initially reacts to such truths being given.

Again, there will be many who will choose to feel and spread fear, and this is why we have many Lightworkers and Ground Crew members on the Ground on your world now, to help calm the fears that are going to be garnered about us and about many other things, in the immediate period ahead.

The fear that will be garnered and that will gain a temporary yet strong influence, will be a manifestation of the final collective catalytic tests for humanity to undergo before your collective ascension. Will you choose to remain in fear and fear-based mindsets and heart sets? Or will you choose to come together as you realize the distorted nature of your history and world, understand and integrate the many disclosures that will be given, and hold your heads up high as you begin to build a New World, together?

We wish to have little to do with the actual cleansing of your world, past that of neutralizing pollutants that would otherwise take you generations to clean up by yourselves. Your will understand in the near future why we do not wish to assist with much of the Earth cleansing but of course, we will see to it with our technology that humanity is still assisted greatly as you all perform the work on your world that has been needed for so very long.

We ask you to look to the future, dear souls, and see the wonderfully blossoming experience that you are now headed toward. Begin to feel the collective Love, Harmony, Unity and compassion that does indeed exist on your world and is being expressed throughout a plethora of other Earthly realms wherein the souls of such realms have found the energies of your ascension, which are lifting them into ever-purer states of collective consciousness.

There will be a lot of jobs to do but there is a lot of humanity to do such jobs, and we anticipate much Unity the immediate period ahead as you all truly join and come together to repair this beautiful Earth.

As you begin to collectively repair the damaged state your world has been in for so very long, you will find the Eden that has been there all along, waiting to be expressed whenever the densities were cleared away, once and for all.

For now, you are seeing the ‘beginning of the beginning’ of the manifestation of many things that are going to vastly shift the collective perception. You are seeing in play in this current moment, the final actions of the dark before they are to be taken [from power] and their influence diminished, and all of you are holding the Light so very wonderfully and Masterfully at this time while some still find themselves steeped and ingrained in the density that has influenced the majority of your world for so very long.

Ask to call upon us beings within the higher realms for the energetic assistance required to help you to get away from the vibrations that can literally pull one down if ones lets them, for such vibrations are themselves turning up in intensity as the vibrations also realize that at their very structures, they are being transmuted.

Quite an uproot and uproar alike is to be caused upon the giving of the initial revelations and even upon much of humanity seeing many souls in suits hauled off in handcuffs (2), and suffice to say there will be very many who will stand ready to answer any questions that anybody has during the arrests [as humanity is being subsequently informed].

We intend to keep humanity as informed as possible about everything that will be occurring and whenever many disclosures and announcements begin to commence, we ask for your collective patience and understanding as so very much will be happening, both on a physical and spiritual level, to uproot the dark energies that have kept the dark souls on your world in power.

What must be understood, dear souls, is that everything that happens in your physical reality is a manifestation of a move made in realms past that of your perception. A part of yourselves in every moment of your existence is looking down upon you whilst you undergo your Earth experience and helping you to decide what will happen next.

This is part of the individual assistance along one’s Life Path that one receives from their Guides and from higher and purer aspects of themselves, and this [Creation of events in the etheric realms to manifest] is as well how many events are manifested that have to do with the continued feeding of the dark on your world.

The collective intentions that are made and the collective energies that you let into yourselves, if dense enough, are taken advantage of by your dark while the many individual events set to occur in any given soul’s experience on the Earth plane, is already decided before hand by that soul.

Dearest beautiful souls, why do you think it has always been expressed that you can aim your intents and energies in a positive direction right now, and see positive results?

This is because in purposefully garnering a positive mindset in any given moment, you are essentially communicating with those parts of yourselves who Create the specific Life events that are to happen in your sphere of experience, and then send such events down in the form of a specific threaded energy which exists within your reality, and which you and those aforementioned aspects of your higher selves have always used to manifest events that play out on your Earth, on a collective and individual level.

Your dark and the lower astral beings who employ your dark have long known about this specific thread of energy as it is the thread that runs through your reality, unseen, to Create the various different events that manifest in the Lives of everybody. In attempting to purposefully bring forth and garner an effective and lasting positive mindset, you are communicating with those reality and event-Creating aspects of your higher self and you are letting them know that you would like your thread of reality to be changed into that of a more positive one [via the events that one manifests along it].

Your collective and individual emotions and feelings are what Created and keep this thread running, which is why your dark taken advantage of it by using dense and lower energies manifested by the collective to manifest negative and dastardly events to occur on the surface of your world, usually with the help of the dark’s lower-oriented technology that we have the full power and now, the full authority, to neutralize if attempted to be used in any given situation.

We ask you now to make the conscious efforts to work with those parts of yourselves, to begin to work with and change the thread of reality intertwining with your experience, which Creates the events to manifest in your experience. You dear beautiful souls should remember again that any mindset, feeling or emotion be it positive or negative, is what feeds the events to manifest in your Lives next.

In the future, we will be before you to explain the extent to which your world needs to be healed and to help you to begin the many Lighted projects that are to be starting up on your world and that are to bloom into full-on, pure and Lighted humanitarian efforts.

Ignore the voices and heart sets of those who do not believe that change is blossoming forth on your world as it now is, and take the lower influences and opinions of others in stride knowing that the Light has been on your beautiful world all along, and has always planned to integrate itself into the Earthly experience slowly but surely, leading to the collective ascension that you have all been growing toward.

Can you now feel, dear souls, how your final missions are nearing completion?

Can you feel how the last efforts you have to make on this world are truly now being reached? There is still so very much work to do but from this point on, we say that after the most intense periods in your immediate future things will be getting easier and easier and even the work that you will be doing to cleanse your dear Mother Earth will become easier and easier and when this cleansing work is finally finished on a mass scale, you can all look back and note the progress you will have made, since that very first startling and Lighted announcement.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



Footnotes (please include if reposting):

(1) I am seeing more examples of this truth in action recently. If anybody is familiar with Russell Brand, he is a [at times controversial] comedian who recently got his own show and with this show, he is bringing forth much truth and Light while clearly using his television show to begin the informing of humanity.

No, he hasn’t talked about ETs or quite anything of the sort quite yet, but he has been spreading much Light wrapped within a comedy show. For an episode of his show ‘Brand X’ marking Independence Day, he burned a dollar on stage as an act of social protest against the corrupt systems of money set up, which he first explained have been purposefully set up in an effort to control us and get us all to line up under a false, controlling doctrine of money.

This is all on a mainstream late night television show, mind you.  He has also discussed spirituality among other things. I would highly recommend checking out every episode of ‘Brand X’ but do know that it is a late night show and he is a comedian, so there may likely be some language or crude behavior at times but again, besides the comedy aspects of his show it is clear that Mr. Brand is purposefully spreading Light with the Creation of his television show.

I would also recommend paying attention to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Stewart has long been exposing the controlling and hypocritical behavior of Fox News, one of the cabal’s biggest and most influential propaganda media machines (and he doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon) and Stephen Colbert has long been exposing the corrupt nature of Super PACS and how they are allowing billionaires to buy elections via ‘donations’.

Colbert and his lawyer have publicly broadcasted and talked about on Colbert’s show, the many loopholes and such that one with a Super PAC (donation fund for one who is running for United States President) can get through to break various laws and constraints in relation to Super PACs, such as having to disclose one’s donors among many, many other things.

Colbert has long been playing a conservative character for the purposes of exposing and poking fun at the various methods of control, manipulation and deceit that the conservative pundits hash forth every day. It’s beginning to become clear that the mainstream media is just barely beginning to reflect the pure Light being given to our world in abundance, and all who are bringing forth truth and Light through television at this time should be commended.

(2) This message was scribed a while ago, and a vacation has kept me from posting it until now. Since my scribing this message, there have lately been some ascended and terrestrial sources who are now coming forth and saying that the ‘Mass Arrests’ scenario has been replaced with a ‘Containment’ scenario wherein the dark heads are not publicly arrested in mass numbers causing a potential collective panic, but are rather kept within their positions of influence while being made to use such positions to begin enacting much Lighted change that we have all wished to see.

I cannot confirm one way or another which way it is all going to go and I have asked my sources not to make such confirmations either because really, no matter how the dark heads are specifically removed from their positions of influence, they will be and the Light will vastly become the norm on our world as we all ascend gloriously.

Honestly, for me, how this comes about specifically is a minute detail.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac: You are Reaching Incredible Strides | The Galactic Free Press


BREAKING NEWS! Obama Signs Executive Order To “Control” All Communications During A “Crisis”


GFP: yes, this can be read as a threat, or it can be seen in the Light. Or it can bee seen as a threat and transmuted into Light by knowing that if you want a unified announcement you need to have something like this working, even if you believe that any intervetion is already in charge of all cominication means. As always, it's up to You to Feel and decide. Simply remember your role of Being Love, and your role of Keeping all into a Vision of Love as what you see is what will manifest. All Our Love

Executive Order — Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions

EXECUTIVE ORDER – Signed July 6, 2012

- – - – - – -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.

read more http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=10482&fb_source=message

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

World Disclosure Day - July 8 | The Galactic Free Press


World Disclosure Day - July 8
Washington, DC – Today is World Disclosure Day.

Disclosure, the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, is the primary goal of a growing international truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know extraordinary information being withheld from them by their governments - the truth embargo.  World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations involved in this advocacy work.

On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed the just released story of a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 65-year truth embargo of formal acknowledgement the human race is not alone in the cosmos.  For this reason the date July 8 was chosen to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.  

People and organizations from every nation can register their endorsement of World Disclosure Day at the WDD website.  There are now over 5000 endorsements.

The broad based study of the history and implications of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race is called “exopolitics.”    World Disclosure Day is part of an exopolitical advocacy process.

There is considerable material on the Internet regarding the Disclosure truth movement.  Search on "disclosure" and "exopolitics" together.   Also, considerable resources can be found at PRG's website:  www.paradigmresearchgroup.org

Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day (or Disclosure Day) historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

World Disclosure Day is a project of Paradigm Research Group.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                  Ex. Director, 202-215-8344

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Greetings from Galactic Heart | The Galactic Free Press


Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

David Gibbons is interviewing Sheldan on The Life and Works of Nikola Tesla. This is the first in a series of interviews on one of Sheldan's favorite people~~Nikola Tesla.

The first introductory program broadcasts this coming Sunday, July 8 at 3:00 pm (PDT~California time). Join us~~David's interviews are always unique and interesting.

Selamat Ja! 


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Debt Based Banking: It's All About to End | The Galactic Free Press


Debt Based Banking: It's All About to End

This is from a new blog by Andrew Kemp.  He come's out of the gate swinging with this article!  Welome to fray Andrew!


Business Insider: It’s All About to End
Posted on July 1, 2012


Sorry for the doom and gloom, but it really isn’t. When is the beginning of the end of a prison a bad thing when the good guys are on the inside and the guardsmen are bankers?

When I say ‘It’, I don’t just mean a snivvly little recession, or even a depression, I mean the whole system of fiat currency and debt financing. As a recap, fiat currency is not backed by anything, so its value is only what people trust it is worth. Now that people are realising that our money is NOT backed by gold or metals or anything, and that even making money out of thin air won’t solve the problems, our trust in the very paper money causing the problems is, well, nil. When I say ‘debt financing’, I mean that everything is based on debt. This starts with the central banks, which lend money to governments and populations at interest, which requires more money to be printed to pay off the original currency issue, and so on and so on.


The first video explains the debt financing side of things, and the second video explains the fiat currency side of things (fractional reserve banking). Take both together, and you can see that we are deliberately indebted with money that is worthless:

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President Goodluck Jonathan Sacks Nigeria Oil Bosses | The Galactic Free Press

Protest against removal of fuel subsidy in Lagos, Nigeria - 9 January 2012
Many Nigerians who are fed up with high-level
fraud revealed in the fuel subsidy scam.

Nigeria's President, Goodluck Jonathan, has sacked the managing director and several other executives of the state oil company, NNPC.

A statement said the action had been taken in the interests of "greater transparency and accountability".

Nigeria is one of the world's biggest oil producers, but the sector is widely seen as being plagued by corruption.

A recent report by legislators found $6.8bn (£4bn) had been lost to fraud in the past two years.

'Strengthening reforms'

The fuel sector probe was set up in the wake of angry nationwide protests in January after the government tried to remove a fuel subsidy.

Oil accounts for some 80% of Nigeria's state revenues but it has hardly any capacity to refine crude oil into fuel, which has to be imported.

Nigerians in Lagos queue to buy fuel
Nigerians regularly have to queue for hours to buy fuel.


The government subsidises the cost of fuel and had said this cost the country $8bn in 2011.


To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-18606614

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China's Central Bank Cuts Interest Rates In Growth Move | The Galactic Free Press

Yuan notes
China's interest rate cuts are aimed at
boosting slowing economic growth.


The Chinese central bank has cut its benchmark interest rates for the second time in two months, in a bid to arrest slowing economic growth.

Benchmark lending rates will be cut from 6.31% to 6%, while deposit rates will fall from 3.25% to 3%.

The rate cuts will come into force on Friday and closely follow on from the last cuts made on 7 June.

Before these moves, the People's Bank of China had not cut interest rates since 2008.

Commenting on the move, Rupert Armitage, director at Shore Capital, said: "China are cutting rates because they're experiencing a slowdown.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18723170

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Colombian Police Arrest 'Drug Dealer' At His Wedding | The Galactic Free Press

Camilo Torres at his wedding
Police said Fritanga had spent more than $1m on the wedding at which he was arrested.

Colombian police have released further details of the arrest of Camilo Torres on suspicion of drug trafficking.

Mr Torres, better known as Fritanga (Fry-up), was detained minutes after getting married in a lavish ceremony on a Caribbean island on Sunday.

Police say he is an influential member of the Urabenos gang, which controls much of the drug trafficking in northern Colombia.

A US court has asked for Mr Torres to be extradited on drugs charges.

Police said they surprised Fritanga on the Caribbean island of Mucura moments after he had married his girlfriend and as he was preparing to host a party for 150 guests.

Police said Fritanga had spared no expense, inviting soap-opera stars and entertainers to the festivities, scheduled to last for a week.

They estimated the cost of the party at $1.41m (£900,000).


To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-18731341

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Mexicans Challenge Pena Nieto's Victory In Huge March | The Galactic Free Press

Tens of thousands of people in Mexico City are demonstrating against the result of the presidential election, which was won by Enrique Pena Nieto.

The demonstrators, who are not necessarily linked to any particular party, say the vote was not fair.

They accuse Mr Pena Nieto's party, the PRI, of buying votes; some carried banners saying "Not another fraud".

Mr Pena Nieto, who was declared the winner after a recount of nearly half the votes, denies the allegation.

The second-placed candidate in Mexico's presidential election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has said he will mount a legal challenge to the result.

He said he would prove that illicit money was used to buy votes in the 1 July poll and secure the victory of centrist candidate Enrique Pena Nieto, who denies this.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-18758321

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