Michael Snyder
The American Dream
Tuesday, May 22, 2012Should it be legal for the U.S. government to spend billions of dollars on propaganda designed to change public opinion in the United States? Should it be legal for the U.S. government to use television, radio, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and Internet forums to conduct “psychological operations” targeted at the American public?
An amendment that has been added to a new defense bill in Congress would make it legal to target propaganda and “psychological operations” directly at U.S. citizens. The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act would overturn the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987. Those two laws essentially make it illegal for propaganda that is used to influence public opinion overseas to be targeted at U.S. citizens back here at home. If those two laws are struck down, there will be essentially very few limits to what the U.S. government can do to shape our opinions. The government would be able to bombard us with propaganda messages on television, on the radio, in our newspapers and on the Internet and there would not even be a requirement that those messages be true. In fact, just as happens so often overseas, it would likely be inevitable that the government would purposely disseminate misinformation to the American public for the sake of “national security”. That is why it is imperative that this bill not become law.
As an article posted on LegalInsurrection.com correctly noted, this bill has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives….
Their bill was included as amendment 114 to the Defense Authorization Act and passed out of the House on Friday, May 18. It would amend two existing acts: the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (1987).
Fortunately, it looks like this amendment might run into some trouble in the U.S. Senate. But during an election year, not many politicians want to appear “soft” when it comes to national security, so it is definitely not a sure thing that the Senate will reject this amendment.
This amendment has been kind of “flying under the radar”, so now would be a good time to contact your U.S. Senators and let them know exactly how you feel about this.
So precisely what would this new amendment do?
A recent article by Michael Hastings of Buzzfeed.com did a good job of explaining how it would change things….
The new law would give sweeping powers to the State Department and Pentagon to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.”
Do you want the Obama administration to use mass media in the United States to push a particular political or social agenda?
Do you want the State Department and the Pentagon to conduct psychological operations targeted at you, your family and your friends?
Do you want to see and hear government propaganda everywhere you go?
In a previous article I detailed 25 ways that America is becoming more like Nazi Germany, and I suppose I now have another item to add to the list.
Sadly, the government is already “pushing the envelope” when it comes to using the media. In his recent article, Michael Hastings detailed some examples of how the Pentagon is already attempting to shape public opinion in the United States….
In December, the Pentagon used software to monitor the Twitter debate over Bradley Manning’s pre-trial hearing; another program being developed by the Pentagon would design software to create “sock puppets” on social media outlets; and, last year, General William Caldwell, deployed an information operations team under his command that had been trained in psychological operations to influence visiting American politicians to Kabul.
According to U.S. Representative Mac Thornberry, one of the sponsors of the bill, current law “ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible way.”
Apparently we cannot think for ourselves and we need the government to help us to see things more clearly.
But when it comes to “psychological operations”, the people that run them do not always play nice.
Just check out what happened recently to two USA Today reporters….
A USA TODAY reporter and editor investigating Pentagon propaganda contractors have themselves been subjected to a propaganda campaign of sorts, waged on the Internet through a series of bogus websites.
Fake Twitter and Facebook accounts have been created in their names, along with a Wikipedia entry and dozens of message board postings and blog comments. Websites were registered in their names.
If this new bill becomes law, there will be very few limits on what the government can do.
Click Here to continue reading.
Related articles
- This Terrifying Amendment Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public (businessinsider.com)
- Lawmakers Seek to Lift Propaganda Ban (politicalwire.com)
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
New Bill Would Make It Legal To Target Propaganda And “Psychological Operations” Directly At U.S. Citizens
Student struggle: Montreal to mark 100 days of protests amid mass arrests (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Over 300 people were detained and more than 20 were injured in the protests that took place on Sunday night, during which students clashed with police.
Violence and chaos ensued, with protesters ripping large slabs of cement out of the roadway and throwing them at the police, who responded with percussion bombs and tear gas.
Policemen aim a teargas gun during a student protest in the downtown streets of Montreal against tuition hikes on May 16, 2012 (AFP Photo/Rogerio Barbosa)There were also reports of protesters jumping on police cars and throwing Molotov cocktails. After midnight, a fire hydrant was burst open, with water gushing out and flooding a nearby building.
Ten police officers and 11 protesters were taken to hospital. La Presse published a picture of a man who appeared to have suffered a head injury though it was unclear whether he took part in the demonstrations.
Most of those detained were arrested en masse. Even the police were staggered by the high number of arrests.
Policemen restrain a student protester in the downtown streets of Montreal against tuition hikes on May 16, 2012 (AFP Photo/Rogerio Barbosa)“I don’t think we have seen this many arrests at one time,” police spokesman Ian Lafreniere told QMI Agency. Lafreniere also noted that overall, police had made close to 2,000 arrests since the beginning of the student protests in February. He also estimated that approximately 250 rallies had taken place since then.
Policemen restrain a student protester in the downtown streets of Montreal against tuition hikes on May 16, 2012 (AFP Photo/Rogerio Barbosa)Students in Quebec have been protesting against tuition cost hikes of $254 per annum over the next seven years. The province’s premier, Jean Charest, refused to roll back the plan despite the ongoing mass protests.
Students protest in the downtown streets of Montreal against tuition hikes on May 16, 2012 (AFP Photo/Rogerio Barbosa)On Friday the local government also sought to curb the demonstrations by adopting a new emergency law to restrict protests. The law sets a requirement that police be informed of gatherings of more than 50 people, eight hours before a rally takes place. It also requires demonstrators to provide the police with the planned route for the protest.
The law was denounced by those who took part in the weekend’s rallies, with many now calling it a cause for protest itself.
“Tonight was really about fighting an unjust law,” Concordia University graduate Jamie Klinger, who took part in Sunday’s rally said, as quoted by the Montreal Gazette “We’ll fight this in the streets and we’ll fight it in the courtrooms and it will die because the freedom of assembly is one of our most fundamental rights. These laws have no place in a democracy.”
“In Canada we have a charter and one of the articles in the charter is the right to protest peacefully. Protesters are now saying that certain provisions of this new law (Bill 78) are infringing on the freedom to protest peacefully. So people are in fact retaliating even stronger,” said Michel Boyer, journalist for Astral Radio.
“One of the most extremist groups has publicly said it is going to completely defy this new bill, go against it and continue protests,” he added.
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Neale Donald Walsch supports Barbara Marx Hubbard’s new book: Birth 2012 and Beyond
My dear friend,
May I please share with you a time-sensitive and exciting opportunity to add to your library what many are saying is one of the most important books of 2012?
It is written by visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard, the woman Marianne Williamson calls “our undisputed planetary mid-wife.” I love and respect this pioneering woman so much. And when you buy her book today, you can receive a wonderful package of gifts.
The book is titled Birth 2012 and Beyond and it is about building a global movement to co-create a planetary rebirth, helping humanity go beyond our present crises to a new way of being. A whole systems shift will be required, and this book shows us how.
Barbara’s inspiring vision in the book is amplified by special contributions from 12 renowned thought leaders — including Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, Lynne Twist, James O’Dea and Lynne McTaggart, among others — all offering essential insights into how you can help birth a sustainable and joyful planetary civilization. I am pleased to have been asked to be one of the contributors to this book as well.
Click here for more information and ordering
If you choose to order the book during today’s launch only, you can get a priceless free gift package from some of these top luminaries, including being placed on a list of people eligible for a private spiritual life coaching session from Barbara herself, and from me. Both Barbara and I have offered to provide these spiritual coaching sessions to persons picked at random from the list. It would be wonderful for me to work with you in this way.
But even if you don’t order the book, as my thanks for simply reading this letter you can register for a special free tele-seminar event, with many of these leaders sharing about the exciting movement that is growing.
Barbara’s book offers a timely call and a roadmap for turning our collective crisis into an opportunity for mass evolution, which I see as essential.
Tens of thousands have joined Barbara in declaring December 22, 2012 our planet’s first Birth Day to mark the beginning of a new era of peace, health, sustainability, and prosperity for humanity. I’m fully supporting this vision, which aims for 100 million participants worldwide who commit to building this new era together.
Birth 2012 and Beyond has been created as an essential guide for today’s evolutionaries who are committed to making a real difference. I am positive you’ll be profoundly inspired by the woman whom Deepak Chopra calls “the voice for conscious evolution in our times.”
Here’s just a taste of some of the praise for Birth 2012 and Beyond:
- “Birth 2012 and Beyond envisions a future to embrace with love rather than face with fear. It offers individual and collective tools for giving birth to what is most beautiful in ourselves and in the world around us.” – Marianne Williamson, NY Times #1 bestselling author
- “When I saw our precious planet from space, I recognized that we must shift our consciousness and culture before we destroy our fragile home. This inspired and visionary book offers profound wisdom for how to make the shift in time.” – Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences
- “Conscious evolution, a concept that Barbara Marx Hubbard has championed for decades, is one of the best two or three ideas of modern times.” – Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision
I hope you’ll order the book today, so you’ll get all the special gifts that come with it in honor of the official launch – and help propel this vision forward!
Click here for more information and ordering
Sending you my love and my best thoughts always…
Court upholds $3.4 billion Native American deal Posted on May 22, 2012
(Reuters) – An appeals court on Tuesday upheld a $3.4 billion settlement of a class-action lawsuit over mismanagement of government trust funds for hundreds of thousands of Native Americans, ruling that it was fair, reasonable and adequate.
The settlement resolved a lawsuit filed in 1996 claiming the U.S. Department of the Interior had mismanaged funds held in trust on behalf of Native Americans. The trust money was from transactions involving land allotted to individual Native Americans under an 1887 law.
The proposed settlement initially was reached in December 2009, ratified by Congress the following year and received final approval from a federal judge about a year ago.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected a challenge to the settlement by class member Kimberly Craven.
Craven argued the settlement was unfair, cited a conflict among class members that violated constitutional due process rights and said class members did not benefit equally.
But the appeals court disagreed. It said the record in the case failed to confirm the existence of a conflict among the class members or a violation of due process rights.
“This case is extraordinary in that Congress not only expressly authorized, ratified and confirmed the settlement, but also appropriated $3.4 billion to fund it,” Judge Judith Rogers wrote in the opinion.
One part of the settlement involving $1.51 billion provided for each class member to receive at least $1,000 in compensation in exchange for the releasing the Interior Department from its duty to perform a historical accounting of the trust funds.
Another part established a $1.9 billion consolidation fund to buy interest in trust lands and created an education scholarship fund for Native Americans.
The appeals court case is Elouise Cobell v. Kenneth Salazar, No. 11-5205.
(Reporting By James Vicini; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
Related articles
- Business Group Files Opposition To $3.4B Cobell Settlement (legaltimes.typepad.com)
Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-22-12
Melchizedek ~~The mission of our existence~~ Original Post 5~20~12 by Méline Lafont
We are the Pleiadians and we have a message for you.
The upcoming Solar Eclipse of May 20 (May 21 depending on where you live on Earth) is approaching very quickly now and we are most pleased with this. At last we have the opportunity to show ourselves from our strongest side for the first time in thousands of years. This upcoming solar eclipse is a gift which we look out for and which will accomplish many changes. All around the planet portals are opening here and there and the energetic boost which will be released in the alignment with your planet and Moon during this Solar Eclipse will open a very important portal which will be essential for the Ascension to the 5th Dimension. This opening of this portal will not go unnoticed and will instigate many changes which will become obvious in the near future for all of you.
There is a lot going on and still much is to be disclosed in a very short while. If only you knew what has already transpired behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, you would not be able to fully grasp it in its totality because it is so huge. So we steer it in your direction gradually, step by step, in order to minimize a tension. What is the essence of the alignment of our Home-world, the Pleiades, with your planet, the Sun and the Moon? This alignment happens very rarely and the positions of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon with the Pleiades will cause a certain rotation of the axe of the Earth. With this rotation a portal will open ensuring your passage to Ascension. So it is of utmost importance what will happen energetically. We will coordinate everything carefully and we hope that we can count on your cooperation by coming together at the time of the Solar Eclipse and to concentrate on your spiritual evolution. It is most advisable to meditate, to open your crown chakra as well as your third eye chakra (pineal gland) and let our energetic information enter into your being and welcome it in your heart, for your heart is the center of your being and not your brain. Convert this energy in self-love and send this out to all the people in your vicinity. In that way the love and energy will spread out even to those yet still unawakened.
Feel how you become lighter and flow together to the One Source of Love. This is Ascension my dear brothers and sisters; nothing more and nothing less. To many people it is unimaginable what Ascension implies and it is hard for us to explain more clearly as the Universe operates in very complex ways and exists of countless energies each sprouting from One Source, than to split even further and still further and even blend with other energies … All in all, an endless process. What you will see is that Ascension in itself will be a beautiful process which is irreversible. Say good-bye to sorrow and lower vibrations, as they will no longer be part of your existence. “Enjoy” your last remaining days in the 3rd Dimension which is in itself collapsing now. Be prepared and also be ready and continue with your current life for you won’t have to wait that long anymore. The line-up with our Homeworld, the Pleaides, puts you all one big step further along the way and much closer to Ascension. So take as much of our warm, uplifting energies as you can and transmute them in love for yourself and others.
I AM Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-22-12
Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~
Greetings Love Beings,
I was just wondering how come noone took a video of the eclipse AND some UFOs...
Ask and you shall get!
Here we are!
Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.
Spread Love as Love’s what you Are
UFO Sightings Solar Eclipse May 20 2012 Incredible Footage!
Burning UFO Or Meteor Over Peru 2012
UFO Sightings the netherlands Emmen?
UFO sighting during lightning / thunder storm
(May 22 2012) LARGE DIAMOND UFO over backyard
Large BRIGHT UFO May 22 2012 NEW YORK
UFOs Over Serbia Incredible Footage Watch Now! May 21 2012
unbelievable UFO filmed over FRESNO !
2 UFOs flying over Stouffville, Ontario, Canada 20 May 2012
UFO's OVER THE U.S. MARCH 2012 As seen on Tercer Milenio.
Re: UFOs Confirmed In Suns Orbit 2012 (Stephen Hannard)
UFO ovni over Sinaloa Mexico 20/5/2012
LOVE YOU, and thanks for sharing!
if you missed our latest energy update http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-daily-update52112-eclipse-reboot-and-alignment-was-complete-success
If these Daily Updates serve you and you enjoy them, please share your love with those working 24/7 for Humanity in Service to Love~
Wonderful things are happening now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
Wonderful things are happening now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
May 22, 2012
Our discussion for today concerns truth. Many have an idea of truth as an unchangeable against which they may gauge any concept. We wish to discuss truth as a measure of what actually is.
We must understand that ‘what actually is’, is at all times in a state of change. One cannot find anywhere in the multiverses a single instance of a static thing. Every single minute particle is in constant movement. All is energy, frequency, light, life. All is in utter and complete change at any instant. Therefore, the truth which we are discussing is always in flux.
There are, however, in each universe, immutable ways in which things may change. You call these laws. It is nice to have something to rely on, is it not? You are discovering now the consequences of attempting to ignore these laws. For most of you, these would seem to be obvious. But for some, it has seemed for a very long time that they could proceed in directions contrary to many of these laws with total impunity. This has brought mankind on earth, and Earth herself, to a very dangerous point.
Those who have succeeded for many centuries in assuming near total control of the planet are not unaware of the powers of the universe. They have simply chosen the wrong power. They have bet on the wrong horse. The Creator has begun to bring illusion back into its true state.
You will discover that, in actual fact, only a small fragment of who you are is here playing this game of imagined separateness. But please do not feel that you have been in error. You sent yourselves here to have experiences and learn the ‘what ifs’ of separation, and you have done so, magnificently. Those who have completed their learning are now coming home. We are waiting with open arms for your return. Your strength and courage and experience will now be of immense value in places where others need them. You have earned rest, celebration, and when you are ready, the chance to aid many just as we have aided you.
Wonderful things are happening now. There are only six months left in your year, and you have decreed many changes to occur. Many efforts are being made to turn your efforts into violence and chaos. Violence can be dealt with, you see. But the efforts to do so are being exposed almost as quickly as they happen. We told you that you had won, and you have. Just keep listening to your hearts, dear friends.
Also, you are seeing many react to the new frequencies of this month in seemingly insane ways. We have also discussed this before. It will take some little time for those who were unprepared to begin to handle this new energy. Some will not be able to. Many more will find themselves changing in ways they will be at a loss to understand. Be prepared to accept them with love.
We will continue tomorrow, dear friends. Be at peace.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Suzanne Poulson Spooner – A Message From God & Gabriel – The Importance Of ‘Powering Down’ And A Deeper Understanding (For Me) Of The Photon Belt Alignment
Suzanne Poulson Spooner – A Message From God & Gabriel – The Importance Of ‘Powering Down’ And A Deeper Understanding (For Me) Of The Photon Belt Alignment – 22 May 2012
Posted on May 22, 2012 by lucas2012infos[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy & welcome back! [Thank you, it has been a longer break from TAUK than I thought I would have. It feels great to connect again!] We know that you have imagined this time away as a time for introspection. As you tended to your child and understood your role as a mom, you gave permission to your High Self to privately upgrade your HS’s love & joy. This upgrade was a re-boot necessary for the shift. You needed to ‘power-down’ to accomplish this and this is why you felt disconnected energetically while in Florida. [I thought I felt that due to the stress of getting a child through a medical situation.] That was part of the journey but you also needed the time to re-boot. It all is in perfect order.
Now, let’s continue. Gabriel would like to proceed. [Hello Gabriel, I am so happy to connect with you again!] Hello Suzy. To begin with I would like to address your understanding of the photon belt. The photon belt is a sea of energy just outside the Milky Way Galaxy. It is the magnifier of energy in this galaxy. You are in the midst of the beginning of the photon belt alignment. The eclipse (5/20/12) was the awakening of this alignment. You might say your planet just leaped into the forth dimension.
The shift was noticeable to some and not so noticeable to many. To give an analogy, it was like you went to your favorite book store and instead of paper books, you found virtual books on a screen that could be minimized and put into your pocket. To some on your planet, this technology is known and used, to others, it is unheard of. This upgrade, universally is known as the preview of your planets ascension. New innovations will occur in rapid succession. The photon alignment will open portals to higher knowing. Give your self more moments of quietude for your bodies to align.
Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete. TAUK Website: www.TAUKsite.com TAUK Blog: www.tauksuzanne.com link to original article
One morning we will wake up, and find we are in a very different world.”
“One morning we will wake up, and find we are in a very different world.”
Posted on May 22, 2012The title of this post, a quote from this youtube video about the coming collapse of the dollar, could also refer to the morning when we wake up and find that our internal fear of just this scenario has disappeared. At that exact moment, our real life begins.
FREEDOM PROJECT: Kucinich: NATO is a cost-sharing organization that finances aggressive military action. We should dismantle it...
Kucinich: NATO is a cost-sharing organization that finances aggressive military action. We should dismantle it.
Posted on May 22, 2012
What follows are the first three paragraphs of Major General Smedley Butler’s famous speech, then made into a long essay(1930s). Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Butler said that for many years, while he was a soldier, he suspected that war was a racket. But not until he retired, did he fully realize it.
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In our day, a few politicians, among them Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, might have penned the same thoughts. Here’s Kucinich on NATO, and current U.S. attempts to bolster rather than eradicate it.
NATO Talks a Sham: War in Afghanistan Is Not Ending
May 21, 2012
by Rep. Dennis Kucinich
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is not a benevolent organization. NATO is not about the North Atlantic and it’s not about our collective defense.
NATO is a cost-sharing organization that finances aggressive military action. By hiding behind the claim that the organization provides for ‘common defense,’ NATO allows us to wage wars of choice under the guise of international peacekeeping. The most recent example was the unconstitutional war in Libya where NATO, operating under a United Nations mandate to protect civilians, instead backed one side in a civil war and pursued a policy of regime change.
read more:
These Are Some Ugly US Bank Charts
Joe Weisenthal
Source: Business Insider
May 21, 2012We just wanted to point out what a hammering some US banks have been taking in recent weeks/months.
Here are some charts via Yahoo Finance.
Check out Jefferies, which was really under the grinder last year when Europe was combusting. It’s melting down again.
It’s gone from about $20 to under $13.
And check out Morgan Stanely, which was also in the same boat. Same deal now.
And of course the JPMorgan decline goes without saying.
Anyway, watch this space.
If names like Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan get bad at an accelerating pace, watch out.
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!!! Here’s the Info we’ve been looking for: Results of the May 20th Dark Grid Removal Process – from Cameron Day
First and foremost, I want to THANK YOU all for participating in this historic event.The huge amount of people participating on the ground as Galactic Conduits, coupled with the immense support from the Forces of Divine Light and other high-frequency beings who are working towards Earth’s liberation, allowed us to achieve a key victory on May 20th, 2012.
Long story short: The dark grid that was overlaid on top of Earth’s natural outer light grid was removed entirely. Supporting elements of it remain embedded within the Earth’s crust, but the outer grid itself has been restored to a Light Grid instead of being a corrupted dark grid. This is a huge step forward, but there is still much clean-up work to be done.
Now for the long version of the story from my perspective. I meditated and rested most of the day, keeping a strong Galactic Core connection at all times. I did this to act as a prime target for the ankle biters, so that they would be distracted when the time came for everyone who was participating to make their Galactic Core Connection.It may sound crazy, but I’m so used to being psychically attacked by the ankle biters that it doesn’t frighten me at all.
The alignment was scheduled for 6:30pm Pacific time, and by 5:30 I was feeling tremendous dark side pressure as they tried to attack and distract me. I sat in my meditation chair and got to work at 5:45pm. Within 20 minutes, my allies and I had arrested a few hundred ankle biters and things were calming down a little bit.They kept coming in waves every few minutes, and I was quite satisfied that they weren’t paying much attention to the thousands of people who were about to come “on line” all over the planet.
By 6:20, thousands of people started engaging their Galactic Core connections, and the ankle biters scrambled to try and interfere with them. They would rather leave one strong connection in order to darken a thousand others, and they weren’t having any luck with me (as usual). It looked like we only had about 4,000 or so people actively engaging a Galactic Core connection, but there were many thousands of people doing other types of meditation for this alignment, and all of that light work was stretching their forces thin.
Holographic Force Multipliers
The grid looked more solid than it had recently, indicating that the ankle biters had done some last-minute repairs in anticipation of the global meditation. I knew going in that we wouldn’t have the 100,000+ people needed to “organically” dissolve the dark grid, but I had a few tricks up my sleeves to make up for our smaller numbers.
Once the ankle biters dispersed to try and disrupt the thousands of people meditating, I got busy. I started off with a circular BREAKing emanating from my Pacific Northwest octahedron that radiated out through the dark grid for several miles in every direction, crumbling it like dust. I cranked up the intensity of my Galactic Core connection to widen it and fill this space.
I immediately followed this by sending in thousands of thoughtform holograms that were very specifically programmed to identify ankle biter technology and destroy it. Along with those destructive holograms, I sent in another type that are programmed to seek out sentient ankle biters, contain them and transport them to the “processing area” of a very love-oriented treatment center that will gently help them to realize their Divine connection to all of life. This compassionate, “no-kill” approach is very important to me, and it has allowed me to massively disrupt ankle biter plans without violating their right to life and existence. I am, however, happily interfering with their free will desires to usurp human free will. This IS still a war, even though it isn’t New Age Politically Correct to call it that…
I had never used thoughtform holograms quite like these against the ankle biters before, so they weren’t expecting them. This element of surprise was very useful and allowed me to break apart huge swaths of the dark grid in a fairly short amount of time. Because I was working in concert with you all on the ground, and the Forces of Divine Light in the “sky”, I could focus on breaking apart the dark grid and let the Light forces handle the clean-up work that followed.
This was very demanding work, and I had never done anything this ambitious before, at least not in this life. It was also incredibly rewarding to FINALLY be able to make such a significant impact in our quest for humanity’s freedom.
How Come Cameron Gets To Have All The Fun?
You might be wondering why I was doing so much of the destructive work on the dark grid, when there were so many thousands of humans and millions of light beings taking part in this event. The short answer is because I asked for it! For many months, I have been training myself in breaking apart small sections of the dark grid and other ankle-biter technologies. After a particularly good training session, I asked the Forces of Divine Light that when the time was right, I would like to have the honor of being the “primary breaker” of the dark grid.
All I was really asking for at the time was the honor of taking the first shot. What I received was an even higher honor of being able to strike first over and over again, taking out vast swaths of the dark grid with every effort, then being backed up by the light beings who cleaned up what remained. Even now, I’m amazed that it all went so well.
Rebooting the Light Grid
When the final swath of the dark grid came off, Earth’s natural light grid that had been taken over rebooted and came back to life. As it filled with light from the Galactic Core, thousands of light beings settled into the grid to protect it and keep it safe from being re-captured.
However, there are still key ankle biter strongholds on and within the Earth that are intact. These installations will be working overtime to pollute human consciousness so that they can attempt to retake this grid.
In spite of this, the outer light grid of Planet Earth looks clean, clear, light and beautiful. High-frequency light beings are constructing temples in and on this light grid that will eventually be mirrored on the surface of the planet.
Conditions Are Still Smoggy
At the end of this operation, I was shown several key dark force strongholds on and within planet earth. The ankle biters have at least one stronghold on every continent, and they produce a low-frequency energy “smog” that keeps people feeling heavy and disempowered. The big difference is that now they don’t have the dark grid to block out the incoming light frequencies! This means that you can connect to the Galactic Core with far less worry about being interfered with or attacked by ankle biters.
The dark strongholds were never revealed to me before, because my primary target was always the outer dark grid. It was only when the grid was gone and I asked “what’s next” that I was shown these strongholds. Even if the time would have been right to take them on (and take them OUT), I didn’t have any energy left to help.
There are many “grid-workers” who’s primary focus is on the surface Earth grids and these ankle biter strongholds. I will connect with them soon and help in any way that I can when the time is right to clean out those bases. I will let someone else go first next time, though.
Some Big Biters Aren’t Happy
In the hours following this operation, two different BIG ankle biters showed up very unhappy with me. They are essentially stuck on and in Earth until such time that they are apprehended and rehabilitated, because they can’t penetrate the supercharged light-grid around Earth. Those two big biters are now getting the best treatment in the Universe and will soon remember their true identity as aspects of the One Infinite Creator.
Of course, this loss means that the remaining ankle biters will be working overtime to lower human consciousness. This means WE have to work overtime on keeping our frequency high and anchoring the light energies from the Galactic Core. Stay connected to the Galactic Core as much as you can!
For right now, we should all celebrate this big win! Thank you all so much for your support and participation.
Much Love,
Cameron Day
This is extraordinary information...start chilling the champaign bottles my friends !
Humans Fit All Of The Government Criteria For ‘Endangered Specie’s – Don’t Miss This One!
Ashvin Pandurangi,
The Automatic Earth
Source: Business Insider
May 21, 2012, 8:27 AMAshvin Pandurangiis a law student at George Mason University
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) is the federal agency in charge of “listing” most species under the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”). This legislation was passed in 1973 and explicitly stated its goal was “to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a ‘consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation’…”. The general purpose and specific language of the ESA has been broadly construed by federal courts over the years.
Once a species is officially listed as endangered or threatened, the ESA regulations kick in and theoretically prevent any “person” (including corporations) from performing an action that constitutes a “taking” of the species – or to “harass, harm, pursue hunt, shoot, would, kill, trap, capture or collect, or to attempt to engage in such conduct”. Federal agencies must also refrain from launching projects that potentially threaten the “continued existence” of the species.
The latter must consult with the FWS before undertaking any such projects, so it can determine whether they jeopardize the species and/or whether any mitigating alternatives are available. An individual or organization can petition the appropriate federal agency to consider a listing of a species under the ESA if the species meets at least one of the following five conditions:
1. There is the present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range.
2. An over utilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes.
3. The species is declining due to disease or predation.
4. There is an inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms.
5. There are other natural or man-made factors affecting its continued existence.
The ESA has been interpreted as precluding the FWS (or other relevant agency) from considering economic costs when deciding whether or not to list a species, and they must only consider the “best scientific and commercial data available”. What would happen, then, if the FWS received a petition to list the Homo sapiens as an endangered species and to accordingly receive protection under federal regulation? I wonder what the implications of such a listing would be……
The following is a brief outline of a listing petition that SHOULD be submitted to the FWS for due consideration, and one that SHOULD be accepted for further review, and eventually notice & comment by the public. If it is not accepted, then a federal lawsuit should be filed against the FWS to compel them to consider the species for listing pursuant to the ESA, spawning the case - Homo sapien v. FWS.
Petition for Listing of the Homo sapiens (“HS”) species as an Endangered Species Pursuant to Federal Regulation of the Endangered Species Act [50 CFR 424.14(b)]
Submitted by The Automatic Earth Community on May 20, 2012.
Basic Listing Requirements are Met
1) The scientific name of the considered species is Homo sapiens, commonly referred to as a “human, human being, person, man, woman, boy or girl”.
2) It is recommended that the FWS list the HS as an Endangered Species under the ESA.
3) Humans are technically a “species” that can be listed under the ESA, since they are living beings that exist in the natural environment and interbreed when they are mature. At least 10% of the human range currently lives in “the wild”, without access to adequate shelter. There are currently more than seven billion humans alive on planet Earth, and more than 300 million (5%) existing within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
General Outline of Argument For Listing Under ESA
Upwards of 50% of this species’ range has come under the threat of near-term (within the next 50 years) extinction due to economic growth (and it’s natural collapse), untempered development, severe resource mis-allocation, air/water pollution, ecosystem degradation, energy scarcity, climate change, potential nuclear war and a variety of inter-related factors. The global financial crisis of 2007-08 has destroyed the means of subsistence (jobs, incomes, revenue streams, retirement savings, net worth, etc.) across a large portion of the species’ range, and has also led to social and political events, such as protests, riots, revolutions and militaristic repression, that have caused and will continue to cause many deaths.
Lack of access to clean water, adequate food and basic health care also contribute to many deaths every year. Sharp increases in global temperatures have intensified weather processes around the world, contributing heavily to widespread drought, famine, flood and disease. Unstable political structures and dissident groups with access to weapons of mass destruction threaten to wipe out millions, if not hundreds of millions, in any given month or year. That is especially likely to occur as economic and political structures continue to deteriorate at an accelerating pace and institutions of power become increasingly blinded by desperation.
Many of these institutions exist within a global banking framework that acts as a predator of the human species that knows NO bounds or limits to its scale and frequency of predation. Through the monetary policies of central banks such as the Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, and the “structural reform” programs of institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, millions if not billions of humans across the species’ range have been driven into poverty, dangerous slave-like working conditions, contaminated living environments (including prison), homelessness, malnutrition, civil war and starvation.
The well established scientific theory of “peak oil” predicts that much of the human range will be priced out of basic energy requirements (gas for transportation/heating, fuel for cooking, electricity for medical technology, etc.) as well as adequate food supplies, which will lead to many deaths from starvation, illness and violent conflict. The IEA officially reported that global crude oil production had peaked in 2005, and the prospects of offsetting these “unexpected” production declines with alternative modes of energy supply have less than a 5% chance of occurring.
The above issues threatening the habitat and survival of the HS species are not being addressed by ANY existing regulatory frameworks. In fact, most existing regulations and practices related to these issues, such as the Dodd-Frank Act, the Kyoto Protocol, the “War on Terror”, Quantitative Easing, Stimulus Spending, Mandated Austerity, International “Aid”, etc., are completely ineffective and/or serve to make these threats to the species much more potent than they already are. There is no serious discussion of how to mitigate these threats in any high-level public policy spheres.
Conclusion of Argument for Listing
In light of the general issues outlined above, we request that the FWS consider listing the species of homo sapiens as an endangered AND threatened species pursuant to the ESA, with all of the automatic regulatory protections that attach to such a classification. Additional data, models, studies and analysis can be provided to the FWS upon further request to supplement the above general factors that are clearly endangering the human species across a significant portion of its range.
Once listed, all private and public projects that could potentially contribute to a “taking” of the HS species should be immediately halted and reviewed. The critical habitat of the HS species must also be preserved by identifying and protecting “all lands, water and air necessary to recover the endangered species”. Given the urgency of this extinction threat to HS – a significant portion of its range could potentially be decimated or wiped out within 50 years – the FWS and other associated federal agencies must act quickly to list the species as endangered and take the necessary measures to preserve it.
Thank you for your consideration,
TAE Community
P.S. – If this petition is rejected or filed away in your basement somewhere without any consideration, you can bet your ass that a lawsuit will be forthcoming!
P.P.S. – Have a nice day
Republicans Declare War On Accurate Economic Data from Calculated Risk
Calculated Risk
Source: Business Insider
May 21, 2012, 6:14 AM
Calculated Risk is a leading finance and economics blog written by Bill McBride
The Depression led to an effort to enhance and expand data collection on employment and I was hoping the housing bubble and bust would lead to a similar effort to collect better housing related data. From the BLS history:
[T]he growing crisis [the Depression], spurred action on improving employment statistics. In July [1930], Congress enacted a bill sponsored by Senator Wagner directing the Bureau to “collect, collate, report, and publish at least once each month full and complete statistics of the volume of and changes in employment.” Additional appropriations were provided.
In the early stages of the Depression, policymakers were flying blind. But at least they recognized the need for better data, and took action. All business people know that when there is a problem, a key first step is to measure the problem. That is why I’ve been a strong supporter of trying to improve data collection on the number of households, vacant housing units, foreclosures and more.
But unfortunately some people want to eliminate a key source of data …
From Matthew Philips at Businessweek: Killing the American Community Survey Blinds Business
On May 9 the House voted to kill the American Community Survey, which collects data on some 3 million households each year and is the largest survey next to the decennial census. The ACS—which has a long bipartisan history, including its funding in the mid-1990s and full implementation in 2005—provides data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are spent annually. Businesses also rely heavily on it to do such things as decide where to build new stores, hire new employees, and get valuable insights on consumer spending habits. Check out this video of Target (TGT) executives talking about how much they use ACS data.
From Catherine Rampell at the NY Times: The Beginning of the End of the Census?
“This is a program that intrudes on people’s lives, just like the Environmental Protection Agency or the bank regulators,” said Daniel Webster, a first-term Republican congressman from Florida who sponsored the relevant legislation.
“We’re spending $70 per person to fill this out. That’s just not cost effective,” he continued, “especially since in the end this is not a scientific survey. It’s a random survey.”
In fact, the randomness of the survey is precisely what makes the survey scientific, statistical experts say.
The good news is this vote is being criticized across the political spectrum …
From the WSJ: Republicans try to kill data collection that helps economic growth
The House voted 232 to 190 to abolish the Census’s American Community Survey, or ACS, which is the new version of the long-form questionnaire and is conducted annually. Republicans claim the long form—asking about everything from demographics to income to commuting times—is prying into private life and is unconstitutional.
In fact, the ACS provides some of the most accurate, objective and granular data about the economy and the American people, in something approaching real time. Ideally, Congress would use the information to make good decisions. Or economists and social scientists draw on the resource to offer better suggestions. Businesses also depend on the ACS’s county-by-county statistics to inform investment and hiring decisions. As the great Peter Drucker had it, you can’t manage or change what you don’t measure
Since the political class is attempting to define the GOP as insane and redefine “moderation” as anything President Obama favors, Republicans do themselves no favors by targeting a useful government purpose.
From the NY Times: Operating in the Dark
The Web site of Representative Daniel Webster, Republican of Florida, instructs visitors to click on a link for “Census data for the 8th district” to learn about the area’s economy, businesses, income, employment, homeownership and other important features. And yet, on Wednesday, Mr. Webster declared that the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey — the source for much of that data — is an unconstitutional breach of privacy.
From AEI’s Norman Ornstein at Roll Call: Research Cuts Are Akin to Eating Seed Corn
significant was the House vote to eliminate the annual American Community Survey and the Economic
Census to provide basic information on the state of businesses and industries in the country and data used for generating quarterly gross domestic product estimates.
If ever we need evidence of ideology run rampant, these actions become exhibit A. Learning about the population and about the economy are fundamental for a society to understand where it has been and where it is going …
From the WaPo: The American Community Survey is a count worth keeping
Every year, the Census Bureau asks 3 million American households to answer questions on age, race, housing and health to produce timely information about localities, states and the country at large. This arrangement began as a bipartisan improvement on the decennial census. Yet last week the Republican-led House voted to kill the ACS. This is among the most shortsighted measures we have seen in this Congress, which is saying a lot.
And from Menzie Chinn at Econonbrowser: The War on Data Collection
Pretty sad. The only good news is this vote was condemned across the political spectrum.
Related articles
- “We Need More and Better Data, not Less” (economistsview.typepad.com)
- The GOP’s anti-research agenda (maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com)