Dinar RV SWIFT Notice 14.38 – Prosperity Packages Wow
Robert Hender ' R J '
Mon, Mar 19, 2012
Subject: Dinar RV Imminent – SWIFT Verified
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Dinar Warning – Imminent RVYou Wanted a Warning, on the Dinar RV
A 70min Conference Call is posted below. I have heard the whole call and the following comments are from my 4 pages of notes. HammerMan, Blaino, Georgia Boy, Adelle and a few sources that need their identies protected came together on Saturday March 17th to release these IQD details. Some of these people promised to warn you when the Dinar RV was imminent… Well…
{cke_protected}{C}{cke_protected}{C}By now, chances are the Iraq Dinar has veen ReValued. It aappears that not everyone is announcing the Dinar RV details. Many people have no idea that currencies around the world are being RV'd.
Beginning March 13th HammerMan and others began to see new intelligence on a new SWIFT signature code. It appears that Wells Fargo Banks in at least 6 states have been notified that the Dinar RV is complete. It appears that 2 prices are shown in the SWIFT. The sell price & the purchase price for IQD's in the USA are at $12.86 and $14.38
Not all of the details have been nailed down yet. As quickly as more details come in, then further intel will be released.
Recently CNBC did an article on several countries that were about to Re-Set their currencies. Go ahead and look it up. For some time now the IMF ran out of lendable currency. There are worl wide ramifications as the Iraq Dinar is RV'd.
In the first place, if you are going to purchase IQD's don't spend money that you can't afford to lose. Make sure that you pay your bills and debts.
As many countries will be re-setting the value of their currency it appears that their value will be based upon the natural resources in each country. Currently it appears that in China you can get $29 per Dinar, in the USA it's $14.38, in Canada it's set at $7 per Dinar and in Mexico the rate looks to be at $2 per IQD.
Taxes may be calculated in to these IQD exchange rates, but we're not sure.
Will the debt in every country be nulified? We're not sure.
Since the Bank of America has become the collector for the Treasury it ispossible that after everyone in America has turned in their Dinar then they maybe destroyed in exchange for credtis for oil.
There are a few things which have impact on this Dinar RV. 1 – American troops did all the heavy lifting in the 2 Gulf Wars, our manpower and equip andmoney we used to go into Kuwait and then Iraq. 2 – China purchased our debt and made it possible to help bring some sort of freedom to Kuwait and Iraq. 3 – China has forgiven Iraq of their debt. 4 – China is making it possible, with monetary liquidity to make the Global Settlements happen. 5 – China has had their eyes on Iraq's oil and Sadam tried to block China's interest…
According to Blaino's Banking source, some banks across America have received careful files which spell out the regulations and distribution details for the Prosperity Packages.
Positive Expectancy is the best we can do until we have literally exchanged our Dinar for federal reserve notes or treasury dollars.
There is still more that we don't know than what we do know about this RV. Before us is a potential to recover currencies around the world. The details are very complicated. In America our treasury dollar will most likely be backed byall the assets of our country.
This Global Re-Set is coming. The Dinar RV is imminent… Keep watching!
Be Free, Robert Hender, R J
Please, read and print a copy of the "bank policies required" and have a copy for every bank that you will be handling your "asset" backed currency — as I have stated for 40 years: "We have to choices, become educated on what is "money" or go "broke" — the choice is yours!"
More to the TAG accounts than meets the eye. TAG: “Transaction Account Guarantee"
OK for circulation. (from Dr. Ed in Texas) posted at PTR
A link to the Dodd-Frank bank instructions is further down in this note.
Sample US Treasury bills are also at the bottom.Friends:
There’s more to the TAG accounts than meets the eye. TAG: “Transaction Account Guarantee”Superficial chatter says that you should just ask for your Dinar deposits to be placed in a no-interest bearing account. Then your funds will be insured with no upper limit. The FDIC will not be the insurer but because of the Dodd-Frank bill you will be insured fully through the end of this year – or maybe for the 12 months following the Re-valuation date.
But, Heads up:
Unless the bank has actually set up and is compliant with the TAG account instructions, you may be harmed in several ways.None of my local banks had heard of the rules for becoming compliant with the Dodd-Frank instructions. I printed out copies of the instructions (13 pages) and handed it to the bank VPs which they cheerfully received, promising that their lawyers would read it and get ready to support TAG accounts.
There is a basis for this strange TAG requirement (or suggestion). It may help if you understand the basis for the Dodd-Frank Bill and the TAG account option.
Your Dinar payouts were and are supposed to be in gold or metals-backed currency. That’s especially true for Dinar holders because the Dinar you hold is backed by gold, oil, and minerals.
It’s fool-hardy to convert the world’s most valuable and stable currency into US dollars that sink in value almost every day. Dollars are announced to be DEVALUED another 40% within 30 to 60 days after the RV.
I mentioned Dinar as being stable. Yes. Monthly violence in all of Iraq is far less that that of single US cities like Washington DC or Los Angeles. TV news channels amplify and selectively choose what we are allowed to see or believe.
So where is the US currency that is metals based? New US Treasury bills are expected to be released to the public perhaps 30 or 60 days after the RV. At that time we will have options for converting our old greenback bills into the new Treasury bills. On the samples (far below) note that the Federal Reserve is not mentioned. The new bills will be issued from the US Treasury (we expect). The 99 year agreement between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve ran out sometime in January 2012 (it is claimed).
- Your funds will be assumed to be of US Treasury Bill value later, when and if the new Treasury bills are issued. (metals backed just like the Dinar – good)
- You will have full and immediate access to your funds to buy big items or properties – no rationing, no delays on withdrawals. (good)
- You funds will be insured with no upper limit for the next 9 or 12 months in the event of bank failures, closures, holidays.
- You must not gain any interest on the account (Mandatory Requirement) because banks can only pay interest using current debt-based fiat unstable old US currency.
- You cannot take funds from any other source and deposit them into your TAG account. (Maybe DONG payouts are ok – not sure.)So if you thought you could just deposit Dinar payouts into any old checking account that bears no interest, then you haven’t looked through the compliance standards that the bank has to fulfill in getting ready to give you a TAG account. See the link further below.
The legal rules a bank must follow are quite dense and heavy. Details galore. The bank must even have a small sign of a certain size on the wall in the lobby stating with certain words that they provide TAG account services.
Most of you probably envision cashing in at a bank, then wiring some funds from there to other local banks or credit unions. These secondary receiving banks will have to have legitimate TAG accounts if you want the TAG benefits. Upon receiving the incoming bank wire, the bank will have to ask about your source of funds. Your receipt from your original dinar conversion event will be needed in this situation.
So what happens if you just ignore the TAG option. Maybe you were only going to cash in one 25,000 Dinar note. At the rumored rate of $12.36 that single note will produce a deposit of $309,000 – which is just a little over the $250,000 normal FDIC insurance.
Is that anything to worry about? (What? Me worry?)
Later when we all line up at banks to trade in our crumpled greenbacks to get our fresh Metals-based US Treasury notes, we have hints, rumors, and whispers that there will be a 40% to 60% loss of greenback value for everyone around the world that holds greenbacks. US dollars will be devalued – announced and not a theory.When the new Treasury bills are issued,
You will possibly trade in $100 old bills and receive back $60 in new Treasury bills. (40% devaluation of US dollars) Or,
You will possibly trade in $100 old bills and receive back $40 in new Treasury bills. (60% devaluation of US dollars).IF your Dinar deposits are NOT PLACED IN A TAG ACCOUNT, your old $1 million greenback dollars will be converted (in the bank) to $600,000 Treasury Bills (for example) at the 40% devaluation rate – when the new bills are released.
IS THIS SCARY EXAMPLE CLEAR? You cashed in top-value DINAR which was already gold-based, and through negligence (in this example) you lost 40% of your value because you didn’t mandate that your bank set up a TAG account to receive it.
We have been kept in the dark about many things, but Congress saw this situation about to arise. For once, in your favor, the Dodd-Frank bill designed a method by which your Dinar (and possibly Dong) deposits would be treated AS ACTUAL METALS-BASED CURRENCY even though the new Treasury bills won’t be issued until a few months after the RV event. These TAG accounts (if you see the sense of using them) give the US Treasury up to a year to get their Treasury bills distributed.
The trauma of the US and world-wide populations having their old green dollars DEVALUED can be dealt with best a few months AFTER the frantic Dinar conversions.
To appreciate the complexity of the RV happening in 195 nations, consider that the dollar devaluation will affect all those nations WHOSE CURRENCIES ARE ALSO BEING reassigned based on the productivity of each nation.
Summary: To avoid unnecessary diminishment of 40% or more of your funds when the world soon converts to the new US Treasury bills, consider printing out a few copies of the Dodd-Frank instructions and hand carrying a copy to your local bankers who may be unaware.
I found it useful to talk with bank administrators, stating that you are a Dinar holder, and that even though the local bank is not expected to convert your dinar, you intend to wire sizeable funds into your local account AND THAT IT NEEDS TO COME IN TO A Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) ACCOUNT which must conform with the printed instructions at this government link.
Here’s the official government link for the Dodd-Frank PDF document that defines the bank policies required:
http://www.fdic.gov/deposit/deposits/unlimited/faq.pdf Consider printing a copy for the banker(s).FYI: Dr. Ed in Texas
Tags: Basket of Currencies, CNBC Currency ReValuation, Dinar RV, DinarDaddy.com, DinarDetectives.com, HammerMan, IQD RV, IQDNoSpinZone.com, NesaraNews.com, PlanetDinar.com, Prosperity Packages, ReValuation, RV Dinar, Wells Fargo Dinar RV
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Dinar RV SWIFT Notice 14.38 – Prosperity Packages Wow
White Dragon Society…
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White Dragon Society…
A French agent was sent by George Soros, French President Nicholas Sarkozy and other senior Zionists to negotiate with the White Dragon Society. The talks, which lasted for two days, were inconclusive. However, the agent made it clear the European branch of the Zionists truly feared a collapse of the Euro, while their American counterparts are finally beginning to realize they might actually end up in jail. At the same time, their attitude was so haughty it made arrogance seem like a form of humility. They also made many threats but the fact is that they are running scared and they are running out of time.The agent, who was of Japanese ancestry but who spoke French and English better than Japanese, claimed he came from a super-elite of Japanese Jews who represent 1% of the Japanese population. He kept referring to “average people,” pointing to nearby passersby with contempt as if they were almost an inferior species not worth protecting. Of course it is easy to feel superior if you are born into a world of billions of dollars and servants who do everything for you, including think.
The negotiations took place at the same time as George Soros gathered a bunch of the same old Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg hacks for a “Bretton Woods II” conference that was largely ignored. It was largely ignored because this group has proven, with their rapacious actions over the past few decades, that they are not qualified to run the international financial system.
Not only that, they have been using forged documentation to justify their control over the global financial system. Basically, if you ask them who gave them the right to create money out of thin air, they say it is God. If you ask them to prove that God gave it to them, they suddenly get evasive and embarrassed. God created life and the universe, but God did not create the Federal Reserve Board. It was a bunch of greedy oligarchs who did that.
On a more down to earth level, the $1 trillion Neil Keenan lawsuit is finally reaching a crucial stage. People from all over the world have been providing evidence of crimes by the criminal cabal that owns the Washington D.C. corporate government. The constant flow of new information meant extra-legal preparations were needed and that is why the case has been pending for so long.
In a sign people are getting nervous though, last week Bill Clinton, Carl Rove, Tim Geithner, Paul Volcker and Bilderberg Chairman Ettiene D’avignon were among the many luminaries calling about the case.
The main reason for their concern is that the plaintiffs have now gotten their hands of a book of codes, together with screen shots confirming their validity, that show all major financial transactions of the past 30 years. This means the lawsuit will be able to prove such things as that Al Qaeda and the Pentagon are being financed by the same people.
The military allies of the White Dragon Society, for their part, are seriously considering putting the 1 million or so American Satanists into the Fema camps that were being prepared for American Christians.
The Gnostics, meanwhile, who chased the US military out of Libya and Kosovo, say they have now once again planted a suitcase nuclear bomb near BIS headquarters in Switzerland. They say that unless the financial elite agree to start a meritocratic system of governance over finance that they will “turn all the gold in Swiss vaults into nuclear waste.” These are dangerous people but we have confirmed from multiple intelligence agency sources that they have serious capabilities.
Their more moderate faction is waiting for the right timing to hand over to Wikileaks a set of intercepted e-mails so explosive that “they will topple most Western governments.”
What the megalomaniac financial elite need to realize is that the men with the guns and the senior civil servants and other top intellectuals who were not part of the inbred elite are now awake, aware and angry. They are not going to be lulled back to sleep this time.
The White Dragon Society and its allies have made certain conditions very clear. First of all a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction needs to be fully and immediately financed. Second, the monopoly over the creation and secret distribution of fiat currency by an inbred, self-selected elite, had to end. Third, the world needs a South African style truth and reconciliation commission in order to put an end to the fabric of lies that has been woven around much of humanity. Only then will amnesty be granted and a jubilee (the one-off elimination of all debts both public and private) take place.
The brainwashed portion of humanity is going to have to be told the truth in easy to understand, verifiable stages. As many have said, at first they will be angry but then they will be ecstatic.
Once this has happened, rational negotiations will be needed in order to totally revamp the unfair international regulations and institutions created after World War 2. Only then will humanity will be free at last to develop its full potential.
Original Blog Link:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4kESazoY5_0J:mysteryoftheinquity.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/white-dragon-society/+white+dragon+society&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
Listen to David Wilcocks Interview with Benjamin Fulford explaining how the Illuminati, or the "dark cabal" has been beat, and the 2 earthquakes in August here in the US were nuclear devices that wiped out two NWO underground bases, with close to 60,000 people killed.
MP3 on his site:
http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/ ... roundbases
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So, what's the hidden agenda of the White Dragon Society?
Or am I being too conpirationalistic?
."You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on."
- Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar
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Benjamin "I got a Alien fetus on my spine" Fulford
and David wil-COCK ...LMAO, pure disinfo .
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ironlikealion wrote:Benjamin "I got a Alien fetus on my spine" Fulford
and David wil-COCK ...LMAO, pure disinfo .
he never said it was an alien fetus, get your facts straight
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Both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford frequently say that they are only providing vague details, and there is much more they know but are not allowed to elucidate because of the sensitivity of these issues. Loose lips sink ships. I've been following the dramatic saga of these "Royal" miscreants for a couple of decades. The commoners will be a lot more than pissed off, they will want blood. The Guillotine will come back in style once again. But really, at first, the commoners will be shocked senseless. These "Royal" miscreants started world wars, and planned genocides to satisfy their agenda. They think of the commoners as Chattel, or Human Cattle, if you are not familiar with that term. They think of us as livestock. This situation has been going on for centuries. In the mid 1990's there was a breaking point, where everything changed, and since then various factions of these Illumi-Nazis have been fighting each other for world control. This is generally good for the commoners, in that we are not so much the target right now. But, you know as soon as one faction gains superiority over the others we are back in their sights...There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The commoners, the great sleeping giant, are awakening. Over the past 3 years we have seen tremendous strides in the awareness level of humanity in general. The information is flowing as never before. Why do you think that there are powerful people trying to sensor the interwebz? There are no editors controlling the interwebz, so the information can not be "sanitized", or censored. This is very, very bad for those who keep secrets, and hold secret agendas. You are witnessing the second American Revolution, and the Neo-Renassance all rolled up into one. This time truth and freedom shall prevail. Its not just this group or that group or them other guys over there, everyone is rising in consciousness, and awareness. We are finally starting to see what the 21st Century is going to be like. Hold on to your hat, its gonna be a wild ride...
Goodwill to All for All is One...
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if only.........
.....LOL.....you couldn't make this sh*t up....
...er....well....you could.......but nobody would believe you....
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nakchopoe wrote:So, what's the hidden agenda of the White Dragon Society?
Or am I being too conpirationalistic?No hidden agenda, they just have more gold then the elites do. China has gold reserves in caves from its ancient emperors still, unlike here in the west where gold was stolen from native people.
China and Asian governments have been invested in real "commodities" in war torn areas of the world, like South Africa, and telling them their "paper money and printing machines" are no good in a commodity based global economy, and their will be no "one world currency".
And people are wakening up around the world with protests against the elites. this is not fantasy anymore.......good times are coming:)
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Fucking hope so.
Listened to the link and he says as early as this fall or as late as next summer so not long before we either sing with joy or debunk with anger.!RIK
"Theres A Storm Coming!"
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Whatever the case may be concerning the validity of this information..
The BIS is the central nervoussystem of the criminal financial system we are all slaves to.
One doesnt come across too many articles mentioning / identifying this element as such - at all even.
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music""All our science measured against reality, is primitive and childlike - and yet, in contemporary consensus,
its the most precious thing we have"Last edited by phaeton on Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:03 pm
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You telling me to get my facts straight ? LOL
Soros funds numerous anti Zionist and anti Israel
organizations ,nothing more ridiculous then calling that
piece of shit Zionist , and that's only the first sentence
in that full of shit article...
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