Thank you so much for sharing your unconditional love. Back in 2005 I spoke to a man from Sedona, AZ - he was a lawyer - he had given up his BAR card. He was so passionate about what we need to do to change the system. He was going to create boxes of cookies to spread the love around the globe. He had battled a forecosure and WON. He told me that he and his family were threatened by phone by the bankers. They told him "we know where your wife and children are and we will take action" This man was so courageous. When I asked him "what can we do to stop this? How do we change this?"
They feed on our fear and lower emotions. Those lower vibrations are what keeps the system alive. At the time I did not quite understand what he meant but I could feel his high vibration - I knew deep in my soul he was right.
Now here we are...
We need to turn our backs on this fiat BS system and say NO. I WILL NOT SUPPORT your military industrial complex! NO I WILL NOT FEED THE LOWER VIBRATIONS! NO WAY! I WILL NOT GO BACK THERE. I am WAY ABOVE YOUR ANTIQUATED POWER SYSTEM. I AM I AM I AM . As ABOVE SO BELOW...WE ARE ALL ONE.
We dont need "money"!!!! Everything is abundant in the light. You want for nothing! You need nothing you are at perfect peace and harmony. Restore our freedom - release our chains, free us from slavery to the dark, increase our vibrations and LET US FLY FREE and repair Mother GAIA Now :-)
If we are all light souls reapiring Gaia, if we need not, want not, there is no "need" for a new system or money. You WILL NOT NEED A CAR, MATERIAL THINGS, HOUSE.
This is what I hope for for all of us. Total freedom, total happiness, total LOVE and LIGHT.
All we have to do IS TURN OUR BACKS AND WALK AWAY!!!!
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
My Thoughts On The Mass Arrests
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12
Ashtar Command26.04.2012
As the days went by, we can see the expectation growing within the hearts of the Lightworkers. We can see the anxiety growing in all of you and all that we can talk about at the moment is that this anxiety will be assuaged with the conclusion of the events promised for the days that will follow.
We know the anxiety of all of you, we love the way you are spreading the information by the four corners of the planet and we can talk about the love that is pouring out of your hearts is fundamental in uplifting the planet, and it makes our work even more rewarding.
We state that during the following days the Earth will be bombarded by solar flares and as a result, all the inhabitants of the planet will receive this load of energy in their bodies. This wave of energy will further accelerate the process of adjustment of your DNA. We want also to mention that these waves of energy will not cause pain to you unless you have low levels of energy. For this reason, we ask you constantly to raise your vibrations for frequencies compatible with those that are coming to Earth.
In these cases, the whizzing/tinnitus in the ears is one of the most common symptoms as well as certain pressure inside the head. This is part of the frequency adjustment.You must meditate more now seeking to disconnect from the outside world, searching to go inside of you, considering carefully about Love and Light, aiming to harmonize with everything around you.
Peace on Earth does not depend on our arrival, it depends on how you are thinking and expressing these thoughts, and today they become real almost immediately.
Our arrival will be the positive complement of your desire for the change of your world within you. This is about what we speak so much: we can only come up to you if you decide so. We respect your free will and we have always made it clear.We can see hope within your hearts and we are here to speak that you will not be disappointed. Time in your world is continues to speed up and it is the fruit of the labor of the Blue People that are joining us in this big task for the Light.
Beloved ones from the planet Earth, this is an opportunity for all of you. We have come lovingly to show the wonderful beings you are and that we are also your family wanting to resume our close acquaintance.
We are your brothers and sisters and we want you to know that each one of you has a lot to do before Ascension.
During the week of Disclosure, we will have plenty of work and we will need each one of you.
Soon after the Disclosure, thousands of questions will be made and it will lead to some turmoil in the media that will be targeted with considerable spectacular information about our presence.
After Disclosure, do not expect our immediate landing; but prepare your family and friends that still do not understand the meaning of our presence. You must explain to them that our presence is peaceful and that nothing will be imposed upon you, as some still try to spread.
The Dark ones are playing their last moves in order to spoil the image of President Obama. In this regard, we want to make quite clear that he is a Lightworker and he is fighting bravely within the cage of the wild beasts.He is doing very well and we feel assured to put the task of Disclosure in his hands.
You will have busy weeks ahead, and we can tell you about the Galactic events foreseen for the next month will increase further the activities in your world.
Once again remember that each of you brings an immense capacity because you have been prepared beforehand.
We wish to alert you against disinformation that can be launched in the media, possibly propaganda against the Galactic Federation/Ashtar Command and it should be analyzed with your heart, because the heart is the one that gives you the certainty of the truth that we are talking about, that we have come with no intention of invasion and consequently of attack to your free will. Trust the love of God is embracing your world and those who think that we are a threat are discrediting the love of the Creator.
You should know by now that we have high technology and if we wanted an invasion and domination of your world, we would not have already done it? We refer it in order you reflect and understand that we come in peace and we want your highest good.
After our reunion, you will see that you really are from the stars and you will wish to return to them.We are your future. We are your Family of the Stars.We are you.
Stay in the Light!
Channeler: Gabriel
WebSite: Sementes das Estrelas
Tradutora: Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos
Email: luisavasconcellos2012@gmail.com
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12
by GLR Gregg Gilles
One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe.You are one race, the human race, but your genes are a special mix of many races who have formed an alliance to better handle universal political issues and sovereignties throughout the many different star systems that possess intelligent life.
It has been this way for many eons, where different beings from different parts of the universe have come together in peaceful cooperation to better themselves and the lives of others. This is the case here at this time on your planet, as many different races, worlds and star systems have combined their talents and their genes to create a race of beings who are a true representation of this great alliance of intelligent species. Each one of you is a cherished product of this great endeavor. Each one of you is loved, cared for and protected, as each one of you are a member of our family.
Try to see yourselves as the pride of many star parents and allow this to allow you to better understand our mission and why we are here with you at this time. As we have maintained all along and will soon have the opportunity to prove to you, we are not here for selfish reasons or to manipulate you or use you or your planet for any selfish reasons. We are here as your family and as our family, we love and respect you and only act for your better welfare in every way.
Many of you at this time are now being introduced to your Star Families in one way or another. Many of you are being contacted telepathically and are being given an idea of where it is you come from in the universe. All of you at one time or another in the days ahead will receive this information from your respective Star Families, and we wish you to know there is no prejudice or favoritism here, as those of you who are being contacted at this time are those who are not only ready to receive this information mentally and emotionally, but who are also able to receive this information telepathically. This way of communicating with you must be applied at this time for security reasons. This is why we cannot post publicly a list of names and your home worlds or communicate with you through more popular means. We assure all of you that are interested in such information that this will change in the days ahead when those who yet stand against your new world are removed from your society.
We have talked at length about the removal of these individuals aligned with the dark agenda and we wish you to know that this operation is not a ship that has sailed or an idea or a concept that has been abandoned and forgotten. These arrests will take place, there can be no other way, as these individuals present a roadblock to your new world and there will be nothing or no one permitted to remain here as an obstacle to what is rightfully yours and will be yours. This is one of the reasons we are here with you, and together we will not fail. This operation to remove these individuals is not our operation, but the operation of our Earth allies, and we are participating in this operation by offering our abilities in certain areas. This is a very involved operation and much planning has been and continues to be put into this process. At this time, this plan continues to move forward and you will, at the proper time, see the results of all the tremendous work and labors of so many of your people. This will be. There can be no other way.
Continuing on into the days ahead you will begin to see more fallout from the efforts of your brothers and sisters to remove those of the dark from their positions of power. Some of you are seeing at this time resignations and dismissals at many different levels of bureaucracy of individuals who have chosen to voluntarily clear the way for the incoming of individuals aligned with the light and your new world. These maneuverings are all part of the bigger picture, and each and every change of office is a step towards your new way of life. See each resignation or dismissal as a positive stride towards our shared goal, for indeed it is.
We wish for you at this time to keep the fire burning within your hearts for your new world, for it is much closer than you may think and it will be yours, there can be no stopping it. Far too much has been accomplished already to allow anything to stop your new day from climbing over the horizon. This day will come; you inch closer to it every day as we, along with our Earth allies, continue to work tirelessly towards our shared goals. We ask you, our Lightworkers in the field, to continue your efforts as well as this is not a time to slow down or take a break from your tasks, but a time to apply your talents and give your mission everything you have, for everything that we have discussed with you, everything that you have dreamed about and long for, is just beyond your reach and will only take a little more effort to bring everything to you that you have earned and all that you deserve.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
John Ward – Breaking ….. Hollande Flip-Flops In Record Time – 25 April 2012
Hollande….man with an eye on the main chance
With a Round One French Presidential victory now safely in his rear-view mirror François Hollande Socialist candidate, has decided he never wanted to unpick the European fiscal pact, oh no certainly not, not him, you must have got me wrong my German friends: “Sie haben mir alles falsch gegotten”.
Nope, what France-whah wants to do is complete the Fiscal Pact by adding the tools to promote economic growth. This is a tool we highly trained economists call Money.
“What concerns us is not what is in the treaty, it is what is not in the treaty,” said Michel Sapin, Monsieur Hollande’s policy chief, to the Financial Times this morning.
As you’d expect, the FT hoovered up Sapspin’s drivel, and printed it in full in a prominent position. Because that’s what the Pink’un does these days.
“A treaty that is based only on budgetary discipline is a treaty that will drive Europe to the wall,” he said, adding, “Achieving growth is the only way”.
Yes folks, we’re back in the land of the Oxy Morons, that alien species convinced that you can have something called austere growth. It’s a similar concept to zero-alcohol meths, and equally useful. It’s also called bollocks.
But the topline here is that Francois Hollande is just another flim-flam-say-what-it-takes pol who now wants to get the Centre-Right onside with talk of being The Good European, and coaxing the Communists into the tent by saying he will spend money to create jobs.
After his certain failure as French President, therefore, a long career beckons for France-wah-wah-wah in Brussels.
John Ward – Greece Exclusive : Brussels & Berlin Fear Anti-Troika Majority In May 6th Elections – Four Out Of Five Greek Voters Against Troika Puppet Venizelos – 26 April 2012
Under Greek Law, the publication of electoral opinion polls is illegal from two weeks before General Election dates. So between now and polling day, the views of the Greek electorate will be going behind the dark side of the moon. But The Slog has been told by Brussels sources that both there and in Berlin, there is mounting concern about an anti-Troika majority winding up as the Government.
“For the first time in 40 years, people are not voting left versus right but pro-bailout versus anti-bailout,” ALCO pollster Costas Panagopoulos said three days ago, “We cannot exclude any scenario.” The figures support Panagopoulus, although this is rarely appreciated in the MSM.
On Saturday 14th April last, a poll by the MRB company revealed a majority of Greeks rejecting an economic recovery plan imposed in return for EU-IMF loans. Thus, although only 26.2% of respondents said they’d vote for a party opposed to the EU-IMF rescue, 66% said Greece should stay in the eurozone but adopt an alternative recovery plan.
The key point being missed here is that – while New Democracy has cooperated with the Troika – its leadership is known to have major doubts about the austerity plan. New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras is widely distrusted in Brussels for this very reason; and as The Slog predicted over a fortnight ago, PASOK leader Venizelos has been leading calls for a compromise PM….unelected. Venizelos knows he’s going to be the big loser on May 6th, but being in the Troika’s pocket, he hopes to convince ND – and the voters – that an anti-Troika majority would be bad news. I wrote at the time:
‘Samaras has also said he would reject a coalition administration, but has nevertheless been a bit yes and no about it. In many ways he is right to be equivocal: with perhaps nine Parties likely to win seats in the new Parliament, it is impossible at the moment to foresee all the possibilities. But I understand that Samaris would welcome a Coalition without PASOK.’
Venizelos fears this, and is still mouthing off in an attempt to cling onto power. He said there would be a “huge problem” if the next government — most likely to be a coalition — does not have at least 50 percent of the vote following next month’s elections. (PASOK and ND together had 35.5% last Monday).
Sources in Athens are repeating what they alleged two weeks ago: that the PASOK leader is hinting at direct action from outside Greece were a Coalition without him and against the Troika to emerge after May 6th.
Now The Slog’s longstanding Brussels mole offers some support for their fears….and suggests that the Troikanauts might force the issue.
“It’s an open secret here that [the Commission], the IMF and Berlin believe there may well be a volte-face and tearing up of the bailout deal after May 6th,” he tells me, “I think they’d start twisting arms about stopping the cash-flow, and try and bring a new Government to heel. In my view, all the Greeks would have to do is resist that, and the eurozone would immediately be in big trouble.”
What most foreign observers have also failed to spot is just how much PASOK support has fallen: there has been some recovery during April, but their last poll rating was still poor at 17.8%. Just under two-thirds of all Greeks don’t intend to vote for either ‘main’ Party….and looking at PASOK alone, we can see that four out of five won’t vote for Venizelos. That’s more than enough for ND’s Samaras to form a solid Coalition government.
Samaras has often criticised the terms of the bailout, and said he would spend 550 million euros on social relief if elected. He became more specific about his plans yesterday, saying corporate tax should be cut back to 15% from 23% (as a stimulant to economic growth) but also that the top VAT rate should be cut to 19% from 23% – and the top income tax rate to 32% from 45% (to stimulate consumption).
This is clearly a spend more and stay on austerity track sum of the kind often dished out during elections. In real terms, it’s a fantasy. In Troika circles, it represents dangerous anti-matter.
Bearing in mind what the Greek economy is doing at the minute, however, the Samaris plan is marginally more sane than the bailout terms. Real incomes in Greece dropped by a massive 25.3% during 2011, according to an annual report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which uses data forwarded by the Greek Finance Ministry.
Meanwhile, further out on the Right, hard-nationalist Party doyen Panos Kammenos declared yesterday that he would nationalise the Bank of Greece , and drive IMF representative Poul Thomsen out of the country.
The leader of the fast-rising Party ‘Independent Greeks’ told Skai TV that Greece must reject the terms of the new bailout it agreed with the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission in February. He added that Greece’s new bonds written under UK law would lead to public and private Greek assets being seized as and when things go pear-shaped.
“If during the next month we do not get rid of Thomsen and his employees, the repossessions of homes will begin because of UK law,” said Kammenos, who earlier this week drew fire from Greek shipowners for suggesting that their vessels could be seized by Greece’s creditors.
Alarmist stuff? Probably. But there are two factors that every good psephologist (electoral researcher) knows only too well. Even if a Party (like ND) doesn’t openly say it will reject the recent past, many of its voters will expect it to. And respondents in research always underclaim their willingness to vote for extreme Parties.
This is why the awful Evangelo Venizelos may find himself out in the cold after May 6th. And why the EU may suddenly find itself with two rebellious ClubMed States to handle.
All of which brings us back to the original Geithner plan for Greece…and the geo-political aims of the Pentagon and the oil business in the Greek theatre. Might they be already opening communication lines with the Rightists in Athens? I don’t know. But if any Greeks think they do know, the email address remains jawslog@gmail.com.
Tony Robbins – The $15 Trillion US National Debt Deconstructed – 26 April 2012
Uploaded TonyRobbinsLive on 2 April 2012.
http://www.tonyrobbins.com/ Watch Tony Robbins discuss the $15 trillion U.S. national debt — how big is it really? And what can we do about the enormous federal budget deficit?
( Comment Lucas : nicely deconstructed. Only what is the solution not more debt not more revenues or better said keeping the system? Right! So what should we do? I believe you have been given the answer already a lot of times here and elsewhere in the alternative media. Dump the system, abolish debt-slavery, skip the money addiction and get rid of false believes that this Fiat Currency system is the only true financial system . Ask yourselves why only a few will get the benefits from this system even as we the people get hit by foreclosures, debt-terrorism, bankers greed, tax increases, social deprivation, food stamps growth, the taking of your unalienable rights and so on.What is your choice? Going to take a vote for what? A non-existing democracy that does not honour the constitution and bill of rights. A democracy where your vote just is given to those who have the most exposure on tv, have the best manipulators of the news, polls, etc., that corporate money can buy? I What about your elected representatives that do not serve nor honour the constitution. Those that get money or other revenues for their votes by the lobbyists are they Democratic. Do you vote for a democracy that you can buy? There must be something really wrong or is there not? The answers to those questions should make you think whatever party you choose left, right, independent or whatever that still operates within this system can not bring the real change! A change that sets people free, gives them their unalienable rights back in full and gives them again abundance.)
AAM on Starseeds, Service and Enlightenment
I had a reading with Archangel Michael on April 25, 2012. He went into great detail on the spiritual changes I could expect in the next month. It seems that I’ll be going through a fair number of them and may need to rest from time to time. So I just mention ahead of time that I may need to make myself scarce periodically.
On spec, I asked him if he would comment on what I’d said to readers on April 25, that as servers at the banquet of Ascension, we might not expect to experience dramatic enlightenments, lest we find ourselves unable to serve.
I made a cut of that portion of the reading and include it here for your information. For those who don’t believe that I’m actually speaking to Archangel Michael, that’s fine. Leave the matter and continue on. But for anyone wishing to hear the Boss explain how our spirituality will expand but still leave us able to serve, here is that portion of the reading.
AAM says that we can experience exalted states like Nirvana but we cannot remain in them. If we did, we wouldn’t be able to serve – or want to. So we will see a toning down, an occupation of the middle ground of enlightenment. He said that we’d know that enlightenment is in front of us and ours to access, but, if we are in service, we won’t choose to live there. Or if we did, we’d have to leave service.
So that’s the distinction he makes: we can experience exalted states but we just cannot stay in that experience; we can access them but not live in them. That modifies and corrects what I said on April 25 (not like I know, but he does).
I request that no one hear this as a promise please. It may apply to your situation and it may not. My sense was that AAM was speaking generally and not specifically about any one Starseed.
I guess while I’m here I can add that I asked him what he wished to speak about next Monday on An Hour with an Angel and he said he wanted to continue with what Ashtar had been discussing about how terrestrials should be or interact with galactics. He also said that he wanted to discuss current affairs such as NESARA, Disclosure, and spiritual expansion.
I also asked him if I was indeed speaking to Ashtar last Monday, because you know that one channel has said that Ashtar does not give interviews. AAM said that Ashtar absolutely does give interviews and that the statement that he does not is not correct.
So now you have the dilemma of different sources saying different things. Notice that hearing from AAM does not solve your quandary of knowing whom to believe. Even hearing from him still obliges you to decide which version you prefer. And so it will be until we no longer need to hear our sources through channels. I suggest that we not get overly hung up over who says what. As SaLuSa said not long ago:
“Each of you is quite unique and what suits one will not be the same for another. Yet in general there is something to be gained from the various sources that will help all of you. Once you find a reliable one, keep with it until the need arises to move on.” (1)
AAM said much the same thing. He disputed some of the things that some channels say (I regularly ask him about channels) but he seldom says don’t listen to them on those grounds. There is much that is good that they do say, he reminds me. He is very tolerant of our channeling.
My recommendation is to choose the source you wish to rely on and then stay with that source. The major sources accepted by so many will differ on some particulars but will probably agree on the broad outlines. And it’s really only the broad outlines that are going to make the biggest difference. Whether Ashtar gives interviews or not isn’t going to make a whit of difference to Ascension.
(1) SaLuSa, March 3, 2010, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
AAM on Starseeds, Service and Enlightenment
I had a reading with Archangel Michael on April 25, 2012. He went into great detail on the spiritual changes I could expect in the next month. It seems that I’ll be going through a fair number of them and may need to rest from time to time. So I just mention ahead of time that I may need to make myself scarce periodically.
On spec, I asked him if he would comment on what I’d said to readers on April 25, that as servers at the banquet of Ascension, we might not expect to experience dramatic enlightenments, lest we find ourselves unable to serve.
I made a cut of that portion of the reading and include it here for your information. For those who don’t believe that I’m actually speaking to Archangel Michael, that’s fine. Leave the matter and continue on. But for anyone wishing to hear the Boss explain how our spirituality will expand but still leave us able to serve, here is that portion of the reading.
AAM says that we can experience exalted states like Nirvana but we cannot remain in them. If we did, we wouldn’t be able to serve – or want to. So we will see a toning down, an occupation of the middle ground of enlightenment. He said that we’d know that enlightenment is in front of us and ours to access, but, if we are in service, we won’t choose to live there. Or if we did, we’d have to leave service.
So that’s the distinction he makes: we can experience exalted states but we just cannot stay in that experience; we can access them but not live in them. That modifies and corrects what I said on April 25 (not like I know, but he does).
I request that no one hear this as a promise please. It may apply to your situation and it may not. My sense was that AAM was speaking generally and not specifically about any one Starseed.
I guess while I’m here I can add that I asked him what he wished to speak about next Monday on An Hour with an Angel and he said he wanted to continue with what Ashtar had been discussing about how terrestrials should be or interact with galactics. He also said that he wanted to discuss current affairs such as NESARA, Disclosure, and spiritual expansion.
I also asked him if I was indeed speaking to Ashtar last Monday, because you know that one channel has said that Ashtar does not give interviews. AAM said that Ashtar absolutely does give interviews and that the statement that he does not is not correct.
So now you have the dilemma of different sources saying different things. Notice that hearing from AAM does not solve your quandary of knowing whom to believe. Even hearing from him still obliges you to decide which version you prefer. And so it will be until we no longer need to hear our sources through channels. I suggest that we not get overly hung up over who says what. As SaLuSa said not long ago:
“Each of you is quite unique and what suits one will not be the same for another. Yet in general there is something to be gained from the various sources that will help all of you. Once you find a reliable one, keep with it until the need arises to move on.” (1)
AAM said much the same thing. He disputed some of the things that some channels say (I regularly ask him about channels) but he seldom says don’t listen to them on those grounds. There is much that is good that they do say, he reminds me. He is very tolerant of our channeling.
My recommendation is to choose the source you wish to rely on and then stay with that source. The major sources accepted by so many will differ on some particulars but will probably agree on the broad outlines. And it’s really only the broad outlines that are going to make the biggest difference. Whether Ashtar gives interviews or not isn’t going to make a whit of difference to Ascension.
(1) SaLuSa, March 3, 2010, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
Cobra: World Liberation Day, May 5, 2012 2012 April 26
Cobra: World Liberation Day – May 5, 2012
Stephen: While we don’t usually promote mass meditations, this one could well be worth the power of all our participation. The day is the firth day of the fifth month of 2012 which adds up to 5.5.5. The time is set for the precise moment of the full moon, whether it be day or night wherever you live. Cobra also adds the following: “the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place”.
It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millions of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the central bankers so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
There is a plan, conceived by positive people in the military, supported by civil authority, to arrest the members of the banking Cabal for their crimes against humanity. Our visualization will support this plan, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We will support brave heroes that will carry out this plan. Something like this has never happened on this planet before. This is our chance to be a part of it!
Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will activate the plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our visualization on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide!
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th /6th. Exact times for different time zones are:
8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles) ; 9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver); 10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston); 11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York); 4:30 am BST May 6th (London); 5:30 am CEST May 6th (Paris); 11:30 am CST May 6th (Beijing); 12:30 pm JST May 6th (Tokyo); 1:30 pm AEST May 6th (Sydney).
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize civil authority arresting central banking criminals such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, etc. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
3. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression.
Disclaimer: the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place.
Cobra: World Liberation Day, May 5, 2012 2012 April 26
Cobra: World Liberation Day – May 5, 2012
Stephen: While we don’t usually promote mass meditations, this one could well be worth the power of all our participation. The day is the firth day of the fifth month of 2012 which adds up to 5.5.5. The time is set for the precise moment of the full moon, whether it be day or night wherever you live. Cobra also adds the following: “the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place”.
It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millions of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the central bankers so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
There is a plan, conceived by positive people in the military, supported by civil authority, to arrest the members of the banking Cabal for their crimes against humanity. Our visualization will support this plan, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We will support brave heroes that will carry out this plan. Something like this has never happened on this planet before. This is our chance to be a part of it!
Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will activate the plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our visualization on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide!
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th /6th. Exact times for different time zones are:
8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles) ; 9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver); 10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston); 11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York); 4:30 am BST May 6th (London); 5:30 am CEST May 6th (Paris); 11:30 am CST May 6th (Beijing); 12:30 pm JST May 6th (Tokyo); 1:30 pm AEST May 6th (Sydney).
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize civil authority arresting central banking criminals such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, etc. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
3. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression.
Disclaimer: the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place.
Pakistan’s PM Convicted on Contempt Charges
Pakistan’s PM Convicted on Contempt Charges
Stephen: Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has been convicted of contempt of court but will not serve a jail term, state media has reported. The charges stem from his refusal to reopen a corruption probe against President Asif Ali Zardari, the former husband of the country’s onetime PM Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated in 2007 (see footnote below).
By AFP News Wires – April 26, 2012
AFP – Pakistan’s prime minister was Thursday convicted of contempt of court by the country’s highest court but given only a token sentence in a case that could still see him thrown out of office.
The Supreme Court found Yousuf Raza Gilani guilty of contempt over his refusal to obey an order to write to the authorities in Switzerland to ask them to re-open corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari.
Gilani had faced a maximum sentence of six months in prison, but the court ordered him to be “imprisoned” until the hearing adjourned and he emerged shortly afterwards smiling and waving to supporters.
The question now is whether he will be disqualified from office, which would add to political instability in a country already troubled by Al-Qaeda and Taliban violence.
Under Pakistan’s constitution anyone convicted of defaming or ridiculing the judiciary is barred from being an MP, but legal experts say the process to disqualify Gilani could be a lengthy one, involving the parliamentary speaker and the Election Commission.
“For reasons to be recorded later Prime Minister and chief executive Yousuf Raza Gilani is found guilty and convicted for contempt of court,” Justice Nasir ul Mulk, the head of the seven-judge Supreme Court bench, said.
Mulk said the conviction was “likely to entail serious consequences” for Gilani, and this was taken in mitigation with regards to his sentence.
“He is therefore punished under section five of contempt of court ordinance with imprisonment till rising of the court,” the judge said.
The case has been highly politically charged, with members of the government accusing judges of over-stepping their reach and of trying to bring down the prime minister and president, a year before the administration would become the first in Pakistan to complete an elected term.
The corruption allegations against Zardari date back to the 1990s, when he and his late wife, former premier Benazir Bhutto, are suspected of using Swiss bank accounts to launder about $12 million allegedly paid in bribes by companies seeking customs inspection contracts.
The Swiss shelved the cases in 2008 when Zardari became president and a prosecutor in Switzerland has said it will be impossible to re-open them as long as he remains head of state and so is immune from prosecution.
Gilani insists the president has full immunity, but in December 2009 the Supreme Court overturned a political amnesty that had frozen investigations into the president and other politicians.
Gilani left the court amid a scrum of journalists and supporters from his Pakistan People’s Party.
Security was tight outside the court for the hearing, with around 200 riot police armed with shields and batons stationed outside and approaches closed to the public.
Footnote: On November 2, 2007, just weeks before she was assassinated, Zardari’s wife, then-Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto, was interviewed by Britain’s David Frost. At 06:16 into this interview she, in a passing reference to someone else, says Osama Bin Laden had been killed – as if everyone already knew this. (Remember, this was back in 2007 not 2011 when it is claimed Bin Laden was killed by US Navy Seals.) Some people believe she was killed because of this revelation. This is that interview.
The Star Elders via Aluna Joy: Earth Grid Update 2012 April 26
Earth Grid Update
The Star Elders with Aluna Joy
April 20, 2012
Since the beginning of 2012, the energies have gone from feeling stuck, to feeling like we are in an out-of-control spaceship. This pace is literally taking our breath away.
Yet we when we tune in deeply to our hearts, we are excited and feel like we are finally about to arrive. There is an excitement in the air that we have been missing for some time, and it feels good.
The Earth is shifting; in fact, it is getting an entire new grid system. The tectonic plates are wobbling magnetically as well. So finding and staying in our centers is becoming more difficult. Some symptoms that are popping up for people that are extra sensitive to the Earth’s energies might be mild nausea, like morning sickness, a slight dull headache that won’t go away, and a sore spot in the heart chakra area. These are temporary situations.
You are building a new body as well. Scientists know that our bodies replace every single cell every seven years. What we are experiencing NOW is an accelerated rate of this cellular regeneration of our physical and light bodies. It is going to be a whole new way to BE. It is going to feel a little strange for some time as this process completes, and we don’t expect this intensity to lighten up any time soon. A lot will be coming up; old stuff and more recent regurgitations.
Don’t judge your process or the processes others are going through. Judgments and spiritual arrogance have no place in these times. All are a perfect mirror of God . . . including YOU. Remember . . . what you resist, you can never be free from, so allow, surrender and flow with the process. AGAIN … what you resist, you can never be free from. Allow your story to unfold. Remember that where you have been, and what you have experienced, good or bad, has placed you where you are today. Just a quick look back will remind you how much you have grown. Don’t you see how much you have already evolved! Don’t forget this.
We are finding that we are becoming increasingly unable to cope with the illusions of this world; like injustices, dishonesties, integrity issues, dramas in family and other relationships, and the 3D world not working as expeted. All this is feeling like an endless retrograde situation to us. Again this is a temporary situation. We are feeling these things more prominently now, because we are already IN the new world where these illusions do not exist. Our DNA is learning to balance and reorganize this contradiction of frequencies. The only thing in our way now is our own mind.
The intense energy might want to make us just crawl into a cave and wait it out. But we don’t do this. We stand firm on the Earth each day, breathe in and out, and we try our best to stay in our center wherever that might be in any given moment. Everything around us is shifting and changing at a ridiculous rate of speed. If we try to hide out, or hunker down, it will not work. We must stay involved. We must participate in this grand unfolding of a new earth, humanities awakening and the unification of the collective consciousness. This is what you came here for. You signed up for this.
The Earth is getting a new grid system and we are renovating ourselves to be in alignment with this new grid system. This will come with a new orientation point, with a new heart center, and a new body. Let’s just say that we have a lot on our plates right now.
Also, a magnetic pole shift might come sooner than first thought. Magnetic pole shifts are not as far-fetched as one might think. Geologists know the Earth and the Sun shifts magnetically every so often. This will not create world wide physical earth changes.
Some experts think this magnetic pole shift will happen as early as this May… here are some links if you are inclined to read more about this.
*** “Japanese HINODE team says in May 2012 the suns north pole will reach a reading of zero and will form into MULTIPLE positive poles … and to top it off, this is happening a year ahead of the expected nominal time.” http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/4212012-solar-poles-to-flip-next-m...
*** National Astronomical Observatory of Japan … “The estimated completion of the reversal of the north polar region will take place in 1 months or so, (MAY 2012) about one year earlier than the nominal expected reversal time.” http://hinode.nao.ac.jp/news/120419PressRelease/index_e.shtml
*** The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center ” . . . the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially.” http://modernsurvivalblog.com/pole-shift-2/alarming-noaa-data-rapid-pole-shift/
*** “Magnetic north shifting by 40 miles a year, might signal pole reversal.” http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/climate-weather/stories/magnetic-north-shift...Our body is evolving in every sense of the word; quicker than any other time in history. Our blood has iron in it, and iron is magnetic. Because of this fact, whatever happens on the Earth and its magnetic field, as well as the Sun’s magnetic field, we will be equally affected by. WE are ONE with the Earth, the sky and all life.
An interesting fact is that we have already ascended to a higher frequency. The only issue is that our mind (our memory and our self-image) has not come to grips with this fact. The iron in our body (in our blood) holds memory and history, so as the Earth’s magnetic field drops to zero, our memory is cleared and rebooted and raised up to a new frequency. Eventually then our mind will catch up with what has already taken place in the higher realms.
This is a divine synchronization of all life on Earth with its attached collective consciousness. Some people will need to accelerate their spiritual and physical process by being very rigid with their routines. Others will need to slow down their process, by meditating less, eating heavier food and … well… what looks like goofing off
. We must do what feels right in each moment without worry about what others will think about you. And we must not judge others for living their lives differently than ours. Did you hear that? This is important. Again . . . Judgment and spiritual arrogance has no place in these times. There are reasons why we are living the way we are living. The way we live our life now might be very different than from a couple of years ago.
How we live our lives next week might be polar opposite to today. Humanity and all life is synchronizing with the whole, the ONE. Why? . . . because we are going through this dimensional gate together. Everybody needs to be at the same frequency, on the same bandwidth, on the same page, etc…
There is nothing more that we need to learn. The searching is over. We have everything inside us that we need, right now. But we already know this. Now it is time to believe it. We will receive necessary wisdom and appropriate alchemy when, and only when, our frequency is ready for the next step in this ascension process. This is a failsafe program to keep us safe from burning up in the ascension light. This is a step by step process. We have learned in the past that if we ascend too soon, or are out of sync with an ascending age, we fail . . . because we are not ready for the energy. We learned this the hard way in Egypt and Atlantis. Everything needs to be synchronized on the same page and on the same bandwidth. From our vantage point, all is going very well.
Lastly we are asking you to not go into sympathetic resonance with anyone going through hard challenges. Feeling sympathy will only bring your energy down, and make their journey harder. Remember . . . there is nothing to fix and nothing to heal. Each has chosen their path. We are harmonizing the collective field. Trust the process. Remember that what everyone is going through, is the process of bringing us all to that same page, so we can enter the new world that is awaiting us . . . together.
PS … The Star Elders really do love drama, and so does Archangel Michael; but they never go in to sympathetic resonance with the drama. For them it is just like watching a really good movie. They don’t judge anything and just accept the process. If we can approach this year as they do, it will make our lives a lot easier.
Copyright © 2012 – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk’in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA
Web: www.AlunaJoy.com Email: aluna@alunajoy.com
Liberian Ex-President Charles Taylor Guilty of War Crimes
By Bruno Waterfield in The Hague, The Daily Telegraph, London – April 26, 2012
An international court has delivered its verdict on Liberian ex-president Charles Taylor, finding him guilty of arming Sierra Leone’s rebels who paid him in “blood diamonds”.
Taylor helped rebels in Sierre Leone with the preparation and execution of crimes by helping to “design” their strategy.
War crimes “resulted directly from (these) plans” but he did not command the execution or instigate them, said Richard Lussick, a UN judge. “The trial chamber uanimously finds you guilty,” he said.
Taylor’s practical assistance, including trade in blood diamonds and moral support had substantial impact on the commission of war crimes and “he knew it well”, the UN court judged.
“The accused knew of atrocities being perpetrated against civlisans in Sierre Leone and of propensity to commit crimes. Notwithstanding such knowledge, the accused continued to provide support to the RUF during the period crimes were committed,” the judge said.
“The trial chamber finds, there fore, beyond reasonable doubt that the accused knew that his support would provide practical assistance, encouragement and moral support to them in the commission of crimes duting the course of their military operations in Sierre Leone.
“The trial chamber finds beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is criminally responsble for aiding and abetting the commision of crimes.”
Taylor stood and showed no emotion as Lussick delivered the guilty verdicts at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Lussick scheduled a sentencing hearing for May 16 and said sentence would be passed two weeks later. Taylor will serve his sentence in Britain.
Human rights activists hailed the convictions as a watershed moment in the fight against impunity for national leaders responsible for atrocities.
“Taylor’s conviction sends a powerful message that even those in the highest level positions can be held to account for grave crimes,” said Elise Keppler of Human Rights Watch. “Not since Nuremberg has an international or hybrid war crimes court issued a judgment against a current or former head of state. This is a victory for Sierra Leonean victims, and all those seeking justice when the worst abuses are committed.”
Taylor had pleaded not guilty to all counts, claiming in seven months of testimony in his own defense that he was a statesman and peacemaker in West Africa.
While judges convicted him of aiding and abetting atrocities by rebels, they cleared him of direct command responsibility, saying he had no direct control over the rebels he supported.
During Taylor’s trial which began proper on June 4, 2007, some 94 witnesses took the stand for the prosecution and 21 for the defence. Taylor himself testified for 81 hours.
Model Naomi Campbell and actress Mia Farrow gave headline-grabbing evidence in August 2010 about a gift of “dirty” diamonds Taylor gave to Campbell at a charity dinner hosted by then South African president Nelson Mandela in 1997.
Judges also heard gruesome testimony from victims of the Sierra Leone conflict, including a witness who said he pleaded with RUF rebels to cut off his remaining hand so they would spare his toddler son.
Others said Taylor’s fighters strung human intestines across roads, removed foetuses from women’s wombs and practised cannibalism, while children younger than 15 were enlisted to fight.
One witness said he was present when the Liberian leader ate human liver.
During his own testimony, which began in July 2009, Taylor called the trial a “sham” and denied allegations he ever ate human flesh.
Nigerian authorities arrested Taylor in March 2006 when he tried to flee from exile in Nigeria after stepping down as Liberian president three years earlier in a negotiated end to a civil war in his own country.
He was transferred to the SCSL in Freetown, but in June 2006 a UN Security Council resolution cleared the way for him to be transferred to The Hague, saying his presence in west Africa was an “impediment to stability and a threat to the peace.”
The court, set up jointly by the Sierra Leone government and the United Nations, has already convicted eight Sierra Leoneans of war crimes and jailed them for between 15 and 52 years after trials in Freetown.
Rupert Fires Up New Diversion Strategy I just watched a very interesting interview with the BBC’s Media Show host, Steve Hewlett, in which he outlined the way things have panned out for the Murdochs over the three British media inquiries that have now b
UntitledNorway Refuses to Hate or Be Afraid 2012 April 26
Congratulations to the people of Norway, who continue to demonstrate fearlessness and love to the world. Thanks to Edvard.
Thousands gather in Oslo to sing song Anders Breivik hates
Reuters/Guardian, April 26, 2012
About 40,000 people sing 1970s song Children of the Rainbow, which Breivik described as Marxist propaganda
People gather in central Oslo to sing a song hated by mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Photograph: Kyrre Lien/AFP/Getty ImagesUp to 40,000 Norwegians have staged an emotionally charged singalong in Oslo near the court building where Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 people in a protest organisers said showed he had not broken their tolerant society.
“It’s we who win,” said guitar-strumming folk singer Lillebjørn Nilsen as he led the mass singalong and watched the crowd sway gently in the rain. Many held roses above their heads, and some wept.
The protest followed several days of defiant testimony from Breivik, who has admitted killing his victims but denied criminal guilt.
The crowd chose to sing Children of the Rainbow, a song that extols the type of multicultural society Breivik has said he despises and one he dismissed during the trial as Marxist propaganda.
People then marched to the district courthouse where Breivik was on trial, close to the site where he set off a bomb that killed eight people on 22 July last year.
Thousands more Norwegians held similar musical protests in towns across the country. The protest came as survivors lined up inside the courtroom to take the witness stand and describe the bombing.
“I was spitting teeth,” said Harald Foesker, who had been at work in the Ministry of Justice when the 950kg fertiliser bomb went off outside his window.
“I felt at once that this was a terror attack on the government building … I called for help but nobody answered.”
He said he lost 80% of his vision and his face had to be restored afterwards, but added he was proud to live in a country that treated criminal defendants with dignity.
Breivik, 33, has called his victims “traitors” who deserved death for embracing leftwing values that, in his view, opened Europe to a slow-motion Muslim invasion.
He has said he felt he had no choice but to strike back, bombing government offices and staging a brutal gun massacre at a Labour party island summer camp that killed 69 people.
Breivik has often used chillingly graphic language to describe his killing spree, but it seems to have taken his comments about the Children of the Rainbow song to touch a nerve in a country that prides itself on a tradition of tolerance and justice.