Benjamin Fulford 8-13-12
Posted on 2012/08/13
Commentary and Highlights from Kauilapele's Blog [Thanks to WF for forwarding this over here. Also, I notice Jean Haines has been posting it regularly at her site. Here is the link to this article at her site. Also, she has added some pertinent comments from her end about the parts regarding "Message to the Jews".]
I’m not saying much right here but I believe the lady “Soong Mei-Ling” has been mentioned elsewhere as a key player in some of the world’s next steps. At the moment, I do not recall which sites those were.
- Now [the member countries of NATO] are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government.
- …the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen.
- …the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.”
- The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.
- The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group.
- The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base.
- …the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn.
- …according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England.
- Multiple sources in Asia also mention [her] as a key player in the current crisis… make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years…).
- What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.
- The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.
- In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.
Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire
by Benjamin Fulford 8-13-12 (also available here)
There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development. Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government. Fortunately for us all, the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen. That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.
When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops. Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.
Message to the Jews: You have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past 2000 years so, you must stop pretending you were always just innocent victims. It is time to stop thinking in terms of “us” (Jews) and “them” (Goyim), and start behaving like a civilized people all from the same human race. The Jews are like a beautiful woman (the decent and honorable majority) with syphilis (the gangsters hiding in their midst). If the Jewish people do not remove the criminals from the top of their own leadership, they may once again suffer collective punishment for the actions of a tiny criminal minority. Fortunately, there are signs of just such an internal purge.
The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.
The Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements are thus now facing an existential crisis. That is because multiple law-suits and criminal investigations are closing in from all sides.
The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group. Keenan has returned from a trip to Indonesia with a whole raft of documents revealing the true extent of the criminality of the bankster families that own the Federal Reserve Board. Work is now continuing to make sure a US court can be given clear jurisdiction on this case so that an un-corruptible judge can finally deliver justice.
Even if this lawsuit remains in limbo as various delaying tactics continue to be deployed, the writing is still on the wall for the cabal.
For one thing, the US government will have accumulated over $1 trillion in new debt in the fiscal period ending on September 30th and will be looking to borrow more for the new fiscal period. The Chinese will be changing two thirds of their top leaders in November and the US is also scheduled for regime change then so you can be sure there will be some very high stakes horse trading going on in October.
The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base. The pentagon and the military industrial complex also know that the sooner they cut a deal, the better a deal they will get.
Mathematically speaking there are only two real choices. One is for the US to issue a devalued treasury dollar in exchange for a one-off debt write off. The other is to wait for US income levels to fall to Chinese levels.
Either of these two choices will make the US real economy once again competitive. The first will mean a sudden jolt as the economy returns to reality and all those Chinese knick knacks at Walmart suddenly become expensive. This will be followed by a quick boost in the real economy and manufacturing, led by exports and domestic demand. The other will mean unemployment and misery will steadily increase until enough people are willing to work for Chinese wages.
In Europe, meanwhile, the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn. Once again, there is no need for secret inside sources to see what is going on. The Europeans (especially the one living along the Mediterranean) have been spending more than they have earned for 30 years and creditors have come a calling. The Germans could not afford to bail out their irresponsible Southern cousins even if they wanted to. The people of Iceland showed the way with a sudden 15% drop in income (in other words back to what they earn doing real things like fishing) followed by a rapid recovery and the arrest of guilty bankers. This is what must happen in other countries if this crisis is to end.
There is also an old historical injustice at work here, according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England. These bonds were put in a “trading program” to generate funds for the long term project to turn Europe into a fourth Reich, according to this agent, who specializes in studying Nazis. These funds were frozen 18 months ago by the BIS and that has been a principle cause of the Euro crisis, he says.
Multiple sources in Asia also mention Soong Mei-Ling as a key player in the current crisis and several (including senior Yakuza sources) make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years old but Wikipedia says she died in 2003).
What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.
The P2 fascist freemason lodge in Italy has bragged that they financed and supported communism. That gave them greater influence over the communist youth league faction of outgoing leader Hu Jintao than it will have over incoming “princeling” leader Xi Jinping.
The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.
Also, negotiations between a White Dragon Society representative and a North Korean representative have now been set for later this month but the new regime of Kim Jong-Un has already made it clear they are ready to break out of the old cold-war “bad guy” role they have been forced to play.
In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Benjamin Fulford~ ”Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire” | The Galactic Free Press
Agartha: Updates for Lightworkers ~ August 12, 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
GLR~Patrick Sullivan
Agartha Updates from Inner Earth
August 12, 2012
Pat: Hello Lona and Rai I want to say thank you for our meeting. It seemed like you were both very excited to communicate this time as you were almost jumping with joy.
Rai/Lona: Yes we have some news that we have been allowed to release and we would love to share it with you.
Pat: I want to ask you both something first if that is okay.
Rai/Lona: Yes of course.
Pat: Several weeks ago my son asked if I could ask the “aliens” if they would show their ships in the sky. Backing up, I have been speaking to him (10 years old) about the nature of why things are on this planet, how there is ultimately love but that there are those that seek to control and that we have very benevolent friends that are helping us in the sky and on the earth and we will be okay. He asked if they were the “aliens”, I said yes. He mentioned that friendly “aliens” have visited him while he was sleeping and if I was one of those on the earth that was helping also. I said hmmmm…I would like to think I may have a small part somewhere but as of yet it is undefined. He seemed okay with all of this
I mentioned that I was told that if we wanted to see them, that all we need is to ask. Daddy, daddy can you please ask? I live in an area where I am facing the ocean and can see out from an area called Point Dume, in Malibu, California and can see out across the Santa Monica bay to an area called Palos Verdes, both of these areas form the tips of the bay.
My son, girlfriend and I walked outside pulled the tailgate down on the truck hopped up and sat there in the dark with a little LED flashlight. Within a minute 8 balls of light appeared out over the ocean, red, yellow and white and sat motionless, then started dancing around each other, then stopped, then shot straight up then down and continued to move in unison in differing areas of the sky but within the confines of that general area. I flashed the light at one of them and a flash of yellow light seemed to respond and flashed light around this particular ball of light in response.
I videoed the whole show. It lasted about 30 minutes then they all shot off in different directions. Like most point and shoot digital cameras the images were vague and because I held it in my hand in looks like a typical ‘You Tube’ shaky UFO shoot. But the video did show the balls of light dancing. Was this you, Rai and Lona?
Rai/Lona: No those were another race of beings that are assisting in the sky of Plaedian descent.
Pat: On the night of August 10, 2012, I was on the tailgate of the truck again (not much personal life) looking up in the sky with my night vision binoculars and asked if we could have a visit again and there was nothing for a half hour. Then I saw a shooting star flash very quickly downward. Excited I asked within myself if this was one of our friends and the reply was, no it was a shooting star or what you term a meteorite. Darn! Then ten seconds later a large cigar tube shaped object appeared and meandered slowly from the ocean inward toward the canyon that I live in. Judging from the tree lines I am familiar with it was probably about 40 feet long, Was this you?
Rai/Lona: Yes this was one our ships they are indeed tubular in shape. We see that you still remember your dream last night (as I write this it is 9:44am PST) that you were ‘on board’ with us. If you could have seen the smile on your face, it filled us with much joy at how amazed you were, just like a little child looking at the sights from the perspective or our ship.
Pat: I do have clarity about this dream now that you mention it. The ship seemed to have a hull but I could see clearly when I looked up, down, sideways and backwards.
Rai/Lona: Yes you are correct that visually one can see in all directions within our ships with a thought or an energy transmission from an individual perspective. It is not necessary in the higher dimensions to have solid material to construct our crafts.You are thinking with a mind that is used to seeing and to constructing objects with material that is fabricated riveted and bolted together and that only certain areas have windows or canopies.
Our ships are created by our engineers from what you would term a laboratory with thought energy. These are the closest words in your English language we can use to describe the process of creating our magnificent craft. They are created/constructed with our collective energy, yet when inside they can respond to an individual’s energy/thought signature/frequency, if you will. Our craft occupy space with mass but also do not occupy space as a certain mass which is a scientific concept we can discuss at a later date.
Pat: Thank you for taking time to discuss this and I still remember our journey together with clarity that evening. I read a lot about my new friends at the 2012 Scenario and its blog of having these wonderful experiences of space travel and meeting with our friends in the sky and wondered (poor me) why I have not had an experience such as this.
Rai/Lona: Your growth is now beginning to expand outward from your inward being and more of these experiences will occur as the time as you know it continues and draws nearer. You do have a place and tasks within the divine cosmos of which you have chosen before your construct in your physical form in what is now happening within you and on Gaia. Your lack of whining is a bonus for us to open up to you more as well.
Pat: Yes occasionally I whine, much like my 10 year old son of which I discourage. Gee, I wonder where he gets it from. I have noticed fears of yesterday and beyond have diminished considerably, which occupied a big part of my life. They have not disappeared but things that have generated fear before do not now. Can’t explain it but I am going with it because it feels so much better than before. Financial fears were huge with me but are not now and it all seems to work out. Funds seem to show up.
Rai/Lona: Yes, you and your friends are progressing out from the curtain wonderfully and we enjoy watching your growth in these matters. As we have mentioned before and let us remember that Ascension is not an event where one hops from jeans and a t-shirt to a white glowing robe. Ascension is what you and your new friends are and have been going through, a gradual process, some quickly, some not so quickly where your old ways of reaction to life events change. Attitudes towards yourself and others progress to a more loving environment. Your judgments of people and things and places will dissipate.
The most important change will be in how you think about and treat your own beingness (we create words in your language when there are none to satisfy what needs to be said). Those attributes of which you term negative patterns of behavior will ultimately be released, and as your Jesus of the past and present says, “you will know a peace but it will not be of this earth” we do not quote what was distorted from your bible but share from our brother Sananda.
Pat: I was never much a bible reader but I did grow up catholic through my mother mostly. But most of their teachings seemed contradictory. For one example, and this always puzzled me, we are supposed to have free will, they spouted this constantly, but the catholic church claims that there is sin. The priests tell us that if we do certain things that God does not like it means we have sinned and have to confess and do other things to make up for it ad infinitum. I asked this one priest if we have free will, how is it we could offend God by performing certain actions that he dislikes. Do we have free will or not? Response; this is for us of the church to know these answers and yours is to follow. To myself I said; Huh?
Well it is my belief that if God is all loving and all powerful and loves us unconditionally, he can never be harmed or offended through acts of those he/she has created. Just my limited belief but this makes much more sense to me.
My mother was a staunch catholic and when I started driving at 16 and since I was living at my parents’ house I was supposed to drive myself to church. I became a Los Angeles County lifeguard at 17 and worked at a place called Zuma beach.
One Sunday I dressed up for church and stashed some other clothes in my car (swim trunks) and said goodbye to my Mom as I was to go to church. Well I went and took off to the lifeguard headquarters to hang out with my fellow lifeguards. All of a sudden one of them says, “Hey, there’s your Mom”, gulp! Apparently she watched which way my car went and it was not toward the church. She let go on me for not going to church. I left, went to church and months later explained that I could not accept what I was being told and after some time she accepted my explanation. Even my Father stopped going for much of the same reasons.
I realize religion has helped a lot of people but it appears I had another path in mind, just didn’t know it at the time.
Rai/Lona: That is a very interesting and somewhat comical story and we had watched those occurrences take place.
Pat: Wow, you wanted to tell me something and I spouted on and on.
Rai/Lona: If it is okay, I, Lona would like to share some recent updates on the recent world and galactic scenarios that are shaping up.
Rai: Yes dear.
Pat: There you go again. Yet sometimes us men know that ‘yes dear’ is the best thing to say under certain circumstances to our other half, our flame as you say.
Lona: We have been working with those that are in our Gaia’s space for eons, with our friends and cohorts in other dimensions and those that are non-physical and we have been advised to make our beings and our ships to be at the ready. The dark ones are more desperate than ever and as you can see are only able to pull off little stunts such as Colorado and a few other trivial pursuits. We do not discount the unfortunate loss of life from these events but these games that they play are akin to the puppeteer becoming its own puppet and that is what is now happening with them and the time is upon us to be ready to assist.We have been assured that each one of you will play an important role when the time comes and there is nothing you will need to do, for it will be intuitive.
Pat: I am new to these communications and this sounds great however to give hope and have it dash is disheartening. Everybody has heard the word ‘soon’ from what I have seen for years and even though ‘soon’ was not used in this communication with you it seems implied.
Lona: Know that all the work, all the thoughts, all the meditation of all of those whom have placed themselves at the forefront and placed themselves in danger for this time have done so knowing that your day is coming where you will be able to be at peace, to be comfortable in your own skins and to have worry dissipate. The decree has been activated. Those individuals at the forefront intuitively know this and we encourage the rest of you working behind the scenes in the light to feel this within your being as well.
Pat: I enjoy imparting feelings of love and hope more than anything, but for the last day I have felt You and Rai excitedly tug at me to come and communicate and I apologize as I get caught up in earning that money thing and making arrangements for the care of my son while I am working as it is summer, buying food and all of the other things of a day in the life. But ships being on the ready and things like that are not what I expect to come from our communications. It is also interesting that I can see both of you while communicating with you as if you are right in front of me. Your features, hair color, etc.
Lona: You are with us in our moments of communication in these moments of the now and we will explain inmore detail how this can be in a later discussion. However, there are those that can place themselves or an essence of themselves in another location while their physical body is in another location while experiencing no sense of separation and this is, in a general way, how you are able to perform this experience. This is one aspect and a part of the ascension process for your particular experience.
Some experience more telepathy, some more healing and some more joy than they have before, among other aspects.
We will depart at this point as we know you have plans with your son today and please allow each and every one, not just your new friends, to grow at their own pace as is appropriate for that individual. Please hug your son for us and we will be back again, and as we are allowed to release a little more information, we shall.
We would like to share our world with you and our wonderful life we experience here within our beloved planet Gaia, how our learning is imparted on our young and how we are always spiritually growing. We will be honored to share this with you. Perhaps you would enjoy this experience in communication if we do not meet beforehand.
Pat:My son is wondering why we are not leaving the house, we must go too. I love you both.
Patrick Sullivan
PRI figure reported arrested with Mexican drug lord's cousin | The Galactic Free Press
The Los Angeles Times
August, 2012MEXICO CITY -- The Mexican press was having a field day Friday with reports from Spain that a cousin of one of the world's most powerful drug lords was arrested in Madrid along with a politician with the party of President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto.
The arrested politician, Rafael Celaya Valenzuela, was a mid-level figure in the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the state of Sonora. Newspapers were quick to publish on their websites photographs that Celaya had posted on his Facebook page, showing him with Peña Nieto.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Op-Ed: UFO Cover-up — US Govt Exposed in 2012 Documentary 'Sirius' | The Galactic Free Press
GFP Note: It's interesting that this story is buried under the category, "Environment."
Digital Journal
By Mindy Allan
Aug 10, 2012
Dr. Steven Greer and filmmaker Arm Kaleka are taking a bold step to expose the alleged U.S. Government cover-up of UFOs & evidence of contact with aliens. The documentary "Sirius" uncovers lies by the U.S. government to hide contacts with aliens.Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, whose 2001 conference at the National Press Club was filled with reporters and more than 100 other contactees offering first person eyewitness testimony about their so-called "close encounters."
To read the rest of this story and see the video, visit
We need the assistance of all Lightworkers… We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love | The Galactic Free Press
Message from The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012, through Amuna Ra… “”
Posted on 2012/08/11
[UPDATE 1810 HST: I was searching and searching, as I knew there was a reference to "Tomorrow is the Day" here. Finally I read the first paragraph, and it says this:
"We wish to show ourselves tomorrow if the conditions are favourable, and we wish you all to prepare to meet us within your beings."
So there you have it. I suggest holding all of this in the Light. And not setting conditions on any of it. Note: the London Olympics closing ceremony begins tomorrow at 2000 UTC, 1600 EDT, 1000 HST]
This piece came in just now, sent to me from Maria Luisa Vasconcellos (Mike Quinsey’s co-worker of SaLuSa and Light). I’ve never seen this website or this channeler. And I am not posting it to “make it viral”.
I am posting it because I felt extremely drawn to the message here, and felt that it aligns very closely with what has been coming through several others recently (specifically GaiaPortal (“All Light-aligned beings come together as barriers have been released”), Cobra (“Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil… we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks.”), and SaLuSa (“…there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys…”)), and myself (“We are here to rise up. And that means “UP”.”), about our inner relationship to “the Galactics”. And in the “knowing” that any who are with us at this moment on the planet, are here to help us, and to be part of our Ascension process.
We are NOT talking about blindly trusting some “divine gurus” or some “fearless leaders” who intend to lead us like drones to wherever they want us to go. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about trusting some kind of crazed group of reptilians or greys that intend to enslave us all, all over again. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about continually tuning in to those internet websites and messages and messengers who keep trying to fill minds with fear about the changes taking place on this planet. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about losing who WE are by following someone else’ dreams or visions as if they should be our own. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.
This message is about placing our trust WITH those whose intent aligns with ours, collectively, as “awake and aware of the Galactic citizens that we are” Beings (capital “B”). And sending the collective intent for Ascension as an Awakened Planet of Awakened Beings, aware of their Galactic Citizenship, out into the Universe.
THAT paradigm is here… NOW.
- We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.
- Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage.
- Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity.
- We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now…
- Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you.
- Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible.
[From Amuna Ra]: At 2pm on Saturday 11 August, I asked: Do you have anything you wish to transmit to me right now? I received this heartfelt plea – please share it!
Oh Amuna Ra, we do. We wish you to post this message on the websites for all to see and share. Tonight we come close to you as we have said. We wish to show ourselves tomorrow if the conditions are favourable, and we wish you all to prepare to meet us within your beings. Meditate and pray for our favourable reception and welcome, dear ones, for we need your help. We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.
Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage. We know that some of you are losing heart when we are not able to come at the time you expected, and we say to you that your trust is much needed, dear ones, for you are unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes. We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love.
Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity. Your timescales are not the same as ours, and yet with the opening portals the gaps are narrowing. You will become more used to how time is warping and apparently shrinking. You will become more used to how you need to maintain a flexible and fluid trust in our goodwill and support us unwaveringly in our work, even when you do not see it with your eyes.
We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now, and all must unite in unity consciousness with us. We are now completely within the atmosphere of the earth, breathing along with Gaia, and we wish to breathe along with you in all consciousness, dear Lightworkers! Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you. Your consciousness makes a very big difference to the frequency of the earth, for every vibration which emanates from you affects the whole. Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible. Then we may be welcomed when we are able to reveal ourselves to your planet Earth.
Our gratitude to you, dear ones, in advance for your help.
The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012
Arrest of 4 Mexican Generals linked to downed CIA drug plane | The Galactic Free Press
MadCow Morning News
Posted on August 9, 2012 by Daniel Hopsicker
The investigation and recent arrest of four prominent Generals in the Mexican Army on charges of protecting cocaine flights for Mexican drug cartels began with a series of seismic shifts in the drug trade that were set in motion more than five years ago by two American-registered planes from St Petersburg Florida —a DC9 airliner (N900SA) and a Gulfstream business jet(N987SA)—caught carrying almost 10 tens of cocaine on Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula.
The four Generals, one of whom held the second highest position in the Defense Ministry, were caught up in an investigation which began after two drug traffickers agreed to cooperate with authorities.
To read the rest of this story, visit
Serbia: Arrests made for massive bank fraud | The Galactic Free Press
last update: August 09, 15:23
Belgrade, 9 Aug. (AKI) - In crackdown on organized crime, Serbian police arrested eight people for defrauding a bank of some 300 million euros, local media reported.
Among the arrested was Dusan Antonic, former director of the Belgrade Agrobanka bank and seven of his aides. But special prosecutor for organized crime Miljko Radisavljevic said it was “just the beginning” and more arrests would follow.
Antonic was arrested at border crossing with Bosnia Wednesday evening trying to escape. Only a day before he told Belgrade television he had nothing to fear and would cooperate with investigators.
He and the bank management were suspected of giving loans to companies owned by their relatives with inadequate collateral, causing losing 300 million euros.Police minister Aleksandar Vucic told reporters it was a well organized network with links to politicians and powerful tycoons, but he vowed no one would be spared regardless of political connections.
A new government has promised to combat widespread corruption and organized crime.“This operation is much more important than it looks at first glance,” Vucic said. “Pandoras box has just been opened and there will be names of many well-known people involved,” he added.
The central bank revoked Agrobanka's license in May after discovering irregularities, but new finance minister Mladjan Dinkic told media it was unthinkable that the bank reacted only after the election.
“It is impossible that they didn’t know earlier what was going on,” Dinkic said, calling for a thorough investigation.