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"New Tomorrow", and Important Updates for this week
"New Tomorrow", and Important Updates for this week
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are going to go ahead and post this information although we have no personal intel to share the accuracy of this. Sounds Wonderful and right on with events in which need to occur, we will see how this all unfolds. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
I have to send my friend Aaron from Soldier Hugs a HUGE thank you for sending me the link to this article:
"New Tomorrow" has put together the most succinct and well documented history of the golden road and how we got to where we are now financially that I have ever read. Sorry David, but this article even outstrips your "Financial Tyranny" articles.
Part 1 and 2 are complete and are very in depth with tons of links to supporting documents- a long read, but well well worth the time.
Part 1 can be read HERE
Part 2 can be read HERE
I will post a section of Part 2 that deals with our current situation in regards to the collateral accounts and the Gold bonds that are part of the Keenan suit, but first I want to give an update on several things I've spoken about in the past few weeks.
We've always known that those in the positions of being decision makers and power movers have been liberally spraying smoke screens and at times spreading outright lies to keep people off balance and confused. The implementation of the new financial system and the release of the World Global Settlements and various other funds, and the Global Currency Revaluation has been kept under the heaviest blanket of secrecy imaginable and they don't want to give anyone the ability to "KNOW" when it's all going to happen. In the past week we've had this lesson driven home as we've realized that several of those whom we thought were working with us, were in fact withholding vital information.
Regardless of the questionable sources, our own personal sources have confirmation of very vital information. We are extremely excited about our current situation and where we all stand.
The prosperity packages are rolling out very very quickly right now- and we are looking for a magic number to trigger the event we are waiting for.
The World Global Settlements have been launched and that money is already on it's way around the world.
The Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocol/Funds have been released.
The Soekarno funds are Not part of the WGS and have not yet been released.
I'm currently working confirmation that mortgages in the US are being paid off and trying to get clarification of which program/funds are involved.
"Casper's" latest report was a huge pile of disinfo and lies. I've suspected that he's is a disinformation specialist for a while, and this report absolutely confirms it. A few facts mixed with a whole lot of bull crap.
The Federal Reserve is NOT printing more money. They have not printed money since 2009, and haven't printed even a single bill to replace the old and tattered bills since 2010. You can't print anything if you don't have printing presses or paper. QE3 is not what it seems nor what is being reported in the media.
Kerry from Project Camelot posted THIS yesterday:
I am being told there are at least 3 confirmations of something going on off the coast of San Francisco, involving US Navy Ships and an unknown number of Chinese vessels. I am being told this involves the arrest of possibly around 600 bankers.. who may be being held in a US ship... under arrest by the Hague. The arrests are being carried out by the U.S. military.At this time, regardless of the fact that i have more data I am being asked by at least one source not to go into any more detail than that. Apparently there are a number of operations going on at this time.At least one source has suggested that this may actually be a cover operation for something more far reaching.
This week I had two separate sources pass me this information as well.Regardless of the people out there bashing Drake and his messages, the arrests are taking place- quietly- and as soon as a certain financial event takes place, we will hear much more on this topic.
I know that the vast majority of people are unwilling, or incapable, of believing in something they can't see or hear in the media. It takes a leap of faith to put your hope on something unseen...
...but that's where we are at right now. I can tell you some of what I know is happening, the rest is a leap that is a combination of faith, hope, and following your inner voice that deep inside tells you that change is here.******************************************************
President Eddie Soekarno, the Amanah, the Book of Maklumat, and the Indonesian connectionAs more information continues to come forth regarding the parameters of this extraordinary lawsuit and its ramifications on the freeing up of the global economy, the pieces of the puzzle are slowly beginning to fit together.
As stated previously, in exchange for the gold which was surrendered by the Kuomintang government and the Dragon Family, bonds were issued in both 1928 as well as 1934 by the Federal Reserve Bank. An additional series of bonds were issued in 1968. These were known as 'Kennedy Bonds'. The issuance of these bonds provides a key link back to the aforementioned Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, signed by president John F. Kennedy. According to the lawsuit,"The Kennedy Bonds represent a series of notes printed for the purpose of creating a settlement fund for the gold and other precious metals transferred to the United States under the terms of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (GHMA), November 11, 1963 which was executed by, among others, President John F. Kennedy and President Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia, who had previously been entrusted with the care of the gold."
Yet another series of bonds were issued in 1998 as part of the Dragon Families attempts to collect interest on previously issued bonds. In each instance of bond issuance, the obligations for payment were never met by the Federal Reserve nor by the Bank for International Settlements. According to the wording of the Keenan federal lawsuit, in a statement made by Akihiko Yamaguchi, a "Signatory of the Dragon Family", and the same gentleman mentioned previously as being a part of the Chiasso incident,"We, the Dragon Family, requested some interest to the U.S. Government on 1998...And, we have received the Kennedy Bonds, issued in 1998, as one of the interest payments from the U.S. Government. I recognize as my position that the Kennedy Bonds were issued by the U.S. Government as the interest only for the Dragon Family."
According to the wording of the lien against the Federal Reserve bank,"The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned and had to be surrendered to the State. The States combined the bullion into a single central deposit (the BIS) whereby all countries would have equitable access. The gold is actually owned by the Governments through their Ministry of Finance. In 1948, under U.N. Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1 (Monetary Controller) and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee. It is deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott."
What can be gleaned from this is that this entire cache of gold has been passed between trustees (Soekarno - The Amanah - Neil Keenan) since at least the late 1940's. The way in which the rightful owners of this gold, the Dragon family and other Asian societies, have kept track of their deposits is through something known as the The Book of Maklumat or The Book of Codes. According to Benjamin Fulford, in an article posted on the 8th of November, 2011, just weeks before the Keenan lawsuit was filed (viewable HERE),
"This is a book that details the historical ownership of much of the world’s gold by a group of Asian royal families. They also have copies of the original cash certificates and evidence of how this money was transferred to the custodianship of the Government of the United States for the use on behalf of the international community."The following short audio clip from David Wilcock (HERE) explains in very simple terms the entire history of everything that you have read previously.
What is also coming to light is the fact that vast swaths of gold remain buried throughout the nation of Indonesia, perhaps even far more than was buried in the Philippines by Japan during Operation Golden Lily. Whether or not this is gold that was put on deposit through the BIS and the Federal Reserve or if it is in fact part of a vast network of treasure which was buried and kept secret by the Asian royal families is as yet unknown. It has also been brought to the attention of this writer that large amounts of gold are buried within Taiwan, Thailand, and Australia. Once again, it is not quite certain as to whether or not this gold has been 'put on deposit' or whether it has been kept a closely guarded secret. It also bears noting that according to the wording of the Keenan Federal lawsuit, the total value of the bonds granted to the Dragon family over the course of the past eighty years stretches into the "many thousands of trillions of United States Dollars."Pictures of Southeast Asian gold vaults provided to this writer by Drake Bailey via Neil KeenanGold vault in Thailand
One final thing bears noting in regards to this lawsuit and these liens. According to personal testimony from some of the principals involved, this writer understands that there are several different financial packages that are currently on the table in regards to what exactly will take place once these funds are released, and once the cabalist structure is removed from power. As mentioned previously, this is a world-wide effort involving more than 140 nations. Part of the discussion involves the funding of a plethora of ground-breaking new technologies which are currently in operation and have been very carefully suppressed for at least one hundred years. As we shall see in Part III of this research report, these new technologies have the potential to usher the world into a new golden age by providing cheap and limitless new sources of energy that will bring the world out of poverty, clean up all toxicity (air, land and sea), provide nutritious food and clean water to every person on earth, and lead us into a new dawn of deep space travel.
Kauilapele's Blog:A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran
Posted on 2012/09/12
This is not a political post, of any kind. I will not post details here. I simply point to this message posted by jhaines6. You may read this if you wish. And follow Higher Guidance.
The essence of the recent trip which we all took to Kauai, was to open new, and/or expand existing, Portals of Light in Hawaii, yes, and around the world. This was accomplished.
One of the photos taken at Kalalau (above left), demonstrates (to me, at least) that this Light has started to enter our planet, BIG time… from “without”, as well as from “within”. And, almost in an instant, it has permeated, to a much higher degree than before the mission, the consciousness of each and every human being upon this planet.
So when I read this this post by jhaines6, I knew that the so-called “dark ones” (sorry, cabal people… no capital first letters for you today) were having this tantrum fit, which is likely the first stage of their last stage on this planet.
So as you feel so guided, if you do, thank you for holding this beautiful region of our world in the Light and Love and Peace which we all have participated in bringing into the Planet.
I will be so bold as to say that, as we do this, in whatever way Guidance leads, the events described in the article will not materialize.
White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM
I wish that instead of five petitions, we had just one and everyone would sign it. Having five different petitions reduces the probability of getting enough signatures.
That said, I have been asking Facebook friends to sign the petition, and without any luck. One woman who has many,many Facebooks friends refused to post it to her wall because she said she is "very busy keeping track of the wars."
I am willing myself not to feel discouraged. And it amazes me that people who will get into huge debates over political and military issues will not sign a simple request for information.
Does anyone know how to get this information into the open by using the freedom of Information Act? We really are trying hard, galactic brothers and sisters.
Blessings, Astreia
~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship! ♥~
~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship! ♥~
Until now you had been raised to think, at the most, whether God exists and He created the Universe, or whether it formed itself from a big explosion. This is the deepest divide you can have in your actual state of consciousness. However, when you have ascended beyond the third dimension or the density in which you live, no longer will there be any more questions like this, since your connection with your Higher Self, being accentuated and improved, will give a capacity of understanding of who you are, where you come from, what are you made of, and where you come from, more in keeping with the truth.
Your philosophical, medical or scientific approaches will come to a total and absolute turnaround; not 180, but 360 degrees – to give you an idea of how you are going to change internally. You will become the closest you have to angels represented in your terrestrial archetypes, as they move on to become beings of great purity, wisdom and love.
Can you imagine what it would be like, to travel to any part of the planet, or even the Universe, simply when you want to? Are you aware of how you are going to progress, being able to contact us and many other inhabitants of worlds like Earth?
Can you get an idea of the state of inner happiness that you will feel, knowing that you are always fulfilling the instructions of your inner God, who will tell you at every moment how to act and when?
And when that happens, when that time comes, and believe me it is already very close, then you will become members of the Galactic Federation, and thus enjoy all the benefits and rights of being a member of the Federation. mIt’s like when you walk past a public pool, but you are not club members and therefore you can not access it; but one fine day you decide to become members and, after paying your admission fee, you are granted the right to swim in the pool whenever you want. Of course, in accordance to certain standards that have been set by the management of the public swimming pool, such as available times
for bathing, if you can eat and drink while bathing, or whether you should be clean [before entering the pool].
Already there are many people on this planet who are becoming aware of the step they are about to make, hence our presence in these times of great change for all of you, to help as many men and women as possible to learn about the quantum jump you are about to experience, and you can in turn help other human beings to understand it and to give it to them, without any trauma and with the knowing that whatever happens is necessary for this evolutionary leap that you
will live and enjoy here and now.
I pray that most of you manage to take advantage of the enormous impulse that the Heavenly Father is sending from the sacred place from which light energy is
projecting to you from His Being.I embrace you all, dear men and women of this wonderful blue planet,
Gaia.♥ Peace & Love ♥
Source: Commander Sohin
A message to Lightworkers of the world
I am posting this as a suggestion from my endearing soul sister Sangeeta G Handa, friend. To fill you in, this piece I wrote within a thread within The Violet Alchemists Society Group within a conversation about Light workers. You can find the full conversation
We are all here with the purpose of spreading the light into consciousness for the common task of an unprecedented paradigm shift that is resulting into a planetary awakening. We are each one of us playing the necessary keynote in the song of all creation. You may very well say that we all are light workers in our soul, where the light that connects us to divinity is. All of us. We just forgot. Fortunately fewer and fewer have serious unrecoverable amnesia these days though. The 99% is here.
The only difference is that some people have worked actively towards shedding the illusion of competition and separation more than others and remember more. That’s all. Lightworkers are here to assist their fellow humans remember they are light. Not to punish them for their amnesia. It really is a common disease to all of us. We are ALL RECOVERING ADDICTS FROM THE SAME DREAM.
Yes, when you remember more than others it is frustrating to see how people are still in a catatonic state of forgetfulness. Since you are still in the third
dimension it still hurts to experience the behavior they execute towards others, including yourself. It is important to acknowledge that truth and the pain inflicted but NEVER JUDGE because by the very act of judging you are not only separating yourself from oneness, but you are also judging yourself by trying to compete, motivated to move away from your source. You can never be the only one among billions. That is an un sustainable illusion. You are nevertheless the one and only. There is not another replica of you in all eternity. It’s just not possible to compete with uniqueness, that is part of the fallacy falling into the trap of separation.All elements of the virus of the mind are there, the tragic collective epidemic we are all crafting the antidote for, to once in for all eradicate its power from our mindset. Remember it is in the empathy of understanding that we were where somehow they are at now one day not to far away in time and life.
My experience is that while overcoming fear and power is common among Lightworkers, overcoming clarity is somewhat the most difficult task to fulfill in the awakening process for all of us, because it acts like a trap. When you see everything so clearly after overcoming fear and power in others and yourself you experience such a drunken feeling that you tend to forget that the real trick is to focus in keeping yourself in check to keep up the clarity. With humility. Because the tendency is to judge, and by judging, you are separating yourself from oneness again.
This is time for integrating, not separating. Any thoughts of competition and separation have to be archived in the past. They only serve to the good of all in your data base as a history reference, archived for good. You can safely say that darkness is nothing but the absence of light and ignorance is nothing but the absence of knowledge.
Think about it, Darkness then is just the absence of knowledge and the willingness to ignore knowledge. Albert Einstein says the only knowledge is your experience. When we all see the light in our human experience without labels of good or bad we can see the light in other people’ experience.
As for me I don’t think I could have made it without this group. It is one of the few sources that always reminds me that I am light ?
Thank you beautiful Sangeeta
Here is the link to THE VIOLET ALCHEMISTS SOCIETY Group in facebook.
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire
“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”
Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
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Riots Break Out in Cairo over Divisive American Film on the Prophet Mohammed 2012 SEPTEMBER 13
Two stories follow on a movie created some time ago whose trailer was recently aired in Cairo that represents the prophet Mohammed as a womanizer and was created by a group that included Rev. Terry Jones, the man who burned a Koran in 2011.
The trailer has caused riots there in protest against what Egyptians have called the anti-Muslim bias of the U.S. Government.
Perhaps I can reiterate here that, in my view, it’s time for the world to apologize to Muslims worldwide for the perpetration of alleging they were behind 9/11 when the truth is that the U.S. government of the day, the Bush government, and many other co-conspirators from numerous countries were actually behind it.
I personally do apologize to Muslims around the world for the lie that has been propagated that they were responsible for 9/11 (and my own participation in that lie) and acknowledge that Islam, Muslims generally, and the Muslim populations of various countries like Afghanistan were in no way responsible for the events of that day.
You’re welcome to join me in that apology or to create petitions that invite others to join in.
On this subject, see:
- “This 9/11, It’s Time to Apologize to Muslims,” at
- “This 9/11, Vindicate the American Muslim Community,” at
- “What War on Terror?” OpEdNews, Oct. 28, 2008, at
- “To Muslims of America, I Apologize (Reissued),” OpEdNews, Oct. 17, 2007, at;
- “In the Name of All who Died on 9/11, We Must Act Now,” OpEdNews, Sept. 4, 2007, at
Fifteen minutes of infamy: The film that sparked Muslim protests
KC Wildmoon, Storyful, 12 Sept. 2012
Ordinarily I would post the video in question, which is a trailer for the film. But out of concern for the sensitivity of Muslim readers, I won’t post it.
However I will point readers to the Youtube site, should they wish to view it for themselves for the purpose of seeing what the controversy centers around.
Please note that the actors concerned have said that they did not say the lines that they are represented as saying in the film. They allege that dialogue has been dubbed in and attributed to them.
I personally suspect that this is a cabal attempt to stir up dissension and conflict.
A video just under 14-minutes long that has been on YouTube since July 2 sparked protests outside US diplomatic missions in several Arabic countries this week. It claims to be the “trailer” from a movie called “The Real Life of Muhammad” or “Innocence of Muslims.” But it’s been available online for over two months. Why did protests only kick off on Tuesday?
The video was uploaded to the YouTube account of one Sam Bacile on July 2, 2012. A shorter version was uploaded on July 1. Neither made the kind of impact we’re now seeing. At least two other versions of the video — one dubbed in Arabic and uploaded to the director’s channel on September 4 and another subtitled in Arabic and uploaded to a different channel on July 18 — were briefly removed from YouTube over a copyright claim but have been restored. YouTube has since temporarily restricted access to the video in Egypt and Libya, citing “the very difficult situation” there.
The protests, however, only began after an Egyptian TV station aired a clip from the video earlier this week:
Credit : elmokhalestv7
The broadcast above, and other Egyptian media accounts, specifically mention Terry Jones, an American fundamentalist known for burning copies of the Quran, and American Copt Morris Sadek. While Sadek’s National American Coptic Assembly does have close connections with Rev. Terry Jones, neither Sadek nor Jones appear to have been involved with the film in any way until last week, when Sadek promoted it the day after the dubbed version appeared on Bacile’s YouTube channel with this blog post.
In the post, Sadek linked the film with Jones’s plans to put the Prophet Muhammad on trial on September 11, 2012. Jones released a video of the “trial” which can be seen here.
Sadek’s connections with Jones aren’t new. The blog post includes this photograph of Sadek (in the red tie), New Jersey doctor Esmat Zaklama, also a Copt, and Jones at a demonstration in Washington in June. Other pictures on Sadek’s Facebook page show him with Jones in 2010, when the American made headlines with threats to burn the Quran.
Credit : Morris SadekThough the alleged involvement of Jones and Sadek may have incited protesters, so far it doesn’t appear that either were involved in the making of the film. Sadek only mentioned the film in his September 5 blog post, and Jones did not appear to be aware of the film until after the protests began, when he announced on his Facebook page that he would air the trailer at his “trial”.
@ashrafkhalil I called him: his press person was not aware of it; nothing on his Web site. Then hours later he announced he would screen it
Jones told Orlando, Florida television station WESH that he had been unable to play the video at the “trial” because of “internet problems” and defended his anti-Islamic activities.
Jones said he supports the film and wanted to show it to his congregation, but could not Tuesday because of an Internet problem. The pastor said beyond his support, he was not financially or creatively involved in the making of the movie.
Credit : WESH-TV
Much of the media focus is now turning to Bacile, the name on the YouTube account on which the offending video appears. According to a Wall Street Journal report, he’s a 56-year-old California real estate developer who identifies himself as a Jewish Israeli and claims to have produced, directed and written the two-hour film. But Jeffrey Goldberg from The Atlantic reported speaking to another man alleged to have been involved in the production who told him “Sam Bacile” was a pseudonym and that he was not Israeli:
As part of my search for more information about Sam Bacile, the alleged producer of the now-infamous anti-Muhammad film trailer “The Innocence of Muslims,” I just called a man named Steve Klein — a self-described militant Christian activist in Riverside, California (whose actual business, he said, is in selling “hard-to-place home insurance”), who has been described in multiple media accounts as a consultant to the film.
Klein told me that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym. He said he did not know “Bacile”’s real name.
Credit : The Atlantic
The search continues, but what is clear is that regardless of the identity of Bacile, it was the names of Terry Jones and Morris Sadek in connection with the video that alerted – and angered – many of those who went on to protest its existence.
Protests at U.S. embassies may be spurred by film
Hamilton Spectator, Sept. 11, 2012–protests-at-u-s-embassies-may-be-spurred-by-film
CAIRO Protesters in Libya and Egypt stormed U.S. diplomatic missions Tuesday on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in a day of rage that underscored the growth of fundamentalist movements in countries where new governments were swept to power in the aftermath of last year’s Arab spring.
In Cairo, with a metropolitan population of nearly 19 million, thousands of demonstrators stormed the U.S. Embassy, lowered the American flag and destroyed it, then danced atop the walls in a protest that lasted hours. Egyptian police made no effort to confront the non-violent crowd.
In Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi, protesters stormed the U.S. consulate, setting the building ablaze. Witnesses said they heard loud explosions nearby and that armed men had surrounded the area around the consulate, blocking the road and making it impossible for reporters to film the scene.
One man in Benghazi, who didn’t want to be identified for security reasons, suggested that Islamists were responsible for the attacks. In recent weeks, Muslim fundamentalists have destroyed cemeteries and mosques in Libya associated with the moderate Sufi strain of Islam.
In Cairo, police surrounded the embassy building but made no move to confront the demonstrators as they sprayed graffiti on the four-metre high walls that encircle the compound. One protester tested his spray can on a policemen’s shield before aiming it at the wall; the officer simply shrugged.
The police also made no move to challenge the protesters as they lowered the American flag. As the flag was torn and then set on fire, a man climbed a ladder alongside the flagpole and replaced the flag with one that read, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger.”
Among the chants yelled toward the embassy was “Take a picture, Obama, we are all Osama,” a reference to Osama bin Laden, who planned and financed the 9/11 attacks and whom U.S. commandos killed on May 2, 2011.
State Department officials said their employees weren’t in danger. Most had gone home early in anticipation that protesters would scale the wall around 5 p.m.
The protests were spurred by two impressions among some Egyptians: That the U.S. is anti-Muslim and doing harm to the Muslim world. It was a reminder that Egypt’s first democratic election, which the United States encouraged, has not yet yielded any change among some in widely held beliefs about American interests in the region.
Organizers of the protest at the embassy said they’d begun planning the event last week when a controversial Egyptian Christian activist who lives in the United States, Morris Sadek, released a trailer for a movie called “Muhammad” that repeatedly mocks the prophet and the religion. The 14-minute clip, which Sadek first posted on his Facebook page Sept 5, attacked basic tenets of the Islam and suggested that the religion had spread only because the prophet told those he encountered to “pay extortion or die” if they didn’t convert.
Christians make up roughly 10 percent of Egypt’s population, and officials from Egypt’s Coptic churches have condemned the film.
The film controversy came as a controversial Florida pastor, Terry Jones, whose burning of the Koran in 2011 set off days of rioting in Afghanistan, announced that he planned to put the prophet on trial Tuesday in what he called International Judge Muhammad Day.
In a video announcing the “trial,” Jones, wearing a black shirt with the word “Infidel” printed on it in Arabic, said that he planned to charge the prophet “with being a false prophet, thus leading 1.6 billion people astray.”
The embassy had tried to pre-empt the attack, issuing a statement hours earlier that condemned “the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”
McClatchy Newspapers
UntitleUS Federal Reserve Launches Big Stimulus, To Buy Bonds Until Jobs Reboundd
US Federal Reserve Launches Big Stimulus, To Buy Bonds Until Jobs Rebound
By Pedro da Costa and Alister Bull, Reuters – September 13, 2012
(Reuters) – The Federal Reserve launched another aggressive stimulus program on Thursday, saying it will buy $40 billion of mortgage debt per month and continue to purchase assets until the outlook for jobs improves substantially.
In a significant shift in the direction of U.S. monetary policy, the Fed has tied its unconventional bond buying directly to economic conditions, a move that is likely to be controversial among central bank critics.
“If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the committee will continue its purchase of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability,” the Fed said in a statement.
In an additional step that reflects just how concerned Fed officials have become about the health of the economy, policymakers said they would not likely raise rates from current rock-bottom lows until at least mid-2015. Previously, it had set such guidance at late 2014.
The decision comes in the face of widespread questions about the likely effectiveness of a further foray into unorthodox monetary policy, including from Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
The latest purchases build on the $2.3 trillion in U.S. government and housing-related debt the Fed has already bought.
The new move is even bolder than many investors had anticipated given its open-ended nature and clear links to unemployment.
Cooler Growth
U.S. economic growth cooled in the second quarter, coming in at a tepid 1.7 percent annual rate, and forecasters do not believe it is doing much better now.
The economy created just 96,000 jobs last month, less than needed to keep up with population growth. While the unemployment rate edged down to 8.1 percent it was only because so many Americans gave up on the search for work.
At 2 p.m., the Fed will provide fresh forecasts that could show softer projections for economic growth and higher unemployment, which would help provide a rationale for its decision.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will discuss the decision during a news conference at 2:15 p.m.
Where Have All the Chemtrails Gone? Well, Some Haven’t!
Andrew: Today SaLuSa covers two main topics, firstly concerning religious beliefs and secondly giving us a “preview” of how our lives will change following Ascension.He mentions that those who hold deeply entrenched religious beliefs will be among the last to accept the truth, but that this problem has been foreseen and will be addressed by the return of the teachers on whom their beliefs are based to explain their true messages.
He explains that our lives will be very different following Ascension. We will meet our guardians and the Angelic Beings who have stood by us through our many lives and we will develop consciousness levels that will define us as Galactic Beings. He enlarges on the advantages of the higher dimensions where there is no aging or illness, nor any daily chores. All our needs will be met and life will be joyful and satisfying in all respects.
SaLuSa: September 14, 2012
Channelled by Mike Quinsey
Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen, and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based will return to explain what their true message was.
Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers’ hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured. Our presence, and your understanding of our service to you, has helped you realise that a point can be reached in your evolution when you can go within to find the truth. It clearly does not mean that you should not converse with others, as it is always useful to consider other points of view.
We have already set out our beliefs as a creed that we uphold, and which expresses our place of service to others within the Universe. At our level of vibration only the truth can exist, and it is one that you are also moving into very soon.
So we ask you to be open to new ideas which in general terms are based upon the Oneness of All That Is. The problem you have had is that your civilization has become fragmented and separated into so many schisms you find it difficult to know what to believe. Furthermore, it has brought about so much conflict that you have fought amongst yourselves to prove who is right and who is wrong.
On Earth tolerance is not found in abundance, and this is caused by those trying to hold onto their power whether that be in religion or politics. We encourage you to accept that other souls will not necessarily be at your stage of understanding, and realize that in time all will evolve at their own pace.
No one should be persecuted because of their beliefs, but neither should they try to impose them upon others. The period you are going through shows how dependent you all are upon each other, and it sometimes takes adversity to bring you together.
People are realizing that class distinction based upon wealth and education is keeping the divide in place, and that every person should have equal opportunities. Some come from deprived backgrounds and that is something that will be addressed with the changes. All will be considered as equal as they are in the eyes of God, no matter what karma they are serving out.
Indeed, in these end times many of you are taking on whatever is needed to clear it. Much of it refers to relationships with each other and some hard lessons are being learnt. Where minor lessons are concerned these can in fact be marked out, when it is apparent that your consciousness levels have been lifted up.
Once you ascend it will be very different to what you have experienced in your present dimension. The harshness and conflict you normally encounter will no longer come about, as there is total harmony and co-operation as all help each other for the greater good.
You will meet your guardians and Angelic Beings that have stood by your side through life after life. You will have developed consciousness levels that will give you a greater understanding of all things, and you will truly have become a Galactic Being. Your civilization is already a member of our Federation of Light, and a place awaits all those who wish to join us.
A fantastic life awaits you that releases you from the darkness that has accompanied you on your journey through your present dimension. You have done your bit and it is time to leave the cycle of rebirth that you have been experiencing.
In the future you will simply change bodies when you feel it is necessary, as natural decay and death will no longer be part of your experience. As you are no doubt aware, you also live for hundreds of years as you would count it, but with no aging and instead maintain a body in its prime condition. You will have all the time you need to follow your heart’s desire, and unlike on Earth you will not need money to do so as it will not be necessary.
Much that you view as an essential part of your life now will no longer be required, and as you dispense with material objects so they will be returned to source without any waste. In time you will have your personal craft, but join others for inter-dimensional travel into the depths of space.
You call these bigger craft Motherships and some are cities in their own rights. You could travel around in one for years at a time, and find all of your needs available at all times. They are totally self-sufficient and take advantage of free energy that is all around them. In those circumstances life is far from dull and always offers a sense of excitement as you travel into the unknown.
You will have noticed that where we have met your people, they have commented on our apparent skin-tight one-piece outfits. That is because they are thought into being and are literally our second skin and follow every movement of our body.
Unlike you, when we travel we do not have to take a suitcase full of essential belongings. In that respect our needs are very limited as for example, we do not have daily chores such as shaving or other bodily requirements. You will have quite a lot to learn when you commence your new lives, yet they are nowhere as complicated as life on Earth. Life in the higher dimensions is a joy and so satisfying in all respects.
When you feel downhearted just remember where your future lies, and the indescribable upliftment that will start a whole new chapter in your evolution. The pain and suffering you have experienced will pass, and such memories will eventually fade into the past to be finally forgotten.
So keep your sights on what is to come and not what has been, and do not allow negative thoughts to distract you. No matter what fears are raised by the news or speculation about your future, it will all be short lived. Until the dark Ones are removed they will still try to interfere with your progress, believing that somehow they will still succeed. They will learn that they have little power left and cannot return to their previous level of control.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring the best wishes of the Galactic Federation for you, and a successful conclusion to your lives. You have worked hard and long to achieve it, and deserve to experience a most satisfying fulfilment.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
Where Have All the Chemtrails Gone? Well, Some Haven’t!
In response to Steve’s recent article of September 9th, many readers have written in to offer a different perspective on the absence or presence of chemtrails.Apparently we aren’t completely free of them everywhere yet, and I wonder if it would help to know where on Earth we are still getting sprayed. Perhaps some kind of pattern will emerge that will lead to an understanding of why it’s been so clear in some places and in others, we are still being bombarded with chemicals intentionally laced into our skies.
William from the west coast of Ireland: Last Wednesday they were drowning the place in chemtrails. I spent the time parked up at the sea front watching them and explaining to my elderly mum what the real reason was behind them. She understood when I said its to keep us from our connection with source. I live on the east coast and we still had them up until Sunday, but I did notice the instant clean up from what I call Celestial Beings. We still have our friends in the British air force flying out of Lockerbie and dumping their (bleep) coast to coast here in Ireland. Even with help from above, they’ve still been successful laying their poison down. I had to retreat inside last evening as they were quite heavy here in Kildare. In recent times I’ve been taking them as a past problem, and I’m leaving the chemtrails and the rest of their 3D nonsense behind in the 3D.
Andrea, an expat from California living in Amsterdam: Major spraying is occurring here on almost a daily basis and sometimes the skies look like a crossword puzzle. I have had my own “personal disclosures” of the most amazing kinds. During the day, I have observed craft following below a plane spraying, and craft in the sky at the same time planes are marking their X over certain area. I would like to think that our space brothers and sisters are neutralizing the chemtrails. I know that they are space ships because I always get a bright “wink” of light from them…during the day.
On one rare, but clear beautiful day last month, I was sitting by a canal and wondering about a huge cloud over the canal that looked abnormal. Thinking to myself, “…is this cloud man-made, or something else?” I saw within the lower right section of the cloud two separate, medium size shapes materialize of a grayish/orange color that deepened in color and shape…this was clearly ships showing themselves to me.
As I watched in wonder and awe, they slowly de-materialized, and that section of the cloud all became white again. It was amazing and I remember clapping like a child in delight! This was all in broad daylight! Other people were around, but no one seemed to notice.
Right after this, the thought “X marks the spot” came to me (this was a strange thought) so I looked up and right above where I was sitting was a HUGE “X” from chemtrail spraying. I immediately thanked my star family and left the area.
I would like to think that our space brothers and sisters are neutralizing the chemtrails.
I know that they are starships, because I always get a “wink” of light from them…during the day, like they want me to know that they are there. I now wave at them (without a care) and get my wink of greetings back.
I am told by a Dutch woman that spraying has been going on here for so long that people do not notice. I have lived here for two years, and have always watched the skies and wondered why Amsterdam’s skies have the heaviest white cloud cover? It was only this summer that I connected the spraying with the white cloud cover.
Amsterdam also has a heavy presence of starships during the day and night, which seems to go un-noticed by the public. It is a little dis-heartening, but after during some research I discovered Amsterdams’ monarchy (the Prince) was involved in the early formation of the Bildeberg Group and their first meeting was held here in Amsterdam.
I’ve wondered if the Dutch government takes extra care to keep people “asleep” here? It feels to me that the appearance of starships is related to the heavy spraying, especially after additional research into chemtrails answered my question on why the planes mark an area with an X. The short answer is… measuring the changes with energetic particles in a specific area, which is then marked with an X!
Diane from a northwest suburb of Chicago: We have had extraordinarily clear skies with large cumulus clouds for the last few weeks. As I was driving to my office this afternoon (almost 4p CDT), there was a plane flying at an altitude that was difficult to photograph spewing a wide spray across Kane county of Illinois . They had obviously been at it for some time due to the number of trails. The skies had been gorgeous for weeks, so this is a bummer (spiritual term).
Robert from Sedona: Our area was smothered with chemtrails this past Saturday.
Aaron from Hawaii: Don’t know about other areas of the country, but they’re still laying them down here at least once a week– albeit far less than they used to…
Russell from San Luis Obispo County, California: We are midway between San Francisco & L.A.; Vandenberg AFB is about 50 miles south. There are several military bases here, plus a nuclear power plant (Diablo Canyon). A route for commercial jet traffic is over our area, as well as the daily route of transcontinental B52 flights, which is on a regular schedule.
Chemtrail activity plummeted in mid-July with about a dozen visible between then and September 7th-8th, which was very active. Not all jets produced trails, some none at all. Even the B52s produced dramatic trails. On the 8th, there was apparent interaction with sylphs (which were numerous, but I know nothing about them) with clear disruption of the chemtrail as it passed through the sylphs. Today (9th) was totally clear & cloudless.
For the last month & half, upon going outside and seeing clear skies, I would be filled with great joy and gratitude towards the efforts of our galactic brethren to clean our atmosphere. When the chemtrails reappeared in quantity, I was disconcerted briefly, but worked up a sense of prayer, as I feel that we are more responsible for the actual work of cleaning our environment than the Galactics. They assist us, but if we do not sustain a clear intent their work will be for naught, or its effect largely diminished. So for every clear sky, I express gratitude in prayer. For every creature which crosses my path, I give a greeting. Every insect in our home which makes its presence known, I escort outside with a blessing for a more interesting & full life. Everything is patiently waiting for us to expand our awareness, to be able to communicate with all things.
Kerstin from the northern part of Germany is still seeing a lot of chemtrails.
Donna from Oregon: In July, we had no chemtrails in “the valley”, the area running from Portland to Eugene. I was so excited! In August they picked up again hard and heavy. They continue and yesterday 9/8/12 was particularly active with very large, dense chemtrails all day long. On Thursday 9/6/12, I was sitting on my patio at night as I always do when it’s dark, looking for friendly visitors. I saw 8 lights coming towards me, very very close to each other. I got so excited! Then, to my dismay, I realized they were planes. Eight planes were flying next to each other VERY close all heading the same direction. I’ve thought for weeks now that they’ve been spraying at night because the morning sky is very blueberry milky, not clear blue. This confirmed it for me. My best friend lives on the east coast of Florida and she tells me weekly that they are still getting blasted hard every day there. My friend and I keep praying for help with the chemtrails, thanking and sending love and gratitude and positive creations of the day when there won’t be anymore chemicals sprayed on us, and that is apparently still in the future. We’re trying very hard to create it as our reality today. In the valley in Oregon, we’re heading in to rainy season and we don’t see the sky for months and months so we have no idea what’s going on up there.
Deb from northern Indiana: The most we’ve gone is four days without spraying at any one stretch. Just as soon as the toxins fall to a couple hundred feet above the ground, they resume days and days of almost continuous spraying. With almost two weeks to go until autumn, our trees are changing due to the 20% reduction in light reaching them and it’s not because of natural cloud cover. Yesterday we had a partly cloudy day and about half the clouds were the normal white puffy ones and the rest were dark gray and brown, which are anything but normal.
I have a friend in Tallahassee and she says she can rarely even see stars or even a full moon due to the constant spraying in that area.Jayne from the south of England: Yesterday was the worst ever day we’ve had. We counted over 50…yes 50 chemtrails in our skies, starting very early and continuing through until the evening. It was a horrendous sight. My enlightened friend took a photo of them as they were the biggest and widest ones we have ever seen. We have never had one day without them. We were both in tears and had to remain indoors. We feel if we have many more days like yesterday we will be dead before ascension arrives.
Kris from the metropolitan Phoenix area: This area has been sprayed relentlessly for years and years. We do have significant Sylph activity that acts as a counterbalance, but, of late, the onslaught has been stunning — seemingly accelerating. I have read much about chemtrails and know that there is vast discussion about their purpose — from population control to mind control to prepping the atmosphere for the great faked alien landing hologram predicted by a few scientists. However, another thought came to me the other day like a bolt….and if this appears in the Scenario archives, my apologies as I could not find it…
But what if chemtrails are really being used to block the light that is being sent to activate our DNA? Clearly the PTB know that this is what the influx of light is designed to do, yes? So what if all of this is designed to ensure that we do NOT activate — that we do not move from carbon to crystalline — that we do not ascend?
Personally, I do not fear this — I am simply wondering if that concept has been brought forth by AAM or perhaps Matthew or SaLuSa at some point? I do, however, think it is important that we assume this to be true so that we can direct our efforts to Love. Love of the Sylphs who help to clean the air. Love of our ability to help them transmute the dangers of chemtrails with our intention. Even Love of the chemtrails themselves for affording us the opportunity to send love to things that we could normally fear — knowing our power — truly stepping IN to our power and, in the process, releasing fear…and replacing it with the knowing that all is well and that we are well on the road that will lead us far beyond feeble attempts to control us. I liken this potential thought to trying to empty the ocean one thimble at a time. We are powerful beyond measure!
Barry of Norfolk, Virginia: Chemtrails now morning, noon, night for weeks non-stop. Hard to understand how we are moving forward, cabal is losing but this has been stepped up to a record pace. I heard the karmic reason months before but really, it’s crazy here.
Here in northwestern New Jersey the skies have been delightfully clear of trails for maybe 5 months or so, with the occasional exception numbering perhaps 4 or 5 chemtrails in all that time. I’ve noticed the sky is a deeper blue as well. I still do this but clearly not as often, but when I see a chemtrail I send light and love to all the folks who knew about the flight and let it go anyway. I surround the trails and the plane with golden light and in my very creative imagination I transform the chemicals into high frequency-inducing Source energy and Light that then falls to Earth to bless all upon her. I took all the messages about thinking big to heart. I’m embracing the idea that we create the world around us and that we are made of Love and Light, and that’s what my heart tells me Love and Light would do.
Stockman: “Ron Paul Is Right: The Fed, And The Lunatics That Run It, Are The Heart Of The Problem
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/10/2012 10:07 -0400
Source: ZeroHedgeFormer Reagan OMB Director David Stockman was ‘allowed’ on CNBC this morning – much to their chagrin now we suspect – and espoused his own brand of truthiness, starting with this epic tirade:
“Ron Paul is the only one who is right about the Fed, and the Fed is the heart of the problem. They have destroyed the capital markets and the money markets; interest rates mean nothing; everything is trading off the Fed and Wall Street isn’t even home – as it’s now a bunch of computers trading word-clouds emitted by this central banker and that.“
In this environment, he goes on, everyone is being given the wrong signal – i.e. the Ryan/Romney campaign is abnout restoring vibrant capitalism; how can you do that when the financial markets are dead – the lifeblood of a capitalist system. And that is the problem today.
An excellent discussion ensues diving into the lack of fiscal discipline (that is enabled by a Fed ZIRP) as “[politicians] will never do it when you can keep borrowing free-money forever” and summed up nicely with this subtle sentence:
“The Fed (and the lunatics that run it) are telling the whole world untruths about the cost of money and the price of risk.”
To watch the CNBC video, CLICK HERE
Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag”
Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Source: Veterans Today———-
Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence across the Middle East.
Our investigation into Jones past showed him to be a trained CIA asset with direct ties to the Mossad. He served in Germany for years as an organizer for the CIA under the highly secret “Gladio” program until expelled by the German government.
VT offers its heartfelt condolences to the family of Ambassador Stevens and the families of the other Americans lost in Libya.
Here is an MSNBC clip covering their “day late” discovery of Jones at the heart of what is a conspiracy, not only to cause unrest but as a cover for assassinations of US diplomats by highly trained special operations teams.
The network news has been told to find a way to blame “Al Qaeda” on the killings at the embassy in Libya. It has now become an accepted fact that the demonstrations were orchestrated to cover the murders.
The video below is part of the streaming broadcast which includes scenes that are illegal to show, thus is only a short representation.
First of all as to the “film” or whatever. As news managed to get past the “controllers,” it became obvious that the “Israeli” director never existed and the film had been financed by a group out of Las Vegas in the casino business tied directly to the Romney campaign.
This we know. You will see no reporting of this although the security around those funding the film and the quick “pounce” Romney made on Obama are enough to spark curiosity, if such a thing existed.
I am not willing to name Sheldon Adelson as the person who financed the film. Someone should ask him, however.
Normally, by now, we would have SITE Intelligence, the Mossad operation that takes credit in the name of invented terror organizations dig up a mysterious website taking credit.
The reason that hasn’t happened is that the mainstream news went from “the evil Muslim mobs did it” to “it was a conspiracy” quicker than expected. Give them a day and they will come up with what has been asked of them. That?
A phony website is, in all probability, being prepared to announce that the attack in Libya and the special operations aspect of the killings of the American diplomats was done by “highly trained jihadists.”
I hope this announcement in advance doesn’t interfere with their efforts.
Actual intelligence sources in Libya have told us the following:
Printed and distributed days in advance
“The killings of the diplomats were done under the cover of the riots which had been orchestrated in advance over a series of days.
Four color printed placards were ready to distribute prior to the Jones “stream-cast” and groups had been warned in advance to prepare for a “serious foreign threat.”
The actual killings are said to have been done by a team of newly trained Special Forces from the United Arab Emirates working directly in conjunction with the Mossad.
Crowds were being managed by French DGSE agents, seen by the dozen, and British security service personnel were present but their role was not clear.
What is clear is that this was a carefully planned operation, orchestrating civil protests in order to facilitate the killing of American diplomats.”
The reasons for the entire operation are several. Two in particular are mentioned by analysts who actually observed some of the advance planning in both Egypt and Libya.
There are more than two, however.
- Netanyahu wished to embarrass President Obama after receiving a “slight” over his upcoming visit to the US. Though Obama phoned Netanyahu, there will be no White House visit.
- Netanyahu and his US affiliates carefully orchestrated these terror acts with supporters of the Romney camp including the “donors” responsible for the production of the original film.
- CIA cooperation in an attack on American diplomats was arranged through Bush era intermediaries who manage contractor firms that are now tasked with all CIA “black ops”
- Netanyahu is very upset at the US for scaling back joint military operations and actually citing Israel, during secret briefings, as a potential threat to US forces.
- Netanyahu has been further emotionally destabilized by nearly violent confrontations with US Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey and US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, a close friend of President Obama’s.
As more information comes available and we are able to provide additional verifications, all printed above carries “double” verification already, we will keep our readers informed.
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- Prosthetic’s for Peace. The costs of Land Mines and War.
- Gaddafi’s Israeli Intel Mercenaries Uncovered
The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VT or any other VT authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors or partners. Legal NoticeRelated articles
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- US Ambassador Killed In Libya: Pastor Terry Jones To Blame? – OpEd (
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- CNN Panelist James Rubin: ‘Terry Jones Is A Warrior’ Just As Much As ‘The Preacher In Libya’ Shouting To A Mob (
M O N E Y A N D M A R K E T S* BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN * BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN *******************************************
Fed to Print $480 BILLION!
by Mike Larson
Thursday, September 13, 2012
******************************************Dear Jean,
At 12:30 today, Fed chief Ben Bernanke proved that what many have suspected all along is indeed true:
The U.S. Federal Reserve is patently INSANE!
In reporting on this week’s FOMC meetings, “Helicopter Ben” announced that the Fed is going to do the same old thing and expect better results:
It’s going to hold interest rates near zero as far as the eye can see …
And it’s going to print $40 BILLION new dollars per month in an attempt to stimulate the economy — a whopping $480 billion per year!
In short, it’s doing the same things it has done since 2008 — but expecting better results:
Any way you look at it, that’s THE VERY DEFINITION OF INSANITY!
Look: The Fed has ALREADY held interest rates near zero percent for four long years, now.
Plus, it has ALREADY created $1.8 trillion out of thin air through QE I and QE II …
And it has ALREADY bought hundreds of billions of dollars more worth of long-term Treasuries as part of Operation Twist 1 and 2.
So what’s the result?
Sure — all that free, easy money temporarily buoyed the stock market — but despite everything the Fed has done …
** Unemployment has stayed over 8% for 42 straight months …
** The average family home is STILL falling in value …
** Profits at many major corporations STILL stink — and they’re getting more rotten almost by the day …
** U.S. economic growth is STILL grinding to a near standstill …
** And now, as America approaches the precipice of its great fiscal cliff, the stock market looks for all the world as if it’s a massive bubble about to burst!
Worse, the middle class — the very backbone of the U.S. economy — is getting eaten alive:
>> HOUSEHOLD INCOME IS PLUNGING: The U.S. Census Bureau just reported that real median household income has now fallen for the fourth straight year.
Income has fallen so low, in fact, that when you adjust for inflation, the median family has the same income today as it did in 1967 — 45 long years ago!
>> THE INCOME GAP IS WIDENING ALARMINGLY: The Census Bureau is also reporting that the movement of income away from the middle class has just hit a record high.
That’s terrible news: Typically this kind of increasing disparity in income occurs just before economic calamities — and today, it’s more extreme even than before the 1929 stock-market crash and the Great Depression!
>> U.S. POVERTY IS AT ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH LEVELS: Finally, as if to add insult to injury, the Census Bureau also reports that a staggering 46.2 million Americans now live in poverty!
And not only isn’t the Fed HELPING … its failed efforts to revive the economy are creating a second crisis:
Thanks to the Fed’s past money-printing gambits, the Producer Price Index just jumped 1.7% in August — hands-down the biggest surge in producer price inflation going back to June of 2009!
Make no mistake:
The U.S. economy is broken.
Nothing the Fed can do will fix it.
To the contrary: The Fed’s easy money policies CREATED this crisis by inflating the housing bubble.
Now, they’re only making matters worse — doing absolutely NOTHING for the job market, while driving inflation higher!
And as America’s great Fiscal Cliff approaches — the catastrophe that JPMorgan says will push America “head-first into the fiscal meat grinder” — the storm clouds are darker than ever.
This is why we produced our new video — “America on the Brink: The Great Fiscal Cliff of 2012-13” — and why it is absolutely imperative that you view it immediately:
In this extensively documented video, I show you why so many leading authorities are saying this crisis is threatening to …
- Tear trillions of dollars out of the hands of U.S. consumers and companies …
- Bankrupt thousands of businesses …
- Drive the unemployment rate to unimaginable levels, and …
- Leave the U.S. stock market a smoking ruin.
Plus, I reveal …
- Why this will dwarf every financial catastrophe the world has ever seen and explain why it is now all but inevitable …
- The giant banks and popular stocks that are most likely to crash and burn as this event explodes into the headlines …
- Name the special types of investments that are most likely to skyrocket in value as this crisis unfolds …
- Give you six free survival manuals designed to help you defend what’s yours — and even grow your wealth as this modern-day catastrophe unfolds.
- And much more!
And although this crisis will not wait for you, me or anybody else … you can get all the critical information you need to prepare right now — for FREE!
This video is absolutely free to view — just turn up your computer speakers and click this link to begin preparing NOW!
Best wishes,
Mike Larson
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I’ve simply published this entire notice . . . Can you all watch the video? I don’t know, but if you’re interested, it’s worth a try. ~J
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Bix Weir – Let the Games Begin!, September 13, 2012 – I’ll hope to have some analysis later in the day . . . ~J Posted on September 13, 2012
The Fed announced the beginning of QE3 with $40B in purchases of Mortgage Backed Securities PER MONTH without stating any end date or dollar amount. Here is the statement:
“the Committee agreed today to increase policy accommodation by purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month.”
“If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. “
No limits. No end date. This is QE to INFINITY!
Make no mistake…this is all on purpose. This is the END GAME and the blame for the global meltdown will be placed, rightfully, on the shoulders of the Federal Reserve.
Basically, the Fed has chosen to FALL ON IT’S OWN SWORD!
The Gold and Silver move upward has caught all the shorts off guard. The Bad Guys are in deep, deep trouble as they took their cues from the likes of Jeffrey Christian and Jon Nadler who were advising EVERYONE to short gold and silver.
Now it gets exciting!
PS – Ron Paul just happens to be speaking tomorrow night at the Liberty Political Action Conference…if you think that is a coincidence then I have some lovely swamp land to sell you in Florida!
The world is about to change.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir