
What do you think? Does this say it all? It doesn’t matter, really. I laughed, and right now that feels good. ~J Posted on May 22, 2012

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The Case of the Missing Terrorists

Richard (RJ) Eskow – 10 Reasons To Be Suspicious About Wall Street’s Facebook Fiasco – 23 May 2012

Three of Wall Street biggest and best-known financial institutions handled the Facebook IPO, so why were people immediately suspicious when the stock soared and then promptly tanked? Easy answer: Because three of Wall Street biggest and best-known financial institutions handled the Facebook IPO.

Each of them – Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase – has a history of exactly the kinds of unethical and/or illegal behavior that might, just might, explain what happened with Facebook.

Read the whole story at : www.huffingtonpost.com link to original article

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Madre – Don’t Put Monsanto In Charge Of Ending Hunger In Africa – 22 May 2012 Posted on May 22, 2012 by lucas2012infos | Comments Off

Don’t Put Monsanto in Charge of Ending Hunger in Africa

NEW YORK – May 21 – This past weekend, President Obama hid out from protesters at Camp David. He was hosting the leaders of the world’s eight wealthiest economies, known as the G8. As they readied to meet, on Friday, Obama put forward his New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.

This occasion gave Rajiv Shah, the administrator of the US Agency for International Development, the chance to make an astonishing statement:

“We are never going to end hunger in Africa without private investment. There are things that only companies can do, like building silos for storage and developing seeds and fertilizers.”

That’s news to millions of women farmers in Africa. Their harvests feed their families and generate income that sustains local economies. For generations, they have been doing just those things: storing their harvests, protecting and developing seeds, using natural fertilizers.

Smallholder women farmers save and exchange seeds that help keep local crops viable. They demonstrate how to adapt to climate change by adjusting planting cycles, experimenting with new drought-resistant crops and more. They produce crucial food supplies using the small-scale, organic methods that are increasingly recognized as vital to the health of the planet—and everyone who lives on it.

There are differences, of course. Unlike big companies, small-scale women farmers do not grab millions of acres of land for monoculture plantations that destroy local biodiversity. They do not  develop the terminator seeds that hold farmers hostaged to the seed patent rights of corporations. They are not the inventors of chemical fertilizers that worsen climate change.

Those honors belong to the very companies that President Obama is inviting to oversee Africa’s food security. We know that their primary goal is not anybody’s food security but their own bottom line. That’s why it’s governments, and not corporations like Monsanto, that should bear responsibility for funding and developing agriculture. It is simply not true that only companies can build silos and develop seeds and fertilizers.

President Obama anticipated these criticisms when he addressed “whether this New Alliance is just a way for governments to shift the burden onto somebody else.” He was quick to assure that, even in hard economic times, his administration would continue to make investments in development aid. Let’s make sure that those investments work to prioritize the right to food over corporate profits.

Because here’s the truth: we’re never going to end hunger in Africa without upholding the rights of smallholder women farmers who feed the continent and care for its ecosystems.

MADRE is an international women’s human rights organization that works in partnership with community-based women’s organizations worldwide to address issues of health and reproductive rights, economic development, education, and other human rights. MADRE provides resources, training, and support to enable our sister organizations to meet concrete needs in their communities while working to shift the balance of power to promote long-term development and social justice. Since we began in 1983, MADRE has delivered nearly 25 million dollars worth of support to community-based women’s organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, the Balkans, and the United States. For more information about MADRE, visit our website at www.madre.org..

Stephanie Kung, Media Coordinator
+1 212 627 0444

www.commondreams.org link to original article

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Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 22 May 2012

With our help and our assistance so much can be possible for your world and for your people. There is no longer any need for anyone on your planet to suffer at the hands of lack and scarcity. We have the means and the technology to allow each soul incarnate in your world today to thrive beyond anything that has been imagined by many of you throughout all of your incarnations into the physical. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished once we set out to reach a new goal and assist a world reach a new height for their civilization.

Today here in your world there is a plan unfolding. This plan has been carefully laid out by many minds of the higher realms for many eons of time. This plan is not a loose fitting of different pieces and proposals from different peoples and different sectors of the overall operation. Instead, this plan is a tightly knit fusion of ideas and concepts of many great minds from many highly established civilizations that exist and that thrive throughout this universe. There has been no stone left unturned, and there has not been one area of this operation that has not been meticulously studied and carefully planned to bring about extraordinary change for your people and your planet.

We come with many valuable gifts for you that will alter the means to which you currently survive and how you currently entertain yourselves in the forms of recreation, including your avenues of musical and artistic expression. As part of these many changes, you will experience upgrades in your transportation systems, your waste disposal systems, your library systems, and your oceanic systems which will entail the rerouting of certain water arteries that can cause future problems for your world.

These changes are great and they are many, but they are not anything that we cannot handle and have not performed many times before. Our command is comprised of many highly trained and skilled members of personnel, and there is no area of each and every endeavor we undertake that is not fully and competently staffed by teams that specialize in specific fields of science, of agriculture, of geology, of psychology, of health, of wealth and resources. We look so forward to sharing with you our wide ranging expertise in these fields of operation and many more as well. We have been studying your world for a long period of time and we understand as greatly as even some of your academics in specific fields what needs to be done, what changes need to be made and how precisely to approach these changes and carry them out to the successful metamorphosis of the many and varied systems that today comprise the inner mechanics of your society.

Allow us to help you with these many changes that we have planned and have also scheduled to be implemented at certain intervals of time throughout this period in your history. Help us assist you to make these changes by allowing us to feel welcome as visiting family is welcomed to the home of a relative for a special occasion, for indeed we are your family who have come here to visit you for a brief period of reunion before we must move on to visit in reunion other members of our extended family as well. This is what we, the Galactic Federation of Light, do. We use our great technology to allow us to propel throughout the vastness of the galaxies that illuminate so beautifully our universe. We make stops at worlds that we feel are ready to welcome us, their brothers and sisters, and allow us to help them help themselves make many changes that will advance their societies onto a greater plateau of efficiency, safety, health, wealth and enjoyment for every being that calls this planet their home.

We have been doing this for millions of your Earth years. We are not new to this neighborhood. Some of our dedicated crewmembers and officers of high rank have been taking part in these missions to bring to worlds peace and love and higher ways of life since the formation of our organization millions of years ago. Some of you incarnate on Earth today in the human physical vessel are members of our organization, and have been members of our organization for hundreds of thousands, even over one million years. Considering this, would you agree that you and your planet are in very suitable company to assist you make the changes necessary here in your world to help it evolve to a higher state?

We have nothing but your best interest in mind. We have nothing but the best interest of each and every being throughout this entire universe in mind. We have the choice to choose the areas of endeavor that bring to us joy and happiness and allow us to experience new and exciting adventures. We have made our choice, and we have chosen to utilize our gifts from our Creator, who is your Creator, and use them to travel throughout the vastness of this universe and bring to worlds where ever they are located the gifts that we have been so blessed with.

If you had this choice to make today, to be able to travel throughout this entire universe at will in a relatively short period of time, what would you choose to do? Would you choose to plunder and infiltrate societal structures for your own greedy purposes, to line your pockets with the gold of another? Would you wish to seek out and destroy all the beautiful wonders they have designed and have built with their own hands, through the sweat of their own backbreaking labor? Would you burn all the beautiful works of literature that line the shelves of their wonderful libraries? Would you destroy all the pieces of music they have composed to share with others? Would you seek to harm families that have experienced so much hardship, struggle and pain already? Would you add to their misery and bring harm to them and their loved ones, all in the name of conquest? Or would you make the same choice that we have made, which is to travel throughout every corner of this universe bringing to worlds all the gifts that we have received, to share them with each and every being that we have the honor and the joy to meet?

Please take some time and think about this question, and then ask yourself why the Galactic Federation of Light is here today in your world and wishes to meet you. This is all we have to share with you today, but we have so much more to share with you in the days ahead. We love you, our brothers and sisters of the human family.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 22 May 2012

1 Pax, 10 Lamat, 8 Manik

Selamat Balik! We return! Much is happening on your world. A great confrontation between the dark and the Light is coming to a head. This struggle has thoroughly exhausted the governments of the West. These cabal-controlled regimes are at their wit’s end as an immense financial crisis continues to deepen. The multiple threats to their stability have increased as the rigors of keeping to a debt-oriented economy are compounded daily by the on-going rebellion of nations like Greece, Iceland, and Ireland, and this rattles them to the core. The arrogance of the large multinational banks is throwing further monkey wrenches into this tottering global predicament. Meanwhile, these same banks are suffering from their own meltdown as the number of liens placed on them accrues. The whole sorry mess teeters on the verge of collapse! As this house of cards wobbles, those nations focused on bringing down the current dollar fiat system are silently enjoying what they have already accomplished. The Light supports their efforts in this, as do those who have worked to create the new and fairer economic system.

Our task in these proceedings is one of support, advice, and a helping hand that can be used to promote the proposals made by these thoroughly alarmed nations. In the past, the non-aligned nations were considered by the West to be mere ‘afterthoughts.’ This marginalizing is now changing as the West’s once-mighty economies stare over the edge of a seemingly bottomless sinkhole. This present array of potential calamities was deliberately engineered by the dark cabal during the last two decades as part of their arrogant bid for world domination. Now, Heavenly circumstances beyond their control have thrown this goal off course, placing the cabal at the mercy of their own diabolical trickery. Meanwhile, the Ascended Masters’ plans to manifest the new monetary system will tie in nicely with the objectives drawn up by the secret sacred societies of those nations that have broken away from the cabal. The die is cast, and your world is living out the final days of a reality that has endured for millennia.

The programs to prepare you for first contact are progressing well. We revise these constantly, to keep up with the ever-shifting profiles in your medical dossiers. The first official broadcasts must be made in such a way as to quell your perplexities and worries. Each of you needs answers that will remove the sting from what we need to do, and we intend to interact personally with all who wish it. This part of the operation is firstly about multiple reunions: the peoples of Inner Earth will be reunited with surface humanity, followed shortly afterwards by the return of your spiritual and space families who, in Love, initially colonized your beautiful planet 900,000 years ago. The veil of amnesia that buffers you on the Earth plane makes you forget who you really are, which is why the first thing is to bring you up to speed on this pivotal issue, and on where first contact is taking you. Then we can more usefully describe how this transformation is to happen. The Ascended Masters will mentor you through this initial stage.

Those who have spiritually mentored you down through the ages will be available to field your questions and qualms about how you are to return to full consciousness. Although the process is complex, you need, and will be given, simple, comprehensive answers to your numerous queries. It is vital that you be relieved of any stress in this regard so that you can complete this adventure in a joyous frame of mind. Our personnel will at first assist the Ascended Masters and, if required, show you where this transformation is to take place. Many of you wonder why these procedures are necessary, and we are fully ready to satisfy any and all concerns and questions you may have. All our interactions with you will be Loving and honoring, and done with your full approval. Heaven also intends you to be wholly comfortable with the reasons for the use of a living Light chamber. This special cocoon will heal you and remove the myriad, artificial blocks to your RNA/DNA which were responsible for your fateful fall into limited consciousness 13 millennia ago.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to explain some of the activities that will bring you your freedom and end your illegal debt slavery. At the end of the 18th and the start of the 19th century, a banking system came into vogue that was based on accumulating great wealth by means of designated debt instruments. Over time this produced a global increase in the trading and amassing of ever-larger debt instruments, the instability of which resulted in ‘panics’ from time to time. These cycles consisted of a general upturn in the world’s trading markets followed by an abrupt downturn which created incredible wealth in the hands of a few. These cycles are now to end as we turn from this debt-driven economy to one based on true equity. The days of this fiat-money world are numbered and will be replaced by true-value money and an end to the whole concept of debt!

There presently exists on your world a series of banking acts that are to make all banking transactions fully transparent and that will regulate the type of funds that a bank needs to maintain in its reserves. All bank accounting is to be open, and a new agency will oversee those banks that operate either domestically or internationally. The funds they either acquire or dispense will be based on equity: precious metals (gold, silver, or platinum), or items that are highly valued, such as diamonds. In order to put this new system in play, an across-the-board debt-forgiveness is an essential prerequisite and will be announced worldwide. This new system is ready to go, but we are sure you understand that what we have described to you is a very simplified general outline of what created the current financial meltdown and the means by which it is to be resolved globally.

This new equity system and its new equity economy are to terminate the present abuses which have allowed the few (the dark cabal) to take over every nation and control it by clever use of its banking system. So therefore, one of our first moves is to take over the major banks of your world in order to secure the viability of the new financial system. But remember, even this fair and prosperity-oriented system is only a stopgap to the state of abundance that lies beyond money. Our over-arching concern here is your return to full consciousness. Heaven has mandated that you return to a state of consciousness that permits you to work with us in unfolding the divine plan for physicality. This supreme task is the basis for all our divine service and we are committed to your return to full consciousness in as short a time as divinely possible. We have acquired the assistance of the Galactic Federation and their capabilities will permit us to achieve our divine goals with great success!

Today, we updated you on what is ready to happen worldwide. Your reality has reached a point where it is no longer viable, and so a very serious intervention is underway which is to transform your world and quickly pave the way for your blessed return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

www.paoweb.com link to original article

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JP Morgan 'faces £4bn loss' from trading blunders in one of Square Mile's worst catastrophes Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2147717/JP-Morgan-faces-4bn-loss-Square-Miles-worst-catastrophes.html#ixzz1vfTUakyA