I’m taking the liberty of putting the conclusion at the beginning, and if you like you can read to find out exactly how and why this conclusion is reached. ~J
America can never be free until it rescinds Murdoch’s citizenship, strips Murdoch of his holdings in the US, puts him on the “no fly list” and begins criminal investigations for his varied activities, every single one, along with full scale investigations of all his political “contacts” in the US.
Few have done more to make America more endangered, more unlivable, more divided and less free than Rupert Murdoch, the citizen “by act of congress,” his “thralls.”
Espionage and Bribery on the Surface, What is Beneath?
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Veterans TodayMurdoch and Unnamed Job Seeker
Years ago, we were the first to report that Rupert Murdoch was tied to Israeli intelligence. Who would have guessed that the Weizman Institute of Israel, “doing good works” was owned by Murdoch and the Mossad and into corporate espionage and dirty tricks, according to a Haaretz article below.
Prior to that, to Americans at least, his network, Fox News and so much more, few were aware he owned much of the world’s media, was seen as biased, fanatical, war mongering and racist.
What is kept from America is that the parent company, NewsCorp, is assailed around the world for using their “Operations” section, a professional spy organization which includes a specific group of trained assassins, to undermine the free governments of the world.
When politicians begin to look “too hard” at Murdoch, and if Britain’s mainstream news says this, what can the real truth be?
Click Here to continue reading.
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America’s Murdoch Weakness
Rothschild’s Plan for America – thanks to VK
From: Poor Richard’s Blog
U.S.A. Death Knell: Our Fate Has Been Decided
“The American economy is in the grip of what the eminent Harvard Professor Joseph Schumpeter many years ago called, ‘creative destruction.’ “
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Federal Reserve Board
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”
America is dying, inflicted with a fatal, terminal disease. Few understand this. Most citizens are in denial. The glories of yesteryear—the halcyon days of Washington, Jefferson, Audie Murphy, and John Wayne—will return, the die-hard optimists say—”Just you wait and see.”
But these bright-eyed people are wrong. No dreaded disease can be conquered by the misguided patient who fails to realize he is sick and dying. Knowledge leads to victory, and in America today, the people perish for lack of knowledge.
Cut Off From Our Roots
The reason why America is dying is simple. We have been cut off from our roots, including our Christian moorings, our Bill of Rights, and our patriotic heritage. All plants cut off at the roots eventually die, from lack of nutrition. The life force ebbs from their branches and leaves, and their limbs and vines atrophy and dissipate. So, too, do the limbs and constituent parts of nations die when separated from the nurturing substances that give them life.
America’s terminal illness is not an accident of fate. It is a planned event. This is the working out of “Rothschild’s Plan for America,” a plan which I detail at length in my CD/audiotape offering of the same title (Order your copy today by clicking Tape or CD).
The greedy Rothschild is a thief, a global thief, and as Jesus told us, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”
America Battered by “Creative Destruction”
The Illuminati elite are deeply complicit in Rothschild’s thieving and murderous plan. They are willing tools of our destruction. Alan Greenspan, the crafty Jewish financier who served Rothschild and the elite cryptocracy as head of the Federal Reserve banking cartel during the administrations of both Presidents Bush (the younger George W. and the elder George H. W.) as well as President Clinton, significantly helped in the fulfillment of this heinous plot. Interestingly, Greg Kaza, in Chronicles journal (Jan. 2010), notes that Greenspan referred to America’s diminishing status twelve times during his reign as Fed Chairman, each time using the carefully crafted catch-phrase “creative destruction” first invented by Harvard’s economist, Joseph Schumpeter, in his 1942 book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.
Joseph Schumpeter’s book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, proposes that America be transformed through a process of “creative destruction.”
Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve.
It was Greenspan and his cronies-in-crime, Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, who oversaw the massive “credit bubble” brought on by the repeal of the depression era Glass-Steagall Act. This ingenious bit of Rothschild-generated treachery enabled the huge multinational banks and institutions (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lazard, Bank of America, AIG, et al) to create and pocket trillions of dollars of instant cash in the form of shadowy mortgage debt swaps and derivatives. Whack! In one fell swoop the Jewish and Israeli bankers harvested a bonanza and profit windfall, while the unsuspecting American worker was abruptly and violently sucked down the vortex of the banking toilet and into a cesspool of financial despair and panic.
All this mess was foreknown by Rothschild and associates. After all, they engineered it. It’s a masterful part of the classic process of Hegelian dialecticism played out, pitting the two great opposing forces of social progress, Capitalism and Communism, against each other in a devastating contest of efficiency and will.
Barack Obama Created For This Time
Barack Obama was created for just such a time as this. He will go down in history as the Great Hero who put the final touches on Rothschild’s diabolical Master Plan—the leader who put the nails in the coffin of Capitalism while enhancing the efficiency of the Big Brother Police State. The end result of this contest—the historical tug of war betweenCapitalism and Communism, the synthesis that is going to occur after all the blood is shed and society undergoes a drenching, stormy downpour of consummate evil—is that an entire new system of government, social life, and culture will be installed. Already, if we look clear-mindedly and objectively at the grotesque future that even now is pulling up at our doorsteps, we can make out the dim lines of the horror that shall shortly confront us.
Neither classic, pure Capitalism nor the Marxist/Leninist system of Communism is acceptable to the elite. Capitalism, therefore, is being quickly discarded, and Communism, having abjectly failed, is also thrown out. From, however, the rotting carcasses of these two outmoded systems, Capitalism and Communism, Rothschild and his associates are now ushering in a ruthlessly barbaric system for which I have coined the descriptive catch-word, Zio-Mammonism. It means the smashing of individual rights, the exaltation of Jewish supremacism, and the triumph of crass materialism (Mammon) over spiritual principles. Rothschild’s Plan for America will vault our once great nation to the very pinnacle of greed, hatred, and narcissism.
Lord Jacob Rothschild (left), his son Nathaniel (above), and other members of the Rothschild Dynasty have a Plan for America.
America Being Torn Down and Rebuilt
Greenspan, in a September 4, 1998 speech at the University of California, Berkley, informed his audience that the traditional American way, the now discredited Capitalism, is “being torn down and rebuilt.” On December 4, 2008, another of the establishment’s favored pied-piper spokesmen, columnist George Will, wrote that Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” was underway, with the economy necessarily “losing tens of millions of jobs.” Both Mr. Greenspan and Mr. Will are big cheerleaders for the debilitating process of creative destruction.
Even conservative columnist Thomas Sowell, an avid supporter of the Rothschild/Limbaugh/Reagan/Bush/Cheney/Rockefeller Free Trade agenda, joined in this historically corrupt quest for economic pick-pocketing, writing on December 17, 2008, that “creative destruction”—a good thing, he insists—means that American automakers and other manufacturers will just have to die and be replaced, having “outlived their usefulness.”
What of the millions of American workers left destitute? So what, say the “creative destruction” wrecking crew. “All’s well that ends well.”
But, just how will it all end? What is the end-game of this destructive process? The often overlooked fact is that Schumpeter was a Marxist! And he, like Marx, foresaw the end of Capitalism and its replacement. The dialectical process would continue: evolution and revolution would eventually see to the demise of both Capitalism and it’s opposite, Communism.
Everything Must Change
But—and this is vital and important—it is not only the economy of America that is “being torn down and rebuilt.” Zio-Mammonism, the new social system now being implemented as our nation is “rebuilt,” requires that our Christian values must go, our morality and ethical systems must be deep-sixed, our whole way of life must be gutted. Satanism is the ultimate endgame. Satanism is slated to rise triumphant, like the fabled Phoenix rising from the embers and ashes of a consuming fire.
To insure this satanic end-victory, everything must change. The Washington-Jeffersonian constitutional model is abandoned, the Rothschild-Zionist Plan is installed and made operative. Hell on earth must be created. Death must be served.
No More Bridges to the Past
Bill Clinton saw it coming. He understood the vision. In 1996, the murderously lying and conniving adulterer Clinton told America, “We do not need a bridge to the past, we need to build a bridge to the future.”
So the links to the past were jettisoned, and the bridge to the future was built, and now this bridge to the future is in its final stages of construction. Soon comes the ribbon-cutting and then… No more heritage, no more yesterday, no more past. It all goes into the Orwellian black hole of ancient history. Thus, we can see why Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 1992 Democratic National Convention motto and anthem was the musical refrain from that witchy group Fleetwood Mac’s hit song, “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow.”
The New Paradigm: Zio-Mammonism
Yes, America is to have a new paradigm, Zio-Mammonism, designed by Jewish rabbinical philosophers and brought about by “creative destruction.” It’s out with the old (the outmoded and valueless U.S. Constitution, Christian truth, freedom and liberty, etc.) and in with the new. Our future will become the numbing, godless insanity of a Talmudic culture ruthlessly guided and policed by Judeo-fascist elitism. Rothschild’s Plan of Zio-Mammonism is being implemented. Only the old-fashioned fuddy-duddies like you and me will resist. The ignorant masses are clueless.
Can we save things? Turn back the clock? I am not sure we can, but we must try. It will be difficult, however, to put the genie back into the bottle. Our future does, indeed, look grim. Satan is grinning, his kingdom is at hand and the deliriously joyful congregation of the Synagogue of Satan is applauding. Storm clouds are gathering. As that famous tune by Bob Dylan so sagely warned us, “It’s a hard rain’s gonna fall.”
One last thought: “The death of America equals the birth of the Jewish Utopia.” Is that what has long been heralded as the “New Order of the Ages?”
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- The Rothschild Manifesto – circa 1840? (jhaines6.wordpress.com)
The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, Which Has Promoted the “Stand Your Ground” Gun Law as a “Model” Bill
The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, Which Has Promoted the “Stand Your Ground” Gun Law as a “Model” Bill
By Brendan Fisher – PR Watch
March 27, 2012
The gun lobby has come under the spotlight for its role in the so-called “Stand Your Ground” or “Shoot First” law that may protect the man who shot and killed seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida — but many other special interests, including household names like Kraft Foods and Wal-Mart, also helped facilitate the spread of these and other laws by funding the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
As Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman highlighted this week in the New York Times, the Center for Media and Democracy’s work exposing ALEC has pierced through the veil of secrecy around how “model” bills like the NRA-conceived “Stand Your Ground”/”Shoot First” bills get approved in closed-door meetings of corporations and politicians and then pushed across the country.
But as CMD has documented through ALECexposed.org, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is not the only special interest that has funded ALEC’s operations over the years. Kraft, Wal-Mart, State Farm, and other well-known corporations are ALEC members and give thousands of dollars a year to ALEC to support its work, sit on its board, have a vote on its task forces, and access lawmakers through ALEC meetings at fancy resorts.
Over 98 percent of ALEC’s annual $7 million budget comes from corporations and sources other than the $50 in annual dues paid by its legislative members. Because ALEC is largely corporate-funded, it is through the financial support of some of the largest companies in the world that ALEC model bills can spread across the country.
CMD has called ALEC a “corporate bill mill” because it facilitates companies like Wal-Mart and special interests like the NRAputting their wish lists in the hands of state legislators and having their desires ratified as model bills to pass in statehouses around the country.
In addition to the Florida bill that ALEC and the NRA call the”Castle Doctrine Act,” ALEC model bills have served as the template for “voter ID” laws that swept the country in 2011, for the “voucher” programs that privatize public education, for anti-environmental bills, anti-immigrant legislation, and for the wave of anti-worker legislation pushed over the past year in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Indiana, and most recently, in Arizona.
ALEC Task Force meetings, where model bills are initially approved, are closed to the press and public, but corporations and ideological special interests like the Wal-Mart “have a VOICE and a VOTE,” in the words of ALEC, with elected officials.
Not only do corporate representatives have a vote on model legislation alongside legislators on ALEC task forces, some companies also provide gifts to the ALEC “scholarship” fund for elected officials to attend ALEC meetings at resorts. Under ALEC’s published bylaws, every state’s legislative co-chair has a “duty” to raise money from ALEC corporations for these trip funds. (CMD has filed a complaint with Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board about how the ALEC scholarships appear to violate state ethics and lobbying laws.)
ALEC boasts of having over 300 corporate members, with almost two dozen corporations sitting on the ALEC Private Enterprise Board. According to ALEC’s published bylaws, this Board meets jointly with its “public sector” board of state legislators.
In addition to the usual suspects like Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil, and Altria/Phillip Morris, corporate members of that board include a variety of businesses whose products are well known. Coca-Cola and computer chip manufacturer Intel both sat on ALEC’s board last year when CMD launched ALECexposed.org and began highlighting the corporations making ALEC’s agenda possible.
Currently, the Board includes mac-and-cheese maker Kraft Foods, the “good neighbor” State Farm, shipping giant UPS, and the global consolidated liquor company Diageo (known for brands like Johnny Walker, Tanqueray, Smirnoff, and Guinness). Verizon’s former lobbyist, Ron Scherbele, is currently ALEC’s Executive Director, after having represented Verizon on the Board for years.
Other ALEC Private Enterprise Board members include telecommunications giant AT&T and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline, along with the drug industry lobby group PhRMA. (PhRMA alsogave over $350,000 to ALEC’s scholarship fund in 2010 alone.)
Wal-Mart is also a member of the ALEC Board, and in 2005 headed the ALEC Task Force that ratified the law that may protect the killer of Trayvon Martin and other unarmed victims. Wal-Mart is also the largest seller of rifles and ammunition in the U.S.
With the launch of ALECexposed.org, CMD, along with the efforts of Color of Change, Common Cause, People for the American Way, Progress Now, and others, began a corporate accountability campaign to hold the corporate leaders of ALEC accountable for legislation resulting from the ALEC bill mill.
Numerous citizens have responded by contacting ALEC corporations, which often try to disavow any responsibility for ALEC bills. Koch Industries has just issued such a claim, despite its long-time leadership role as a member of the ALEC corporate board, and despite having chaired the board in the past. Koch says it opposed an NRA bill in Florida, but at the same time, a Koch representative was sitting on the corporate board of ALEC (and have been for over a decade), and both Koch Industries and the Koch family foundations have been funding ALEC’s operations.
Over this period, ALEC in turn has been elevating an array of gun bills as state “models,” including legislation expanding concealed carry and allowing guns on college campuses as well as the Stand Your Ground/Shoot First/Castle Doctrine bill. And many ALEC legislators have sponsored these bills to become the law in states across the country.
ALEC has boasted repeatedly that nearly a thousand of its bills are introduced each year and 20 percent become law. Corporations like Koch Industries and Wal-Mart have helped make that possible through their long-standing financial support of ALEC.
A list of known ALEC corporations, present and past, can be viewed here.
Send a message to the corporations on the Private Enterprise Board here.
The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, Which Has Promoted the “Stand Your Ground” Gun Law as a “Model” Bill
The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, Which Has Promoted the “Stand Your Ground” Gun Law as a “Model” Bill
By Brendan Fisher – PR Watch
March 27, 2012
The gun lobby has come under the spotlight for its role in the so-called “Stand Your Ground” or “Shoot First” law that may protect the man who shot and killed seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida — but many other special interests, including household names like Kraft Foods and Wal-Mart, also helped facilitate the spread of these and other laws by funding the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
As Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman highlighted this week in the New York Times, the Center for Media and Democracy’s work exposing ALEC has pierced through the veil of secrecy around how “model” bills like the NRA-conceived “Stand Your Ground”/”Shoot First” bills get approved in closed-door meetings of corporations and politicians and then pushed across the country.
But as CMD has documented through ALECexposed.org, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is not the only special interest that has funded ALEC’s operations over the years. Kraft, Wal-Mart, State Farm, and other well-known corporations are ALEC members and give thousands of dollars a year to ALEC to support its work, sit on its board, have a vote on its task forces, and access lawmakers through ALEC meetings at fancy resorts.
Over 98 percent of ALEC’s annual $7 million budget comes from corporations and sources other than the $50 in annual dues paid by its legislative members. Because ALEC is largely corporate-funded, it is through the financial support of some of the largest companies in the world that ALEC model bills can spread across the country.
CMD has called ALEC a “corporate bill mill” because it facilitates companies like Wal-Mart and special interests like the NRAputting their wish lists in the hands of state legislators and having their desires ratified as model bills to pass in statehouses around the country.
In addition to the Florida bill that ALEC and the NRA call the”Castle Doctrine Act,” ALEC model bills have served as the template for “voter ID” laws that swept the country in 2011, for the “voucher” programs that privatize public education, for anti-environmental bills, anti-immigrant legislation, and for the wave of anti-worker legislation pushed over the past year in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Indiana, and most recently, in Arizona.
ALEC Task Force meetings, where model bills are initially approved, are closed to the press and public, but corporations and ideological special interests like the Wal-Mart “have a VOICE and a VOTE,” in the words of ALEC, with elected officials.
Not only do corporate representatives have a vote on model legislation alongside legislators on ALEC task forces, some companies also provide gifts to the ALEC “scholarship” fund for elected officials to attend ALEC meetings at resorts. Under ALEC’s published bylaws, every state’s legislative co-chair has a “duty” to raise money from ALEC corporations for these trip funds. (CMD has filed a complaint with Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board about how the ALEC scholarships appear to violate state ethics and lobbying laws.)
ALEC boasts of having over 300 corporate members, with almost two dozen corporations sitting on the ALEC Private Enterprise Board. According to ALEC’s published bylaws, this Board meets jointly with its “public sector” board of state legislators.
In addition to the usual suspects like Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil, and Altria/Phillip Morris, corporate members of that board include a variety of businesses whose products are well known. Coca-Cola and computer chip manufacturer Intel both sat on ALEC’s board last year when CMD launched ALECexposed.org and began highlighting the corporations making ALEC’s agenda possible.
Currently, the Board includes mac-and-cheese maker Kraft Foods, the “good neighbor” State Farm, shipping giant UPS, and the global consolidated liquor company Diageo (known for brands like Johnny Walker, Tanqueray, Smirnoff, and Guinness). Verizon’s former lobbyist, Ron Scherbele, is currently ALEC’s Executive Director, after having represented Verizon on the Board for years.
Other ALEC Private Enterprise Board members include telecommunications giant AT&T and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline, along with the drug industry lobby group PhRMA. (PhRMA alsogave over $350,000 to ALEC’s scholarship fund in 2010 alone.)
Wal-Mart is also a member of the ALEC Board, and in 2005 headed the ALEC Task Force that ratified the law that may protect the killer of Trayvon Martin and other unarmed victims. Wal-Mart is also the largest seller of rifles and ammunition in the U.S.
With the launch of ALECexposed.org, CMD, along with the efforts of Color of Change, Common Cause, People for the American Way, Progress Now, and others, began a corporate accountability campaign to hold the corporate leaders of ALEC accountable for legislation resulting from the ALEC bill mill.
Numerous citizens have responded by contacting ALEC corporations, which often try to disavow any responsibility for ALEC bills. Koch Industries has just issued such a claim, despite its long-time leadership role as a member of the ALEC corporate board, and despite having chaired the board in the past. Koch says it opposed an NRA bill in Florida, but at the same time, a Koch representative was sitting on the corporate board of ALEC (and have been for over a decade), and both Koch Industries and the Koch family foundations have been funding ALEC’s operations.
Over this period, ALEC in turn has been elevating an array of gun bills as state “models,” including legislation expanding concealed carry and allowing guns on college campuses as well as the Stand Your Ground/Shoot First/Castle Doctrine bill. And many ALEC legislators have sponsored these bills to become the law in states across the country.
ALEC has boasted repeatedly that nearly a thousand of its bills are introduced each year and 20 percent become law. Corporations like Koch Industries and Wal-Mart have helped make that possible through their long-standing financial support of ALEC.
A list of known ALEC corporations, present and past, can be viewed here.
Send a message to the corporations on the Private Enterprise Board here.
Nancy Detweiler: Is It Your Truth, My Truth or The Truth?
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Allow the circle to symbolize Earth humans’ actual brain power. On average, we use only 10% (the red) of our brain power.
Allow the circle to symbolize Earth humans’ potential conscious mind. On average, we are conscious of only 6% (the green) of what our limited brain power usage can make available to us.
Needless to say, Earth humans function at a very low level when we consider our true capacity as human beings made in the image of our Creator God. Why?
The Genesis story explains in symbolic terms. We chose to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned us that if we ate of this fruit, we would surely die. The above graph illustrates the way in which we died—we began to function on a much lower level than we had previously known. We left the paradise of the Garden of Eden in order to experience life on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality—good and evil.
We have journeyed for thousands of years on this plane. The Universal Law—We reap whatsoever we sow—continued to be in effect. Therefore, as we sowed negative karma, we created the necessity of having to return to the plane of duality in order to reap the results of our negative behavior. For eons, we have lived on the wheel of karma—returning again and again until we learned to live lifetimes in which we sowed enough good karma to balance the negative sown in previous incarnations.[i]
Now, in 2012, we come to the end of the cycle of Earth’s plane of duality. This magnificent being, Gaia or Mother Earth, will no longer house the plane of duality.[ii] She has chosen to ascend and once more become a planet on which the Garden of Eden characterizes her existence. We Earth humans have the opportunity to ascend with her to the higher dimensions from which we came. However, the Universal Law of freewill is still in effect.
No one is required to ascend until they wish to do so. Those who do not want to ascend in 2012 will be lovingly taken to another planet within the Cosmos where they can continue to grow and learn on a plane of duality. There is no divine judgment or punishment for choosing not to ascend in 2012. All Earth humans will eventually ascend at the point in time each chooses. The only requirement is that 51% of the negative karma accumulated has been balanced. At that point the individual has crossed the line into being more Light than darkness and the Law of Grace dissolves the remaining negative karma.[iii]
During these remaining 9 months of 2012, Earth humans will be shocked to learn how much we do not know. For that reason, each of us will best manage our own adjustment period by beginning immediately to explore outside our traditional way of thinking. To cling to plane of duality beliefs or doctrines is to stand in your own way and make the rest of this year more difficult for yourself.
Heretofore, we have attempted to live cooperatively on this planet by recognizing that every individual has decided what truth is for him/herself. We frequently use the phrases my truth or your truth. We have decided what truth is for ourselves with the 10% of our brain power that we use and the 6% of our conscious awareness of the life around us. For the most part, we are dead to the far greater life that exists in our cosmos. For this reason, we know little, if any, of The Truth.
In this same manner, all sacred texts and all religions were written or formulated using 10% of our human brain power and 6% of potential human conscious awareness.[iv] We have lived and created our present planetary societies, religions, governments, educational systems, and scientific endeavors with this same very low level of functioning. In comparison to our galactic family’s level of functioning, we are barbaric.
The present turmoil on planet Earth is evidence that Earth humans are coming back to life, resurrecting from the dead. Our conscious awareness is expanding. We are realizing that truths formulated in our dead state come no where near unveiling The Truth of the cosmos in which we live. We have created a god in our own image with the propensity to take revenge, to punish, to require blood sacrifices, to be unpredictable in meting out rewards and punishment, and to go to war and kill entire populations—including women and children. Our present world mirrors the concept of god we have codified within our sacred texts and religions. We have yet to awaken to The Truth that Creator God is Spirit—the Spirit of Unconditional Love.
A God of Unconditional Love can BE nothing else … can THINK nothing else … can DO nothing else … can SEE nothing else. Creator God, omnipresent throughout the Cosmos, is Absolute Unconditional Love. There are no exceptions.
How do we know what we do not know? How do we learn The Truth?
The kingdom of God is within us.
Meditate on the above circle … seek to understand how little of our true selves we use. Allow the circle to symbolize the Cosmos in which “we live and more and have our being” within the loving energy of omnipresent Creator God or the Source of All That Is.
Allow the circle to symbolize who we truly are as child gods of our Heavenly Father/Mother God. We are far greater beings than we suspect. We possess within ourselves all we need to color the entire circle: red to symbolize activation of the remaining 90% of our brain power … green to symbolize expansion of our conscious awareness to the point of acquiring full consciousness. At that point we will have ascended to higher dimensions of existence where we live consciously within the energy of Unconditional Love. Where we, too, offer unconditional love to all others.
The Truth can only be known as we open ourselves to expand into all that we truly are! Then the plane of duality’s your truth and my truth become meaningless. There is only The One Truth that far exceeds any semblance to truth we have formulated on the plane of duality.
The One Truth – We are One With All That Is!
[i] You may learn more about reincarnation/karma at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/how-reincarnation-plays-out-in-life/
[ii] You may learn more about Gaia at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/535/
[iii] You may learn more about the Law of Grace at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/purification-in-preparation-for-ascension/
[iv] You may learn more about the Bible written on the plane of duality at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/the-bible-the-story-of-our-souls-journey-through-the-plane-of-duality-draws-to-a-close/
Koch Brothers, Chamber of Commerce Face Possible Campaign Donation Disclosure After Ruling
David Koch is major funder of independent groups, like Americans for Prosperity, that would be forced to disclose their donors for "electioneering communications" under the District Court's ruling in Van Hollen v. Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Koch Brothers, Chamber of Commerce Face Possible Campaign Donation Disclosure After Ruling
By Paul Blumenthal – Huffington Post
March 30, 2012
WASHINGTON — On Friday evening, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a ruling that could begin the process of revealing the identities of secret donors to groups connected to Karl Rove and the Koch brothers.
The court ruled in Van Hollen v. Federal Election Commission that the FEC rules that restricted campaign donor disclosure are not valid and must be changed to provide for disclosure.
“We are very happy to see the judge got it right,” says Paul Ryan, a lawyer for the Campaign Legal Center, a campaign finance watchdog that was a part of the team challenging the FEC rules.
Those rules state that donors to groups spending money on “electioneering communications,” or advertisements that do not specifically call to elect or defeat a candidate, must only be disclosed if they specifically earmarked their donation to that particular expenditure.
Since few, if any, donors to these groups ever earmark their donation for a specific election expense there was no disclosure.
That FEC rule came in the wake of the 2007 Supreme Court ruling in Wisconsin Right to Life v. FEC. That ruling overturned a ban, instituted by the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law, regarding direct corporate and union contributions to electioneering communications.
Friday’s court ruling could reverse a trend started by the FEC rules, and aggravated by the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, that led to an explosion in undisclosed contributions to electoral efforts. The percentage of independent spending that went undisclosed jumped from 1 percent in 2006 to 43.8 percent in 2010, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Advertisements falling under the rubric of “electioneering communications” include those run against President Barack Obama by the American Energy Alliance and Americans for Prosperity, both non-profits linked to the Koch brothers. All ads run by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are classified as “electioneering communications.”
The ruling would require for the first time that contributions to these groups, and many more, be disclosed.
Crossroads GPS, a non-profit linked to Karl Rove, has run millions of electioneering communications against Obama and Democratic senators this election cycle without disclosing any of their donors.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) challenged these FEC rules in 2011, arguing that the rules preventing disclosure were an unlawful interpretation of the plain language of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law, which mandated disclosure of these donors. Therefore, he said, they should be tossed out by the court.
“This is good news for our democracy and for voters – this victory will compel the FEC to require enhanced disclosures of the funders of campaign-related advertisements,” Van Hollen said in a statement.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson stated Friday in her ruling that, “there is no question that the regulation promulgated by the FEC directly contravenes the Congressional goal of increasing transparency and disclosure in electioneering communications.”
“In sum, the Court finds that Congress spoke plainly, that Congress did not delegate authority to the FEC to narrow the disclosure requirement through agency rulemaking, and that a change in the reach of the statute brought about by a Supreme Court ruling did not render plain language, which is broad enough to cover the new circumstances, to be ambiguous,” the ruling continued.
“The agency cannot unilaterally decide to take on a quintessentially legislative function; if sound policy suggests that the statute needs tailoring in the wake of WRTL or Citizens United, it is up to Congress to do it.”
Fred Wertheimer, the president of campaign finance watchdog group Democracy 21 and another one of the lawyers representing Van Hollen, said in a statement, “Now it is the FEC’s turn to act. Democracy 21 calls on the FEC to conduct an immediate rulemaking procedure. The FEC must get new rules in place promptly to ensure that outside spenders making electioneering communications disclose the donors funding these campaign related expenditures.”
While the ruling unambiguously states that the FEC’s rules on electioneering communications are in contravention of congressional intent and should be invalidated, the next step remains murky.
“If this ruling stood and this was the end of it, we’d have much more disclosure,” explained University of California-Irvine law professor Rick Hasen. “I don’t think that this is going to be the end of it.”
On his Election Law Blog, Hasen laid out five possibilities of what could transpire in the wake of this decision, including the FEC immediately writing new, appropriate rules or an appeal from the FEC, prolonging the court challenge. The FEC requires four votes from its six commissioners to appeal a decision.
“This is a good day for those who want to shine light on who’s funding our elections,” Hasen said. “These things are years in the making. People who think that this is going to solve all the problems immediately are probably going to be disappointed.”
The efforts by the Van Hollen team will also continue, according to the statement from Wertheimer. He explained that the legal team will now consult on “a potential second lawsuit challenging the FEC disclosure regulations that have gutted the contribution disclosure requirements for outside groups making independent expenditures.”
Independent expenditures are election expenses that do call for the election or defeat of a candidate. This type of spending is what corporations and unions were freed to spend money on in the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.
Dave Schmidt: Building Unity
Steve: Dave is one of the co-founders of the Lightworkers Fund/Hope Chest. Dave was formerly a Washington state senator, minister, financier, and army reservist. There isn’t much he hasn’t done and, as he says, he’s distinctly from “the other side of the aisle”! If we can live together and love each other, anyone can!
As a child growing up I lived in a unique setting. It was a small town in Oregon of less than 4000 people, founded by a religious community in the late 1800’s and attracted all kinds of churches. There was always this rumor floating around of a national magazine doing an article on our unique little community.
Interview with Dave Schmidt and Steve Beckow. The first part of the show (first hour) is mainly biographical; the second part is more of a discussion of issues.
(It takes fifteen seconds for the audiofile to load and begin.)
In the early 1960’s we had the highest juvenile delinquency rate per capita in the state of Oregon while we also had the largest number of churches per capita of almost anywhere in America. Population of less than 4000 and 32 churches. You can do the math, one church for about every 125 residents which included children and babies.
Talk about diversity, we had it. And wow, did it show up in the public schools on Monday. Most of the recess and lunch time seemed to be kids arguing about who was right about their Sunday school and church experience.
Division, hatred, fights, you name it. Somewhere along the way someone would sprinkle in a little bit about God is love. But that always seemed to take a back seat to arguing about doctrine and what you could or could not do, our church is right and you are wrong, please do not try to convince me otherwise, etc. When you had 32 churches of all kinds of different denominations, well, you can imagine what it leads to.
Then if it wasn’t about religion and for those not attending church, it revolved around politics. Who was right? Why don’t they solve this problem my way? If it wasn’t for those damned Democrats things would be much better or if those Republicans had a little more compassion we could all get along.
Now we can see why our parents or some other so called wise adults would say we were never to talk about religion or politics in our homes. In other words, zip your lip when it comes to things that create division, anger, hatred and animosity in your community. We just all want to get along.
Well, I guess I didn’t do a very good job of listening to my parents, for most of my professional career has been around religion and politics. I spent 12 years in church ministry with a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies and 20 years in politics ending up being a State Senator in WA State.
What did I discover? These are what I call arenas of passion. These are the two biggest areas that generate thoughts and ideas of passion and drama within our collective communities. If we as a human race are to move into a collective consciousness of oneness we’ll need to heal our thoughts and ideas about religion and politics.
It’s so easy to migrate to groups that think and believe as we do. We think we’re developing oneness when our small group meets and discusses things in common. But how do they react when a group discussing new age and awareness issues is infiltrated by a conservative Christian who endorses and believes in Republican politics?
Issues of passion develop thoughts and feelings of passion and drama within us. When I first entered the legislature I experienced this huge wall of separation called “the aisle.” We would use the term to describe others as being from the “other side of the aisle.” Republicans vs. Democrats, Majority vs. the Minority, power vs. weakness, being in control or being controlled, it was all about division and separation.
I experienced and witnessed the ego at work, always wanting to create and divide around issues of passion. Our egos loved this environment as they would feed off the negative energy that such circumstances would generate.
Toward the end of my first term I began to realize that this division and separation was not working. I was taught to love my neighbor as myself, and that had to include my fellow politician from “across the aisle.” I worked at separating the individual from their view or position on an issue. I worked at loving them even when they were so different from me. It took a while, but soon I had become a Republican who could love them and have some wonderful Democrats as close friends.
Now I must admit, my background makes me somewhat an oddity in this community. This 2012 Scenario group is comprised mostly of new age or awareness thinkers who would see them themselves leaning much more to Democrat values vs. those of Republicans.
Steve Beckow and I come from diametrically different backgrounds. Yet, I have an ever growing love for him. I have the privilege of calling him more than a friend, but a close brother as we are moving into unity in community.
If I as a former conservative Christian pastor and Republican politician can make the transition to put love before issues, to put unity before myself, to surrender to a higher consciousness and love those so different than me, so can you. It’s time for us to make unity in community more than just talk, but to lead the way by stepping out of our comfort zones. My challenge to you is to find someone who is very different than you and make them your friend. Allow yourself to experience love that goes beyond the surface.
I’m still working on my transition, but I can say I’ve learned how to look beyond the issues and give love to the person. When you experience the bliss and satisfaction of love that comes from Spirit, you realize that issues creating division and separation are mostly petty little ego thoughts that need to be released and healed.
Love truly is all we need.
Bank Of America CEO Gets $7.5 Million Pay Package After The Bank Lost More Than Half Its Stock Value
Pat Garofalo | Nation Of Change | March 30 2010
The Wall Street Journal noted this week that that CEO pay lagged behind profits and productivity last year, mirroring a trend that has been occurring with workers’ wages for decades. But even that slight modicum of moderation regarding executive compensation evidently didn’t extend to Bank of America, which gave CEO Brian Moynihan a $7.5 million pay package — six times as much as he made in 2010 — following a year in which the company’s stock plummeted:
Bank of America gave its CEO a pay package worth $7.5 million last year, six times as large as the year before. It happened while the company’s stock lost more than half its value and the bank lost its claim as the biggest in the country.
The package for CEO Brian Moynihan included a salary of $950,000, a $6.1 million stock award and about $420,000 worth of use of company aircraft and tax and financial advice.
For those keeping score, Bank of America’s stock dropped 58 percent in 2011 and the bank surrendered its title as the nation’s largest to JP Morgan Chase. A good chunk of the stock award was actually given to Moynihan for the bank’s 2010 performance, when it lost money.
In addition to seeing its stock tank, Bank of America has also been, according to a whistleblower suit, intentionally blocking troubled homeowners from receiving mortgage aid. The whistleblower alleges that BofA misled borrowers about their eligibility for federal mortgage aid programs and that “the bank and its agents routinely pretended to have lost homeowners’ documents.” (But remember, Bank of America will modify your mortgage as long as you erase all the mean things you’ve been saying about it on Twitter.)
BofA has also been tied up in the foreclosure fraud scandal, and just a few months ago paid $335 million to settle charges that its subsidiary discriminated against minorities in its lending. If this is how much Moynihan gets after that sort of year, what will he receive if the bank actually has a good one?
This article was published at Nation of Change. All rights are reserved.
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- Bank Of America CEO Gets $7.5 Million Pay Package After The Bank Lost More Than Half Its Stock Value (thinkprogress.org)
- Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan’s 2011 pay quadruples (mercurynews.com)
- Bank of America Chief’s Pay Jumps to $8.1 Million (dealbook.nytimes.com)