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NSA Document Admits ET Contact

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NSA Document Admits ET Contact

Drawing of an Iargan being met by Stefan Denaerde
Stefan Denaerd

NSA Document Admits ET Contact
Reposted from UFODIGEST
04/25/2011By Kevin W. Smith

On October 21, 2004, the NSA approved for release to the public a portion of their NSA Journal Vol. XIV No. 1.  This is a report of a presentation given to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne regarding the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that had been received “form outer space”.  Apparently, these messages had actually been received via the Sputnik satellite, but no one had any idea how to decode them at the time.

At some time, unspecified in the document, Dr. Howard  Campaigne and some other NSA super mathematicians in the crypto department had been given the task of decoding the messages.  There were a total of 29 messages to be decoded—quite an undertaking.

It is curious, to say the least, that this document was cleared for release on October 21, 2004.  Why was that?  Because the NSA did not release it into public information until April 21, 2011.  Though cleared for release, the NSA had been stonewalling it along with hundreds of other NSA documents about contact with UFOs and extraterrestrials until they lost the lawsuit brought by Peter Gersten, a lawyer from Arizona.  When they well and truly lost, the judge’s order had to be carried out, and the documents had to be released.

 Dr. Howard  Campaigne's “Extraterrestrial Signals”

The document, as I stated, is Dr. Campaigne’s presentation to the NSA on the decoding of those messages.  It was actually published by the NSA in their own internal NSA Journal.  Yet, they were also forced to publish a list of search terms from FOIA requests for which they had found no NSA documents.  In that list is “Extraterrestrial Signals”.  The title of this document, which they published themselves is “Key To Extraterrestrial Messages”.

Quite obviously, they conveniently split hairs here in reporting they had no information about “Extraterrestrial Signals”.  They knew for sure they had this document, and that it was about what was being requested in the FOIA request.  They knew it, flaunted the technicality of wording, and continued to stonewall.

Who is Dr. Howard Campaigne?

Dr. Campaigne is one of the top cryptologists on the planet with years and years of service to Naval Security Group, Army Security Agency, National Security Agency, and a couple of other such alphabet organizations.

Howard H. Campaigne started his crypto career for the government  during World War II and has been a key and integral part of our U.S. security and intelligence ever since.  In other words, he is part of a very small, very select group who are considered the cream of the crop in Cryptology.

Dr. Campaigne’s presentation to the NSA on decoding the extraterrestrial messages was not a hypothetical exercise.  I contacted someone who is formerly associated with the NSA and still has TS clearance, and asked him to view the document.  I asked him to give me his take on it.  There was no question about its authenticity since it was published in the NSA Journal, and was released by the NSA on their web site.   What I wanted to know was whether this document had any particular impact or importance (other than its startling revelations) for someone familiar with the inner workings of the NSA.  It did.

My contact told me that he was blown away by the wording of the document.  He said that NSA communications are filled with words like “possibly” , “allegedly”, and “thought to be”.

He said, “This document has none of the normal NSA disclaimer words in it.  They just come out and say ‘we received messages from outer space’ and this is the way to decode those messages.”

I asked, “What does that mean to you?”

His reply was instant.

“Disclosure, pure and simple.  They aren’t making any fanfare about it, but there it is.  They have just made open disclosure.”

But what do the messages say?

Dr. Campaigne focused on a set of information in a couple of the messages that turn out to be some mathematical equations.  They also contain the listing of all the elements in our Periodic Table.  I suppose those equations may make some sense to a physicist or engineer, but do not mean anything to me.  I clearly understand how Dr. Campaigne came to the translation since he explains it very well.  But, as to what the meaning of the equations are, I could not venture a guess.

It is curious, though, that during his presentation Dr. Campaigne mentions there are “words” that they have translated, and some “words” they have not yet begun to understand.  He gives an example of a connective word that he knows is connective (joining two or more statements) but does not yet understand the translation of that word.

Debunkers are scared as hell of the release of this information as it proves beyond any doubt that they are, and always have been, dead wrong.  Their careers as debunkers are finished in light of the revelation of this material.  They are already using the only possible “tool” left to them by saying, “That’s old information.  It’s been out there for years.”

As usual, they are either just uninformed, or outright lying.  It is true the document was cleared for release on October 21, 2004.  It is true that date is from “years”.  But it is also true that it WAS NOT released until April 21, 2011.

"No, Virginia, that information has not been available for years."

Researching this development for my show,  I have found a great deal of other information that constitutes what most people would call open disclosure.

This is truly blockbuster information.  No one from the government has stepped in front of the cameras and come clean about ET reality as yet.   But, here we have the most secret intelligence organization in the U.S.A. , the National Security Agency, disclosing openly that there has been contact with intelligent extraterrestrials.   Not only that, we have decoded their messages.

Want to read the document for yourself?  Here it is.

When you open the page, look at the address in your browser.

You will see that  it is the official NSA.GOV website.

Want disclosure?

It appears to be here...


 Kevin W. Smith
April 24, 2011


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  1. I've read the NSA documents. There are three related PDFs. When read together they read like nothing more than a hypothetical exercise to me, and would do absolutely nothing to convince a sceptic of anything. There is really nothing to get excited about here. This is most definitely not evidence of official disclosure.


  2. You cannot open the link to the document.


  3. snowboardnirvanaMay 9, 2012 4:14 PM



  4. The link opens in google and if you don't have a log-in you cannot read it.

  • I didn't realize that. Since I use Google for the blog I didn't experience that issue. I'll correct the link to make it readable by everyone. Thanks for pointing that out!


  • Tracked down a better link. http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/cryptologic_spectrum/extraterrestrial_m...
    Searched for "Key To Extraterrestrial Messages" within NSA site. Spooky to even be there (no pun intended.)
    Not much there to read, lots of gobbledygook letters and such. I guess the takeaway is that NSA admits they got a message from Outer Space. Not so much disclosure.


  • Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


    There are those amongst you that are now awakening to their missions, as you are approaching a most intense period of activity. These Beings have been waiting for this particular time, to be available for the masses who will need guidance to understand what is going on around them. Events are going to move quite quickly, and there will be some confusion and fear as a result. All Lightworkers can assist in such times, and we ask them to be ready to share their knowledge with others. We shall continue to assist our allies and many Starseeds will come into their own, having been carefully prepared for exactly what their experience allows. There is so much being done to ensure you make the transition with Mother Earth, and that as many of you as possible succeed. Even those that are not yet ready require help, as they too need to be made aware as to what lies ahead for them.

    According to your perspective of what is happening, you will go into shock or surprise when matters really gather speed. People need to understand that the upheaval is unavoidable, and is necessary to cleanse the Earth of low vibrations that cannot carry forward into the higher vibrations. All will find its rightful place and it cannot be otherwise. The Laws of the Universe are irrevocable and cannot be ignored without invoking karma. We will hope to have sufficient outlets that will provide all of the information that will be needed. Certainly the whole concept of the changes will need to be carefully explained, as some will undoubtedly feel that what will happen is an unwanted intrusion into their lives.

    As you will have noticed, unrest is spreading across the world as the call for freedom and peace reaches new levels. People are now realising what power they have to bring about change, and no longer afraid to confront their leaders. It is having an effect and galvanising more of them to support the protests, and it is gradually bringing about results. So it shall continue and we have our own plans to ensure that you are not denied a return to lawful ways of living. With that those Laws that are against the Constitution will be revoked, and re-written. It is all moving ahead and very soon all those who have committed crimes against you, will find themselves removed form society.

    The Galactic Federation is engaged in the final efforts to persuade your governments to adopt more far reaching polices, so that they can reflect the changes that will totally alter your way of life. There is no point in continuing to think in the old ways, as a new paradigm has been formed to bring in the changes to your lives. Once it is realised that Ascension will be the greatest event to ever affect the whole Human Race, there will more attention given to your needs. Indeed, it will be you who will decide the rules by which you live, and no more shall such decisions be taken away from you. You are no longer to be governed by those who seek only to further their own ambitions. Those changes will come about when the arrests have cleared the way for reforms.

    Look well ahead Dear Ones and know that you will come safely through the next few months, to take your place in the higher dimension. Then shall your lives be refined even further, as you take a higher path to full consciousness. You will soon see that your present reality has been the development of the darkness more than the Light. It has kept the vibrations at a low level from which you have found it most difficult to lift yourselves up. However, as the plan was for you to complete this cycle with Ascension, it allowed us and other Beings of Light to assist you through it. So who better to do it than your families of Light, who act upon divine commands that if necessary give us the authority to intervene in your lives. What we have done is to empower our allies, so that they stopped the dark Ones from completely overwhelming you.

    So far our mission has accomplished its goals, and now we stand poised to come more into your lives for the end times. Evidence of our presence has continued to increase, as our ships come closer more frequently than ever before. You hardly need Disclosure to convince you of our contact with you, but it will show you that our presence is officially accepted. It will allow us to meet you on your level and prepare you for what is to come, and it will be a most wonderful time. It will not take long for the most sceptical people amongst you to realise that we are your friends and are in no way a threat to your lives. Indeed, you will soon learn of the various changes we are to help you with, that will uplift your quality of life to one that is comfortable and enjoyable.

    The truth about your lives shall be revealed in no uncertain way, so that you fully understand that for eons of time you have never experienced it at the level you should have done. With the revelations you will clearly come to know exactly where you future is heading. You will also learn that the One God has always provided for you, and never for one second has withdrawn the love that has continually embraced you. You are all loved beyond understanding and there are no exceptions. We make the point again, that no soul is condemned or damned forever and all are treated equally. You have been in duality to experience, and allowances are made for those who have become embroiled in the lower energies and lost touch with their Higher Selves.

    Nothing is static in the Universe and is always changing, so that there is always something new to learn and explore. The driving force is taking you back to the Source, and all souls are on this path and strive for completion. It is within all souls and gradually you will come together to form larger units of consciousness. You are looked upon as the bravest of souls, to allow yourselves to be sucked into the darkness of the lower vibrations. However, you did have the assurance that when the cycle was near to completion, you would be helped to come back into full consciousness. That is of course the period that you are now experiencing, and why we are with you.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure we are very near to declaring our appearance so that we can come amongst you. It will be as exciting for us as at will be for you, and we have so much to talk about.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.

    www.treeofthegoldenlight.com link to original article

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    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    John Ward – Breaking… Credit Agricole “Will Be Hollande’s First Challenge” Say Sources – 8 May 2012

    Investors may be about to panic as CA price continues to fall

    Tuesday’s confirmation of yesterday’s Zero Hedge rumour (that Spain is embarking on a bailout of its banking system) must be making the residents of Berlin-sur-Brussels wonder what on Earth might happen next. But it’s looking increasingly like the Next Big Thing could be a French bank failure.

    The Slog has been investigating the case of Credit Agricole over the last three weeks. (It just happens to be my bank in France, and it also happens to be holding quite a lot of my folding at the minute…. so this was a personal as well as professional  concern).

    Yesterday’s 6% fall in CreditAg shares didn’t come entirely as a surprise here in Slogger’s Roost. While all the French majors slid on fears of a bank-taxing socialist in the Elysees Palace, my bank positively slumped. Why?

    “I would’ve thought it was obvious,” says The Slog’s Bankfurt Maulwurf, emerging at last after some three weeks in hiding, “It’s exposure to the Greek banking disaster is enormous”.

    He’s not wrong. Even EU Commissioner in permanent Athenian Residence Horst Reichenbach admitted at the weekend that “the banking credit sector here gives cause for concern”.  And this is where we must be precise about the problem CreditAg faces: its exposure to Greek sovereign debt has been substantially reduced (with help from Mario ‘Paper’ Draghi) but not its involvement in Greek banking by ownership.

    The Greek insitution concerned is Emporiki Bank. In 2011 alone it cost Credit Agricole around €1bn in write-offs. And while the French bank’s exposure to Greek sovereign debt is now neutral, it’s commitment to Emporiki is anything but.

    “In the last month,” says a trusted source in Madrid, “I have seen figures showing that 84% of Credit Agricole’s Greek exposure is to Emporiki alone. We are talking in the region of  €20 billion here – over six times more than any other French bank. Without a doubt, this is going to be Francois Holland’s first big test”.

    While Mario Draghi’s alleged recapitalisation of Greek banking is under way, there is no sign or indeed proof that any of this has gone to address a problem of loans outstripping deposits at Emporiki by two to one.

    “If the French banking collapse is going to start anywhere,” suggests a Greece-savvy source in Deutsche Bank, “then it will be at Credit Agricole. While the Emporiki deposit base was upped after the March bailout, the loans position is getting worse and worse.”

    Oops. Anyway, a quick look at the CA share price shows it doen further to €3.54 at 13.40 GMT…and selling volumes have accelerated considerably in the last two hours.

    We may be on the verge of an event. Meanwhile, the entire Spanish caja sector is in a serious mess.

    Spain finally announced today that it is planning a state bail-out of Bankia, the country’s third biggest banking institution, a move certain to involve billions of euros of taxpayer money being chucked at yet another wobbly wall.

    Rodrigo Rato, Bankia’s executive chairman and a former International Monetary Fund managing director, resigned from the bank formed two years ago from a merger of seven Spanish savings banks – the cajas – wherein most of the property balloon junk resides.

    It just goes to show: that reliable ol’ IMF quality always comes out in the end. I wonder what Frufru Lagarde will do when her time is up? Yesterday, she confused potential future employers still further by telling an audience in Zurich that the growth-vs-austerity fight is a “false debate”. The IMF’s current Managing Director urged some flexibility for eurozone countries having trouble meeting fiscal targets. Did this include Greece, people wondered? No, she agreed – it didn’t.

    Lest we forget, Lagarde’s largesse and false confidence about French spending and banking during 2010 were  suddenly outed when French banks were discovered to have invested in over 47,000 tartan-paint factories in and around Athens. Then on joining the IMF, she reversed her description of French and German banks as “rock solid” by running around the EU telling banks to recapitalise with all haste. More recently she has diversified into the bazooka-leveraging space, a sector in which it is enough to say you have paper commitments for $300bn in order to walk around threatening to dispense $600bn of the real thing.

    There’s a whelk stall at Borough Market looking a bit down on its luck. Christine might be just the crustacean they need.

    www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    Malaysia War Crimes Court Puts Bush, Cheney On ‘Trial’ For War Crimes – 8 May 2012

    Recovery Failure in Spain and Italy.


    The Milan Index MIB

    Its highest ever point was   44 364   on the week of 14 May 2007

    Its lowest ever was                 12 895  on the week of 2nd March 2009

    Today 8 May ’12                        13 936

    So 3 solid years of hundreds of billions of Euros of Italian and European bank bail outs and the resultant austerity to pay for them and ….

    Italy’s index is 1000 from the crisis low of ’09 and over 30 000 lower than the top.  Some recovery!


    The Spanish IBEX

    Its highest ever point was  15 759   on the week of Nov ’07

    Its crisis low was                       7 815     in Mar ’09

    Today 8 May ’12                        7 006    Lower than the point of crisis. LOWEST EVER!

    Another stellar data point to support the case that our leaders fully understand the nature of the bank debt crisis, are not at all blinded by ideology and are definitely implementing the right policies to sort out the banks and share the pain equitably.

    Spain and Italy are the two that no bail out fund yet devised, or ever likely to be, can possibly bail out. Yet Spain is, as we speak, bailing out another of its larger banks, Bankia, which just piles yet more debt on to the public purse which the bankers will then conveniently forget was due to them and claim instead as further proof of the failures of welfare and social spending.

    The Greek stock market is now down at lows not seen since 1992. Greek bank stocks have lost 97% of their value since ’07.

    The medicine of save the banks and cut spending on everything and everybody else is…. what?  The patient is dying. The doctors don’t give a shit.

    The only good news from the day is this press release from the Greek Left coalition leader:


    Now THAT would be epic. If it were to happen a lot of very dirty laundry would see the light of day and a lot of European and US banks and the polticians who have been bought by them (intellectually if not financially), would do everything within and without the law to prevent it.

    www.golumxiv.co.uk link to original article

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    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    Malaysia War Crimes Court Puts Bush, Cheney On ‘Trial’ For War Crimes – 8 May 2012

    COMEDY CIRCLE: “Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth.” ... ARE YOU READY FOR YET ANOTHER MONOPOLY GAME?...


    anyway, not for too long...

    Does she pay taxes for these properties and to Who'm?...

    Does these taxes collected are distributed to citizens of these Nations?...

    Does she ever plays Monopoly with these lands and houses, so we could rip out of her claws maybe a state or even a continent?... 


    Do they refer here that she owns all of Canada, Australia, GB, New Zealand?... or just some portions?...

    I am kind of confused?... Did FMGod gave her this or she simply usurped it under her own accord and queens decrees in king's courts?... 


    Most funniest comments will be awarded with countries of their choice... [that are not taken by her...]




    With love and lot of land to share... Predrag Saint Germain




    Largest Landowner


    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    Finally, Mainstream Media Covers New Banking Legal Action!

    Thanks to Luisa

    This is phenomenal! At last, action against the world’s central and reserve banks makes a mainstream media outlet!

    This video was published on You Tube just yesterday (May 7, 2012). It is from the mainstream South African news station ABN Digital, Africa’s leading online platform in business, economic and stock market news.

    Separate to the Neil Keenan/Keith Scott filed liens against the 12 Us Federal Reserve Banks and the liens they have filed against the international G7 Central Banks, South African author, researcher and scientist, Michael Tellinger has just filed his own 1,100 page notice of motion against South Africa’s Standard Bank in the country’s Constitutional Court, accusing the bank of “unlawful and unconstitutional activity”.

    He has also served the notice on South Africa’ s Reserve Bank and the country’s Minister of Finance.

    “It is pure exploitation of every South African citizen!”  he says. (And the world, Michael, and the world!)

    Michael Tellinger is interviewed by ABN’s Samantha Loring.

    I have also found the original media release sent out by Michael Tellinger himself:



    Press Release: 24 April 2012

    Michael Tellinger Launches Constitutional Court Action Against Standard Bank; and The South African Reserve Bank; and The Minister of Finance.

    After a slight technical hiccup last Friday at the Constitutional Court, regarding the binding of a substantially long legal document, Michael Tellinger made global history on the 23rd & 24th April 2012, in Johannesburg when he filed his 1100-page NOTICE OF MOTION against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court of South Africa, accusing the bank of unlawful and unconstitutional activity. The case number allocated by the Constitutional Court is CCT 28/12.

    Tellinger also served the NOTICE OF MOTION on the RESERVE BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA and the MINISTER OF FINANCE, alleging that they are jointly and consciously implicated in the unscrupulous and devious activity that has led to unimaginable financial hardship of the South African people.

    There is hardly any South African who has not been harmed in some way by the actions of the banks. For too long have banking giants been unassailable and untouchable by the common man.

    It is now official and it can be claimed that never before has such a case been brought against any of these corporations at this level anywhere in the world, where for the first time a layperson has been given direct access to the Constitutional Court regarding the devious activities of the banks.

    This case may have started as a matter of principle for Michael Tellinger against STD Bank, but it has escalated to such a degree that every South African and everyone in the world could be affected, because a positive outcome will result in a major public policy shift and the changing of the laws that govern the banks and bringing economic justice to the people.

    Tellinger will argue that the lack of control and intervention by the MINISTER OF FINANCE has allowed the banks and the RESERVE BANK to do as they please with impunity and without recourse, and in the process have enslaved millions of honest, hard-working South Africans to a life of misery and debt through the banks’ unconstitutional and unlawful activities.

    This historic case will attempt to redress the imbalance that has taken place for centuries by the few that have been called the banking elite. The Constitutional Court is the highest court on constitutional matters, its very foundation being the protector of human rights and its mandate to protect the people.

    The Court is mandated to bring legislation in par with the constitutional framework principles and to develop common law principles. The legacy follows Nelson Mandela’s vision, that no matter who or what you represent, equality, justice and the people’s voice shall be harmonised before an independent, unbiased judicial system founded on the principles of rights enshrined in the Constitution.

    This case will be a challenge for the Constitutional Court, and Tellinger trusts that it will make its findings properly, considering all the facts to redress the laws and do whatever it needs to do, to redress the hardship of the people caused by financial abuse.

    Tellinger appeals to every South African that has been harmed by their bank to join this important action, so that it truly represents millions of honest, hardworking and trusting citizens who have been unable to do so for themselves.

    Thousands have been repeatedly frustrated by the invisible protective legal shield around the banks, and the legal system that seems to support the banks.

    “Many people carry severe personal grudges against the banks that have done them financial harm, but are powerless to do anything about it.” Said Tellinger

    He added that “People are completely oblivious to how they have been conned and deceived by their banks about money and how it is created, but once they find out the terrible truth about how banks really operate and how they use our signature to profiteer on us, and how they make money out of thin air, they will be very angry and realise how important this action against the banks is” he added.

    Tellinger urges each and every South African to read as much about this case as possible to inform themselves and to join the petition of signatures that will represent the rest of South Africa in the loudest voice ever presented at the Constitutional Court. Please go to http://www.thebigcase.co.za and sign the petition page.

    Details of the hearing will follow as soon as we have been allocated a date by the court. We will keep everyone informed on the above website.

    Michael Tellinger

    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    ~Sheldan Nidle's Update The Final Countdown, the Jig Is Up for the Cabal~~



    9 Ix, 7 Moan, 8 Manik

    Dratzo! We return! A great foreboding is pervading the ranks of the dark cabal. Those in charge of bringing this once-invincible force to heel have started the final countdown for releasing a legal 'wrecking-ball' on them. The G-8 governments of your world, centered mainly in Europe and North America, sense that their long jig is truly up. They can see that the process to remove them formally from power, which has in fact been going on for decades, is now in its final crescendo. Despite a recent series of private meetings between their leaders and our liaisons, these G-8 nations have refused to distance themselves from those who have secretly ruled them from the headquarters of their banking and financial empires. This decision is to prove fatal to these once-mighty nations. Each of them, at one time, formed the backbone of a great economy which trod triumphantly over the world's nations, but now they are to suffer a massive reversal of fortune, and this will free your planet from the clutches of a tyranny that prevented the rise of your freedom and the establishing of your personal sovereignty.

        The dark cabal's demise is the beginning of a series of positive developments that will be further enhanced by a huge boost in the level of electronic technology that is to be made available to you. Consciousness is an ever-growing awakening process, and is stimulated by interaction with electronic communication technologies. Every human carries within them much wisdom which can be unleashed by the mere presence of this growing artificial intelligence; as the quality of the interface increases, so consciousness increases. The dark has been drip-feeding you where this technology is concerned. You have been held back, both technologically and spiritually, by a dark governance that fears your awakening and is covetous of your dormant collective powers. These fears drove this cabal to use a type of mind-control that diminishes your abilities and encourages you to perceive their dominion as immutable and permanent. This is now about to be seen for the illusion it is, and a whole new ethos put in place which is far more compatible with your divine natures. This new ethos will form the foundation of a fully conscious society.

        Your new reality will go beyond mere external perceptions; it will entail a complete restructuring of your consciousness. Full consciousness opens up a world that is currently unknown to you. Yes, you can envision an environment in which your mind powers can deeply affect your relationships with society, but just how this is done remains a tantalizing mystery. Those who live in such a state of being revel in it and enjoy their ability to enhance their environment for the delectation of all. Bringing such a mode of existence to you is our present task, and we intend to do it in right divine time. Until then, we can give you clues and descriptions of full consciousness, knowing that satisfying your curiosity can only be attained once you have personally experienced this most exquisite state! Now we are at the point where we have to engage in the removal of the dark ones from power, and those dedicated to your planet's wellbeing are ready to do this.

        The changes that are coming can be viewed as the first major step to disclosure, as the new governments are to support our arrival. At this time the schedule will be made very clear to you about the spread of our technology and the details of the actual event of the mass landings. Both these actions items require a lot of explanation before they happen. This is necessary because you have all been lied to for seven decades regarding our intentions and even regarding our very existence. We must clarify who we are and why we are here, and on top of that, explain the presence of your Inner Earth family, which has also been kept from you. The dark has done a very good job of entrapping you in a mental cage made up of lies, and it will be our joint mission to dismantle these lies, one by one, and introduce you to life 'outside the cage.' This work is complex, and we have much ground to cover together before our first contact and all that follows.

        Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with some news about the projects of our secret sacred societies. As you know, various programs to institute a new global financial system are underway. Several nations have agreed to test the efficacy of the new international banking monitoring-system by defying those institutions that carry out debt regulation for the dark. The initial results are most encouraging and demonstrate that the dark's enforcement agencies are quickly losing their iron grip on global debt. The aim of the new system is of course debt forgiveness, and banking based on a true equity system. These early successes prove to our associates that the fundamental design of this new system is sound and ready to be put to full use. Heaven and we have blessed them, and have asked that they fully prepare themselves for taking this prototype global.

        The other side of this financial coin is monetary reform. First comes the return to precious-metals-backed currencies, but with several key changes, including an end to currency tranching exchanges, and evaluating one currency against another based on mutual debt levels. These concepts are based on the debt system and are unnecessary. The new monetary system is founded on a system of equity and stable values based on usage. The purpose is to transform the need for several primary currencies and to substitute a new value usage system. Currency per se and the new monetary system are to constitute a bridge between your present fiscal status and a permanent state of abundance that ends the need for money. Technology will be introduced which permits everyone to easily create their own food, clothing, shelter, and any other sundry needs and wants.

        The new conditions we describe here are also a bridge between the present familiar reality we all know, and one in which the focus is on preparing for the divine ascension to full consciousness. Here, we will be free to teach you each day about the wisdom that Heaven has imparted to us. All of us, in Love and Grace, are to restore this Earth to the beauty that humanity in its willful ignorance so desecrated over the past few millennia. We are to engage your Love, and help you bring your inner beauty forward. You were created with immense potential, which is to manifest and collectively lead our precious realm to a point where a wonderful fusion of inner and outer Earth is possible. We gladly take on the task of guiding each of you to actualizing who you really are. Ascension is really no more than realizing this inner power and learning how to use it to improve this world and most assuredly, physicality!

        Today, we gave you further details about what is happening in your world. A grand change is in the offing! Changing your dark reality to the Light is part of a greater process that is restoring each of you to full consciousness. Soon we will be reunited, and will collectively create a new reality for humanity and for Gaia. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



    Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

    Ron Paul Is Hosting A Hearing On Ending The Federal Reserve Right Now

    Ron Paul Is Hosting A Hearing On Ending The Federal Reserve Right Now

    Grace Wyler | May 8, 2012, 10:02 AM | 3,370 | 34

    ron paul congress

    Courtesy of CSPAN

    Texas Congressman Ron Paul will once again face off against his central bank nemesis this morning, during a Congressional hearing on monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. 

    The hyped-up hearing is titled "The Federal Reserve System: Mend It Or End It?," and will be hosted by the House Finance Committee's Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, which oversees the Federal Reserve and which, incidentally, is chaired by Ron Paul. 

    The hearing will feature testimony from several economists and lawmakers, all of whom have some problem with the central bank. No one who works for the Fed is scheduled to testify. 

    The subcommittee will also consider several bills, including Paul's Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, which would abolish the Federal Reserve, its Board of Governors, and eliminate the Federal Reserve Act.

    “More and more people are beginning to understand just how destructive the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has been,” Paul said in a press release. “I hope that this hearing will kickstart a serious discussion on the need to rein in the Fed."

    Other witnesses include Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), the outgoing ranking member of the House Finance Committee who is also an outspoken critic of the Fed, and Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), who has introduced legislation to eliminate the Fed's dual mandate of promoting maximum employment and price stability.

    The second panel features five economists. Here's the list, per Paul's press release: 

    • Dr. Jeffrey M. Herbener, Chairman, Economics Department, Grove City College
    • Dr. Peter G. Klein, Associate Professor, Applied Social Sciences and Director, McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, University of Missouri
    • Dr. John B. Taylor, Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics, Stanford University and George P. Schultz Senior Fellow in Economics, Hoover Institution
    • Dr. Alice Rivlin, Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution, and former Vice Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
    • Dr. James K. Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin

    The hearing starts shortly, so check back with Business Insider for updates.  

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