I feel the need to say a bit more following my article on Assad and Ghaddafi, (1) based on your emails.
It’s a kind of convention that we follow that we look to certain sources – commentators, insiders, lightworkers – for material upon which to base our own world view. We’re always going to do that. I don’t say that the impulse is mistaken. I love listening to Jesus, Archangel Michael, SaLuSa, Matthew Ward. Others love listening to whomever they resonate with.
Listening to someone is one of the ways we gather the information that shows us the way forward in this everlasting-learning experience we call life, that culminates with our realization of our true identity as the Divine. We grow and grow and grow, expand and expand, and finally break free of all chains and see who we always were.
But certain things are incumbent on us as we listen, I believe. One is to evaluate the level at which commentary is pitched. So to say that Assad is right and the U.S. is wrong, for instance, misses the point for me. The discussion is pitched at a dualistic level. It isn’t for me a question of whether a dictator is right and a diabolical agency like the CIA is wrong or vice versa. It’s a question that all social institutions which oppress the people must go. None of them can stand in a world that is bound for individual sovereignty.
Approaching the matter from a viewpoint that takes one side or the other is a feature of polarity. Even though I’m not offering myself as very advanced in unitive thinking (undoubtedly I’m not), I still want to approach the matter from the holistic or unitive point of view. Supporting one dictatorial regime and opposing another will no longer work. All dictatorship must go.
And the second point is that I’d like to caution us against simply adopting a viewpoint holus bolus and then becoming close-minded from that point on. We need a finer brush than that. To form an opinion and then shut our minds down turns us into lemmings. We all then follow the herd right over the cliff. And it doesn’t matter for me that the viewpoint we’re following is a “lightworker” viewpoint. There are many lightworkers who behave as lemmings – the “lock and load” militia are an example. They’re fighting for freedom and lynching a cabalist in the name of freedom is just giving the dark ones what they deserve.
The new paradigm is the divine qualities, as far as I know. The divine qualities include freedom, wisdom, reflectiveness. In my opinion, an action taken in the name of a divine quality which proceeds by viciousness or violence cannot stand. It invites karma and comes undone rather rapidly.
And perhaps the last thing to remember, if you’ll permit me to say so, is the need to check out all you hear with the inner voice. The inner voice is our direct connection to our Higher Self. That connection nurtured, we’ll be guided by our angels, our Higher Self, the archangels, whoever sees that we’re listening.
I don’t think we get to hang up our brains, our consciousnesses, and our discernment at the door and simply assume the brains, consciousness and discernment of another. Spiritual evolution does not proceed that way, I think.
We have to do the heavy lifting for ourselves. But for heavens sake, don’t believe me. It’s a matter, like so many others, that you need to decide for yourself.
(1) “Assad, Ghaddafi, CIA, NATO – All of Them will Go,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/assad-ghaddafi-cia-nato-all-of-them-will-go/
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
For Heavens Sake, Don’t Believe Me 2012 July 13
“The Largest Protest the World has ever Seen” in Mexico | The 2012 Scenario
Mainstream Economist: We Might Need to Hang Some Bankers to Stop Criminal Looting - Washington's Blog
Even Nouriel Roubini Says We Need to Jail or Hang Some Bankers
Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz – and many other experts – have said nothing will change unless dishonest bankers are jailed.
Former trader Max Keiser has been calling for years for crooked bankers to be hanged, to send a message that crime won’t be tolerated.
But Nouriel Roubini is a lot more mainstream than Keiser – or even Stiglitz – being very close to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. See this and this.
Roubini told Bloomberg that nothing has changed since the start of the financial crisis, and we might need to throw bankers in jail – or hang them in the streets – before they’ll change:
Nobody has gone to jail since the financial crisis. The banks, they do things that are illegal and at best they slap on them a fine. If some people end up in jail, maybe that will teach a lesson to somebody. Or somebody hanging in the streets.
Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields – FULL VERSION – I can’t wait to watch this! Thanks to L.
Hold onto your hats because this month the wind is going to pick up! This month may resemble the old western movie where the bad guy pulls his guns and shoots at the feet of the nice guy while laughing and says, “Dance, partner, dance!” These past six months have been more about getting our own “world” together, our health, our bank accounts, and our work have been a priority. We may have held off focusing on fun, enjoyment, and romance (or simply had it not showing up for us) until we got our act together in other ways. Well, let’s hope you got it together, or can put it on hold, or forget it for now, as it can be hard to focus and concentrate when relationship issues stir you up to the core.
This month Mars (the god of war) goes into Libra (the sign of partnership) to stir up the passions for good or ill. Both Jupiter and Mars will have moved from the slow, practical, grounded signs into the light, airy, talkative, and changeable air signs. That, along with the Sun moving through the feeling, intuitive, watery sign of Cancer for most of the month, we can take as indicating a time to come out of ourselves and talk, share, and communicate about things other than money, bills, schedules, and work. It is time to get down to “the heart of the matter,” where the possibility of real change, growth, and evolution occur.
For better or for worse (usually worse), it just seems to be human nature that in our desire to maintain peace and harmony in our relationships we stuff and bury some of our deepest needs and desires. Whether for fear that they won’t get met, fear that we will look weak or foolish, or fear that we’ll have to explain/expose ourselves even more, we can tend to just blow it off until later. Don’t mess up the nice dinner out, or date night, wait for the right moment to bring up those deeper issues. Sometime, maybe over the weekend, when you’ll have time to sit and discuss it at length…….. NOT! That’s called procrastination, avoidance, or denial and this month for sure it just won’t work. We can tend to minimize our needs and desires to not put strain on our partnerships for fear they may break.
Well alas, guess what? Here comes July! And it will go down as a month when those little nasty issues that have been laying in wait, that haven’t gone away, need to come up for cleaning, clearing, and kicking out! The suggested way to handle some of these hot items is to try and listen (I know it’s hard) without over-reacting, getting defensive, shouting, and splitting. Particularly from the 8th to the 21st (as Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto), the tendency maybe to throw in the towel rather than wrestle with the compromises expected, demanded, or needed to take that partnership to the next level. It is a time to make tough choices and they will come up suddenly, from out of the blue, and surprise the best laid plans of mice and men (women).
Making some of these conversations even more difficult is the tendency we all have to dream on and pretend things may just go away or disappear if we wait long enough…. Again….. NOT! Perhaps we think that if we just step on the gas and keep the boat moving forward some issues, demands, or disagreements will just be forgotten, left in the wake behind us. The interesting game that we will all be playing this month is to know just when to fight or switch, when to give in and when to walk away, call it choosing the right battles.
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NaturalNews – Monsanto To Pay $7.5 Billion Settlement To Millions Of Brazilian Soy Farmers – 12 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
(NaturalNews) For at least a decade, Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, has been illegally charging Brazilian farmers growing the company’s genetically-modified (GM) crops a two percent tax on production, and a three percent tax for cross-contamination of seed. And according to CorpWatch, the agri-giant could soon have to fork over $7.5 billion in reimbursements to more than five million Brazilian farmers as a result of these blatant crimes.
Oddly enough, Monsanto’s very presence in Brazil was predicated on fraud, as its GM soy seeds were first smuggled into the country illegally back in 1998. Fast forward about 13 years and nearly 75 million acres of arable land in Brazil is now occupied by Monsanto’s GM crops, the vast majority of which constitute Roundup Ready soy.
But the entire Monsanto growing system for GMOs, which prohibits farmers from saving seeds and reusing them the following year — and in this case, requires farmers to pay private taxes directly to Monsanto — is entire against the law in Brazil. Even though former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” Da Silva basically grandfathered-in legalization for Monsanto’s GM crops back in 2005 because they were already being widely grown in the country illegally, Monsanto is still breaking the law by levying taxes against farmers and requiring them to pay royalties.
“The law gives producers the right to multiply the seeds they buy and nowhere in the world is there a requirement to pay (again),” said Jane Berwanger, a lawyer representing the Brazilian farmers in the case, concerning Monsanto’s illegal user fees and taxes. “Producers are in effect paying a private tax on production.”
Back in April, a judge in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, ruled that Monsanto’s user fees were illegal, and ordered the company to not only stop collecting them, but also to begin reimbursing farmers in the state for all fees collected since 2004. This judge also noted that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seed patent has also already expired in Brazil.
Monsanto attempted to appeal this decision, of course, but failed. And as a reward for its arrogance, the Brazilian Supreme Court decided that the Rio Grande Do Sul court’s ultimate ruling, whatever that ends up being, will apply to every farmer throughout the country, and not just in Rio Grande Do Sul.
Monsanto has indicated that it plans to continue illegally collecting fees and charging taxes until the courts issue their final ruling on the matter. This ruling is expected to be issued by 2014.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/036451_Monsanto_Brazil_soy_farmers.html#ixzz20OwBf8Hm