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Berlusconi Gets Jail Sentence In Wiretap Trial – 7 March 2013 – Public Notice : Canada Is Dissolved – 8 March 2013
A Legal Notice to all Agents of the so-called Crown of England and Elizabeth Windsor, and to all Canadians
Issued by the Governing Council of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (downloadlink PDF)
This PUBLIC NOTICE is issued to the Members of the Parliament of Canada, the Canadian judiciary, the governmental civil service, and the active serving members of all Canadian police and military forces, as well as to all citizens of Canada:
1. On February 25, 2013, a lawfully constituted Common Law Court of Justice found Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England and Head of State of Canada and its churches, guilty as charged of Crimes against Humanity in Canada and of engaging in a Criminal Conspiracy to conceal Genocide. The same verdict found Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper guilty of the same offenses.
2. This verdict was based on irrefutable evidence, including eyewitness accounts of Elizabeth Windsor’s personal involvement in the forcible abduction and disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School on October 10, 1964, while on a state visit to Canada. Ms. Windsor has never denied or refuted this charge or evidence, nor did she respond to a Public Summons issued by the Court.
3. The Court’s verdict rests upon the Nuremberg Legal Statutes of 1950 which allow any head of state to be tried for Crimes against Humanity, as well as the right under Canadian law to hold the Crown liable for tort offenses committed in Canada.
4. Elizabeth Windsor therefore stands condemned as a convicted felon. As a fugitive from justice, she is now liable for arrest and imprisonment under the terms of the Court verdict. A Citizens Arrest Warrant for the detention of Elizabeth Windsor was in fact issued by the Court on March 5, 2013, and Ms. Windsor has evaded this Warrant.
5. a) Each of you has taken a public oath of allegiance to Elizabeth Windsor as the Queen of England. Your oath now constitutes a criminal act under international law, including Section 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which obligates all citizens to refrain from colluding with authorities engaged in or convicted of criminal acts.
b) Each of you is obligated therefore to refrain from aiding or abetting Elizabeth Windsor in evading justice or arrest, including by continuing to obey her orders or operating under her authority, since to do so will constitute an obstruction of justice and will make you subject to arrest.
6. Since no convicted felon can legitimately or legally serve as a head of state or a constituted authority, all existing legal and political authority in Canada is dissolved as of Monday, February 25, 2013. Your Oath of Allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and the Crown of England is consequently nullified and abolished, along with your authority.
7. a) Canada has been rendered as a state without legitimate legal or political authority. It will remain so until a new and lawful Head of State can be established along with a Constitution democratically established by the people of Canada.
b) Until such constitutional authority is established, no existing Canadian law or statute is enforceable, and any attempt by you or others to do so will constitute an act of illegal assault and fraud on the people of Canada.
8. Until a legitimate government is established in Canada, all of its citizens are urged to conduct themselves under the common law requirement of peaceable co-existence and equity in their communities, maintaining law and order. All citizens are required to police and govern themselves without reference to any existing authorities or laws, which are nullified, illegitimate and inoperative.
9. Canadian citizens as wholly self-governing men and women are advised to establish local committees of correspondence to arrange a National Congress that will draft a new Constitution. This legal charter, ratified by a popular vote, will establish and maintain a new, Democratic Republic of Canada.
10. This Constitution must include a new legal framework by which the church organizations also convicted by the Court – the Vatican and Catholic, Anglican and United Church - can legitimately and lawfully operate in Canada, if such further operation is the will of the People. In accordance with the Verdict of the Court and lawful legitimacy, this new framework would require a Civil Constitution for the Clergy that nationalizes the property and wealth of the convicted church corporations, and regulates their church officials and employees as licensed public servants.
We are informing the world of these facts and of the new regime now operating in Canada. This same Notice and condition applies to the government and people of England, to whom a separate Notice is being issued.
Copies of the Common Law Court’s Verdict and Citizens Arrest Warrant can be found here – This Notice is issued globally in consultation with the Legal Commission of the ITCCS (Brussels-London-New York)
7 March, 2013
This Document can be used as a Legal Instrument by the signed Bearer to uphold his or her status as a freeborn man or woman in the territory of Canada who is not subject to any authority save as a Citizen of a democratically constituted Republic of Canada
Signature of Citizen___________________
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NaturalNews – Lance Johnson – Organic Consumer’s Asscociation Political Director Arrested Outside White House Over GMO Labeling – 9 March 2013
(NaturalNews) Alexis Badden Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association was arrested March 2 outside the White House, when she attempted to deliver a DVD petition including over 200,000 names. The petition asked Michelle Obama to ask her husband to fulfill a campaign promise to label GMO food products.
You can watch the arrest here:
Every human’s right to know
Every citizen has a right to know about the food they are eating. Under current regulations, this right is silenced by laws that allow corporations like Monsanto to lie about where food comes from and hide the fact that it is genetically engineered. The quantity and variety of genetically modified foods hitting store shelves is growing, without proper human health testing and without proper labeling. How many people would buy a product if they read that the food was genetically manipulated? More people would become aware. More people would begin to cry out for real, organic foods again. The empire of processed, genetically modified foods must be taken down.
To reach policymakers in Washington, and demand the right to know where food comes from, send comments here:
GMOs cause infertility
Russian scientists from the National Association for Gene Security and the Institute of Ecological and Evolution discovered that animals fed GMOs as part of their normal diet eventually developed the inability to reproduce. Using hamsters as the test subjects, scientists observed that GMO soybeans slowed the hamster’s sexual maturity and gradually eliminated their ability to reproduce. After several generations, these hamsters eventually lost their innate ability to reproduce altogether. This means genetically modified organisms are a crime to humanity. If they cause infertility in animals, they are contributing to the infertility epidemic in the world today.
Population unaware of this essential scientific information will muddle along and fall into the lifestyle of eating GMOs. In essence, masses of people are becoming test hamsters, losing their ability to reproduce.
By not educating the people, governments and corporations are working side by side, depopulating the Earth through GMO mass feedings.
Where the power really belongs
The future of free people hinges on awareness, on outsmarting the evil seeds that have infected the crop. Re-learning how to grow organic food in composted, nutrient-rich soil will be a strong survival method for a healthy generation that is denying the evil, greedy plans of corporations and high ranking officials. The power does not belong to the ones who think they are wise and in control. The real power is in the hands of the independent and free-thinking people of an aware generation, and they will not let their fellow people be arrested for representing the truth.
Thoughts go out to Alexis Badden Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Lance Johnson, along with his wonderful wife Kender, are creating a natural products movement from the ground up: Free Spirit All Natural Products. As more hearts are pulling toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance wants to help others see the real health opportunities all around us. www.allnaturalfreespirit.comHe’s also a passionate writer who has self published two works of poetic writing that relate to the people, unmask the hiding, and challenge the status quo. He has more writing ideas within him, as health and freedom has become a major topic of interest within him.
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Ron Van Dyke – The OPPT Restores Common Law – 9 March 2013
Uploaded on 9 March 2013 by Ron Van Dyke One of my OPPT friends on Facebook offered to help me with the legal issues regarding my home. I was delighted … until I realized that she was still operating in admiralty law. Her conclusion, after listening to my story, was that I should make arrangements to move out of my home since I did not pay the loan. I was surprised that she didn’t get it, that she was still looking at the old system of fraudulent contracts as having merit and value. Let me make it clear to those that still don’t get it: The OPPT re-establishes and restores common law. That includes the definition of contracts. The entire corporate structure regarding money and finance operates with fraudulent contracts. That practice has been foreclosed on by the OPPT. The old system no longer has lawful standing, regardless of how many people still want to play by the old rules and definitions.
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New Medical Techniques Save Organs
New Medical Techniques Save Organs
New Trend: Cancer-Ravaged Organs Being Saved Not Removed
By Shobha John, Times of India Science – March 6, 2013
NEW DELHI: In a heartening trend, doctors are now saving cancer-ravaged organs through innovative methods instead of removing them completely to ensure patients have a better quality of life.
So even though health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad recently said in the Rajya Sabha that India is set to see a steady rise in cancer cases, doctors are gifting almost normal organs back to their patients. The organs thus salvaged range from breast, liver, larynx, eyes, bone, voice box and rectum.
“The trend now is to leave the afflicted organ in the body without compromising treatment,” says Dr S V S Deo, associate professor, surgical oncology at AIIMS. “So, in the early stages of breast cancer now, we remove the tumour only, along with some side tissue, leaving the breast intact. We then do breast reconstruction. Earlier, we would remove the breast and lymph glands nearby.”
The biggest beneficiary of preserving organs is the liver which has a tremendous regenerative capacity. Even if only 25% of the liver is healthy, it can be made whole through a new procedure called ALPPS (Associated Liver Partition and Portal vein ligation for Staged hepatectomy).
This is done in advanced stages of cancer where even a transplant won’t help, says Chennai-based Dr Mohamed Rela, a top liver transplant surgeon. “First, the liver and the portal vein supplying blood to it are divided into two. One part of the vein goes to the damaged part and the other to the healthy part. The former is tied up and gradually shrinks in size, while the other rapidly grows in size.
After two weeks, the abnormal liver is removed,” says Rela. The cost: Rs 10 lakh approx for ALPPS and Rs 20 lakh for a transplant.
For Kota-based Poonam, 57, ALPPS was a life-saver. “I used to have severe stomach pain and rapid loss of weight and was diagnosed with gall and liver cancer. I got ALPPS done in Bangalore. Now I can eat everything and my weight is normal,” she says.
Similarly, in colorectal cancers, earlier, the rectum, sphincter mechanism (responsible for bowel movement) and the anus would be removed, making waste matter go out through an abdominal passage. This severely restricted the life of patients.
“Today, the tumour in the rectum is shrunk through chemotherapy and radiation. Then the colon is joined to the anus keeping the sphincter mechanism intact,” says Dr Basant Mahadevappa, hepatobiliary surgeon at HCG Cancer Hospital, Bangalore.
In the case of bone cancers earlier amputations used to be done. Today, tumours are shrunk through localized chemotherapy and the bone saved. In voice box cancers, too, the organ would be removed, making the patient speechless. Now, the voice box is preserved using laser, making the patient sound almost normal, says Deo.
Despite scepticism about whether these methods would completely eliminate cancer, many patients are opting to keep their organs intact, giving them a new lease of life.
A stitch in time…
Percentage of a cancerous organ which can be preserved in the early stages
Liver: 100
Bones: 60
Breast: 50
Eyes: 60
Larynx: 60
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Answers from the Masters: Ashtar and One Who Serves – “The Dominos are About To Begin to Fall”
Answers from the Masters: Ashtar and One Who Serves – “The Dominos are About To Begin to Fall”
Channelled through James McConnell – March 8, 2013
Alice C: Two messages in two days from Ashtar via two different channels is a very strong indicator to Lightworkers that the changes we have all been waiting for are about to commence in earnest.. It is time for us to be ready to step into our new roles – whatever they are!
One Who Serves:
Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, good to be here with you again. But I am only staying a short while here, just a moment, to prepare energy here for the next one to come through that wishes to speak a little bit. We will be back here shortly.
I am Ashtar. I have only been through this one, one time previously but it is time now to lend my energy through this one to many that would be hearing and reading these words. For the time has come now, a time to prepare for all that you have been waiting for. For very soon, very shortly many would call it imminently now, there are those changes that are coming that have been prophesized for many eons of time.
Those changes are in the works now. They have been building and building to this moment, to these very times that are approaching where the lid, you might say, is going to be taken off the can, in terms of the truths coming out.
Many truths will be revealed and many of those domino effects that have been spoken of are going to be beginning now. And as these dominos begin to fall you will begin to be enlightened in many ways that you have not even imagined yet. And each time those dominoes fall, another truth will come out. And you will be prepared for the time coming in the not too far off future as has been spoken of through other sources now, speaking in terms of nine months, in terms of September of this year there will be those who are prepared to move into that higher frequency vibration en mass, as a world, as a planet.
And those times are very soon approaching and these times now that you are in and this month that you are in now, March, so March, 2013 is a time now of energetic preparing for all that is coming and once this starts it will be one thing right after another.
There will be seemingly no stopping. You will be on your internet and you will see something new, not just each and every day, but every moment practically and it will come as a rush. It will be so fast and furious it will take you in many ways by surprise. And this is what is coming and it is time now that the moment, the call has come from that which would be heaven and it is very soon now to begin, very momentarily now, that all those things are going to have their beginning.
This was the message we wish to give. Be prepared, all my brothers and my sisters for all that you came here to do because your mission, the need for what you bring to the table you might say, is about to begin. So be ready for this. I will leave you now. My peace and love be with all of you as you continue to prepare and move to understand and know who you truly are.
OWS: Greetings to you once again. This is One who Serves now to assist you in any way that we can with your questions, but before we do so, we wish to share just a little bit more. Understand that these times that Ashtar has spoken of are already in the works, already have begun and these things are going to begin to take on a momentum of “a rolling stone gathers no moss”.
The momentum, once it has started rolling, will continue to roll and take everything along its path in terms of many things are going to happen, many things are going to change and you will be astounded as these things begin to come into your physical, your three dimensional understanding. Now we say three dimensional understanding and we have been working with you at your higher frequency vibration understanding, 4th and 5th dimensional.
But for this, it is time for your three dimensional understanding to begin to get more of these glimpses we have been speaking about so that you are prepared for all that is coming. For it is your three dimensional understanding that must see and know these things as they come about. The truth you might say coming out. Would there be any question on this to begin?
“In order for that rolling stone to start gaining momentum is there a need for some major changes to happen, like for example what I am referring to is when my son was saying that you can feed the entire world based on what we spend on for six days on military things in this country. So the world could be fed for a year or something based on how we spend money. It just seems like that has to stop in order for other things to gain momentum – like the insanity of humanity”.
You must understand that all of these things you are saying are correct but there are going to be those things that are going to happen that are going to make people wake up, you might say, to be the catalyst rather. No one will be made to do anything but it will be a catalyst to alert people as to what has been going on and how they have been held down in many ways.
Yes, it is by own free will but they have been held down and do not even know they have been held down, you see? So these things as they begin to occur are going to awaken a great many just as you yourselves, the lightworkers have awakened. There will be those who have not yet awakened but will do so from these things we are speaking of in terms of many of the truths coming out. We are speaking of a change, a total change in your financial system.
We are speaking of your disclosure, of the galactic situation, we are speaking of first contact, all of these things that are going to occur, one right after another. Once it begins, there is not stopping it and first it will be a little bit gradual but then it will pick up and pick up – steam as you say, and it will be unstoppable at a certain point.
“Is it the quantum effect?”
OWS: Will not be a quantum leap necessarily but to some it will certainly appear to be quantum leap. For some it will be a gradual build up. For you, those that are the lightworkers, it is a gradual build up. You have been preparing for this for a very long time. For those others it will be sudden to them and they will question, where did this come from? Does this answer your question?
“Do those things have to change in order for humanity to change. For example, people are starving all over the world, while we are spending money on guns and bombs”
OWS: You see, once the financial system is rearranged you might say, there will be many things that will be coming in to play and there will be many changes, many programs that will be developed that will prepare and take care of the great many that are suffering now at this time. You must understand that your son was only a little bit correct there. There are so much resources, money and all of this that is available for when the time comes to be disbursed.
It will not only feed the entire planet for one year, but it will feed them for a very long time. There are trillions and trillions, many hundreds of trillions of dollars prepared. You could say enough for somewhere near ten million dollars to be given to every individual on the planet if it were to go that way. That is how much is there. And it will be a leveling effect, for everyone will be equal and it will level the playing field you might say. Not that many of you think that this is play.
“I read a channeling today, another Ashtar channeling and it was very similar because it spoke of that nine months, you know in September and all those things starting to happen and all of that. Tonight what I thought I heard him say is, besides all the dominoes and everything going like that, that the time in September could be a time of many ascending.”
OWS: Yes, that is correct. Other questions here?
“I had an experience this past weekend where I was walking on a mountain path and the sensation I can only describe that in my left foot, I stepped on something that felt metallic but more of a springing motion and the whole foot vibrated like crazy. I have no idea what this was other than it must have been something in the earth, but I don’t know what it means.”
OWS: It is the Earth-Body connection that you are speaking of here. But also understand, what was your feeling or thinking at the time previous to this?
“My friend John…. Who had passed recently had just communicated with me and the friend that I was walking with, she told me that she had just been thinking of him, so I don’t know if there was a telepathic thing going on or what, but still I had the spring effect”
OWS: Yes, and this one John had something to do with this here. He is energetically assisting you and others who have been a part with him here to prepare in the ways that they are ready for in terms of preparing for their missions. So he is one who is assisting now, assisting those of us here, he is a master himself now and he is assisting those that are ready for there preparation for the next step you might be ready to take. And in your particular situation with the foot and the energy there was another awakening of your Kundulini energy.
“I had another unbelievably awesome experience at work this week. I had undergone a couple of energetic healings to clear out my aura. While I was at work, I looked to my left and I saw a being of white in the direction of the file cabinet and behind the being in white I saw a ramp going up and it looked like it had stairs on it and I knew that if I had tried to follow the intention, go check the ramp out I would have been blocked by the physical object. Am I limited to just sight of other dimensions or will I be able to transport myself eventually?”
OWS: Eventually all will be able to do this. This is the mass ascension that has been spoken of and which you are seeing similar to what the James has seen and others. Many have seen in terms of stairways or elevators or escalators or any of these things that take you up from the level that you are on to a higher level, and many are seeing these things, the glimpses of them and you yourself were seeing that stairway to heaven you might say.
“Many people have told me that I have many beings around me for protection. My question is, who am I being protected from? Is it other, not so pure beings?”
OWS: At this time there is not a problem with this. That was in the past. The influences that were there previously are no longer there and are not something to be concerned about anymore. You have those around you but they are not bodyguards or anything of this nature. They are your guides that are moving you along energetically to your next level, to the next moment and to the next moment after that, and assisting along the way, you see?
“I asked for a DNA Activation from St. Germain, did that happen?”
OWS; Whenever you ask, then you will receive. So you are asking for assistance in your DNA activation and therefore, there is that assistance coming and you will begin to notice more and more as the times go, and certainly as these dominoes begin to fall as we are saying you will notice more and more those that have been called the glimpses. It will be coming to you fast and furious in many ways, you see? You are being activated.
You understand that each of you that are listening and those that are reading these words are being activated to prepare, to be there for their mission, the mission they have come to take on and each moment you are moving closer and closer to that and when you have fully begun that part of your mission, the mission you have been on for many lifetimes, we are speaking of the culmination now, the last mission you might say, at least for this evolution. And that is approaching and many will be there to assist all those others that do not understand what is occurring here. But you have the understanding already and the energetic levels of vibration to work with those.
“A few weeks ago you said all you have to do is ask to see through your third eye so of course I have been asking every day and I keep asking but it does not seem to be working and I don’t know if it because it is not my time yet or my third eye is not open enough yet. But, a second thing I want to say is that today I decided to listen to those Harmonics, the binaural beats for opening the third eye. So I listened to that for quite some time with the headphones and got into a meditative state. Will that also help open the third eye?”
OWS: Yes, these are all tools. Understand that you my sister, who is asking this question, have been asking this for a long time now, years now as we find it. And each time that you ask you receive but you just do not realize that you are receiving. You are looking for something at a three dimensional level.
You are looking for the gates to open up to heaven and the trumpets to come out and the angels to be playing and all of these things and it is not going to be that way necessarily. For some it will but for others it will not. It will be more gradual, more subtle, you might say, and that is what you are experiencing my dear sister. You are experiencing the subtle changes that are coming. But, when it takes off, it will take off, and it will be difficult for you to keep up with the pace.
“When I look at the sky, I have an open mind that the sky is not totally changing but sometimes I see a more beautiful color or something. It basically looks the same to me but there are some little things that I notice more.”
OWS: Yes, but when you look at it and this goes for all now, when you look at it, look through your third eye. There is more than just asking, there is seeking now. There is ask and you shall receive and seek and you shall find, so you must do the second part and that is seeking and then the final, the knocking, to open up the door. So, there is the asking, but then there must be the action here as well, so utilize your third eye. Use it, it is there, and begin to work with it in ways that come to you, and they will come to you as you work with this. It is like if you sit on your couch or your chair and expect the world to change, it is not going to do that. You have to be a part of that change.
“When I ask that I become aware of my heart chakra opening, I become aware of it connecting to my pineal gland, so it is not like I am just asking, I become aware of those things, I don’t know quite how to do everything, I just become consciously aware at the time, so maybe that is not enough and maybe I will soon know more of how to do it”.
OWS: Yes, other questions here?
“Does it matter how you connect the heart to the pineal – in what order?”
OWS: Does not make a difference, do whatever you feel works for you. Make the connection. It is only been given to open up the heart first because that is where people are already operating. Many are not operating at the sixth center. Do not even know what a sixth center is. Do not even know about a third eye. But everyone knows the heart, do they not? So it is easier for them to begin there. But, it does matter not.
“What is it that we should expect to begin with? Is it an impression that we are getting, is it intuitive or psychic impression that you get with your third eye or is it visual or both?”
OWS: It is different for all. One will get a visual understanding, a visual knowing of something. Others will get an inner sense, what you would call your sixth sense, an ESP type of thing, others will increase their other senses, various different senses here, others will become telekinetic, in various ways, you see?
“So is it a gradual thing?”
OWS: For some and for others it will be sudden.
“What is the evidence that you are improving in that area?”
OWS: It is within yourself. You will know.
“So, will events occur in September?”
OWS: Understand that there is a time, we cannot give correct time frame here, because so much varies, so much changes from moment to moment. But that time that was given at this moment now, as we are looking at it, this is energetically what will be. So in that time period there will be many that will be going through the ascension process here.
“Is the Cabal getting weaker and weaker now and hopefully will not be able to interfere with the probabilities now?”
OWS: Very much so. They are almost to the point where they are immobile. At your three dimensional level, there is still that hologram that is still playing. So, it seems like business-as-usual with most of the planet. But that is soon to change.
“Ascension – I don’t get it. I have been told what it is a million times and it still does not make sense to me. I am understanding, know how to get onboard so to speak, how to ascend, does this mean I am leaving the planet if I ascend? Does this mean I have to leave my girlfriend if I ascend? So is it just a state of mind?
OWS: No, no and no. It is a consciousness movement, a movement of consciousness from your three dimensional level of understanding to a higher frequency. But understand you are just going back home. You are going back to where you already came from. Three dimensional is not your home, it is not where you belong. So you are going back but you are not leaving the planet because the planet has also ascended. And you are moving along with her.
“If everybody changes with me nothing will change, so I will never know if I actually ascended.”
OWS: You will know. There is no way of not knowing.
“I know that I have interesting gifts that other people have but have not accelerated. I am sure that is part of ascension, or was already born with this stuff and I activated them earlier”
OWS; Your gifts of spirit are activating as we speak now. They are about to move into another gear here. It has to do, in many ways with your crystal. Begin to use it more and more as we have said. And as you begin to use it more and more and you come with questions about it, we will give you more. We cannot do this until you have already worked with it.
“Can we say for clarification purposes, can you say that this is accurate: Ascension is an advancement that allows man to become One with each other where there is no more barriers? So as we progress in consciousness it is an awareness and an understanding that we are all One. It is unity consciousness and an understanding that we are all One.
OWS: It is coming back to the Oneness within you already. You already have that Oneness within you. You are just remembering this.
“Oneness within you –what does that mean?”
OWS: Understand that you are already all that you are meant to be and you have always been that. You have never not been that. You have never actually been disconnected from your Source. It is only the mind that has created this illusion that you are disconnected and you are just reconnecting that mind- taking the illusion away, you might say, lifting of the veil.
“And when you become aware of that, the full knowledge of it, is that ascension?
OWS: Yes.
“I have another question about ascension. So if I am ascending, I am assuming I am ascending to another dimensional level. (Yes) So, is it fair to say at some point I won’t “cross over” if my physical body gives up?
OWS: Your physical body is going along. You are not leaving it behind.
“So in reality there is no physical death after ascension occurs”
OWS: That is correct. Your physical body must alter. And that is what the process is that is happening now.
“I have always been under the impression that when another person dies, to them nothing has changed, but to everybody else that person has collapsed. That person’s mind continues on and is still alive and well”.
OWS: Yes that is correct. The consciousness part of yourself continues forever.
“But the people standing around the bed have the idea and the realization that because the equipment stops…”
OWS: The person is gone, correct. But the personality is gone in that moment but continues on at the next level. And eventually in the past now this has happened but now it will begin to change. But in the past when one passed over at time of death, when the physical body was left behind, then that person moved into a higher frequency vibration of their own and they began to at some point integrate with their higher self and leave the personality in a sense behind.
“So what you are saying is that integration takes place in the ascension process and eliminates the death process.”
OWS: Yes, there is no death.
“So if there is not physical death, we are at our last lifetime. Because technically if we have past lives, death still occurred. (Yes). But if we are not doing it anymore, this is it.
OWS: You can call this your “Swan Song”. What was the word earlier, your culmination you might say.
“We are going home. The end of third dimensional consciousness”.
OWS: You are going home.
“We are not ending anything. Just the level of consciousness that keeps us down.”
OWS: Yes, Duality consciousness.
“If I ascend, will I still be driving my car?”
OWS: We will put it this way to you: If you wish to manifest a red sports car, you can do so and drive it if you wish. But initially in the beginning you need to get your feet wet you might say, so that you are creating your life, you are creating your world. It is all a creation process. Just as you have created your three dimensional world, you will be creating your 4th and 5th dimensional worlds as well.
“So it is not so much that we don’t create now, it’s that the awareness level is so far advanced that we create consciously instead of create unconsciously”.
OWS: Yes.
“So if you ascend, technically there is no more sickness or illness. All your suffering in your whole life is gone”.
OWS: Yes, that is correct.
“So that the people that I know in my family are all ascending at the same time, they will still be in touch with each other”
OWS: Yes, those that ascend together will stay together if they wish to.
“So then the question is, the people that are not ascending but are friends with me now, will I just simply go invisible to them?”
OWS: At some point you could, but there is part of your mission. Assist in the process.
Must release channel now. Shante, Peace BE with you. BE The ONE!
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated
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Iran Says UN Human Rights Rapporteur Took Bribes From U.S.
Iran Says UN Human Rights Rapporteur Took Bribes From U.S.
Iran Says UN Human Rights Rapporteur Took Bribes From U.S.
Huffington Post – March 8, 2013
TEHRAN, Iran — An Iranian official has accused the U.N. special rapporteur for human rights in Iran of taking bribes from the United States, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported Friday.
The report quoted Mohammad Javad Larijani, secretary general of Iran’s high council for human rights, as saying Ahmed Shaheed received money from the U.S. He said that was why he could only parrot U.S. allegations against Iran.
“The money the special rapporteur has received from the U.S. State Department has led to a situation that he cannot write about anything except their anti-Iran desires,” Larijani was quoted as saying, without giving evidence.
Iran has barred Shaheed from Iran since 2011, saying there is no need for a special rapporteur because Iran has always answered questions from the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Larijani said Iran has provided U.N. with considerable evidence of violations by Shaheed, the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on Iran. He did not provide details.
He said Shaheed behaves like a TV celebrity, appearing on western television stations to make comments against Iran.
“The special rapporteur has no right to take a stance against the country he is assigned to,” Larijani said, charging that in TV interviews, Shaheed “repeats the words of the U.S. and Israel” against Iran.
Shaheed has produced four reports on alleged violations of human rights in Iran. Iran denies the charges.
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Russian Meteor Would Have Caused a New Ice Age
Russian Meteor Would Have Caused a New Ice Age
When one of the members of the Nova Earth team has a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, we usually tell the other members and everyone who has a question sends it along.
This time, when I had a reading, Geoffrey West, host of Cosmic Vision News, asked what the impact of the meteor that the galactics broke up before it hit Russia would have been and Archangel Michael’s answer set me back on my heels.
Galactic ships intercept meteor
“It could have triggered what you would think of as … the only comparison you would have would be… another Ice Age.”
“Wow. You’re kidding,” I responded.
“No,” he said.
Steve: So the galactics prevented another Ice Age. That’s what you’re saying, right?
AAM: That is what I’m saying. … Your star brothers and sisters intervened. That is why it was not more dramatic and damaging. And they intervened not only on behalf of the people of Earth and of Russia, but on behalf of Gaia herself.
S: And was this heavenly body, so to speak, sent here by the dark forces?
AAM: No. It is just what is moving about. It is part of the movement of energy, of debris, throughout the universe. So no, there was no negative force behind it, not the way you think of it.
S: Alright, if the galactics had not been around at this time, for the purposes of Ascension, would they still have provided this service?
AAM: Yes.
You can see the starships interacting with the meteor in the Youtube video posted above but I had no idea that what would have occurred would have been an event of such magnitude. Not perhaps extinction level (ELE), but it would have cancelled a few plans for summer vacation! And it would have turned the planet into an icebox.
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ET Contact Day, March 22, 2013
The idea/goal is to have as many people as possible, globally, all coordinating in a massive ET Contact Initiative!
We are open to all support and ideas.
We have seen the interest and involvement with ET Contact grow and mature so much over the last few years. It really seems to be becoming a global phenomenon.
Please join us in this endeavor. Share and Invite everyone you know who may be interested in this event.
More details to come in the near future.
We will include guidelines and source information for people who may want more information and instruction. We hope to see many new faces/spirits joining in!!! Ask friends and family to keep the event in the hearts and minds even if they do not join in.
—– Here is a great website link that mentions guidelines and preparation for ET Contact: It even includes a breathing exercise, and more! —– A meditation for ET Contact Day :
(For this meditation/prayer, find someplace comfortable that is quite. Dim lighting and incense may also help relax the body and mind. Become as comfortable as you can possibly be.)
- Start by breathing in slowly. Breathe in through your nose, until you fill your lower abdomen. Then, just as slowly, and peacefully, breathe out through your mouth. Now, remain in a breatheless state for a moment.
Feel your breathe, and universal life force fill your entire being. Let it surround you and your field of awareness. Feel a fuzzy tingling sensation, vibrating through your entire body, activating your dna, astral body and bodies of light.
Connect with all the members participating in World contact day and share your fields of awareness. Connect with feeling and intent, in the name of universal peace, the healing of earth and humanity.
Now see the extraterrestrial peoples out in space and invite them to join you in this moment, here on earth. Ask them to join you in this cosmic moment, prayer and meditation. By visualizing, show them your exact location. Let them know they are welcome, to share this moment with you, the people of the earth and especially, those participating in World contact day.
Thank the extraterrestrial peoples for joining you and everyone else in this event with a heart felt gratitude.
—– Visual meditation and C.T.S. (Coherent Thought Sequencing) for ET Contact Day: —– Created and coordinated by The CE-5 Initiative Facebook page:
What An Open Mind Can Learn – Proof Of 700+ Elite Resignations, Mass Arrests, Retirements – 9 March 2013
This list seriously never ends. But, humanity, here you go. My service to you at this point in time….
It will be updated, the number will go up as I (and others– anyone’s welcome, please no duplicate data, search before you add, also please no false data) research more and as more elite leave their posts.My primary reason for starting this huge list was to see whether the galactic federation really are credible, and I saw this as one way to do that. Over the last two years, they’ve been claiming that elite are leaving their posts…. and I wasn’t seeing proof. Well. I found proof.
But, galactic federation “believer” or not, you should really look at this document. It’ll open your eyes and leave you questioning… is this normal? so many elite leaving their posts?Here’s the public, editable, excel sheet:
Please read my notes before editing or sorting it.This is a link for an excel sheet full of 700+ elite arrests, retirements, and resignations. It’s what I came up with so far (as of 3/3/2013). I say 700+ because it’s slightly over 700, but if you look closely, a few of them say 30 arrests (example) in one line, without specifying names. Besides, I expect the world will add onto this list, so 700 won’t be 700 anymore. It used to be 500.
Most of the ones without links came with links, but then I messed up the data and had to start over with links. However, if something doesn’t have a link or the link doesn’t work, you can easily google it. I tried to test all of the links just to make sure, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems with the ones that have links. Although, sometimes websites take their articles down.
Be aware that many people might just be CEOs, designers, or university deans (etc.) by coincidence, just because they earned that spot and wanted it. They might not be a “dark cabal” or “illuminati” member. And if that is you, and you’re on this list, I sincerely apologize.
That being said, also keep in mind that MANY of them are dark, and they seem rather guilty. There is no way to know whether a person in a prestige position is “elite” or not.
Especially keep in mind that there are MANY elite who have resigned who were connected to banks and governments, investigations, etc.If you think someone is definitely not elite, go ahead and delete them. Or, maybe this would work better for you- save my document to your computer and make your own list with less or different people. I won’t be offended
Even if you take out people like school principals, whoever… you’ll still have an impressive list to prove to yourself and the world.
Also keep in mind that elite are in every area of society, in order to keep everything how they want it. Remember the Illuminati structure of control?
Okay, so, here’s the document once again.
Mass arrests, retirements, and resignations DOCUMENT: that the public is allowed to edit it, and it is available for public eye. But please be respectful, mature, and professional….. Please, please, please do not add false information.
1. Please don’t edit the way it’s sorted (which I’m about to resort back to original organization, so pause your editing and remember what info you’re editing you are for a second.), as that makes it confusing and more easily messed up, with data scrambled everywhere, saying that so and so from this country resigned on this date, when so and so is actually from another country, and resigned on a different date. I have a lot of problems with it getting reorganized. I don’t want information to get scrambled. So thanks.
2. Also please don’t discredit the page by putting in false information. Only put in information that is for sure correct, with credible links. Make sure your news links actually say what you’re saying they do (example would be an article saying person resigning vs. person should resign, arrested vs. arrest warrant vs. want to arrest).I researched this topic by getting a jump start from others’ lists (thank you!) and then also searching “CEO resigns” with a brand, company, or country, over and over, with different roles (CEO, CIO, COO, CMO, CTO, president, executive, board member, chairman, PR, PM, prime minister, dean, judge, vice president, journalist, etc.)…. Literally every company or organization of power that I could think of. Many are so-so, like a journalist or a schoolboard member, while others are downright obviously elite, such as leaders of fast food restaurants, pharmaceutical testing companies, the FDA, youtube, etc.
I also thought this site was very helpful:
I’ve gone down the list, starting at the type, and just used that information for leads on google. Right now, I stopped at the chamber of commerce in Athens, TX and haven’t done any of the ones below that.
Along with that, top on my list is updating my bankers, because I don’t have anything near 500 bankers, and this person has 600+. So I’d appreciate help with that, too.I also occasionally search google news for resign, retire, and arrested to see recent events.
I wasn’t sure about 2010, 2009 ones.. because honestly I don’t know when the elite got the memo that they needed to quit. So if I thought it was pretty important and rare, I included it, but overall tried to limit the list to 2011, 2012 & 2013.
I made Vatican a country…. because it’s kind of worldwide, and I didn’t know what to put. So that’s where it the pope is.
If you can’t find a name, just search –control F– the name. Sometimes people have nicknames, Mike vs Michael.
The formatting on the data sheet is like so:
Approximate Date | Country | Role/company | name of person | resigned, arrested, retired? any extra details like an investigation etc. | link/proof.I would appreciate if the dates were in this format: 5/31/2013 for meaning may, 31, 2013
If dates are in multiple formats, excel will have a hard time sorting. I can fix the dates if they are messed up. Sometimes, if excel doesn’t understand what you typed, it puts in ridiculous numbers like the year 2055.Below is the list of things (keywords & links & leads) that I had seen or thought of, but not gotten to… because of my tendonitis & fatigue… Anyone is welcome to continue researching. I would love that. Group efforts always work amazingly!
If you would like to continue researching and adding to my list or making your own list, remember to not have duplicates. Before you add something, search their name, and then search their company, just to make sure that person isn’t already on the list.
If you would like to see the excel sheet organized differently (for example, by column A (dates) instead of column B (countries)), you need to click the top left corner between A and 1, which means select all, then right click the selected area, and then say sort range, identifying what you want it to be sorted by. But please don’t reorganize the sheet unless you’re putting it back to normal, like how you found it.
To make it look nice, the way you found it: select all, right click, sort A, select all, right click, sort B.
Please remember that if you want to sort, you have to select all. One time, I was sorting, and I selected column A and sorted by column A only… without selecting all.. and it messed up the entire thing, where the date was with the wrong data, things like that. This is the reason that some of the data does not have links– because I sorted wrong and it made everything a mess, and then I had to start over.
You could also help by looking through the excel sheet and finding data that does not have links.. then googling the data, and adding the links. People appreciate links as proof. If you can’t find a link to prove the data, and you’ve searched high and low, feel free to delete the data. Or if you feel nervous about that, you can put “cannot find link” or something similar in the link section.
Please share the news!! Mass resignations are real. They’re happening now. This is intended to be proof for the skeptics.
What does this mean? A new world is being built!
And the galactic federation.. when they were talking about mass arrests.. they very well may have been right all along. This makes me take them more seriously. But hey, that’s just my interpretation. Galactic federation or not, elite leaving.. is real. Curiosity about the galactic federation is what compelled me to start a huge list, and to see where it could go, how many elite were really leaving their posts, and if what the galactic federation says/said was/is true.
And I think it is. But that’s yours to judge.Signed, and thank you for the help if you do help,
yours truly,
Ps. I don’t need any credit. Community effort is going on here. I am not worried about being plagiarized, nor were the people who made lists before me.
I can be contacted at
Two wonderfully helpful sites: (PPS. search chamber of commerce & illuminati on google)’t forget to look at the comments/questions!
New to the galactic federation, don’t know what predictions and news announcements I’m talking about?
Here’s a sample message from them:
LIST of things I wanted to research but haven’t yet:
australia: adami CEO ivanhoe Chief rugby league player airservices CEO south mp
alcohol companies
tobacco companies
office max office depot
Eli Lilly and Company (which is a global pharmaceuticalcompany and one of the world’s largest corporations)
military, army, national guard
US national library of medicine resigns
clothing brands/stores
Ortho McNeil Neurologics, a subsidiary of Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticalsdoctors
researcher arrest: cdc mit chronic fatigue ayurvedic cfs york university holocaust harvard indian ayurvedicresearchers
patent system
Bank of America board member retire
Miller’s Bowlin resigns, Adami is the new CEO.(Miller Brewing co., John Bowlin)
video games
other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Gerbereux David, Berezniker Vladimir, Evans Jason, Cott Ray, Krebs Martin, Green Sharon,Hale Richard, Dohrn Joe, Loschert Matthew, Shanmugham Mahendran, Kevin Bradyradio
senior members of bush administrationschool district board
pornographer producer resign
textbook author
footballconagradr. peppernasasuperintendent
bayerChurch’s Chicken
tempur pedic international
discovery foods
private equity firm Friedman Fleischer & Lowevanguardviagrawalgreensbaseball
tanning salon
post service
GlaxoSmithKline – vaccines and vaccine makers
windermere real estate
tj max
NRA ceo
wells fargo
Carls junior
al queda
courts – supreme court
cpac resign
intelligence agencies in other countries
EPA’s and FDA’s in other countries
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John Ward – The Saturday Essay : Why Italy’s Gold Could Change Everything – 9 March 2013
Italy is about to break ranks in Europe. They could easily do the same on Zirp
There’s an excellent piece by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at the Telegraph website at the moment. It explains how the blame-game between China and the US is being ratcheted up, and most importantly how Politburos are in the same Premier League of can-kicking as Congresses and Parliaments. Basically, the global ‘economy’ is being kept going by funny-money, the banking system by taxpayers, and the Chinese ‘growth’ by subsidies fuelled from the trade surpluses. Leaving aside this Ponzi-meets-grand larceny arrangement, one day very soon there will be no way to stop a ubiquitous driving down of currency values: push will come to shove, then shove will come to punch, then punch will come to gun. What happens between China and Japan now could be Germany and us within two years. Don’t smile: we’re nearer to it than you think. Say ‘Schäuble’ a few times to yourself each day.
Part of the madness is this curious inability to look up from the drop-handlebars that have for some reason been fitted to the world’s econo-fiscal three-square-wheeled bike. We push currency values down/ so that Western consumers can only afford cheap Asian crap/ so the West’s trade-gap just keeps on getting wider and its debt mountain higher/ so the Chinese retaliate by spending more surpluses on more export-price subsidies/ so the trade gap widens again and the debt gets bigger and… nauseam et infinitum.
I wouldn’t hold your collective breath waiting for sanity to prevail. Rather, the process will come to an end because a left-field event or seven forces the maniacs out of office. The best example of this at the minute is unquestionably the Iberia-to-Italy truculence that has taken off bigtime. I’ve been talking to friends and opinion formers over the ten days since I last suggested that Ben Bernanke & the Troikanauts do not rule the world, and cannot keep interest rates at Zirp levels forever. I have to fess up here and say I’m pretty much alone in this view, but anyway here comes another go. Let’s look at how the Italian situation is likely to pan out.
‘Pan’ is the operative word there, because that’s where Italy is descending at an accelerating speed. Equally significant however is that a majority of its political leaders are finally getting through to the People that there is absolutely no point to austerity, and that for pretty much everyone in the long-term, debt forgiveness and/or default is the only practical answer. Yes, I know the damage this is going to do to bondholders and pension providers and banks, but what’s your idea – we just carry on putting monetary infrastructure before people? We continue the race to the currency bottom?
Let’s suppose that Italy won’t play the austerity game any more. Let’s suppose it reneges on its debt, and starts to pull out of the euro just about the same time as some CDU backbench arse-licker starts mouthing off about chucking them out. All confidence in Italian debt disappears overnight….and then the markets adapt. They take the weekend to think about it, and by Tuesday the guys at Goldman are already costing out ways to lend profitably to Italy. But to attract them in, the margins will have to be very attractive indeed…..and with such an epidemic of charred fingers everywhere, the medium is unlikely to be bonds.
Once out of the eurozone, the Italians can ignore what the ECB says about interest rates. The country is broke, and the economy needs seed capital. All they now have to do is make the guarantee of eventual payback stand up.
Not many people know this, but Italy has the fourth largest horde of gold reserves in the world.
Its gold holdings, which account for 66.5% of its foreign reserves, amount to 2,451.8 tonnes of gold. Italy’s holdings, in fact are only a smidgin behind those of France.
Now let’s say the top Italian finance blokes still on the safe side of their office windows decide to go not for the bond markets, but direct to wealth funds and mega-rich investors with an unparalleled deal: a sliding scale of interest – starting at 2.7% – paid monthly depending on size of deposit, with the entire investment being backed by gold held elsewhere in escrow.
I think this would probably have the following immediate effects:
1. Clever product design sells, and greed buys. Within a week, the Italian Treasury would be full to bursting.
2. At least one other European country would follow suit.
3. Italian banks would start lending to business again: at highish rates of interest, but to far more confident borrowers.
4. The value of gold would head for the stratosphere.
5. The US stock markets would drop equally dramatically, and negate anything QE could afford to manipulate.
6. The US Federal Reserve would become actually rather than just technically insolvent.
7. The value of the lira would sky-rocket.
8. The Americans would sell every ingot in Fort Knox to depress gold’s price, and very probably they could apply pressure to other central banks to do the same.
9. With a rising currency and a falling gold price, Italy could keep on buying it, and back more and more investment products.
10. The eurozone would collapse – an event made inevitable when the Germans pull out and start backing their investment range with gold too.
Washington might at this point consider nuking the European continent, but even the Special Relationship would be put under pressure from that one. In turn, the entire global banking system would collapse under the weight of bad debt…except in those countries following the Italian model. America would default. China would be left whistling for its money. Australia would go broke too.
Then and only then – perhaps – would the political, commercial and banking classes be forced to accept that the old system was dead, and the new one wasn’t going to do anyone outside the boot of Italy any good at all. (A hundred other socio-political earthquakes would be in play by then anyway).
Now the most common raspberry blown at this scenario is that Italy’s gold reserves are nowhere near enough to pay for the bailout it needs. But there are two obvious flaws in that thinking:
1. Italy wouldn’t need a bailout, because Italy would default and start again.
2. The Italian gold reserves are worth, at today’s prices, around $102billion. Nobody ever heard of leveraging? Tim Geithner spent most of last year trying to persuade Europe that it could be worth two to three trillion. Like every guarantee in finance, the amount available for guarantee would be exceeded. Nobody would care. And over time, if even only part of my scenario played out, the Italian government could keep on buying more gold.
Nothing is ever quite that straightforward, of course. Pretty early on in this mission, the world – prodded by a large Fed stick – would band together and sequester Italy’s gold reserves. But that wouldn’t hold either if by that stage Spain (and perhaps even India) were doing the same thing. And it is highly likely that, quite early on with gold prices soaring, the Chinese would be attracted to the idea of simply getting richer and richer via its reserves…especially with the Americans selling theirs.
I am only making a general point here, and it’s this: Canute knew he couldn’t reverse the waves, and Bernanke – somewhere behind that anally clipped beard – knows he can’t stop an eventual interest rise somewhere. He’s just praying (like everyone else) that things won’t reach that stage. But they must, and they will. / link to original article
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