
New Control Matrix Exposes Money Crooks

(Lucas : Also not by my e-mail contacts,  I had been informed Veronica would be posting friday the message. So this is the message of 23rd March 2012. Hope the messages will be in future normal on sunday posted.)

(Lucas : Also not by my e-mail contacts,  I had been informed Veronica would be posting friday the message. So this is the message of 23rd March 2012. Hope the messages will be in future normal on sunday posted.)

The Great Awakening is happening. You see evidence of this every day now. Your oppressors are anxiously searching for new ways to keep mankind under control. Though they have technology that is far superior to anything known to ordinary people, it does not matter what they try, it will fail. 2012 sees the end of their reign of terror and abuse of mankind. Evidence of how TV is used to control the information is being researched. People are shocked when they see for themselves the extent of this control. Everything, from the moment you were born, has been carefully designed to control your mind and your life. Those bloodlines have a lot to answer for. They stole all that was yours by right. The ancient knowledge that was hidden will be returned to you. We are finding ways to guide you to it.

The Vatican colluded with the banksters and so a great deal is hidden there. It is because of this that your world is in turmoil. The evil they unleashed on your world is responsible for all the wars, famines and suffering. Because they controlled your minds, it was easy to control everything else. You are all brainwashed, some to a lesser degree than others. Religions were created for this very purpose. You have only to look around you to see how successful this has been.

As people are beginning to see through all this and they look at those that they were encouraged to laugh at and ridicule, they now see these people in a new light. They see them as the brave souls that they are. They stood for truth. It is indeed a brave soul who stands up for truth in your world today. Join them and assist them in spreading the word of truth. Look deep into your own soul for the real truth. You will find it there. It has always been there, but because you have been controlled and not given the skills to find it for yourselves, you allowed others to tell you what to think and what to do. You bought into a monitory system that is so corrupt that it has made slaves of you, ever since.

Help is on its way. You can see, each evening before the stars come out, the space ships, all ready and waiting for the opportunity to come to your rescue. It is very reassuring for you to be able to actually see that they are there. They will not abandon you. They are familiar with everything on Earth: how it works and how to replace all that has been removed to prevent you from developing as you should have done.

My dear, this weekend, you will learn of the importance of Sacred Geometry. How it is used in mind-control in your everyday lives. The Cabal took all that was good and misused it for their own advantage. It is time to take back what is yours. Connect with your higher self. Take control of your own lives. Connect only with what is good and wholesome. There are countries in your world which control every thought and action of their people. These poor people have never known freedom. They live and die without ever knowing what life on Earth could be and should be.

You – yes, all of you – are the freedom fighters who will free mankind. This, you happily chose to carry out, before you returned to Earth. Sadly, you will have to endure many more FALSE FLAG scenarios. All these are carried out to create fear and to confuse. They even kill their own when they think they can profit from it or gain sympathy for their so-called plight. They have done it many times and will continue to do it as long as it pays dividends. They want your world, every inch of it. They only want enough of you in order to maintain it in the fashion that they desire. They have tried to ‘con’ you into accepting this; now they are prepared to take it by force. How many times have you heard popes, presidents and prime ministers say, “When we have our New World Order, and we will!” They are so sure of themselves that they believed you would meekly accept that they know best. They actually believed that 1% could bully, brainwash and cajole the other 99% into acquiescing. Well, mankind is not prepared to act as sheep anymore. The people are remembering who they are and that this planet is theirs. It does not belong to the Cabal.

It is time for the Cabal to leave planet Earth and for mankind to live in peace.

We are preventing and exposing as much as we can. It is a team effort on this side of life also. Together, we will defeat the Cabal. The advantage that we have is that we see and hear everything. We read their thoughts and we know their plans the moment they are thought of. They cannot hide from us.

You will be busy this weekend, learning about Sacred Geometry. It is very interesting, my dear, and most beneficial to understand and use at all times. I will be there, enjoying it with you. It is very important ancient knowledge that needs to be understood and used by all.

We have much to do. So let’s get on with it. Your adoring, Monty.

www.montaguekeen.com link to original article

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  • amras888

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image -Channeled through Wes Annac

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

-Channeled through Wes Annac

As all of the pieces of your beautiful Divine puzzle begin to come together and fit into your overall Life and ascension plans, the power that you hold within is increasing exponentially in terms of how pure it is and how easily you will be noticing it. The power that you hold within yourselves has been felt by so very many dear souls over so long in the lower dimensions, and now that power is increasing to the point where your beautiful manifestation efforts will be getting not just your attention, but the attention of so many others.

We implore you to focus on your roles as the Supreme Creators of your reality. You make the decisions as to what manifests on Earth and while at times you can feel like you have been dealt a losing hand so to speak, each and every thing that happens to you is acting in accordance with your Life plans and with which karmic events are and are not meant to manifest in your Lives at this current point.

Some of the events you are given are meant to open your eyes and make you see the motive behind [such events], and some events that happen which do not seem to be in the best interest of the soul experiencing them are in fact happening for not only karmic reasons but for reasons of keeping you on an easier and less harmful [to your Life Plan] path.

There has been much density that you have been exposed to but more recently, the densities you have felt have been diluted a bit so that what you are experiencing can allow for the Light to emerge in each and every situation. The Light is emerging out of everything at this current point, and the difficult and stressful events that you feel and experience are to be a part of this as well.

Whenever something seemingly negative is happening to you or whenever you find yourselves in stressful situations, try to see the humor behind what may be happening to you for indeed, there is more humor involved in your daily endeavors than you think.

Humor is a foundational energy of Joy, and Joy is a foundational energy of Love. Can you feel the connection, dear souls? This is why humor is employed here in the higher dimensions so very much, because humor makes us happy! And as you would imagine dear souls, we quite enjoy being happy!

Many events that you would not expect to find humor in will be manifesting themselves along with the humor that you would not have expected to find within such events. The point of such humor behind seemingly negative events is to get you to choose the energies of such humor and Joy over the stressful energies that would otherwise be invading your spirit complex and aiding to close up your chakras.

Continue in your beautiful Lighted efforts to bring as much Love through yourselves to assist in Gaia’s ascension as you can for indeed, as the surface of Gaia ascends you all ascend in leaps and bounds accordingly.

Much confusion has been garnered over the actual process of ascension and what actually happens to your bodies and spirits along the cycles that we have spoken of, and much of this confusion results from the fact that ascension is still quite an unknown event to the majority of souls on your world.

Indeed, very many souls are awakening to the realities of ascension at this point but it has not always been this way and for the most part, the knowledge and information of ascension has been deliberately suppressed on your world by the very souls who think that they are the only ones worthy of such ascension.

Humor can be employed when looking upon the situation of the Illuminati as well, as indeed it is quite ironic that they have branded themselves the only souls worthy to ascend and yet for the most part, they will be the exact souls who will not ascend this time around and who will instead spend many, many Lives living out their karma for all that they have done to your beautiful world and to you all.

The knowledge of ascension has been suppressed on your world because the dark on your world did not want you dear beautiful souls to know that there are realities and planes of consciousness to experience past your basic physical reality that so many of you have grown used to. They wanted you all to look for harmful ways to escape your reality and perceived sobriety, and to achieve this goal they have introduced intoxicants to the majority on your world that are so very unhealthy and in many cases deadly.

Indeed, the majority of drugs and alcoholic drinks on your world were and are meant to give one a different state of consciousness while hurting one’s body in so very many ways, many of which you have not even been informed of with your mainstream science.

The harm caused by these in many cases affect one’s spirit and serve to take one off of one’s Life Path and onto a path of addiction and suffering, and this is what is meant to happen with the various lower dimensional intoxicants that for the most part, are readily available on your world.

As long as humanity is kept in ignorance of the higher states of consciousness that exist all around you and are easily accessible by you, you will think that the reality you are experiencing is the only one and thus, will make no efforts to find a higher state of consciousness as a higher state of consciousness is not perceived to exist by the majority of humanity.

Even the plants and aides that are meant to give one the perception of higher states of consciousness, have in many cases been distorted by your dark to fit in with their agenda of a simple stimulation of the senses.

Meditation has been very important in your endeavors in finding higher states of consciousness, and indeed if everyone on your world were to meditate and make the effort to feel higher states of consciousness for yourselves, the Lighted energies being manifested would far outweigh any lower energies that have been felt and experienced on Gaia’s surface.

You can feel in your spirit complexes what carries the energy of Love and what carries the familiar and old, dense energy that you have more than grown used to throughout so very many Lives in the lower dimensions. We know that you will be able to discern accordingly which substances and choices on your part will expose you to lower states of consciousness that you are currently growing away from.

Meditation is greatly recommended for when you do so you are finding for yourself the energies of the higher realms without the perceived need to indulge in any type of substance to find such energies.

Indeed, the pure realms of consciousness you are to experience are in fact the opposite [experience] of what you would term sobriety, as the regular third dimensional limits that you experience during your Lives on Earth are indeed easily transcend-able and one does not need any type of substance to feel the energies of the higher realms as especially now, such energies are being made available to you in increasingly pure strides.

The ‘ignorance’ of the higher realms that has been deliberately perpetrated on your world is indeed not the fault of humanity, but the fault of the elite souls on your world who have taken to deliberately misinforming humanity of so very many things through the positions of influence and power that such souls have gained.

In many cases, if something revolutionary happens on the surface of your world that sees potential and a possibility for the manifestation of anything outside the paradigms of humanities current understanding, there are usually the few influential people who will publicly come out against such things and you have seen this so very many times with the ‘Occupy’ movement.

Of course, Lighted souls who are also famous and in the public arenas at this time have shown unending support for the Occupy movement, and we would recommend you put your support into this movement as well for beyond the surface protesting and demanding of accountability for the benefit of humanity, there is an energy of change; a Lighted energy that is being laid in each and every city and area of dear Gaia’s surface that such protests are and will be occurring in.

With each and every Lighted endeavor that each and every one of you lay out for yourselves to perform and experience, there will be those souls who speak up against the actions you are taking. Plenty of souls on dear Gaia would rather continue the old paradigms of illusory limitation forever than be exposed to revelations, truths and changes that expose them to higher and more pure states of consciousness and knowledge.

Many of the souls who are harsh and judgmental toward the souls protesting injustice and in general, toward any souls who make an honest effort to ‘fight’ for real truth and accountability, are themselves feeling quite unhappy with their own limitations which they have placed before themselves.

Rather than realizing such illusory limits and working to transcend them and progress along these souls’ Life paths, they instead take to berating and belittling the efforts of others in an attempt to hide themselves from the paradigms of consciousness and intelligence that such souls are not yet ready to be used to.

You are all realizing slowly but surely the illusory constructs and limitations that you have put over yourselves to be experienced in many Lives and finally transcended in these Lives you are all currently undergoing.

There are souls who will not choose to ascend this time around and who will rather continue their lower dimensional experiences on other planets that are being terra-formed at this time, but those of you who are awakening are taking the energies you have been feeling, and radiating them through yourselves and these actions that you have all been performing are and have been aiding in this entire beautiful event exponentially.

As you make these efforts, naturally the exposure and diminishing influence of the Illuminati is aided as it always is. The wonderful thing about this entire event is that now, millions upon millions of souls on Gaia’s surface have awakened and laid the foundational energies for the exposure of the Illuminati and your resulting freedoms and ascension as a collective consciousness.

The Illuminati continue on and make their threats as usual, but for the most part the purity of the collective consciousness of humanity which has been shown to them, has let them know that they are in no positions of influence to decide what manifests on Earth anymore. This has been quite a difficult realization for them to come to, and we have offered advice and guidance to these souls which has of course been rejected quite harshly.

They themselves do not want to feel the energies of the higher realms or the energies of us ascended souls in our full purity, and even though they do not wish to feel such things they still assumed that they would ascend into higher states of consciousness, the energies of which they continually deny each and every moment.

They deny these feelings in favor of the usual anger and lower vibration-producing hate, and such energies are drawing these souls closer and closer to the realms of fourth density-negative that they have been getting their hateful energies which they feed off of, from.

The densities that are manifestations on the surface of Earth are fed to the realms and voids of fourth density-negative, and using their own ‘brands’ of dark-energy manipulation, the heads of the Illuminati have forged an unnatural connection; a wormhole of sorts, with the realms of fourth density-negative where they feed off of the lower energies that are manifested on the surface of Earth.

Many of the rituals that have been discussed [on the internet] that the Illuminati perform involve sending themselves and their children to the realms of fourth density-negative.

They have been conned into believing that fourth density-negative is their natural land in which they were Created, and they have been taught to believe that the more energy they give to the realms of fourth density-negative and the more dense emotions they are able to squeeze out of souls on Earth to feed fourth density-negative, the more of a heaven will open up in such lower vibratory realms and see them ascend into Light body forms, and this belief simply is not so.

Indeed, they will be drawn to the lands of fourth density-negative where they have so wished to go, but they will not experience anything close to heaven and their experiences will be as close to ‘hell’ as your religious constructs have defined such a place.

These souls have forced their young to feel and inhabit the realms of fourth density-negative, and one of the many lessons the Illuminati heads will undergo in such lands is seeing the torture and illusory ‘training’ they have forced onto the younger souls of their families who in many cases, are Angles who have incarnated into such families to bring Lighted energies and real change to the surface of Earth from the deepest and darkest depths of Her collective consciousness.

Upon your exposure to the existence of the Illuminati and all that they have done to your world, the existence of many Angels incarnated into their families will be known as well, and the souls in such families who are the ‘heads’ in charge and who have manifested the most hate and death on Gaia’s surface will be pointed out.

Those souls who are innocent and in many cases incarnated into such families for Lighted purposes will also be ‘exposed’ [for their true Lighted purpose] and humanity will be let know just what each and every soul in the Illuminati has done, and the lower actions committed by the bodies of the Angles who have incarnated into such families will be explained as not having been perpetrated by the actual souls in question.

What we mean by this is that the heads of the Illuminati have many times and still continue to ‘give up’ so to speak the bodies of their young to lower astral beings who take over and possess such bodies as a part of the Illuminati’s many rituals.

What then happens is that the lower astral beings use the body of the souls in question to commit murderous and truly heart-wrenching acts to whomever is the target of such heinous acts, in hope that the karma will stay attached to the body and thus, to the souls inhabiting the child or adult body in question.

Therefore, the bodies of many children and adults in these families have been used for such horrible things but the souls, the very essence that make up these beautiful people do not experience the karma, because they themselves have not committed such acts but were instead forced to feel the intensity of such acts as if they themselves committed them, when they did not.

Indeed, all that we have to explain to you regarding this and so many other things will be quite complex and intricate, and we have barely come to a full discussion about even what we have discussed with you on this night because each subject that we have discussed with you goes so very much deeper than the energy levels of our scribe will permit us to share.

As always dear souls, we continue to guide you to keep on the Lighted paths you are manifesting for yourselves and following, and know that all truly is as it should be and you are feeling your continual ascension in wonderful leaps and bounds now. You will not have much longer of a wait, and the freedom that you have been waiting for and growing toward every moment of your experience is to burst through quite intensely, and you will be glad you waited!

Thank you to SanJAsKa.



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Is Cosmic Music Unlocking The Matrix? By Zen Gardner

Is Cosmic Music Unlocking The Matrix?

By Zen Gardner

March 23, 2012


Music is amazing.

The right combinations of vibrational sounds can open the spirit and unlock moods and emotions and stir thought and action. Discordant sounds close the heart and cause discomfort and annoyance.

This happens on the cosmic level as well. The shift in consciousness that’s taking place coincides with a vibrational change in the Universe. Like electricity or thought, it can only be seen by its effects, which come in the form of new feelings, new realizations and new perspectives which in turn bring about changed behaviors.

The Code Is Being Broken

David Icke recently talked about there being a code that’s being given to us to unlock the false reality we’re currently perceiving around us. When this goes into full effect, the whole matrix will just come down on a massive scale. 

That’s a very happy thought. And I feel the same. It happens one person at a time but it’s undoubtedly happening on a huge scale.

You can also think of this code as a harmonic key. Amazing they call them “keys” in music, but that’s what they are. This cosmic change, perhaps best pictured as the sun’s current recharging cycle we’re seeing and the photon field and alignments we’re simultaneously passing through, is a harmonic vibrational combination that’s tuning us into it, and conversely, it into us.

As we resonate with that harmonic key it turns the tumblers and unlocks our doors of perception and understanding, and breaks down those layers of separateness that have been imposed on us that we’ve subconsciously reinforced in the matrix out of pure imposed ignorance.

A huge exponential spiritual awakening on a scale never even imagined!

Synchronicity Abounds

This is why so many of us are having the exact same thoughts, insights and spiritual experiences…while even continents apart. This is why you’ll see phrases of explanation or thoughts that jump out at you as your own. It’s happening far and wide and we need to learn to stay tuned to it and take full acceptance, appreciation and advantage of it.

This is also why it’s important to inspire people to develop a real trust in their intuitive senses as I’ve often harped (vibrational) upon. It’s more important and practical than people realize. Just imagine when the internet goes down and there’s no more “hearing of the ear” and “seeing of the eye” by getting confirmation from elsewhere on the things we’re sensing and learning.

That’s profound. We have an extremely “secure” alternative at our fingertips.

We can all capitalize on this river of vibrational information we’re simultaneously receiving by embracing it, acting accordingly, and passing it on. Those are acts of experiential faith.. We need to stay stark clear headed sober in our consciousness if we are to do any good during this massive confusion that’s hitting planet earth.

We may be fine, but those around us are gonna go nuts for want of understanding, and we need to be there for them.

The more we let these fabulous, loving fundamental Truths be known, however they’re given to each of us, the more will be prepared. They’ll at least know someone knew and cared, and maybe even find you out for more Truth.

Do your part. Activate. Express your Truth experience. Each of us changes the entire battlefield called the Earth experience.

If you don’t think it’s a battleground..think again. It’s our reality. And you don’t win a battle by standing still.

Words and right actions are weapons of Truth and Love – use them now.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Breathing Mind

The Breathing Mind

By Dr Suzan Caroll

March 17 2012



Dear Ascending Expression of our SELF,

Please remember that your mind expands and contracts just like your breath. Your mind contracts when you think in a third dimensional manner, but expands when you think multidimensionally. You can actually feel the difference.

Think about a third dimensional duty or obligation…

  •  Feel how your face, and body, constricts…

Now think about a multidimensional experience, such as being in the multidimensionality of Nature…

  •  Feel how you relax. In fact, you may even feel inclined to take a long exhale or sigh…

It is the obligation placed on you by the illusion of “others,” as well as the “time” constraints that must be met that creates the constriction of third dimensional thinking.

  •  Take a moment to ponder that thought…
  • Inhale as you think third dimensionally and feel how your mind contracts…
  • Think about paying bills and feel how your mind contracts…

On the other hand, multidimensional thinking allows your consciousness a higher perspective and an inner place to relax.

  •  Now think multidimensionally to feel how your mind expands…
  • Think about visiting with a Light Being and feel how your mind expands…
  • Imagine yourself walking in your favorite place in Nature…

Follow these multidimensional thoughts as they carry you on a cosmic journey into the unknown. However, this unknown is the “well known” to the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF who enjoy the dimensional waves of reality beyond the illusions of time.

  •  Feel how these waves of thought move up and down as they undulate through your mind…
  • Experience how these waves of thought open your High Heart and lead you into the feeling of unconditional love…

Soon these thought waves can no longer be encased in your small brain, and they must venture out into the Collective Mind of all humanity…

Then into the Planetary Mind of Gaia…

And into the Galactic Mind of the Milky Way…

They then soar into Universal Mind of your Local Universe…

And settle into the Cosmic Mind of the All That Is…

As you follow this Mind Wave you extract information from the molecules of reality through which you travel.

Feel these molecules as you revisit:

The Collective Mind of Humanity…

The Planetary Mind of Gaia…

The Galactic Mind of the Milky Way…

The Universal Mind of your Local Universe…

The Cosmic Mind of All That Is…

As you revisit these great Minds, your mind expands into pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is unencumbered by any form of encasement, such as your brain or even your mind. Your personal consciousness is related to your current embodiment. Conversely, your multidimensional consciousness intermingles with the “Breath” of Beings who have pure consciousness and have not held embodiment for millennia or, in some cases, have never held form.

As you allow your consciousness to intermingle with these formless Beings, feel their energy flow through you like a warm breeze…

  • As you breathe in this consciousness memories of life after life are carried up to the surface of your awareness so that you can gather their gifts and set them free with your exhale…

Do NOT collect these memories, for they bind you to the dualistic model of reality, which you are now releasing. Therefore,

  •  Exhale the myriad pictures, feelings and thoughts into the collective energy field of all that you have experienced in your many third dimensional incarnations…
  • Allow these vanishing memories to wash upon the shores of the ONE so that Source to enjoy your myriad experiences of incarnation…

With that release, your consciousness expands even further, and you find that you are among the ONES who have overseen your many incarnations. You feel your great consciousness intermingle with theirs, as you Flow through an endless ocean of light.

  •  Within this intermingling, you receive pictures, thoughts and emotions of your myriad incarnations in your higher dimensional realities…
  • Do not try to contain these sensations, but let them Flow through your consciousness like the light of dawn flowing through the trees…

The “trees” represent your many higher dimensional incarnations. And, the light is the energy field that Flows through every experience allowing you to share your myriad realities with the ONE. The ONE breathes in these experiences and shares them with the consciousness of All That Is. In this manner, all life breaths as ONE great Being who inhales the realities of all creation and inhabits each experience with its cosmic exhale.

Do you realize now how reality is ONE breathing Being with infinite personal experiences? In fact, every physical person, place and thing serves as a Portal through which the ONE experiences the worlds of form.

Back in the third dimension on a small planet called Earth in the Solar System of Sol and the Galaxy known as the Milky Way, a light is expanding beyond the planet, beyond the Solar System and beyond the Galaxy. A small light that was once limited to a clay form has been freed from its confinement and soars beyond all that once constrained it.

This small light joins many other, similar lights to become a glow. As more and more lights are freed from their confinement, the glow becomes a great beacon of light that guides other small light to be freed from their lower-frequency forms.

Gradually, the frequencies of separation intermingle with the frequencies of unity to create a Flow of Ascension that becomes irresistible. Even those who have been trapped in the illusions of time and separation for millennia are awakening to the constant Flow of unconditional love.

An ocean of light is arising as that which was separate is returning to that which is ONE. The ONE is calling its volunteers Home into its SELF.

You have served the ONE by creating new realities, which you will contribute to the ONE upon your return. As the Ocean of Light Flows back to its Source, that which cannot be incorporated into the new wave of reality is released.

What will you need to release to join this wave? What will you need to release to breathe the Cosmic Breath and become ONE with the shores of your new reality? That question can only be answered from deep within your Inner Knowing.

You are in the process of choosing to release that which has held you back, that which has made you suffer. The choice may seem clear, but suffering has become a best friend. When you suffered, you were a “good person.” You were NOT those who made “others” suffer. In fact, you fought against those who created suffering.

But now, you are ONE. You are ONE with the suffering and even ONE with those who created it. Can you release that suffering and remember the feel of the Light as it nurtures, informs, protects and expands your consciousness?

Suffering binds you to that which you fear. To be free of suffering, you must loosen that binding by releasing ALL fear. Yes, fear and suffering have been your best friends. They have told you that you are a good person and that you are trying hard to be better.

But now you KNOW that you were always better and always good. In fact, you know that the terms of “good” and “better,” and even the term “suffering” are ALL illusions of a reality that is coming into its completion.

Can you choose to release all fear and FEEL the Light as it flows through you with your every breath? That choice sounds like a simple solution, but fear and suffering have been your “red badge of courage” for most of your earthly incarnations. How do you release that which you believed made you “good person?” You Release it by Surrendering to the Flow of the ONE!


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

US Military Scrambles To Limit Malaria Drug

US Military Scrambles To Limit Malaria Drug

By Mark Benjamin, Huffington Post, March 25, 2012


WASHINGTON — Nine days after a U.S. soldier allegedly massacred 17 civilians in Afghanistan, a top-level Pentagon health official ordered a widespread, emergency review of the military’s use of a notorius anti-malaria drug called mefloquine.

Mefloquine, also called Lariam, has severe psychiatric side effects. Problems include psychotic behavior, paranoia and hallucinations. The drug has been implicated in numerous suicides and homicides, including deaths in the U.S. military. For years the military has used the weekly pill to help prevent malaria among deployed troops.

The U.S. Army nearly dropped use of mefloquine entirely in 2009 because of the dangers, now only using it in limited circumstances, including sometimes in Afghanistan. The 2009 order from the Army said soldiers who have suffered a traumatic brain injury should not be given the drug.

The soldier accused of grisly Afghanistan murders on March 17 of men, women and children, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, suffered a traumatic brain injury in Iraq in 2010 during his third combat tour. According to New York Times reporting, repeated combat tours also increase the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Bales’ wife, Karilyn Bales, broke her silence in an interview Sunday with NBC’s Matt Lauer, airing on Monday’s Today show. “It is unbelievable to me. I have no idea what happened, but he would not — he loves children. He would not do that,” she said in excerpts released Sunday.

On March 20, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Jonathan Woodson ordered a new, urgent review to make sure that troops were not getting the drug inappropriately. The task order from Woodson, obtained by The Huffington Post, orders an immediate “review of mefloquine prescribing practices” to be completed by the following Monday, six days after the order was issued.

“Some deployed service members may be prescribed mefloquine for malaria prophylaxis without appropriate documentation in their medical records and without proper screening for contraindications,” the order says. It notes that this review must include troops at “deployed locations.”

Army and Pentagon officials would not say whether Bales took the drug, citing privacy rules. When asked if Woodson’s mefloquine review was a response to the massacre, the military in Afghanistan referred the question to the Army. Army officials said they were “unaware” of the review.

After being shown the task order via email, they stopped responding. The Secretary of Defense Office referred questions to the Army — and then back to medical officials in the secretary’s office. Those officials have not responded.

But the sudden violence and apparent cognitive problems related to the crime Bales is accused of mirrors other gruesome cases.

A former Army psychiatrist who was the top advocate for mental health at the Office of the Army Surgeon General recently voiced concern about Bales’ possible mefloquine exposure. “One obvious question to consider is whether he was on mefloquine (Lariam), an anti-malarial medication,” Elspeth Cameron Ritchie wrote this week in TIME’s “Battleland” blog, noting that the drug is still used in Afghanistan.

“This medication has been increasingly associated with neuropsychiatric side effects, including depression, psychosis, and suicidal ideation.”

In 2004 in the United Press International, this reporter and reporter Dan Olmsted chronicled use of the drug by six elite Army Special Forces soldiers who took mefloquine then committed suicide. (Suicide is relatively infrequent among Special Forces soldiers).

“You’re ready to take that plunge into hurting someone or hurting and killing yourself, and it comes on unbelievably quickly,” said one Special Forces soldier diagnosed with permanent brain damage from Lariam. “It’s just a sudden thought, it’s the right thing to do. You’ll get a mental picture, and it’s in full color.”

Also that year, the UPI report showed how mefloquine use was a factor in half of the suicides among troops in Iraq in 2003 -– and how suicides dropped by 50 percent after the Army stopped handing out the drug.

In a case that echoes the Bales’ case, that year the Army dropped charges against Staff Sgt. Georg-Andreas Pogany. Pogany had been the first soldier since Vietnam charged with cowardice. Like Bales, Pogany faced a possible death sentence. The Army dropped the charges after doctors determined that Pogany suffered from Lariam toxicity, which affected his behavior in Iraq.

In 2002, three elite soldiers, who took mefloquine in Afghanistan, returned to murder their wives and then commit suicide. Friends and neighbors described the soldiers’ behavior after taking the drug as incoherent, strange and angry.

Maj. Gary Kolb, spokesman for the Army’s Special Operations Command, was skeptical when asked at the time if mefloquine could have played a role in the tragedies at Fort Bragg. “I think you are heading down the wrong road. That is just my personal opinion.”

Bales’ attorney, John Henry Browne, has said his client has apparent mental health issues and is suffering with memory loss, among other things. A call to his office was not immediately returned.


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Brazil Files Criminal Charges Against 17 Executives of Chevron and Transocean Over Oil Spill By Jeb Blount and Joshua Schneyer, Reuters ,March 22, 2012

Brazil Files Criminal Charges Against 17 Executives of Chevron and Transocean Over Oil Spill

By Jeb Blount and Joshua Schneyer, Reuters ,March 22, 2012
From Rio de Janiero and New York


(Reuters) – A Brazilian federal prosecutor filed criminal charges on Wednesday against Chevron and drill-rig operator Transocean for a November oil spill, raising the stakes in a legal saga that has added to Chevron’s woes in Latin America and could slow Brazil’s offshore oil boom.

Prosecutor Eduardo Santos de Oliveira also filed criminal charges against 17 local executives and employees at Chevron and Transocean, owner of the world’s largest oil rig fleet. Among the defendants is George Buck, 46, a U.S. national in charge of Chevron’s operations in Brazil, the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

“The spilling of oil affected the entire maritime ecosystem, possibly pushing some species to extinction, and caused impacts on economic activity in the region,” Santos de Oliveira, a prosecutor in the oil district of Campos de Goytacazes, said in the filing. “The employees of Chevron and Transocean caused a contamination time bomb of prolonged effect.”

The charges stem from a 3,000-barrel leak in the Frade field, about 120 km (75 miles) off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. They include: failure to realize protocols to contain the leak; failure to take steps to kill the well and stop the drilling process; breach of licenses, legal norms and regulation, including altering documents; and failure to meet legal and contractual duties.

Chevron and Transocean strongly disputed the charges.

“These charges are outrageous and without merit,” Chevron said in a statement. “Once all the facts are fully examined, they will demonstrate that Chevron and its employees responded appropriately and responsibly to the incident.”

Transocean “strongly disagrees with the indictments,” said spokesman Guy Cantwell.

Chevron said it stopped the leak in four days. None of the oil that leaked into the Atlantic reached shore or interfered with marine life, it said.

In November, the same prosecutor filed an $11 billion civil lawsuit over the spill, the largest environmental suit in Brazil’s history. Chevron has already been fined around 200 million reais in fines ($110 million) for the spill by environmental and oil regulators.

Chevron’s shares dropped 1.1 percent to $107.91 on Wednesday, to their lowest in nearly a month. Transocean’s US-traded shares dropped 1.1 percent to $56.77.

Observers warned that the criminal charges could spook foreign companies attracted to Brazil’s offshore oil boom and slow development of more than 50 billion barrels of reserves discovered here since 2007.

“These charges are being used by those who want to shut out foreign investment and vilify foreign companies,” said Adriano Pires, head of energy think tank Brazilian Infrastructure Institute, and a former oil regulator.

The Chevron leak was less than 0.1 percent of the size of the 4 million-barrel BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Transocean also owned the rig in that spill. Past Brazilian oil spills by state-run Petrobras, including some larger ones, have never prompted criminal charges.

Chevron’s troubles in Brazil could force it to rethink its Latin American strategies. A shortage of trained workers, engineers and equipment have driven up costs in Brazil and Chevron faces an $18 billion environmental verdict in Ecuador.

Oliveira’s filings allege that Transocean’s Sedco 706 rig, which drilled the well that leaked, had “grave” equipment failures that were detected by Brazil’s national petroleum agency, the ANP.

In addition to Buck, prosecutors leveled criminal charges against other Chevron and Transocean employees, including five other Americans, five Brazilians, two Frenchmen, two Australians, a Canadian and a Briton. Among them was Guilherme Dantas Rocha Coelho, 38, the Brazilian head of Transocean’s operations in the country.

All were ordered to turn in their passports last Saturday and remain in the country. Each individual will be required to post 1 million reais ($550,000) bail and each company 10 million reais ($5.5 million) to ensure payment of future fines.

Jail Time Unlikely

Prison sentences could be as lengthy as 31 years, the filings said. Oliveira told Reuters in January that jail terms for the oil workers would be unlikely and a “last resort.” On Wednesday, however, he said the executives should be jailed.

“Yes, I want them to serve the full time and if they don’t it won’t be for any lack of effort by the Federal Prosecutors’ Office,” he said at a news conference in Rio de Janeiro.

Under Brazilian law, a judge must examine the charges and determine whether to proceed with formal indictments, a process that could take days or weeks. Either way, Chevron and Transocean likely face years of legal action in Brazil, one of the world’s most promising oil frontiers.

Few individuals or companies have ever been convicted of environmental crimes in Brazil, and fewer have gone to jail.

Rousseff Warns Oil Companies

The charges come less than a week after Chevron asked for and received permission to temporarily stop production at Frade after finding new seeps on the sea floor. It was producing 61,500 barrels a day, down from about 80,000 before the November spill.

Chevron has spent more than $2 billion developing Frade, Brazil’s largest foreign-operated field in which the No. 2 U.S. oil company owns a 52 percent stake. Brazil’s Petrobras owns 30 percent and a Japanese group led by Inpex and Sojitz owns 18 percent.

The prosecutor alleges that Chevron and Transocean ignored signs that their drilling could blast through rock and the seabed as they tapped into a high-pressure reservoir in an area whose faults and fissures made it prone to an underground blowout. Chevron has said it encountered reservoir pressure levels far above those in previous wells.

Chevron has downplayed the potential for further environmental damage from the Frade incident, but has pledged to carry out a study of the field’s geology before asking regulators to resume production. Prosecutors said there could be further leakage, citing evidence of damage to the oil reservoir. A technical report by ANP has not been made public.

Chevron said on Wednesday that oil from the new seabed seep differs chemically from crude spilled in November, and that the two leaks are unrelated. Prosecutors allege the newest leak, measured at less than a barrel of oil, is a worrisome complication of the earlier spill. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, a former energy minister who also served as chairwoman of the Petrobras board, warned oil companies on Wednesday that they must strictly follow security procedures in Brazil.

“On this question there can be no exceptions to being within safety limits and knowing them, to never test them and never go beyond them,” she said in Rio at the swearing in ceremony for the new head of oil regulator ANP.

($1 = 1.82 reais)




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It Is Time Now: Get To Work

It Is Time Now: Get To Work


Channeled by: Marilyn Raffaelle




Dear ones,

We are here to encourage you to have patience. We see your discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you that much is changing. You are not aware of all that is transpiring behind the scenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how events must unfold, simply allowing the process while letting go of any beliefs you may still be holding about how the process must manifest. All is proceeding according to plan and all is perfect.

Many of you are trying to live in ways you believe you should; living out from ideas that come from religious and metaphysical books, or from the experiences of others. Release any and all concepts of how Ascension should look, choosing instead to simply live in the Now moment, accepting each day as a gift from the Divine within, while practicing living the Truth you know.

See the Divine in others and remember who you and they are even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for those you see on the newscasts, and in your newspapers, and as you go about your normal day. Recognize the Divine plan in everything around you. These small steps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the full awakening. It will not appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into a new world without any effort on your part. One is not “saved” simply by declaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and action lived in truth and understanding of whom and what is real. This is the spiritual journey. Yes, things on earth are speeding up now, and more and more opportunities are available for you to practice living each moment from a place of truth and centering, and that is how it is done.

There will be changes you will soon see in your government and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leaving and the more enlightened will be put in their place.

The time is quickly arriving for those who have held back in doubt and disbelief to either get “aboard the ship” or leave. Higher dimensional energy will not support those who choose to stay in the lower frequencies. Many will be shocked by revelations that are soon to come out, but shocked as they may be, they must open their hearts to a new way of seeing and believing or be left behind. These seem like harsh words, but time is running short for the opening of consciousness to truth.

You have worked very hard for thousands of years in the old 3-dimensional energy. It was a game played well, but never intended to go on forever. The game is over dear ones, it is time to get on with your journey into the higher energy of truth and the recognition of who you and all are.

We ask all to send Light to those people and areas of Gaia that are still resonating with the lower frequencies. Just send Light without specific intentions or strings attached, because the Light knows what is needed, it is Omniscient. See the Light flow out from your heart center freely given to those not yet aware of their own Light. Your Light Source can never run dry, for it is infinite. As you see and flow Light to the world, you are not trying to change anything for when you try to change something you are in the third dimensional energy seeing from duality and separation. You see, in reality there is nothing to change for all is already One within the perfection of an omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Mankind, in ignorance of this truth, has formed a world that appears much less than perfect. We are not saying that you are to sit back and say; “Oh well it is all illusion, so I will do nothing”. We are saying that the enlightened soul first and always knows the truth, and then takes whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take. Sometimes it will be to do nothing, other times there will be an action of some sort.

Flow Light to yourselves each day in your quiet time; seeing it flow from your heart center into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the intention of clearing anything and everything of a lower resonance. Choose to clear all lingering energy of disease inheritance, religious vows, ancient promises, painful cellular memories, false beliefs, negative emotional energies, and everything within your energy fields still carrying and holding the lower frequencies, for now is the time for releasing, clearing, and letting go.

It is very important to consciously cut any cords of attachment you may still have to people letting them go in the realization that every individual has a journey, a Higher Self, and Guides to help them and they will find their way as you have. Cords are formed from an excessive negative or positive energy connection to certain people or things. Many times this will be a child. Often it is someone we have had many less than positive dealings with and wish to avoid. Usually it is someone we think about often. Energy cords, negative or positive can be brought with us from other life times and act to hold one in bondage to another person or to something. Never be afraid to consciously release attachment cords. It is important and it is time.

Releasing energy cords does not mean that you cannot have these people in your life; it means the relationship will become different and freer. As you sever any false sense of “NEED” for someone or something in your life, you begin to realize that no thing or person can make you more whole and complete than you already are. This realization is affecting many relationships based in old third dimensional beliefs especially if one partner understands this, and the other does not. Do an experiment; listen to the old love songs of the 40′s and you will get a good example of attachment and the belief that one’s good is outside of themselves. Most will experience a heaviness when listening to these songs. It is the energy the song carries that you feel and no longer resonate with.

Let go dear ones, let go. Nothing real can ever be lost, only seen and experienced on a higher level. Be not afraid to fall into the arms of truth, for what you find there will be much more than you could ever have imagined in the old and limited energy.

Metaphysics is an attempt to change a bad picture into a good one through many and varied modalities. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to change. Right now all are being guided to move into mysticism; a truer way of seeing and believing. Metaphysics still works for many because it resonates with their state of consciousness. Most “spiritual” books available now are metaphysical, guiding the reader to do this or do that in order to move beyond problems and get more “spiritual”. If you no longer resonate with these books and teachings then you are being guided to go beyond metaphysics and into mysticism; the realization that you already are and always have been complete.

It is time to let go of ALL that is old and finished, no matter how strongly you have believed you needed something in order to feel happy.

This is Ascension.

We are the Arcturian Group



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SaLuSa: March 26, 2012

SaLuSa: March 26, 2012

As channeled through Mike Quinsey

In some ways we would say that our mission nears completion, as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the control of the Illuminati is showing results. It is for you, the end of the cycle of duality, and for us simply the means of clearing the way for the commencement of a new cycle.

It will be a new beginning and follow a continuation of the raising up of your consciousness levels, to allow you to ascend to even higher levels. We too will be sharing those times with you and are very much a part of your future. We are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.

What you have now is not your true reality, but one you have created over a millennia of time since you dropped down from the higher dimensions. Not a single soul was forced to do so, and each and every one of you freely volunteered for the experience. You did so with complete faith knowing that however much you strayed from the Light, there would be a time when you would be called back and helped to do so. That time is of course now, and in a short time you will know for certainty that you are firmly on the path to Ascension, and that nothing can stand in its way or delay it. Can you not sense the difference already in the energies around you, as they have become more of the Light and so uplifting. Those of fear have been subdued, and when you obtain confirmation of the extent of the arrests and resignations of the dark Ones, that will also help you to live more peacefully.

The freedom that has been denied you for so long is returning, and you will be in no doubt that the old paradigm has been destroyed. The new one is already taking its place and bringing you a new hope and belief in a wonderful future. Some of you have glimpsed it and it has inspired you and changed your outlook on life. It is so different to what you have now that words seem inadequate to describe it, and one notable aspect is the feeling of love that comes at you from all directions. If you have ever experienced such an energy it is likely to have only been a momentary experience, whereas in the higher dimensions it is continually present. You have an expression that “it is love that makes the world go around” and you do not realize how true it is.

Indeed it is the lack of love that has torn your Earth apart and made you feel detached from your godself. Love energy is the most powerful one of all, and could change your circumstances in a flash if you were all able to come together in this way. Many of you have experienced what love can do, particularly where it is used to heal. It can transmute the lower vibrations, and that is why you are often asked to send love to those who are of the dark Cabal.

Think upon these things and when you feel that you want to help Mankind, send out love to those who are clearly in need. The results may not be instantaneous but be assured that it helps even if they take time to be seen. The Light can be built upon such as when you use it to protect yourself.

If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions. Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.

So Dear Ones, be determined to ride out whatever comes your way between now and Ascension.

Do not let anything get you down as whatever happens it will be short lived. If you suffer losses they will be more than made up to you, and remember that you cannot take anything with you into the higher vibrations unless it is compatible with them. That is why no soul can force its way into them, and will automatically find itself at its correct and corresponding level. Understand that you all progress at your own speed, and have had equal opportunities to choose the path to Ascension. So please do not upset yourself should a near loved one choose differently to you, and honor their freewill choice. Loved ones are never far away, and you will always be able to meet again.

Get ready to enjoy yourselves and feel free to express your feelings, as once the changes come out and you see the benefits you will be ecstatic. Celebrations will be the order of the day, and believe us when we say that we shall organize some memorable events and take part in them. Joy and happiness are getting nearer and will carry you all of the way to Ascension. There are difficult periods still to go through, but nothing will last very long and if it creates new needs, we will be on hand to help you. We already work behind the scenes and will be pleased when our activities can be more open. Our priority at present is stopping the warring factions from coming to blows, and we have no doubt that we can prevent any attempts at starting another war. You will be appalled and no doubt angry, when you learn of how many times the dark Ones have tried to start another one in the Middle East. We will not dwell upon such unpleasant things, but you need to know who has worked against you over many, many years, often in the guise of working for you.

We continue to closely monitor Mother Earth as there are physical changes happening, and some areas are more prone to them than others. We are not allowed to stop those that are necessary, but will do all we can to alleviate any harm to you and keep extensive damage to a minimum. Conditions could well have been horrendous if the dark Ones had their way, but we have stopped their plans to induce catastrophes to reduce the population of Earth. We know many of you cannot comprehend that anyone could fall to that extent, but with the almost total loss of Light such souls have lost any feelings of compassion.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who have given a hand in spreading not just these, but many messages from sources of Light. They have uplifted so many people, and prepared them for Ascension. God bless you all.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.


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Loan Forgiveness Good for the Economy

Stephen: Well, we know that NESARA will bring about all debt forgiveness. Have two of America’s mortgage giants, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, now seen the light? Loan Forgiveness Good for the Economy, and Maybe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Too By Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica, March 25, 2012 http://tinyurl.com/7e25vpm New analyses by mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have added an explosive new dimension to one of the most politically charged debates about the housing crisis: Whether to reduce the amount of money beleaguered homeowners owe on their mortgages. Their conclusion: Such loan forgiveness wouldn’t just help keep hundreds of thousands of families in their homes, it would also save Freddie and Fannie money. That, in turn, would help taxpayers, who bailed out the companies at a cost of more than $150 billion and are still on the hook for future losses. The analyses, which have not been made public, were recently presented to the agency that controls the companies, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, according to two people familiar with the matter. Freddie Mac’s meeting with the FHFA took place last week. The decision of whether to allow such reductions rests with Edward DeMarco, the acting director of the FHFA, who has steadfastly opposed so-called principal reductions on the grounds that it’s a bad business decision for the companies and would cost taxpayers money. Many economists and policy makers contend that cutting principal — the amount of money lent to the homeowner — is one of the best solutions for keeping people in their homes and to bolster the fragile economic recovery. But this solution has raised passionate opposition: Many borrowers who are paying their mortgages every month feel it is unfair. Why, they ask, should they have to keep paying the full amount while others who took a loan they ultimately couldn’t afford or saw their house plummet in value get a break? Some economists and policy makers argue that borrowers might intentionally stop paying their mortgages to score a reduction. Indeed, the prospect that the government would help troubled homeowners was a spark that created the Tea Party movement. The companies’ new analyses were prompted by new Obama administration subsidies the government is offering Fannie and Freddie to reduce a homeowner’s loan. But it’s unclear whether DeMarco will take advantage of those incentives. He declined to be interviewed for this story. But in a statement to ProPublica and NPR, DeMarco said that FHFA is assessing its position in light of the new Obama financial incentives, offered under the Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP. “As I have stated previously, FHFA is considering HAMP incentives for principal reduction and we have been having discussions with [Freddie and Fannie] and Treasury regarding our analysis.” Both Fannie and Freddie declined to comment. As an independent regulator, DeMarco does not answer to the president and can make policies that the administration opposes. Obama sought to replace DeMarco, but his nominee was blocked by Republicans in the Senate, which must confirm the agency head. As recently as Feb. 28th, DeMarco told the Senate banking committee, “Both companies have been reviewing principal forgiveness alternatives. Both have advised me that they do not believe it is in the best interest of the companies to do so.” Overall, principal reductions could help millions of borrowers who owe much more on their homes than their houses are worth, economists estimate. And principal reductions can help lenders, because foreclosure often leads to bigger losses than reducing the amount owed. The biggest banks have long employed such reductions to curb their own losses. The new analyses by Freddie and Fannie were done to assess the new financial incentives that the Obama administration announced in late January. ProPublica and NPR have not read the analyses, but two people described key aspects of them. The companies now find that reducing principal on troubled mortgages has a “positive net present value” — in other words, that doing it would bring in more money for the companies over the life of the loans than not doing it. The two companies’ analyses showed that upwards of a quarter million borrowers who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth could benefit from principal reductions. The companies would take a loss upfront, but over the long run these mortgage modifications would save the companies money because they would lead to lower default rates. Experts have said that principal reductions are one of the best tools for helping homeowners stay in their homes. “Principal reduction works,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. “If someone gets a reduction in their principal amount, it gives them a real powerful hook to really fight to try to hold onto the home, even if things aren’t going financially right for them.” The re-default rate for homeowners who receive a principal reduction is lower compared with the rate on other types of types of mortgage modifications, Zandi said. Zandi estimates that principal modification could benefit 300,000 to 500,000 homeowners whose mortgages were backed by Fannie and Freddie. “And that would make a substantive difference,” he says, in helping the housing market and boosting the economy. “It saves taxpayers money and makes homeowners less likely to default,” said Zandi. Given the Obama Administration’s policy changes, “I’m now perplexed why DeMarco is not more fully engaged” in supporting principal reductions. Not everyone supports principal modifications. Anthony Sanders at George Mason University says that implementing such reductions risks triggering a wave of strategic defaults, where people stop paying on their homes in order to qualify for a break. “DeMarco is absolutely right,” he says. The Obama administration’s new initiative triples the subsidies. They now range from 18 cents to 63 cents on the dollar, based on conditions such as how deeply underwater a borrower is. The subsidy works out so that generally the Treasury would pick up about half of Freddie and Fannie’s principal reductions, according to a person familiar with the incentives. The subsidies are funded through HAMP, which used money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), widely known as the bank bailout. Much of that money has not been spent. Under DeMarco, the FHFA has allowed Fannie and Freddie to do principal forbearance, rather than principal reductions. In such a modification, borrowers’ monthly payments are reduced, but they still must eventually pay back the entire loan. Critics contend that such modifications don’t provide as much incentive as principal reductions for borrowers to keep paying. Despite the new findings, it still might not make sense for Fannie and Freddie to do principal reductions. Such a program might require substantial and expensive changes to their computer and accounting systems and might distract from the core business. In his statement, DeMarco said, “FHFA’s previously released analysis concluded that principal forgiveness did not provide benefits that were greater than principal forbearance as a loss mitigation tool. FHFA’s assessment of the investor incentives now being offered will follow the previous evaluation, including consideration of the eligible universe, operational costs to implement such changes, and potential borrower incentive effects.” Yet even before the Obama administration’s new subsidies, the FHFA’s own data supported principal reductions for some borrowers, despite its opposition to using them, some argued. An American Banker analysis of the FHFA study, which the agency sent to Congress in January, suggested that principal reduction shouldn’t be rejected so unequivocally. Update: On Friday, following the publication of this story by ProPublica and NPR, lawmakers called on the Federal Housing Finance Administration to provide Congress with the new analyses on principal reductions by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In addition, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan urged FHFA to immediately implement appropriate principal reductions to home loans held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.     via the2012scenario.com

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