By Laura Rozen
The Envoy, – 6 hrs ago
Pres. Obama announced Jim Kim (second from left) as his pick to be the next World Bank president March 23, 2012. …
It’s fair to say that surprise was the initial Beltway reaction to President Obama’s announcement Friday that he’d picked Dartmouth president Jim Yong Kim as the U.S. nominee to lead the World Bank. Kim, a Harvard-trained medical doctor, anthropologist and former World Health Organization official, is not a familiar creature around Washington circles. White House whispers had previously floated more well-known political figures for the position being vacated in June by Robert Zoellick—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former White House economic adviser Larry Summers, Sen. John Kerry and U.N. envoy Susan Rice, to name a few.
But it didn’t take long for the rave reviews from the global health and development community to come in. Kim was an inspired choice, they said, to head the 187-nation bank, whose mission is to fight poverty and promote development.
“This [the choice] is much more significant than ‘he is not a Washington insider,’” Heather Hurlburt, a former Clinton administration official who is now executive director of the progressive National Security Network, told Yahoo News. Hurlburt met Kim about ten years ago when she worked with Bono on the One campaign anti-poverty initiative. “This is someone who has actually done development. Have we ever had a World Bank president whose specialty is development? He is a practitioner.”
Even former President Bill Clinton weighed in. “Jim Kim is an inspired and outstanding choice to lead the World Bank,” he said in a statement, that noted Kim’s “years of commitment and leadership to development and particularly health care and AIDS treatment across the world.”
Kim, who moved to the United States from South Korea when he was five years old, went on to earn degrees from Brown and Harvard Medical School, and a Harvard doctorate in anthropology, with a Ph.D. thesis focused on pharmaceutical companies. He was also a MacArthur “genius” grantee. In the 1980s, he was among a small group of doctors and anthropologists working in central Haiti who started a community-based global health organization called Partners in Health. He led Partners in Health’s work in Peru during an epidemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the mid-1990s, where he helped negotiate lower prices from pharmaceutical companies to get poor people access to life-saving medications. He and Partners were later invited to treat Russian prisoners in Tomsk who had become infected with tuberculosis. More recently, Kim has led the World Health Organization’s department of anti-HIV/AIDS initiatives.
“Jim was leading our effort in Peru, when we happened across an epidemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis,” Ophelia Dahl, executive director and fellow co-founder of Partners in Health, told Yahoo News on Friday. “And it was a remarkable thing.” Kim’s work “looked at why people were dying when drugs were available, and he challenged the policy, to make sure that people had access to treatments that were shown to work.”
Kim’s work helped challenge and transform thinking in the global health community “to see that these diseases are extremely treatable by expanding access to effective treatments to the poor,” Dahl said.
Kim’s strength is not just informed by his work with communities in the developing world, Hurlburt noted, but also in being effective while leading some highly politicized and bureaucratic institutions, like Dartmouth College and the World Health Organization. “The stuff you have to deal with running an Ivy League university is in some ways a lot more excellent preparation than anyone would like to admit for running an international institution,” she said, adding that Kim is also a “seriously nice man.”
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Who is Jim Kim, Obama’s choice to head World Bank? – How important is this choice to the future we a
“Sarkozy called Merah’s killings terrorist attacks and announced a crackdown on people following extremist websites.”
“Sarkozy called Merah’s killings terrorist attacks and announced a crackdown on people following extremist websites.”
“From now on, any person who habitually consults websites that advocate terrorism or that call for hate and violence will be punished,” he said in a statement. “France will not tolerate ideological indoctrination on its soil.” abhor hate and violence promotion on the Internet, I don’t tolerate it in the comments I get asked to post. I get them every day. Book burning never stopped good or evil ideas, neither will Internet censorship. And once censorship gets started, its subject to mission creap at the whim of politics.
However the description of “extremist” by French President Sarkozy is rather vague and nebulous. Criminal is not the same as terrorist. There are laws and courts for criminals. Use them. Just remember how the word ”terrorist” in the United States has evolved to mean patriotic Constitution respecting citizen in this country! Americans have all become “persons of interest” at the airport, groping TSA agents feel up old ladies and children who would never carry a bomb. Voyeur scanning machines make us naked to government agents. The USA Government routinely trawls the Internet and people’s browsing habits. We know that. Doesn’t make it right.
The more invasive a government gets into its citizens lives the more opposition it generates in the people to their God-given sovereignty in their own private life. There’s a kind of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle at work when Government tries to monitor its citizens behavior. The more they monitor, the more people adjust their behavior to avoid it, and the less accurate the information becomes. We’ve all seen that work with micromanaging jerks in business, companies who do it are seldom productive or competitive, and their employees hate them. The more paid informants a government hires the more the paid informants make up lies about people. Every single “terrorist” arrested by the FBI in their stings has been assisted and encouraged by the FBI squads. They even provide them with parts! Yet they seemingly missed every clue about the 9/11 hijackers and ignored their own agents. Government is supposed to be at the service of the people, not in domination of it.
It would be good for Sarkozy to remember the French national slogan, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity! Remember the lessons of the French Revolution. Remember the French Resistance to the Nazi Gestapo raids. Don’t create a new Gestapo! Remember the heart felt songs of Edith Pilaf as she gave heart to the dark days of World War II.
Please Mr Sarkozy, don’t make this tragedy in France another “Problem, Reaction, Solution” scheme to censor the lovely French people on the Internet. You know better. The world is watching you.
Ben Fulford answers doubts
Ben’s Response:
Thanks for contacting me and raising these questions. Allow me to respond. First of all about reporting on Lord Blackheath’s death.
A member of the Rothschild family called me and told me he had been killed. I then checked on Wikipedia and it reported that he died on February 29th. For that reason I reported his death on my blog for about 3 hours.
As soon as London woke up, I called the House of Lords to confirm and their press office informed me he was still alive so I immediately issued a correction. The so-called “White Hats” group were the source of the disinformation sent my way about Lord Blackheath.
They are trying to get their hands on the new financial system but are coming up empty handed. They have also been going around telling people I am a cocaine addict and “insane.”
Notice they hide their names because they know they would be sued for slander if they made their claims on the record. Here is a message to them: “we know exactly who and where you are.”
To the best of my knowledge the Bushes, Geithner and Gates were all taken in for questioning because they were blocking the new financial system. That blockage may be about to end.
People have called the PR representatives of Treasury, Microsoft and the Bush mafia to confirm this. Do not take my word for it though, call them yourself.
The March 13th announcement did take place but the “illuminati” and anonymous representative failed to show up because he claims he was poisoned. He is OK now though so his group is still planning to make an announcement.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford
March 2012 Equinox Report
Thursday 22nd March : Finding the Beauty and Harmony : So here we are…on the other side of the Equinox. Yes, it was a huge shift in energies as we embrace the new flow of energy that will take us to the December portal and further.
Certainly, I am happy that we were able to hold the energy and that all the dire predictions of doom and gloom did not come true. Is it not exciting that we are maturing into our role as Earth Keepers, and that we are able to find that point of balance within ourselves that also manifests as balance in the outer world.
Archangel Michael has reminded me that we are moving towards our first big alignment of the Year, the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. The first Venus Transit in 2004 was a trigger point for many of the shifts and changes that we have experienced in the last few years and that have brought us to this point.
We can expect that this second Venus transit will also be a trigger point for more shifts as we head into our date with destiny in December. Venus is the Solar System body that connects us with the vibration of Love and Beauty and the Divine Feminine. At this time, these energies are rising on the Earth, and we are being drawn towards expressing Love and Beauty in our Lives. Anything that is not aligned in frequency with these rising frequencies is going to come under stress at this time.
You may have noticed in the last few days a sense of irritation and almost anger with things that are not aligned with your own sense of beauty and balance. These disonant energies have always been there, but you will notice them more as the harmonious frequencies of the Venus energy enter the Earth field, and of course, amplified by Jupiter and expanded into our consciousness.
It is also true that as we connect with our Solar System energies more closely as we reconnect with the higher chakras and Higher Consciousness, we will become more aware of the flows of energy within our Star/Sun system Solaris. Right now we are being embraced into the flow of HARMONY and BEAUTY, and everything that is not of this frequency is becoming very obvious.
That is why it may seem like something of a paradox right now, where the increase of harmony mkes you feel more disharmonious, but it is merely the result of seeing more clearly what is not “in harmony” in your life.
The good news, especially for those of you in the North, where Spring is beginning, is that this vibration of Love and Beauty will be felt more and more as the year progresses, and especially around June and the time of the Venus transit.
Connecting with the frequency and energy of Beauty and Harmony will be necessary in this year if we are to make it through the shifts with a sense of equlilibrium and joy. The best place to find this is, of course in nature.
As we reconnect with this frequency of the Divine Feminine in ourselves and in our world, we will more and more realize that it is already there, in nature, and that as we connect with the patterns and harmonies in Nature we also connect with the Divine Creative Intelligence and the frequencies of Divine Love manifest in all of creation.
The Dolphin Angels and Masters are also working with us right now, to assist us to reconnect with these frequencies, and I am working on a project that will help to bring these frequencies into peoples lives through music and sound. The project is called “New Earth Rising : Dolphin Dreaming”, and I will be happy to introduce you to the music and the energies very soon.
Monday 19th March : As we approach the first Equinox of 2012, the energies on Planet Earth are becoming very active and intense and a little unstable. Many people hve noticed this, especially in the wake of a series of Solar Flares that have brought new information and new Light Codes for Evolutiuon into our Planetary and Personal Light Body Fields.
But, at this time, there is more going on than simply Solar Flare activity. The Earth is preparing herself for the alignments and passages of 2012, we are being brought “up to speed” in a very literal way.
Firstly, the Solar Flare activity brought through the new Light Codes that would begin anchoring in the 8th and 9th Dimensions of Consciousness and begin the structuring of the Earth Keeper Councils. This information is received by the Pineal Gland and then the Pituitary Glands in the Body. Both of these glands are in “hyper” mode right now.
This can be compared to a major “download” or “upgrade” in a computer, where the new information requires extensive repatterning and rebooting. Our cells are receiving new instructions and out neural networks receiving new patterns. We need some “down time” to reboot.
I personally spent the week-end in bed just allowing the process. The most likely symptoms of this process are dizziness, as the Pineal is activate to the maximum, inability to sleep also due to Pineal activation, and mood swings and depression, this related to pressure on the emotions and hormonal system via the Pituitary gland.
This energy is being felt by everyone on the Planet in some way, whether conscious or not. And, as if that were not enough, there is another process happening right now. Archangel Michael informs us that the Earth is raising her “base frequency” right now, which means that on the holographic level the frequency rate is rising and everything is accelerating.
This is to facilitate the Earth’s passage through the 2012 Portal at the end of the year. You can imagine it like the Earth lining up to pass through the eye of a needle, the aim has to be just right and the speed just right, so that we all make it through.
What this means on the physcial level is that the lower chakras, the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus, are all accelerasting their spin. Which in turn means that any old “stuff” still lurking there is being spun off and there is pressure on these chakras. This in turn means that you may feel pain and stress in your body as the body gets used to the increased frequency.
The good part of this, of course, is that the higher frequencies will support the manifestation of the New Earth in the physical plane at the same time that the old stuff is getting spun out of the cycle. We can expect more of the old to fall apart and more of the “new” to start to manifest.
You may feel, a bit like I have, that you are being spun out of the cycle yourself, but hold in there, it is just a time of change, transition and acceleration, like changing gear as you head out onto the open road!
I would also like to say that it is our beautiful children who are assisting us with this change….there are so many beautiful Crystal Starchildren now who have been born in the last ten years and who are “wired” for this acceleration. In fact, they are leading it, and that is why so many children are having a difficult time physically right now.
And another point is that as we accept this acceleration and seek to bring it into balance within ourselves, we are assisting the planet in not having to experience a “disaster” to release this energy.
Remember this time last year, with Japan and the tsunami? This year, let’s hope we can work to balance this energy together with the Elementals and the Dragons so that the Earth can stay in balance.
So, to everyone reading this, hang in there for the next few days and stay balanced. Rest when you need to, look after your physical being, and know that this will pass in a few days! This is our privilege, to carry the energy as Earth Keepers and assist our beautiful Planet in her Journey of Ascension.
Let Go!
Message from: Yeshua
As channeled by: Fran Zepeda
The ways of the world are changing, dear ones. Hold on to your hats. You are about to experience what you have never experienced in all your lifetimes, since the inception of your souls into this 3D experience.
What have you learned through all these 3D experiences? That is indeed the question to ponder, for as soon as you know, you will be free to let go and move on with the richness you have gained through living these experiences. Take the gift and move on. What a glorious day awaits you as you enter into this New Earth armed with an armload of these gifts, leaving behind the pain and suffering that came with the learning.
There is beautiful Light, luminescent Light coming from those jewels you carry with you forward into this new age. You have transmuted many, many experiences into fodder for your happiness, dear ones. Hold and behold these gifts. They are yours forever, and you will be sharing them with so many others as you gather around and share your love and knowledge with every waiting ear and heart.
Time to roll up your sleeves, dear friends, and venture into this new Land of Plenty, with plenty of Love, plenty of Forgiveness, plenty of Light, plenty of Compassion, plenty of Prosperity, and plenty of meaningful Now moments. Embrace, dear ones ~ Embrace and Enjoy!
You all have come so far. You all should be commended for your strength and courage in traversing this treacherous pathway to the 5th Dimension, to the Gates of All That Is. Pat yourselves on the back and keep going. You have a ways to go, more to let go of. The phrase of the day is “Let Go”, dear ones. Let Go!
Let Go of any remaining hurts, grudges, regrets, and pain that are holding you back from true Bliss. Examine what it is in your life that you still need to let go. What is needed to complete the experiences so that they just yield the gift of the lesson? What do you still need to let go of?
Ponder this and put your glorious Light around this and you will emerge victorious into the New Earth and into the 5th Dimension clean and clear and ready for glorious expansion and Joy. We promise you this!
Your loving brother, Yeshua
History of an Occupation
History of an Occupation
Fault Lines looks at how Occupy Wall Street went from a small group of New York protesters to a broad people’s movement.
March 21.2012
In the fall of 2011, New York’s Zuccotti Park grabbed the world’s attention as the hub of Occupy Wall Street, a movement that set off a chain of rage against the country’s financial and political elite.
Even in the face of police repression and media ridicule, the movement mobilised thousands of people fed up with the deep economic divide in the US. And within two months hundreds of Occupy Wall Street camps swept across the country changing the political discourse in the US.
“People were upset about the economy, people were upset about the foreclosure crisis, people were upset about the bailouts, and about the fact that it looked like elected officials were working for big business rather than for the people who they’re supposed to be working for,” says activist Max Rameau from Take Back the Land.
Fault Lines tells the definitive history of Occupy Wall Street from its early days through the movement’s rapid spread up to the brutal crackdown by state authorities.
Race, gender and Occupy
By Sweta Vohra and Jordan Flaherty, Fault Lines
At a recent panel discussion on the Occupy movement, a left-leaning professor from New York University speculated that identity politics – the prioritising of issues of race and gender in movements for justice – could be a plot funded by the CIA to undermine activism. While most commentators do not go this far, the idea that activists who focus on these issues are “undermining the struggle” has a long history within progressive organising. And in Occupy Wall Street encampments around the country these debates have often exploded into public view.
For the past six months, we have been following the Occupy movement for a two-part documentary on Occupy for Fault Lines. We have spent weeks in conversation with activists as they have planned actions and struggled to keep their movement relevant through a cold winter. And organisers have told us repeatedly that they feel these discussions around race and gender, far from weakening the movement, have lent it strength and made organising more accountable to the communities most affected by the economic crisis.
The process of challenging structural oppression has been difficult. We spoke to many women and people of colour who felt pushed out of Occupy. Some activists, already bruised by dismissive media coverage, tried not to let these conflicts show. When internal conflicts would arise they tried to not let it happen on camera. But what we did observe are many fiercely intelligent activists dedicated to waging these struggles within Occupy and strengthening the movement with their work.
The 99 per cent
When people gathered in Zuccotti Park on September 17, the anger at corporate greed was a unifying call. This was a protest that in large part was about shifting power from the wealthy to the many. It was a mostly white crowd, but it sought to incorporate a wide range of voices.
The economic crisis in the US had made the white middle class question their future. Soaring unemployment rates, suffocating student loan debt, and thousands of foreclosures began to close in. This reality propelled the Occupy movement forward. And many feel that the presence of so many relatively privileged white people brought increased media attention and public sympathy.
Organisers told us they immediately saw the next step as needing to raise awareness among the many young people new to activism that came flocking to occupations. “It’s the job of the social justice movement to continue that conversation,” says Max Rameau, a co-founder of Take Back the Land, who advised many of the Occupies.
He told us that occupiers need to “make sure this isn’t just a movement of the way white people have gone from being able to every day shop at particular malls, and now they have to shop at reduced, discount stores … this has to do, really, about inequality and long-term inequality, including communities who have suffered for years, not just because of the recent economic downturn”.
Manissa Maharawal, a PhD student and Occupy activist, said: “I love the discourse of the 99 per cent. I think it’s great, I think it’s been really unifying. But I would like it to go along with saying something like: ‘We are the 99 per cent, but the way that we experience the 99 per cent can be very different’.”
Jack Bryson, a 49-year-old black public service worker, became an activist after his sons witnessed the killing of their friend Oscar Grant at the hands of transit police in Oakland. When he heard that Occupy Oakland had named their camp Oscar Grant Plaza, he came to check it out. He was excited by what he found, but also thought many young white activists he met had a lot to learn about poverty and repression. “The black community, for 400 years, [have] always been the 99 per cent,” Bryson said. “Welcome to our world.”
Bryson was one of many who told us that Occupy activists needed to understand the ways in which communities of colour experience the criminal justice system. He noted that Occupy Oakland had faced intense police repression. But, he told us, what many failed to realise was that police brutality is a daily fact of life in many communities. “Black, young men … would love to come out here. But what happens here, with the police? It happens on Saturday nights to black young men leaving a nightclub, or a black young man going into a gas station and being followed by the police.”
Boots Riley, a hip-hop artist and Occupy Oakland organiser, added: “I think that what happens normally is the media has most of white America looking at people of colour as deficient, savage, and when they see something happen to them by police they believe that it was somehow their fault.
“Our ideas and views about the police are very tied in to our ideas and views about why people are poor.”
If OWS wanted to be a movement that was going to shift power in the US, these organizers felt it had to come to terms with the fundamental differences in the ways that communities of colour experienced racism, how women experienced patriarchy, and how queer and transgender communities experienced homophobia and gender bias. If Occupy Wall Street wanted to talk about envisioning an alternative community, activists would first have to face their own privilege.
That awareness has involved active organizing by white anti-racists, as well as the activists of colour who engaged deeply in the movement, despite often facing attacks for bringing up issues of race and gender.
“I was totally impressed by the leadership that was coming from young people of colour, young women of colour,” activist and scholar Angela Davis told us in a conversation about Occupy camps she visited on the East coast.
“I think it’s good that there’s some white men getting involved, but they also have to recognize that, in order to be involved in this campaign of the 99 per cent against the one per cent, we have to recognise that the 99 per cent is hierarchically developed by itself.”
Davis told us that Occupy was indebted to a long history of direct action led by women and by people of colour. She specifically noted the legacy of resistance in prisons, led by those behind bars. “Let’s recognise that we’re not artificially imposing these issues on the Occupy movement,” added Davis. “The Occupy movement has organically risen from those movements.”
For Lisa Fithian, one of many white activists who seeks to challenge race and gender bias in the movement, this consciousness raising is a crucial part of struggling for justice. She told us: “What I teach is that those with more privileges whether because your colour of your skin, your gender, your education, whatever, how do you use those privileges strategically to raise those of all?
“We have to take our privileges, become conscious and use them to actively change the social relationships, and access, and availability of resources,” she added.
Blocking the process
Manissa Maharawal, a South Asian woman, has been one of Occupy Wall Street’s most eloquent and passionate defenders. But she almost walked out of the movement on one of her very first visits to Zuccotti Park. When she, along with several people of colour, stood up in front of hundreds of people to block a proposal at a very early Occupy Wall Street assembly, she felt anger and hostility from many of those present. She says it’s “still one of the more intimidating things that I’ve had to do in my life”. The proposal was for a document called the Declaration of the Occupation, and she felt language in the document erased oppression faced by people of colour.
She did not want to have to block the proposal and face the angry stares of hundreds of people. However, says Maharawal, it’s something she had to do. “What struck me then was that if I want Occupy to be something that’s around for a long time in my life … it needs from the very beginning to be a movement that’s taking these things on,” she explained. “And that is thinking about not just corporate greed and financial institutions, but is thinking about how these things are connected to racism, to patriarchy, to oppression generally.”
Ultimately, Maharawal and others who agreed with her succeeded in changing the language of the declaration. Nearly two months later, one of the white male activists who had expressed his frustration with her came up to her to thank her for her intervention. “I’m really glad you did that, I learned a lot right then,” he told her.
“Making these connections is difficult, it’s been like constant work in this movement,” says Maharawal. But, she adds, “this stuff doesn’t feel like minutia, it feels fundamental to me”. She says this movement is about creating a real alternative to our current system, and, for her, that means fighting these systemic issues. “Why are we going to create a system that just re-creates all these oppressions? That recreates racism, that recreates oppression, that recreates gender hierarchy? Why would I want to be a part of that?”
Sweta Vohra and Jordan Flaherty are producers of Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines, based in our Washington, DC, bureau.
SaLuSa: March 23, 2012
As channeled by Mike Quinsey
In some respects the world is passing through a quieter period than normal, and that is partly due to our activities and those of our allies. A point has been reached where we are able to exert more authority over the dark Ones, who are rapidly losing their power. More people are standing up against them, having acquired a great deal of confidence from seeing others successfully doing the same. It shall continue and help us to achieve our aims to go ahead with our plans, for your total release from the shackles of the past.
Many aspects of them are well advanced, and you are entering a rather odd time. You will clearly see the old values and things that you relied upon falling out of sight, but not the new that will replace it. A thorough sweeping away is needed before matters are sufficiently ready for us to take charge. Even so we desire that the reigns of power are passed over to you, and our role is to help you achieve those ends.
A most pleasing development in very recent times is that your consciousness levels continue to grow, and the awakening amongst you is going to make the coming period a lot easier to handle. It is important that we soon commence direct contact with you, as there are so many important issues that we must address. The scene must be set for the major changes waiting to come out, particularly where the financial position is concerned. It is imperative that it is established correctly, and coordinated throughout the many countries involved. Our allies are aware of these needs, and together we are confident of success. Once finance and governance are established in accordance with your destined future, then we know that the basis will exist for the remaining changes to go ahead.
Achieving peace after thousands of years of continual wars will cause a dramatic change in people’s lives, and their outlook will suddenly brighten up. The realization will set in, that life was meant to be happy, joyful and rewarding, and a unity will take place that would not have been possible previously. Slowly, the people will come to understand the Oneness of everything and how it is all part of the whole. The falseness of beliefs in separatism and the deliberate distortion of the truth about the purpose of life, will be seen as no more than the attempts of the dark Ones to maintain a division amongst the people. The coming of peace will change all of that, and a wave of relief and joy will sweep across the Earth. Old differences will be set aside and it will be seen that a wonderful future lies ahead. By then people will have become more informed of what the changes were leading to, and helped to understand the process of Ascension.
Clearly there is a lot of work to do but as we have often informed you, we have no problems in being equal to the task. Be assured that whatever needs to be done to ensure completion as planned, will be carried out with full efficiency. The size of some tasks are enormous, but we have all the necessary equipment and personnel to do it. The Galactic Federation is of an immense size and quite used to handling complex and gigantic tasks. It is growing all the time, as more civilizations reach the required level of consciousness that enables them to become members. You, Dear Ones of Earth, who are ascending will have reached that level, and can also take your place with us.
What a fitting end you are about to experience, after having battled your way through some of the darkest periods in your lives. Now you are playing out the last acts and clearing any remaining karma, and moving into the higher vibrations and releasing yourself from the lower ones. It is still up to you how you experience the final period, but one thing that will remain unchanged will be Ascension. You can all take much credit for the fact that you have brought so much Light to Earth, that up to now there has been little signs of the apocalyptic end times expected in some quarters. Of course physical changes must occur, but they do not need to be catastrophic and we will lessen their affects.
Sometimes we feel that many of you do not fully understand the implications of what is happening. Make no mistake, all that you thought was permanently on Earth as a natural consequence of your creations, is largely the work of those who enslaved you. You have had little say if any at all, in what has passed as your life experiences. It is however true, that you have made the most of them by accepting the challenge to overcome them. The dark Ones have unwittingly helped you evolve, and you have not only survived, but brought the Light to Earth so that it has stopped their plans from preventing Ascension. You have proved more than equal to the task, and have shown the extent of your good faith in the higher powers that have guided you. Furthermore, you have achieved it without knowing the full facts, and until fairly recently that your victory was to lead you directly to Ascension. You can rightly feel proud of yourselves, and we have endless admiration for you all. You are truly Warriors of the Light that have earnt all of the accolades that will come your way.
You no longer have anything to fear, although you will hear reports of confrontations where countries play the old game of pretence. They may harbor thoughts of war but it will go no further, and we will see to it that it comes to nothing. They will soon have to put away all weapons of war, and we will ensure that there is no skullduggery or deceit. We mean business when we talk of these things, and in no uncertain manner shall address all nations when our peace talks begin. We will not be asking them to accept peace, but demanding it on your behalf and at the request of higher powers than Man. It will come very soon and allow you the opportunity to live in safety, and without fear of the loss of life, your belongings or your home.
Dear Ones, all that has been promised will be fulfilled, and we are here to see that the changes are in accordance with the Divine Plan. Be cheerful and enjoy the thoughts that Ascension evokes, and allow your consciousness free range to do so. Think changes and how wonderful life is going to be, and if possible share your thoughts with those who also sense what is coming. Love every soul as yourself and that will be of great service to them.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
The dark Ones have unwittingly helped you evolve, and you have not only survived, but brought the Light to Earth so that it has stopped their plans from preventing Ascension. You have proved more than equal to the task, and have shown the extent of your good faith in the higher powers that have guided you.
From Steve Beckov in view of the late events
Just a note on a few miscellaneous matters.
One is to share just how different we all are. Many people write in and say how happy they are that this site supports President Obama. Then one reader writes in and asks to be removed from the blogroll because we support that “Illuminati puppet Obama.” Another reader writes in and says she will be sending the Dutchsinse article to all her friends and another writes in and calls him a shil.
Folks, we do support President Obama and we do support Dutch and, since some are writing in about Greg as well, we support Greg too, whom the Boss said to me the other day was “working very clearly. We would strongly urge you to continue with this man. He is honest. He is clear.”
So we too have been clear on these matters. If you’re opposed to the President, Dutch, and Greg, that’s OK with us. We’ve done our due diligence and support all three. If it isn’t with you, there are ample sites these days to choose from.
As lightworkers, we’re going to disagree on some things, but let it not come between us as adults. If lightworkers fell out with each other over every source cited or every statement made, there would eventually be, as Joan Baez once said, only one tin soldier standing,
Another matter: one reader wrote in and complained that a certain prediction did not occur. This site withdrew from the prediction game many moons ago. Linda Dillon doesn’t do predictions and you hear the sources she channels regularly say that “the channel does not wish me to make a prediction.” We at the 2012 Scenario also don’t do predictions.
If you think about it for a moment, you’ll see that not one prediction made about any subject that I’m aware of has come true. So rather than calling the whole thing off, as the song goes, we await events without wanting to know or hear any more guesswork from anyone, frankly, given the abysmal general record on predictions going back as far as I can remember.
We’ve had many discussions about why predictions may not occur. The galactics have learned their lesson on the matter; the hierarchy have mostly withdrawn from the practice; and we don’t report them. Everyone seems to be agreed.
And yes, sometimes a source we post does give a prediction and we are faced with the choice of posting or not posting that piece. Sometimes we grimace and post it but that does not mean that this site supports the prediction.
Dare I take my life in my hands and make a joke? Here goes…..
The secret, mystical name of the great God of this era is “Soon.” Many love him; many hate him. But he has never been unseated and the time of his advent is known only to himself.
From Steve Beckov in view of the late events
Just a note on a few miscellaneous matters.
One is to share just how different we all are. Many people write in and say how happy they are that this site supports President Obama. Then one reader writes in and asks to be removed from the blogroll because we support that “Illuminati puppet Obama.” Another reader writes in and says she will be sending the Dutchsinse article to all her friends and another writes in and calls him a shil.
Folks, we do support President Obama and we do support Dutch and, since some are writing in about Greg as well, we support Greg too, whom the Boss said to me the other day was “working very clearly. We would strongly urge you to continue with this man. He is honest. He is clear.”
So we too have been clear on these matters. If you’re opposed to the President, Dutch, and Greg, that’s OK with us. We’ve done our due diligence and support all three. If it isn’t with you, there are ample sites these days to choose from.
As lightworkers, we’re going to disagree on some things, but let it not come between us as adults. If lightworkers fell out with each other over every source cited or every statement made, there would eventually be, as Joan Baez once said, only one tin soldier standing,
Another matter: one reader wrote in and complained that a certain prediction did not occur. This site withdrew from the prediction game many moons ago. Linda Dillon doesn’t do predictions and you hear the sources she channels regularly say that “the channel does not wish me to make a prediction.” We at the 2012 Scenario also don’t do predictions.
If you think about it for a moment, you’ll see that not one prediction made about any subject that I’m aware of has come true. So rather than calling the whole thing off, as the song goes, we await events without wanting to know or hear any more guesswork from anyone, frankly, given the abysmal general record on predictions going back as far as I can remember.
We’ve had many discussions about why predictions may not occur. The galactics have learned their lesson on the matter; the hierarchy have mostly withdrawn from the practice; and we don’t report them. Everyone seems to be agreed.
And yes, sometimes a source we post does give a prediction and we are faced with the choice of posting or not posting that piece. Sometimes we grimace and post it but that does not mean that this site supports the prediction.
Dare I take my life in my hands and make a joke? Here goes…..
The secret, mystical name of the great God of this era is “Soon.” Many love him; many hate him. But he has never been unseated and the time of his advent is known only to himself.