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Unions vs. Scott Walker: Wisconsin Recall Fizzles Posted on May 30, 2012
Source: The Fiscal Times
May 30, 2012Last year, irate union members and Democrats stormed the Wisconsin state Capitalin Madison to protest newly installed Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s bills to strip public employees of many of their collective bargaining rights. Walker claimed his plan imposed higher health care and pension co-pays in order to help balance the state’s budget. Others thought he wanted to break the unions.
A subsequent recall petition collected more than 900,000 signatures, and a seemingly galvanized labor movement and Democratic activists dreamed of toppling Walker and riding the recall to an even bigger victory in the November elections for president, Congress and the state legislature.
But 14 months later, that dream has faded. Now, an energized Walker – backed by a massive campaign war chest and Republican and conservative PAC advertising –appears on the verge of vanquishing his Democratic challenger, Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, in next Tuesday’s closely watched recall election. Walker defeated Barrett in the 2010 governor’s race by a margin of 50-45, and the latest polls show Walker still commanding a similar lead, with only a handful of undecided voters.
Moreover, he drew a huge Republican turnout for last month’s GOP recall primary, although he was virtually unchallenged. “That turnout really suggests that Walker is on to something,” said Arnold Shober, an assistant professor of government at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wis. “There is a substantial amount of energy on his side of the ticket that he can really count on. His tenure has been divisive, but he hasn’t lost support among those people who find that he did the right thing.”
There are a number of explanations for this dramatic turnabout – one that could pose a humiliating setback for organized labor and their Democratic allies, according to interviews and media reports:
Money – Walker’s campaign has outspent Barrett’s organization by nearly 8 to 1, and Republican political action committees have pummeled Barrett with negative advertising portraying him an ineffective mayor. Walker has raised about $31 million since he took office 17 months ago, including $5.9 million in the last five weeks, according to a new report on Tuesday.
Barrett, who was bound to fundraising limits of no more than $10,000 from any one donor, reported $3.4 million over the past five weeks. He raised about $4.2 million since joining the race at the end of March and had $1.5 million cash on hand.
Organization – The Wisconsin Republican Party and the Republican National Committee have been outhustling the Wisconsin Democratic Party, the Democratic Governors Association and the Democratic National Committee in orchestrating grass roots events and identifying and mobilizing Republican voters. The Wisconsin Republican Party and the Republican National Committee have teamed up to make more than 2.5 million calls identifying voters, according to the Washington Post.
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, a former Wisconsin Republican chairman, said the party “has done more work in this state than in any state in the country.” The Democratic National Committee is fundraising directly for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin in an effort to help the turnout, while AFSCME Council 24 Executive Director Mary Beil pledged to mount a grassroots campaign “to counter Walker’s millions from out-of-state billionaires.”
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t Looks Like The Devastating New Virus Ripping Through Iran Was A Joint US-Israel Attack
Michael Kelley
Source: Business Insider
May 31, 2012, 12:45 PM
Security researchers have linked the Flame virus to Israel while U.S. computer security experts say that it bears the hallmarks of the National Security Agency (NSA), according to reports from Nicole Perlroth of The New York Times and Robert Windrem of NBC News.
Flame is a massive program that leaves a backdoor (i.e. Trojan) on computers through which it sucks information from networks by actions that include recording keystrokes, capturing screen images, remotely changing settings on computers, turning every computer into a listening device, and using Bluetooth to gather data from nearby cell phones and tablets.
The 20 megabyte virus was first discovered over the weekend by Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab after a U.N. telecommunications agency asked it to analyze data on malicious software across the Middle East after Iranian reports of a data-wiping virus, according to Reuters.
The highest concentrations of compromised computers were found in Iran, followed by the Palestinian West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Syria and Lebanon. Additional infections have been reported in Hungary, Austria, Russia, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates.
Kaspersky researchers told The New York Times that Flame shares notable features with the Duqu and Stuxnet malware, including exploiting the same flaw in the Windows operating system and that they believe all three viruses were written by the same state-sponsored campaign.
Duqu was a surveillance tool used to copy blueprints of Iran’s nuclear program whereas Stuxnet destroyed roughly a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges by causing them to spin out of control.
Perlroth reports that Kaspersky researchers tracked the working hours of Duqu’s operators, finding that they coincided with Jerusalem local time and were inactive during the Sabbath (i.e. between sundown on Fridays and sundown on Saturdays) when observant Jews typically refrain from secular work.
A January 2011 report in The New York Times revealed that Stuxnet was tested at Dimona (i.e. the supposed headquarters of Israel’s nuclear weapons program) in addition to other ”clues suggesting that the virus was designed as an American-Israeli project to sabotage the Iranian program.”
Cybersecurity experts noted that Flame may have been designed before or at the same time as Duqu (which researchers think was created around August 2007) and Stuxnet (which first appeared in June 2009) because the antivirus maker Webroot first encountered a sample of Flame in December 2007 and Hungarian Laboratory of Cryptography and Systems Security, which first discovered Duqu, told Reuters that Flame may have been active for at least five years and perhaps eight years or more.
ALSO SEE: Former Pentagon Official Says All Chinese Electronics In The US Could Have Built-In Trapdoors >
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RT: Are we there yet? ‘Greek Drachma’ on Bloomberg ticker (PHOTO)
The Bloomberg helpdesk described it as “an internal function which is set up to test.”
The news comes in the wake of the heated discussions over the future of the euro zone and the membership of Greece. While many experts insist that Greece should leave the Euro and default, some suggest it should remain the union and introduce a parallel currency to the Euro to repay the country’s debt.
The Head of the European Investment Bank Werner Hoyer said on Tuesday that Greece will be able to remain a member of the union. “Greece will have the opportunity to solve the huge problems that it is facing. Continuing support from the EU will contribute to this, in case, of course, the very Greeks would want that,” Hoyer said.
And a survey at the weekend showed that Greeks prefer to stick to the Euro and not revert to the old drachma.
The Greek Drachma details have now been taken down from the Bloomberg service.
@russian_@economistmeg / Greek drachma post euro (XGD) shows up on Bloomberg
@russian_market / It’s really weird to see Drachma back on Bloomberg $XGD
RT: Are we there yet? ‘Greek Drachma’ on Bloomberg ticker (PHOTO)
The Bloomberg helpdesk described it as “an internal function which is set up to test.”
The news comes in the wake of the heated discussions over the future of the euro zone and the membership of Greece. While many experts insist that Greece should leave the Euro and default, some suggest it should remain the union and introduce a parallel currency to the Euro to repay the country’s debt.
The Head of the European Investment Bank Werner Hoyer said on Tuesday that Greece will be able to remain a member of the union. “Greece will have the opportunity to solve the huge problems that it is facing. Continuing support from the EU will contribute to this, in case, of course, the very Greeks would want that,” Hoyer said.
And a survey at the weekend showed that Greeks prefer to stick to the Euro and not revert to the old drachma.
The Greek Drachma details have now been taken down from the Bloomberg service.
@russian_@economistmeg / Greek drachma post euro (XGD) shows up on Bloomberg
@russian_market / It’s really weird to see Drachma back on Bloomberg $XGD
Quebecers Lead the Way in the Global Rejection of Voodoo Reaganomics
This is the best article I have read not only on the issues in Quebec – but also their profund relationship to what is occurring now around the globe. In my opinion, it is a MUST READ. ~J
by Anthony Hall
Veterans Todayrevised
Le Printemps érable in Quebec has become the most recent extension of the movement that started with the Arab Spring and then moved to Spain where the Indignados helped prepare the way for Occupy Wall Street. The long history of French-speaking resistance to to the English-speaking domination of North America has infused verve into the genesis of this spirited and well organized protest. The Maple Spring in Quebec is peopled by activists who refuse to accept the stale orthodoxies of a failed system of political economy that has run contrary to the public interest for more than a generation.
Guillaume Nadeau-Dubois is emerging as the activist rock star of le Printemps érable. The term translates roughly as the Maple Spring or the Maple Syrup Spring. This play on words helps to invoke some of the same regenerative energy that was called forth when the sweet sap of self-empowerment began to flow in the early stirrings of the Arab Spring.
Guillaume Nadeau-Dubois: CLASSE Leader. “We must go beyond the general strike if we want to disprove those who say that our movement will falter. We will have to collectively go beyond our streets. We will have to disrupt. We will have to occupy. We will have to shake Québec. Today, hundreds of people bravely blocked the access to the Port of Montreal, because… Why did they do that? Because this government has only one language: money. And if we want to win, THAT is the language we must speak to them.
Nadeau-Dubois heads up CLASSE, the Coalition large de l’association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante. CLASSE is concurrently the most militant and outward-looking of the three student unions who began a strike last winter in opposition to the proposed 75 % tuition hike to be imposed on Quebec students by the government of Premier Jean James Charest.
Many in English-speaking Canada were quick to point out that Quebec has the lowest tuition fees of any Canadian province. In Quebec, however, the inclination has been to look at the forty or so countries including Egypt, Poland, China, Turkey and Brazil where students pay no tuition at all in state-run institutions. The prospect of raising new financial hurdles to entry into post-secondary education arguably cuts against the spirit and intent of Article 26(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That provision stipulates that “higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.”
From Occupy to Student Strike to Leadership in the Global Confederacy of Resistance to Corporatism, Kleptocracy, and War Mongering
What started as a student strike is fast evolving into something far greater than the sum of its instigating parts. Debates about the purpose and funding of higher education lead almost inevitably to the posing of larger questions. Ultimately it is the very direction and purpose of public government that is at issue. The activists of le Printemps érable are challenging the Reaganesque policies of hyper privatization, business deregulation and anti-union outsourcing that have been government orthodoxy for over a generation. The transformation by many governments of higher education from a subsidized public good into a commercial product to be marketed to consumers is part of a larger complex of neoliberal ideas and actions that is generating massive resistance throughout the world.
In the final analysis the surge of indigenous support for the Quebec students’ strike is yet one more push back against the exploitation of the 99% by the 1%. Le Printemps érable adds to the momentum of a growing global movement to turn the ship of corporation, state, and citizenship away from the course steered by Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Milton Friedman when they popularized and applied Friedrich Hayak’s attack on Keynesian conceptions of political economy.
At its best the economic strategy mapped out by John Maynard Keynes pictured health, education, culture, and social security as common goods to be nurtured and subsidized by engaged governments responding in the public interest to engaged citizens. The continuing reverence of government operatives for the anti-Keynesian thrust of Reaganesque policies has become an absurdity in light of the socialism for rich people formalized with the great bailout giveaway of 2008-2009. Where’s our bailout? the dispossessed have been asking with growing insistence. The sudden deep freeze of inert credit and debt markets in 2008 because of the speculative excesses of the deregulated financial services industry triggered the biggest upward transfer of capital to the rich in all of recorded history.
Hence the push to institute government austerity in Quebec and throughout the world flows from the transfer of trillions from present and future taxpayers to the small kleptocractic elite that presently dominate the world’s political economy through the marshalling of mushrooming public debt, unbridled militarism, unrestrained psychological warfare, and the top-down manipulation of captive puppet governments. As CLASSE outlined in a call to action, “While the gifts to the banks and the giant corporations multiply, the poorest members of society and the middle class are given the bill for an economic crisis for which the responsible parties are given a free pass.”[i]
From the Arab Spring, to the emergence of the Indignados in Spain, to the defense of trade unionism in Madison Wisconsin, to the massive Occupy Wall Street phenomenon, and now to le Printemps érable in Quebec, the injustices being addressed are alternatively specific and general, concurrently local, regional, and worldwide. Throughout the planet oppressed groups and individuals are reaching out to one another with the realization that the incursions of the 1% who have benefited most from corporatist globalization must be met with transnational confederacies of resistance. The inroads of imperial globalization must continue to engender tactics of anti-imperial globalization that began in 1492 with resistance of Indigenous peoples to imperial assaults starting with those of Spain and extending to those of France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the United States and, most recently, Israel.
Resisting Debt Enslavement in the 21st Century
Our emancipation proclamations have not been applied in ways that are consistent, durable and capable of being maintained as corporatist globalization accelerates the rush to the bottom in terms of wages, benefits, and protections for organized labour. The debt slavery of indentured servants is being refurbished, including through the subordination of young people to the banking regimes that lend them money in order to advance through the increasingly privatized systems of education all around the world.
It is becoming increasingly clear that a primary aim of many of those who have inherited the largest concentrations of capital from human bondage and from colonialism is to continue to push, but by altered means, for the virtual enslavement of the largest part of the human family. The repressions of an increasingly globalized police state are becoming the modus operandi of an empire of private property that treats humans as chattels to be controlled through the systematic deployment of compounding debt, state terror, and unrelenting propaganda.
Premier Jean James Charest, who at age 28 was Brian Mulroney’s Minister of Youth, has renewed a painful history of legacy emergency measures enactments in Quebec with Bill 78
The Corrupt Government of Jean Charest Resorts to a Police State Bludgeon Law
On March 19 Premier Charest pushed Bill 78, sometimes known as the Bludgeon Law, through Quebec’s National Assembly to formalize his government’s growing police-state personality. The legislation was designed effectively to render the strike illegal while placing draconian prohibitions on freedom of assembly. Charest’s attempt to outlaw the wearing of masks presented a signal to make masks even more central to the protest’s iconography.
All and all this legislative push is to preempt the political nature of the struggle by pushing the acrimony into the courts where the state maintains the upper hand. Part of the strategy is to impose massive financial penalties for those who fail to adhere to laws that advance the state’s attack on basic civil liberties. The battle lines have been clearly drawn and the fate of the Maple Spring in Quebec is being made a test case with important international ramifications.
Negotiation, Litigation, or Confrontation?
While the pressure of the massive street protests forced the government back into negotiations with the leaders of the three students unions, Guillaume Nadeau-Dubois has been adamant that the contents of Bill 78 itself belong on the negotiating table. Opposition to Bill 78 has widened the domestic base and the international opposition to the police state machinations of the Charest government.
Bill 78 outlaws picketing in front of institutions of higher education. It suspends the normal operations of some educational institutions until August. The statute empowers the police to give or withhold permission to assemble and demonstrate. The latitude allowed for permissible demonstrations is very tightly defined. The enactment’s blanket prohibition on the wearing of masks has rightfully been treated as a particularly offensive violation of free expression.
Taking it to the Streets
Click Here to continue reading.
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Yes in Irish EU vote certain – Reuters calculation
Hi All,
I live in Ireland and I voted NO. I posted here before that I felt that a huge number of people that I spoke to were going to vote No and that they also felt that a majority of the people that they spoke to were also going to vote NO. With the corporate controlled Media blasting out pro YES messages all day long and showing polls that were very favorable to the YES side I feared a Vote Rigging like the Ron Paul scenario. However as the vote got nearer I feel that huge numbers swallowed the constant FEAR message in the media and were too afraid to vote NO and actually stayed away from voting or actually voted YES. A few members of my own family changed their minds and voted YES as they were too afraid of the uncertainty of a NO vote and felt that they must put their trust in the politicians and corporate media because they were so overwhelmingly in favor of the “Endless Austerity Treaty” which will become apparent very soon when the ESM starts using funds from all the EU governments to start bailing out the BIG Banks in Spain.
Looks like it will end up a 60% to 40% YES victory. At least 40% are starting to wake up and Soon lots more will awaken.
Judge, Justice Department Weigh In On Who Can Vote In Florida
June 1, 2012 |11:06 am
EnlargeJoe Raedle/Getty Images”I Voted” stickers are left ready for voters at a polling station on Jan. 31, the day of Florida’s presidential primary, in Tampa.In Florida, a battle is heating up on several fronts over who will be allowed to vote in the upcoming primary and the November general election.
In Tallahassee, a federal judge has blocked state elections officials from enforcing tough restrictions on groups that conduct voter registration drives.
And in Washington, the Justice Department has sent a letter to Florida telling it to immediately halt efforts to purge from the voting rolls people suspected to be noncitizens.
Because of the restrictions on registering voters, the League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote stopped conducting voter registration drives in Florida. Those groups challenged the new law in court. On Thursday, Judge Robert Hinkle sided with the groups — saying the new rules were onerous, unconstitutional and served little purpose except to discourage voter registration drives.
The rules that were halted on Thursday did a number of things — all of which placed greater burdens on groups that register new voters. For one thing, all people taking part in voter registration drives, even volunteers who just hand out forms, had to first register with the state and sign a sworn statement.
The groups also had to notify the state if any volunteers stopped working with them. Groups like Rock the Vote say that’s impractical. They say they depend on student volunteers who may join spontaneously and work on the campaign for a few hours or a few days.
Even tougher for the groups was a provision requiring them to hand in completed forms within 48 hours, rather than the 10 days they had previously. That made it all but impossible to mail in the forms and created a tight deadline that groups weren’t sure they could meet.
And all the provisions included substantial penalties. Among those affected were some teachers in Florida who, unaware of the new restrictions, handed out voter registration forms to students and failed to turn them in within the required time period.
In his order granting an injunction, Hinkle was scathing about many provisions of the law. On the 48-hour deadline, he said, “If the goal is to discourage voter registration drives and thus also to make it harder for new voters to register, the 48-hour deadline may succeed.” That and other provisions, he said, were unconstitutional and violations of the federal Voting Rights Act.
But that’s just one of several battles over Florida’s voting rules.
The law passed last year does some other controversial things, beyond the provisions relating to voter registration drives the judge blocked. Among them is cutting back on the number of days allocated for early voting. Those provisions are being examined by another federal court.
Democrats and voting rights groups say the law especially targets minority voters and are seeking to have it overturned under the Voting Rights Act.
And while all that’s been going on, the administration of Florida’s Republican governor, Rick Scott, has been moving ahead on a plan to purge people from the voting rolls it believes may not be U.S. citizens. Voting rights groups and Democrats have charged it’s an attempt to suppress the vote ahead of what’s expected to be a close presidential election in Florida.
But on Thursday, the Justice Department weighed in. The department’s lead civil rights lawyer sent a letter to Florida officials saying that the purge appears to violate a federal law prohibiting this kind of thing 90 days before an election. Florida has a primary scheduled on Aug. 14. The Justice Department says because the state is covered by the federal Voting Rights Act, the voter purge must be approved by the federal government before it can go forward.
All of which makes the battle over who can vote in Florida a growing mess for the Scott administration.
With the court order blocking much of the new elections law, the League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote say they hope to resume registering voters, but want to carefully read the judge’s opinion before going forward. And on Florida’s efforts to purge noncitizens from the voter lists, the Justice Department gave the Scott administration until next Wednesday to let it know how it plans to proceed.
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- BREAKING: Justice Department Demands Florida Stop Voter Purge (
The Debt Crisis – Live, June 1, 2012
We must tell Europe with strength that the ECB has to start printing money. The ECB has to change its mission. I’ll tell you the crazy idea that I have in mind: let’s start printing euros with our national mint.
If Europe doesn’t pay attention to our demands, we should say ‘ciao ciao’ and leave the euro. Leaving the euro wouldn’t be the end of the world. Britain is a solid country and has never joined the euro.
16.31 European trading floors have shut up shop (for two days on the continent, four in the UK). Weak manufacturing and employment data from the eurozone this morning eroded early gains and sank the markets into negative territory, then awful job creation data from the US pushed them even deeper.
The FTSE 100 slumped 1.14pc, the DAX tumbled 3.42pc and the CAC lost 2.21pc.
Angus Campbell, head of market analysis at Capital Spreads, said:
The day before a four-day weekend could not have started off any worse when we were hit by a terrible piece of economic data that showed the UK manufacturing sector is shrinking at its fastest pace in three years and then when the US came into the fray they shocked the market with an even worse piece of unemployment data. The combination of the two was enough send the FTSE into a tailspin as investors were unwilling to go into the Jubilee with too much exposure, especially when other markets are open when London is closed Monday and Tuesday.
Across the Atlantic things are looking similarly bleak, with the Dow Jonesnow in negative territory for the year and down 1.71pc on the day, the S&P 500 slipping 2.07pc and the Nasdaq losing 2.01pc.
16.10 EU president Herman Van Rompuy has welcomed Ireland’s vote:
The Irish people have given their endorsement and commitment to European integration. This result is an important step towards recovery and stability.
15.43 Official results are now in: 60.3pc voted “yes”. Turnout was over 50pc in the end, despite the gloomy weather.
15.37 We don’t yet have a definite response from the Irish referendum, but Reuters is reporting – having done their sums – that a “yes” result is a certainty:
With results declared in 41 out of Ireland’s 43 constituencies, the yes camp has a lead of over 300,000 votes. That is more than the 200,000 or so electors entitled to vote in the 2 constituencies yet to declare, meaning it is now impossible for the ‘no’ camp to overtake the ‘yes’ camp. With counts now completed across much of the country, the fiscal treaty currently has the backing of 60.2 percent of those who voted.
15.17 A second insurer has stopped offering cover to shipments of raw materials and products to Greece. Earlier in the week Euler Hermes had taken the step, and today Atradius followed suit. But Greece’s ESEE retail federation warns it could have “catastrophic” effects:
Insurance companies contribute significantly to the creation of a climate of security and trust in the market. This development has extremely alarming – if not catastrophic – consequences for trade and domestic industry. Shortages on shelves are already evident, as is the risk of the domestic market collapsing.
Their argument is that Greece could elect an anti-austerity government which would force it out of the euro. The drachma would then plummet against the single currency, making it unlikely that suppliers would get paid and causing a drastic increase in claims.
14.35 The US markets are open and, as predicted, they’ve fallen: first there was poor unemployment and manufacturing data from the eurozone, then overwhelmingly poor jobs data from the US itself.
The Dow Jones is off 1.15pc, the S&P 500 has slipped 0.23pc and the Nasdaq has fallen 1.42pc.
14.11 An update on Ireland’s referendum from Bruno Waterfield. Despite fears of a low turnout it looks like the majority of people cast their votes, and the majority of that majority voted for austerity.
14.04 “Print baby, print.” That’s the prediction from Jason Conibear, market analysis director at Cambridge Mercantile:
Following a morning of weak PMIs, this stupendously poor non-farm payrolls data adds a funereal tone to markets as they slide towards June 17. The global economy is in a seriously bad way and we’re running out of options to turn things around. More QE is now looking highly likely, in both the US and UK. Print baby, print.
13.54 Ranvir Singh, chief executive of RANsquawk, brings us some comment on those US jobs figures:
The unemployment rate has risen to 8.2pc, and the pace of job creation has clearly gone way off the boil. Such poor performance caused an immediate fall on the markets, and will lead to increased pressure on the Fed to provide further stimulus. The current Operation Twist programme expires at the end of June, and a further extension now looks highly likely.
With the Eurozone crisis far from resolved and Chinese growth slowing, America’s recovery had provided one rare glimmer of light in the world economy. No longer.
SaLuSa 1-June-2012 Posted on June 1, 2012
This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.
As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing.
We view your present position as one that enables you to cope quite easily, and we look to you to carry other people forward who are less aware or uninformed. The preparations that we have made, will at some stage take over the responsibility of keeping people up to date with what is happening. That is viewed as very important, as we must be seen to be operating in your best interests at all times. It is in fact very easy for us to superimpose our messages upon your television sets, even when they are not switched on. However, once we are allowed to openly meet you the circumstances will change, as we can then appear live and operate our own channels.
The extent to which there has been an ongoing cover-up of the truth for many, many years, is quite astonishing to us, as your Governments have spent enormous amounts of money in supporting the organizations that are being used for this purpose. Even now it continues with SETI who search the Universe for signs of intelligent life, yet your Government has had a continuous dialogue with the extraterrestrials you know as the Grays. It has been going on for some 70 years, and on a regular basis. Even we of the Galactic Federation of Light have had contact with your leaders, and our offers to bring peace to the world were refused. That did not surprise us, because the agenda of the dark Ones was to take over the world and enslave the people. Their plans were well advanced and within sight of success, until you suddenly responded to the Light and began to understand the truth.
In the past you have looked to us to save you, but that was not permissible as with freewill choice you created the circumstances that developed and trapped you. It relates to the Law of Attraction, and when the vibrations reached a very low point it allowed extraterrestrials Beings of a similar vibration to contact the Earth. That was when agreements were made to allow them bases on your world, in exchange for advanced technological information. It was of course used for ulterior purposes, and mainly weapons of destruction. Very little of it has been passed on to you considering how the great advancements would have benefitted your lives. That suited the dark Ones plans, as they knew that people who have a lack of the necessities to live a normal life are reliant upon them for their existence.
The most abominable aspect of the plans of the dark Ones, was their intent to keep you in a state of war even if it meant starting them by false means. They have the guilt hanging over them for the deaths of millions upon millions of souls. We know some of you cannot understand why in such circumstances we did not intervene, but we are not allowed to interfere with a civilizations evolution. The only exception is where we are given divine authority to do so, as happened more recently when it was decreed that no more wars would be allowed. We will add that it also includes off world wars, and a long time ago your big powers were told in no uncertain terms that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be taken into Space. Even so they ignored our warning, and suffered the consequences when their craft were destroyed or removed.
Dear Ones, if you really knew the truth about the dark operations that have been carried out, you would be so shocked and upset. People that you have looked up to have often been behind such happenings, and have wielded such power that those who are honest and good willed have not dared come out with the truth, for fear of their lives and often their families. However, we are pleased to note that in very recent times more people than ever are prepared to openly come out with the truth. It is revealing the covert operations of the Illuminati, that are mainly directed and supported by the powerful banking families. Fortunately, the same whistleblowers are able to inform you of how those who work for the Light are putting the pressure on the dark Ones, to the point that many of them are marked for arrest and will answer for their crimes.
What we have revealed has not exactly been kept secret, and if you know where to look you can find much more information on your Internet. One of the most atrocious acts of the Illuminati was 9/11 and since it occurred it has been privately investigated by many professional bodies, and reams of information is there on your Internet. Your mind will not perhaps allow you to believe that the whole attack was a false flag operation, and that it was rigged even to the extent that the enquiry into it was also set up to support the Illuminati version of events. There are others and 24/7 in England was a similar scenario, with people being set up to falsely take the blame. However, all responsible and involved are known and will stand trial for their crimes.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure you that peaceful times lay ahead.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
DYI Healthcare: Coconut!
DYI Healthcare: Coconut!
Posted on June 1, 2012Aside from smearing coconut oil on my pregnant belly to help lessen stretch marks way back in the ’60s, I haven’t thought much about the home uses of coconut — until three months ago, when I discovered that doing an “oil pull” with coconut oil in the mouth (swishing for 20 minutes or as long as you can stand it) will draw out bacteria from deep in the tissues of the gum. Suddenly, I have lots of jars of coconut oil on hand.
I’m going to print out this list and post it on the fridge.
More than 101 reasons to use coconut as a home remedy to improve your health naturally
May 31, 2012
JB Bardot
Coconuts are a versatile superfood providing nutrition, health benefits, and amazing medicinal properties all wrapped in one delicious package. Coconuts are totally natural, easily available and affordable; and every part of the fruit is useful.
Green coconut water uses:
–Natural, healthy source for hydration, energy and endurance, making it the perfect sports drink.
–Restores electrolytes after exercise, vomiting, diarrhea.
–Antiseptic properties provide antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents to purify blood — killing measles, herpes, influenza, AIDS, SARS, hepatitis C…
–Useful for emergency transfusions due to being close in composition to human plasma.
–Used to prevent vomiting, nausea and replace lost fluids in cases of malaria, typhoid, influenza…
–Dissolves kidney stones alkalizing urine pH.
–Used as a natural cleanse, coconut water mixed with olive oil eliminates intestinal parasites.Coconut oil medicinal uses:
Virgin coconut oil tastes and smells like coconut. Expeller pressed oil has no scent or taste and both types can be used medicinally.
–Kills bacteria causing urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, gum disease, staphylococcus, MRSA…
–Destroys fungus causing candida.
–Kills viruses causing flu, infectious disease, typhoid, HIV…
–Inhibits parasite growth such as tapeworm, liver flukes, giardia…
–Eases acid reflux, relieves gallbladder disease.
–Enhances proper bowel function and lowers incidence of hemorrhoids when oil is consumed.
–Relieves and heals intestinal disorders, ulcers, colitis, IBS, and Crohn’s disease.
–Stabilizes blood sugar and insulin production.
–Eases neuropathies and itching from diabetes.
–Protects against osteoporosis and reduces problems from cystic fibrosis.
–Enhances pancreatic function, enzyme production and reduces pancreatitis.
–Improves magnesium and calcium absorption, promoting stronger bones.
–Reduces joint and muscle inflammation, supporting repair of tissues.
–Regulates thyroid function.
–Protects against cancers of colon, breast, and digestive tract.
–Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) protect against development of Alzheimer’s disease.
–MCFA strengthen heart and circulatory system protecting against artherosclerosis and heart disease.
–Prevents oxidation of fatty acids.
–Provides antioxidants to fight free radicals slowing aging and degenerative diseases such as arthritis.
–Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
–Reduces incidence and intensity of epileptic seizures.
–Stabilizes female hormones reducing hot flashes and vaginal dryness during menopause.
–Lessens symptoms associated with prostate enlargement.
–Strengthens the liver and protects against degeneration.
–Soothes earaches when mixed with garlic and olive oil.Topical uses for coconut oil:
–Forms a chemical barrier on skin to protect and heal infections.
–Topical applications relieve pain and swelling from hemorrhoids.
–Moisturizes and softens dry skin.
–Reduces bags, puffiness and wrinkles under eyes.
–Lessens occurrence and appearance of varicose veins.
–Preps skin before shaving.
–Mixed with baking soda, coconut oil makes an effective toothpaste.
–Soothes sunburned skin and promotes healing of burns and blisters.
–Heals psoriasis and eczema lesions.
–Stops pain, burning, and itching of bug and snake bites.
–Prevents itching from poison ivy, oak, and sumac.
–Promotes firm skin tone, preventing age spots, sagging and wrinkles.
–Eliminates head lice.
–Removes makeup easily.
–Heals nail fungus under finger and toenails.
–Prevent nosebleeds by applying light film inside nostrils.
–In combination with cornstarch and baking soda, coconut oil makes an effective deodorant.
–Makes an excellent massage oil, a natural personal lubricant, and great sunscreen.
–Conditions hair, prevents split ends, reduces frizz, controls flaky scalp and dandruff.
–Removes scars and stretch marks.
–Repairs cracked, sore, dry nipples from nursing.
–Heals diaper rash and removes cradle cap on babies.Nutritional uses for coconut oil:
–Enhances absorption of nutrients and improves digestion.
–Provides a quick energy source and stimulates metabolism.
–Produces immediate, usable energy source rather than being stored as fat.
–Increases metabolic rate, stabilizes body weight, and controls food cravings.
–Enriches milk supply for breast-feeding women.
–Doesn’t form harmful by-products during cooking when used at high heat.Sources for this article include: the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine.
Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2012 ~ 1 June 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2012 ~ 1 June 2012
Greetings to everyone-hope all is well in your world. With everything that is going on in the world it is definitely time to find peace within. It’s time to stop looking outside yourself for answers and find your Christ within. Christ consciousness was activated with this past solar eclipse, along with our heart chakras. We can now think with our hearts and create peace within us. Have any of you had heart problems in the past month because of this energy?
In my last couple of articles I talked about how the Vatican bank is the top controlling bank in the world. The fact that the president of this bank was fired last week is very big news. The Pope is also in big trouble and will soon resign. The resignation of this Pope is one of the last prophecies to be fulfilled and it is in the process of working out right now. The Catholic Church has controlled people longer than any organization in history. The black pope, the one connected with the Vatican bank, controls everything in the world. He is the one in charge of the Jesuits. There have been more people killed in the name of religion than for any other reason. Isn’t it time for all that violence to stop? For more information check out
We have been in a 25,920 year cycle of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn the controller. It was a cycle of materialism and working for the almighty dollar. Look what we did to Christmas, which is celebrated in the sign of Capricorn. We took the spiritual meaning out of it and it became material. This cycle has now come to an end and we will soon have the freedom of being in the sign of Aquarius. There are cycles within cycles occurring all at once. I have heard there are three cycles coming to an end all around the same time. The largest one being a cycle that started when this Universe was created. On May 20, 2012 this cycle ended and a new one started.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn was known as Satan, the devil, to some people. This was something we created to experience so we could see what it was like to be controlled. There is no evil-all is Good (God). There is no good or bad there are just experiences. We have been in a cycle of experiencing the negative side of life. This is the reason all the scandals and corruption had to come out into the open so we could see what has been going on in the world so we can say no more, enough is enough.
Many people had to wake up so all of us together could work for change. Saturn turns direct on June 25, 2012 and will then become the planet that brings rewards. We are now in the cycle of Unity (Aquarius) and that is what will soon manifest as more of us move into higher consciousness.
The full moon will be on June 4, 2012 at 4:12 AM PDT. The Sun will be on 14 degrees Gemini. This degree means ‘The capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence’. The moon will be on 14 degrees Sagittarius which is the degree of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Will there be some kind of activations in Egypt?
The Mayan glyph for the full moon is the Blue Hand and is ruled by Mercury. The energy from this glyph loves freedom to roam and to be itself but it also has a strong desire towards community and family. This energy has the ability to see the beauty within and in all things. This glyph will require us to bring in our full power and to speak up for what we feel is right. On June 4, 2012 Neptune the Galactic Goddess turns retrograde. A planet is very powerful when it is retrograde; especially when it is stationary retrograde.
The Venus eclipse coming up on June 5, 2012 at 6:05 PM PDT will bring lots of changes to Earth. The last Venus eclipse was on June 8, 2004. This ushered in an eight year time period of going within to release our fears and to find the love that lives in our hearts. Do you feel like you were battered and bruised during that eight year cycle? It was very hard to release all the painful memories and suffering we experienced in the past. We do not want to carry this painful energy into the new cycle. Our pain and suffering had to be released so we can now experience happiness. We are great creator Gods who are creating the new Earth that we will soon be living on all the time.
Venus creates a heart and a pentagram as it moves around our solar system. The five pointed star represents the Goddess, and the eight year cycle from 2004 to 2012 represents the number of God (8). The soul number of God (o) is 15 which is the tone of love or 528 hertz. The number five and eight equals thirteen which is the number of Christ. It is also the most dominant number of the Mayan Calendar. On June 5, 2012 the Dreamspell glyph is the Star, which is ruled by Venus and is also the glyph of the Goddess. It rules our solar plexus which is our seat of power. This means it is time to start manifesting our power which is love based energy. Love is soft and gentle.
The Sun and Venus will be conjunct on 15 degrees Gemini. This degree means ‘A Woman Activist in an Emotional Speech dramatizes her Cause’. This just happened a few days ago when Maria Shriver gave a commencement speech at the University of Southern California about a new look at success and what success really means. No more working for the reason of simply attaining money and the material things it brings. It’s time for a new way of life.
I know there is chaos occurring on the lower dimension earth. Don’t you think it’s about time to move through that chaos and find out who you really are? Isn’t it time to stop trying to get back at people who have harmed you in any way? Isn’t it time to get out of the conspiracy theories? They served their purpose and woke us up to reality but it’s time to move on unless you want to stay in that lower reality. What we focus on is what we create.
Do you choose to hide from the changes and store your money in case of a financial meltdown? Haven’t we been in a depression since 2008 when the first major event happened? I have never believed there will be a total collapse of the financial system. I believe there will be a transformation of it and I think the new system is about to become a reality. The head of the Vatican bank was just fired. Doesn’t that mean we are headed for a new financial system?
The Sun has completed her pole shift and now has four poles instead of two. As above, so below. There was a 6.2 quake on the Norwegian Sea floor on May 24 that caused an unexpected and rapid shifting of the magnetic north pole. The pole moved 621 miles. The last major pole movement was on December 21, 2010 when the poles shifted to Surgut, Siberia. A plane crashed that day in Surgut because the magnetic anomaly caused the planes mechanical parts to fail. How far does the North Pole have to move to complete its pole shift? Maybe we are at the end of the shift and don’t even know it. The North Pole has been moving since 1998 when the Earth first went to zero magnetics.
Planet X is also here and visible in our heavens. The magnetic Photon Belt (interstellar cloud) is also in our solar system. This is quite a combination of events. This energy has, and will continue to cause more quakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, storms, floods, political changes, and financial changes. If you have love in your heart you will be fine as we continue to go through these changes. You will be in the right place at the right time for whatever you choose to experience. Don’t worry, express love and think with your heart. So Be It!
Written in love and light from my heart to your heart.
Mahala Gayle
Venus transit _ Michael Through Ron Head
Venus transit ~ Michael Through Ron Head
We will speak today on the topic of the Venus transit. Everyone is talking about this subject and we simply want to add a little something to the discussion.
What we urge you to do at this time is very much exactly as you did for the 5-5-5 and for the eclipse. A great many meditations were planned and carried out on those dates. Somehow, no matter what the planned meditation was, many of you, perhaps I should say most of you, found yourselves seeing peaceful and loving transitions smoothly taking you into your new lives. We say, do that again, dear ones. In fact, simply placing your peaceful and loving attention upon your intended future will be enough to hasten its arrival.
You may also want to leave some aspects of your lives, some remaining fears or doubts, some restricting beliefs, behind as you move full speed into the remainder of this shift. These things may pop into your awareness during your meditation. Just notice them one last time. Turn them over and examine them. Decide that you no longer need them and release them to the light.
Now we would like you to fill the space that those things left in your consciousness with the light and love of Source. Pack as much in there as you can. There is plenty to go around. Take a deep breath. Thank Creator for the gift and return to your visions of your new life.
In meditation, reach out your arms and grasp hands with the millions of others who are doing the same. Share your intention for a new peaceful, beautiful, and free planet. Allow the energy of that to overflow into all the earth. Some of you will see people changing. Some will see trees growing. Some will see seas becoming abundant again. We will see that all who allow it will feel the immense energies of the moment.
You are further along your path than you can even imagine at this time. But we tell you that the things which are soon to surprise you so totally are those that you have worked so long to manifest.
Reach out now and find those that you wish to meditate with on the day. We will speak again tomorrow.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
~Sacred toning Gathering and what has Now Been Accomplished~ | The Galactic Free Press
Earth Ally Lynn marie
~Sacred toning Gathering and what has Now Been Accomplished On May 31st, 2012
Hi to all we were doing our group sacred toning tonight from7-10 pm. Here also is the things I removed for all of humanity and Gaia. I also download her with all of this into all of her charkas. there was some mass of energy there tonight. I invited the masters of the halls of aminti. The Arkatorn came apart there was so much energy - it is normally round but it was a egg shape while we were working. . enjoy the read. Blessings.
Creator of all that is it is commanded to download my soul frequency into my heart and all cells, organs of my mind body soul, and over soul. It commanded to remove anything that does not match this vibration in me now and send it to the creators light to be transformed now. Replace it with the creators love and light from all time in space all dimensions known and unknown. Thank you it is done.
Creator of all that is it is commanded, I invoke this proclamation on all levels of consciousness, through all time and space, all dimensions known and unknown, I command al actions of this proclamation be in harmony, and as each disharmonic frequency of the mind, body, soul of humanity and mother earth be transformed into a harmonic frequency that is synchronistically replaced into a new matrix of 5 Dimension. Restore the connective tissues of my mind, body and soul and over soul, to their divine perfection. Reconnect the communication of divine truth to every aspect of my being, and transform all frequency I receive from the universe into peace, joy and harmony with in all of humanity, and mother earth.
Creator of all that is, it is commanded to I ask you to forgive and honor me. I forgive and honor you. I transform all bonds between us into Unconditional Love. I transform all excess heat and energies crested by the solar flares effecting life forms on the earth, into an energy to awaken consciousness upon this planet to its divine truth, and energy to nurture and feed all life forms. I also ask for that this happen in harmony, bringing peace, joy to all it touches. Throughout all time in space, all dimensions known, and unknown. Thank you it is done.Creator of all that is it is commanded all thought forms which have been fragmented or shredded in any way, be reunited and transmuted into the divine creative Love. Throughout all time in space, all dimensions known, and unknown. Thank you it is done.
Creator of all that is I call fourth all those traveling through portals with my body, my energies or my property to stand before me as I stand before you in love. I forgive and honor you I embrace you in love. I now transform all bonds between us into unconditional love. I command these energies to be transmuted into the creator of all that is. I embrace all portals on all level of my being, allowing entry to my auric field my being my property or creations. I am a souvenir being and I claim this space as mine now, denying access to those traveling with me to attach to me or any other form of transportation through me. I transform them to the creators live and light to become a positive , product energy to assist me in my human form . Thank you it is done.
Creator of all that is it is commanded to activated the crystalline crystal in the Pineal gland now as well as download this crystalline light into the right side of my brain to awaken and activate doormat encoding, wisdom of the ancient past. I know how to access this wisdom know from the past, present and future. Awaken my dormant spiritual gifts as well. Thank you it is done.
FREEDOM PROJECT: Senators Seek to Remove Bankers From 12 Regional Fed Boards...
Senators Seek to Remove Bankers From 12 Regional Fed Boards
By Joshua Zumbrun and Phil Mattingly - May 23, 2012 12:20 AM GMT+0200
U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxer and Mark Begich introduced legislation today that would remove banking industry executives from the 12 regional Fed banks’ boards of directors.
“Allowing currently employed banking industry executives to serve as directors on the boards of directors of Federal Reserve banks is a clear conflict of interest that must be eliminated,” according to the text of the bill, released today by Sanders, a Vermont Independent who caucuses with Democrats.
Congress created the Fed nearly a century ago with a mix of public and private features, including 12 regional banks with private banking executives on their boards of directors. The structure of the central bank is under new scrutiny following a $2 billion trading loss at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) whose chief executive officer, Jamie Dimon, is on the board of directors of the New York Fed.
“If this is not a conflict of interest, I don’t know what is,” Sanders said today at a press conference alongside Boxer, a Democrat from California.
This is “not a perceived conflict, but a real conflict of interest when bank presidents and employees of banks sit on the very boards that regulate them and sometimes bail them out,” Boxer said.
Sanders and Boxer said they had not discussed the bill with the Senate leadership or the administration of President Barack Obama. The legislation was introduced today with Begich, a Democrat from Alaska, listed as a cosponsor.
Bankers on Boards
Sanders noted in the press conference that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said having bankers on boards of the Fed presents a “perception” problem.
Geithner, who was president of the New York Fed before becoming Treasury Secretary, said in an interview last week with PBS television “that perception is a problem,” in response to a question about Dimon’s position on the New York Fed board.
“It’s worth trying to figure out how to fix that,” said Geithner.
The 12 regional Fed banks each have a nine-member board of directors. Six of those directors are appointed by banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. The remaining three are appointed by the central bank’s Board of Governors in Washington.
The legislation would make all nine members appointed by the Board of Governors. The governors are political appointees, nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
Employees of any firm regulated by the Fed would no longer be eligible. The legislation also says that directors and employees of the Fed system would be prohibited from owning stock or investing in any company that is regulated by the Fed system “without exception.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Joshua Zumbrun in Washington at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Chris Wellisz at