By Alessandro Speciale| Religion News Service, Updated: Monday, July 9, 4:35 PM AP
(Image: Wikimedia Commons)
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican posted a record loss of $19 million (15 million euros) in 2011, its worst deficit in more than a decade.
Vatican officials blamed the loss on the “negative trend of global financial markets, which made it impossible to achieve the goals laid down in the budget,” in an announcement on Thursday (July 5).
The Holy See’s budget benefited from a $61 million (49 million euros) contribution from the Institute for the Works of Religion, the Vatican Bank. But this was offset by growing expenses, especially for personnel and for the Vatican media network, which includes Vatican Radio and the semiofficial newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. Vatican media operations registered a loss of $22 million.
To read the rest of this story, visit
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Melchizedek ~~The Earth's evolution and her place ~~ 09/07/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont | The Galactic Free Press
Monday, July 9, 2012
Melchizedek ~~The Earth's evolution and her place ~~ 09/07/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont
Dearest Ones,
I Am Melchizedek and I greet you. For thousands of years we follow your evolutionary process and that of Mother Earth argus-eyed. And in all that time we have been very busy helping and assisting you with this process by taking the necessary precautions on an Earthly as well as on a Heavenly plane. There is a feeling of Love and Enlightenment for you and your beloved planet in the Higher Realms. Gaia is our sister and Her Karma has now been fully cleared so that She is entitled to resume Her rightful path; I refer of course to Her Ascension.
Her crust shall open out and shall disappear together with countless illusions that were taken for granted so many thousands of years. She will again consist of Light, giving rise to Her True Appearance. The pure and Divine beauty of your beloved Gaia will become obvious again for all to see. As She considers you all Her children, you too will travel along with Her in this grandest of adventures. She has chosen to experience this together with you; never without you! That’s the scope of Her Love for you. You will experience Ascension together as 1 big family : the Mother and Her children.
She has toiled for so long to arrive at this point and she has tolerated much of humanity's turbulances on Her way. Now the time has come for a complete reversal. Your planet, as well as your solar system, will be included in the Galactic Federation of Planets to which other star systems belong such as for instance : the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus and many more. You will become the 33rd Member of the Galactic Federation of Planets of the Light and your arrival is most anxiously awaited. It has been a long ride and much work has been done but now we stand in readiness to assist humanity in Her upcoming Ascension process. A prerequisite to this is the process of Awakening and this is happening on a global scale now.
I can inform you that the number of Awakened ones has dramatically increased since the beginning of this sacred year of 2012. And that is fantastic news to say the least. Nevertheless, we aspire to reach even more people. Lightworkers, Ascended Masters and Starseeded Ones have come on this Earth plane especially for that reason: to help enlighten the whole planet. So you are not alone in this: we are amongst you no matter what form we inhabit.You are endowed with an enormous potential and with a willingness to learn: you are Masters in evolution. As such you now have reached graduation point and you are allowed to leave this school of learning as you are now becoming Masters in your own right. Finish your last steps meticulously and hold on: the finish-line is in sight. The most astute student is endowed with patience, trust and perseverance. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t work out when you want them to or the way you want them to: the most beautiful surprise is always the unexpected one.
I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for sharing this message. Namaste.Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Vatileaks Scandal Exposes Secrets Of Pope’s Empire | The Galactic Free Press
By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, July 9, 3:59 PM(Alessandra Tarantino/Associated Press) - This Wednesday, May 16, 2012 file photo shows the entrance of the Legion of Christ headquarters in Rome as seen through a gate.
Because of dwindling enrollment — 14 seniors graduated last month — the school recently merged with a Legion-run school in Michigan; in Mexico two programs merged into one that produced 10 graduates this year.
The school’s current director said things have changed dramatically recently and many of the spiritual and psychological abuses corrected. But she acknowledged the harm done, apologized for the women’s suffering and asked for forgiveness.
“For any errors made by our order in the past, we do apologize,” said director Margarita Martinez. “We are sorry these young women have suffered and been harmed in any way.”
In an email response to AP, Martinez noted that not all students experienced the same “level of negativity” as those who wrote the letter, and that regardless the movement was listening to everyone’s experiences as it undergoes a process of Vatican-mandated reform.
Megan Coelho, 30, recalled how pairs of consecrated women would visit her regularly as a child in northern California where she was homeschooled; they told her tales of the wonderful high school in Rhode Island where she might find a vocation and grow closer to God. Coelho, who wanted to be a nun, left home when she was 14 to join.
By junior year, the occasional migraines she had suffered became frequent and debilitating as pressure to conform to the rules and highly structured schedule increased. The migraines would paralyze one side of her body, making her collapse at times. She developed facial tics. Her eyesight became blurry.
“As sweet as they (her consecrated directors) were I was counseled not to tell my parents about it because then my parents would take me home,” she said, referring to the movement’s goal of keeping members at almost any cost. “No one contacted my family. Nobody took me to the ER or got me a doctor’s appointment.”
Eventually, Coelho got so sick she returned home, and the migraines stopped. Feeling better she returned, only to suffer a migraine her first day back. She left for good six months before graduation.
Coehlo’s story is the first on a blog she and other former pre-candidates, as the girls were known, started this past spring, a seemingly cathartic experience since many had never shared their pain with their onetime classmates. The blog, , is an astonishing read — testimony of a twisted and cruel methodology applied to girls at their most vulnerable age, when even under normal circumstances girls are prone to self-esteem issues, peer pressure and bouts of depression.
Instead of finding support from friends and family, these teenagers were isolated from their families 49 weeks a year, told to unquestioningly trust their spiritual directors and confide only in them. Obedience to the minutest of rules, they were taught, reflected their acceptance of God’s will.
They write about their feelings of inadequacy, humiliation and loneliness, and of idolizing their smiling consecrated counselors. They paint the depths of their depression when seemingly overnight they were told they didn’t have a vocation and should go home.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Vatileaks Scandal Exposes Secrets Of Pope’s Empire | The Galactic Free Press
Jul 9, 2012 1:00 AM EDT
A series of leaks have exposed chaos at the heart of the Pope’s empire.
Pope Benedict XVI wakes every morning between 6:30 and 6:45 a.m. in the papal apartment on the third floor of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, which overlooks St. Peter’s Square. After bathing and shaving, he makes his way to his private chapel, where at 7:30 he celebrates the first mass of the day. After a time of private prayer in the chapel, at around 8:30 he joins Msgr. Georg Gänswein, his personal secretary, and a small circle of his closest collaborators for breakfast. The pope’s preference is decaffeinated coffee, bread with butter and jam, and, once in a while, a slice of tart.
We know all of these details because the Vatican has sprung a leak. For centuries one of the tightest organizations in the world, with a code of honor to rival that of the Sicilian Mafia, it has been turned inside out in the past six months. A gusher of highly confidential letters to the pope and his closest associates, many of them originally in code, has poured into the Italian media and into a book, Sua Santità by Gianluigi Nuzzi, which became an instant bestseller. The leaks are just one in a string of scandals to rock the Vatican this year—the latest, in early June, involved the ouster of the head of the Vatican bank, who possessed documents that apparently showed the Church circumventing European money-laundering regulations. To combat the spate of bad publicity, the Vatican has gone as far as hiring a former Fox News reporter, who happens to be an Opus Dei numerary, to be one of its official PR flacks. But whether the pope and the Vatican establishment can recover their credibility is now a matter of serious doubt.
The target of the most damaging leaks is the most important and powerful figure in the Vatican besides the pope: the 77-year-old secretary of state Tarcisio Bertone. The leaks have been loudly condemned by the Vatican, and the man blamed for them—the pope’s butler—may end up going to jail for years. But if the ambition that motivated the leaks was the sacking of Cardinal Bertone, they may yet succeed. Bertone’s name recurs in letter after secret letter, as he plots to oust rivals as varied as the editor of the bishops’ daily newspaper and the man sent in to clean up the Vatican’s finances. Though Benedict is said to have turned down the cardinal’s offer of resignation in late June, the informed consensus now is that Bertone’s days are numbered. Though he may limp on into 2013, the leaks have done their corrosive work.
When he was elected pope in 2005, Benedict could hardly have imagined such a brutal turn of events. For nearly 30 years, a tiny, painfully shy German cardinal named Joseph Ratzinger lived a few steps from St. Peter’s, in an apartment whose bookish austerity was mitigated by two cats and a grand piano at which he would relax by playing Mozart sonatas. He was Pope John Paul II’s trusted hard-line enforcer of theological issues. When the Polish pope finally died, Ratzinger could have looked forward to a well-deserved retirement. Instead, in April 2005, he was elected pope and propelled to instant, worldwide fame. From then on, every step he took and every public word he spoke would be news. In compensation, within the Apostolic Palace that became his new home, he could expect perfect discretion, total secrecy. But someone in his household had other ideas.
Once famed for its code of silence, the Vatican has been turned inside out. (Fabio Frustaci / Camera Press-Redux)
“After the death of Karol Wojtyla”—John Paul II’s baptismal name—“I started to put aside copies of certain documents of which I came into possession through my professional activities,” wrote the anonymous author of the leaks. The speaker refused to reveal his name, adopting the code name “Maria” instead. He or she—along with others—had rebelled against a code of silence stretching back centuries.
“In the first years I did it sporadically,” Maria went on. “When I saw that the truth which was published in the newspapers and in official discourse did not correspond to the truth in these papers, I put them all to one side to try to go deeper and to understand.
“In recent years the situation has worsened, hypocrisy reigns unchallenged. The scandals multiply ... In some moments in one’s life, either you are a man or you aren’t. The difference? Just the courage to say or do what you consider just. My courage was to make known the most agonizing events within the Church. To make public certain secrets, stories small and large which never get beyond those bronze gates.”
To read the rest of this story, visit
Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 9 July 2012
Ride like the wind now knowing that what has been hoped for so long by your people is now fully underway in size, scope and determination, and that this campaign to arrest all of the members of your criminal cabal and their associates and remove them from the halls of your society is now in full swing and will not slow and will not fail to garner you the results of your creative manifestation through your thoughts, intentions, words, acts and dreams. This is how it works, and this is how it has always worked here on your planet, no matter which dimension your planet resided in at any particular moment in time.
It does not matter much which dimension you find yourself in at any particular moment as you always possess the ability to manifest whatever experience you wish for yourselves. This is important to always remember, as although there will be those departing this dimension for other dimensional destinations, those of you who are to remain here to continue your studies and experiences in the physical must realize that you too can and will experience just whatever it is you wish, and that what it is you do not wish to experience you do not have to, as nothing is forced upon you. Whatever it is that you create for yourself or yourselves is what you shall have, it is not any more complex than that. Do your best to always remember this no matter where the path for you up ahead may lead, and wherever it is you shall journey shall be a much more pleasurable, rewarding and consciously created experience for you.
It is now the time that these arrests of the members of your criminal cabal and their associates are broadcast through your major media outlets. These arrests are now in full swing, we are very pleased to report to you. What is needed is for the people of your world to take note of what is transpiring all around them. Your media outlets are a very important component of this entire operation, as it is important that as many as possible experience this event and understand that it is freedom from their oppressors that they are receiving in full bloom and blossom like a beautiful bouquet gifted to them from their Creator. We ask at this time that all and not some of the media outlets that we have had prior discussions with and have reached amicable partnerships with proceed now with what it is they expressed they would do if these arrests were to begin to manifest here in your world. For those of your media that are reading these words (and we know that there are many movers and shakers within your worldwide global media outlets who are following these words through our channels), we ask of you at this time to now do what it is you assured us you would do.
There is no better time now to wait as these events are unfolding as you read these words and there will not be a more flowing cascade of motion than there is at this very moment. We ask you to find the courage that is inside each and every one of you and, even in the face of threat of violence, to stand tall, stand firm in your convictions and do what it is that you know deep down inside is the only right thing to do and that must be done to see to the complete freedom of the people of your world.
The people have spoken. They have awakened and they have demanded that they now be free from their captors and oppressors, and through this decree, this is what is now transpiring in their world and they deserve the right to witness this firsthand for themselves and not secondhand through our channels or any other means. You, the men and women of your media, are the people’s eyes and the people’s ears in many cases. You are sworn to uphold the ideals, morals and the integrity of your industry which is a vital bloodline through the life of any civilization. There are no civilizations in this universe without means to share information from being to being, from culture to culture, nation to nation or any point on a planet. This world is not unique in its infrastructure of media and communications, this is a surety. What is unique to this planet is the level in which the media has been controlled by those of the dark, this we can also say for a certainty, as we have visited and monitored worlds all over this galaxy and beyond throughout this universe and we have never behold before so many avenues of media and communications that are completely contained within a pyramidal structure of power, control, influence and persuasion.
We ask you at this time is it not the time to break free from your oppressors as well? Is it not the time to rid your profession from the likes and control of these dark individuals who are motivated by nothing more but their lust for more power, control, wealth, destruction and chaos? Has the day not come where it is now time for you to take a stand and fulfill the solemn oath that you took when you accepted your position of such great importance in your profession, a profession which should guarantee the people the truth in your reporting? There have been many great men and women of the media profession who have stood for integrity, truth and honor, and these names will go down in history for what they did and what they stood for and we say to you, the men and women who today hold the power, unlock the truth that has been concealed for far too long. Is it not time for you to add your names to these lists of honor in service to their profession and to the men and women of your planet?
We will assure you once again that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will do all that we can do to protect each and every member of your media, just as we have been and will continue to do so. We have many highly advanced technologies that we are employing to oversee you and protect you as these arrests move ahead. What we would like to see is someone of your media outlets take the reins and give the signal to their employees under them that it is now time to do what it is you do best and report the news, report the truth, and spread the word like a wildfire through your world that those who have oppressed your people for decades and even centuries are now being rounded up, arrested and incarcerated to stand trial for their crimes against humanity.
We ask you to rise up to the challenge. We know you can do it. We have met with some of you personally and we know what you are capable of and we have nothing but confidence you will meet this challenge head-on and you will conquer it, and this is why we came to you in the first place. We look to see movement on your front, and we thank you so very much again for your efforts and your resolve, drive and determination in the face of such adversity to do what it is you know must now be done.
We are with you in spirit and we are with you in the physical at this time, and we offer our cloak of protection over you. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.As channeled through Greg Giles
Natalie Glasson – The Celestial White Beings – Crystals Of Atlantis – 9 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
We, are the Celestial White Beings, we are beings of pure white light and consciousness that exist from the ninth dimension right through to the twelve dimension. We exist as a soul group on the inner planes inthe multi universal and cosmic levels of the Creator’s universe. It is our purpose to be at one with all the Creator manifests as. Our energy vibration and intentions assisted and supported the original manifestation of the Earth and its purpose; we are here to support humanity and souls on the Earth as well as the souls on the inner planes. We hold tremendous love for you and have collected much wisdom as we exist through and observe the many different shifts of the Earth and the Creator’s universe. We, the Celestial White Beings are drawing close to you at this moment to share our support and our unconditional love.
So many wonderful and miraculous things are occurring on the Earth now, most shifts and manifestations are occurring on an energetic level and so you may not be completely aware of the situations that are taking place. Of course you do not have to be aware of all shifts that occur on the Earth and the innerplanes. It is most appropriate that you are aware of the shifts occurring within you. If you take a moment to acknowledge all the alterations and shifts that you personally have experienced within your being and reality, magnifying this a hundred times you will come close to understanding the energy alterations thatare occurring on the Earth and for Mother Earth. It is impossible for you to be aware of all the energetic shifts stirring on the Earth, so your guides alert you to those of most importance. We wish to alert you to energies which are rising and you may wish to connect with at this time to further your understanding ofyourself and the Earth.
We wish to make you aware that during the time of Atlantis many large and powerful crystals where placed into the Earth, not only into the land of Atlantis but also into other areas of the Earth. These were known as the Atlantean Knowledge Crystals. The Atlanteans themselves anchored these twelve crystalsfrom the inner planes transforming them into semi physical large crystals holding tremendously high energy vibrations. These crystals were large boulder like crystals that could only be moved with the powerof the mind. Each crystal had its own unique colour and sacred geometry shape. We, the Celestial White Beings assisted in the manifestation and anchoring of these twelve crystals of light. We, and the Atlanteans who anchored the crystals, understood that the crystals would have meaning and purpose in future civilisations becoming of great significance when a larger number of the Creator’s souls inhabited the Earth.
A crystal was planted into the south and the north of Atlantis. At this time the Atlanteans were thriving well but many among the civilisation could see negative times drawing close. They planted these twelve crystals in a bid to dissolve the chaos that they felt was looming. The crystal anchored in the south of Atlantis was of a masculine vibration while the crystal in the north of Atlantis held a feminine vibration. The Atlanteans believed that by anchoring a pure crystal consciousness of masculine and feminine energy that it would manifest greater peace while inspiring a greater unity of the masculine and feminine energy within their civilisation and within their beings. The crystals were seen as twin crystals, meaning that the masculine and feminine crystal needed the existence of each other to cause balance. This was the same for the other ten crystals that were anchored all around the world. TheAtlanteans sometimes placed both crystals in the same country or they linked countries and land together by placing the masculine crystal in one and the feminine crystal in another. They assessed the land, its history and future to discover where itwas appropriate to anchor the semi physical crystals. Other sets of crystals were anchored into the United States of America and into Egypt. A feminine crystal was anchored into the United Kingdom while the masculine anchored into Ireland. The last four crystals were anchored into separate areas of the Earth to bring forth greater peace.
The Atlanteans of appropriate skill took time to ensure that all the crystals were embedded into the Earth; this caused a drastic increase in the Earth’s vibration. The Atlanteans chose to programme the semi physical crystals with the purpose of collecting wisdom and knowledge from future civilisations and alsoso that they may filter their own understandings as a foundation into each of the twelve crystals. In truth those high vibrational minds of some of the Atlaneans understood that Atlantis was slowly falling from its high vibration into chaos, they also understood that they would be given a chance to return to the Earth in other lifetimes to complete their purpose of existence on Atlantis. They prepared the crystals to offer them support and stability for their current existence and future lifetimes. They also placed the crystals as energetic central points, due to many people on Atlantis foreseeing a move of the people from Atlantis to other areas of the Earth. The crystals were placed akin to magnetic points that they would be able to focus upon and travel to with tremendous ease through dimensions of light, if it was necessary.
Unfortunately, during the fall of Atlantis many of the six twin crystals where damaged energetically or were moved from their alignment, some were cast from the solid structure of the Earth into the sea, in some cases even into another area of the Earth. It was the two semi physical crystals that were anchored into Atlantis that suffered the most damage and were filled with negative magic and energy. The twelve crystals only continue to pulsate at a very slow vibration and light, they shifted from semi physical to completely physical crystals embedded within the Earth where they lay almost dormant. The crystals achieved their purpose of allowing many Atlanteans to move from Atlantis to other areas of the Earth but the Atlanteans were unable to save the crystals after this use.Due to the transition of the crystals into physical form many Atlanteans when returning to the Earth in different lifetimes forgot their Atlantean lifetimes and wisdom, even the existence of the twelve Atlantean crystals, which if they had remained in place would have allowed them to access their wisdom on returning to the Earth.
It is important to remember that the divine will of the Creator influences all things and the growth that has occurred on the Earth and within souls without the strong presence of these crystals was more beneficial.As the vibration of the Earth has continued to rise at a steady and constant pace many light beings on the inner planes have been working to cleanse, heal and restore the crystals to their original existence and positions. The purpose of our communication with you today is to make you aware that the Atlantean crystals are rising, this means that they energy vibration is increasing and the crystals are moving from physical to semi physical once more, which is where they hold their greater power. You may begin to notice that wisdom from your Atlantean lifetimes may evolve and integrate into your understanding more fully. Memories may seep into your mind, abilities, skills and healing techniques from your Atlantean lifetime. This is appropriate timing as the purpose of this period on the Earth is to collect your wisdom from the past and the future, uniting your energies with all that is the Creator. Atlantis had a very powerfulimpact on the realities that unfolded after the fall of Atlantis and even today many are overcoming challenges in their current reality which stem from their time in Atlantis.
Our purpose of making you aware of the twelve Atlantean crystals and their constant increase in energy vibration back to their original manifestation was for a number of reason. Firstly, we wish for you to sendyour love and blessings to the crystals to assist in their vibrational increase as well as ensuring theirprotection and security. Secondly, we wish to make you aware that you will have a shift in the perspective of your mind as new wisdom held within the crystals will flow into the consciousness of many on the Earthas a wave of awakening to greater enlightenment. We are extremely delighted to be able to share this wisdom as it is such a magnificent achievement. Many people have spoken in the past about the rise of Atlantis, this doesn’t necessary mean that the land will rise but the crystals and the wisdom of Atlantis willflow into the minds and hearts of humanity, therefore indicating the rise of Atlantis as more people understand the truth of that time.
Please send your love, healing and protection to the crystals; in return you may feel a connection with oneof the crystals being restored which will allow for you to accept the wisdom held within the crystal.
We, the Celestial White Beings are always here to be of service,In celestial light,
The Celestial White Beings
OpEdNews – Dave Lefcourt – Corporations Funneling Millions To Tax Exempt Non Profits Avoiding Disclosure – 9 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Corporate America FlagFor those who follow American politics know all too well, big money has long been a dominant factor influencing the electoral process.
But since the January 2010 Supreme Court’s decision in “Citizens United v/s F.E.C.” granting corporations full 1 st Amendment rights of free speech and the right to contribute unlimited funds to influence election outcomes, that decision has opened the door for corporate interests to donate millions in secret to influence election outcomes.
According to Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, “Companies want to be able to quietly push for their political agendas without being held accountable for it by their customers because so many donors want to remain anonymous”.
So companies for the most part are now avoiding the notorious “Super Pac” giving which by law are required to report their donors and instead most corporations are sending their cash to tax exempt non profits like the Chamber of Commerce or so called “social welfare” groups which are not required to disclose their donors.
Thus millions of dollars are funneled through these “non profit” and “social welfare” groups that technically are not political organizations, purportedly labeled as “educational, not political in nature” but in reality are sham charities not promoting social welfare but established for winning elections.
Representative Chris Van Hollen (D. MD.) put it succinctly, “These groups are being used as a conduit to hide from voters the identity of people and corporations who are bankrolling these television ads, which are designed to influence the outcome of elections.
Two weeks ago this “legalized” flood of individual and corporate largesse into our political process was reaffirmed by the Court when it summarily dismissed the challenge by the state of Montana, overturning its 100 year old law banning corporate giving in that states elections citing its Citizens United ruling.
Let’s face it our elections are a sham, up for sale and auctioned off to the highest bidders, cloaked in a misreading of the Court granting 1 st Amendment rights of free speech to corporations.
Only the five right wing ideologues sitting on the Court believe our electoral process is not being overtaken and influenced by the outpouring of individual and corporate cash that is completely corrupting the electoral process in its favor.
The corporate America flag seen in protests having corporate logos replacing the stars on the “American” flag fits the reality and subversion of the country to the corporate oligarchs.
In fact the two American flags flown outside the Supreme Court should be flown upside down indicating the country is in distress.
RSN – Ben Chu – Full Transcipt – Interview Joseph Stiglitz : ‘Jail The Bankers’ – 9 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Joseph Stiglitz
One of your great economic contributions to economic theory was showing that information asymmetry unraveled the theory that markets were perfectly efficient. But that that didn’t really change the wider culture and many people carried on believing that markets were perfect. The Libor fixing scam is, in one sense, an example of information asymmetry in practice. So could this be a “teachable moment”?
Exactly. In so many ways it’s a textbook illustration. Where there are these asymmetries a lot of these activities are directed at rent seeking – that was one of my original points. It wasn’t about productivity it was taking advantage. It was clear that was what these guys [at banks] were about – it wasn’t about creating wealth. The other point I raised in my research is that the asymmetries were endogenous and could have been affected by policy. The banks created the non-transparent market. And policies that force them to be more transparent would have curtailed this.
What should those policies be? In the UK we’re ring-fencing retail banks. Does that go far enough? Or should we have a complete separation?
There are several lines to the policy debate. One line I’ve been emphasising is greater transparency. So there’s part of the debate about the ability of the banks to impose risks on others. There’s part of the debate which is about trying to get the banks to do for others what they’re supposed to do – perform a social function. Part of the debate is about reducing their scope for manipulation. All these are part of the debate. The Libor scandal is on the transparency side. The ring fencing is about the risk of imposing costs on others. The original Glass-Steagall Act [in the US, which mandated a separation of retail and investment banks after the Wall Street Crash] was actually an attempt to encourage the commercial banks to both focus on lending and an attempt to prevent a conflict of interest, which are very strong when you have the two sides together. It was a dual function. The kind of ring-fencing in the UK, does it go far enough in protecting and redirecting? Probably not. Plus, if you haven’t addressed the other issues of conflict of interest, excessive risk taking, you can still have to bail out … remember Lehman Brothers was an investment bank, it was ring-fenced! We need to think about the structural. It’s an important component. But the structural reform is necessary, but not sufficient.
You say economic actors shape markets via policymakers. We have a lot of lobbying by bankers of politicians. Should that be banned? Or is it inevitable?
You would not want government not to know what the industry believes. The problem is when the government takes seriously what the industry says.
So where do you draw the line?
For every meeting that the government has with business leaders, it [should] have to have a meeting with the labour groups and the representatives of civil society and with the think tanks. The problem today is that there’s not equality of access. People today are worried they’re hearing the banks’ view. Take, for instance, the example of leverage. Banks say that increased capital requirements, reduced leverage, will force them to increase the cost of capital. Most economists think that’s nonsense. The bankers who are supposed to know about finance, show no evidence of understanding finance. I don’t know if you know about the Modigliani Miller theorem…
The more capital you have the cheaper your funding costs because you’re less likely to go bust…
Well, the only reason that it would not be true is that the more leverage, the bigger the bailout. So every economist understands, the more leverage, the higher the cost of capital, the more risk. The bankers don’t. They may be right [in the view that more capital pushes up the cost of capital], but that only reinforces the bail-out problem. So every time you have a banker in there, if you had a group of economists in there saying, I’m sorry, they’ve just proven once again that they don’t know their job. They have just proven why you have to regulate them.
But that raises something you raise repeatedly in your book. Finance plays such a major part in campaign finance and the funding of political parties.
And that’s why the rules of governance are critical. That’s why the key part of the book is the connection between inequality of politics and inequality of economics. That brings us to these rules that reinforce inequality. Everybody knew that there was this scope for Libor manipulation. Many economists couldn’t believe that it wasn’t going on. We’re focusing on the bankers but at the micro economic level this goes on all the time. I was party to a suit in the state of Alaska. Oil companies were supposed to pay the state royalties – 60 per cent of the net price, the price of oil net of their transportation costs. They manipulated the transportation costs. They had to pay the state of Alaska $1bn. Stealing a penny a time. For every gallon, they stole a penny, or a fraction of a penny. This is in the nature Adam Smith’s invisible hand when there is a lack of transparency.
There is a lot of talk here about changing the culture – that we have to make these people better people. You seem to be saying, no, it’s about the incentive structures.
In one of my earlier books I said, bankers weren’t born bad, for the most part. They were often some of our best students. But when you give people that much money, make it so easy to steal, it makes corruption easy. Not everybody. I don’t want to underestimate the value of improving the culture. Better teaching of ethics – that has a role. But the reality is that if you have enough temptation – i.e. you don’t solve the policy problem – then it will be corruption.
The present generation of financiers – it’s pretty much the same people in charge as before the crash. Doesn’t that whole generation needed to be cleared out because they are so entrenched and have so much invested in the status quo? Or can they survive if you change the incentive structure? Can it still work with them in charge?
Not all of them are bad. Different parts of the banking system had different cultures. The trading part of the banking system had a particularly bad culture from what most people say. Those focusing on long term deals were better. Private equity had a very bad culture. The stories of Bain in the US – excess leverage, firing workers, taking your money out and letting a company go bankrupt. [That was] a business model that worked for a few people, but didn’t work for our economy. Banking is not one activity. But I think there is a sense in which a cohort effect – that cohort was a go-go cohort. One of the questions that I have not seen in the British press is the extent to which British culture has been affected by American banking culture. Particularly certain people [Bob Diamond]. After the [1986] Big Bang, you attracted the worst behaviour form the US. It’s probably not an accident that the AIG office was here…It was an example of this race to the bottom, with disastrous consequences. The reason I like this scandal is that it illustrates the main thesis of the book. A lot of inequality is rent seeking. Inequality doesn’t lead to more efficiency. This rent-seeking activity actually interfered with the workings of a very important market. So it was negative sum.
If Bob Diamond rode out this wave of outrage, would you regard that as a worrying sign about our ability to hold these people to account?
Obviously there will be some consequences. But what I find surprising is that Diamond didn’t say, “My bonus in the past was based on profits, part of which were attributable to manipulation. I’m going to give up my past bonuses that were in any way touched by that.” He didn’t say that. It’s all about my future bonus. The question is: what about your past bonus? That was all based on phoney numbers.
If the Government was to say previous bonuses should be clawed back – is that a something you’d advocate? It would be difficult legally…
We have a legal system that may not force full accountability. That says clearly these guys have gotten away with it. That ought to change. That means legislation. We should recognise that we’ve seen so many events were the banks and others have engaged in rent seeking, creating inequality, ripping off other people, and none of them have gone to jail. None of them have been prosecuted individually. Banks are people. The irony is that most of these cases, if you look at what happened, the bank pays a fine. Who pays the fine? It’s the shareholders. But the shareholders have usually been ripped off as well by the managers. So the managers sit there exploiting not only borrowers but also the shareholders. In the case of the UK, I gather the fines go to the FSA [Financial Services Authority], reducing the need for the tax that they impose on the banks. So the banks pay the fine and other banks benefit. It’s redistribution among the banks. They’re all guilty of these things. You pay this time, I’ll pay this time. It costs them zero. So we have a system of very weak accountability and no individual accountability. And clearly that’s the way they wanted it, but that’s not a system of justice. That’s another theme of my book. Not only have we paid the price in terms of economic performance, but in terms of our democracy and in our system of justice. How to fix that? In New York we have a very broad law called the Martin Act, which basically says if you commit things that are equivalent to fraud, you’re liable. We’re not going to spell out every possible thing you could, because there are an infinite number. Even if you did not have a law against manipulation of the market, you should have had legislation that was broad enough to say “this is market manipulation, if you do this you’re guilty.” If you don’t have legislation like that, there’s something wrong. This [the Martin Act] was a state law, in only one state. No one was prosecuted over robo-signing [a scandal of automatic foreclosures by US banks]. You don’t have a robo-signing system without someone above designing it.
You wrote a whole book about how wrong the IMF was in its attitudes in the 1990s. Do you think it has reformed as an institution now?
The IMF under Dominique Strauss-Kahn in the European crisis was the best. That was pretty well known. They argued that you needed to restructure the debts, write down the losses, you couldn’t push excessive austerity. In the Iceland programme you even had capital controls. [But] these are large organisations, and many country officers weren’t fully on the programme. So there’s a diversity. In Ireland they were probably the best of the Troika.
But they didn’t prevail. The ECB and the EC have been almost as hard line as the IMF was in South Asia. That must be depressing for you to see Europe going that kind of ideological route…
Not a total surprise because Europe’s view are very strongly affected by Germany’s. Germany’s views have often been very orthodox neo-liberal. Strauss-Kahn was a good economist and he understood that was the effect of austerity, the need to stabilise financial markets, the need to restructure debt. So he was reflecting the non neo-liberal view. You would have thought that 2008 would have destroyed the neo-liberal school, this view that markets always work. And yet, what is striking about the German view today, about Merkel, is she keeps saying you do the right thing and reward you. As if markets are these rational … Secondly, she doesn’t understand that to the extent that markets are rational, if you have austerity, the economy goes down, budgets don’t improve, so they don’t reward you. They don’t look at this as a morality play, they want to get their money back. We saw in the East Asia crisis [of the 1990s] that austerity was not rewarded. Exchange rates went down, no evidence of any effective bailout. So for me there’s some nostalgia here. Over and over in east Asia the US Treasury and the IMF would do something, it would have no effect, they would be surprised, they would do it again, it would have no effect, they would be surprised. We come back to Europe and we see exactly the same scenario. They have a given model, they try a little bit, it doesn’t work, they try a little bit more, it doesn’t work … but I don’t want to be too harsh. The course of economists has begun to get reflected in their rhetoric but not full in their actions. In the [EU] communiqué that came out last week they did two things that reflected what economists have been saying since the beginning. One is if the bailout is senior to other creditors you move everybody down and the markets don’t like that. So you bail it out and – boom – things get worse. It took them two years to discover one of the main lessons of the history of bailouts. The second thing, they said give money for governments to bail out banks and for money to banks to bail out governments is a bootstrap that is not going to work. They figured that out. But again it took them two years to figure that out. It makes you a little bit amazed that it took so long.
But the destructive forces of austerity have done so much damage already. Could this be a train that can’t be stopped now?
It is a train that still be stopped. But the relevant question is the politics in Germany. Have they created a in their rhetoric a dynamic that makes it difficult to stop. In particular Merkel’s rhetoric that the crisis was caused by profligacy. You know Spain had a surplus, Ireland had a surplus. Every belt tightening, the economy goes down and the results are disappointing. It’s been one tightening of the belt after another. The adjustments have been unprecedented. She’s hoisted herself on her own petard. She’s framed the issue as profligacy, rather than framing it as “the European system is fundamentally flawed.” We have a banking system that’s backed by each government. A banking system that is backed by its own government is state aid. Germany is providing more state aid than Ireland, than Spain, because Spain can’t. Money is going to flow to the banking system with more state aid. So it’s a violation of the basic principle of Europe. She has not recognised this yet.
You describe the German economic mentality as neoliberal. That’s interesting because it’s a much more social democratic place than the US and the UK. And yet these doctrines have taken root there. Isn’t that a puzzle to you?
There’s a distinction between the macro and the micro. And it raises the fundamental problem of solidarity. Within Germany there is a kind of solidarity, which has led them to help people who are disadvantaged. It’s worked pretty well. And so they believe you can have a European social model work without free riders. But there isn’t that solidarity outside the German borders. There’s a presumption that everyone is lazy and if you help them they will take advantage of you. That’s the contradiction. So you can see it as a lack of solidarity – people outside of your family don’t behave as they should.
Doesn’t it go further than that? The doctrine of the expansionary fiscal expansion, they thought it would work. They thought Greece would be growing by now. So it’s not just that the Greeks are lazy.
The macro model is widely held in Germany. They would likely impose on themselves. It is conceivable to me that they would take their own medicine. They have a very strongly held model that has been proven wrong over and over again.
That’s what’s interesting to me. They have the same ideology as Mitt Romney and David Cameron in terms of macro worldview…
You’re right. There’s a disjunction between this extraordinary right-wing macro and yet a micro that is more humane. And it’s partly because their micro works, that they’ve been deceived about the macro. There’s a lot of automatic stabilisers built into their system. They worked well in the crisis because incomes did not fall, the economy recovered more robustly. So they’ve got a micro that makes the macro perform better. We don’t have that. We’ve constructed a micro system – weak unemployment assistance, individual defined contribution pension schemes – all these kind of things make the system an automatic destabiliser. So we’ve weakened the safety net, made our system more unstable, increased inequality, made sure that in a downturn the bottom really suffer. In 2010 93% of all the gains went to the upper 1%. The median wealth was 40% in 2007-10, putting America’s real wealth back to early 1990s levels. So all the wealth accumulation over a two decade period went to the top.
But what about somewhere like Greece where there is widespread tax evasion. How do you tackle that?
Greece is another aspect of the flawed European system – system of full labour mobility in a world where you have national debt. What that means is that if you’re a young talented Greek person and you don’t want to pay back you parents’ debt you move. They thought complete labour mobility creates and efficient labour market, but the set of rules they have creates an inefficient labour market, because it’s driven not by where your productivity is highest but by your ability to escape liabilities. And that’s not efficient. I could be more efficient in Greece but because of the inherited debt I’ll have to pay higher taxes. And so I’ll leave. They didn’t grasp that free mobility without a European-wide tax system leads to inefficient labour allocation. This is another example of what you might call fake neo-liberalism. You pick up some doctrines, but not the others. And the other is corporations being able to move anywhere. That means you move to where the taxes are lowest. And so you get a race to the bottom in taxes as you do in regulation.
So you’d agree with Merkel on that point – that you need to harmonise tax rates?
Oh you clearly do – the basis of Ireland’s growth was tax competition, not efficiency. If I’m a rich Greek person I’m going to find a place to put up my residence and run my business. If you raise the taxes people are going to leave. So the reality is they’re not going to collect taxes from the rich.
When you put it like that it’s impossible to see a solution for Greece…
There is no solution for Greece by itself. But if Europe agreed to have a harmonised tax structure … If you’re going to participate in European business, for anybody [earning] over €100,000, you’re going to pay a European-wide surtax. And we’ll find some way of divvying it up. That would be part of a European fund that would make Europe work. That’s the way you get out. But you are not going to get a small country…
You say high inequality reduces growth. But that’s not true of China where there is huge inequality but 8-10% annual growth. So you’re talking about developed nations?
I’m talking mostly about developed countries. But two points about China. Different parts of the country have grown differentially, especially in the earlier stages. So the increase in inequality is as much a geographic dispersion. Those are not characteristics of Europe. And it’s a huge country, so geographic differences have more of an impact than they would in the UK. Every economy needs lots of public investments – roads, technology, education. Investments in the common goods. In a democracy you’re going to get more of those investments if you have more equity. Because as societies get divided, the rich worry that you will use the power of the state to redistribute. They therefore want to restrict the power of the state – as [Mitt] Romney does, it’s not a surprise – so you wind up with weaker states, weaker public investments and weaker public growth. China’s not a democracy. It actually works the other way round. Their sole legitimacy is economic growth so they have to deliver. Because they’re not a democracy they have been so good a growth. Not only are they not good at growth, they’re good at poverty alleviation, because they have to deliver for the vast majority who were poor. So they deliver growth, poverty reduction. So in a way it’s a nexus between politics and economics, in a way that’s very different and works in just the opposite of ours.
In your book you say the maximum optimum tax rate may be as high as 70%. How would you advise governments to reach that? Should they simply put up taxes until revenues fall?
In fact the study on the 70% rate leaves out that a lot of the incomes at the top are rent seeking. And therefore if you tax that the economic consequences are positive. That means you ought to have even had a higher rate, which discourages rent seeking activities. I would tax speculators at a higher rate. That goes back to what we said about banking, because you diverting scarce resources from lending to gambling. So you redirect and make the economy more efficient. And land. You don’t get more land by taxing land at a lower rate – the supply of land pretty much is inelastic. But in a democracy you have to get a consensus and right now there is not a consensus behind a 70% rate. So what I would do is to raise it with the understanding that doing experiments is very difficult. There are lots of things that go on and the general electorate doesn’t always understand the counterfactual. So we do an experiment like raise the tax rate and we have a euro crisis and the economy goes down and somebody will say it’s because you raised the taxes. So one has to try to make people understand was there an adverse effect on the things that we care about.
Putting taxes on things that are “socially bad” implies a degree of expertise on the part of policymakers that many would say they simply don’t have. Is that fair?
If you think about the categories – there are things like inelastic like land, oil, natural resources. Not a lot of disagreement about that. Bads? Environmental, pollution – not a lot of disagreement. There are some areas like speculation where I think there’s a broad social consensus. But obviously the speculators think they’re engaged in constructive activities. That’s going to be a challenge. But no more difficult than any other tax. Because most people think that what they do is special. So there’s enough there. The hardest part is trying to identify monopoly rents. Because the natural response is that if we can identify, the anti-trust authorities ought to have dealt with it. That’s the one area where I can think it will be more difficult. link to article / link to original article
Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Japanese Power Broker Ichiro Ozawa Ordered My Murder – 9 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
The order to stab this writer with a poisoned needle was given by Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa and his North Korean faction, according to North Korean, South Korean and Japanese military intelligence and underworld sources. Ozawa is upset by repeated assertions by this writer that he was involved in, and profited from, the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan. My question to Ozawa is, why not sue me for slander instead of trying to kill me? Is it because you are guilty of participating in, and profiting from, the murder of 20,000 of your fellow Japanese citizens?
We are now investigating whether Ozawa was acting on his own or following instructions from the Rockefellers, the Bushes or the P2 lodge. We have also heard that somebody lied to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and told him this writer was somehow responsible for his father’s murder.
In any case, formal police complaints have been filed and the case against the cabal has just been upgraded from financial fraud to mass murder.
The cabalists seem to think that by murdering writers and politicians they can still somehow do a Hail Mary pass and get out of the situation they find themselves in. That is naïve to say the least.
In any case, it is becoming clear that the cabal’s attempts at mass manipulation through terror are falling apart.The arrested suspects in the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo Subway system have testified the incident was an experiment in manipulation of Japanese politics via terror ordered by Kim Jong-il his Nazi cabal allies. It was a practice run for the much bigger terrorist attack carried out on March 11, 2011. The aim was to create 40 million “nuclear refugees” from Japan as a part of a strategy to rule Asia through terror. This plan has failed utterly.
The same group was responsible for the attack on New Orleans with weather manipulation weaponry in the Hurricane Katrina incident. That incident was also a practice run intended to see if Americans could be forced into concentration camps by a “natural disaster.” This was a test run for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that was supposed to generate millions of refugees from US States bordering on the gulf. This also ended in failure for the cabal.
The original plans also called for a series of floods and nuclear disasters along the Mississippi river but these also ended in failure.
So, we can guess and hope that their plans to hit London and then Rome with nuclear weapons will also end in failure.
The cabalists are still threatening mayhem if any attempt is made to remove them from control of the process of creating and distributing money.
What they do not seem to understand is that multiple legal actions in many countries are grinding towards them. As the saying goes, the wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind to dust.
Here is one example of why their control matrix is falling apart. Below are photos of some commemorative Euros that were part of a batch of $150 billion the European Central Bank tried to cash last week:
These are bills of the sort that have been sent to Asia as “payment” for gold the cabalists borrowed from Asian groups like the Dragon family. However, what these banksters need to realize is that the gig is up: no matter what kind of funny paper they print, it is no longer business as usual.
There are bunkers and bunkers full of such bills wrapped in plastic and stored all around Asia. The printers never really expected the day would come when the Asians would demand the right to actually cash and spend such bills.
That is why 19 announcements “the European crisis has been solved” have failed. It is also why all the astronomical numbers being issued by the Federal Reserve Board in “quantitative easing,” fail to stimulate the real economy.
White Dragon Society has long offered the cabalists an opportunity to be forgiven in exchange for appearing before a truth and reconciliation committee. However, the window of opportunity is shutting fast because a lot of angrier and less forgiving folk are closing in and asking for justice to be served.
A gentleman’s agreement on a win-win solution is always preferable to a lynch mob.This writer has been reading about one of the original Babylonian tyrant systems uncovered, known as Uruk, that existed from 3400 B.C. to 3100 B.C. This featured despots claiming to speak for the gods, food bowls of identical portions for the slaves, a priesthood that distributed the food and a giant central ziggurat or pyramid. At around 3100 BC the despotic city states of this sort were all burnt down and no writing appeared again for 400 years.
We could face a similar breakdown now if we destroyed everything about our current Babylonian tyrant banking system instead of trying to keep the good bits (like predictable, fair food rations for even the poorest).
The White Dragon Society is proposing that our no longer secret Bablylonian rulers like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc. come out of the closet in safety and tell the truth.
Wes Annac – The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : Expect Much Truth And Light To Be Brought Forth – 9 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
As you grow as a collective and newer strides are reached, so do planned events change in minute or bold ways. There are many plans that have been set forth and some of these plans have been discussed but dear souls, not everything has been set in stone.
We should explain that we have been closely following every possibility and scenario that has been brought forth by the Angelic souls who are Guiding us in our endeavors in assisting Earth, and we have been convening with many different Councils over the best possible plans of action in relation to the neutralization of the elites on your world, who would otherwise continue to wreak havoc if our intervention would not take place.
Either way, bold and uprooting change is to be taking place on your world and currently, this change is occurring at a personal level within your cores as many of you are finding the intense uprooting of your former selves. The Light-holding that has been taking place on your world by so very many incarnate starseeds who have incarnated on your world for the very purposes of holding the Light, is seeing the collective consciousness shift in very profound ways and in ways that we have been anticipating for some time.
There are now millions of incarnate wanderers and starseeds upon your beautiful blue world, and those of you who are opening up to your true and full, higher selves in many pure ways are also the ones who are going through the most intense and uprooting lessons at present.
The lessons that you are going through, while in many cases being intensely difficult and bringing you to your cores in many instances, are literally shifting the collective perception and consciousness and since there are millions of you who are holding very pure Light while subsequently going through very intense Life lessons, the overall collective consciousness is shifting in a way that the [seemingly] bolder and less forgiving physical actions on your world are less and less becoming a necessity.
We have intended to let you dear souls in on as much information as possible in relation to the unfolding events on your world but there is indeed much that cannot be disclosed due to the sheer nature in which our plans can change, in quite bold ways, in accordance with the rising Light energies and the continually pure Light-quotient of the majority of humanity.
Many unawakened souls on your world are finding themselves going through much more difficult Life lessons as they are pushed toward discovering the distorted nature in which they have been experiencing your beautiful world and the beautiful consciousness that accompanies third dimensional Life.
The crucial balance that is needed for the collective whilst much energetic uprooting and subsequent collective and individual learning is taking place, [sees that] we must be extremely careful as to how we proceed with the events which are to take the elites on your world away from their positions of influence while subsequently informing humanity of all that has happened on your surface for nearly a millennia.
The Light quotient is seeing these events able to manifest in the time windows that have be hoped for and as has been endlessly expressed, there is indeed a set time and date for the complete removal of the dark souls on your world, in whichever way it is to be specifically brought about.
We say that at present, there is no concrete decision and [again] nothing is set in stone as to how the ultimate removal of the influence of these souls is to take place. The scenario of these souls being arrested publicly in mass numbers was one that was widely weighed-on and heavily considered to the point that we and many others began to become comfortable with expressing this scenario unfolding through channels, but what was perhaps missing from some of the communications was the truth that even that scenario was not as set in stone as many of us within our Councils of the Galactic Federation had anticipated.
This entire endeavor has been an immense learning experience for us, as we are helping you to ascend to the states of consciousness we currently exist in and enjoy quite immensely, while at the same time receiving Guidance and continual advice from the souls Guiding us who are further along their paths, and these would be the souls whom you know best as the Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters and such.
We say that there is not one set group of ascended souls who are further along on their paths and who assist us, and rather there are very many ascended souls coming from all throughout this beautiful Creation to assist us in the ascension of Earth in their own specific and needed ways, and we are meeting new Guides every ‘day’ who have come now to enthusiastically help us to help you to help your planet to ascend into the wonderfully pure states of consciousness that you all deserve to exist within.
We have learned so very much whilst working with your world and one lesson that we are absorbing currently with the bringing-forth of alternate possibilities in the removal of the influence of the dark, is that nothing specific [in relation to the elite’s exposure] has yet ever been as assured as we had assumed was so with the possibility of the dark souls on your world being arrested in mass numbers, as we have been discussing many different possibilities while assuming in no uncertain ways, that the ‘Mass Arrest’ scenario would always be the most likely scenario to be brought forth.
It is a lesson that we are learning and suffice to say, we quite appreciate the opportunity to learn it.
It is a collective lesson for humanity as well and for all who are reading and absorbing the many communications which have predicted this possibility of the dark heads on your world being publicly taken away in handcuffs, and suffice to say dear souls no matter which way the influence of those souls is taken from your world, they will answer for what they have done to your world through the natural Laws of Karma and as a result of the strong and immense desire of so many awakening souls on your world to see the dark heads answer for what they have done.
With this statement, we do not refer to those who may take to vengeful or violent mindsets when learning about all that has be done – we mean instead those who have known what the dark heads have been doing on your world and who have taken to Peaceful and Lighted means to get the truth out and spread awareness of all that has been done.
Many of you have been working so very hard to see these end times come about and while we understand fully that it can be unnerving at times to follow our continually-changing plans and to have to be told when such plans could or could not be changing; this is wherein the difficulty in sharing every bit of unfolding information and development lays.
We do not want to frustrate, aggravate or unnerve you dear beautiful souls who have been waiting and working for so long toward this inevitable conclusion, which is why we must express that again, no matter how these details play out there are still a few key and crucial elements that will remain.
Such elements are:
1. That the influence of the dark heads and of the lower astral entities alike who employ them will be completely removed from your surface and from any and every other realm throughout Gaia’s beautiful structure.
2. The aims and agendas of the dark souls are going to be discussed, and humanity will have much to soak-in and much truth to absorb as you are all let know of your true history and of the nature to which your true history has been distorted.
3. The dark heads on your world will indeed undergo trials. These will be Peaceful trials which will be carried out under the authority of the Galactic Federation, the Universal souls [and Councils] whom have always overseen Earth’s Creation and the balance and sustained funneling of Logos to all of Her realms, as well as the Highest Councils overseeing the Earth and [overseeing] all whom take Lives upon Her beautiful and marvelous surface.
The collective of humanity will have explained to them, the extent to which forgiveness of the dark heads and elite families is needed. It is to be explained that there are many within such families who have incarnated for Lighted purposes, to spread Light in such families from some of the darkest corners of the Earth experience. Some of such souls will choose to step forward with their experiences and help to expose many of the most devious inner-workings of the Illuminati rituals and of the false doctrines that are forced onto every soul within the Illuminati.
It should be expressed, dear souls, that a few very important and key arrests have indeed already been [privately] made, and the Angelics and the higher Earthly Councils who are deciding what is to manifest next in relation to the exposure of the aims and agendas of the elites; such souls are to make the final decisions as to how the specific bringing-about of the exposure of the elites is to manifest.
They have been convening with us to garner our assistance in any ways that we can help with such a decision-making process, and they have as well been convening amongst themselves to discuss the repercussions and such that we could not yet be able to understand for indeed dear souls, there is again much [we are learning] about the Earth experience and about the sensitive nature in which your world must be kept in complete balance as these events are manifested, as this balance is crucial to the evolution of innumerable realms throughout this Creation which we all exist happily within and as.
Gaia is ready to see the exposure of those who have kept Her in the most pain and this is why She is calling for the exposure of these souls, yet in the most compassionate ways possible.
You are to see in the immediate period ahead, many souls whom could perhaps be recognized as being in the pockets of the elites, who will choose to enact Lighted change and measures within their respected spheres of influence. You will recognize these souls as working directly with the Archangels who have been imploring many of them to jump ship from their Illuminati counterparts and join the Light, which is ever-becoming the dominant energy and decider of the events to manifest on your world.
As a result of this happening, you are to see much Lighted change finally begin to be brought forth and we must reiterate that this is as well a steady and slow process as it must be to insure the balance and stability of the collective and individual consciousness of humanity as again, such a stability is very important to the stability and continual evolution of many, many other realms and planets whose ascension is nearly riding on the ascension of the Earth.
Expect much truth and Light to be brought forth in the immediate period ahead through your mainstream media as indeed, at this moment it is still bringing forth much falsity and many are still being deceived by tuning-in to the mainstream propaganda that is continually and boldly passed off as truth, but these constraints are being broken step by step, little by little as each and every one of you make it your intents to proclaim your willingness to yourselves break away from the influence of the mainstream perception on your world, as you realize the true and hollow nature of such mainstream perceptions.
For many of you who are awakening to these truths, you are seeing around you at this point a continuation of the old and a continuation of the employment of all of those former mindsets that you once existed within quite happily, grew away from and now recognize as hollow. For some, this can be mentally and emotionally painful, especially when seeing and noticing others falling for the traps that one has long grown out of, and we must of course stress the importance of never employing judgment when looking upon the Life experience of another.
You are all on this world experiencing differing and varying levels of consciousness, and not every soul who is on your world currently is here to experience the ascension of your world. Some are Earth-Natives or Natives from Mars who chose to undergo experiences on Earth for various different reasons, and some will not choose to accept and integrate the energies of your Universal ascension which are being given to your world in increased acceleration and purity at this time.
As above, so below dear souls and every change that you enact within yourselves and every discipline you find yourselves bringing forth in your own Lives that will see you ultimately better aligned with your own continually unfolding ascension process; these happenings are bringing forth the beginning of the exposure of the elites on your world as well as their beginning-compliance with the Ascended Masters and various Angels and Archangels who are working in conjunction with the insider defectors who are now working for the Light, while they [Masters] work as well with the Higher Councils overseeing the Earths realms.
Indeed dear souls, you are seeing and will continue to see many examples of Light and truth brought forth and change enacted on your world that has needed to be enacted, by those who will clearly demonstrate themselves as working for the Light. We say that the souls who are now making those choices to turn away from those who have abused them in many ways and join the Light forces, will be and are finding much protection given from the Light upon using their positions of influence to bring forth Lighted change as well as truth.
We know each and every soul who has been exposed to the actions and inner-workings of the elites, and we have Guided our allies in the various positions they have taken to whilst on Earth, to contact many people within the [United States] Military as well as many other highly influential and high-ranking souls within establishments such as the Military, in an effort to get such souls to come forth with what they have experienced so that the collective of humanity can begin to learn such things.
The soul who is known as Bill Brockbrader is a prime example of this happening, as this soul has experienced so very much that deep within himself, he has long wished to inform the collective of humanity about.
He and many, many others will be and now are getting the chance to do so and we say to those who are still holding out and continuing to align with the elites, that such a feeling of ease, of relief, of general happiness and bliss will rise up within you, having exposed all of that which you have been forced into keeping secret for so very long.
Scenarios and possibilities are being juggled at this point as we are all bringing forth different possibilities as to how the exposure and removal of the dark souls who have installed themselves into positions of power on your world for so very long, is to take place. Those who are joining with the side of the Light are not necessarily being ‘contained’ in that they are not in any way being forced to bring forth the Lighted change that many will be choosing to bring forth in the immediate period ahead.
There will be many who perhaps think or feel that they are being forced into enacting the change on your world that has been needed, and we can foresee already that some will be quite curmudgeon about enacting this change and will feel that they are being forced to do so because their empires had crumbled without them getting to see the fruition of the agendas that others in their bloodline had planned, generations before them.
However, there will be many who will happily choose to come over to the side of the Light and in any ways they can, be a part of the informing of the collective of humanity and we implore you to realize that the upcoming period and the period directly following, will be much more Lighted than many of you do perhaps realize.
Yes indeed, there will be collective anger and frustration at first and much collective emotion that has been long hidden within the subconscious is itself going to be uprooted, exposed to and expressed by the collective of humanity. The tests that you are all to undergo in such times [which have been discussed before] will be preludes to the wonderful and Lighted times in which we speak of; in which many of you will get together to inform yourselves and each other.
It has been spoken of as well, the collective Unity that is going to be garnered in the immediate period ahead and this will be a result of you all inevitably passing the final collective tests that you have all planned out for yourselves – those are, [whether one will] be in fear or acceptance when learning many startling and uprooting truths.
You will likely notice that the theme of uprooting has been expressed much throughout this message, and you will find as well that it is an important theme in the upcoming period for this uprooting that is to take place has the potential to vastly tip the collective balance, were we not here to assist with the energy movements and exposures of the elites in a way that sees this balance able to be attained.
Again, the physical manifestations and representations of just how these events are to come about are both assured and not yet decided on fully. What we mean by this is that either way these events are going to manifest and we have a select and certain few key scenarios planned out that we and our [and your] Angelic Guides as well, know fully will work out overall and we are simply working out these last few minute details and deciding just which specific events out of these few select possibilities, are going to be those to actually manifest.
The ‘Mass Arrests’ scenario and the scenario which has been generally labeled ‘Containment’, are two of such very likely possibilities and there is one more possibility as well that we are not currently at liberty to discuss, as it involves elements of the exposure of the dark heads that they have not been aware we possess or understand in any ways.
We have long informed these souls that we know everything about them that could be known; there is simply much that we will not [yet] disclose to channels about these individuals due to their freewill choices for the general public not to know such things before the period ahead which will expose the actions of these souls.
In such a period, the freewill of the dark heads will be no obstacle in bringing forth such truth as the collective will have entered such pure planes of consciousness in this beautiful Creation, that the exposure of the elites will have been ready to be brought forth and energetically prepared-for by the collective of humanity.
There is a very unbalanced measure of the freewill energies of the dark heads because they have very grossly and boldly invaded the freewill of so many on your world for so very long, and this is as well why their freewill will not be an obstacle in the immediate period ahead, in exposing and disclosing many things about them as such truths will as well be essential to the explaining of the many ways in which they have controlled your world for so very long.
In this current moment, there are still many on your world who would not yet be ready for such truths and so you see dear, beautiful souls, it is a balance of the freewill of the dark heads and the freewill of the souls on your world alike who would not yet be ready to hear such things.
Some of such souls are those who we have spoken of, who may not choose your ascension and who may instead choose to take Lives on other worlds, undergoing the lower dimensional experience.
Until our next communication, dear souls, we wish to express our hope that the aims of this communication have been brought forth as planned for. Such aims have been to inform you of the existence of scenarios and possibilities for the exposure of your dark besides those of the Mass Arrests, and to again affirm that no matter which way such exposures and clearing-away of the influence of the dark happens, there will be no reason to fear and the dark heads will have their actions exposed in the same, bold ways that will get the attention of your entire world.
It is to be the single greatest event to happen to your world and especially to your current society in your history, which has been distorted by the dark heads who have wanted you to believe that the Earth is so very much younger than She actually is and that your history has been little more than various small and big civilizations that did not fully develop [in the ways modern society has].
Rest assured dear, beautiful souls, that the dark heads are being exposed and the giving of Lighted truth and the technologies that are to follow such exposures, are indeed still on full track to manifest in the immediate period ahead. For now, you are seeing many souls who are choosing to come forth to the side of the Light, and this is something that has been planned for a long time and is a relief for Gaia [as well as all others].
Remember dear ones, that your own continual processes and the enacting of the disciplines which are to see you better aligned with your ascension energies, will as well see the Earth better aligned with these energies and will have an energetic effect so vast, that it will literally affect how and when any events manifest on your world and within your experience.
Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine.