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!!!!! Important Announcement by the Keshe Foundation: Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
!!!!! Important Announcement by the Keshe Foundation: Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
Peace is one of the most important things in the world. But you can’t build peace based on gullibility, ignorance and lies. And unfortunately, this is the kind of peace Keshe offers. His peace efforts rest upon his “technology”. And his “technology” … doesn’t exist.
Keshe is a story teller, nothing more. He is making announcements since about 2007, and there is still not a single credible witness who has ever seen a working “Keshe generator”, his “flying car”, or anything comparable from his long technology list. Every single announcement to tangibly show his “technology” (like the big technology demonstration announced for December 14th last year) has always been postponed or canceled.
It is an easily verifiable fact that Keshe blatantly lies when he talks of his “patents”. The documents usually referred to as Keshe’s “patents” are nothing more than meager attempts to secure patents, that failed years ago.
Keshe stopped paying the fees to uphold the patent applications after the assessment of the patent examiners of the European Patent Office made it obvious that the nonsense Keshe had fabricated hadn’t the slightest chance ever to be approved. Patent applications that are not paid for anymore automatically get the status “deemed to be withdrawn”.
Don’t take only my word for this, but go check it yourself at the website of the European Patent Office (this is a different link than the one Keshe usually provides): register.epo[dot]org/espacenet/smartSearch?lng=en&searchMode=smart&query=Keshe (the entire correspondence is respectively available under “All documents”).
Concerning the “USB stick handover” to the Italian embassy in Brussels, that Keshe describes so histrionically in his Forum (“Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program”), there exists an official statement by the Italian government ([dot]it/sindacatoispettivo_16/showXhtml.Asp?idAtto=62130&stile=6): Keshe turned up at the embassy without an appointment, imposed his USB stick on them, and they took it out of politeness. The video recording, which Keshe designates as “according to diplomatic protocol” is deemed “abusivamente” by the Italian government, which is somewhere between “without permission” and “illegal” with a tendency to the latter. Keshe’s claims concerning any “space partnership” are sharply rejected. Very probably the other (15 or so) “USB stick handovers” happened similarly.
From December 15th to 17th last year Keshe toured Italy. The disappointment spread when he again only told stories instead of showing something substantial. A well kown Italian blogger subsumed it aptly (22passi.blogspot[dot]it/2012/12/keshe-tante-parole-nessun-fatto-post-di.html): “Keshe: tante parole, nessun fatto” (= Keshe: many words, no facts).
Keshe even had the gall to post in his forum afterwards “The first public show of Magravs space reactor”. What did he actually show? A lousy video from — according to him — 2009, where you see some spherical thingy with some measuring devices around. Some digits change on the measuring devices. Nothing more. Ridiculous.
Some examples of Keshe’s announcements:
After nobody took him serious 2006/2007 on the NASA spaceflight forum, he sulked, and claimed that he had now given his “technology” to the Chinese:
Within next few month, Chinese space scientists will complete the development of the first gravitation , magnetic field shielding system.
This will allow colonisation in real term and without the need for all these shuttle game business .
This technology will put the chine’s space program in one leap some 50 years ahead of NASA.
(Keshe on 06/22/2007: forum.nasaspaceflight[dot]com/index.php?topic=8416.msg154349#msg154349)
Nothing happened.
In the next few days we will announce the first lift and flight presentation of the system for public. These presentations will be held in one city in each continent over 5 month.
(Keshe on 07/17/2009: peswiki[dot]com/index.php/Directory:Keshe_Foundation)
Nothing happened.
Mr. Keshe is a “nuclear engineer”, and he is sure that his insights will spark a revolution in energy, transport and medicinal technology. The mentioned Elektor article [a previous article from 2007] concluded with “time will tell”, and according to Mr. Keshe’s opinion the time has come now. Next year [2010] there shall be some spectacular demonstrations of his technology and insights.
(Magazine Elektor from 08/13/2009: elektor[dot]de/elektronik-news/begegnungen-mit-neuer-technologie.1041431.lynkx; translated from German by me)
Nothing happened.
Keshe’s announcement of his “world peace conference” on 09/21/2012:
On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.
From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.
The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.
A comment by the participating, well known Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl from Germany:
Apparently the opinions differ materially on what “releasing” means. Mr. Keshe explained to all participants that for him it means “education”, i.e. he lectures about his significant and futuristic technology. He claims to be the sole originator.
Any kind of peer reviewing is superfluous and strictly refused by Mr. Keshe.
Albeit a rigorous scientific examination of the theoretical foundation and the practical implementation seems strongly advised.
If you would have expected a practical demonstration or even a construction plan from the announcement of a “release” you would have been severly disappointed on September 21th. No one of the participants has seen a flying car or any other application advertised by Mr. Keshe.
The announced demonstration of the “Keshe technology” is not canceled — only postponed until December. With this cheery message everyone went home.(energiederzukunft[dot]org/forum/5-allgemeines-forum/241-aw-ankuendigung-der-keshe-foundation?limit=6&start=12#308; translated from German by me)
Postponed until December?
The 14.12.2012 presentation is canceled because the Belgian authorities, on the instruction of the government, have officially and in writing forbidden our nuclear research activity.
(Keshe on 11/25/2012: forum.keshefoundation[dot]org/showthread.php?731-Next-step-in-the-Foundation%92s-teachings-and-development&p=4022#post4022)
This was not the only severe disappointment for Keshe’s fans last December. Originally in April 2011 Keshe had announced his infamous “3-4kW generators” (for which many poor chaps paid 500 EUR deposit):
The Foundation submits for sale as of today for delivery early next year [2012] the following:
Portable 3-4 KW power systems on DC and AC 24 hours a day supply for the value of 5000 euros.
(Keshe on 04/11/2011: forum.keshefoundation[dot]org/showthread.php?194-Our-dream-is-a-small-fusion-power-generator-in-each-house&p=1257#post1257)
Later he postponed the delivery from early 2012 to December 2012. Throughout 2012 he repeatedly confirmed this date, until December 21th:
[W]e have redesigned and corrected a number of systems in the reactor in order to comply with all international laws with respect to the use and safety of the systems.
Because of these adjustments, we have to delay the delivery of the systems by 45-60 days from 31.12.2012.
(Keshe on 12/21/2012: forum.keshefoundation[dot]org/showthread.php?931-Announcement-about-the-delivery-of-the-Foundation-Generator&p=5446#post5446)
Of course he didn’t keep this date either. He couldn’t. His theories are utter nonsense, and it is impossible to build any working technology based on that. This, and only this is the reason why there is some “problem” each and every time he promises to actually show or even deliver his “technology”:
Due to delivery from suppliers for some parts of the new [vacuum] seal systems we are behind the testing and releasing the generators.
Once we receive the newly manufactured parts in the second week of March from the manufactures: It will take us another 15 to 30 days to test and finally release the generators.
(Keshe on 02/26/2013: forum.keshefoundation[dot]org/showthread.php?222-Sale-of-Keshe-Foundation-3-4-KW-power-generator&p=8799#post8799)
Yeah, the “vacuum seals” are the problem. Surely. Is there really any moron left who thinks that Keshe will deliver anything — except from more hot air — in mid April?
Finally an excerpt from an article of a well known Italian Keshe critic, the astrophysicist Gianni Comoretto from the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence:
[N]umerous scientists from the following scientific institutes have evaluated Keshe’s technology in detail, entirely independent from the government:
- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica [National Institute of Astrophysics]
- Isittuto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare [National Institute of Nuclear Physics]
- Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze [Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence]
- Scuola Normale Superiore [An elite university in Pisa]I cite only people with whom I had direct contact, the list is surely MUCH longer.
The opinion was unanimous: Keshe is at best a person who has not the slightest idea of what a scientific theory is, his theories are words without meaning, and his “patent” drawings are scribbles on a sheet of paper, absolutely useless for anything (and therefore rightly rejected by the European Patent Office). In the worst (and most likely) case he is a con artist.
(giannicomoretto.blogspot[dot]com/2012/12/scienza-parallela-2-bis-la-risposta.html; translated from Italian by me)
These are approximately the same conclusions to which I came after intensely studying the large amount of material available on the web from and about Keshe.
Enough? I can go on for a long, long time …
[I replaced the TLD dots of source links respectively with [dot] to appease the WordPress filter]