
John Ward – European Banknotes : The Suddenly Missing Y Chromosome In Greece – 18 May 2012


“Whaddya mean ‘we’ Dave?”

Underworld sporting personality and socialite George ‘Giddy’ Osborne was seen suffering from Rapid Shifty Eye Movement this afternoon, following the arrest of old Estonian Chuck Brooks and his gangster’s Moll Becky Redtop.

“You’ll never take me alive copper,” said Chuck, as Miss Redtop merely whispered coyly, “Do remind the Prime Minister that I know to the last coordinate where all the bodies are buried.” Mr Brooks asked for 2,319 other offences involving disposal of suspicious powder and incriminating laptops to be taken into account.

The Prime Minister’s official residence 10 Downing Street issued the following statement from increasingly temporary resident Mr Avid Camerdoch: “I would just like to say that while I vaguely remember meeting this unfortunate ginger mental patient, her silly ideas about our supposed relationship are complete fantasy and entirely unrelated to any text messages that the wicked Newscorp organisation may have planted on my phone in an attempt to implicate me in their unspeakable practices and all these vicious rumours about holidays spent marching in Colombia are utterly without foundation.”

The Slog immediately contacted Giddy Osborne, who asked “Ooo wants ter know?” in answer to my first enquiry, “Hello, is that the Chancellor of the Exchequer?”

Mr Osborne added:

“Look squire, diss ain’t got nuffink ter do wiv me roit, I wuz in Brussels at the time in a barney wiv dat Mrs Merton. De filf ain’t got nuffin on me an’ I aint never errd of this geezer Coolson oom I might’ve introduced to somebody once but I can’t remember nar push off”.

The case continues.

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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John Ward – European Banknotes : The Suddenly Missing Y Chromosome In Greece – 18 May 2012


The strange case of Y = 0

Some of you may recall a post of mine on the subject of how one tells the origin of euronotes by country, and how the Bank of Greece has gone into the business of printing its own unauthorised version.

At the time, I pondered at length during several posts as to why Mario in Frankfurt didn’t seem to be worried about it. Did he know anyway? some Sloggers asked: to which the answer is ‘Yes’, because each country issuing Toytown notes uses a prefix in the note number to denote the origin. Without that, the note isn’t legal tender.

Greece’s code-letter is ‘Y’. And up until just three weeks ago, there were a lot of new ‘Y’ notes in Greece.

Over the past fews days, a number of Greeks have been looking at the serial numbers of their Euro notes. I was alerted to this by one Athenian Slogger, who was surprised to find he had almost no Euro notes issued by Greece. In an email, he tells me:

‘I am sat here in Greece and decide to check out my notes. They were all withdrawn from Greek banks or ATMs over the last two weeks. At the moment I have rather a lot of cash as I have things to pay and also need to bring back some cash to use when travelling back to Greece later in the year. I have in total 27 bank notes of various values. The breakdown is as follows:-

French         – 1
German       - 14
Italian         - 3
Irish            - 2
Dutch          – 5
Greek          None’.

The German figure of 14 shouldn’t be misinterpreted by the way: Germany has an enormous population, and one of the lowest usage levels of plastic cards. It is also Greece’s biggest customer.

An acquaintance of my informant also notes: ‘It’s really odd about the notes beginning with a Y. Late last year I checked my notes and nearly all had them beginning with a Y, but yesterday I asked several people to check and no-one had any notes beginning with a Y. Has someone already begun withdrawing them from circulation?’

Very good question. Since receiving the email, I’ve asked a dozen or so Greek contacts to check the notes in their wallets. And guess what? Apart from one respondent, nobody had any notes beginning with ‘Y’.

There are two main ways one could interpret this:

1. Mario’s ECB has been churning out loads of notes in an effort to allay any fears that Greece has none left. (Not really likely).

2. Mario has issued an edict to the Bank of Greece: no more money from us until you stop printing your own at will. In the meantime, I’m taking all your Y-fronts out of circulation. (This is considerably more likely).

Earlier today, Mario Draghi announced that the European Central Bank would temporarily stop lending to some Greek banks, in order to limit its risk. That clearly wasn’t the whole story.

I am left wondering if whether, in anticipation of a run on Greek banks, SuperMario is starting a policy of starving the Greek banking system of cash. If so, he is going to have one helluva job doing the same thing in Spain, where withdrawals (especially from Bankia) are running wildly ahead of even Greek institutions.

That’s not really a serious suggestion. If he wanted to save Greece, the last thing Signor Draghi would do is add to the illiquid nature of this eurozone State. On the other hand, maybe he wants Greece to go under quickly. Maybe he wants every euro removed from Greece as quickly as possible in order to make room for all those new drachma coming in. Because when a drachma meets a euro (research shows) they tend not to get on. I’m told. Allegedly.

Or maybe he has a bet on (under the assumed name of Gary di Maggio) with bookies across four continents at 250-1 that by Saturday week Greece will be a drachma country once again.

I offer these vaguely silly suggestions because I really have no idea what this might mean. Anyone who does (and I mean really does, not wild theories) the address is the usual jawslog@gmail.com

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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John Ward – Euroblown : New Research Shows Youth Hold Key To Irish Fiscal Treaty Referendum – 18 May 2012

Similar syndrome seen to that in Greece

I don’t know if you have the same impression as me, but over the last fortnight I seem to have seen surveys in Ireland showing that Merkel’s Fiscal Treaty will be roundly rejected and overwhelmingly endorsed. A closer look, however, reveals a situation remarkably parallel to that in Greece three weeks ago: a huge proportions of the voters can’t make their minds up. They’re in two minds. So perhaps they need two votes. The old Irish saying, “Vote early and often” may apply.

The latest gauge of this uncertainty comes from Millward Brown Lansdowne, who did fieldwork on behalf of the Irish Independent on Monday and Tuesday. The results show 37% in the Yes camp, 24% in the No redoubt, and 35% between two stools, if you’ll pardon the expression.

But just as in Greece,  it’s the young voters who are taking longest to make their minds up….and we all know what happened in Hellenika.

I contacted Paul Moran at MBL this morning, and he has kindly furnished me with an age-related demographic showing that the Undecideds are heavily biased towards under 25s, and biased overall to those under middle age. So, the average of all Don’t Knows is 35%, but:

18-24 – 47%

25-34 – 38%

35-49 – 35%

50-64 – 30%

65+ –     32%

This produces another element of the unknown, because as we saw in the UK election of May 2010, voters under 25 talk a good game about turning up to vote, and then often don’t. (In Greece they turned up in droves).

Not many Irish eyes are smiling on the whole right now, but the Stalinist desperation of Government politicians to be on-message provides more than enough amusement to produce the odd wink and twinkle.

Asked yesterday on Irish radio station Today FM what the Government’s ‘Plan B’ was if the treaty is rejected, Minister Richard Bruton suggested a second vote was possible.

“We will have to say we will need access to this fund and I think Ireland will be looking to say, can we vote again?’

This falls under the standard EU procedure of continuing to vote until citizens give the desired answer. If nothing else, it shows what Good Europeans the Dublin pols are.

But a Government spokesperson later insisted that misspeaking had been involved in Richard Bruton’s remarks, and denied that he was merely a dead actor undergoing an unfortunate typing error.

The spokesperson told RTÉ News that the Government’s position was “crystal clear” – aaaarrrrggg – and there would be no second referendum on the Treaty, whatever the result.

Mr Bruton  admitted that he did not handle the interview as well as he could have. Correct, Richard. Let’s be absolutely clear about this, you screwed up.

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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Sibel Edmonds - Classified Woman - Our Allies Mujahedin

Obama Theme for the Week 5/18/12 "Reach High and Hope Deeply"

Greece dissolves one-day parliament to make way for new elections

Greece dissolves one-day parliament to make way for new elections PressTV.ir


File photo shows the Greek parliament

File photo shows the Greek parliament PressTV


Greece’s symbolic one-day old parliament has been dissolved in order to make way for the country’s repeat elections, which are scheduled to be held next month.

On Thursday, in a symbolic move, the 300 lawmakers elected in May 6th elections, were sworn in for only one day.

Inauguration of the one-day parliament was followed by appointment of a caretaker government, led by a senior judge.

The caretaker government has no power to make binding decisions and is only meant to lead the debt-laden south European country through the upcoming elections, planned to be held on June 17th. Read more


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The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 1/2

2012 May 18

Posted by Stephen Cook

While we often know the name, face, gender and other more personal details about many of those we post here and who you regularly enjoy reading – or at least who their earthly channel is – one of this year’s newest and intriguing “informants” remains a total enigma.


Since launching the blog Portal 2012 – which is subtitled The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light in 2012 – on March 31 this year, the person who identifies his or her self only as Cobra has made quite an impact.


Mostly, this has been due to Portal 2012’s intriguing content mix – which incorporates an unusual blend of informational postings for readers like you and I, as well secret codes, under titles such as Pandora and Phoenix, which Cobra maintains are designed for those who work with an organisation called the Resistance Movement, led by a man he only refers to as “Michael”.


But it has also been because, if you are like me, we’re hungry for information that will take us to, help us understand, or give us some timing for the next exciting phase of this incredible year we now find ourselves in.


Yet, apart from Cobra’s own blog postings What is Cobra? and Who Is Cobra? from the Portal 2012 blog post from April 8, 2012 and one titled Resistance Movement from April 6, 2012, which gives an explanation of the movement Cobra is associated with as their messenger (both of which, I have linked at the end of this article so you can read if you have not already done so), nothing else is publicly known or available that I know of.


For me personally, my curiosity – and quite possibly also my suspicion – is always aroused by anyone who wishes to remain completely anonymous. Sometimes it’s for a very good reason: I understand that if you’re carrying out undercover work you need to remain undercover. But having worked in journalism, marketing and PR all my working life, I’m also acutely aware that creating an air of complete mystery around someone or something can also be a wonderful method of attracting greater interest.


That said, I decided I still wanted to try and find out more about who Cobra is, what his or her motivation is and where he or she gets his or her information. Especially in light of recent postings Cobra made on the Archons, which included information – or personal musings – which differed somewhat from a wealth of previously-available information and terminology.


So, over the past week or so I’ve been in email-only contact with Cobra trying to find out more. We agreed that I could pose a series of introductory questions that would be answered, where possible, by Cobra. They were.


I have not edited any of Cobra’s responses. I’ve simply re-organised my questions and Cobra’s answers into a more cohesive flow, as our communications eventually took place by email over several different days.


Today Cobra reveals:

• He or she has assisted in negotiating the surrender of some top members of the cabal.


• His or her identity must be protected at this time due to having been threatened, physically attacked and interrogated and because people dear to Cobra have been severely tortured physically.

• Blogposts on Portal 2012 are the result of “direct (not channelled) intel from the Pleiadians, direct intel from the Resistance and from information agents” inside what he calls the “occult economy” and “alphabet agencies”.


Before you read on, I ask that, as with anything that we cannot verify, you use your own discernment. In a reading I had this week, Archangel Michael was very clear to me that it’s important to be “very discerning” with regards to the information Cobra shares in this interview and on the Portal 2012 blog.


Cobra has also stated in today’s Part 1: “I do my best to give you intel from credible sources. However, you need to check my intel (and any other intel as well) with a combination of your intuition and rational mind. This combination is key (as to) how to discern disinfo”.

Finally, for the record, I still don’t know who Cobra is, his or her gender, his or her nationality, where he or she lives, is located, or anything like that. I only know what Cobra has told me in the answers provided to my questions below.


Comments are on, should you wish to make any in regards to Cobra and/or the content of this interview.


The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 1

Part 2 will run tomorrow.


Stephen: Cobra, you came onto the scene on the last day of March 2012 with your blog Portal 2012. What were you doing prior to this and what prompted you to open your blog?


Cobra: I was basically living my life on planet Earth as any other human being does, and at the same time fighting for liberation of this planet by being involved in Special Operations. I was instructed by the Resistance in late March to open my blog to inform the general public about the coming changes.


Why that particular day, March 31, 2012, to launch your blog? Was there a significant reason?


C: It was a few days before 4-4 portal and consciousness level on the planet was getting ready to receive intel I was about to offer.

In your very first post you said, and I quote here: “We are living in extraordinary times. This is the shift of the ages. The financial system will restructure itself, the matrix will fall apart and new society will be born. Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This tour is not just an introduction to preparedness… It is the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. It contains information and guidance about time around 2012 and the planetary dimensional shift, never before revealed on this planet.” What did you mean by ‘tour’? And how is your blog preparing us for this ‘tour’?


C: Tour is a metaphor for our journey from third into higher dimensions. Information is power. And I give that to people.

You have said that Cobra is the abbreviation of ‘Compression Breakthrough’, and you have explained on your blog (see link below, What is Cobra?) what this is. But why did you choose that name? As you would agree, it has a slight fear element – being both a dangerous and venomous snake; a strong Illuminati symbol if ever there was one…


C: Cobra is also a symbol for kundalini, the force of enlightenment, the force of liberation and freedom. And yes, that IS dangerous to the Illuminati. It represents a slight fear element to them and they have every reason to be afraid…


Why is it necessary to keep your own identity secret?

C: Because of my mission, I have been threatened, physically attacked and interrogated. People dear to me have been severely tortured physically. I think this is reason good enough to keep my identity secret. I will reveal who I am after the Cabal is removed. I will reveal zero details about me prior to that, period.

Are you able to tell me what nationality and/or age you are?

C: No.


You have also said that what’s important is the message not the messenger, but people still need to believe the messenger? They also like real names and surnames. Plus, we have no known history of, or with you, other than these past few weeks. So what credentials do you offer that give people some certainty that what you are a credible source and what you are saying is credible?


C: For most people this war for liberty is like a video game or a good sci-fi novel they read about on the internet. For those directly involved behind the scenes, it is very real and can be dangerous. So I will not offer any credentials. I will present intel and people will have to make their own opinion about it.


Also, asking for credentials is a trap of the mind. Many high ranking Illuminati have brilliant credentials in academia and corporate world and look what have they done to the planet.

So, why have you been chosen as the messenger?


C: First, I am a good personal friend of Michael and some other senior top level people inside the Resistance. Second, I am an expert in information war and am well suited to help with my expertise in this field to assist the final victory of the Light.


But you have said you only met “Michael” once in 1977?

C: My further involvement with Michael is classified information.

And what do you mean by ‘information war’?


C: Information war is the war between forces of light and forces of darkness in the area of intelligence /counterintelligence.

How do we know you are not disinfo? Some of what you have written about has not always lined up what others may have read previously, or think they know. Where do you get such big-picture details?


C: I do my best to give you intel from credible sources. However, you need to check my intel (and any other intel as well) with a combination of your intuition and rational mind. This combination is key (as to) how to discern disinfo. With practice you can get fairly accurate.


My sources are: direct intel from the Pleiadians, direct intel from the Resistance and my information agents with connections deep inside the occult economy and alphabet agencies.


Tell me about the name Portal 2012, why you chose it and what does it signify to you?


C: The Portal was the name of Michael’s Resistance Movement intranet website once. I chose a similar name in his honour.

Why does your blog also carry secret code? I mean, that’s a bit obvious to the dark, isn’t it?


C: It is a practical way of communicating to many Resistance operatives at once. They can get updates simply by checking my blog. Sensitive intel is of course transmitted by other means.

Dark agents will never be able to crack that code and even if they would, it would not help them much. Actually, it would make them even more afraid, because it contains intel about their own downfall.

But you also appeal to the wider public as well. So it’s a strange tightrope to be walking, serving two audienceone with very public messages; the other having a top secret purpose. Kind of an unusual mix in the one blog, don’t you think?


C: It is time for the general public to become aware of the Resistance Movement.

What can you reveal of your current or previous roles in life, be they career or otherwise, that will assist people in deciding to take your word as a credible source?

C: Nothing.

You have stated clearly that you are not a military person, so what do you do/what legitimacy do you offer to a resistance movement?

C: I am cooperating with them for years and they have vetted me thoroughly as I have excelled in some Special Operations. I have for example assisted in negotiating the surrender of some top members of the Cabal.

You have said the Resistance Movement lives in subterranean dwellings in the upper part of the earth’s crust in Himalaya, near Kongka-La in eastern Ladakh, and under Bora Bora Island and that they have constant physical contact with the Pleiadian bases in both locations. Can you tell me more?

C: The locations you just stated are for Pleiadian subterranean bases. The Resistance has its main bases underneath some larger metropolitan cities.


You have talked about “Michael” and the beginnings of the Resistance Movement in 1977. You wrote as if you were there? Were you?


C: Yes, I met Michael once in 1977 in a subterranean base below New York.


And yet you have said above that he is “a good friend”?

C: Unfortunately I cannot explain this further.

Is Michael still leading the resistance?

C: Yes.


If so, then you have been working with him and this Resistance Movement for over 35 years, is that correct? If not how long have you been involved? And how did you first become involved?

C: I am not working for them. We work together.

After that initial contact, I was not involved for many years. I am more actively involved in the last two decades. My active involvement started as Resistance offered me protection when members of the Cabal attacked me after I released some sensitive intel about them to the general public.


What work did you originally undertake with/for the Resistance Movement?

C: I cannot answer this question.


What is your role today beyond being their official contact? Are you a resistance fighter or simply their main communications medium?

C: I am not and never was involved in physical combat so technically I can not be called Resistance fighter. I am more involved in intelligence, counterintelligence, Cabal surrender negotiation and other Special Operations.


What is your communications area background? Were you involved in telecommunications? Media and PR? A journalist?

C: I cannot answer this question.


Are you also an agent or communicator within some current nation’s military force or government?


C: I am not involved in any national military or government forces, although some of my information agents have contact with that on a top senior level.


Tomorrow… The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 2.
Cobra reveals some members of the cabal are already under house arrest; that Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnate in a human body; and, that this weekend, around the eclipse of May 20, is “going to be VERY intense”.


Links to Cobra’s own Portal 2012 blog postings about him/her and the Resistance Movement:


Resistant Movement from April 6, 2012: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2012-04-08T03:26:00-07:00&max-results=7&start=42&by-date=false


What is Cobra? and Who Is Cobra? from April 8, 2012 – you will need to scroll down the page a fair bit to Sunday April 8: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2012-04-13T03:17:00-07:00&max-results=7&start=35&by-date=false



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Obama choose Camp David for intimate meetings with G-8 leaders