Before I even start, I am going to warn you, this is going to be a very long sharing. I have spent pretty much all of yesterday, when I wasn’t sound asleep, opening up the most amazing information packets of understanding. It was very much like witnessing starbursts inside my mind, but each starburst created a deeper, fuller understanding of the human energy body.
Keep in mind too, this evolution is not all played out in one life time… not by a long shot. Even tho my sharing may make it seem like it is, just hitting the first stage has taken us many lifetimes of awakening.
However, I really want to keep this coherent from beginning to end, so I am going start backwards and work my way forward.
Also, before I start my sharing, I really want you to understand a really really important element in our life. Crystalline energy. Especially as we are moving from carbon based to crystalline based in our very biology.
All quartz crystals emit a frequency. Science has discovered, and used this frequency long ago. But what of us humans? Quartz is very much a time-keeper with infused information within its frequency… sharing outward to anyone open to receive.
Talk about giving (me) a whole new understanding of being open to receive. Most times, we are blocked out by our own belief systems… especially those who claim to be spiritual awake. Ohhhh the process!!!
The Three Phases of the Human Evolution:
Awakening/Enlightenment ~ Ascending ~ Ascended.
We have a tendency to look at the human body and see flesh and bone. Inside the body we see blood and various fluids pumping thru our flesh and bone. But that is simply the expression we need to have an experience fused in matter.
There comes a day in every humans life where they start to wonder… is there more to me? Is there more than a random set of events playing out as my life.
This is the first phase: Awakening/Enlightenment
What most people do not see, and surely our well-intentioned scientists missed with our gnome is the switches within our DNA. Electrical switches embedded in every strand of DNA. I will simply call them “Light switches.”
The moment the human says to themselves: Can I be more? A light switch is turned on, forever altering their own DNA. The moment we take a conscious breath of light into our lungs, there is chorus taking place within us. All the light switches get set to the ready. Once again, altering every strand of DNA within the human body.
The moment you start to radically apply changes in your life, Light switches are turning on. Altering every pathway inside your body. Altering the very meridians the ancients had seen, what we call Eastern Philosophy.
I had entered massage school in 2005, with about 5 years of intimate human energy work under my belt. They made us learn eastern philosophy, which I simply looked at baffled. I have never seen such chaotic energy pathways inside the body. Whatever energy model they used 3000 years ago, sure as hell wasn’t the model taking place within the body now… or more plainly understood (by me) now… it was not the human energy model I was working with.
Altho, with this most amazing, most intense weekend under my belt of consciousness… I do get that it was/is very valid in the human becoming. Those still awakening… turning on the fullness of their light switches of enlightenment… this avenue of energy is indeed valid.
Keep in mind we now live on a planet with 7 billion people, many of whom never really incarnated on earth before, but wanted to be an active participant in the game of light currently exploding in crescendo on earth. In this way, these wonderfully new humans are also fast tracking their own spiritual evolution by being here!!
Once the human has enough Light Codes activated within their DNA everything in the body rapidly changes to accommodate the next phase of their evolution. The energy centers play an even larger role than they had before. The lay-lines within the body restructure themselves to a grid-work structure. The chakras at the pores of the skin take on a larger role than ever before… feeding the grid work that is now fully connected to each pore chakra. A constant infusion of pure sunlight energy.
This is how I have always seen the human, the transitional phase of awakening and ascending.
The first phase is all about our biology and moving energy thru our biology. Even when we had learned reflexology for the feet and hands, I never seen organs or the first phase meridians, I only seen energy grids influenced by the main chakra centers. And let me tell you, I can do deep into your core energy and issues from the feet.
This first phase, “awakening” does not take any sort of conscious effort on the humans part at all. Most people I have worked with, especially on my massage table, were not really conscious about the spiritual journey, they just knew they needed some sort of out of the box help… and found me.
The only thing that matters in all of this life, is that you change from fear to love. Chaos to clarity. Unempowered to empowered.
This is also the phase Hypno-Event “The Planting” embeds into your energy, earths energy as well.
The Ascending Phase: Opening your light centers.
So there you are, a human who has embraced love over fear, see the world within new eyes, moving out of judgement, bias, and most especially, your beliefs!!
Something really magical takes place within the body… something I had never seen nor understood until yesterday, in the massive starbursts happening in my head!
If you can imagine your DNA now has Light molecules completely activated and ready for the next phase.
If I can explain this like the receptors in our brain… when an incoming substance enters our body, opioids for example,we have opioid receptors in our brain that literally open up to allow this matching chemical in and allows the effect of this chemical to flow thru the entire body.
Well, inside our activated DNA, we now have Light receptors that open to take in higher vibrational energy/information when it is in its presence.
The presence of higher Light can come in many forms, a book you read, a movie you watch, a person you talk to, the very food you eat, the ground you walk upon, or a crystal you sleep with (smile.) And the list goes on and on and on.
This is so exciting!! I really had no clue how this all really worked until yesterday and today!!
The very first time I was handed a quartz crystal (I was about a couple of months into my path of awareness) and he asked me what did I feel, I was really confused. Feel? I feel a rock in my hand! What am I supposed to feel?? He talked about energy and information and stuff. I was baffled. Really, all that from a rock? I was on a mission!! It took me weeks before my quartz crystal found any sort of open receptor in my crazy energy field… but one did indeed bloom! I felt it… the energy… phew baby!!
Then we (me and my now growing number of crystals) started to go on journeys together. We explored various lands and understandings together. I could have never conceived at how much my own energy field was changing. But what was amazing, my health was improving. My mental state was improving.
I wasn’t just snooping out information… and this is super crucial to understanding and moving thru this phase completely. I was applying to understandings to my life. To know or even understand something does not mean a thing at all. Full on application in the internal wiring, Light receptors is what we are all striving for.
How I had seen these fully activated Light molecules within our DNA yesterday reminded me a bit of the game pac-man. Round molecule whose mouth opens as you come in contact with higher light. (Let me tell you, this process has been in overtime all weekend long within me.)
Many times we will take in and fully connect to that higher light, to only let it slip out later. Think of getting high, you eventually come down off the high because the opioid molecule dissolves and the opioid receptors in our brain return to the waiting” position. Same without our Light receptors. Our key here is to never let it slip back to whence it came.
I was given a crystal exactly 10 years ago that was loaded with trigonic markings and traveled to me from South Africa. I slept with it for a couple of weeks to allow my own energy to begin to assimilate with its high frequency energy. I then took this precious little smokey quartz into my bath. For as many times as I had journeyed with crystals, I never ever went completely inside at all. This one opened a doorway and my entire consciousness was inside the crystal. I could see every fracture, rainbow inclusion and the gateway to I suppose the past.
The first place I went was to Atlantis, and visited my dark side…. but with a lot of filters placed within my consciousness in that journey. I realized (eventually) the purpose of going there before my next journey thru that crystal is to fully realize what we can use for the highest good, we can also use for absolute control and manipulation… as my life in Atlantis showed me. My gift in that time… sexual energy. I even taught classes to people who wanted to en-mass people and riches thru their sexual energy… I promised with all my heart I would never ever do that again. But equally, I also understood the first phase of this incarnation and how destructively I used my own sexual energy.
The next adventure changed my life forever. Not because I got to read from the very scroll Jesus wrote himself, and safely placed deep inside a cave wall at the Dead Sea, but because I applied the information coming thru me to every aspect of my life and shared it outwards with anyone who wanted to share.
This is another crucial aspect of the Ascending phase of the human. Application, application, application… and USE!! Helping all those who seek, in whatever way they seek, higher applications of life.
Do not confuse this process with simply parroting out something someone else already said or understood, or even thinks they understand. You live your life as the example. Application must be first, then sharing from the depths of your wisdom filled heart.
These fully activated, fully used Light receptors are also enhancing your magnetic field within your heart. Beckoning you to the next full understanding/application/full activation of your Light receptors.
Even this changes our energy fields in a way I am going to have a hard time describing… but get what I have been seeing within myself and some others. Thru the first two phases, all of our main chakras have been separate portals of energy. As we move into the higher alignment of our Ascending human body, the chakras merge together and fully activate and utilize the combined energy of the core (think spine from root to head, with the entire head being the receptors of all the star codes as they integrate and find alignment in the core and radiate out.)
The more Light receptors you have activated, the more conscious you become of every single thing in your life. The ground you walk on is sharing something with you. The food you eat is sharing something with you. The car you pass on the road, is sharing something with you. Consciousness is absolute key! So are questions!! What we do not ask, we do not receive. Do not be passive in any moment of your day.
This 2nd phase, is also what “The Eye of Horus” is activating within “The fully Planted” human!!
The Ascended Human: The star codes activating
Our current DNA is such a combination of potential star codes. That is to say, aspects from our brothers and sisters from the stars. Those who have made a similar journey in their own DNA of ascended beings in the field of matter. We have been star coded to live the ascension. To be a full and active participant in our own Ascension.
Before you (we) can have full on ascension Light within our body, we must fully live in the Light of Life. Taking nothing as a casual bystander. Fully understanding the genetic material/family structures we incarnated in was simply there to enhance our journey, not get stuck in it!
Once you have fully freed yourself from all human limitations and human bias and are a living example of the ascending human a completion is at hand.
How I had seen this yesterday was literally codes from the stars being dropped into our energy streams via the crown… and my crazy ass receptors were like living the fourth of July from the inside out.
This final phase is equally a process, just as the first two are. But truly a super accelerated process.
The only way I can describe what I am just now really starting to understand is even the grid-work of our 2nd phase body is changing to reflect a constellation within our energy field.
Star points if you will. I so wish I had the ability to take what I see, and show you… steams of energy from very particular stars are now points in our body. For me, I only seen one point and it was in my right hand right at the palm chakra… and my perpetual question: what the hell is that?
On top of this explosion of understanding within me yesterday I was also watching Ancient Aliens. OMG that just fueled my inner explosion. It is so nice to see others get what I have been told 10 years ago. Jesus is a hybrid! His daddy was Plieadian, his mama human. He came in as an ascending human and reached full ascension in his lifetime (at 33 years of age) taking as many people into the state of living as was willing to go.
Not only did the TV series talk about Jesus and the alien aspect of his DNA… they also showed an episode of the crystal skulls. Holy cow batman… my question for as long as I heard about these crystal skulls are now quenched. The one true skull that has been found they showed, science still cannot fully understand it’s make up or frequency… because it is NOT from this planet. It is emitting a frequency to the others still buried in the ground… purposely so. Seed energy radiating thru earth by genuinely activated humans. You do not need to be near this vibrant energy field to take in the energy… you just have to have activated Light Receptors to munch on the pure wisdom of our true nature.
We are now being changed back to what we have always been created to be. Fully enlightened, fully activated, Ascended (which simply means all of your human and star DNA has merged into one full Being/Expression.)
This is the true and pure melding of the “As above, so below” energy. Our star encoded DNA and our Human DNA are becoming one fully activated expression.
This will enhance us in ways I can see inwardly, but cannot even fathom outwardly… our magnetic field. I will explain more of this in my 2nd sharing about DNA and the Soul.
We will learn how to use the vortexal energy that is fully activated within our DNA to align with the vortexal energy that is always present in our field of matter. Truly becoming the Masters of our world.
What I am going to leave you with in this sharing is the very real potential at hand.
Up until now our inner vision has been limited in sight to our human evolution. That is to say, we could only see before us what we were ready (again by application and use) to ingest. As more of our starcodes find the open receptors in our field of Light within, all of our psychic abilities will become enhanced. We will be able to feel, and align fully with various portals of energy. We will be able to pull and/or create out own portals of energy for use.
Our energy fields will be like spirals of energy emitting out of our body as opposed to pathways within our bodies. I can so clearly see this, bear with me as I continue to assimilate (and use) this!!
This is going to take group work. A purposeful community of focused ascended humans… a synergy like the world has never felt before in this phase of her expression.
The Guardians are the star aspect of our DNA. They have readied your inner house to live amongst the stars of creation, to BE the star of creation!
We are indeed coming Home to ourselves.
Lisa Gawlas
P.S. The final group hypnosis event that was scheduled for today has been delayed a week. Now I really understand why. We will be holding it on Sunday April 1st at 11am MDT. It should be uploaded to my website that afternoon. The pass-code on my website will remain the same as it is now.
I also understand with these very specific activating hypnosis events that it is very important (for those participating) to be able to fully hold your consciousness thru the entirety of one before you move onto the next.
Those that are still moving in and out of consciousness are activating so many codes thru your deep inner consciousness, and every time you actively participate with the hypnosis event, you are aligning to all phases. Patience and dedication will move you to consciously holding your awareness thru the next phase.
For those wishing to participate, please feel free to go to: for more information!!
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Lisa Gawlas – Three Phases Of Completion Within The DNA Of The Human Soul – 25 March 2012
Thom Hartmann – Talk Radio News Service – Brazil Arrests 17 Chevron Oil Execs For Enviromental Crimes – 25 March 2012
Brazil is going to great lengths to protect its commons.
Seventeen executives, including American citizens, working with Chevron and oil rig contractor Transocean, have been charged with crimes against the environment in Brazil after an oil spill off the coast poured about three thousand barrels of oil into Brazilian waters last November. If found guilty – the corporate executives could face up to 31 years in prison.
The lead prosecutor in the case told Reuters he was tired of big oil corporations escaping accountability for ruining the environment saying, “We need to change the parameters. If companies don’t listen to millions, we have to ask for billions.”
After the spill – Brazilian authorities immediately suspended all of Chevron’s drilling operations and banned the corporation from further oil explorations off the coast. Transocean is a familiar name – it was the corporation operating the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that exploded in the Gulf back in 2010 – leading to the death of 11 workers and the worst ecological disaster in American history.
But that’s where the similarities between Brazil and the United States end. Because unlike Brazil – where corporate oil-industry criminals are actually arrested and held to account – not one corporate executive in the U.S. has yet been charged for their role in the death of 11 people in the Gulf and the permanent destruction of coastal ecosystems. And even worse, BP continues to expand its drilling operations in the the deep waters of the United States like nothing ever happened. link to original article Thanks Radivoj
The American Spring: A Time for Occupy To Blossom
Sanat Kumara, channeled Through Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles
Janisel is a new channel to me so as with all things, use your discernment. If it is time for more of Gaia’s Earth changes, the galactics have told us that they will take place in out-of-the-way places monitored by our space family and that we are all in the places we were meant to be for this time. There is therefore little or nothing to fear.
We all have our favorite teachers and Sanat Kumara and St. Germain are two of mine. I’m always on the lookout for good channels of their material. In addition to being the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara is known to the various religions as Ahuramazda (Zarathustrian), the Ancient of Days (Judaism and Christianity), Dipamkara Buddha (Buddhism), and Subramanya or Skanda (Hinduism). Thanks to Janis.
Sanat Kumara, channeled Through Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles
It is I, Sanat Kumara, who comes forth to speak with you regarding our Beloved Mother Earth. Most of you know me as the Planetary Logos, the one who embodies this planet, filling every cell of her being, lighting and paving the way for some of the most historic events in her history. I come forth at this time to ask each of you to become, as it were, a Planetary Logos… filling your Heart Center with the Love for our Mother. She is going through a most difficult time right now, and is in need of much Love and Care. For those of you of the female gender who have been on the threshold of birth, you are well aware of what I speak.
Mother Earth is now in the throes of labor… and a difficult labor it is. She is hurting and she needs your Love. The time for the “big push” is at hand. Long has she strived to hold back on this birth, giving everyone ample opportunity to awaken to their own Divinity, to their Oneness with her. The time has now come when the pangs of birth are so strong that she can hold off no longer.
Earth changes are impending, however this is part of her birthing process. It must be in order for her to move into her Higher state of Being. She [Mother Earth Gaia/Shan] has loved you, cared for you,provided for you, nourished you, and now she must move on… on to her rightful Ascended State. And she holds open the opportunity for all humanity to join her on this journey. All she asks is for you to join with her in Light…in Love… in Oneness. Accompany her into the Higher Realms by way of your own Ascension. The choice, of course, is yours. You may go…or you may stay. She has made her choice, however, and is now ready to Ascend.
Be not afraid of the coming “push”, for all is as it should be. Send her Love, hold her in your Heart, embody her to help her through this difficult time. She has held back as long as she can, but now must burst forth from her chrysalis as does the butterfly as it takes to the air. I ask all of you to join me in helping with this birth. Long have I held the Light in every cell of her body, and now I ask you to continue to do the same.
While holding this LIGHT, it is now time to step back and let Mother Nature, as it were, take its rightful course. She is now striving to rise to her perfection, but cannot do so without your Light paving the way. Bless her, and tell her you love her and are standing by as midwives, so to speak, ready to help in any way you can. Hinder her no more, but instead give her the command to “Push!”… begin this great and glorious birth. Her time is at hand, as is yours. She has delayed as long as possible in order for her children to come out of the place of fear. But she can wait no longer.
Put away your fear and ride the tide of redemption with her! Yes,the changes will come. Yes, there will be moments of doubt and uncertainty when these changes begin. But fear not! Know that we are with all of you, and that each of you is exactly where you should be at any given moment. Stand back and watch as the Glory of God is revealed to All. My Love and Peace I leave with you. I AM Sanat Kumara.
Learn more about Project: Eagle Triad and the Sananda’s Eagles here: [3]
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles
March 24, 2012
Each of you will be able to experience what it is that you desire. The limitations of your experience here will be greatly lifted, and you will find untold freedoms to do whatever is you wish as long as you do not violate the rights of another. As long as you abide by this rule, each of you will be free to experience the life that you have always wanted.
All of you have dreams and visions for the life you would like to live, and this will all be possible for you if each of you follows this one simple rule; to allow those around you to experience their life the way they would like. If you are able to do this, so much will become possible for you and everyone around you.
Today in your world so many wish to dictate the lives of another. So many wish to impose rules, laws and regulations to effectively govern someone else’s life. This will not be permitted in your new world, and anyone who feels compelled to control another’s life in this way does not belong in your world and will either have to change their ways or find another place that is suitable for them.
This can and will be arranged, as there are many places in this universe for souls to experience the life that more accurately matches their vibrational level. Here your new world will be a place of untold freedoms, as this is your new higher dimensional roadmap. Each of you will be free to follow your own path, uninhibited by any others who wish to direct you to take the turns they want you to.
Please do your best to always keep this one rule in mind. Today on your books you have countless laws, rules, regulations and policies that govern your speech, your actions, your will, your careers, your social lives, even your sexual expressions. All these rules can be broken down to one, and that is not to violate the free will choices of another.
Combining all these laws into one will be much easier than you think once your new world is born and you understand better what your new experience will be like. Do not get muddled down today with trying to figure out how this will all work out and just trust in knowing that there are countless other worlds who have evolved past your current states, and that all of these worlds follow this one simple rule and have gone on to prosper greatly just as your world will go on to prosper greatly.
There has been so much denied you here in this 3rd dimensional world, and it has all been for the sake of your growth, your education, and your spiritual development. Many of you are demonstrating that you have reaped the benefits from these lessons and you are ready to enjoy the fruits of your labors and advance to a new civilization with new challenges and new adventures.
This world is blossoming all around you, although it may at times be difficult for you to perceive this. From our perspective, we see your new world only in the light of love and a higher understanding, and it will not be long now before it is time for you all to embark on your new journey and step foot on the fertile grounds of your new Earth.
You will breathe for the first time in many long years fresh air, unpolluted by the contaminants of your 3rd dimensional industry. You will drink water that is pure right from the stream that will invigorate you with vitality. The sounds you will hear will be the sounds of nature, not the sounds of your industrial machines grinding out another dollar for the few who hardly need it.
Your crops will be plentiful and they will be healthy, needing no chemicals or pesticides in their growth. You will have the assistance of new technologies to help you keep your planet in this pristine condition, and you will be properly educated on how to maintain a perfectly harmonious balance to all of the ecosystems around your planet.
You will be trained in how to monitor all aspects of your new world through your soils, your oceans and rivers, your highlands and your atmospheres. Not again will your Earth become the polluted wasteland that so much of it has become today.
Together we will engage in many projects to purify these portions of your planet that have suffered at the hands of the greedy and the unconscionable. She will be restored to her pristine beauty and condition, and once our mission is completed it will be up to you, the people of this planet, to keep her this way. If you treat her right she will treat you right. This is the way it is, and this is the way it has always been.
She will have no necessity to purify herself if you do not give her reason to do so. Forever keep this in mind, as this is something many of you do not understand today. This science will be fully explained to you in due time, and we wish this knowledge to be understood by everyone around your world as it is vitally important for your well-being, as well as your mother planet’s.
There are many sciences and new understandings that we will share with you when we can begin openly interacting with you. There are so many worlds who will share with you what they have learned and they will ask nothing in return. You are asked to take this knowledge and apply it to your new world for the betterment of your entire civilization.
One day in the future you will have the opportunity to share what you have learned with another blossoming world that can benefit from your wisdom and your willingness to share.
That is how this universe operates, where so many worlds come to the aid of others in offerings of what it is they possess, whether it be knowledge or resources. Your world has so much that you can share with others who would greatly appreciate your gifts, and these gifts are not only in the name of resources, but in the wisdom that you all, through your many lifetimes through the physical, have acquired.
Many worlds can benefit so greatly from what you have learned here and they will be eager to listen to your story and the lessons you have learned through all your years of hardship and struggle.
You need to understand that not many worlds have experienced the type of history that you have here, where so much has happened on so many levels throughout so many years. The lessons that were developed for this planet were carefully designed and implemented to give you all the opportunity of such a comprehensive and advanced education.
That is why your planet has such a rich tradition and such a rich history, and why so much has transpired here. The education that each of you has been provided is invaluable to this universe, as so many worlds will prosper from the gifts that you can offer.
You will have the opportunity to share your gifts in the days ahead and we encourage you to do this. Just as in your world where one benefits when all the others benefit, the same principle applies to this entire universe, where one world will prosper when all worlds prosper.
You will experience this law on a planetary level, and then you will experience this law on a galactic and universal level. There is so much that you are going to learn and experience in the days ahead, and we look forward to sharing with you all the combined wisdom of the worlds that make up the Galactic Federation of Light.
Science, technology, arts and literature from so many worlds throughout this universe will be shared with you in the days ahead. Your new libraries will be palaces, designed as meeting and gathering places for the sharing of gifts from peoples throughout countless galaxies. These will be beautiful buildings with sprawling hallways and rooms lined with books and tools of higher education.
They will be built all throughout your world, and each and every being on your planet will have free and easy access to all of these Mecca’s of higher education. There will be a section in honor of your people and the history of this planet, and beings from all across this universe will gather there and read the words of your story and what you have all gone through to be where it is you stand today.
Your history will surprise even those of you who have lived through it, as virtually all of your past experiences here are not in reach of you today, but in time you will be able to access the records of all your incarnations here and the true history of your planet. You are so much more than you can realize at this time, and so much has gone into making you the being that you are today.
You will have the ability to see the bigger picture and understand better why it has been necessary for you to undergo such lessons and endure such hardships throughout your journey. You will be able to trace your history while mapping your development, and see and understand clearly the twists and turns of your path through existence.
Your story is an amazing one, and each of you should be proud of yourselves for how far you have come and how much you have grown. This is why you have journeyed here, and when you set out so many lifetimes ago you had this day in mind and knew that one day you would somehow reach this point, and indeed you have.
This is your moment, each and every one of you, and we wish for you it to enjoy it to the fullest, for you have earned the right to be here and all that you have worked so hard for will now be yours.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Be the Observer
In a recent reading with the Boss, which I’d like to combine with past readings in my discussion of it, I complained to him that I was feeling exhausted and asked him why that was and what I should do about it.
He explained that it was a result of the job that I agreed to do which was to communicate and comment on what was happening.
In a previous reading he had explained that the human race had “recently” become aware of the “collective consciousness” but it had not yet become aware of “collective compassion.” And our pursuit of unitive consciousness promises, it seems to me, to take us into this territory of collective compassion.
He suggested that the work I was doing of taking a planetary perspective was obliging me to exercise collective compassion. However because its use was unfamiliar to humans, the result was that I was ending up drained.
Just as a healer who forgets to shake off the vibrations of illness from someone he or she has healed can become ill, so a communicator who forgets to shake off the planetary vibrations he connects with can become drained.
His advice to me was to shake off those vibrations after connecting with them. The behavioral posture or stance that dovetailed with this act was being the observer.
One of the things that happens after a reading is that my night-time learning then expands on it. And last night, in my dream-time, I was dreaming of big changes in which what was demanded of me was at the limits of my endurance. And the changes were happening one after the other, giving me little time to catch my breath. The only posture that worked for me in the dream was to adopt the stance of the witness or observer.
If I were to give examples of what was happening in the dream, I worry that people would then think that I was saying that these changes would be happening in the outside world. But that would miss the point. It isn’t that the changes would be happening. It was that I was being shown big happenings because I was being given a lesson in being the observer.
In his advice, the Boss said that I was to try on feelings that so many in the world were having but then become the observer afterwards as a partial means of shaking off the vibrations. (He also discussed wrapping myself in his shield, cutting down on non-essential social contact, and other ways of handling my task as well.)
The lesson to become the observer has a much wider application. If we’re to leave behind everything associated with the Third Dimension, then we must have reached a place of completion with everything connected with it. And being the observer is a wonderful way of practicing completion and detachment from it.
Furthermore, we know that balance is a quality that promotes detachment and that balance is something that many of the Company of Heaven, like Matthew Ward, Hilarion, and Archangel Michael, are urging on us. Balance means to come to rest. It means that we’re complete with things. Being a balanced lightworker and responsible adult is the target I aim at and being the observer promotes the achievement of balance as well.
So in my dream, as these large events were happening and impacting me, I was getting constant reminders to be the observer.
Being the witness or observer is a divine position. The formless God is the observer of all that happens, through each pair of eyes, through each and every set of senses. All is only experienced by the One, the only Doer. It is the One who samples life just as it is the One who meets the One in the experience of enlightenment that represents the culminating event of all our lives, up till that point.
So being the observer is being my Divine Self and is a practice much encouraged in spiritual circles.
What I noticed in my dream last night is how being the observer solved many problems. It allowed me to see what was transpiring, comment on it, and yet remain overall unaffected by it. It allowed me to flow through situations – and, since many situations were happening so rapidly, it was very useful to develop the ability to flow through them.
When one situation after another after another occurs, to get stuck in experiencing any one of them would cause the centipede to trip over its hundred legs. It’s vital to remain detached, experiencing them and then simply witnessing or observing.
My dream was forcing me to take the observer position, to try it out, to resort to it. The dream was to the dreamer what a flight simulator is to a pilot. I was encountering circumstances without any “real” cost to me. I was having a simulated flight or dry run.
So to avoid exhaustion as we encounter rapid and radical change in the weeks and months ahead, I suppose the lesson is to experience it, yes, but to remain the observer after. That’s a bit of a two-step dance.
Experiencing and observing are two different sides of the same coin. While we’re experiencing, we’re in the midst of things; when we observe, we take a step outside of the experience. But nevertheless that’s what it appeared I was being asked to practice and perhaps we are as well. Experience and observe, experience and observe, experience and observe. Watch and enjoy the many changes happening around us and then assume in the observer position on them.
Ex-MF Global CEO, Gave ‘Direct Instructions’ to Transfer $200M from Customer Account
Ex-MF Global CEO, Gave ‘Direct Instructions’ to Transfer $200M from Customer Account
Stephen: Former New Jersey Governor, Jon Corzine resigned in 2011 as chief executive of bankrupt futures broker MF Global, the first major U.S. casualty of the European debt crisis.
He has consistently said, under oath, that he wasn’t aware of any shortfall in customer money until just hours before the company MF Global filed for bankruptcy. A shortfall of over $1.2 Billion.
An email from the company’s former assistant treasurer, Edith O’Brien, says otherwise.
The next House Financial Services committee hearing is this coming Wednesday. O’Brien has been subpoenaed to appear.CNN Reports on the latest development:
And here’s The Huffington Post’s report:
Jon Corzine, Ex-MF Global CEO, Gave ‘Direct Instructions’ To Transfer $200M From Customer Account
By Marcy Gordon
March 23, 2012
WASHINGTON — A former MF Global executive appears to contradict testimony from Jon Corzine, saying the former senator and New Jersey governor ordered the transfer of $200 million last fall out of a customer account days before the brokerage firm collapsed, according to an email obtained by congressional investigators.
Edith O’Brien, MF Global’s former assistant treasurer, says Corzine ordered the money shifted to one of the firm’s bank accounts overseas on Oct. 28 to cover an overdraft, according to a memo that cited the email.
The email noted that the transfer was made “per JC’s direct instructions.”
MF Global filed for bankruptcy protection on Oct. 31. The firm failed because of a disastrous bet on European debt. About $1.6 billion of customers’ money hasn’t been recovered.
A House Financial Services subcommittee released the memo Friday in advance of a hearing Wednesday. O’Brien has been subpoenaed to testify. The Associated Press was unable to reach her for comment.
In December, Corzine told the panel at a hearing: “I did not instruct anyone to lend customer funds to MF Global or any of its affiliates.” Corzine also told the subcommittee he didn’t know about “the use of customer funds on any loan or transfer.”
And Corzine told a Senate panel two days earlier: “I never gave any instruction to anyone at MF Global to misuse customer funds.”
Steven Goldberg, a spokesman for Corzine, reiterated in a statement Friday that Corzine testified that there wasn’t anything he had said that “could reasonably have been interpreted as an instruction to misuse customer funds. He stands by that testimony.”
“He never directed Ms. O’Brien or anyone else regarding which account should be used to cure the overdrafts, and he never directed that customer funds should be used for that purpose,” Goldberg said. “Nor was he informed that customer funds had been used for that purpose. To the contrary, as Mr. Corzine testified, he recalls having received written material indicating that the funds used to cure the overdrafts were appropriate for that purpose.”
Client money is required by law to be held separately from a brokerage firm’s cash in order to protect investors in case a firm fails. If MF Global misused client money, it would violate a fundamental investor protection for people who trade options and futures.
Many lawmakers have heard from farmers, ranchers and small business owners in their states who are missing money that was deposited with the firm. Agricultural businesses use brokerage firms like MF Global to help reduce their risks in an industry vulnerable to swings in oil, corn and other commodity prices.
Corzine, a former New Jersey governor and U.S. senator from the state, led MF Global until early November. He testified before three congressional panels in December. He said he didn’t become aware of the shortfall in customer money until hours before MF Global’s bankruptcy filing.
No one has been charged in the MF Global case. In addition to Congress, federal regulators and a federal grand jury in Chicago are investigating.
Rocks in the Middle of Your Way and the ABC’s of Process
Well, it has been three weeks since I wrote my last post here. I tell you, I am so thrilled that our community is much more crowded with members than it was three weeks ago. I have enjoyed watching it grow, like a duck in the water. Happy, fulfilled, content and satisfied. Welcome everybody. It’s such a pleasure opening the page and being able to see your faces, your photographs, your videos, your writing and above all your THOUGHTS. THANKS to all for joining, and thanks in advance to the ones that are to come.
It’s been a great process. As every process, carried its share of rocks on the way, ( Carol would say.) You know what happens with rocks in the middle of your way. You have to STOP, and sometimes stopping is not fun. Especially when moving the rock to take it out of the road to continue, means you have to read a manual of some technical stuff. That is a heavy rock. (Many of you know how bad I am at that stuff.) Anyway, what the heck, the rock is there and you have to take care of business. Check out this video. Central Station Frozen. Is pretty relevant. Sometimes stopping is not a bad thing.
It’s interesting how we allow external forces to interrupt our lives, invade it with foreign activities to live in a perennially interrupted mode and then when we have to stop and are given the opportunity to allow internal forces to interrupt us and be acknowledged, we resist.
It is so very frustrating though. But the frustration comes from the idea that you wanted to continue without interruption. Internet marketing is full of interruptions. Full of relevant and needed information. Like every process. But as I was saying, sometimes your horse hauling the carriage of tunnel vision race is ABRUPTLY STOPPED and you are prompted to change gears and pay attention to something else, “less important”. Most of the time pretty basic and primary. Simple and technical as a video of how to use auto-responders. Necessary too. That’s the part I would love to skip.
In other words, everything lasted longer than I expected. The process was unraveling at its own rhythm. It was my expectation what was really out of track.
I always hated transitions anyway. Eckhart Tolle, the author of “The new Earth” calls them means to an end. Any way I much less enjoy reading technical manuals. During the transition periods, staying in the moment was torture. It didn’t feel comfortable. I wanted to rush the process. Looking back it was my resistance to change. It was the frenzy to go from start to outcome. The ADD inhabitant in my body mandating speed.
The story of the process of painting the house in the woods comes to mind…I started talking about it using the alphabet, the handy metaphor that popped in my head at the moment. You know, A to Z. My two favorite letters were A and Z and I wanted my own comfortable short cut in the middle…well, make the rest of the letters somehow disappear. Instant gratification of the result. Little did I know that real gratification was to come from the letters in the middle.
It was 13 years ago. I figured I needed to get more acquainted with the rest of the letters of the alphabet. Learn the ABC’s of process. Learn to stay still and focused on every single step of the application. (Including the rocks on the way). When I wanted to rush the middle letters, I was missing things like the “C” for “courage” , “F” for “faith” and “S” for “self…”
The opportunity manifested itself once the command of the thought was conveyed. We lived in that magic house in the woods. Boys in the neighborhood had been swarming through the hall for years, leaving their prints on the wall. As a document of their bustle around. There were three different trails. The boys’ age difference and height. Their friends loved that house. They are the ones that call it the magic house when they reminisce today as young adults.
Something suddenly happened that forced my busy and distracted mother of three boys eyes to actually see the marks on the wall before my nose for a long time. I couldn’t believe how ostentatious they were and I had been completely oblivious to them. Well, you know, I had a lot of traffic and the veil of my absent mindedness was covering ”less important things.”
Overnight I went from oblivion to dedicated endeavor, a paint job was impending. Necessity is the mother of invention. I had never painted walls, but I figured that if I had painted canvas it would not be that difficult.
I went to the store and bought paint. This was the opportunity I was waiting for. My task. A to Z with no way out.
Remember? The Process lasted 5 weeks. I started painting in that funny outfit. I think it didn’t even find its way to the washing machine throughout the whole time. Sharon always reminds me of it and laughs at the memory. It was a cross of red leggings and green red spotted cotton sleepwear. Every day of the 5 weeks I would get up, go to wait tables at that restaurant in Chevy Chase, come back, put the outfit on and continue painting. Like a donkey on a mission. All I did with my free time was paint, paint, paint. The boys’ dad was so happy to realize the dirt map on the walls was at the verge of disappearing that he immediately took over. (I am sure he had noticed how bad the walls looked long before me.) Got himself automatically in charge of groceries, car rides, cooking dinner, baths, all the shores in the house. Even homework. It was a mute agreement. He even would feed me pieces of steak while I stood on the ladder, painting. I didn’t have to say a word.
My friends would come on week ends with a bottle of wine and lie on the floor while giving me conversation. I spoke my thoughts out loud of how difficult it was not to desert at “D.” How much I wanted to run away and throw in the trash the stupid “make sure you wash them after you finish” brushes and wished I had never started at “L.” They also knew. They didn’t offer help. Only company, support and an occasional bottle of wine to celebrate the route already covered and the shortening of the way to reach the end. The progress. To keep me going.
During this period of time, that I focused on building Soul Hang Out, I realized that learning Internet marketing required that skill of staying focused on the process. With the patience and attention for building a real business. Paying attention to all its parts. I don’t think I could have done it without the experience of that painting job 13 years ago. I taught myself the ABC’s of process. Some times when I think about it, I remember it with endearing gratitude. I did other painting jobs in other houses over the years. Those times, I asked for help or hired somebody. After learning to master the process, of stopping and being present inside every step of the way, like staying long enough in every letter of the alphabet, I was able to outsource. And could apply the experience to the rest of my life. Not to tell you that today it is a piece of cake. It requires some effort. But is doable and a lot easier. I understand much better the letters of the alphabet and rocks don’t bother me that much any more. They still frustrate me a little though. Then I remember how beautiful the house of the woods looked after that painting job. Then the rushing clock in my head calms down and remembers. Process has its own rhythm.
The last five weeks I have been very busy duplicating Soul Hang Out in Spanish. There were a lot of technical issues and of course took longer than I expected. Natalia in Lima did a fantastic job at translating the content. It’s been finally published a week ago. It’s being read as we speak in Spain and South America. Now I will have more time to write and market. I also have a webmaster, Joel Williams helping me with the technical stuff. I am grateful for that.
Again, thanks to all of you for subscribing… and keep the ball rolling. Invite your friends and the friends of your friends.
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach.
Founder Soul Hangout
Founder of Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of CooperationLuz
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire
“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”
Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
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