An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
American Kabuki – Did CNN Just Lose Half Its Audience? – 30 March 2012
reported at link to original article
CNN was down 50% in total viewers and down 60% in age 25-54 viewers (Total Day) for the month of March. The net loss was down 21% in Total Viewers and down 26% in age 25-54 viewers (Primetime) compared to March 2011.
The viewer exodus is not limited to CNN, FOX News lost viewers in the month of March and for the first quarter of 2012. For the month, Fox News is down 17%.
“Perhaps, if I may be so bold, this is what happens to you when you continue to report stories that no longer resemble — even remotely — what your own viewers see outside their windows and apartments.”
CNN has barely covered the rapidly growing Occupy and Tea Party protests around the country, and as the clip from Current TV’s Cenk Uygur below points out, CNN gave zero prime-time coverage to the NDAA’s indefinite detention provisions, arguably one of the most devastating rollbacks of Americans’ civil rights ever.Perhaps viewers are sick and tired of the same half-assed recycled stories about Kim Kardashian, the same shiny Piers Morgan celebrity interviews, and perhaps a war weary public is also not so quick to slurp up CNN’s incoherent Iran warmongering.
…I don’t think CNN’s viewers have suddenly decided not to consume news any more. I just think they are going online to do it.”
John Ward – Hackgate Day 443 : Assie Authorities Decide To Get Tough With Murdoch
Further to yesterday’s Slogpost about Newscorp routinely hacking into the computers and phone networks of competitors, company President Chase Carey said in a statement released yesterday (Wednesday) that the BBC programme nailing the nefarious activities of Newscorp spying subsidiary NDS “manipulated and mischaracterized emails to produce unfair and baseless accusations”. He didn’t comment on the Australian Financial Review piece that unearthed a further 14,000 surveillance-related emails last Tuesday. Well, he wouldn’t really, because it’s hard to deny the obvious in black and white, unedited emails that you never intended the world to see.
Just to recap here, Mr Carey got the job as Newscorp President on account of being pretty much the only staffer left not either about to be charged, or awaiting trial in the UK, for conspiracy to corrupt police officers, conspiracy to hack phones, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, and (soon in the US via the FBI) conspiracy to remove competition by illegal means. So you’d have thought that Chase Carey himself might be about to face some cop grief himself.
Ooooooh, no. Australian officials said on Thursday afternoon (earlier this morning GMT) that they’re not going to investigateFinancial Review’s claim that News Corp. was involved in a piracy-promoting plot aimed at crippling its competitors. They cited ‘a lack of hard evidence’, so they’d obviously read all 14,000 emails by then. Wow. Those guys move fast.
There will be no action against Merdeschlock in Australia because Uncle Roop pretty much owns the media scene there. Largely thanks to his secret-squirrel, monopolist business model, Australians have the worst internet access at the highest prices compared to any other advanced nation anywhere. This must be true, because the CIA says so. And, as it happens, so does
Dame Edna EverageJulie Gillaaaard, the Prime Minister. It’s just that, what with swiping aside leadership opponents and doing grubby deals via Wayne Swann with the mine owners, Julie’s been too busy to do anything about Newscorp’s mafia empire of muscle and illegal privacy invasion.Come on Aussies, wake up here: why not get one of your MPs to at least ask a PMQ about why the police, faced for the first time with a complex business scandal, took just 36 hours to decide not to even investigate. How about some blogposts about the five other countries where NDS stands accused of the exact same behaviour? Why not a few headlines in the two newspapers not owned by Murdoch about how first the Guardian (in the UK) and then the New York Times (in the US) had similar investigations denied and dismissed as rubbish by folks who, funnily enough, are now face charges relating to those very allegation? Why not circulate the whole smelly story of Hackgate around the Ozblogosphere?
What we need is more Rooper-Scoopers: don’t let the world’s most mulinational turd undermine the Rule of Law in Australia. He did it here in the UK, and he owns half of the US Congress. He must not succeed.
Lisa Gawlas – The Vibrational Field Of DNA And Desire – Part 1 – 28 March 2012
Just when I thought (hoped) I was done writing (downloading) about DNA and I stare at my computer screen waiting for the information to flow all I can see are these spirally things sticking out of a body. I touched on these in one of my posts (I think the first one about the three phases of DNA) it seems we are going to understand this further!!
Everything about our life is a series of vibrations. Nothing more nothing less. We have this amazing thing called a brain that is designed to take the vibrational field of life and create what looks like our reality from those vibrations.
We have purposely chosen to incarnate in a world of vibration/anti-vibration. That is to say life/love – anti-life/fear.
The field of creation moves towards love, moves away from fear. It is very much like placing matter and anti-matter together, the seeded desire explodes into chaos whenever fear is present. Fear doesn’t vibrate, it is a dead zone.
Fear has many guises in this world: Hate, jealousy, anger, envy, judgement, control over others, manipulation and the list can go on and on.
Our DNA equally has a starting point from birth of vibrational output. When we (or as small children, our parents) start placing fear in our lives, our DNA vibration slows down. We get sick, mentnally, physically or both. I was blessed with both by the time I reached adulthood!
Our DNA have Light receptors within them right from birth. It is designed to be completely aligned with Love. The more variations of Love it receives, the more it grows, the more of our DNA is made present and available. Love is the only trigger of growth within our DNA.
Much like there are many variations of fear, there are equally many variations of love: Kindness to others, self confidence, taking nothing personally, not getting caught up in other’s drama… and so on.
We have been programmed to believe we need to love others. Not so. Actually quite impossible if you are not fully, completely loving yourself.
So both love and fear is an inward vibration, expressed outwards from you. You can fool yourself, but you can never ever fool the field of energy… the vibration of all life.
Your DNA knows that well. It is constantly reflecting your vibration back to you thru the field we call our life.
Lets just touch on sickness for a moment, then I want to get to those spirally things (smile.) Any sort of fear lowers the vibration within your body… whether it is for 5 minutes or 5 years. Our fears have become vast and we want to blame it on so many things. Food has become a huge culprit of our blame game. ”It’s not me, its the food.” bullshit. It’s you!! The food, whether an allergy or simply a mind construct around it, is reflecting back to you what you need to heal within yourself. We have a tendency to just avoid that food. Much like we avoid people who piss us off. No one on earth can piss us off. We choose to take whatever their trigger was and blame it on them. This decreases the energy vibration within the DNA as well… until we get to a point where we can either no longer move because we are so sick, or because we are so depressed (all that light vibration being held down) we cannot move.
Lighten up!!! Literally.
You cannot fake out the body. Whoever invented the term “fake it til you make it” was just not nice. We deepen our illusion, our deadened vibration, anytime we attempt to pretend we are not feeling something within us.
Negative feelings aren’t bad… they are warning signs inside of us, telling us to take a deeper look at what is really happening within us.
Example: From as young as I can remember I had severe hay fever allergies that started without fail August 1st each and every year and never subsided until the first frost. My allergies were so bad that most of the days I couldn’t even see because my eyes were swollen shut. I happened to be born in August. Every year I had the chance to renew my energy cycle, every year, I didn’t. Couldn’t… I was bound to a family, a belief system that did not serve my higher purpose but I was too terrified to be myself.
Until I joined the US Navy and they stationed me in Hawaii. I was sooo concerned about my hay fever, there is no first frost in Hawaii! But I changed. I started to own my own power, much to the dismay of the Navy. I refused to follow stupid orders (and my god they can hand out some life depleting orders) and for my 10 month history in that crazy organization I went to two Captain’s Masses (not where any sailor wants to go lol) I never had hay fever again. Of course, I did get pregnant in Hawaii too, and for the first time in all my life, I started to really understand and feel and make choices serving LOVE!
So lets talk about love baby!! Our DNA is programmed to love. Period! The love of Self. Don’t fool yourself if you say “but I love everyone… just not me.” The DNA within you must be feed with pure love of the Self. You cannot take anyone else’s love and make it your own either. People long for that perfect relationship because they don’t have it within themselves.
For the rest of this sharing, the only thing that matters is the love of Self. I will not be talking about any exterior sort of love… because that too, is simply illusion.
Our DNA gets soo excited at the first true feeling of deep inner love. It starts to vibrate like crazy. This vibration is also your magnetic field of attraction. It starts changing the very air around you that you breath. Yes, the air is aligned vibrationally and magnetically with your vibration. How could it not be? And there is a lot of air on earth!! It is constantly moving outwards and pulling back to you all your heart resonates with.
For as long as you stay focused and grow within your new season of change, more is coming towards you for your growth and acceleration, completely set up by the song within… the resonance within your DNA sent out thru your heart.
We humans are funny… we LOVE when life is good. Even when the good seems to be wearing off… just incase it is good again, we stay where the energy has changed. We really don’t like change that much… for fear of whats beyond that which is changing.
So the wise air and DNA entanglement create scenarios to bring change for the acceleration of growth at hand. Should we move thru the change with love and focus in our heart (not saying it is easy, we just move thru it whether we like it or not) the next field of our life is even more intense, great even.
Once we really fully understand that change is the greatest gift we have on earth and move with it instead of any avenue of resistance from within, life sets itself ablaze within our bodies.
Our DNA is unlocking treasures within. Our spiritual abilities become amplified and evlove, our friends are more aligned with our own heart resonance. We find new lands to live and grow upon, accelerating every avenue of growth within us.
And then there comes a time, something extraordinary happens. Our human DNA and our Spiritual energy encode themselves to the degree they are one energy. Amplifying every thought, every action and every desire into creation. We are not only affecting our own lives from this merger, but all of creation. Especially those we are close to.
Hazard warning here. You may find, some (if not many) people who were just aligned to your core values yesterday, no longer like or even relate to the new improved energy field that is you. Your vibration is just simply way to high for them… and you may find too… you no longer love being around the very people you loved being around yesterday.
We live in a realm where like attracts like. Disempowered people will seek out others just like them, so they can continue the blame game and feel good about themselves. Empowered people will do the same, find others who are empowered and seek out solutions for the greater good.
High speed DNA cannot live in a field of it’s opposite. There is so much responsibility that comes with raising your vibration. The first responsibility is to yourself. What is amplified for the highest good, will break down equally as fast. This is truly a power point for the Ascending Human!! Also, a major choice point. You either state within yourself… yes, I am taking the game as far as I vibrationally can…or you say, nope, this is as far as I am going in this lifetime. Yes there are casualties of choices here, but I am not going to talk about them.
For those that say yes… well holy sugar nuts batman…
This profound year of 2012 exists, lives for those who say/said YES!
Holy freakin WOW… I can see this so clearly and pray with all my heart, I can share it as clearly!!
Everything on earth has changed. The air we breath now has a faster vibration to it, the ground we walk on… phew baby. It is like giving our mama mini orgasms every time we put our conscious foot onto her back. It is like a light field of explosive bliss. Who knew… I gotta do more walking otuside!!!
What has been transpiring over the field of March 2012 is all of our highest DNA codes are either now at the ready to be activated, or activated (depending on personal choices.)
For those with a triad of energy within… that is to say, human, celestial and spiritual (every single person on the planet has two, the human and spiritual) geez… words, ya know!!
Lets skip the process (until I have the words to share) and get to the exiting part… those spiral thingies!!
There are portals of energy within the air that we can link up to. Bear with me as I try and share what I see visually here. This is so new and currently, way over my head!!
Embedded within the air are what I see as skinny spirals, energy portals, enhancement zones or something like that. As our blended DNA emerges and becomes stronger (ummm we gotta figure out how to use it to strengthen it) it will naturally link up to these energy spirals in the air creating a super charged energy stream.
Let me just share my emerging visuals with this. Say there is something your heart (NOT your head) truly desires… going outside on the earth herself, finding alignment with the air (trust that where ever your feet stop, is the place) and opening up your heart to the desire.
Not from a negative point. Example, you cannot be saying “please bring me this… that is actually fear expressing itself {note to self}.
But fully and presently aligning to the desire within your heart. I have a feeling, even tho I was in my tub and not outside (tho the water did come from the well outside) my heart could only feel with my sons upcoming custody hearing on April 23rd. In that resonance I was in court, and could feel the energy of the judge, and seen every ascended master filling the courtroom… working on the judges heart and connecting it to the needs of spiritual growth for my grandson, who is only 2 right now and cannot express it himself.
I do not know the outcome, but I do know it is already done!
However, I will be in VA that day, holding the Light for my grandson so that his best interest is fully and completely served for his soul growth. If you can join me, that would be awesome (thru meditation that is… unless you want to come to court lol.)
These portals and energy link ups are very important to us. Learning to master them is essential. We will go into detail tomorrow about this, sadly I have got to start my day. But I have a feeling, my readings today will help us all understand what on earth I am talking about here!!
I love y’all so much. Thank you for Being such a bright Light in my own field of creation!! I cannot wait for the day we get to truly (((HUG)))) all our desires into manifested creation….together!!
Ummm then, vertail loving ((((HUGZ)))) into the sea of Light!!
Lisa Gawlas
Lee-Anne Peters- Come Out From Those Closed Doors! Come Out Hiding! – 30 March 2012
It’s time… it’s time to come out of hiding. It’s okay out here in this big vast world. It is safe for you to freely be you and to practice your ‘craft.’ Allow yourself to be heard, and step out of the cupboards and onto the stage. The stage is not based on glory, fame or ego – this is your stage, the centre point of your life! The place where you stand tall, while patting yourself on the back and being proud of all you have accomplished, and especially of all of that brilliant work you have been creating behind closed doors.
For years I have been guilty of this! Drawing, writing and creating behind closed doors, only stepping out when I started working online, however still not stepping fully out. For me, I have learned that what I do is perfect for me, in the sense that I don’t need to have validation from anyone. Whether I want to speak in public, walk down the street in the clothes I feel comfy wearing or pinning my business card around the area – I know now that I can do this! When I continue to step further out of hiding amazing things have opened for me, and my self-confidence expands greatly!
What do you do behind ‘closed doors’ because you feel safe there? What do you fear that is outside those closed doors? Maybe attack, punishment or ridicule? Push past the fear, write down how you feel and openly share what you do feel with others who you feel safe to be with. We cannot make a difference in this world if we are trapped behind closed doors in fear of our safety! We MUST be fully living our purpose to co-create this beautiful world many of us envision!
Everyone’s purpose is different and unique, and does not involve a ‘final outcome.’ YOUR purpose is living every moment to its fullest, in your truth and integrity! It is time to wake up, step out of the hiding place and be counted for. THIS is a critical time, these moments are essential to push past your fears and limitations and full reclaim your personal power!
There is a great force of energy behind this right now; step out of hiding, take appropriate steps to heal, let go and reclaim your power.
Are you ready to conquer YOUR world?
Lee-Anne Peters is an author, artist, mentor, speaker and radio host. Lee-Anne is a passionate Goddess out on the leading edge! Please learn more about Lee-Anne at
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 March 2012
It cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.
You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs. For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of people’s living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes will be seen very quickly.
We know that people are already anxious to find out what will happen, but we ask that you wait until we can fully present ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will given in good time, and also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time there will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world once the future is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced yet it shall engulf you all before Ascension takes place.
The future is golden and is in fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will, will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully experience it. In fact you will be able to literally “swap” bodies if it is necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of consciousness.
Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most arduous and difficult challenges. So Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience it will be followed by an on going period of peace and tranquility. Naturally we are forging ahead with our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark Ones as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble. We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen but we abide by the Universal Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority. Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it is love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.
Clearly you must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying “but for the Grace of God go I”. It is why you are encouraged to put aside judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually become enlightened once again no matter how long it takes, but then time is of no consequence outside of your dimension as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth in duality “no time” is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time Travelers have experienced.
Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is. After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through duality. They may not all stay with you as your needs will undoubtedly change, as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want to go in.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Wes Annac – When Channeled Predictions Come True – 30 March 2012
At this time, I would like to take a look at the ‘taboo’ subject of predictions made by channelings actually coming true. I say taboo in a humorous way because indeed, why not employ humor when it comes to this subject! Many have experienced endless heartbreak over such predictions made through sources that haven’t come true, and as a result much of what we collectively think about when it comes to channelings and predictions, are in relation to when predictions do not come true.
Why not look at the rare instances that predictions given through channelings has come true? I’m not going to say there are many examples, but for starters perhaps one can look to the many prophecies given to us from countless civilizations, that predict the coming of a marvelous Golden Age.
The underlying and ‘beginning’ events that have been catastrophic, were indeed predicted as well by such prophecies and many have mistook the prophecy of the time that we are currently in now, and assumed the chaos predicted in such prophecies that is happening now was a prediction of a planetary Armageddon, when this is simply not so.
While the true nature and meaning of many prophecies has been misinterpreted, one can agree that many events that have been predicted to happen at this time have indeed happened, and in my personal opinion we are to see the predictions for an emerging Golden Age begin to manifest along with the many ‘promises’ that have been made through channels in relation to the coming changes.
The prophecies we have been given are one prime example of predictions beginning to come true, and we are just witnessing the beginning of the manifestation of all that we have been waiting for. Read any latest update from terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources alike, and this reality will begin to become clearer.
For the last sets of examples to be discussed in relation to the manifesting of predictions given, I would like to focus on two things that have been said by the sources through myself that seem to have ‘come true’ in some ways. I am not doing this to pump up my own sources or my own perceived ability, as I admit to having received distorted information before as I was beginning to open up my abilities to channel, and I know that no channeler on Earth is truly immune to the distorting of information through them by their own ego.
I would however, like to point out that there have been the couple instances where words spoken by the ascended souls through me have seemed to come true. The instances that I will display may seem by some to be coincidental or anecdotal or any other label to assume that what I’m presenting is false, but I personally will choose to believe the higher dimensional realties behind what I have been shown.
I would first like to quote from the most recent article given to us by David Wilcock, which is the first of a three-part article about the Divine assistance we are being given and have been given. In this article, David eludes to a date along the Mayan Calendar that has recently been passed that is an important date:
“Some of this new data came in the form of highly clever time-encoded prophecies that could not be fully understood and appreciated until the actual dates took place.
“As it turns out, the date of March 13th, 2012 was given, years in advance, as a pivotal moment in the defeat of the Old World Order. This was all documented — and can easily be verified.
I was stunned to discover this data, for the first time, on March 11, 2012. I would have loved to have been fast enough to get it posted the next day, but this investigation could not be rushed.
March 13th was also when the ancient cycles of the Mayan Calendar went into full lock-step synchronization — regardless of which of threecounting systems you use.
These cycles will now remain harmonized — right straight through until the Calendar’s conclusion on December 21, 2012.”
Also notable from this article:
“I have had many personal examples of “angelic” or “extraterrestrial” forces bending time and giving me accurate prophecies. Many of them have been documented (…).
As one recent example, last February I published very powerful dreams telling me “the next disaster on the scope of the BP oil spill” was about to occur — and three weeks later we had the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
I have twenty years of documenting my dreams every morning. They have been remarkably accurate in predicting the future.
Four years after I began this practice, I established direct contact with the people who are helping this planet “from above.” (1)
Of course, we could go on and on talking about how predictions given through David Wilcock have come true, but I would like to focus on the specific date mentioned by David in this section of March 13, 2012.
David says here that the date of March 13 “was given years in advance, as a pivotal movement in the defeat of the Old World Order” and that this date is also “when the ancient cycles of the Mayan Calendar went into full lock-step synchronization — regardless of which of three counting systems you use.”
Now, one would imagine that as this date is so important, there would have to be multiple miracles and wondrous things that were planned to occur that have now happened with the passing of this date as predicted in the Mayan Calendar, which was modeled after our Cosmic Calendar.
With this being such an important date, there had to have been more than one miraculous development that happened, and perhaps one was told to us in a veiled way by our extraterrestrial brethren?
Regardless of whether this garners criticism, I think that this is so. I would like to bring your attention to a message from the Pleiadian High Council of the Galactic Federation, channeled through yours truly on the date of March 15, 2012:
“…The citizens of the areas that are receiving the cleansing of their chemtrails have likely noticed by now when such chemtrails are being sprayed and subsequently cleansed. For those who may not have yet recognized what this looks like, we will be overjoyed to give you an explanation.
Upon doing so, it should be expressed that nearly every area of Gaia’s sky is currently being occupied by starships and motherships, as a recent date along your Cosmic Calendar has been passed that has seen the arrival and establishment of so many more of us and our ships in your skies, in preparation for the events to come on your world.
There are many different Lighted ships, organizations and souls in the skies of Earth for many different [Lighted] reasons, and many of us are performing cleansing and healing work in your skies and atmospheres while we ‘wait’ for and do everything we can from our positions to achieve the results that have been promised and worked toward by so many.” (2)
This message was published to the public on March 15, 2012, and was likely scribed the night before on March 14th, as that is how I usually bring such messages through; by scribing them the night before and posting them the next morning.
One may not wish to believe that this message given is significant in relation to the day said to be so revered on the Mayan Calendar by David Wilcock, but I personally see quite a synchronization with what is said by the Pleiadian High Council in relation to “an important date (being) passed along (our) Cosmic Calendar” which the Mayan Calendar is again, based off of.
I certainly see the relevance, and this is in my opinion one example of something being said in a channeling actually being true. I have not studied the Mayan Calendar or any other type of calendar in any type of depth, and I have no idea of the various cycles and times associated with the Mayan Calendar as I personally have not done a plethora of research on it. I simply look to my guides and the souls speaking through me for the information of all of this, and it seems that doing so is in fact paying off.
The last example of a prediction from channeled sources coming true is one that is quite easy to point out though I haven’t publicly yet, because this was a prediction given from the Ascended Masters through me that I was quite anxious about publishing.
I guess I should say that I normally do not have my sources give predictions; I did in the past and it didn’t quite work out, and I think this goes with the fact that we do not know our ascended brethren in the deep and real ways that we think we do, and as such they cannot always conform to our linear need for dates and such. Every great once and a while if the energy behind such a prediction feels to be genuine, I will let a prediction through as I know that my sources as well refrain from making such predictions unless they are sure that the prediction will come true, and in this case the Ascended Masters seemed quite sure. Here is a snippet of the message which contains the prediction given:
“We know that you have been getting very excited to hear about the immediate period ahead and we know that you as a collective and as individuals are ready to get things off of the ground so to speak, and once again we remind you to look to the events currently in manifestation on your world for solid proof that everything is truly coming to a head and coming to fruition. The dark are stepping down in increasing numbers and indeed dear souls, we can promise you that the resignations you are seeing in manifestation currently are to pick up exponentially in the weeks ahead.
You have seen how fast the list of resignations has already grown and this happening is acting in accordance with the many deals that have been brokered as the Illuminati heads on your world realize that they are no longer in any types of positions of influence or sway on your world.” (3)
This section from the message is worth displaying as well:
“With the exposures, resignations and arrests that are to come to fruition so very soon and that in some cases you are seeing happen in this very moment, many will see that the boldest predictions given through channeled messages will be and have already been coming true.
We hope to have restored a faith in the ability to channel on the behalf of humanity as well as the fact that there are multitudes of ascended beings reaching over the veil and making personal telepathic contact with humanity at this time.” (3)
The date that this message was published was March 18, 2012 which probably means that the date it was scribed was either March 16th or March 17th. This is an estimated guess, but I believe that at that time the number of resignations of influential people was around 350.
Shortly after this message came out and this prediction was given, American Kabuki temporarily stopped tracking the resignation numbers of top bankers and many other top influential players. Shortly later, when these resignations were tracked once again, the numbers had reached over 400 resignations and the list is still growing. (Along with a new list of arrests!)
Even while recognizing the fact that these resignations were beginning to pick up when the prediction given from our dear Ascended Masters was made, nearly one hundred (and maybe more by now) resignations in the small amount of time between the message coming out and the resignations being tracked again while they pick up exponentially just as was predicted through a channeled source, is quite significant in my view.
I can see the criticism coming in now, over the fact that the evidence presented has come entirely from my own sources. Many may say that my ego is too big or that I’m connecting dots that don’t exist, but I ask you how much longer can we continue to deny the reality that is the ability to channel the energies of and communicate with the ascended beings who are assisting our world, on the part of humanity?
As hundreds of people have found this communication for themselves in ways that are so very real and as many people have come forward with their contact and publicly channeled the ascended souls assisting us, how much criticism and disbelief is going to continue to be garnered and fed?
There have been other examples of predictions made through channelings coming true, but this article is already quite long and I’m sure your eyeballs are hurting by now. (That’s a joke!)
Again, head on over to David Wilcock’s website and check out the many channeled predictions that have been made through him that possess extreme and undeniable relevance to everything that is currently happening. This ability is real, and the coming true of predictions given through channels is only just beginning.
Prepare to have all of your frustrations and worries in relation to the manifestation of predicted events, answered in direct and wonderful ways. Prepare for your worries to completely melt away, as everything that we have been waiting for is again, just beginning.
Wes Annac – Proud Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC
Matt Taibbi – Bank Of America – Raging Hurricane Of Theft And Fraud – 30 March 2012
There are two things every American needs to know about Bank of America.
The first is that it’s corrupt. This bank has systematically defrauded almost everyone with whom it has a significant business relationship, cheating investors, insurers, homeowners, shareholders, depositors, and the state. It is a giant, raging hurricane of theft and fraud, spinning its way through America and leaving a massive trail of wiped-out retirees and foreclosed-upon families in its wake.
The second is that all of us, as taxpayers, are keeping that hurricane raging. Bank of America is not just a private company that systematically steals from American citizens: it’s a de facto ward of the state that depends heavily upon public support to stay in business. In fact, without the continued generosity of us taxpayers, and the extraordinary indulgence of our regulators and elected officials, this company long ago would have been swallowed up by scandal, mismanagement, prosecution and litigation, and gone out of business. It would have been liquidated and its component parts sold off, perhaps into a series of smaller regional businesses that would have more respect for the law, and be more responsive to their customers.
But Bank of America hasn’t gone out of business, for the simple reason that our government has decided to make it the poster child for the “Too Big To Fail” concept. Because it is considered a “systemically important institution” whose collapse would have a major, Lehman-Brothers-style impact on the economy, two consecutive presidential administrations have taken extraordinary measures to keep Bank of America in business, despite a staggering recent legacy of corruption schemes, many of which were simply overlooked by regulators.
This is why the question of whether or not Bank of America should remain on public life support is so critical to all Americans, and not just those millions who have the misfortune to be customers of the bank, or own shares in the firm, or hold mortgages serviced by the company. This gigantic financial institution is the ultimate symbol of a new kind of corruption at the highest levels of American society: a tendency to marry the near-limitless power of the federal government with increasingly concentrated, increasingly unaccountable private financial interests.
The inevitable result of that new form of corruption is this bank, whose continued, state-supported existence should naturally outrage all Americans, be they conservative or progressive.
Conservatives should be outraged by Bank of America because it is perhaps the biggest welfare dependent in American history, with the $45 billion in bailout money and the $118 billion in state guarantees it’s received since 2008 representing just the crest of a veritable mountain of federal bailout support, most of it doled out by the Obama administration.
For instance, with its own credit rating hovering just above junk status, Bank of America has been allowed to borrow tens of billions of dollars against the government’s credit rating using little-known bailout programs with names like the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program. Since the crash of 2008, it’s also borrowed billions if not trillions in emergency, near-zero interest rate loans from the Federal Reserve – it took out $91 million in rolling low-interest financing from the Fed on just one day in January, 2009.
Conservatives believe that a commitment to free market principles and limited government will lead us out of our economic troubles, but Bank of America represents the opposite dynamic: a company that is kept protected from the judgments of the free market, and forces the state to expand to take on its debts.
Last summer, for instance, the Bank – in order to satisfy creditors who were nervous about the enormous quantity of risky assets on its balance sheet – decided to move some $73 trillion (that’s trillion, with a T) in exotic derivative bets from one end of the company into the federally-insured, depository side of the bank.
This move, encouraged by the Obama administration, put the American taxpayer on the hook for an entire generation of irresponsible gambles made by another failed investment firm that should have gone out of business, but was instead acquired by Bank of America with $25 billion in taxpayer help – Merrill Lynch.
When did we make it the job of the taxpayer to buy failed companies, and rescue companies from their own bad decisions? How is that conservative?
Meanwhile, if you’re a progressive, Bank of America is the ultimate symbol of modern predatory capitalism. This company has knowingly sold hundreds of billions of worthless securities to unions and pension funds (New York state filed two different lawsuits against Bank of America and its subsidiaries on behalf of its pension fund, one of which was settled for $624 million) brazenly overcharged its depositors (it was forced to pay customers $410 million in restitution for bogus overdraft charges), and repeatedly lied to its shareholders (most notoriously, it lied about billions in losses on Merrill Lynch’s books before asking shareholders to approve its merger with the firm).
Moreover, Bank of America has ruthlessly preyed upon millions of homeowners, throwing them out on the street on the strength of doctored, “robosigned” paperwork created through brazenly illegal practices they helped pioneer – the firm sped struggling families to foreclosure court using perjured affidavits produced in factory-like fashion by the hundreds or thousands every day, with full knowledge of management. Through the firm’s improper use of an unaccountable private electronic mortgage registry system called MERS, it also systematically evaded millions of dollars in local fees, forcing some communities to cut services and raise property taxes.
Even when caught and punished for its crimes by the authorities, Bank of America has repeatedly ignored court orders. It was one of five companies identified in two separate investigations earlier this year that were caught continuing the practice of robosigning, even after promising to stop in a legally binding consent decree. Last summer, the state of Nevada sought to terminate a settlement over mortgage abuses it had entered into with Bank of America after it found the company was brazenly violating the agreement, among other things raising payments and interest rates on mortgage customers, despite the fact that the settlement only allowed them to modify loans downward.
Over and over again, we see that leveling fines and punishments at this bank is not enough: it simply ignores them. It is the very definition of an unaccountable corporate villain.
Companies like Bank of America are a direct threat to national security, for many reasons. For one thing, they drive smaller, more honest banks out of business: since the market knows the federal government will never let Bank of America fail, it charges less to lend the bank money. That gives Bank of America, despite its near-junk credit rating, a competitive advantage over a smaller, regional bank that might have a better credit rating, but doesn’t have the implicit support of the federal government.
Worse still, stock market investor dollars that normally would go to more customer-friendly, more creative, and more commercially dependable firms will instead continue to flow to Too-Big-To-Fail behemoths like Bank of America, as buying stock in a company with implicit state support will be considered almost a safe-haven investment, like buying gold or Treasury bills.
This robs more deserving and ingenious entrepreneurs of scarce capital, and also encourages existing companies to pour resources not into better performance and increased productivity, but into lobbying and government influence. The result will be fewer Googles and Apples, more bad banks, and more campaign contributions for politicians.
Moreover, we’ve seen throughout our history that when criminal organizations are not punished, they tend to be encouraged to commit more crimes. Five years from now, our government’s decision to avoid jailing Bank of America executives for their roles in the vast robosigning program may result in a situation where no court document of any kind can be trusted, as companies will realize that it is cheaper and easier to simply invent legal affidavits than to draw them up properly and accurately.
What will your defense be against a future lawsuit for a credit card debt or a foreclosure, when your bank walks into court with a pile of invented documents? Will you wish then that you’d fought harder for Bank of America to be punished now?
And the state’s decision to allow Bank of America to pay a middling, $137 million fine for the rigging of bids for five years of municipal bond issues – a very serious crime that robbed taxpayers of millions in revenue, and incidentally is exactly the sort of thing we used to put mobsters in jail for, when the rigged contracts were for cement instead of bonds – may mean that down the road, all municipal bond issues will be rigged.
In recent years, Too-Big-To-Fail banks like Bank of America and Chase and Wells Fargo have been caught rigging the bids for financial services in dozens of municipalities nationwide. Worse, these same banks have repeatedly been let off the hook by regulators, who rarely seek jail sentences for the offenders, and more often simply apply fractional fines to the companies caught. This behavior, if left unchecked, will ultimately mean that we will all have to pay more for our roads, our traffic lights, our sewers, in fact all public services, as the banker’s secret bonus will soon become an institutionalized part of the invoice. And it’ll be our fault, because we didn’t do anything about it now.
The only way to prevent this kind of slide to total lawlessness is to break this unhealthy relationship between bank and government. It would be a great sign of America’s return to healthier capitalism if we could allow one of the worst of public-private monsters, Bank of America, to sink or swim on its own, in the free market.
We don’t want Bank of America to fail. Our position is, it already is insolvent, and already has failed – and only our tax dollars, and our government’s continued protection, is keeping that failure from becoming more common knowledge. There are many opinions about the nature of modern American capitalism. Some think the system is no longer able to meet the needs of ordinary people and needs to be radically overhauled, while others like it just the way it is.
But one thing that everyone on this spectrum of beliefs can agree upon is that our system doesn’t work when corrupt companies, companies that should fail in the free market, are kept alive by the government. When we allow that, what we get is a system that is neither capitalism nor socialist, but somewhere more miserably in between – a bureaucratic state in which profit is not tied to performance, but political power.
We have to break that cycle, and we can. Even with the enormous levels of state support, Bank of America has been teetering on the edge of collapse for years now. In December of 2011, its share price briefly dipped below $5, a near-fatal event in the firm’s history. The market has reacted violently to bad news about the bank on multiple occasions in the last year – after news of layoffs, after hints that the government might not bail the bank out completely in the event of a collapse, and after significant new lawsuits were filed. Each of these corrections nearly sent the company into a tailspin, but it was always rescued in the end by the widespread belief that Uncle Sam would bail it out in the event of a collapse.
We need to put a dent in that belief. We need to convince politicians and investors alike to allow failure to fail. link to original article of Matt Taibbi / link to article/ link to article
Matt Taibbi – Bank Of America – Raging Hurricane Of Theft And Fraud – 30 March 2012
There are two things every American needs to know about Bank of America.
The first is that it’s corrupt. This bank has systematically defrauded almost everyone with whom it has a significant business relationship, cheating investors, insurers, homeowners, shareholders, depositors, and the state. It is a giant, raging hurricane of theft and fraud, spinning its way through America and leaving a massive trail of wiped-out retirees and foreclosed-upon families in its wake.
The second is that all of us, as taxpayers, are keeping that hurricane raging. Bank of America is not just a private company that systematically steals from American citizens: it’s a de facto ward of the state that depends heavily upon public support to stay in business. In fact, without the continued generosity of us taxpayers, and the extraordinary indulgence of our regulators and elected officials, this company long ago would have been swallowed up by scandal, mismanagement, prosecution and litigation, and gone out of business. It would have been liquidated and its component parts sold off, perhaps into a series of smaller regional businesses that would have more respect for the law, and be more responsive to their customers.
But Bank of America hasn’t gone out of business, for the simple reason that our government has decided to make it the poster child for the “Too Big To Fail” concept. Because it is considered a “systemically important institution” whose collapse would have a major, Lehman-Brothers-style impact on the economy, two consecutive presidential administrations have taken extraordinary measures to keep Bank of America in business, despite a staggering recent legacy of corruption schemes, many of which were simply overlooked by regulators.
This is why the question of whether or not Bank of America should remain on public life support is so critical to all Americans, and not just those millions who have the misfortune to be customers of the bank, or own shares in the firm, or hold mortgages serviced by the company. This gigantic financial institution is the ultimate symbol of a new kind of corruption at the highest levels of American society: a tendency to marry the near-limitless power of the federal government with increasingly concentrated, increasingly unaccountable private financial interests.
The inevitable result of that new form of corruption is this bank, whose continued, state-supported existence should naturally outrage all Americans, be they conservative or progressive.
Conservatives should be outraged by Bank of America because it is perhaps the biggest welfare dependent in American history, with the $45 billion in bailout money and the $118 billion in state guarantees it’s received since 2008 representing just the crest of a veritable mountain of federal bailout support, most of it doled out by the Obama administration.
For instance, with its own credit rating hovering just above junk status, Bank of America has been allowed to borrow tens of billions of dollars against the government’s credit rating using little-known bailout programs with names like the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program. Since the crash of 2008, it’s also borrowed billions if not trillions in emergency, near-zero interest rate loans from the Federal Reserve – it took out $91 million in rolling low-interest financing from the Fed on just one day in January, 2009.
Conservatives believe that a commitment to free market principles and limited government will lead us out of our economic troubles, but Bank of America represents the opposite dynamic: a company that is kept protected from the judgments of the free market, and forces the state to expand to take on its debts.
Last summer, for instance, the Bank – in order to satisfy creditors who were nervous about the enormous quantity of risky assets on its balance sheet – decided to move some $73 trillion (that’s trillion, with a T) in exotic derivative bets from one end of the company into the federally-insured, depository side of the bank.
This move, encouraged by the Obama administration, put the American taxpayer on the hook for an entire generation of irresponsible gambles made by another failed investment firm that should have gone out of business, but was instead acquired by Bank of America with $25 billion in taxpayer help – Merrill Lynch.
When did we make it the job of the taxpayer to buy failed companies, and rescue companies from their own bad decisions? How is that conservative?
Meanwhile, if you’re a progressive, Bank of America is the ultimate symbol of modern predatory capitalism. This company has knowingly sold hundreds of billions of worthless securities to unions and pension funds (New York state filed two different lawsuits against Bank of America and its subsidiaries on behalf of its pension fund, one of which was settled for $624 million) brazenly overcharged its depositors (it was forced to pay customers $410 million in restitution for bogus overdraft charges), and repeatedly lied to its shareholders (most notoriously, it lied about billions in losses on Merrill Lynch’s books before asking shareholders to approve its merger with the firm).
Moreover, Bank of America has ruthlessly preyed upon millions of homeowners, throwing them out on the street on the strength of doctored, “robosigned” paperwork created through brazenly illegal practices they helped pioneer – the firm sped struggling families to foreclosure court using perjured affidavits produced in factory-like fashion by the hundreds or thousands every day, with full knowledge of management. Through the firm’s improper use of an unaccountable private electronic mortgage registry system called MERS, it also systematically evaded millions of dollars in local fees, forcing some communities to cut services and raise property taxes.
Even when caught and punished for its crimes by the authorities, Bank of America has repeatedly ignored court orders. It was one of five companies identified in two separate investigations earlier this year that were caught continuing the practice of robosigning, even after promising to stop in a legally binding consent decree. Last summer, the state of Nevada sought to terminate a settlement over mortgage abuses it had entered into with Bank of America after it found the company was brazenly violating the agreement, among other things raising payments and interest rates on mortgage customers, despite the fact that the settlement only allowed them to modify loans downward.
Over and over again, we see that leveling fines and punishments at this bank is not enough: it simply ignores them. It is the very definition of an unaccountable corporate villain.
Companies like Bank of America are a direct threat to national security, for many reasons. For one thing, they drive smaller, more honest banks out of business: since the market knows the federal government will never let Bank of America fail, it charges less to lend the bank money. That gives Bank of America, despite its near-junk credit rating, a competitive advantage over a smaller, regional bank that might have a better credit rating, but doesn’t have the implicit support of the federal government.
Worse still, stock market investor dollars that normally would go to more customer-friendly, more creative, and more commercially dependable firms will instead continue to flow to Too-Big-To-Fail behemoths like Bank of America, as buying stock in a company with implicit state support will be considered almost a safe-haven investment, like buying gold or Treasury bills.
This robs more deserving and ingenious entrepreneurs of scarce capital, and also encourages existing companies to pour resources not into better performance and increased productivity, but into lobbying and government influence. The result will be fewer Googles and Apples, more bad banks, and more campaign contributions for politicians.
Moreover, we’ve seen throughout our history that when criminal organizations are not punished, they tend to be encouraged to commit more crimes. Five years from now, our government’s decision to avoid jailing Bank of America executives for their roles in the vast robosigning program may result in a situation where no court document of any kind can be trusted, as companies will realize that it is cheaper and easier to simply invent legal affidavits than to draw them up properly and accurately.
What will your defense be against a future lawsuit for a credit card debt or a foreclosure, when your bank walks into court with a pile of invented documents? Will you wish then that you’d fought harder for Bank of America to be punished now?
And the state’s decision to allow Bank of America to pay a middling, $137 million fine for the rigging of bids for five years of municipal bond issues – a very serious crime that robbed taxpayers of millions in revenue, and incidentally is exactly the sort of thing we used to put mobsters in jail for, when the rigged contracts were for cement instead of bonds – may mean that down the road, all municipal bond issues will be rigged.
In recent years, Too-Big-To-Fail banks like Bank of America and Chase and Wells Fargo have been caught rigging the bids for financial services in dozens of municipalities nationwide. Worse, these same banks have repeatedly been let off the hook by regulators, who rarely seek jail sentences for the offenders, and more often simply apply fractional fines to the companies caught. This behavior, if left unchecked, will ultimately mean that we will all have to pay more for our roads, our traffic lights, our sewers, in fact all public services, as the banker’s secret bonus will soon become an institutionalized part of the invoice. And it’ll be our fault, because we didn’t do anything about it now.
The only way to prevent this kind of slide to total lawlessness is to break this unhealthy relationship between bank and government. It would be a great sign of America’s return to healthier capitalism if we could allow one of the worst of public-private monsters, Bank of America, to sink or swim on its own, in the free market.
We don’t want Bank of America to fail. Our position is, it already is insolvent, and already has failed – and only our tax dollars, and our government’s continued protection, is keeping that failure from becoming more common knowledge. There are many opinions about the nature of modern American capitalism. Some think the system is no longer able to meet the needs of ordinary people and needs to be radically overhauled, while others like it just the way it is.
But one thing that everyone on this spectrum of beliefs can agree upon is that our system doesn’t work when corrupt companies, companies that should fail in the free market, are kept alive by the government. When we allow that, what we get is a system that is neither capitalism nor socialist, but somewhere more miserably in between – a bureaucratic state in which profit is not tied to performance, but political power.
We have to break that cycle, and we can. Even with the enormous levels of state support, Bank of America has been teetering on the edge of collapse for years now. In December of 2011, its share price briefly dipped below $5, a near-fatal event in the firm’s history. The market has reacted violently to bad news about the bank on multiple occasions in the last year – after news of layoffs, after hints that the government might not bail the bank out completely in the event of a collapse, and after significant new lawsuits were filed. Each of these corrections nearly sent the company into a tailspin, but it was always rescued in the end by the widespread belief that Uncle Sam would bail it out in the event of a collapse.
We need to put a dent in that belief. We need to convince politicians and investors alike to allow failure to fail. link to original article of Matt Taibbi / link to article/ link to article