Two new studies, both out of Israel, have the world spinning. One, released by the Holocaust Memorial Museum, places Europe’s Jewish population in 1939 at between 40 and 50 million, with up to 20 million holocaust dead.
The other, released by Johns Hopkins, finds the following, as reported by Israel’s Haaretz:
“The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. We are talking here about groups that are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion…[the] genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient peoples and its origin is largely Khazar.”
(Dr. EranElhaik, The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses; Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
One study lists up to 14 million new Jewish holocaust deaths while the other, published by one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, seemingly debunks the presence of any ethnic “Jewish” population in Europe whatsoever.
Changing facts to make them “fit”….again
Thus, a world obsessed with “the holocaust” is faced with a conundrum: 6 million, 20 million or, if Johns Hopkins is correct, no members of a “Jewish race” perished whatsoever.
A seemingly endless series of political and public relations blunders by Israel has left them vulnerable to public scrutiny, even in the United States, where it had been believed that the flood of propaganda would work forever.
Re-revising the “revisionists”
Israel has decided to risk all, flooding the media with an entirely new and totally undocumented version of the holocaust, one intended to debunk even their own previous version and to create a new “revisionist holocaust” of massive proportions.
Today, the New York Times, with NBC News, reported by Eric Lichtblau (light blue in German), announced the “discovery” of, not only tens of thousands of new concentration camps across Europe but added tens of millions of new victims to the previous legally mandated tally of only 6 million.
The finding coincides with the upcoming AIPAC convention in Washington and is hoped to spark renewed outrage at nations that refuse to approve of Israel’s ethnic cleansing and apartheid policies. From the New York Times:
“The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany itself, during Hitler’s reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.
The lead editors on the project, Geoffrey Megargee and Martin Dean, estimate that 15 million to 20 million people died…
The existence of many individual camps and ghettos was previously known only on a fragmented, region-by-region basis. But the researchers, using data from some 400 contributors, have been documenting the entire scale for the first time, studying where they were located, how they were run, and what their purpose was.”The new total, up to 42,000 “death camps” with “gassing” totals now approaching 20 million Jews, over 400% of the estimated total living in Europe at the time, has flabbergasted historians.
“We didn’t know, how could we?
These “findings,” a total rewrite of history, a new version far beyond the wildest dreams (nightmares) of “revisionist historians,” will require the rewriting of laws across the world, the re-education of hundreds of highly subsidized “holocaust professors” and the total retooling of literally hundreds of holocaust memorials.
Every textbook in the world will have to be burned.
Moreover, in addition to the hundreds of scholars and activists imprisoned around the world for “holocaust denial,” the crime of disputing the officially sanctioned “6 million dead” figure, a criminal act in dozens of nations, now those who continue to either use the old “6 million” figure or refuse to destroy materials or censor films making reference, also face prosecution and up to 10 years incarceration.
Building new memorials, creating new plaques, destroying old ones, will have to begin on a scale that may well begin a rebuilding of Europe’s ravaged economies.
Scientists around Europe, mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, working with artists, memorial designers and architects, are soon to be tasked with attributing the 42,000 new “death camps” with needed totals.
This will be particularly difficult as previous “death camps,” such as Dachau and Auschwitz had either been reclassified as actual prisons or had their numbers of deaths reduced by up to 80%.
In some facilities, deaths previously attributed to Jews are now listed as largely Russian prisoners of war, Gypsies, or political prisoners. Thus, not only will the attribution of up to 20 million Jewish deaths be a challenge but an academic conclave on holocaust statistics, expected to take years, is likely to be required to make new “facts” fit the testimony of unattributed informants.
A review of current findings combined with an analysis of post-war population figures now shows Europe’s Jewish minority to actually have been quite something else. In fact, there may well have been, as we are now seeing, more Jews in Europe than Germans or French.
Genome anomaly
The Johns Hopkins study by Dr. Elhaik presents a “two edged sword” of challenges. In totally debunking the mythology of the “Jewish Genome,” the claimed “legal basis” for citing biblical rationale for the seizure of land in Palestine, Elhaik also assails even the use of “anti-Semitism,” a term used to attack those who oppose Israeli policy.
As studies show, as few as 2% of Jews in Palestine have any Semitic blood, the term “anti-Semite” can only be applied toward those who align themselves against the Palestinian people.
This makes most Jews in Israel “anti-Semites.”
“Jew haters” debunked too
In all fairness, criticizing bizarre new “wingnut conspiracies” meant to reinvigorate what Professor Normal Finkelstein called the “holocaust industry,” without using a “broader brush” is disingenuous.
For every war criminal and “huckster” profiteering on victimization mythology, there are now and have been for centuries, those who have profited on demonizing a “Jewish race” that they themselves have always been an equal part of.
When comparing studies of the origins of, not just Slavic but Nordic peoples as well, the racial origins directly parallel those found on the Johns Hopkin’s study.
A study of the human genome has shown there to be little difference between the “Jewish blood” of a Venetian “money changer” and a Viking prince.
Thus, centuries of persecution, either based on attacking Jews as “Christ killers” or for imagined racial characteristics are known now to have always been baseless.As shown, only a minute number of European Jews show any Middle Eastern origin whatsoever, much less any direct tie to the persecution and murder of a first century religious figure.
The Holocaust balloon
We had discussed Israel’s failures and the desperation that would lead to the creation of a new “re-revisionist holocaust” of proportions beyond any possible reason or rationale.
A week ago, Saudi Arabia and the UAE announced they were buying billions in German weapons in order to defend Israel from Iran.
There have long been stories about Israel being America’s “best friend” in the Middle East. Now we find that Israel is also Saudi Arabia’s best friend too?
Along with the UAE, do we add Turkey, Bahrain, Qatar and how many other countries? How long has this been going on?Yes, how long have so many been lying about so much?
The United Nations vote confirming Palestinian sovereignty removed any legal basis for Israeli occupation and settlement. The Johns Hopkin’s study obliterated any biblical claim as well. Virtually none of the Jews who settled in “Israel” possesses an iota of Semitic blood.
Even minor public relations disasters like the recent “Purim” celebration where Jewish children celebrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks as Israeli victories, are exploding the mythology of who the real terrorists are and have always been.
From a Press TV article by Dr. Kevin Barrett:
“For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.”
This disaster follows two more, Israel’s failure to block the re-election of President Obama and Israel’s failure to derail the appointment of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.
Recognized “enemies of Israel” now control two of the three top American offices, leaving only John Kerry, Secretary of State, as an Israeli surrogate.
Moreover, recent talks between Iran and the “5 plus 1” powers has brought about an agreement to begin rolling back sanctions and to recognize, at least partially, the peaceful aspect of Iran’s nuclear energy program.
This may well signal, not just a disaster for Israel but an end to the usefulness of so many machinations, interference in Syria, controlling Turkey’s Erdogan as a “hand puppet” and orchestrating terror attacks in Iraq.
Maybe a new, even more inflated holocaust, this time with 100 million dead, can “dazzle” the world.
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MUST READ!!! PressTV: The Holocaust bomb, a ‘re-revisionist myth’ . . . Hopefully, they have finally overplayed their hand. . . ~J
The Inequitable Distribution of Wealth in America Depicted
The Inequitable Distribution of Wealth in America Depicted
Here’s a shocker. In this video, the distribution of wealth in America is pictured. It isn’t even possible to show the amount of wealth owned by the wealthiest one percent on the chart because it stacks so high that the rest of it can’t be made to show up. If you want to cut to the bottom line, go to 4:15 on the video. Thanks to Suzi.
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We May Need to Brace Ourselves for Some of What’s Ahead
We May Need to Brace Ourselves for Some of What’s Ahead
I have to confess that my knees are shaking thinking of the phase of things that we may be inching towards.
Some of you may have listened to Kay Griggs’ video, which Poof mentioned. If you did, you’re probably in a state of shock hearing how people like Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeffrey Dhamer, and many others like them are all tied together as part of a U.S. Army program to train assassins. (Oswald did not assassinate Kennedy, as far as I’m aware, but he was part of an assassins’ program, according to Kay.)
You’re probably in shock learning how many former top administration officials like Caspar Weinberger and Henry Kissinger are knee deep in … well, shall we say, despicable deeds?
You may be dazed at hearing how casual the assassination of foreign citizens is, of the incredible power that rests in the hands of what Kay calls the evil men at the head of the military bureaucracy. (Not all men at the head of the military bureaucracy are evil; some are white knights whose mission it is to restore balance and reform the military.)
[Kay's interview can be heard at ]Anyone who’s read the memoirs of Svali, the former Illuminati trainer, on how the cabal are (or perhaps were) behind snuff flicks, pedophilia, and every other form of unspeakable trend in our society will know some of what Kay talks about.
Kay is to be honored for giving us her testimony. She braves her own death every day to keep warning us of these matters. It’s a wonder she’s still alive. Really.
And it’s also necessary for some people to watch her video – not all of us, by any means. But enough of us that we don’t remain with our heads in the sand over what she risks her life to bring to our attention.
But the really distressing thought is that, at some time in the future, we’ll need as a society to hear about the monstrous things the Illuminati have done so that we never succumb again to being willing or unwilling accomplices in what they brought forth into the world. And I don’t look forward to that time.
I’m not going to review what Svali said in earlier times. You can read some of it here if you have the intestinal fortitude: . I have no idea if Svali survived giving her testimony. As far as I’m aware, she hasn’t been heard from in years.
I haven’t been willing to write about these topics and I still hope I don’t have to. But I do need to warn you that revelations of a very disheartening and shocking nature will come to light some day, and we may be nearing it.
Why must these things be revealed? Jesus said through John Smallman: “All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being. … The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, is at an end.” (1)
SaLuSa explains that “it is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past.” (2) “You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones,” he tells us. (3)
Without knowing these things, how will the general public understand why our star brothers and sisters are here and what they’ve come to do? Most people won’t understand it and will jump to an unjustified conclusion that they are here to take us over.
They’re not. They’ve rescued us from the Illuminati. Without them we couldn’t have done it – or not for a thousand years and billions of deaths. Only revealing what the Illuminati were up to and how far they would go to seize control of the planet (murdering all but 500 million of us in a World War III that was planned to start with bombing Iran) will awaken the mass of the people to the reason why the galactics are here.
Look at how many people to this day don’t see what’s behind American and Israeli threats to bomb Iran?
The Pleiaidian Council through Wes Annac said last year: ” You are now to find in the immediate period ahead many disclosures and revelations that we Lovingly ask you to prepare yourselves for. ”
“The truths that have been given through channels have been only a small fraction of the overall truths that you are going to be given, and the plan for your world in general is that each and every one of you are to take up the work required to begin healing your beautiful world in the mass, effective ways that have been needed.” (4)
Matthew Ward says that “the shocking truths that will be coming forth … will cause considerable unrest.” (5)
We’ve been forewarned.
I have to confess that when I hear SaLuSa say that “we look to you to lift people up,” (6) I feel a bit woozy. If we really get what he’s saying, he’s telling us that it will fall to us lightworkers to explain and interpret to the large numbers of people who’ll be shocked into awakening what is being discussed and what the situation is. There won’t be any room at that time for us to say, “We’re shocked as well. We haven’t had time to react ourselves. How can we lead you when we’re as knocked over by these revelations as you are?”
So again these are all reasons to prepare ourselves and to find new sources of strength within ourselves to weather what lies ahead … no, not to weather it; to lead others through the thick of it. Tough assignment.
So I’m just saying this now to put us on notice and to warn us of what may lie ahead. No one wants to listen to the grisley things that Kay Gibbs has to say and I’m sure Kay would never have chosen the life she was forced to live if, at a soul level, she was not prepared to make that sacrifice for humanity. No one revels in being the bearer of such bad news.
But we need to hear it if we are ever to turn our back on the glitzy, superficial lifestyle we’ve been leading so far which hides from our view the really nasty things the Illuminati have been doing behind closed doors and out of the public view.
(1) Jesus through John Smallman, Oct. 18, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012, at
(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012.
(4) The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac, July 6, 2012, at
(5) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at
(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2013.
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