
Bix Weir ~ Special Alert: Chaos At The Fed New York

Bix Weir ~ Special Alert: Chaos At The Fed New York


Road To Roota | June 29 2012


We are starting to see signs that there is massive chaos at the HUB of market rigging operations- the New York Federal Reserve. With the looming Fed audit vote in mid July, the Fed’s ability to pull rabbits out of their hat to control the US Dollar is wobbling. With the dollar showing signs of instability (an instantaneous .50 drop last night and down 1.22 since yesterday) the Fed is helpless to continue their support operation.

With this in the background it was announced today that the Chief Market Rigger, Brian Sack, who was supposed to retire today is withdrawing his retirement…

Sack Withdraws Resignation, to Remain at NY Fed



NEW YORK (Reuters) – Brian Sack, who oversees the Federal Reserve’s open market actions, and who was to leave the New York Fed bank on Friday, will instead stay on as senior advisor to President William Dudley.


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced on Friday that Sack has withdrawn his resignation and starts the new position June 30. He will no longer be involved with the group that oversees market activities.


There are no accidents anymore. This is the planned destruction of the un-backed fiat monetary system which will destroy the Bad Guys, revive the US Gold Standard and return the US to a Constitutional Republic.


My birthday is next Wednesday (yep- I was born on the 4th of July:) and it’s shaping up to be a real doozy of a firework show!

Stay buckled up.

Bix Weir

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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