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Seth's Blog: "I've got your back"

Seth nails it as always! Enjoy!

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God/dess Speak January 2011 Newsletter

Soul Hang Out,

Helping Entrepreneurs become the Magnets in their niche, by bringing the magnetic field of their heart back to their Mindset, articulating the authentic language of the right brain from the Inner Child.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired…?  And you wish you could finally take the drama, self judgment and self doubt away from your life plus your business, and stop procrastinating?

Do you secretly wish to Become Clear, Centered, and Able To Make Decisions aligned with who you are, and  for once stop procrastinating?

Actually, you don’t have to secretly wish anything any more, it doesn’t have to be a secret, and you have the power to fulfill your own wish.

You are not alone. And, mark my words,  there is nothing wrong with you.

Do you wish to become Free from the Fear of “Made Up” Consequences?

Do you wish to let go of Procrastination, the bottom line behavior that keeps you paralyzed?

Well, here it goes. You need a partner. You need a partner that will inspire and motivate you endlessly. Like a perennial  source of light. Yes, that is what you need.

Yes, a  source of constant joy and creativity. A source of critical thinking, a source of passion to contribute, passion to co-create, and passion for community. You , my friend above all, need to learn how to see the big picture because that is what keeps you stuck and prevents you from moving forward… You can’t see the big picture as yet.

Believe it or not, that partner that I am talking about is within yourself. Yes… ready to help you if you let him/her do it for you. It takes a little reaching out or in,  I might say, to actually  take away the veils of the collective amnesia or virus of the mind you are carrying without knowing.


Are you ready? That partner that will help you associate yourself  and feel whole for the first time in your life is your Inner Child. He/She represents your right brain. Your right brain is the chamber of your creativity, your critical thinking, and your passion to contribute in community, to name a few.

You see, because the truth is,  you are the master or your own journey, and integrating those elements within yourself, will be the mechanism that will make procrastination, your worse enemy,  become a memory in the past.

Here is the sacred answer. “Giving Birth to your Inner Child”.  I assure you. United, you and your inner child are UNSTOPPABLE. It’s  like the other half orange that makes the whole that you have been longing for,  for life. I know that. I remembered…after a lot of research, the amnesia faded away, like an old shadow, with no purpose.  And I couldn’t live one more day dependent, useless and without purpose.

So, Why do we do it? The attributes of the right brain are the attributes of the Inner Child. The only one who have those necessary codes for you, is the Inner Child. The source of the right brain.

Let me elaborate a little bit :

  1. Your God/dess given creativity lies in the health of your Inner Child. You need all   your creativity back because you want to fulfill the mission you came here for. ( I know, it sounds weird to see yourself as on a mission. It is only because you  forgot you are on a mission, an important mission, I may add.)
  2. Your lost innocence lies in the divine codes of your Inner Child. You need your   innocence back, so that you stop judging yourself and doubting yourself.
  3. Your capacity to forgive lies in the Inner Child because in the end, he/she will tell you that there is nothing to forgive. As long as you recover more of your emotional integrity  with each experience.
  4. Your parent skills lie in your capacity to acknowledge your Inner Child because a healthy Inner Child will help you stop passing pervasive behaviors through to  the next generations. That is your mission as a parent.
  5. Your capacity to play lies in the divine joy of your Inner Child. You need that   capacity back. Life is about playing, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. You know it is true. Nothing wrong with having fun at work. On the contrary. Sustainable productivity can come from it.
  6. Your capacity to cooperate in oneness comes from the divine connection of the Inner Child to Divinity. You need that because you lost it with the first thought of competition, and we all know how bad it hurt that one in your stomach. In oneness there is no separation nor competition.
  7. Your complete comfort with the truth at all times, lies in the Inner Child. It is the Inner Child who  will reassure you that it is safe to tell the truth. It is safe to be you. Furthermore, it is necessary to honor who you really are!

Welcome to Soul Hangout

a 50/50 proposition, an experiential experiment against procrastination, and the virus of the mind. Competition,  Separation, Scarcity and Fear.

“Harnessing Your Inner Child’s Power”

Daring to Give Birth to the New Co-Creative Collective Inner Child,  starting with yourself.

If you belong to the tribe of Paradigm Shifters,  Change Agents, Light Workers, Social Architects, Soul Hangout is your tribe and together we are consciously  changing the world,  by co-creating coherence.

Inside out while courageously confronting the status quo.

The new paradigm will be planted as a seed first in our hearts and then in our communities,  from the magnet of our hearts.

We’ll hold the co- creative vision until we reach enough people to penetrate the 100% of the collective consciousness. We  are starting with the nucleus.  Your Inner Child. The Center.

Ari Galper,  the Pioneer Visionary Sales Guru of the 21st C, who dared to bring truth and humanity to the sales equation. Unlock the Game Founder.

“Luz is a precious gift to the world. She has single handed changed hundreds of lives of our Unlock The Game Inner Circle members. She has an effortless and natural ability to help people see the truth of why they are struggling and then provide a logical path to happiness, authenticity and success. If you get the chance to work with Luz (I know she has a long waiting list of clients), then grab it while you can!”

Ari Galper – Unlock The Game Founder

Now,  what is the benefit of choosing this path?

  • It will bring you  peace of mind.
  • No more sense of separation, or loneliness.
  • No more doubts.
  • No more grief sitting in your stomach or your heart, or your being.
  • No more despair. No more fear.
  • No more paralysis manifested in procrastination.

It means recovering  the 100% of your Passion

It means recovering the 100% of your Integrity.

In spite of the status quo.

Now, just imagine how would it feel.

It means being fully aware and fully responsible for your life. You, nobody else. Recovering the sense of Autonomy you have been dreaming of for years.  That is a lot of power.

It means Success in all areas of your life because your Passion is the Motor of your Success in business. A motor with eternal refill of fuel coming  from the source. Your Inner Child will hand you the the codes of connection to divinity. To the oneness of all things.

It means you have got yourself the best partner you could ever imagine. When you realize that, you will find that…

Now you can put your Inner Child in charge of your Visionary Team. You are ready for  the 21st C Entrepreneur Mindset. You are ready to see the Big Picture.

So, what would  the next step be?

Actually,  I have some great news for you. I will set aside Tuesdays to One on one Coaching. I can only take 3 clients per month.

Since I am creating products and services in the form of I Products,  E-Books and Mastermind Groups, It is a grand opportunity because I will not be able  to do One on Ones  for too long.

Would you want to be among the first privileged three? Sign up for the 3 sessions program. Three sessions with me ONE on ONE, and you will achieve  MASTERING THE ART OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET. It will run  On AUTOPILOT. No more procrastination.

Sign up now!


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I have only room for 53 one on one coaching per month. Perhaps you want to be one of the lucky ones? Smile

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Raw milk farmer wins victory against county over 'illegal' sales

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(NaturalNews) A small victory has been won on the raw milk battle front. Greene County, Mo., Circuit Judge Daniel Imhoff recently threw out a lawsuit against Armand Bechard, a farmer who sells raw milk to customers in the Springfield area. According to the judge, Bechard was not the proper subject of the lawsuit, and the statute of limitations prevents any further action in the case, so Bechard is free to resume business as usual.

It all started back in April 2009 when undercover agents tricked Bechard's daughters into selling them raw milk. Farmers can legally sell raw milk in the state of Missouri as long as they do so directly from the farm, but they cannot sell it from anywhere else. Cusomters can also legally pick up milk from "drop points", which Bechard had set up to deliver farm-purchased milk to customers. But agents pretending to be new customers were able to persuade Bechard's daughters to sell them extra milk right from the drop point, which landed the family in legal trouble.

In the summer of 2010, Bechard lost a municipal court case concerning the incident. At the time, he was represented by a public defender, but in the recent victory he represented himself. Judge Imhoff determined that since Bechard's daughters had sold agents the milk instead of Bechard, they would have to have been the subject of the case. So he flat out dismissed it.

But the ordeal is far from over. Despite having already lost thousands of dollars in lost business throughout the past year-and-a-half, Bechard must now face a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Christ Koster over the same incident. This time, Bechard will be represented by a lawyer from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), a group launched in 2007 to assist small farmers in protecting themselves while they conduct honest business.

To learn more about the FTCLDF and to support its endeavors, visit:

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