The Ruble is a lead balloon signalling a Russian crisis to come
Just under a month ago, The Slog posted about the unfathomable depths of Russia’s true toxicity…and the level to which RBS is still, I understand, over-exposed to it. Then only five days ago I asked if ratings agencies know which way is up in Russia….because I suspect they don’t.
Since then, the writing on the Wall of Global Depression has grown both larger and more Dayglo in its colouring
There are very few currencies doing badly against the euro at the minute, but one is the Ruble:
Hat-tip to analyst-blogger Bruce Kasting for the above; and, as he rightly says, during April the Russian currency lost out substantially to a euro in crisis. (The following month, it lost 14% against the Dollar.) Bruce also spoke with a Swiss banker who told him that, despite the massive flight to Switzerland for money saftey in recent weeks, the biggest inflow came from Russia. The Gnome told him the reason: “It’s politics and economics together. People are afraid” he said – and that’s my view too: Putin’s power base is nowhere near as stable as many in the West think, and in a depression – when people don’t want to buy much energy – Russia has to be one place that will catch a serious case of pneumonia.
The ‘experts’ are as usual wrong. In January this year, they agreed that in 2012 the Russian economy ‘will follow basic world trends. Continuing mild recession, with no big economic shocks is the forecast.’ Well, got that one badly wrong fellas – and so the obverse now applies.
As late as the end of March this year, the World Bank was still spouting twaddle about Russia: (my emphasis)
‘“In 2012, the current account looks strong as a result of a large surplus in the trade balance,” said Michal Rutkowski, World Bank Country Director for the Russian Federation. “Although, the net capital outflows increased considerably in 2011, the main reasons seem to lie outside Russia and relate to uncertainty about the global recovery and concerns over the euro zone that led to a flight to safety…’
I think that’s deluded too, frankly: intelligent Russians know which way the wind is blowing politically and economically: they rightly foresee unstable government and massive falls in energy demand. Almost all of Russia’s recent economic growth is in value – based on high global oil prices. Beyond that lucky bounce, Russia’s further economic growth remains subdued, in spite of high oil prices. Indeed, Russia’s recovery from the 2008 crisis was laggard compared to many other economies of the world.
Russia is in a similar position to Australia: it exports very little in the way of added-value manufacture, and is hugely overdependent on global economic growth needing raw materials and energy. My information is that foreign investors, senior businessmen and well-placed people in the regime are gloomy. I think the oil price decline will continue, and so Moscow will be forced into a huge budget deficit: caused by lower tax intake from slowed economic growth…plus a whole shedload of money required to defend the Ruble’s credibility.
Not many ‘experts’ talk about the EU’s banking exposure to Russian debt, probably because they don’t grasp just how corrupt and unreliable most of the borrowers are. My hunch is that they’re about to find out.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
John Ward – Crash 2 : Why Russians Are Now The Biggest Converters Of Ruble Wealth Into Swiss Francs – 6 June 2012
Selacia – Council Of 12 Message On June 5th During Venus Transit : Connect With Your Inner Divine Feminine – 6 June 2012
Today, as the planet Venus makes its final transit across the sun until 2117, is one of those historic moments so captivating and so full of promise that people across the world are tuning in. It’s getting the attention of sky watchers everywhere, including people who know nothing about the shift in consciousness now under way.
Rare events like today’s Venus transit can be appreciated visually – the unique crossing seen far and wide. The real significance can be found on an inner level, however, as the event helps humanity shift into the higher vibrations of love. Deep within your being, you remember your role in this shift – you know beyond a doubt it’s the most important factor in why you are alive now.
Spiritual Fuel for Your Journey
This transit, with its focus on a return to the heart and divine feminine, is a vital catalyst for you and your dreams for a new type of reality. You and all of humanity are receiving spiritual fuel to help bring the divine feminine into active expression. The more consciously you connect with the inner meanings of this, the greater your ability to tangibly sense the true potentials of these times. Your enhanced awareness will help you to make the optimal use of these energies, and to take needed steps in your life.
It’s not enough to simply visualize peace and a loving world. It’s not enough to tell people you know that you want the world to change. Conscious and consistent loving actions in the world are needed. Simply by being alive now, you have opportunities daily to be more loving than the day before. Your love, whether self-appreciation replacing self-doubt or kindness towards others, sets in motion a loving force that goes out into the world. You know this, of course, but it’s not always easy to remember and do this in present time when you are challenged.
The Birth of a More Loving World
The birth of a more loving world – with the divine feminine in active expression – is not something you help create in one day, or even in one lifetime. Indeed, you have been moving towards this point for a very long time. You have had numerous lifetimes learning how to be more loving.
In this life alone, you have had a multitude of challenges, each of them potentially teaching you about love.
As you read these words, you may be reminded of one or more of your experiences. Perhaps key people come to mind, too – the ones who have pushed your buttons or triggered your self-doubt.
Letting Go of the Grudges
Do your best today to let go of any grudges. Find a space within your heart to love everyone and everything without condition. If you can, find a few moments sometime today or soon to focus on this – inviting the potent energies of the Venus transit to help catalyze a powerful release of old grudges.
You are moving into a time when you can no longer afford the grudges, the hate, and the blame. Your own forward movement, from a spiritual perspective, is at stake.
Today, with both the Venus transit and the aftermath of yesterday’s full moon and lunar eclipse, you have a potent mix of beneficial energies to help you let go of past hurts. These energies, unfolding today and continuing in a wave produced by the awakening heart of humanity, can help you to become free – at last.
Sensitivities and Energy Shifts
Due to the current expanded energies, it’s possible you will feel more sensitive and that you will be processing a more substantial release of old patterns than typically. Go especially gently with yourself – and with others – right now.
This is a highly unusual and volatile time for everyone on the planet, and this includes other species. If you have pets, you may notice temporary changes in their behavior. They are impacted by the energies in general, and also by your changing energies. Therefore, you want to allow for this.
All Can Become New
All things can become new with a new view. This includes your relationships, your work, and your experiences with both mundane and spiritually profound activities. The new view must come from inside of you – it is you who create it.
Consider what new vision you want for your life. What is your vision, what does it look and feel like, and what are you willing to do to bring it into active expression in your life?
The month of June is still new and only now beginning to unfold. It will be a potent month, with abundant opportunities to shift the Earthly experience. What will you do with June and the blessings, to be all that you can be? How will you contribute to a more loving world?
Divine Changemaker Role
You are encoded as a divine changemaker to be at the forefront now. Trust that you are resourced for what you need to do next. Trust that you are being intuitively guided to participate in the greatest awakening of consciousness ever experienced on Earth.
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2012 by Selacia –
Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 5 June 2012
9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik
Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal paperwork resulting from several important legal issues that are close to being resolved. What is essential is that our Earth allies complete these tasks and obtain the final legal judgments as this is what is temporarily slowing down the recent thrust toward the changes that we all long for. The dark cabal has been using our legal schedules to convoke a number of ‘conferences’ to once more examine your many global crises for ways to perpetrate more of their skullduggery. Our defense forces have been put on alert and are monitoring your global flash points to ensure that nothing serious erupts. On another front, we have been busy with last-minute discussions between the personnel of your new governments and our liaison teams. It is vital that a good rapport be maintained between us as the first announcements will be accompanied by a flurry of vital activity which must proceed rapidly and with no unforeseen hitches. We will make sure of this, which is why we have teams working closely with your new governments.
Our fleet is assigned to watch Gaia and to ask her Spiritual Hierarchy about what is needed, from moment to moment, to keep her relatively stable, because the ongoing rape of her resources destabilizes the interdependence of her many systems. The continuous attack on the planet by your multinational corporations disturbs the uneasy balance we have established, which is why we constantly need to rectify the new damage. This situation will persist until the world’s governments are forced to change the laws allowing this depredation to continue. On another front, we have put the dark cabal on notice that the sites of their trials have been changed, and they will be advised of the new sites shortly after the mass arrests are complete. We have discovered that a particular group is planning to disrupt these court proceedings, and so these individuals will be detained before the hearings get underway. Those who support the would-be disruptors seem to think that such unwarranted activities are somehow going to save them, but this is not the case.
In the meantime, Gaia is slowly setting the stage for her massive makeover. Our planetary scientists are noticing a large increase in anomalies occurring across your planet, which is Gaia’s way of preparing for her swift rise into the fifth dimension. The sheer quantity of these anomalies jumps out at us as they proliferate across the world; she is very serious about this shift as she longs to reunite her inner and surface worlds. Preparations for the shift are also seriously affecting your Moon whose wobble is getting much more pronounced, making the lunar orbit most unconventional as it reacts to the eccentricities of Gaia’s changing gravitational pull. Another anomaly is the clusters of large rock fragments trailing behind or just in front of the Moon at various points in his orbit. These are the foregatherings of the materials that will be used to create your future two-moon system and are a typical example of the immense and ‘perplexing’ changes happening throughout your solar system.
Your entire solar system is undergoing crucial alterations in preparation for your new 5-D reality. Many groups of Elohim are engaged in removing the old grids and setting up the preliminaries for your new reality, and we daily watch them working with your local Time Lords to make ready for your primary timeline. This new timeline will usher in an age of full consciousness and a sacred return of your presence to the Main Council of the Galactic Federation of Light. Your appearance is to seal the Galactic Peace and permit you to be part of the grand return to the Light of this section of physicality. This, in turn, will herald the next unfolding of the divine plan. We are proud of what you are doing to make all these events manifest as rapidly as divinely possible. We have prepared your Light chambers with joy and with Love for all. The time quickly approaches for a series of awesome announcements which, at a stroke, will alter your world forever.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day with good cheer, bringing interesting news for you. Presently, those working under our advisement are preparing to set the dates for the completion of their assigned tasks. Accordingly, our Agarthan friends are coordinating with these associates to firm up the schedule for the mass arrests and the many announcements that will follow. Galactic Federation liaison teams are keeping their fleets apprised, moment by moment, of the rapidly developing scenario. These are indeed blessed and exciting times for this reality! You are about to embark on an adventure that will liberate you from your cruel worldly masters and give you the Heaven-sent opportunity to be restored to the divine consciousness that was so callously snatched from you 13 millennia ago. We are here, blessed Ones, to assist you and lead you back to the elation of full consciousness.
We are approaching the lockdown stage for the removal of the dark cabal. Arrest will be made shortly across the board and will include: Presidents, Prime Ministers, government cabinet members, judges in the court system, members of national legislatures, as well as heads and officers of major banks and multinational corporations. Ranking members of the dark cabal’s ruling bodies will be detained as well. This is being done to isolate these ones from the institutions through which rule your world, and all of them will face various forms of penance. The different types of sentencing are to be uniquely adjudicated by specially prepared common-law magistrates who fully understand the legal implications of the trials they are to preside over.
The process of isolating ‘special interests’ from government will be a major occupation of the caretaker governments. This is a period in your history which will sever your global society from all that has gone before it. Seemingly overnight you will no longer be chattel subject to the whims of the cabal; you will be free and sovereign individuals. A huge amount of information will be presented to you by those who are to head up your new governments for the next 8 to 9 months. We suggest that you diligently pay heed to this information as it forms the basis for what is to transpire over the next 6 to 9 months. Included in this time span is the coming of us, your Ascended Masters. We will manifest among you in order to reacquaint you with a range of spiritual knowledge which may at first take you aback, but which will eventually lift you up and pave the way for your spiritual rebirth. Verily, humanity is about to revel in a most blessed moment!Today, we resumed our weekly appointments with you to keep you informed of what is taking place on your world. Gaia is preparing in every way for her glorious ascension into the fifth dimension. Likewise, Heaven is preparing each of you for your ascension, and with it, a return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
GAME ON: The Best Fed Source In The World Says QEIII Is Now On The Table
Joe Weisenthal
Source: Business Insider
Jun. 5, 2012, 7:06 PMThe WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath – whom Cardiff Garcia has dubbed “Fedwire” – reports that more Fed action is now officially on the table due to the slew of weak incoming data.
There’s no gaurantee that it will happen, or that if it did happen it would be at the June 20 meeting, but the presses are being warmed up.
Top Fed officials have said that they would support new measures if they became convinced the U.S. wasn’t making progress on bringing down unemployment. Recent disappointing employment reports have raised this possibility, but the data might be a temporary blip. Moreover, the Fed’s options for more easing are sure to stir internal resistance at the central bank if they are considered.
Their options include doing nothing and continuing to assess the economic outlook—or more strongly signaling a willingness to act later if the outlook more clearly worsens. Fed policy makers could take a small precautionary measure, like extending for a short period its “Operation Twist” program—in which the Fed is selling short-term securities and using the proceeds to buy long-term securities. Or, policy makers could take bolder action such as launching another large round of bond purchases if they become convinced of a significant slowdown.
Bloomberg TV
Meanwhile, Jefferies David Zervos gives his take on the key levels to watch for more Fed action:
As always, it will be hard to pinpoint exact tipping points for a move – but I suspect that if we see a combination of the DXY (dollar index) at 86/88, and the spoo (S&P) at 1200/1225, the Fed will jump into action. I do not think we need to talk about the PCE or the U-rate when it comes to the Fed – the real triggers are in liquid market prices. And, in particular, if these levels in the DXY and spoo are breached, any sensible forecasts for forward looking employment and inflation that enter into a Taylor rule will plummet – hence accommodation follows!! In fact, take a look at a DXY chart since early 2008 – the 88 level was a good indicator for QE1 and QE2.
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RT: Google’s new warning tool flags ‘state-sponsored’ attacks Posted on June 6, 2012
Google has a new trick up its sleeve. The internet company introduced a new warning system to let users know about “suspected state-sponsored” attacks.“We are constantly on the lookout for malicious activity on our systems, in particular attempts by third parties to log into users’ accounts unauthorized” said Eric Grosse, Google VP of security engineering in a blog post on Wednesday.
“Today, we’re taking that a step further for a subset of our users, who we believe may be the target of state-sponsored attacks.”
If Google suspects your account is being targeted by a government attack, a banner will appear at the top of your screen warning the user and suggesting courses of action, such as increasing password and account security.
Google says the suspicious activity it flags may be nothing more than a phishing or malware attack, but Grosse does add an ominous note.
“You might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored. We can’t go into the details without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors, but our detailed analysis—as well as victim reports—strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored.”
Google, whose unofficial slogan is “Don’t be evil”, has recently had several large confrontations with the Chinese government.
In 2010, the internet giant and China engaged in a politically charged standoff when Google accused the world’s most populous nation of attempting to hack its accounts in order to gain information on Chinese political activists and journalists. Google’s response was to cease voluntary censorship of its search results in mainland China, routing all Chinese language internet searches through its Hong Kong site. Hong Kong is protected by an international treaty and exists partially outside of mainland China’s jurisdiction and censorship laws. China answered via its state run newspaper The People’s Daily, where it claimed Google was working as an agent for US intelligence services. On March 30th, 2010, Google’s search engine was completely blocked by the Chinese government.
Google has also drawn intense criticism from the US and European Union for its new privacy policy that it unveiled in February. Google claimed that by pooling users’ information from across all Google sites such as YouTube, the company created a “beautifully simple, intuitive user experience.” Critics argued that Google was only interested in generating new advertising revenue. European and US courts claimed the new policy represented an invasion of user privacy.
The latest announcement also comes on the heels of the Flame virus, which analysts say was designed by the same entity that unleashed duqu and stuxnet. Analysts say that the viruses were most likely commissioned by a world government in a highly coordinated cyber-attack against an unknown enemy. All leads point to a collaborative US-Israeli effort against Iran.
Google has become increasingly active in its pursuit of user privacy, switching both its Gmail and search engine pages to the encoded “https” format.
“We believe it is our duty to be proactive in notifying users about attacks or potential attacks so that they can take action to protect their information,” Grosse concludes in his post. “And we will continue to update these notifications based on the latest information.”
China, Russia United Against Intervention in Syria
VOA News
By Scott Stearns
June 5, 201BATUMI, Georigia – China and Russia say they are united in opposing foreign intervention in Syria. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is to meet with allies Wednesday in Turkey to discuss how best to pursue a political transition to end President Bashar al-Assad’s rule.
Secretary of State Clinton says it is “pretty clear” that the main focus of international diplomacy must be on intensifying efforts to speed a political transition in Syria.
“We believe there is a way forward and we are going to continue to pursue that and we invite the Russians and the Chinese to be part of the solution of what is happening in Syria,” she said.
But China and Russia remain opposed to any effort to force Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad from power, a position their leaders re-stated again on Tuesday.
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman says Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin oppose a change of power by force in Syria and continue to call for a political dialogue between President Bashar al-Assad and his opponents
President Putin and President Hu met in Beijing, where they repeated demands for an immediate end to 15 months of violence in Syria.
Russia and China, however, have repeatedly blocked tougher U.N. action against President Assad, including U.N. sanctions and the potential use of force.
Clinton spoke to reporters Tuesday in the Black Sea port of Batumi, following talks with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.
She says the violence of the past 10 days shows that there must be change in Syria. “Peace and human dignity will not be possible in Syria without political change.
So I will look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues tomorrow in Istanbul,” she said.
Clinton meets Wednesday in Istanbul with diplomats from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates to discuss how best to pursue a political transition in Syria.
The U.N. and Arab League envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, is to brief U.N. members Thursday in New York before meeting Friday with Secretary Clinton in Washington.
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JPMorgan Goes On Internet Stock Downgrade Rampage As International Conditions Deteriorate Posted on June 6, 2012
In tech stock land today, this is going to be the buzz.
JPM’s Doug Anmuth takes out the hatchet on big tech.
Here’s a summary from the morning Ripple note by Adam Crisafulli & Michael Pagliarulo
Internet: Lowering Estimates for FX and Macro Headwinds : GOOG, AMZN, EBAY, PCLN, AWAY Most Exposed. We’re lowering estimates for a handful of Internet companies based on softer international currency and potential macro headwinds, primarily from overseas. We believe stocks have already taken some of this impact into account, but we still expect to see consensus move lower for many names as we approach 2Q earnings over the next 6 weeks.
Beyond FX, macro and the broader market, we would point to softness in newer Internet companies over the past year and seasonality as additional factors that currently weigh on the sector. However, we believe the recent sell-off is making some of our favorite names that much more attractive, with only limited changes to core fundamentals. Priceline and Amazon remain our top 2 large-cap picks, and we’re more constructive on Google at current levels. Among SMid-caps we prefer LinkedIn and Pandora, neither of which we have adjusted estimates for here.
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Signs of the Golden Age Are Everywhere: Divine Intervention is happening, let us count the ways… Posted on June 5, 2012
I’m posting this before reading it, but my past experience with Scott’s work is that he truly will count all the ways! It’s sure to be an interesting post – just to have the opportunity to all the ‘little’ things brought together in one place is a wonderful opportunity. Enjoy!
Thanks to S.
~JNews | June 3, 2012
Reported by Scott Mowry
Source: Miracles and Inspiration
For more news stories see Scott’s News ArchivesEach and every day brings more and more confirmations that something exceptionally extraordinary is happening to the human race and our planet Earth. We must realize and appreciate, at this very moment, we are living in the greatest, most spectacular times in the history of the world –– bar none.
Yes, there still remains a great deal of frightening events that appear to be in the offing –– endless threats of WW III, a global financial crisis, illegal home foreclosures, corrupt politicians and governments, unparalleled corporate greed, veiled terroristic threats, Martial Law, etc. –– enough to make one want to run and hide. When will it all end many are asking as they grow increasingly frustrated and impatient.
If we simply adopt a different perspective, we can see all these seemingly negative events as providing the drive and motivation for people at the lowest common denominator level to look more closely at a life we have taken for granted. And as one takes a closer look what is found is a world built upon illusions, falsehoods and lies.
People are now looking at their bankers, their preachers, their teachers, their media heads, their politicians and their leaders in a whole new light. Many are no longer blindly following the words of these formerly trusted sources, but are instead, awakening to the horror that something is drastically wrong with our world and a fundamental change must occur. You might say that there has been mammoth lose of confidence in what used to be considered tried and true.
And that is a good thing!
All of these negative events are merely the burr in saddle, so to speak, that will propel humanity into awakening. Even an event such as the 9/11 tragedy, as horrific as it was, has had a massive effect upon people asking more serious questions about how their government, media and authorities operate.
The fact of the matter is the corruption, disinformation and control systems have always been there. The difference is now everything is being totally exposed because it can no longer stay hidden. And as it is all uncovered, it directly leads to the expansion of human consciousness. As human consciousness expands, it no longer allows the unfettered deceit to hide in the shadows, without our recognition of it.
The end result is that real, colossal changes can occur. And that is preciselywhat is happening right now.
Admittedly, all of these exposures can make some feel rather weary and depressed, yet realize it has all being strategically done to get the attention of the masses. And the masses are responding in record numbers and finally waking up!
So it is important that we be ever mindful of how far we have come as a human species and as a collective consciousness, particularly in the last twenty-five to thirty years and most noticeably within the last two.
So let us count the ways the Divinely inspired Golden Age is rapidly enveloping our world.
Any discussion of recent signs of Divine intervention has to begin with the introduction of the internet.
Since the modern version of the world wide web came into being back in 1982, the amount of information now available at the fingertips of those who have access to a computer or smart phone is astronomical. Think back to the days before the internet when research meant trekking off to the local library and scouring through reams of card files, book shelves, newspapers, magazines and/or microfiche archives. It was cumbersome, it was time consuming and it required some serious dedication.
We have come a looooong way since then.
Now, with just a simple internet connection we have the world’s greatest and most amazing libraries at our disposal. Yes, there is a lot of disinformation to be found yet at the same time there is a plethora of credible alternative news, out of the hands of the official gate keepers who have benefitted so handsomely from the control of knowledge for thousands of years.
Thanks to the explosion of the internet, more and more people are turning away from mainstream news sources and seeking out alternative voices that can profoundly assist them in their awakening.
In addition, the internet has connected people in far flung regions across the globe into whole new communities. How many friends have you made from the internet that you might never have met without it? In summation, the internet is the perfect metaphor for what the world is now becoming –– one! Clearly, the internet is an invention, or intervention, of the Divine and we are all the better for it.
Click Here to continue reading.
Bernanke’s Ammo to Stay in the Fed’s Lockbox Posted on June 6, 2012
The Fiscal Times
June 6, 2012When Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke goes before the Joint Economic Committee Thursday to discuss the economic outlook, he’ll probably tamp down growth expectations for the remainder of this year. It’s not just the stumbling stock market or last week’s mediocre jobs report driving concerns.
He’ll lament the headwinds from Europe and that lack of coordinated intervention on the continent. He’ll point to the slowing economies of China and India. He’ll talk about the failure of policymakers to clean up the foreclosure mess andstabilize underwater mortgages, which would help resuscitate the housing market.
But don’t expect the Fed to act.
He won’t reach into his monetary toolbox to protect the U.S. from those headwinds, even though he has plenty of options. There won’t be a third round of Fed purchases of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities, sometimes known as quantitative easing. Bernanke won’t signal an interest in seeing prices edge up at a little faster pace. And he certainly won’t signal the Fed is about to intervene in the European bond markets (yup, it could do that, too), which could help the beleaguered countries of the Eurozone’s southern tier stabilize their finances as well as help U.S. exporters.
It’s not just monetary hawks like Richard Fisher of the Dallas Fed who are opposed to more monetary easing, claiming it will spark inflation down the road. They opposed the first two rounds, but only have three votes on the 12 member Federal Open Market Committee, and Fisher doesn’t even sit on the panel this year.
Bernanke’s closest allies on the FOMC are also opposed to immediate action. Sandra Pianalto, president of the Cleveland Fed, said Monday that the jobs report didn’t warrant further easing of monetary policy. St. Louis Fed president James Bullard, an alternate on the committee, is still predicting three percent growth this year. He told a Tokyo conference hosted by the Bank of Japan earlier this week that “I do think our most potent weapon as a committee is to do further quantitative easing, but if we take such action, we’d be taking more risk with our balance sheet. I think right now we’ve got the right trade-off,” he said.Opponents of further quantitative easing are not just on the right and center, but on the left. James K. Galbraith, an economist at the University of Texas, noted that “quantitative easing adds money to bank balance sheets in return for other assets. This does not repair the value of homes, raise FICO scores (FICO is a publicly-traded company that tracks individuals’ credit ratings), create private income or increase loan demand,” he wrote in an email.
Paul Krugman and Lawrence Summers, two of the nation’s leading liberal economists, also said in recent speeches that the central problem facing the U.S. is lagging consumer demand caused by falling wages, the increased share of national income going to high-income individuals and corporate profits, and persistently high unemployment. From their perspective, it will require increased government spending (more stimulus) and progressive tax reform to restore long-term economic growth to more normal levels.
Click Here to continue reading.
SaLuSa 6-June-2012
The new you is emerging out of the shadows of the old paradigm, a new shining you that lights up everything and everyone around you. Your Light is reaching out to others who feel your uplifting energy, and it is awakening them to the higher truth. As more souls do so the Light upon Earth increases and the path to Ascension becomes stronger. It is quickly bringing peace to a troubled world that would otherwise be in complete turmoil. Where there are trouble spots you are seeing the last vestiges of the effect of centuries of negative vibrations. It takes time to remove them but you are winning the battle. There is far more love being sent to them than ever before, and it is helping cleanse such areas. It will be completed when total peace comes to the Earth and we will carry out the final cleansing.
Preparations for Ascension have been going on for a very long time, and now the full benefit of them is being felt. Much of that work has been directed towards setting up our allies, so that they have been able to infiltrate the secret plans of the dark Ones and delay or stop them taking place. Our back up has of course been most essential, and we have been their ears and eyes to keep them aware of the developments. Soon we shall be able to work much closer together, and we are eager to fulfill our promise to openly meet you and introduce ourselves. Of necessity that has to be at a time when it is safe to do so, and will not cause too much alarm amongst those who are unprepared for such an occasion. Some people have such a limited view of life they discount the possibility that we exist and refuse to believe it. However, we will present ourselves in a way that is calculated to remove the fear factor. We are not fearsome and it will soon be realized that we are gentle and peace loving Beings who are in service to you and God.
It must be made quite clear that our arrival is not to replace one controlling body with yet another. It is you the people that are going to determine your future, and you will have far much more to say about how it takes place. You will get to know your rights under Common Law, and the Constitution will be introduced again to ensure it is obeyed. We have often informed you that you are sovereign Beings and we intend to ensure you are treated accordingly. It will restore the pride in yourselves and give you full recognition for your achievements. We could rightly say that you have been to Hell and back, but please understand that such experiences have been of your own making. That is why we have such admiration for you all and your courage in allowing yourselves to experience the lower vibrations. It has been far from everyone’s choice, but you did know that great help would be given to ensure that you rose up again.
Now you are actually benefitting from the help being given and it is not just from your Space Family. The Spirit realms have long accompanied you on your journey, and there has never been any time when you lacked guidance. It will continue in that way once you have ascended, and indeed you shall have more direct contact with us and the Masters. Let it be known that you are already high Beings yourselves, but have simply forgotten. The low vibrations of duality have dulled your minds, but with the continuing upliftment through the Light and Love being sent to you the situation is changing very rapidly. Each soul has the same opportunity to move into the Light, but some are so entrenched in the old vibrations they find it difficult to respond. Have no worries where they are concerned as they will have every bit as much help and attention as those who are enlightened. All of you are loved without exception so do not feel as though you are an outcast, and do not feel that you are worthless. Often it is the karmic experiences that you have gone through that have made you feel that way. However, bear in mind that you are learning from them and once completed you will not have to go through them again.
Dear Ones, we understand you and your frustrations now that you know what is coming and can hardly wait for your upliftment but please be patient. There is more happening than ever to bring the changes about as quickly as possible. Clearly matters cannot be held up much longer, as there is much to do to advance you to the position where everything can take off. You may be assured we tightly monitor events taking place on and off Earth, and we have control over them. It still means however that there is a limit to what we are allowed to do when your karma is involved. We cannot interfere with your creations as you must see them for what they are, but we are allowed to intervene when your civilization is under threat. For example we have turned away extraterrestrials that have had the intent to take over your planet. However in the case of the Grays we could not do so, as they were invited to stay by the dark Ones.
You are quite unaware of what really takes place in the Universe and it is a hive of activity. Life abounds everywhere but as your planet has been quarantined to prevent interference with your lives, you have had little knowledge of it. Now you are being freed from your “prison” and shall quickly be greeted back to your true reality by us. Allow yourselves to dream away as to what that may mean, because it will almost certainly be far greater than you could possibly imagine. The most satisfying aspect will be the complete and utter peace you find yourselves in, and will find it ecstatic and engulfing you in a most wonderful energy of love. You will find it irresistible and wish to stay in it forever and you may do so for however long as you wish. However, you will also have a strong desire to travel the Universe to visit other civilizations, and so commence another adventure.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that life on Earth can be exciting and fulfilling, but it inevitably has a down side when you are drawn into the lower vibrations. It is the nature of your experiences that are to be expected in duality and present you with many challenges. That is how you evolve and you do have the ability to overcome them if you are of that intent. Some of you lack the willpower to do so, and get sucked deeper in the morass of darkness. There is always a way out no matter how long it takes, and no soul is expected to achieve instant success. It takes time and sometimes many lives to overcome your weakness’s but you will eventually get there.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Update on Sirius – Concept meeting – Please post and share widely, May 31, 2012
We’d like to share some exciting news about the Sirius Documentary. Because of the incredible response by all of you in funding this film (over $175,000 raised!), we were able to start the development process sooner than we thought. We are one step closer towards sharing the future of disclosure, contact and new energy with the world.
Last week, Dr. Greer and his team traveled to Los Angeles to meet with the team from Neverending Light. They worked together on developing the concepts and outline for the film. Some key interviews and other exciting footage was also shot. In this update video, you’ll be able to see behind the scenes footage of the process and learn more from Dr. Greer and director Amardeep Kaleka about their vision for the film.
This is a great start, but we still need plenty of help as we move towards our next steps, including sending the production team everywhere they need to go in order to document all the pieces of this story.
Our smaller Kickstarter campaign has just 27 days left to meet its goal. The money raised there will go towards completing development and pre-production. For more information on the film and how you can help us in our campaign, please visit:
_________________________________________________Go to DrGreersBlog for more about the meetings in Los Angeles
and his most recent article “Invasion of the MoTus”.
Call for witnesses and evidence
We are urgently sending out a call to all networks and supporters of Disclosure for new government and corporate witnesses and whistleblowers to UFO related events and projects. Specifically, we are looking for first hand, credible witnesses who are willing to be interviewed for this film who saw UFO events, projects, incidents or documents. Pluses are corroboration by other witnesses, documents or personal proof of military, government or corporate employment at the time of the event.
We are also looking for more witnesses to government or military (or paramilitary) operations that have staged false flag ET events such as abductions, animal mutilations, robotic creatures that appear to be ET but are not, implants and related psychological warfare events or projects designed to create an enemy in space.
We are also seeking witnesses to new energy suppression, including any government or corporate witnesses to the suppression and illegal seizure and classification of new, advanced energy and propulsion devices or inventions as well as any civilian victims of this suppression.
Additionally we are searching for additional evidence related to UFO events, including:
> Clear and dispositive photographs and videos with clear ownership and history
> Government and Corporate documents – whether or not they have been declassified, since all UFO related projects are illegal and therefore no valid national security law can enforce secrecy
> Radar tapes and any other materials such as physical evidence of any type ( ET craft parts or materials etc)
If you or someone you know has such evidence or can be a Witness please contact me directly at this e-mail address:
Thanks so much for your support . Please go to:
www/ to help our kickstarter campaign reach its goal.
Each level of support comes with incentives from downloads of the documentary to dinner with Dr. Greer and Amardeep Kaleka and more.
Sirius/STAR is not a 501c3 non profit. Contributions to this project are not tax deductible under that section of the US tax law. Please consult a tax professional regarding further questions. It is not our goal to advise tax preparation and deductions. This is a matter of personal responsibility by each contributor.
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