An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Planet Earth: Amazing nature scenery (1080p HD) – turn up the sound and watch full screen!
Correction !!!!
Of course : Brigitte reminded me : it should read “awesome” and not awful ! I had in mind: ” full of awe” thIs I was after looking at this is video ….
….And I was full of awe after having seen all these beautiful pics of our planet !
And so this wrong expression was used by me ,,,
please remember: English is not my mother tongue and I was so full of awe !!!
Things like these are happening and I am sorry …. should have paid more precise attention to
what I am scribbling ,,Love
Jean and Roberto, the writer is obviously some one who wishes to perpetuate the “programing’ of the Nicene conference and the myth of the crucifiction of one “Jesus the sun of God”. This myth that God in all his austerity would require a Blood sacrifice of the most innocent before his mercy would be forthcoming is an affront to the all loving and eternal Creator and and Universal Sustainer!
Jim..Standingblackbear,Ogichidaa White Horse Warrior..Galactic Maya, Starwalker Guardian of Star Mother. Inlegesh
Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL
Published: 20 June, 2012, 06:46
Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s G20 statements about Syria’s future seem to have made some world leaders rush to false conclusions. David Cameron claimed that Putin explicitly “does not want Assad remaining in charge in Syria.”
British Prime Minister David Cameron has claimed that during the G20 summit, President Putin shifted his position and now wants President Bashar al-Assad out of power in Syria.
“There remain differences over sequencing and the shape of how the transition takes place, but it is welcome that President Putin has been explicit that he does not want Assad remaining in charge in Syria,” Cameron told reporters at a news conference in the wake of the G20 summit in Mexico’s Los Cabos.
“What we need next is an agreement on a transitional leadership which can move Syria to a democratic future that protects the rights of all its communities,” Cameron added.
Cameron’s statement was refuted by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as “not corresponding to reality.”
During his speech, Putin clearly stated that no nation has a right to decide for another on “who should be brought to power and who should be ousted.”
Reiterating Russia’s firm position on Syria, Putin said that “it is important that after a regime change, if it happens, and it must happen only by constitutional means, peace comes to the country and bloodshed stops.”
While many of the Syrian people indeed would like President Assad to go, “this is not the whole Syrian people,” Putin said. All conflicting parties in Syria should cease violence and start negotiations “to agree in advance on how they will live together in a single country,” Putin added.
On Monday, on the sidelines of the summit, Putin had a very long meeting with US President Barack Obama. While the leaders did not come out with any groundbreaking statements, after two hours behind closed doors they managed to outline some common ground on the Syrian issue.
The presidents stated that they had agreed that they need to see a “cessation of the violence,” in Syria and that a“political process has to be created to prevent civil war.” There was no mention of any tougher sanctions on Syria or a reiteration of demands that Assad should step down at that point.
However, on Tuesday, the two states have divided in opinion once again. Speaking at the summit, Obama clearly ruled out any possibility of Assad staying in power in Syria, as he has “lost all legitimacy” in Washington’s view. Obama confirmed that despite the intensive talks, neither Russia nor China have agreed to any plan that includes the removal of Assad from power.
“It’s my personal belief, and I’ve shared this with them, is that I don’t see a scenario in which Assad stays and violence is reduced,” he said. “But I do think they recognize the grave dangers of all-out civil war.”
Related articles
- Obama: China, Russia not signed on for Assad’s removal – Reuters (
- Report: Iran, Syria, Russia and China could be planning joint war exercise (
- British PM Falsely Claims Putin Dropped Support of Syria’s Assad (
- Black clouds hang over Obama-Putin G20 talks – Brisbane Times (
- Obama says he, Putin agree political steps needed in Syria crisis (
Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL
Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL
So, you think your income taxes go to the Federal Government ??? WRONG !!!It goes to the Vatican !!!
The money chain = You>IRS>Puerto Rico>England>Rome
Since the Constitution does not allow income taxes, they usurped this law by turning YOU into a private corporation. Your strawman corporation resides in one of 3 places, Guam, Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. WHY? Because these are territories, not states and not subject to US constitutional law.
In 1933 Bankers chartered a Corporation in Delaware. This Corporation was known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue. This corporation was not part of the US.
To combat legal action against the BIR, it's offices were moved to Puerto Rico.In 1953, they changed their name to the Internal Revenue Service and Incorporated as a Puerto Rican Trust. This Puerto Rican Trust fund was a front to funnel funds to the International Monetary Fund.
This monetary trust fund was owned by the Crown of England.
The Bank of England is where your taxes are funneled to.
The Bank of England is majorly owned by the House of
Rothschild. The Rothschilds are the guardians of the
Papal Treasury.The CEO of the Bank of England is none other than the Pontiff of Rome. The Pontiff of Rome was given authority over England's Monarchy with the Treaty of 1213 between King John and Pope Innocent III.
The IRS taxes you pay is divided up in this manner:
67% goes to the Crown of England which the Pope is the beneficiary.
23% goes to the 300 shareholders of the Federal Reserve.
10% goes to back to the IRS to pay salaries and overhead.Not one penny you pay in income taxes go toward the running the Gov of the U.S.
So how does the Gov pay for itself? By collecting other taxes such as gas tax, cigarette tax,
black budget sources such as drug trafficking, gun running, high tech weapons and war, etc..There is no constitutional law which mandates you pay Income Taxes. This is forbidden in the original Constitution of 1776. However, it is completely legal in the corporate constitution of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES.
You make the Vatican rich by your own ignorance.
Wake up America !!!
before NATO's invasion of Afghanistan
there was no income tax or central bank
in Afghanistanbefore NATO's invasion of Iraq
there was no income tax or central bank
in Iraqbefore NATO's invasion of Libya
there was no income tax or central bank
in they ALL pay income taxes to
an entity which funnels it to
the Vatican.every country NATO invades becomes
a slave state to the Vatican.
Thread: Iceland dismantles gov't than arrests Rothschild Bankers !!
Pre-liminary Trust - Unum Sanctum (Latin)
1) Romanus Pontifex (Property)
2) Aeterni Regis (Soul)
3) Convocation (Baptism)
3 components of Vatican rule on earth.
These 3 components make up a combined
Cestui Qui Vie = Latin 666
666 is the number of Vatican rule on earth.
Latin is the language of Lucifer
Santos Bonacci video
Your soul is owned by the Vatican
no matter what religion you practice.
Fast forward to around 15:00
You pay taxes to Lucifer
not to Godwhen you tithe to the Church
you also pay tithe to Lucifer
since the Vatican is a tool
for Lucifer.
' + entry.content.$t + '
AnonymousJune 20, 2012 9:31 AMnever filed Income tax, never will. they want my money, they can come pry it from my hands if they have the balls.
ReplyDelete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 10:37 AMHave you never been employed, then? All my employers deducted it from my wages before I received them. Most of us never have a choice...
Delete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 2:56 PMOh no, I've been employed. The last time I worked for someone "on the books" I told them specifically not to with hold the income tax. Other state and city taxes that are legal were ok with me. It was a big stink that had me explaining myself to a team of accountants. In the end, they didn't with hold it and told me I would get into trouble. 12 years later and nothing.
That job only lasted 3 months as they weren't a good fit for me and I went out on my own. I now own a Green Energy company outside the USA. We have Water Purification/Desalination technology that's 95% efficient, Hydrogen generation that is self sustaining AND safe that only needs salt water, and our bread and butter, wood pellets AND the burners to retrofit and replace Oil/Natural Gas systems.
The income tax system is a VOLUNTARY system. If you file once, you're in and can't get out. Since I never filed, I was never IN the system. Even IF they come after me, unless I see the law that states YOU HAVE TO PAY, I'm not paying shit. It's an un-apportioned tax and illegal.
Delete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 10:31 AMIn the late 1970's due to a literal mafioso gestapo bullying type experience with the IRS - big burly thugs (HUGE bar bouncer types) in black suits standing on either side of my SOON to be "FORMER" tax accountant - I began a 20 year research and investigation of the IRS. EVERY thing reported in this article - and MORE - is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The tactics of the IRS, nothing more than an unlawful COLLECTION AGENCY, to force the people to continue making these payments are successfully accomplished through instilling FEAR. The IRS's modus operandi includes, among many similar tactics, UNLAWFUL 'assessments' of what you SUPPOSEDLY owe them - LITERALLY CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR WITH NOTHING LEGAL TO BACK THEM UP and unlawful 'liens' and 'seizures' of your salary, assets and properties. AGAIN, THERE ARE NO LAWS NOR CAN LAWFUL DOCUMENTATION BE PROVIDED TO YOU TO BACK THESE UP! TRY GETTING IT! YOU CAN'T! IT DOESN'T EXIST! The IRS also has used battering rams to knock down home and office doors, placing armed agents (thugs) around homes and offices - knocking doors down and windows out - and shooting in or entering along with other types of unlawful fear and tyrannical tactics. All of this keeps 'the people' from even listening to the TRUTH much less joining together en masse and REFUSING to be their VICTIMS any longer. Along with the IRS thugs, even EMPLOYERS are acting UNLAWFULLY as COLLECTION AGENTS!! Recognizing that most of the employers are also subjected to this unlawful 'tax' scheme, they, too, must stand down and refuse to continue to commit their unlawful acts against the people through withdrawal of the 'taxes' from the pay of their employees and forwarding it on to the IRS. People, WHEN WILL YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH? JOIN TOGETHER EN MASSE, SAY "NO!" AND PUT A STOP TO ALL OF THIS THIEVERY!! I stopped 30 years ago. Yes, it takes guts but there is power to put a stop to this by sheer numbers refusing to be bullied any longer. There should be a class action lawsuit by all who have been subjected to this fraud against the Vatican, the IRS, the IMF, et al, to return all monies stolen from each plus interest along with compensation for damages, pain and suffering. If EVERYone would do this, ALL could be released from this thievery, have more funds to cover needs and wants, and get rid of what should NEVER have been. THERE IS NO 'LAW' REQUIRING ANY AMERICAN TO PAY PAY 'INCOME TAX'!! AMERICA, WHERE IS YOUR GUTS???
ReplyDelete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 11:18 AMA few comments are in order here. A very good piece of work but a couple of misstatements that stood out to me. 1) Where it mentions 3 places: Guam, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are territories and not states so they are not subject to the US constitution presumes that the states are; the states aren't either, at least, not the original one. And the government doesn't even pay any attention to their corporate constitution; they only give it a little lip service, once in awhile. 2) Near the end, where it says I am owned by the Vatican; I've got news for the Vatican; "I aint owned by anybody or anything!" I am an American Citizen NOT a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Note, the difference in the word citizen. After American, the word Citizen has a capital "C", a noun; only a living thing like me, can be a capital "C" citizen. Now the phrase: "citizen of the UNITED STATES," is a prepositional phrase and the word "citizen" is a pronoun; which means it could be a person, place or thing (such as a corporation). And the word "of" is a preposition meaning, for example: belonging to, property of, etc. And the all capital phrase: "UNITED STATES," signifies that it's not a country; it's a corporation. Check: "Blacks Law," and find out what it means when words are in all capital letters. I'm not a citizen of McDonalds or Safeway, or General Motors and I'm definitely not a citizen of the UNITED STATES. It aint a country; it's a corporation and a piss poorly run one at that. America is the country NOT the UNITED STATES, Inc. So I'm not owned by the UNITED STATES, Inc. either.
And like the comment, made above, I don't pay State or federal taxes either; they are a fraud, i.e. extortion, just like all bank loans except for with bank loans they don't call it extortion; it is called conversion. A little nicer way of saying extortion but FRAUD, just the same.
ReplyDelete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 11:58 AMTo all who want to terminate the IRS Scum Bags out of your life, it is as simple as collapsing the Estate/Trust, by coming forward as the live man/woman. For a simple administrative process got to This is your starting point. Click on the video's section and watch "Change is on the Horizon" Part 2. Also go to the sub-heading "THE CURE" on the same site. I have already terminated $189,000.00 Lien they had on me for a years. Also go to and see how to the proper documents for FREE. This is no B.S. This process essentially collapses the TRUST.
It is so simple most people Don't get it. see the video above by Santos Bonnacci "The vatican ows yous soul. He is dead right. They have declared every one civilly DEAD. That is why I came forward as the live man and collapsed the TRUST. Everything registered with the USA Inc is considered abandoned PROPERTY until you the live man step Forward. If you are sick and tired of getting beat, COLLAPSE THE TRUST. peter-eugene AnonymousJune 20, 2012 6:32 PMA trust contains property or it would not exist. I would not want to collapse it. I believe that bankruptcy is a way of keeping the trust open, because all bankruptcies contain a Trustee to administer it.
I believe (so that's without fact or proof) that when one files for bankruptcy, all the supposed creditors pop out of the woodwork and they divy up the assets in that trust among themselves and it takes 10 years to have anything of value in it again...and that may be why you can't file for 10 years.If they can divy up the assets, and a Trustee knows how to do that, they why can't they divy the assets to me the true Creditor.
I, myself, won't file bankruptcy no matter how much I am squeezed or encouraged to do so because so many other Americans did the same thing, blah blah blah (that's a statement of what I won't do, it has no bearing on what someone chooses to do and I'm not judging anyone whether they do or don't.)
Can you explain Pete-eugene? Were any assets given to you from the trust when it was collapsed? Did you go to a W8-Ben form or maybe do something special with an I-9 form for employment and stop using the social security number all together? Whatever answer you can provide would be appreciated.
Delete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 2:01 PMOpinion, verify yourself, because I am not your God so it's not my job to educate you on what you should know...I am only giving opinion that can be proven as fact or dis-proved if you can.
The one TRUE distortion in all of this is 'YOUR SOUL belongs to the CREATOR'
The Vatican is not the CREATOR. They only thing they created is a corporation using paper. Paper does not equal Vatican controls paper that controls a corporation that has a name that is spelled in all CAPS and that is what your parents wrote down as how they would spell 'what you are Called', on paper...paper is not are not man owns any man otherwise that would be slavery and slavery is against Divine Law and against Man Law (ie Constitution).These groups tell people they are controlled by paper and folks get impotent and can't move because they believe it.
Not true. The Creator created the Soul and is the one true owner.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's....his paper, his corporation, his obligation. IRS is attached to the corporation and they tricked us into thinking we own the corporation and are bound by the obligations created against the corporation...which is a person...look up a Black's Law dictionary...hold it in your hand and look up the definition of person and it's a corporation...and then look at every statute and code written that they are written for persons and individuals, including the IRS tax code...and look up individual and it says 'a person who.....' which is still a person.
Then look up People, then look up State, and you can see that they told you half truths so you would think you knew the whole truth, but you'd be inactive on your freedom because you will believe the lie in which is part of the word
When you walk around saying you are a citizen, you are agreeing to be part of the lie by your words and deeds. A citizen is a person, is a corporation.
When you agree to be a person, don't get made because the corporate Constitution is for persons and not People...(two different things).
There is no way you can make them give you the rights of the People (sovereign) or even recognize the rights you have as a People (sovereign) if you are going to believe you are a slave over some paper (birth certificate or otherwise) and you are going to admit you've accepted a subordinate role in their corporation and you accept their leader as one who can guide and control the things you do.
They call you an enemy and you stay. They call you a terrorist and you stay. They say they can kill you and you stay. They say they can detain you forever and ever and you stay.
All opinions. Do you research. Prove it wrong, and don't listen to unknowns, I don't care if they give a name or not let them guide you in your belief...get your own adults...grow up...get out if you chose, or stay and be silent and accept your choice.
ReplyDelete AnonymousJune 20, 2012 6:20 PMOpinion of another sort.
Remember the drug campaign a long time ago....Just say 'No'.
It's that simple...if they ask on a piece of paper if "you are"?
Yes or No?....just say no.You'd be surprised how many opportunities there are to say 'No'. Every new commitment that could lock you into their system, you can just say 'no'. And you can send the voter registration card back. You write on the back of it, "Please take me out of the system" and sign it...and when they receive it, whether you drop it off or mail it, they will do as you requested, and 'Bam!', you have started to detach from the umbilical cord that binds you into some oppressive stuff.
Check your employment records, they probably have an emergency contact page online where you can update your emergency contacts or your home address, it may even be on may ask you 'again' if you are? just say No.
As you stop being, so shall you be freer to do the things you can for your life without interfering with others who want to do the things they can with their life.
Sovereign does not step on another and tell them what to do with their life. That's up to their Creator to guide them or call them's not for us to judge what they do as long as they don't interfere with you.
When you can learn to let people live, and you can learn to live without being in their business and telling them what they can or cannot do (as you are not their Creator), you are truly walking the talk and living the life as the Christ tried to teach us.
They will get their judgment, and it doesn't come from you, so let it be.
Learn to say No, because as you point to others for what they do, there are things you do that you didn't know were causing certain other things to happen to you because of what you do.
Are you a XX xxxxxxx? Yes or No? Just say No.
Back out of those attachment contracts, find one that can replace it that isn't so attached. Wonder why illegals have more freedom? It's easy for them to say No when they fill out those forms.
Learn from those you perceive as your enemies...they are not your enemies, they are your brothers and sisters and they are here for a reason, just like you are here for a reason.
The Divine Plan is greater than your mind can comprehend.
Do as you desire, but at least know what your desires are and act upon them without oppressing or interfering with another's desires.
Bless to you all.
Easter Island - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Published: July 2012Easter Island
If They Could Only Talk
“The statues walked,” Easter Islanders say. Archaeologists are still trying to figure out how—and whether their story is a cautionary tale of environmental disaster or a celebration of human ingenuity.
By Hannah BlochCongo’s Mbuti Pygmies.Society Grant Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo’s moai experiment was funded by your Society membership.
BBC News - Hans Litten: The man who annoyed Adolf Hitler
19 August 2011 Last updated at 06:19 ETHans Litten: The man who annoyed Adolf Hitler
By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine
A new drama tells the story of a Jewish lawyer who confronted Hitler 80 years ago - earning the dictator's life-long hatred. So who was Hans Litten?
In the Berlin courtroom, Adolf Hitler's face burned a deep, furious red.
The future dictator was not accustomed to this kind of scrutiny.
But here he was, being interrogated about the violence of his paramilitary thugs by a young man who represented everything he despised - a radical, principled, fiercely intelligent Jewish lawyer called Hans Litten.
The Nazi leader was floundering in the witness stand. And when Litten asked why his party published an incitement to overthrow the state, Hitler lost his composure altogether.
"That is a statement that can be proved by nothing!" he shouted.
Litten's demolition of Hitler's argument that the Nazis were a peaceful, democratic movement earned the lawyer years of brutal persecution.
Continue reading the main story“Start Quote
End Quote Benjamin Carter Hett Litten's biographerEven his closest friends said he wasn't good with people”
He was among the first of the fuehrer's political opponents to be rounded up after the Nazis assumed power. And even long afterwards, Hitler could not bear to hear his one-time tormentor's name spoken.
But although he was among the first to confront Hitler, Litten remains a little-known figure.
Now a drama and an accompanying documentary tell the story of a cantankerous, flawed but ultimately heroic man.
Litten was, long before he confronted the dictator, a staunch anti-Nazi. Although his father, a law professor, had converted from Judaism to Christianity and played down his background to further his career, the young Litten went in the opposite direction, joining a Jewish youth group and learning Hebrew out of a mixture of adolescent rebellion and sympathy for the dispossessed.
As a lawyer, he specialised in defending workers and rank-and-file members of the German Communist Party (KPD). However, he was no Stalinist, clashing with the KPD leadership for following Moscow's orders. "Two people are too many for my party," he would say.
Indeed, his hard-line adherence to his principles meant Litten was not always regarded as sympathetic character.
Continue reading the main storyFind out more
- The Man Who Crossed Hitler, starring Ed Stoppard (above) as Hans Litten, is broadcast at 21:00 on 21 August on BBC Two
- The accompanying documentary, Hans Litten Vs Adolf Hitler: To Stop A Tyrant, goes out on BBC Two on 27 August at 20:00 BST
"He was a saint. But I have a feeling that, if I sat down to have a beer with him, I wouldn't like him," says Benjamin Carter Hett, author of Crossing Hitler: The Man Who Put the Nazis on the Witness Stand, a biography of Litten.
"He was in many ways a difficult man to deal with. He was doctrinaire in his politics. Even his closest friends said he wasn't good with people."
However, it was Litten's belligerence, as well as his forensic intelligence, that made his interrogation of Hitler so effective.
In 1931, Litten sought to have criminal charges brought against four members of the Nazi party's Sturmabteilung (SA) paramilitary group after they attacked a dance hall frequented by communists, killing three people.
Litten called Hitler as a witness, hoping to expose the Nazi party's deliberate strategy of overthrowing democracy by bringing terror to the streets. Hitler had previously assured middle-class voters that the SA was an organisation dedicated to "intellectual enlightenment".
Over three hours in May 1931, this claim was dismantled by Litten's precise, detailed questioning.
At first, Hitler insisted to Litten that he was committed to "100% legality". But his composure began to crack when Litten asked him why he had been accompanied by armed men. "That is complete lunacy," the Nazi leader barked.
Continue reading the main story“Start Quote
End Quote Laurence Rees HistorianIf you were going to come up with a person that Hitler would loathe, it would be him”
But the decisive blow came when Hitler was asked why the Nazi party had published a pamphlet by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's chief propagandist, which promised the movement would "make revolution" and "chase parliament to the devil" using "German fists".
Asked by Litten how Goebbels's rise up the Nazi hierarchy could be squared with a commitment to legality, Hitler began to stammer and "search convulsively for an answer", according to one contemporary newspaper report of the trial.
According to World War II historian Laurence Rees, writer and director of the television series Nazis: A Warning from History, it was not Litten's focus on the Nazis' violent methods that enraged Hitler the most. By 1931, most Germans could not fail to have noticed that the SA were brutal streetfighters, he says. And Hitler himself was accustomed to - and indeed thrived on - the venomous abuse directed at him from opponents.
Continue reading the main storyMy uncle, Hans Litten
Actress Patricia Litten, 57, lives in Nuremberg, Germany
I grew up in Switzerland. My father was the only one of the three Litten sons who survived.
As a child I was aware of the absent family but my father didn't like to speak about it.
Today very, very few people know much about Hans Litten. But I think it's so important that we talk about him.
Even in this horrible system, the Third Reich, there were people who kept up the fight - Hans could have ran away, but he stayed because of his clients.
I don't know if I could have been so strong.
Out there in the world right now there are people who will do what he did - even if it will cost their lives.
But, he says, Litten's meticulous, carefully reasoned questioning was guaranteed to enrage him.
"What drove Hitler berserk is that here is someone taking him coolly and calmly through the evidence," says Rees.
"He hates that kind of intellectual argument - he prefers either haranguing or sulking. It's not just Litten's Jewishness. If you were going to come up with a person that Hitler would loathe, it would be him."
The trial was widely publicised and marked out Litten as a hate figure in the Nazi press, which called for him to be physically attacked.
As Hitler edged closer to power, friends urged Litten to flee Germany. But he refused. "The millions of workers can't get out," he said. "So I must stay here as well."
Soon the Nazis were in control. When the new regime used the Reichstag fire in February 1933 as an excuse to suspend civil liberties, Litten was among the first to be rounded up.
Over the next five years he was held in a succession of notorious concentration camps including Sonnenburg, Dachau and Buchenwald. He was singled out for especially brutal treatment at the hands of the guards, who knew full well of the fuehrer's personal antipathy towards him.
Nonetheless, throughout his incarceration he was admired by his fellow inmates for his kindness towards them and his insistence on keeping his dignity intact. When the guards ordered prisoners to stage a performance in celebration of a Nazi anniversary, Litten read out a poem called Thoughts Are Free.
By February 1938, he could endure no more. He took his own life by hanging himself. He was 34.
Continue reading the main story“Start Quote
End Quote Mark Hayhurst Film-makerThere are still Hans Littens around the world today”
After the Nazi regime was finally smashed, Litten's reputation as a staunch opponent of Hitler was revived. A plaque in Berlin was dedicated to him in 1951, the headquarters of the German bar association is at Hans Litten House and the lawyers' association of Berlin named itself itself the Hans Litten Bar Association after reunification.
Yet his name is not widely known. According to Mark Hayhurst, who wrote and directed the BBC drama and documentary about Litten, he was a victim of cold war politics - his left-wing sympathies meant he was overlooked in the West, and his attacks on the Stalinist hierarchy caused him to be neglected in the Soviet Bloc.
With these divisions now buried for a generation, Hayhurst hopes that Litten can be reclaimed as a figurehead for resisting tyranny.
"There are still Hans Littens around the world today," he says. "He's still an inspiration."
A little history to fill the blanks...nothing happens in a vacum
Kauilapele on SaLuSa 6-20-12…”The Planning Has Been Meticulous to Ensure That the Arrests Are… Carried Out In The Least Possible Time”
SaLuSa 6-20-12…”The Planning Has Been Meticulous to Ensure That the Arrests Are… Carried Out In The Least Possible Time”
Posted on 2012/06/19
- You are getting so near to some real action that will leave you in no doubt that you are about to witness the beginning of the end of the dark Ones. It is all arranged and cannot be held up much longer.
- The planning has been meticulous to ensure that the arrests are as far as possible carried out in the least possible time.
- The Illuminati are shocked at the speed with which their fortunes have changed, and never thought that they would have to answer for their crimes against Humanity.
- We have each one tracked so that our allies can quickly round them up, and we are overseeing the whole operation.
- However, we wish you to concentrate on the future and seek first to maintain the Light upon Earth, without wasting your energy by directing your anger at the Illuminati and their minions.
- We now see the most beautiful souls amongst you who have achieved a level of mastery and Light, that wherever they go are magnificent beacons of Light helping others awaken.
- Whatever happens around you or directly to you stay strong and any problems should be quickly resolved, as you are now clearly on the upward curve and leaving the lower energies behind.
- You are in a time of self realization and discovering who you really are, and no longer beholden to the opinions of others.
- You can start feeling better about life because of what it promises to be, and feel it from the heart as once you have ascended it will become a pleasure to be alive.
- Even on board our ships the energies are “adjusted” to lift you into Love and Light, and you will be able to feel the peace and harmony that exists everywhere.
- All she now asks of you is that you do your part to clean up the mess you have left the Earth in and she will do the rest.
Message from he Earth Allies: The Raising of the Phoenix is Now
Lucas ~ Important Information! ~ Act NOW! ~ 20 June 2012
I have been reading Sheldan Nidle’s, Mike Quinsey’s and Cobra’s messages, along with listening to the radio interviews and programs of Drake and Cobra and others.
We see the ungoing progress in the things going to happen to free humanity. The only thing we must explicitly be warned for is the disinformation and rumours and news about false-flag operations. Use your utmost higher guidance in discerning all.
There is a lot going on that will never happen again as it is prevented and prohibited. No nuclear war or devices will explode ever again. Other false-flag operations are trying to instate fear again. The false flags have not been coming true. The threaths towards European Soccer Champignonships, the olympics, Iran, Syria as povocation towards war in the Middle East, all will not happen.
The levels of the light energy upon earth have been increased at this time to a level that turning back is impossible. The light is penetrating as told all spheres now and is felt also by the last dark ones on this earth. We can as asked do our part in joining in meditations and visualizations or make positive actions towards freeing humanity now.
This will help to get the critical mass sooner towards ending the duality timeline. So spread arround the messages. So go and ask why things are not reported on the news. Make sure your voice is heard this time and be persistant. Go set up a referendum about having a new constitution and a new really free country that operates under common law and where no institutions like banks, governments, corporations, secret societies, etc, have any say in or control over what the people want. Just WE The People (Whatever country your are from) that decide what our future will be in a peaceful, harmonious, unconditional loving and caring for each other way of living together and do only that what is for the benefit for all humanity, mother earth and our universe and what lives in it. We should spread the light and love far and bright. There is so much you can do. Now go do it. It is time.
My destiny was to help in communication on this earth in this phase of the ending of the timeline and the ascension of earth and bringing humanity on a higher conscious level. The help of the galactic forces of light, angels and positive extra- and multi-dimensional beings, masters of light, ascended masters, our own efforts and the Source of all there is have contributed towards us awakening from this illusionary veil that kept us slaves. They and you have helped to remove all that has been keeping us from knowing who we are and what is our destiny in being light beings. The last parts are unfolding just now and will be felt during and after 21 June 2012.
Your task is now to act! In the way that suits you at the stage you are in this moment of now. I will say probably unnecessary that negative, duality based, violent actions or intention will not be tolerated. You do all things from now on only for the highest good of all beings, including humanity and mother earth. Keep always in mind that you have been helped and supported by the Source, your guides, angels and positive ET. All that has been is being part of your destiny you have chosen to in being born here on this planet and for the specific reason to bring us and the planet back to what was intended.
Go Act Now and be light and love for ever more.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Look at the links : (Cobra) (Sheldan Nidle) (Mike Quinsey) (Arend Lammertink)
Message from he Earth Allies: The Raising of the Phoenix is Now
Lucas ~ Important Information! ~ Act NOW! ~ 20 June 2012
I have been reading Sheldan Nidle’s, Mike Quinsey’s and Cobra’s messages, along with listening to the radio interviews and programs of Drake and Cobra and others.
We see the ungoing progress in the things going to happen to free humanity. The only thing we must explicitly be warned for is the disinformation and rumours and news about false-flag operations. Use your utmost higher guidance in discerning all.
There is a lot going on that will never happen again as it is prevented and prohibited. No nuclear war or devices will explode ever again. Other false-flag operations are trying to instate fear again. The false flags have not been coming true. The threaths towards European Soccer Champignonships, the olympics, Iran, Syria as povocation towards war in the Middle East, all will not happen.
The levels of the light energy upon earth have been increased at this time to a level that turning back is impossible. The light is penetrating as told all spheres now and is felt also by the last dark ones on this earth. We can as asked do our part in joining in meditations and visualizations or make positive actions towards freeing humanity now.
This will help to get the critical mass sooner towards ending the duality timeline. So spread arround the messages. So go and ask why things are not reported on the news. Make sure your voice is heard this time and be persistant. Go set up a referendum about having a new constitution and a new really free country that operates under common law and where no institutions like banks, governments, corporations, secret societies, etc, have any say in or control over what the people want. Just WE The People (Whatever country your are from) that decide what our future will be in a peaceful, harmonious, unconditional loving and caring for each other way of living together and do only that what is for the benefit for all humanity, mother earth and our universe and what lives in it. We should spread the light and love far and bright. There is so much you can do. Now go do it. It is time.
My destiny was to help in communication on this earth in this phase of the ending of the timeline and the ascension of earth and bringing humanity on a higher conscious level. The help of the galactic forces of light, angels and positive extra- and multi-dimensional beings, masters of light, ascended masters, our own efforts and the Source of all there is have contributed towards us awakening from this illusionary veil that kept us slaves. They and you have helped to remove all that has been keeping us from knowing who we are and what is our destiny in being light beings. The last parts are unfolding just now and will be felt during and after 21 June 2012.
Your task is now to act! In the way that suits you at the stage you are in this moment of now. I will say probably unnecessary that negative, duality based, violent actions or intention will not be tolerated. You do all things from now on only for the highest good of all beings, including humanity and mother earth. Keep always in mind that you have been helped and supported by the Source, your guides, angels and positive ET. All that has been is being part of your destiny you have chosen to in being born here on this planet and for the specific reason to bring us and the planet back to what was intended.
Go Act Now and be light and love for ever more.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Look at the links : (Cobra) (Sheldan Nidle) (Mike Quinsey) (Arend Lammertink)
Message from he Earth Allies: The Raising of the Phoenix is Now
The Raising of the Phoenix is Now
It's over!
The nightmare, the dream... is crumbling Now and the Light Phoenix in each and every=One is now free to raise again!
Thank you! Thank you to All.
You've kept the Light, you've kept the Vision, you've kept the Truth.
Even during challenging times, even through what seemed loneliness, endless time... even when noOne seemd to understand what you did... You Did It!
And the Light has spread.
And the Light was allowed to come in, through you, each and every=One of You! Even when it seemd it was not changing, it was!
The old world is crumbling, illusion is not able to bear more Light and is craking all over, from each and every side and place. And you're the Ones that grounded the Light into this old energy seeding it with Love, nurturing it with your Thoughts, with your Creative Wish.
Even when you were not aware your Love was stronger than your fears and doubts. Never looking back, one step at a time and sometimes jumping!
HUmanity... Look at yourself... It's graduation day!
You saw the fire of Love under the ashes and brought it to Life again, blowing away the illusion you allowed the Light to Be. In You, throguh You.
Thank you.
Now it's time to enjoy this Light Being it in the most simple way you can find... YourSelf. Your True Self. It's here. It's in your Heart reach. Enjoy it Humanity!
Whatever you'll see now, is only it's fading away as it's replaced by the New. By Love and Joy, by the Truth!
All our Love, your Earth Allies
BY GLR MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR
Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment."
We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW!THE earth will ascend regardless, however you can make her labor and your transition easy if you apply the balm of healing to her! Do what feels right in your hearts! We abide under the great law that says do no harm! We ask you to do the same! Love all beings even the ones who are playing the dark roles. Use wisdom and compassion for all life! LOVE does win in the end and there is nothing to fear! Here is a gift written for you to use if you will! We give it to you on this wonderful Earth day June 20, 2012:
We the people of EARTH move now for (this) cause in unanimous agreement and issue the following ORDER AND DECREE:
The Sentient People of EARTH
All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL
June 20, 2012
By Sentient Decree and under the divine order of law, We the living people, beneficiaries of EARTH hereby ORDER the immediate arrest of all those who have caused destruction on and to this planet EARTH and to billions of it's beings. We have assembled as the republic of EARTH and come now for the purpose of issuing final and correct justice by this DIVINE ORDER.
As common GRANTORs of the EARTH TRUST we hereby ORDER that immediate arrest warrants be issued for All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL and that these warrants be served and executed AT ONCE by the responsible fiduciary-trustees and co-trustees to bring an end to the controlling commercial tyranny perpetrated wrongfully and by deceit under the threat of deadly force against the sentient beings of EARTH!
We the people ARE THE INHERITORS OF EARTH and today June 20, 2012 we stand together and present this universal claim of right to the EARTH and our lives and future forevermore!
Take heed that the harmful corporate 3D Matrix stops today!
On this glorious day it has been decided that the destruction of EARTH and its people is the highest priority in this galaxy and in the universe and today the harm stops! We have all come here to this planet together and by loving intention to ensure this!
NOTICE: Any attempt to stop this lawful action will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly on all levels by beings of supreme technology and power and measured out under the order of divine justice!
If you surrender wholly and completely and change your hearts today, June 20, 2012, the people of EARTH and it's loving and powerful watchers will have mercy on you and allow you to be a part of NEW EARTH!
If you do not stop today, by tomorrow you will be extracted from this plane returned to PRIME CREATOR, your being will be dismantled, distinguished from existence, and then reassembled into light!
We are the Sovereign Sentient beings of planet EARTH with all natural rights intact and this VIBRATIONAL ORDER goes out to beings of light on Earth and to all galaxies surrounding it!
Furthermore it is decreed that on June 21, 2012 the darkness both physical and non-physical that has controlled this planet and it's people meets its final demise!
Now true justice is executed!
Glory, Glory to all those who live upon the EARTH! Peace and goodwill to all! Hallelujah for the Kingdoms of this world have come to an END!
The end of the age is at hand even as summer is nigh! In the great year of 2012 and in the winter, time shall be no more!
We now act in UNITY and by decree and begin preparing the way clearing out all negative entities from this realm.
We the people of EARTH have learned that we ourselves are Gods we shall see the kingdom of Heaven!
Decreed before the great witnesses, bound and sealed in all realms for surety, The PEOPLE OF EARTH have spoken and written FOR TIME ETERNAL!
CHANNELED BY MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan 6-20-2012
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR