
Human Sacrifice Witness – Bohemian Orgy of Power

Human Sacrifice Witness – Bohemian Orgy of Power

Peter Tscherneff – Anthony J Hilder

Sat, Jul 14, 2012

Subject: Bohemian Grove Satanic Sacrifice

www.MorningLiberty.com     More intel posted below…

Lots going on at the Grove, protesting like never before!
See youtube users other videos.

Notice the kind of boy that was sacrificed… 49 sec clip

Eyewitness To Bohemian Grove Satanic Sacrifice – Peter Tscherneff – Anthony J Hilder

0 Human Sacrifice Witness   Bohemian Orgy of Power






"I…………………………, now in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Michael the Archangel, The Blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, sacred hosts of Heaven, and to you, my ghostly Father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyaola, in the Ponification of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that his holiness, the Pope, is Christ's Vice-regent, and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may be safely destroyed. "Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and customs against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, whatever especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authority of the Church of England and Scotland, the branches of the same, now established in Ireland, and on the continent of America and elsewhere….I so now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers.

"I do further declare, that I will help and assist and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant of Liberal doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise.

"I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels, from time to tome as they may instruct me, and not to divulge directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father…..

"I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver) but unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. "That I will go to any part of the world, whatsoever, without murmuring and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me…..I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age no condition, and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.

That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poinard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons whatsoever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith of the Society of Jesus." Congressional Record, House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pages 3215-16, sited: The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln



 Human Sacrifice Witness   Bohemian Orgy of Power

"I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery!"

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In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame,
two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.–John Adams

Psalm 94:20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?

Beside the preaching of the Gospel, we have another mission, namely, the perpetuation of the free agency of man and the
maintenance of liberty, freedom and the rights of man. -  John Taylor JD 23:63

“Democracy is the road to Socialism.” Said Karl Marx. Authored The Communist Manifesto. —

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halo Human Sacrifice Witness   Bohemian Orgy of Power'In God I Trust' halo Human Sacrifice Witness   Bohemian Orgy of Power
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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Jon Stewart Rips Brian Ross For Aurora Shooting Tea Party Gaffe (VIDEO)

In light of Friday's shooting in Aurora, Colorado, you'd think that the news media circuit would be having a field day with gun control talk. But most pundits asked to weigh in have been steering clear of the topic, claiming that it's "too soon" to discuss the nation's gun policies, and instead opting to discuss how unfortunate the tragedy is.

So on Monday night's "Daily Show," Jon Stewart gave the scenario some perspective:

You're telling me that it's still too soon to have a conversation about it? You're telling me that to discuss the epidemic of gun violence in this country, for that there is a waiting period. Yeah, I guess you'd hate to go into a conversation about guns all hot-headed and say something impulsively you'll never be able to take back. Look: this is the time to talk about all of it. Everything should be on the table. Anything that could possibly help mitigate these terrible events. I'm not even saying gun control would do it, I'm just saying it's got to be part of the conversation.

But it wasn't just the lack of discourse that had Stewart concerned. ABC News' Brian Ross reported that James Holmes, the shooter, may also be Tea Party-affiliated because an online search had pointed him to a message board where someone by the same name in Aurora, Colorado had posted. Later in the broadcast, Ross received more information and corrected himself -- the Tea Party supporter and the shooter were, in fact, two different James Holmes, but the damage was already done in Stewart's eyes. Ross had already accused an innocent guy of being a murderer, and no apology was issued.

The words he thought were missing from Ross' report?

And I am really sorry. Really f*cking sorry. Deeply sorry. Deeply, irrevocably sorry to the innocent man that I casually, baselessly and publicly accused of -- I don't know -- maybe being a mass murderer. Cause when I was Googling his name I saw the phrase 'the Tea Party' and I thought, 'Oh! That's a pre-existing narrative! I should get that on the TV!'

Watch clip one above and clip two below and be sure to weigh in in the comments.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Assault Weapons Immune From Post-9/11 Security Crackdown

First of all, I must admit that I am one of those “Conspiracy Nuts” who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I’m trying to solve a centuries old puzzle. The “All Seeing Eye”, the pyramid, “One World Government”, Masonic symbols, the implications of the Latin words, even the words “In God We Trust” added in 1955…all of it…I’m a big fan of secret meaning. Just Google “US Dollar Hidden Meaning” and you will find almost EVERY INTERPRETATION you can imagine. Since I don’t know which is true…I tend to believe ALL OF THEM. More fun that way. If you think this is all hogwash and there is no meaning to the back of the $1 bill…”Duh, it’s just a nice picture”…then this article is not for you.

So, of course, I was more than excited when the new $100 bill was FINALLY announced and IT HAD ALL THAT GOLD ON IT!


I admit that I am slightly biased on this. One of the central themes of my work at the Road to Roota Letters is that there is a group of people working to end the fiat money system and return the US back to the Gold Standard. For those unfamiliar with the concept read:

The Road to Roota Theory http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/190.cfm

A subscriber tipped me off years ago that the new $100 bill would be “special” when it finally got released and he wasn’t lying. I LOVE this bill! Check out how it turns gold in the light…

Ok. So it may be a coincidence and I may have an over active imagination but bear with me while we explore further. Take a real close look at the new bill keeping in mind that the US has a special history of hidden meaning behind their bills and there’s a real possibility of a currency crash (with a return to the Gold Standard) in the very near future.

Let’s start with the most glaring difference even from the other new colored bills: that huge Blue Stripe down the right center. For those not familiar with the symbolism of the American flag colors: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice. Is it possible that the big Blue Stripe may have more significance that you might expect?

When it comes to monetary theory there are really only two serious camps. The first believes in fiat/paper money and the second believes in a “hard money” backed by gold. Lets assume these two opposing ideologies are represented on this bill. Look closely at the left side of the Blue Stripe.

Let’s say the left side represents the fiat/paper money camp. There is no new coloring at all just the same ole drab green. The same ole fiat money. It’s all there…the words “Federal Reserve Note”, the Official Fed Seal, Ooo..looks like the US Treasury Secretary signature has been moved from the right to the left side(come on…which camp did you think Geithner would be put in?!). And for you currency buffs, even Benjamin Franklin is positioned on the left of the Blue Stripe with that quizzical grin…why you ask?

Well, not many know it but Ben Franklin was a BIG supporter of paper money in his day. Don’t get me wrong, he was a great and loyal American who was very much anti-banker but in his day the battle was reversed. It was the English bankers who were all about forcing the colonists onto a Gold/Silver standard but Franklin knew that the overseas trade would leave no physical money for the colonies to conduct domestic commerce with. It was probably the TRUE cause of the American Revolution! Here’s a good representation of what happened:


Truthfully, it’s high time we rewrite the all the US History books and tell the world the REAL STORY. The American Revolution was actually…A REBELLION AGAINST THE BANKSTERS!

Back to the “Greenback”…

So you can see that everything on the left side of the new $100 bill relates to the continuance of fiat money.

Now let’s look at the right side of that Blue Stripe…the “Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice” side!

OH MY GOODNESS…GOLD GALORE!! A Gold Ink Well, Gold Liberty Bell, Gold Feather Pen, Gold “100″, Gold Watermark, Gold Writing in the background, Gold “July 4, 1776″…there’s even a HUGE gold “100″ on the back of the right side. The right side of this bill is so full of gold it will probably droop when you hand it to the cashier!

Here’s my take on all the Gold symbolism:

- The US has long prepared to return to a Gold Standard and the time has come.

- The Gold Ink Well symbolizes the power of Congress to pass laws that can dismantle the Fiat Money System with the stoke of a pen.

- The Gold Liberty Bell within the ink well symbolizes Congresses ability to write laws that destroy the banking cabal’s strangle hold on the Liberty of citizens in the United States.

- Notice the words “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS,PUBLIC AND PRIVATE” has also been moved from the left to the right side (or the gold standard side!)

- Notice how the color of the “100″ on the bottom front changes from GREEN to GOLD…still not convinced?

- And now my favorite… look at the wording right above the “100″ on the far right.

Do you see it?

“…the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new…”

That, my friends, comes directly from our Declaration of Independence and says the following:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Has there ever been a time in the last 100 years that the people were more ready to “alter or abolish” our government?!

Can “They” make it more obvious…GET READY FOR A GOLD STANDARD!

The odd fact that the US Treasury chose to “anti-counterfeit” the $100 bill last is very telling. The US $100 is the MOST counterfeited bill in the world by far. So much so that the fake bills even have their own name…the “SUPERDOLLAR” or “SUPERNOTE”.

The new $100′s were going to be released on Feb 10, 2011 but the Federal Reserve announced a “delay due to production problems”. Why wait so long? In this video it sure looks like they are in full production already. (what’s with the “Wizard of Oz-esque” green drapes? No, I won’t run with that!)

Oh, did you notice that the bill in all the sample photos was printed in “SERIES 2009″? I believe that the new $100′s are ready to go and HAVE BEEN READY SINCE THE ONSET OF THE CREDIT CRISIS! They were waiting for the crash and the return to a gold standard. With this announcement they might as well say …WE ARE READY TO COLLAPSE THE SYSTEM!!

The monetary camps split by the Blue Stripe, the Liberty Bell in the Gold Inkwell, the quotes of overthrowing the government, the delayed implementation of the $100 bill…

Get ready for a Gold Standard because we are just about there!

Thanks Jean! – www.jhaines6.wordpress.com link to original article / www.roadtoroota.com link to article

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Bix Weir – The Road To Roota Letters – The Hidden Meanings In The New $100 Bill! – 24 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

First of all, I must admit that I am one of those “Conspiracy Nuts” who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I’m trying to solve a centuries old puzzle. The “All Seeing Eye”, the pyramid, “One World Government”, Masonic symbols, the implications of the Latin words, even the words “In God We Trust” added in 1955…all of it…I’m a big fan of secret meaning. Just Google “US Dollar Hidden Meaning” and you will find almost EVERY INTERPRETATION you can imagine. Since I don’t know which is true…I tend to believe ALL OF THEM. More fun that way. If you think this is all hogwash and there is no meaning to the back of the $1 bill…”Duh, it’s just a nice picture”…then this article is not for you.

So, of course, I was more than excited when the new $100 bill was FINALLY announced and IT HAD ALL THAT GOLD ON IT!


I admit that I am slightly biased on this. One of the central themes of my work at the Road to Roota Letters is that there is a group of people working to end the fiat money system and return the US back to the Gold Standard. For those unfamiliar with the concept read:

The Road to Roota Theory http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/190.cfm

A subscriber tipped me off years ago that the new $100 bill would be “special” when it finally got released and he wasn’t lying. I LOVE this bill! Check out how it turns gold in the light…

Ok. So it may be a coincidence and I may have an over active imagination but bear with me while we explore further. Take a real close look at the new bill keeping in mind that the US has a special history of hidden meaning behind their bills and there’s a real possibility of a currency crash (with a return to the Gold Standard) in the very near future.

Let’s start with the most glaring difference even from the other new colored bills: that huge Blue Stripe down the right center. For those not familiar with the symbolism of the American flag colors: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice. Is it possible that the big Blue Stripe may have more significance that you might expect?

When it comes to monetary theory there are really only two serious camps. The first believes in fiat/paper money and the second believes in a “hard money” backed by gold. Lets assume these two opposing ideologies are represented on this bill. Look closely at the left side of the Blue Stripe.

Let’s say the left side represents the fiat/paper money camp. There is no new coloring at all just the same ole drab green. The same ole fiat money. It’s all there…the words “Federal Reserve Note”, the Official Fed Seal, Ooo..looks like the US Treasury Secretary signature has been moved from the right to the left side(come on…which camp did you think Geithner would be put in?!). And for you currency buffs, even Benjamin Franklin is positioned on the left of the Blue Stripe with that quizzical grin…why you ask?

Well, not many know it but Ben Franklin was a BIG supporter of paper money in his day. Don’t get me wrong, he was a great and loyal American who was very much anti-banker but in his day the battle was reversed. It was the English bankers who were all about forcing the colonists onto a Gold/Silver standard but Franklin knew that the overseas trade would leave no physical money for the colonies to conduct domestic commerce with. It was probably the TRUE cause of the American Revolution! Here’s a good representation of what happened:


Truthfully, it’s high time we rewrite the all the US History books and tell the world the REAL STORY. The American Revolution was actually…A REBELLION AGAINST THE BANKSTERS!

Back to the “Greenback”…

So you can see that everything on the left side of the new $100 bill relates to the continuance of fiat money.

Now let’s look at the right side of that Blue Stripe…the “Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice” side!

OH MY GOODNESS…GOLD GALORE!! A Gold Ink Well, Gold Liberty Bell, Gold Feather Pen, Gold “100″, Gold Watermark, Gold Writing in the background, Gold “July 4, 1776″…there’s even a HUGE gold “100″ on the back of the right side. The right side of this bill is so full of gold it will probably droop when you hand it to the cashier!

Here’s my take on all the Gold symbolism:

- The US has long prepared to return to a Gold Standard and the time has come.

- The Gold Ink Well symbolizes the power of Congress to pass laws that can dismantle the Fiat Money System with the stoke of a pen.

- The Gold Liberty Bell within the ink well symbolizes Congresses ability to write laws that destroy the banking cabal’s strangle hold on the Liberty of citizens in the United States.

- Notice the words “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS,PUBLIC AND PRIVATE” has also been moved from the left to the right side (or the gold standard side!)

- Notice how the color of the “100″ on the bottom front changes from GREEN to GOLD…still not convinced?

- And now my favorite… look at the wording right above the “100″ on the far right.

Do you see it?

“…the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new…”

That, my friends, comes directly from our Declaration of Independence and says the following:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Has there ever been a time in the last 100 years that the people were more ready to “alter or abolish” our government?!

Can “They” make it more obvious…GET READY FOR A GOLD STANDARD!

The odd fact that the US Treasury chose to “anti-counterfeit” the $100 bill last is very telling. The US $100 is the MOST counterfeited bill in the world by far. So much so that the fake bills even have their own name…the “SUPERDOLLAR” or “SUPERNOTE”.

The new $100′s were going to be released on Feb 10, 2011 but the Federal Reserve announced a “delay due to production problems”. Why wait so long? In this video it sure looks like they are in full production already. (what’s with the “Wizard of Oz-esque” green drapes? No, I won’t run with that!)

Oh, did you notice that the bill in all the sample photos was printed in “SERIES 2009″? I believe that the new $100′s are ready to go and HAVE BEEN READY SINCE THE ONSET OF THE CREDIT CRISIS! They were waiting for the crash and the return to a gold standard. With this announcement they might as well say …WE ARE READY TO COLLAPSE THE SYSTEM!!

The monetary camps split by the Blue Stripe, the Liberty Bell in the Gold Inkwell, the quotes of overthrowing the government, the delayed implementation of the $100 bill…

Get ready for a Gold Standard because we are just about there!

Thanks Jean! – www.jhaines6.wordpress.com link to original article / www.roadtoroota.com link to article

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Graham Dewyea – Our Galactic Family – InLight Blogtalkradio – With Clifford Stone – 23 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

Graham Dewyea interviews US Army UFO retrieval team member Clifford Stone on Our Galactic Family, July 22, 2012.

Direct link to Our Galactic Family InLight Radio Blogtalkradioshow 23 July 2012.

Sergeant Clifford Stone, now retired, served for 22 years in the Army and was a member of a top secret UFO crash recovery operation, which cataloged 57 different extraterrestrial races, many of whom were very much like us.  His role included serving as an interface between the government and extraterrestrial visitors, where he used his special abilities to communicate telepathically with them, which he has done since he was a child.

At times emotional, Clifford shares an experience coming upon a crashed craft and it’s occupants, and shares how in another encounter he helped a star being escape from custody.  We discuss the five star beings who were with him as a child, how extraterrestrials are assisting humanity and earth, ET spirituality, technology, unity consciousness, multidimensions, universal love, time travel, how ET’s assisted ancient cultures, Disclosure, and more.

Music: Rene Aubry, La Grande Cascade


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Spanish rallies turn violent as million people protest in 80 cities (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | The Galactic Free Press

Published: 20 July, 2012, 02:23
Edited: 21 July, 2012, 13:27

Firemen spray water over demonstrators during a protest against government austerity measures in Madrid. (REUTERS / Sergio Perez)

At least 15 people have been arrested and around 40 injured in central Madrid after police used force to disperse hundreds of thousands of angry protesters that flooded the streets in outrage against the country’s latest austerity package.

­Over a million public employees, trade union members and fed-up citizens have taken to the streets in over 80 Spanish cities.

Violence erupted in Madrid around midnight after dozens of protesters reached the city’s Puerta del Sol square and clashed with riot police. Security forces used batons, rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowd as it tried to enter the congress building located on the square. Some of the protesters lobbed bottles at officers. At least 10 policemen were injured during the clashes in the capital.

To read the rest of this story and see the photos and video, visit Russia Today.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

BBC News – Sean FitzPatrick Is Third Ex-Anglo Irish Bank Executive To Be Arrested In 24 Hours – 24 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

Former Anglo Irish Bank chairman Sean FitzPatrick has been arrested at Dublin airport

The former head of Anglo Irish Bank, Sean FitzPatrick, has been arrested by Irish police in connection with alleged financial irregularities at the bank.

Mr FitzPatrick has been appearing in court in Dublin.

He is the third former senior executive from Anglo Irish Bank to appear in court within the past 24 hours.

All three men face 16 charges in relation to an alleged failed attempt to prop up Anglo’s share price after a stock market collapse.

www.bbc.co.uk/news link to original article

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~A Message from The Earth Allies~ MISSION COMPLETE ALL PROMISES KEPT~ | The Galactic Free Press


This Event Guaranteed Humanity's Freedom













The ocean waves come crashing in against the smooth white sand as energies of renewed life and a Pure energy of Love come pouring into the rocks and lands, WE are separate no more, home at last!!!


....The charade is over as we take off our masks, and Look around at the Family, we Had played with for so long in duality..We Hug and Remember the Truth, that we are God and Co-Creators and we are ALL created from Love, and We are All Equal.

The winds of change are among us as the ushering of an Age begins a new life , a new story, and mother earth renews her lands.

....We now look ahead above the horizon and see our Beautiful Sun... shining ever so brightly on our newly painted trees and sands...we feel the breeze of freedom gently dissolving the ego's last stand, So that we can begin again With only Love within, as the True Leader, of
this Emerald Planet made of Love .

The Awakened Human Angels have made surrender a choice ALL souls have been seeking to remember since time began in separation.. .Surrendering
Now we had to for the Ultimate Divine plan, where we Become all One for the Highest good and best outcome for all, and to usher into the Earth Un~Conditional Pure Love, the Energy of The Real Name and the Truth of our Existence...

Our Hearts Now see the vision of the Golden age with it the same Joy and Freedom..where Heaven and Earth collide... and WE become one of Joyous Love, For this is The very truth and core,
we are ONE of the same...

Human Angels are reaching for others declaring they have made it to the land of the Free and are well prepared to Guide all out of misery,

Take our Hand , the Path has been walked and now
shown for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, The Truth of The Heart is calling, this is why we all Came, To witness the Return of
Light, and Humanity Free at Last!!!

....WE have Stepped away from the illusion that fear is something Real and have successfuly dissolved the ego that was keeping All from Being
Free to Feel...

Now to recognize Un~Conditional Love is finally here...Here to uncover the truth of one's being....not of human thinking for we are ready for
spiritual living and being...

Look for these Angels as they appear, before you "feeding the people, the freedom of Light, which is Information. .. sharing with others about Love, Truth, ..one must allow and feel..The Human
Angels are awake and now are walking among these lands fulfilling the missions and contracts to bring Love back into the Hearts of man.

...and Welcome all into the Paradise, the Garden of Eden, in which was once only a dream now truly manifested and waiting for all Hearts to
Awaken for it to be seen..Can you Now remember why we all came?

The Human Angels have broken free from the bonds of their thoughts, to the UnLimiting Potential of Love forever after, to show the way into Heaven With Bliss, By Being Love in Simple Service to laugh, to play, and simply just BE.

One must surrender and understand this is real..for when you awaken you will see us there....Love in Action, The Highest Possibility of Thought ever manifested.. .Because Love has Been requested, a Sacred prayer now is Answered.

Life without worry, doubt or fear...for we, The Human Angels are guided gently by a Divine Plan..we heard the Clarion call, we answered
and are well prepared.... We have been called into action...Look for us We are here....

The Golden gate is now opening for all who desire to go... follow your Heart and inner compass...see the treasures, miracles and gifts for The Divine Human Angels have awakened to shine a light for the path which once was dark and has now been lightened... .

We have taken our places on a new stage of Creation.... We were once the meek and all said disillusioned. ...and Now WE have spread our
wings and are singing with our beautiful Voices, The Liberty Bell is ringing, The Truth is Stepping Forward..... to lift the Planet up above
into a land of Unification from within the connection, Of One....The
Moment is Finally Here...

Heaven a land of Freedom, Love, and Living our Truest Passion...

We have bravely traveled out of the depths of illusion.... .andCouragously stand as Lighthouses, Divine human Angels, We stand as the Light of Attraction, the Focus of One Love, Brilliant in all its
facets, as the Atoms Gather together, remembering Divinity.... The Divine Plan is Unfolding with Love being the Only Answer, it is Now Love In Action. With Your Parents of Creation, Cheering You on. The Truth Will Set you Free, Royal Angels, Wake up, your Brothers and Sisters!






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Former David Cameron Aide Charged in New Round of British Hacking Scandal Indictments | The Galactic Free Press

Associated Press
July 24, 2012

A photo taken on May 8 shows former News of the World editor and Downing Street communications chief, Andy Coulson, arriving at the High Court in central London. British prosecutors on Monday, charged Andy Coulson and ex-News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks with phone-hacking. The Crown Prosecution Service said it was charging a total of eight people in relation to the scandal at Rupert Murdoch
A photo taken on May 8 shows former News of the World editor and Downing Street communications chief, Andy Coulson, arriving at the High Court in central London. British prosecutors on Monday, charged Andy Coulson and ex-News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks with phone-hacking. The Crown Prosecution Service said it was charging a total of eight people in relation to the scandal at Rupert Murdoch's now defunct News of the World tabloid, while it was taking no further action against five others. (AFP Photo/Carl Court)

British authorities on Tuesday charged an ex-aide to the British prime minister, a former protégé of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and six others in the ever-widening phone hacking scandal, accusing them of key roles in a lengthy campaign of illegal espionage that victimized hundreds of people, including celebrities Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

The announcement was a major development in a saga that has shaken Britain’s establishment and shows little sign of winding down. A senior police official said earlier this week that her force was investigating two new newspaper groups as well as more than 100 claims of computer hacking, improper access to medical records and other illegal behavior stemming from the scandal.

To read the rest of this story, visit The jakarta Globe.

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Your intent is all important now, as always. ~ Michael through Ron Head July 24, 2012 | The Galactic Free Press


Spanish        Portuguese


Today we shall speak of the events which are happening with increasing frequency on your planet, but which have not, as yet, been fully understood by the majority of your people.

Every day now you are seeing more and more of your financial elite being apprehended for their criminal practices.  They think of themselves as above the reach of law.  Indeed, that was the intent of many of the recent regulatory changes.  However there is still enough bite left that criminal investigators not bound to them are finding ways to bring them to justice.  As yet, even though many have rather impressive titles, this has not begun to reach the quiet, unseen manipulators.  However, we can assure you that they see it coming.


We tell you this so that you may put your minds to rest on the subject.  There are others who have taken upon themselves the task of ridding you of the oppressive burden you have been weighted down with.  Still others will see to clearing the less than upright from your governing bodies.  That will not be so hard once the paymasters are no longer able to pay.


We understand that you felt as if nothing was happening for you, and that all was empty promises.  We ask you now to look around and see that all is occurring as promised.  Relax now and remove as much of your attention from this process as you are able.  By far the more important thing for you now is your own ascension.  It is, after all, the reason for everything else.


Much is being sent to you now from many channels which will serve to aid in your clearing of fears and habits.  This is very important to your rapid growth.  Every effort you make now will result in far more of a result than ever before.  You are, each time, starting from a higher and more refined state.  Your intent is all important now, as always.  Find and hold within your hearts the very highest image of the Self which you truly are.  We promise you that it will not even come close, but it will be enough.  And as you grow each day and learn more of who you are, it will change and grow also.  Invite this Self to reside in your heart.  Act as if it is already you.  You have a saying which makes us chuckle, “Fake it till you make it.”  In this case it is more, “Fake it till you find out it is already true.”


Soon we shall be introducing you to others who will be entering our conversations.  Until we speak again, maintain your love and peace and share it with all.  Good day, my dearest friends.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/


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Are A-list Scientologist scandals hurting the church in Hollywood? | The Galactic Free Press


Pop Tarts

Published July 05, 2012


Tom Cruise gives a speech at the opening of a Scientology church in Spain in 2004. (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES – Just a couple of months ago, high-profile Hollywood Scientologist John Travolta was embroiled in a massive sex scandal when several masseurs accused the actor of sexual harassment and abuse.

Around the same time, rumors started to emerge that Scientologist Lisa-Marie Presley may have parted ways with the Church and penned a song about it on her new album, “Storm and Grace.” Elvis' daughter reportedly removed mention of Scientology on her website and used the organization’s jargon in the track “So Long,” with lyrics like “Those are all the people without eyes… Churches, they don't have a soul.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/07/05/are-list-scientologist-scandals-hurting-church-in-hollywood/#ixzz21YBqzlXb

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Traders Under Investigation For LIBOR Rigging Keep Turning Up At Swiss Hedge Funds


Matthew Boesler

Jul. 19, 2012, 2:15 PM

If you've been following the LIBOR interest-rate rigging scandal that is causing Wall Street to implode right now, you may be aware that major global banks all over the world are being dragged into the mess.

Individual traders from these banks are getting pinned with the blame. Bloomberg reports that Michael Zrihen at Credit Agricole, Didier Sander at HSBC, and Christian Bittar at Deutsche Bank are all under investigation over their involvement in the manipulation of LIBOR.

To read the rest of this story, visit Business Insider.

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17,000 Years of UFO Sightings (Video) | The Galactic Free Press

by Tom Rose
July 21, 2012 01:55 AM EDT

A video on YouTube chronicles 17,000 years of UFO sightings and the ancient humans who documented them, all the way back to the cave painters of southern France. It certainly puts today's explosion of sightings in proper perspective.

The slide show collection in the video below was compiled by curators at the website ConspiracyCollege.com and is certainly worth the 10 minutes it takes for each of the more than a dozen pictures included.

With no narration, or music soundtrack, the pictures speak eloquently for themselves. It's astounding to see the earliest depictions, crudely drawn images which have not been put into the proper context until recently. Probably because observers had no real idea what they were looking at.

But it becomes clear in light of the current UFO debate, that of wondering if extraterrestrial visitors have ever landed on Earth or whether today's sightings are the result of exotic, secret new military technoolgy.

The objective viewer may conclude that there is more to the story than, literally, meets the eye. It just goes to show that older civilizations were just as clueless when it came to strange phenomena in the skies.

And just as artistic and inspirational.

Here's the video:

What do you think?

Source: gather.com

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150 Mormons Leave Church, Cite Same-Sex Marriage, More As Why | The Galactic Free Press


Posted by: Bridgette P. LaVictoire
on July 1, 2012.


Mitt Romney in Paris, circa 1967

“This feels awesome. I don’t know if I would have had the courage exept in a group.” Those are the words of Alison Lucas from West Jordan, Utah. She was among a group of 150 Mormons who braved the heat in order to declare their independence from the religion. They gathered in a public park in Salt Lake City on Saturday in order to sign a “Declaration of Independence from Mormonism.” The reasons why they walked away was diverse, but included the Church’s stance on same-sex marriage.

The ceremony is rare given that most of the time Mormons are reluctant to make these kinds of public declarations. The group gathered at the park and then walked the half-mile up nearby Ensign Peak where, in 1847, Brigham Young stood in order to lay out what is today Salt Lake City. There, they shouted “Freedom” three times, cheered, clapped and hugged.

Leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not as simple as walking away, as with the Catholic Church. Members have to submit a formal letter seeking to have their names struck from the rolls. Letters of resignation were given to Zilpha Larsen of Lehi, Utah, who organized the event.

Larsen stated that “It’s been a hard journey and this is a symbolic end. I just hope that it boosts people up and helps them feel more comfortable in their decision.”

The LDS Church claims some 14.4 million members in the United States and across the globe. They have been influential in the continuing oppression of LGBT people world wide, including the raising of monies in order to get California’s Prop 8 passed in 2008. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is running for President, and his Mormon faith has also brought the Church into the news these days.

While the LDS Church views itself as the one “true” Christian faith, Evangelicals view it as a dangerous cult. The only reason why many Evangelicals are willing to dial that rhetoric back is because of their rank hatred for Barack Obama and not any true reconciliation with Mormonism. On the sly, Evangelicals still treat Mormonism like they do Catholicism- an ally that they will oppress as soon as they can. Evangelicals have blasted both Mormonism and Catholicism routinely over the last three decades even as they sought their support for their radial social agenda.

According to Reuters:

Among the reasons cited by those resigning are the church’s political activism against gay marriage and doctrinal teachings that conflict with scientific findings or are perceived as racist or sexist.

Others cite inconsistencies in the Mormons’ explanation of its own history, including the practice of polygamy. The church renounced plural marriage over a century ago as Utah was seeking statehood.

Asked about the resignations, a church spokesman said the church loves and respects each member.

“People make their own decisions about the direction they will follow in life,” spokesman Michael Purdy said in an email. “While there are very few who take this action, it is sad to see someone choose to leave. We wish them well.”

The most recent figures show the Mormon church claims 14.4 million members worldwide. The number of those resigning from the church are not publicly reported.

Source: LezGetReal

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UFO sightings and government cover-ups discussed in Farmington | The Galactic Free Press

Monday, July 16, 2012

Betty and Barney hill pose with a newspaper story on their report of being abducted for an hour two by aliens on a remote road in the White Mountains.
Photo: NashuaTelegraph.com


FARMINGTON — Two members of the New Hampshire Unidentified Flying Object group recently gave a talk to an audience comprised mainly of firm UFO believers, in Farmington Woman's Club. The event was organized by the Goodwin Library, and the speakers were Susan Sylvester of Sanbornton and Bill Cain of Franklin.

Sylvester related how she had seen her first spaceship at the age of 10 and gave vivid descriptions of subsequent encounters, including one that led to her being followed by a van with blacked-out windows,

"The government is watching me. They see me as a threat," said Sylvester, adding that a helicopter had taken pictures of her.

She said the frequency of UFO sightings in New Hampshire is explained by the presence of uraninite in the rocks.

"It is used for fuel," she said, asserting that spaceships can also absorb energy from nuclear power plants.

Cain spoke of the National Press Club UFO Disclosure Project conference held in 2001 in Washington D.C. and reiterated what he has already posted on www.nhufo.org.

"It was the most highly attended conference in that prestigious organization's history up until that time, and despite sophisticated jamming attempts, was simulcast over the Internet to an estimated 250,000 people around the world.

"Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate eyewitnesses, from a pool that now exceeds 400, gave riveting testimony about their direct involvement with top secret projects within the Military Industrial Complex that deal with UFO's, the decades-long truth embargo that maintains their secrecy, as well as the secrecy of related technologies, which if divulged could end our dependence on fossil fuels and all other forms of conventional energy sources. These witnesses were all taking great personal risks, many of which had to do with the breaking of their national security oaths, and each requested to be subpoenaed before official Congressional hearings."

Cain told the audience, "Only a handful of people in the world know what is going on."

He claimed that the military-industrial complex had figured out alien technology by examining craft retrieved from Roswell, N.M. and elsewhere.

"If this technology was revealed the world would change overnight. The $5 trillion oil, gas and coal industry doesn't want the status quo disrupted. The secrecy is entrenched," said Cain.

He said that people who describe UFO encounters are treated with ridicule.

He noted that a We The People petition had been presented to President Obama, asking him to address the UFO issue.

"The response was a rehash of lies," said Cain.

He is also among those who subscribe to the theory that the Apollo moon landings were faked.

"Men went to the moon, but what you saw on TV was filmed by Stanley Kubrick," said Cain.

(The Internet has many sites addressing this topic, including a large entry on wikipedia:


Cain claimed that over 50 percent of Americans believe that the government is covering up UFO information.

"The government wants to control every one of us. It is all about power," added Sylvester.

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Israeli in new self-immolation protest | The Galactic Free Press

by Tom Rose

July 20, 2012 11:35 PM EDT

Famed theoretical physicist and UFO enthusiast Michio Kaku told CNN on Thursday he believes if Earthlings ever battle unfriendly aliens "it would be like Bambi meeting Godzilla."

The comments came in a live interview for the program CNN Newsroom in response to the questions about the existence of extraterrestrial life and what may be behind the explosion of unidentified flying object sightings around the world.

Kaku, a respected scientist, is never afraid of speaking his mind and clearly believes there's more to the story than secret aircraft, swamp gas or misidentified heavenly bodies.

He also likes to think that if aliens are behind the increase in documented UFO activity, their motives are benevolent. Using some very interesting analogies, the optimistic futurist likens aliens discovering Humanity to humans stumbling across an ant hill. When's the last time scientists offered an ant colony nuclear technology?

Basically, he seems to think the bemused aliens are more likely to move along. Very interesting.

Here's the video:

What do you think?

Source: gather.com

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Israeli in new self-immolation protest | The Galactic Free Press


22 July 2012 Last updated at 11:32 ET


An Israeli activist holds placard during a rally in memory of Moshe Silman in Tel Aviv on 21 July
Hundreds gathered in rallies in memory of Moshe Silman, who died on Friday


A disabled Israeli war veteran is said to be in a serious condition after setting himself on fire at a bus stop near Tel Aviv.

The man was in dispute with officials in charge of rehabilitating veterans, according to a veterans' group.

Sunday's case came hours before the funeral of Moshe Silman, who died a week after setting himself on a fire at a protest against inequality.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.

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Will the Pope’s Former Butler, Paolo Gabriele, Pay in a Vatileaks Trial? | The Galactic Free Press

Author: Barbie Latza Nadeau
Jul 24, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

Paolo Gabriele, accused of stealing papal documents in the Vatileaks scandal, is out on parole but faces six years in prison. Barbie Latza Nadeau on three newly named suspects—and whether Benedict will forgive his butler.


Paolo Gabriele, the Pope's 46-year-old butler Photo: AFP/GETTY

The pope’s former butler, Paolo Gabriele, who has been languishing in a secret cell inside the fortified walls of Vatican City since May 23, has been released to house arrest. But while he has moved back into his familial apartment with his wife and three children, he cannot leave the sacred grounds of the tiny city-state until the Vatican tribunal makes the most important decision of his life. Will they absolve him of stealing papal documents and leaking them to the press, and let him go? Or, more likely, will they send him to trial, where he faces a six-year prison sentence?

The stakes are high for Gabriele, who until his arrest was best known for holding the papal umbrella when it rained and assisting the holy father with his somewhat mundane daily routine. But for the last year or so, he allegedly has also been siphoning secret scrolls from the pope’s private desk and giving copies to Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who published them in a best-selling book, according to the pope’s spokesman Federico Lombardi, who refers to Gabriele fondly by his first name even as he condemns the unthinkable act of betrayal that has become known simply as “Vatileaks”.

To read the rest of this story and see the video, visit The Daily Beast.

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HSBC exec resigns as senators hammer money-laundering lapses | The Galactic Free Press

SBC-COMPLIANCE-SENATE: HSBC exec resigns as senators hammer money-laundering lapses
Reuters / By Carrick Mollenkamp
WASHINGTON Jul 17, 2012, 21:17 IST

HSBC Holdings Plc put itself at the mercy of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, acknowledging shortcomings in its anti-money laundering operations and revealing the resignation of a global executive.

David Bagley, a top compliance executive at HSBC since 2002, told a Senate investigative panel that he would step down, after the panel released a scathing report calling out a "pervasively polluted" culture at the bank.

To read the rest of this story, visit Business Standard

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The LIBOR Scandal for Dummies | The Galactic Free Press

Even when the MSM mention it, they brush over it like it like it is nothing.  This LIBOR rate has affected everyone in multiple ways, it has affected not only the profits the bank could make, it made the economy look better than it was, it affected the gold prices, it affected the oil prices, it affected the interest rates on eveyones savings, retirement, IRA's, mortages, and other loans.  There is not a person on this planet that hasn't been affected by this scandal, no one from the richest to the poorest.  Yet it transfered even more wealth again to the ones who don't need it.  I can't even imagine how much more far reaching it is than is known, because all we know at this time, is what there willing to talk about, or just what has been un-covered so far.  I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceburg, and doubt we'll ever know all the details in their entirety.  Still even yet, it isn't enough, they want even less regulation, honestly it's the one industry that should have the most.  Yet they seem to find time to regulate florist, plumbers, interior designers etc.  what a crock!!!!


If they can't fix the economy which they can't, then at a minimum we should expect from them is to stop the bleeding enough is enough.


Still there is divinity in it somewhere.





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