Things are happening thick and fast! Great progress has been made in the awakening process. If you could see what we see, you would be absolutely astounded because so many essential changes have taken place, under the radar as it were, to bring the process ever closer to completion. Those who would prevent the awakening are pulling out all the stops in their final efforts to defeat the Light – which obviously is quite impossible. Just intensify your determination to awaken, and watch as these essential changes continue to occur.
We are all one — humanity, your space families, and we in the spiritual realms — because All, Everything That Exists, does so in the eternal and divine field of Love that is God. There is nowhere else, and the vast majority of those apparently enveloped within the illusion – which seems so immense from within it – are working most effectively to dissolve this tiny imaginary pocket of nothingness which appears so real. The moment for its dissolution is close and cannot be avoided or prevented.
The field of divine Love that envelops your planet, and indeed the whole strange, illusory environment that you built and continue to maintain, is strengthening and intensifying as you all come more fully into alignment with it and are able to accept and embrace its powerful and healing energies. When you entered the illusion you left behind almost all your amazing energy and power, and that has to be restored to you only gradually to ensure that you are not overloaded. Once again, using the ocean as an analogy for God’s Love, you can swim and frolic happily at the surface, but if you were to dive deeply into its depths you would be crushed because your bodies were not constructed to withstand the extreme pressure of intense Love that prevails there, waiting enthusiastically to envelop you in its eternal and sublime embrace .
At present you are all undergoing a massive expansion and strengthening of your individual energy fields to prepare you for your return to Reality. Spending time in the illusion has enormously weakened you, a bit like becoming sick and bedridden, where you have needed to rebuild your health and strength before being able to operate normally once more. You have become unbalanced, inharmonious, out of tune, and are now going through a period of what can only be described as expert restoration and renewal, after years of inappropriate storage, or even thoughtless abuse.
Those of you who are experiencing constant tiredness, exhaustion, or energy depletion are at the forefront of the restoration and renewal program. It is very draining and depressing for you as you struggle with the problems of making even the most simple decisions in your daily lives, things that were previously a breeze. Know that you are greatly honored, intensely supported, and dearly loved, and that this ongoing sensation of being completely alone as you force yourselves to maintain your optimism, and discount and disregard your doubts and anxieties, is akin to that very deep dark period before the dawn.
The light is coming.
Dawn is the renewal of the day. And the dawn that is now being heralded is the dawn of God’s eternal day, which shines with shimmering brilliance on all the infinite spheres and domains of which Reality is composed. Its brilliance is unimaginable – no other light is in any way comparable to it – and at the same time it is wonderfully soothing, inspiring, and invigorating. Within the divine, eternal day, the creative possibilities are endlessly enticing and irresistible; it is a paradise of delights that will never cease to fulfill your every whim or impulse as you wander though its deliciously fertile and fruitful gardens drinking in the spectacular array of colors, scents, and the softness with which it embraces you. It is your Home, it is where you come from, it is where you belong, and it welcomes your presence within it because you complete it.
With so very much love, Saul.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Saul~You are going through a period of expert restoration and renewal | The Galactic Free Press
AMERICANS WAKE UP! | The Galactic Free Press
Posted on September 1, 2012 by Nancy B. DetweilerIT IS TIME FOR AMERICANS TO WAKE UP TO ALL OF THE LIES
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Americans, the world awaits our awakening to the truth of our galactic family and their presence with us … to the truth of the NESARA LAW that will transform life as we know it!
The Galactic Federation of Light are our brothers and sisters, here to assist us in building a world in which suffering, deprivation, and pollution no longer exist. This re-creation of our planetary societies is continually obstructed by the dark cabal, who care not how many people they have to kill or how much taxpayer money they spend in order to maintain control over us.
The implementation of the NESARA LAW in the United States would be a part of this world transformation because as the Sirians told us through Sheldan Nidle on August 29, 2012, an international version of NESARA will also be brought forth.
The major media does not tell us the truth … our government does not tell us the truth. They do not report the truth because both are tightly controlled by the dark cabal.
People in positions of power or first hand knowledge who know truth are under a severe gag order that threatens death to the whistleblower and his/her family if broken. Two examples of this severe gag order are those attached to disclosure of our galactic family and those attached to the announcement of NESARA, both of which would transform life on this planet.
The existence of gag orders attached with a penalty of death if broken was accented this past week with the death of Neil Armstrong.
NASA’s stock photo of Neil Armstrong on the Moon
Note the gray color of the Moon … Note the apparent barrenness
of the Moon’s surface … Note the photo “appears” to be in color.
As Dr. Greer discloses in his article, the photographs are manipulated in order to hide the truth from the people.
NASA’s stock photo of Dave Scott on the Moon’s surface.
Note the photo “appears” to be in color, thereby “revealing” the gray color of the Moon’s surface. Again, note the barrenness of the surface.
After reading the article by Dr. Greer, view additional verification in the film CELESTIAL that NASA and the dark cabal are withholding the truth of the Moon’s surface from the people.
National Economic Security & Reformation Act—NESARA
Demonstrators for NESARA in Hague, Netherlands
Demonstrations took place weekly—regardless of weather conditions—for 40+ weeks.
You may read about NESARA and view the photo gallery of demonstrators in front of the Peace Palace in Hague, Netherlands at this URL.
AMERICANS, much good for our entire planet awaits our awakening … awaits our refusal to get caught up in the propaganda being aired over our television sets and in our newspapers.
As long as we choose to remain asleep and leave it up to the authorities, we support our own enslavement by the dark cabal. It is “we the people” who must wake up … learn what is truly happening in our nation and on our planet … and demand disclosure of our galactic family and NESARA in America and on an international basis.
UntitledIsraeli Soldiers Break Silence | The Galactic Free Press
Israeli Soldiers Break Silence
It’s hard to hear, but I take it as a sign that we’re going in the right direction; that consciousness IS changing.
Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.
Their testimonies expose “the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.
They include “looting and destruction of property.” Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel’s militarized occupation.
Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what’s done in their name. “In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done.”
BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:
“We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)….have always served in the front lines” (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it.”
“We….served….long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people.”
“We(‘ve)….seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides.”
“The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country.”
“The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF’s human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society.”
“We….know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.”
“We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.”
“We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.”
“We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense.”
“The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we shall take no part in them.”
Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel’s military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
To date, BTS collected over 700 testimonies. Soldiers from all segments of Israeli society supplied them. They’re frank, bold, revealing, and courageous. Those published were “meticulously researched” for accuracy.
Facts are cross-checked with additional eyewitness evidence, as well as archival material from human rights organizations.
Most soldiers remain anonymous for their own safety. They’re concerned about IDF recrimination and societal pressures they’ll face otherwise. Israel doesn’t take criticism lightly.
It wants no one obstructing or denigrating military or government policies. Doing so can be hazardous. Being Jewish doesn’t grant immunity. Soldiers bearing witness to horrific crimes have special concerns. They have smoking gun proof of Israeli lawless.
Their testimonies are damning. They reveal the real Israel. They destroy the myth of a free, open, and equitable democratic state. Throughout its history, ruthlessness defines policy.
Militarism is a way of life. Arabs are considered lesser beings. Occupied Palestinians are persecuted for not being Jewish.
Edward Said explained it powerfully. His books, articles, and outspokenness bear witness to decades of horrific treatment.
He described “Sharonian evil.” Among other crimes, he massacred children. He turned Palestine into an isolated prison. He used tanks and F-16s against civilians.
He, his predecessors, and successors committed virtually every imaginable atrocity. Netanyahu exceeds his extremism. He, Barak, and like-minded hardliners represent consummate evil.
Palestinians are persecuted and oppressed for their faith, ethnicity and presence. An endless cycle of violence, depravation, and degradation targets them. In Gaza, slow-motion genocide is policy.
In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers operate like storm troopers. Hitler had a Jewish problem. Israel has a Palestinian one. They can’t get rid of them, so they’re brutalized mercilessly.
BTS soldiers want shocking truths revealed. Everyone has a right to know. Israelis need to know what type society they live in. Change depends on exposing it to the light of day.
US media scoundrels suppress it. So do European ones most often. Exceptions are rare. They prove the rule. London Guardian writer Harriet Sherwood headlined “Former Israeli soldiers disclose routing mistreatment of Palestinian children,” saying:
BTS members described “beatings, intimidation, humiliation, verbal abuse, night-time arrests and injury.”
Children most often face stone-throwing charges. Usually they did nothing. At most they caused no harm. They can face prison and torture either way. They’re horrifically treated like adults. Sherwood gave graphic examples of soldier testimonies.
UntitledIsraeli Soldiers Break Silence | The Galactic Free Press
Israeli Soldiers Break Silence
It’s hard to hear, but I take it as a sign that we’re going in the right direction; that consciousness IS changing.
Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.
Their testimonies expose “the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.
They include “looting and destruction of property.” Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel’s militarized occupation.
Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what’s done in their name. “In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done.”
BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:
“We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)….have always served in the front lines” (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it.”
“We….served….long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people.”
“We(‘ve)….seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides.”
“The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country.”
“The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF’s human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society.”
“We….know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.”
“We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.”
“We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.”
“We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense.”
“The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we shall take no part in them.”
Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel’s military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
To date, BTS collected over 700 testimonies. Soldiers from all segments of Israeli society supplied them. They’re frank, bold, revealing, and courageous. Those published were “meticulously researched” for accuracy.
Facts are cross-checked with additional eyewitness evidence, as well as archival material from human rights organizations.
Most soldiers remain anonymous for their own safety. They’re concerned about IDF recrimination and societal pressures they’ll face otherwise. Israel doesn’t take criticism lightly.
It wants no one obstructing or denigrating military or government policies. Doing so can be hazardous. Being Jewish doesn’t grant immunity. Soldiers bearing witness to horrific crimes have special concerns. They have smoking gun proof of Israeli lawless.
Their testimonies are damning. They reveal the real Israel. They destroy the myth of a free, open, and equitable democratic state. Throughout its history, ruthlessness defines policy.
Militarism is a way of life. Arabs are considered lesser beings. Occupied Palestinians are persecuted for not being Jewish.
Edward Said explained it powerfully. His books, articles, and outspokenness bear witness to decades of horrific treatment.
He described “Sharonian evil.” Among other crimes, he massacred children. He turned Palestine into an isolated prison. He used tanks and F-16s against civilians.
He, his predecessors, and successors committed virtually every imaginable atrocity. Netanyahu exceeds his extremism. He, Barak, and like-minded hardliners represent consummate evil.
Palestinians are persecuted and oppressed for their faith, ethnicity and presence. An endless cycle of violence, depravation, and degradation targets them. In Gaza, slow-motion genocide is policy.
In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers operate like storm troopers. Hitler had a Jewish problem. Israel has a Palestinian one. They can’t get rid of them, so they’re brutalized mercilessly.
BTS soldiers want shocking truths revealed. Everyone has a right to know. Israelis need to know what type society they live in. Change depends on exposing it to the light of day.
US media scoundrels suppress it. So do European ones most often. Exceptions are rare. They prove the rule. London Guardian writer Harriet Sherwood headlined “Former Israeli soldiers disclose routing mistreatment of Palestinian children,” saying:
BTS members described “beatings, intimidation, humiliation, verbal abuse, night-time arrests and injury.”
Children most often face stone-throwing charges. Usually they did nothing. At most they caused no harm. They can face prison and torture either way. They’re horrifically treated like adults. Sherwood gave graphic examples of soldier testimonies.
Now Banks Can Legally Steal Retirement Accounts | The Galactic Free Press
GFP Note: Following up on the article I just posted
(Sentinel ruling may hurt MF Global clients), this article reiterates that, thanks to the "Sentinel Ruling" banks can use customer funds to pay off creditors during times of duress and that customers might never get their money back because that money became the property of the bank.
Source: Fyx News
By Dominique de Kevelioc de BailleulWednesday, August 15, 2012 10:49:49 AM“If you don’t understand what ‘get the hell out’ means, there’s not much I can do for you,” Ann Barnhardt passionately told blogger Warren Pollock, as she warned viewers of systemic failure in the U.S. financial system, as well as the certainty that American savers will be robbed of their retirement, brokerage and savings accounts in the process.
Barnhardt, the former commodities broker, cites the latest and hushed court ruling in the 2007 case of a failed Chicago-based futures brokerage firm Sentinel Management Group—another Ponzi bankruptcy, according to her, totaling $600 million of segregated customer funds tied up in bankruptcy awaiting determination of whether those segregated funds will be used to pay off a “secured position” of a $312 million loan held by Bank of NY Mellon.
According to a federal appeals court ruling, Thursday, Bank of New York Mellon’s secured loan will be put ahead of customer segregated accounts held by Sentinel—a landmark ruling that turns individual segregated accounts into the property of a third party under circumstances of duress. In other words, if a financial institution fails, clients, depositors and pension funds may not get some or all of their money back in a bankruptcy.
In essence, under the ruling, Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and other insurance programs no longer will/can protect customer funds, leaving millions of investors, depositors and retirees unaware that they are no longer account holders of their own funds, per se, but, instead, have suddenly become stockholders of the institution with which they have deposited their money.
Copy of the Sentinel Ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
Barnhardt goes on to say that many emails she receives from readers of her blog mock her as a Cassandra, but the woman who warned last year of the coming failures and the government’s disregard of the basics of Common Law have been proved correct. Customers who thought their money was insured with MF Global, PFGBest and, now, Sentinel, were not insured after all, and will lose some or all of their money due to a bankruptcy of the firm in which they’ve placed faith.
She reiterates from numerous previous interviews: run for the hills with your money. The federal appeals court ruling in the case of Sentinel demonstrates that financial institutions have suddenly taken precedence over segregated customer funds, including their largest customers of all—pension funds.
Few know that the game has changed, and the lack of mainstream media coverage of the shock ruling from the seventh circuit court highly suggests fears within the Fed of a full-blown bank run if the news of Sentinel’s case were to become a front-page headline, underscoring the fragility of the banking system of the United States.
“Insurance is designed to cover discreet, individual catastrophes. Okay? If one bank fails, the FDIC can come in and backstop that one bank, no problem,” Barnhardt explains.
“What do you think is going to happen if the entire system collapses? What happens, do you think, if, even, let’s say 25 percent of the banks or the banking capacity in the United States fails?” she asks, rhetorically. “We are now talking trillions and trillions of dollars in deposits.”
In fact, the FDIC shows $15.3 billion (Q1 2012) available to insure approximately $4.7 trillion of deposits (last reported, Q4 2008), or an insurance pool equivalent to one-third of one cent (0.0033) held at the FDIC for each dollar insured within the banking system.
Presently, the FDIC cannot make whole on even one percent of bank deposits covered under its insurance program, though it claims to cover up to $250,000 for each account, a promise that surely will be broken (at least when compared with today’s purchasing power of one dollar) during a systemic banking system failure, according to Barnhardt.
“The analogy is to the fire department,” she adds. “The fire department work great if one house is on fire. What happens if the entire city, if every structure in the city is on fire?”
Barnhardt concludes her interview with two thoughts:
Firstly, in a democratic republic, collectively, Americans are ultimately responsible for the financial system by voting for “psychopaths” to guard against allowing other psychopaths to run the banking system. The coming financial collapse would not be possible with an informed and vigilant electorate, according to her.
Secondly, Barnhardt, a devout Christian, prays for people to wake up in time to protect themselves before the collapse takes place, which she says could be tomorrow, or as far out as two years from now.
Bloomberg View: Getting to the Bottom of Libor | The Galactic Free Press
Bloomberg Business Week
August 30, 2012Photograph by Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
The headquarters of Barclays, right, in the Canary Wharf business district of London
The global investigation into the manipulation of the London interbank offered rate has so far done a good job of exposing how bankers corrupted one of the world’s most important financial indicators. Now authorities need to take a giant step further: make banks release the data needed to determine how much damage was done and who should bear the most responsibility.
Investigators are focusing on two kinds of manipulation. In one, bankers submitted false data to push Libor in a direction that would benefit their own traders. In the other, bankers intentionally lowered the reported rates, which are published daily, to make their institutions’ financial positions look better than they really were. In June, for example, Barclays (BCS) paid about $450 million in fines after confessing that, during the 2008 financial crisis, it lowered its quotes below its true borrowing rates to keep them in line with those of other banks, which Barclays thought were fudging even more.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Public sector banks: Troubles continue | The Galactic Free Press
The Guardian
Simon Goodley, 29 August 2012Barclays faces criminal investigation into payments made to Qatar Holding after bank sought emergency funding in 2008
Barclays is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office over payments made to Qatar Holding in 2008. Photograph: David Sillitoe for the GuardianThe Serious Fraud Office has launched an investigation into payments made after Barclays tapped Middle Eastern investors for emergency funds in 2008.
The inquiry – which relates to the disclosure of fees paid to the sovereign investor Qatar Holding – represents the latest blow to the bank, which has just lost its chief executive Bob Diamond and chairman Marcus Agius after being fined £290m by US and UK regulators for its role in the Libor fixing scandal.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Public sector banks: Troubles continue | The Galactic Free Press
New York Observer
Patrick Clark, 8/31/12
New Barclays boss Antony Jenkins is the only CEO of a global universal bank without a background in investment banking, and according to Bloomberg, the low-profile retail banker is everything that former CEO Bob Diamond wasn’t. Mr. Jenkins, the first in his family to attend university, started his career at Barclays in 1983 and, after a stint at Citi, returned in 2006. Barclays chairman Marcus Agius, expected to step down in the wake of the Libor scandal now that the task of replacing Mr. Diamond is complete, said that Mr. Jenkins stood out in a competitive field of candidates, according to The New York Times. Former U.K. financial services chief Paul Myners told Bloomberg that there were “probably less than four credible candidates, two of whom I know were approached and turned it down almost without any serious consideration.”
JPMorgan’s internal investigation into trading losses associated with the trader known as the London Whale is far from over, and has required the efforts of more than 100 hundred lawyers, Reuters reports. U.S. authorities have also begun interviewing witnesses, and a high-quality internal probe may be helpful in dealing with the government.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Public sector banks: Troubles continue | The Galactic Free Press
Business Standard
Shishir Asthana, Mumbai, August 31, 2012The Mahapatra Committee recommendations could erode a large portion of public sector banks' net worth
Public sector banks are in trouble and have betrayed this fact by objecting to the recommendations made by Reserve Bank of India’s committee on loan restructuring. The Mahapatra Committee set up by the central bank had suggested the abolition of regulatory forbearance while recasting debt after two years. If implemented, this would mean that all restructured loans will have to be classified as NPAs (non-performing assets).
Credit rating agency Crisil has revised its loan recast figure to Rs 3.25 lakh crore for 2012-13 which is a sharp rise from Rs 2.18 lakh crore for 2011-12. Nearly 80 per cent of these loans are in the books of public sector banks.
To read the rest of this story, visit
POOF for September 2, 2012: There Will Be Many Surprises | The Galactic Free Press
September 2, 2012 | RMN
*Lyrics to “What a Wonderful World” below Poof’s message.
Greetings and Salutations:
Frankly, this whole [thing] has been like cleaning out an impacted colon. Let that image percolate thru the grey matter…Then while you’re cleaning, somebody is throwing more crap to try to keep the impaction in place.
Sometimes it’s been necessary to use explosives to gain on the enemy, who’ve been using every desperate measure at their disposal. Failure was never an option…whatever it looked like, but no human could stop the future.
For folks intent on keeping the past intact, like horses with blinders, they failed to notice the bridge back was gone. That was the detonation and now the system has the barnyard runs as the toxins are being released into the media and they in turn spray it all over the listener.
Buddha taught the middle path…staying between the opposing sides and seeing them both clearly. We all know politicians can’t stand centrist. Do you dare keep your own mind and thoughts…not join the herd, off the cliff?
‘But I need the money, Poof…I’ll do good stuff’. ‘They’ know it and it’s why it was designed to impact the ‘bottom’, first.
YOU move the world not bankers. You bring supply to neighborhoods, elderly, children, the indigent.
The bankers tried to act as if it was a closed world between the haves’ and have nots’. Then they started cannibalizing each other, what a nice little mess that turned out to be. Had these same goons been left to do to you what they did to each other, all this time of waiting and preparing, would have been a total waste of time.
To this day, folks still have a hard time conceiving of a world not run by the greedy predators, of the last 100+ years. Many have accepted that they are the lesser, serfs on the lord’s big land and willing to pay tribute to be left alone. That’s why these announcements will turn many brains to mush. I’ll say again [that] the history books will Have to be rewritten. We were taught outright lies. Learning the answer as to Why something was done, not just it’s the ‘patriotic thing to do’…followed with band music.
With the impacted colon problem relieved, the omega doorway to this system can be opened to usher in the future. There will be many surprises and some will be hard to digest.
The nice lady, for example, is not dead and Mr. Bush can testify to that. Nothing like personal contact…she ain’t no joke and does not mind adding insult to injury. There’s a reason why the Chinese are called inscrutable…look it up again if you fail to grasp it’s meaning. The “never pay” model was always destined to fail. If your ‘reason’ was based on faulty ideas…you will lose to a great game of global banking. Nothing like buying your casino right out from under you…more like foreclosure.
I just gotta say this, who would it benefit in the U.S. for everything to dump right now…rvs and programs…hint it’s a politician. I think even a 3rd grader could figure that one out.
Have a blessed future, filled with joy. The world is moving on, no matter what you hear on the internet.
Love and Kisses,
Louis Armstrong
What A Wonderful World Lyrics
Songwriters: DIPRETA, DOUG
I see trees of green…….. red roses too
I see em bloom….. for me and for you
And I think to myself…. what a wonderful world.I see skies of blue….. clouds of white
Bright blessed days….dark sacred nights
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful world.The colors of a rainbow… pretty the sky
Are also on the faces…..of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands…..sayin.. how do you do
They’re really sayin……i love you.
I hear babies cry…… I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more…..than I’ll never know
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful world(instrumental break)
The colors of a rainbow… pretty the sky
Are there on the faces…..of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands…..sayin.. how do you do
They’re really sayin…*spoken*(I ….love….you).I hear babies cry…… I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I’ll never know)
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself …….what a wonderful world.What A Wonderful World lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Universal Music Publishing Group, MEMORY LANE MUSIC GROUP, WINDSWEPT HOLDINGS LLC, CARLIN AMERICA INC
Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 31 August 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697
Listen 31 August 17 pm Central USA or mainland Europe 1 am 1 September 2012
CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.
Disclosure, as a global awareness event is now happening. CVN is among the first to formally declare disclosure as real and peaceful.CVN will be an evolving program, adapting to the events unfolding upon, within and beyond our planet.
CVN will also address current events that support a shift to a peaceful planet.
A program to promote and encourage courageous dialogue worldwide, while preparing everyone to be re-introduced to our galactic families.
A beautiful future is unfolding! Know it, and share it! Cosmic Vision News – the truth is out there…and it’s in here – the heart of Gaia, and the heart of you! /
AMERICANS WAKE UP! | The Galactic Free Press:
Posted on September 1, 2012 by Nancy B. DetweilerIT IS TIME FOR AMERICANS TO WAKE UP TO ALL OF THE LIES
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Americans, the world awaits our awakening to the truth of our galactic family and their presence with us … to the truth of the NESARA LAW that will transform life as we know it!
The Galactic Federation of Light are our brothers and sisters, here to assist us in building a world in which suffering, deprivation, and pollution no longer exist. This re-creation of our planetary societies is continually obstructed by the dark cabal, who care not how many people they have to kill or how much taxpayer money they spend in order to maintain control over us.
The implementation of the NESARA LAW in the United States would be a part of this world transformation because as the Sirians told us through Sheldan Nidle on August 29, 2012, an international version of NESARA will also be brought forth.
The major media does not tell us the truth … our government does not tell us the truth. They do not report the truth because both are tightly controlled by the dark cabal.
People in positions of power or first hand knowledge who know truth are under a severe gag order that threatens death to the whistleblower and his/her family if broken. Two examples of this severe gag order are those attached to disclosure of our galactic family and those attached to the announcement of NESARA, both of which would transform life on this planet.
The existence of gag orders attached with a penalty of death if broken was accented this past week with the death of Neil Armstrong.
NASA’s stock photo of Neil Armstrong on the Moon
Note the gray color of the Moon … Note the apparent barrenness
of the Moon’s surface … Note the photo “appears” to be in color.
As Dr. Greer discloses in his article, the photographs are manipulated in order to hide the truth from the people.
NASA’s stock photo of Dave Scott on the Moon’s surface.
Note the photo “appears” to be in color, thereby “revealing” the gray color of the Moon’s surface. Again, note the barrenness of the surface.
After reading the article by Dr. Greer, view additional verification in the film CELESTIAL that NASA and the dark cabal are withholding the truth of the Moon’s surface from the people.
National Economic Security & Reformation Act—NESARA
Demonstrators for NESARA in Hague, Netherlands
Demonstrations took place weekly—regardless of weather conditions—for 40+ weeks.
You may read about NESARA and view the photo gallery of demonstrators in front of the Peace Palace in Hague, Netherlands at this URL.
AMERICANS, much good for our entire planet awaits our awakening … awaits our refusal to get caught up in the propaganda being aired over our television sets and in our newspapers.
As long as we choose to remain asleep and leave it up to the authorities, we support our own enslavement by the dark cabal. It is “we the people” who must wake up … learn what is truly happening in our nation and on our planet … and demand disclosure of our galactic family and NESARA in America and on an international basis.