Panel members at the “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed” lecture held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum on Sept. 22, 2012.
Former Air Force Colonel Accuses US of UFO Cover-Up
Stephen: Disclosure continues with an ever-increasing number of former military leaders, government officials and others coming forward to dispute the stories which have been ‘fed’ to us over the years…
Charles Halt, Former Air Force Colonel, Accuses U.S. Of UFO Cover-Up
By Lee Speigel, Huffington Post – September 24, 2012
LAS VEGAS — Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations.
“I’m firmly convinced there’s an agency, and there is an effort to suppress,” Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.
Two former Air Force officers who were part of the infamous Project Blue Book — the military’s official UFO investigation in the 1950s and ’60s — and a former investigator with Britain’s Ministry of Defense were among the panel of speakers for a program entitled “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed.”
Halt, pictured below, was the deputy base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. He believes the observed UFOs were either extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin.
“I’ve heard many people say that it’s time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate,” Halt said.
“Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency that’s been investigating this for years, and there’s a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don’t even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it. It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?
“In the last couple of years, the British have released a ton of information, but has anybody ever seen what their conclusions were or heard anything about Bentwaters officially? When the documents were released, the timeframe when I was involved in the incident is missing — it’s gone missing. Nothing else is missing,” he said.
Halt added that he’s never been harassed over the reports he made about the Bentwaters UFO incidents.
“Probably for a couple of good reasons. Number one, my rank and some of the jobs I’ve held, but also very early on, I sat down and made a very detailed tape and made several copies of everything I know about it and they’re secluded away. Maybe I’m paranoid. I don’t know, but I think it was time well spent when I made the tapes.”
While the lecture panel members didn’t always see eye-to-eye on the details of specific UFO cases, one common thread ran through them.
“We share a couple of very important things: We’ve all been dedicated to serving our country and been very serious about it,” said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, who had a distinguished career as a decorated jet fighter pilot for both the Air Force and Navy.
“These are not flaky people, who’ve all held very responsible positions with high-level security clearances. They’re not the kind of people who tend to imagine things or go off on a wild tangent on something. They’re very professional, very business-like,” Palmer told The Huffington Post.
Making a rare public appearance was retired Air Force Col. Bill Coleman, the former chief spokesman for Project Blue Book between 1961 and 1963.
The controversial study ended in 1969, concluding that there was nothing about UFOs which represented “technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge.”
Coleman, at left, recounted his own riveting encounter with a UFO while he piloted a B-25 bomber in 1955. The unknown circular object descended from an estimated height of 20,000 feet, heading to the ground, when Coleman attempted to pursue it.“We were moving at maximum continuous power for the B-25, about 300 miles an hour, and we got right down to the treetops and I closed in on it very rapidly. I said I was going to overtake it — ‘Hang on and put your seat belts on’ — and I made a hard 90-degree bank to try and pull up alongside of [the UFO] and it wasn’t there.
“I zoomed up about 1,500 feet, and then I could see the object right on the deck over a freshly plowed field moving at a pretty good speed, and it [was trailing] two vortexes.” When Coleman dove behind the trees to try and “head him off at the pass,” the UFO was gone. He said it was a typically reported flying saucer.
Coleman concluded his part of the lecture by offering a possible reason why ETs may be hesitant to visit Earth:
“If an alien were to land here, our common cold could kill him. His common cold could wipe out the population of planet Earth. If they’re smart enough to build a vehicle that could travel light-years of time, they’d be smart enough to know that our diseases could wipe out people.”
During the time that Coleman was the Project Blue Book spokesman, the director of the Air Force study was Col. Bob Friend. He disagreed with the Air Force’s negative conclusions about UFOs in 1969.
“My primary explanation for these things is that, yes, they’re real, and I think it would be much better if the government or some other agency was to take on these things and to pursue the scientific aspects of it,” Friend said.
At Saturday’s lecture, Friend, at right, offered an olive branch to the many people who claim to have seen UFOs but have been reluctant to report them out of fear of not being taken seriously.
“UFO sightings are real, and you will not be ridiculed by any honest organization that investigates it. Just come forward, quote your case and allow people to investigate what they can to make some determination about what it is that you’ve seen. In the future, just remember that we’re on your side.”
Nick Pope, the civilian member of the UFO panel, acknowledged that many in the audience came to the lecture anticipating the revelation of mind-blowing UFO evidence.
“While I apologize to those people who might be expecting or hoping for a ‘spaceship in a hangar’ smoking gun, what you are getting is the real deal: an insight from people who have looked at this mysterious and infuriating subject for the government,” said Pope, a former UFO investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense.
“The UFO subject is a field which does have its fair share of crackpots and charlatans and cultists. What you have this evening in a field like that is a panel of people who indisputably and genuinely have done this for the government and the military.”
Pope recounted how the UK’s former official committee, known as the Flying Saucer Working Party, concluded in 1951 that UFOs were just misidentifications, hoaxes and delusions, and that no further time or effort should be wasted on the subject.
“Unfortunately for them, in 1952, there was a wave of sightings throughout the UK, where most of the witnesses were Royal Air Force pilots, some of whom chased these things, and many radar operatives tracked them,” Pope said.
As the Ministry of Defense continued investigating UFOs, Pope noted, they kept a close watch on the UFO “community.” “We anonymously subscribed to their magazines: Subscription, please send to John Smith, P.O. Box 007, London — that was us. And I even covertly slipped into the back of UFO conferences.”
Pope concluded by saying that the Ministry of Defense always had one thing on its mind about UFOs: “Whatever the nonsense you see about this subject sometimes in the field, we never lost sight of the fact that, in all of these hundreds of thousands of sightings, the believers only had to be right once, and everything changes.”
Watch this 1958 program of reporter Mike Wallace interviewing Marine Maj. Donald Keyhoe about UFOs. (Story continues below)
Another UFO lecture panelist, retired Army Col. John Alexander, was a former military insider who convened a special group in the 1980s called the Advanced Theoretical Physics Group, whose members were culled from the military services and the aerospace and intelligence communities. They concluded that while there had been numerous cases of credible UFO encounters, the group couldn’t find any evidence of any actual government cover-up.
Alexander cited a variety of intriguing UFO cases involving pilots and told the audience that UFOs are “real and is a global phenomenon — not something that just happens in the U.S.
“We need to make it permissible for scientists to discuss and research these topics. … There are no simple answers, and not only do we not have the answers, we’re not at the point of asking the right questions yet, and that’s what we need to do.”
The lecture included a spirited question-and-answer session in which the audience engaged the panel on a variety of UFO-related topics, trying to draw out more detailed revelations.
While no ET body or piece of alien spaceship was brought forward and presented to the audience, those who attended the presentation seemed to appreciate the participants’ candor.
Still, the audience probably left with more questions than answers.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
NaturalNews – Mike Adams – Harvard Now Ridiculously Insists That Fluoride Only Lowers IQ Levels Outside The United States – 26 September 2012
(NaturalNews) Intense industry pressure to continue mass medicating Americans with fluoride chemicals via public water supplies has apparently influenced Harvard University researchers to backtrack on a recent study they conducted that verified fluoride chemicals lower IQ levels in children. We are now being told the absurd lie that fluoride is only detrimental to people in other countries, and that Americans need not worry about ingesting and bathing in the toxic brew here in the states.
A recent pro-fluoride article published by the industry-backed Wichita Eagle petitions Wichitans, who will soon vote on whether or not to fluoridate their local water supply, not to oppose the city’s upcoming fluoride measure based on the Harvard study because the study’s findings allegedly only apply to Chinese children. The piece encourages Wichitans to essentially ignore this and other science showing the dangers of fluoride, or at least pretend as though none of it applies to them.
And the reason these pro-fluoride fanatics are using to make the ridiculous claim that the Harvard study’s findings do not apply in the U.S. is that the fluoride levels evaluated in China were supposedly far higher than they typically are in domestic water supplies. Thus, consuming or bathing in fluoridated municipal water poses little risk, they say, so drink up!
Fluoride levels used in Harvard study comparable to those used in U.S.
But is this even true? The Harvard review, which was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, includes a comparison of IQ levels among children living in a village with an average fluoride concentration of 0.36 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to the IQ levels of children in another village with a fluoride concentration of 2.47 mg/L. Clearly, neither of these levels is above the federal government’s maximum allowable concentration of 4 mg/L. (
A 2.47 mg/L concentration of fluoride, which is considered “high,” is hardly “ten times what we see here in the U.S.,” an erroneous claim made by pro-fluoride fanatic Larry Hund, a Wichita-based pediatrician and leader of Wichitans for Healthy Teeth, the primary group in Wichita pushing for water fluoridation. Some U.S. cities, in fact, have fluoride levels that exceed the 2.47 mg/L level of fluoride evaluated in the Harvard study, which means it most definitely has relevance in the current debate over whether or not to fluoridate. (
Even if you buy into the claim that the roughly 0.7 mg/L of fluoride that Wichita plans to add to its water supply is less than what was used in the Harvard fluoride study, there is still no solid evidence proving that even this lower level is safe. Since fluoride tends to accumulate in glands and tissue over time, any level of repeated exposure appears to be dangerous, not to mention the fact that the jury is still out about whether or not ingesting fluoride provides any legitimate oral health benefits whatsoever.
“The key takeaway for me in the (Harvard) study is, one, they didn’t rule out the danger (of fluoride), and two, they said further research is necessary,” said Don Landis, a spokesman for the group Wichitans Opposed to Fluoridation. “That’s what we’re saying; the science is not settled. No research is done on low-dosage fluoride, (and) the Harvard study is very valuable in pointing that out.”
To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, visit: for this article include:
SaLuSa: September 26, 2012 2012 SEPTEMBER 26
Andrew: SaLuSa mentions that time is speeding by in the approach to Ascension, and that previously prophesied major geophysical events are not happening in part due the Light that we have brought to Earth, although some physical changes are inevitable. The Galactics have, of course, also been responsible for smoothing the way and for maintaining relative peace. Remaining conflicts, perpetuated by the dark Ones, will finish with Ascension as we are moving to a level where negativity cannot exist.
He says that the path to Ascension is opening up and the required changes are nearing manifestation – nothing can stop this and we will be free from the Illuminati for ever. Our consciousness levels continue to rise and we will realise in one great leap forward that we have Ascended. We will then know, with no uncertainty at all, that we have changed immensely. He suggests that the most welcome change will be that we will no longer be susceptible to illness.
He suggests that we make the most of our final days on our present Earth as much beauty remains, despite the heavy pollution. The Galactics are already at work clearing this, and it will become a joint venture with us once they are able to meet us. He asks us to have no fear about the coming New Age which will be all we could wish for, and that they come to us in Love and Light.
SaLuSa: September 26, 2012
Channelled by Mike Quinsey
As you are finding, time is speeding by and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable.
By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.
It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that, apart from self defense, war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect.
Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.
We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about. Naturally the dark Ones have had a hand in perpetuating it, and speaking historically have set up almost every modern war between nations.
That will all finish with Ascension as you are moving into a level where such negativity cannot exist. The souls that think this way who will not give up their pursuits for wealth and power, will remain in the lower dimensions with others who are unenlightened. However, the Light will not be denied them and every effort will be made to bring them back into it. One day they will return, as eventually every soul will make it home.
Meantime the path to Ascension is opening up, and the changes required to move on are nearing manifestation. In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon. As we have said many times, nothing can stop the final curtain coming down, and the Illuminati will be gone from your lives forever.
Your consciousness levels continue to rise, and with one great leap forward you will realize that you have Ascended. There will be no uncertainty in your mind at all, you will know that you have immensely changed from what you were previously. So do not allow worries to creep into your mind, keep your vision in front of you and it will become your reality.
Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives, and it is the “knowing” that you can rely on to carry you forward. Your extrasensory perception will be sharper and enhanced by the new energies you are taking into yourself.
You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life. We could say that you have not lived until you experience life in the higher dimensions. It would be true particularly where it relates to other souls. You will find that all are united in Love and Light, and will live together in bliss and total harmony.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other. There is no fear whatsoever between the different life forms, and it is based on trust. Consequently no one feels inhibited or withdrawn, but can express themselves freely in great joy and happiness.
Thoughts associated with the lower vibrations never enter our minds, and we focus on all that is pure and untainted by any negative aspect. Living your life in this way is so satisfying and we certainly do not have any time for boredom. There will be so much more open to you to explore and as you ascend even further, as you say, “the sky’s the limit”.
So Dear Ones, make the most of your final days upon your present Earth. It still has so much beauty and places that are of the highest energies. Those of you who are sensitives will know what I mean. Equally some areas still remain badly polluted from centuries of being subjected to the lower energies through war and other conflicts. These will of course be finally cleared before Ascension, and indeed that work has already commenced.
To help you we can work whilst off Earth, but when we can meet you it can be carried out as a joint venture. Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together. It will come again in the near future when you shall understand your relationship with all other life forms.
You were all created and placed upon Earth to enjoy all of the Creator’s bounty and beauty and to learn how to support each other. Regretfully, in the latter stages, you grew away from Nature and forgot how much you needed each other. That is changing and many are recognizing the place that Man has on Earth, and the importance of his guardianship where all life is concerned.
The Buddhists are renowned for their understanding, and have shown what can be done when you are in harmony with nature. Some of you are equally aware, and are a good example to others who are seeking a true relationship with Nature.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to go forward with great confidence. There is nothing to be frightened about where the New Age is concerned – it is everything you could have wished for. We are preparing to introduce ourselves in whatever circumstances are permissible, and will do it a way that does not induce fear. Far from it, as we come to you in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
Activist Post – J.G. Vibes – Tesla Motors Launches Revolutionary Supercharger Enabling Free Long Distance Travel – 26 September 2012
Today Tesla Motors unveiled its highly anticipated Supercharger network, which is said to make long distance travel in cars totally free thanks to the use of solar energy and electricity. So far the network is made up of six Supercharger stations stretching across California, as well as parts of Nevada and Arizona. These stations will allow the Tesla Model S to recharge for free, and each charge is said to last for an extremely long distance. This is so groundbreaking because until now one of the major drawbacks to electric cars was their inability to travel long distances on a single charge.The charging centers that have opened so far are just the first of many, the company plans to install Superchargers in high traffic corridors across the United States, enabling fast, purely electric travel from Vancouver to San Diego, Miami to Montreal and Los Angeles to New York, all by next year. By 2015, Tesla Motors plans to create more than 100 charging stations across the United States, while also branching out into Europe and Asia.
The Supercharging stations will be twice as fast as any now in use and will be installed at highway rest stops. The rooftop canopy at many of the charging stations will carry a solar array that will place more electricity onto the local power grid, over time, than the cars use. For an undisclosed price there will also be home charging stations that will make local driving more convenient.
Elon Musk, Tesla Motors co-founder and CEO said in a press release “Tesla’s Supercharger network is a game changer for electric vehicles, providing long distance travel that has a level of convenience equivalent to gasoline cars for all practical purposes. However, by making electric long distance travel at no cost, an impossibility for gasoline cars, Tesla is demonstrating just how fundamentally better electric transport can be. We are giving Model S the ability to drive almost anywhere for free on pure sunlight.”
It is only fitting for an achievement like this to come from an organization that took on the name of Tesla. Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors in history and had actually discovered methods of harnessing free energy during his lifetime. Since many of Tesla’s inventions were not politically feasible they were never invested in and were never able to truly be realized. Today’s political climate is just as treacherous and controlled as it was in Tesla’s day, and there are many people out there who are fighting to suppress this sort of energy, so the development of these charging sites will be a very interesting thing to watch.Already there has been talk of financial problems for the company, and it was in the news this month that Morgan Stanley basically controls their stock rating. That in itself is another ironic twist, because Morgan Stanley can trace its roots to J.P Morgan, the investor who pulled his funding on Tesla when he realized the financial and political implications of a world with free energy. Morgan Stanley has been kind to Tesla Motors so far but we all know that history has a tendency to repeat itself so that is another thing to look out for.
If you have any questions or disagreements feel free to email me at
J.G. Vibes – is an author, and artist — with an established record label. In addition to featuring a wide variety of activist information, his company — Good Vibes Promotions promotes for electronic dance music events. You can keep up with him and his forthcoming book Alchemy Of The Modern Renaissance, at his Facebook page. AOTMR will be released this spring, thanks to Leilah Publications. This project features nearly 100 different essays, just like this one, that cover a wide variety of topics. These essays give historical and philosophical insight into the many important issues that our generation faces. From banking cartels and alternative currency to eugenics and the drug war, AOTMR offers a complete and comprehensive breakdown of the counter culture’s struggle.
Common Dreams – ACLU Sues Federal Agencies Over License Plate Reader Information – 26 September 2012
September 25, 2012
(212) 549-2666;
ACLU Sues Federal Agencies Over License Plate Reader Information
Demands records on how ordinary citizens’ data is kept and shared
BOSTON – September 25 – The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUm) and the national ACLU today filed suit in federal court against the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security seeking records about the federal government’s use of automatic license plate readers (ALPRs).These devices, mounted on police cars or stationary objects, can read and process up to 1,800 license plates per minute, allowing police to track ordinary citizens going about their lives like never before. The devices read license plates and search databases for stolen vehicles, wanted individuals, expired registrations, warrants, and more. However, they also record the time and location of every license plate they read, creating huge databases that can track potentially millions of people who have not committed any crimes or done anything wrong.
License plate readers are spreading rapidly around the country–they are already in use in at least 40 cities in Massachusetts across the state, including the Boston area, Worcester and Springfield–and are being used by federal law enforcement.
The public, however, has little information about how they are used to track motorists’ movements, including how long the data collected is stored, with whom it is shared, how it is secured and whether police departments pool this information in state, regional or national databases.
“If license plate readers are being used as a tool for mass routine location tracking and surveillance, we need to know more about it,” said Catherine Crump, staff attorney with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy & Technology Project. “The public should have an informed debate about the costs and benefits of this technology before we spend millions of dollars on it.”
The suit comes after federal agencies failed to release records requested in July 2012. The national ACLU and the ACLU of Massachusetts had filed FOIA requests with the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security to answer questions such as these:
- do federal agencies operate their own license plate readers?
- how long do they keep data?
- with whom do they share ALPR data?
- how secure is the data?
- are privacy policies in place to protect drivers?Location information can reveal deeply sensitive and intimate details of our lives. As the International Association of Chiefs of Police has put it in a report titled ‘Privacy impact assessment for the utilization of license plate readers[1]‘ in 2009, “mobile LPR cameras may collect the license plate numbers of vehicles parked at locations that, even though public, might be considered sensitive, such as doctor’ offices, clinics, churches and addiction counseling meetings, among others.”
“The places you go say a lot about who you are,” said ACLUm staff attorney Laura Rótolo. “If the government knows where you shop, where you worship, who you visit, and where you go to the doctor, it can put together a picture of your entire life. Police shouldn’t track everybody. They should only track people they suspect of committing crimes.”
For more information about ALPRs, go to:
For details about the requests about ALPRs that the ACLU filed with the federal Department of Transportation, Department of Justice, and Department of Homeland Security in July 2012, go to:
For more information about the ACLU of Massachusetts, go to:
###The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) conserves America’s original civic values working in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the United States by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
BBC News – Greece Set For Anti-Austerity General Strike – 26 September 2012
Trade unions in Greece have called the first general strike since the conservative-led coalition government came to power in June.
Wednesday’s 24-hour walkout is to protest at new planned spending cuts of more than 11.5bn euros ($15bn; £9bn).
The savings are a pre-condition to Greece receiving its next tranche of bailout funds, without which the country could face bankruptcy in weeks.
Large anti-austerity demonstrations are also planned.
Read the whole story at : link to original article
RT – Cenk Uygur – Americans Don’t Trust Mainstream Media – 26 September 2012
A new poll shows that 60 percent of Americans have no trust in the country’s mainstream media, and interest in the news is dramatically falling. So why do Americans so largely reject the domestic media? Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks joins RT’s Liz Wahl to explain. (Thanks Gillian- )
HEARTS’ TEMPLE The Elders via Anrita Melchizedek | Pleiadian Light By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 25 September 2012
Mp3 download
It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter in to this new Golden Age of Light. Sweet ones, as you understand, the way forward is through the pathway of Divine Love, of forgiveness, of compassion, peace, and the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. And now, sweet ones, as you move deeper into these transformational energies, through the center of Divine Love, you experience a deeper integration of your shadow aspects, of all relationships, with all souls around you with whom you have karmic patternings being played out, with those within your reality mirroring back to you lower archetypal aspects, the negative ego aspects of yourselves, needing to be integrated, to be loved unconditionally, within the Temple of your heart. In this transmission we take you into the Temple of the Heart, in to a deeper level of the creation, of the sacred Divine Love that you are and that exists within you.
Let us start now, sweet ones, by breathing deep into the body, getting yourselves comfortably relaxed within your sacred space, grounding in to the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart and have a sense of Mother Earth’s crystal heart – for this too is a holographic representation of the One Heart of all Creation. Feel this Love and support, sweet ones, as you connect now to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with your beloved I AM Presence, calling in all the Master Guides and Teachers of Light you personally acknowledge, finding yourself in this beautiful center of creation, of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. Create your personal stargates, sweet ones, wherever you are in your sacred space. Bring in your Pillar of Light, breathing now through the antakarana, the fluorescent tube of Light, as it comes within the body through the crown chakra, down the spine through the perineum center to the earth chakra center. This energy of Divine Light lifts you through all dimensions and you experience yourselves now shifting dimensionally, becoming more multi-dimensional, as you connect to your Higher Self of the Light, your sacred Guardian Angel, to your beloved I AM Presence and now to all the Angelic kingdoms of Light, to the Archangels and Angels and now Christed ET’s – in particular the Pleiadians, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, and the Arcturians, all of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya, Djwahl Kuhl, the Chohans of the Rays, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda and Lady Nada, Saint Germaine, Lady Portia, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena. Now call in the Mighty Elohim, Builders of Form. Make a connection now to Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence. Have a sense of the vastness of yourselves as you connect with all Life on this Earth Plane – the mountains, seas, forests, all the animals, the whales and the dolphins creating these etheric pods of Light. Have a sense now of connecting to all the lightworkers and star seeded ones, and Beings of Light from on High that are assisting in this ascension process through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love. Have a sense of taking on these geometries of Light from the Unity Grid of Light – of the planetary keycodes being downloaded, and of your personal keycodes, fire letters and sacred geometries within the swirlings and vortices and matrices creating the blueprint of this New Earth, of your Heaven on Earth. Wonderful.
Focus for a minute now on your breathing, sweet ones, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, and contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out; centering yourselves in the Divine Love of All Creation, as you bring in now a beautiful Golden Flame of One Unity Conscious and Empowerment, the sacred ray Overlighting this year of 2012, representing the Divine Masculine. And now you are gently wrapped in a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth representing the energy of the Divine Feminine. For as we commence the journey into your heart in the creation of your Heart Temple, sweet ones, this essence of Divine Love, in the full experience of this, in wholeness, in truth, in peace, and Unity Consciousness comes about through the merging of your inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light. And now surrounded by your Master Guides, and Guardian Angel and all the Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge, you bring your focus to your heart, sweet ones, as you see this stargate, this beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light being activated within your heart as you connect into the Inner Earth Sun, and the Sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun. As you experience yourselves as One with the entire Multi-Universe, you are taken in Soul consciousness into the energy of your heart, into your Heart Temple of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, sweet ones. As you enter in to your Heart Temple now, just feel this Love that is you, of yourself as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, and Master Being of Light. You find yourself seated at a Throne of Light, sweet ones, in the center of your heart, in this Temple of Divine Love. To the right of you is your Divine Masculine counterpart, this sacred Being that brings you deeper into the energy of the Twin Flame Reunion. To the left of you is your Divine Feminine counterpart, taking you deeper in to Love, and wholeness, through the complements of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits and the experience of your twin flame energies. Merge these aspects of you in wholeness, sweet ones. And place to either the left or the right of you the archetypal aspect representing your twin flame. Feel this sense of wholeness within yourselves, sweet ones, as this Golden Solar Sun Disc is now more deeply activated and actualized within your Heart Temple. The radiance of this energy taking you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God is experienced within your Heart Temple in sounds, and colors and geometries of Light as you bring in this crystalline matrix, your Soul matrix, in full Illumination and Light; the creation of the crystals and geometries and sonic vibrations, sounds and colors that resonate to your unique Soul vibration, to the magnificence and preciousness of who you are, and have forever been, as these sacred Master Beings of Light.
And now within this inner core circle, you see the Ascended Selves of your Self, sweet ones. All those parallel realities of the past, and future, so to speak, from a linear perspective, that have achieved self-mastery, are called your Ascended Selves, and they form this first core group of Light Beings around you, Overlighted by your Higher Self and beloved I AM Presence. Take a moment now, sweet ones, to merge with your Ascended Selves one at a time – experience these gateways, through these parallel realities and the Christed timelines in which you have achieved ascension, through the timelines of Lemuria, and Atlantis, and ancient Egypt, in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, and other lifetimes, and take on these keycodes through all your higher dimensional selves, sweet ones, your Ascended Selves. Come into full remembrance as the dormant DNA is now activated at a deeper level, this full twelve-strand DNA activation to the remembrance of self-mastery, of having achieved ascension in these timelines.
This sacred Heart Temple that you are re-experiencing carries these perfect notes, geometries of Light, and frequencies of Divine Love, taking you deeper into your heart’s calling, into the expression of your Soul matrix, in these waves of Divine Love, sweet ones. Find yourselves coming deeper into the knowing of the preciousness of your magnificence, into a deeper level of self-mastery, of looking through your Master Eyes, in the creation of your reality within the One Reality of All That Is.
Hold this focus, sweet ones, as you merge now with your future Self, as you see clearly through the Christed timelines, in to the energy in which you are again being embraced, as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
And now, bring this vision into this Now, extend it in to your Heart’s Temple, through your Heart’s calling, your Heart’s dreaming, and allow it to be represented within this inner circle of your family of the Light – what you are doing, who you are with, where you are living, how you are expressing your beautiful creative energies, and magnificence, as the healers, and the teachers, and the facilitators, and the way showers, sweet ones. Ground it through the crystal heart of Mother Earth, bring it into this Now, ground it into this reality. Embrace your family of the Light now. And now see beyond this another beautiful circle of your family and friends of the Light; these family and friends of the Light that you have known in many lifetimes and that come together now, in this legion of Light and Unity Consciousness. As you connect to the star-seeded ones and to the light workers from all around the globe, have a sense too of the collective star energies and groups that you are familiar with through your star heritage, sweet ones. The Pleiadians, and Sirians, the Andromedans, Arcturians, Lyrians and Antarians, call in the connecting energy to these Light Beings, through the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League, the Andromedans and the Andromedan Mothers, the Arcturians. Whatever core group you feel most in resonance with is also the core group again that extends from this inner group into the knowing of the teachings of Light that you have experienced through many dimensions and realities including through the star gateways of Light, to the inner plane teachings and ashrams of Light, sweet ones. To the Order of Melchizedek, the Great White Lodge, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. And now to the Archangels and Angels, as you see around you these sacred seven Archangels – Archangel Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Jophiel and Chamuel. Wonderful. You are presented now with a gift, a sacred gift from Archangel Michael, to tangibly cut through the energetic blockages around your energy field and body, to truly see through your Master Eyes in this Now, releasing old cords and ties energetically, that in another session we will go into in more detail with you, sweet ones. A deeper sense of clarity and insight, understanding and empowerment, unity consciousness and Divine Love is being experienced through you now, sweet ones, You are this Legion of Light, and as you open your heart deeply to yourselves and to one another, you take this out to all Life in forgiveness and Love, in clear communication, and indeed too in the embracing of the sub-personality aspects of yourselves that need to be integrated in this Now; and this is in the next circle within your temple of Divine Love, your Heart’s Temple, sweet ones. Every time you have played out the negative ego aspects of yourselves and your life’s challenges in reacting through these planes of duality you have perpetuated the lower ego aspects personality aspects that need to be integrated, and this could be understood archetypically through archetypes such as the victim or the persecutor or the addict or the beggar or the wounded child, to name a few. Focus on each of these archetypes or lower aspects that need to be integrated now, sweet ones, as you focus on your relationships, with those with whom you may still have perceived conflict. As you play out these roles, bring it back into the knowing that these souls are simply reflecting to you a part of the reality that you are experiencing in lack of self-love, in lack of self-appreciation, hiding in the masks or armour, defending or feeling the need to; these cellular memories that create the shame and the guilt and the pain are brought into wholeness through your Love and through the sacred stargate vortex of Divine Love within your hearts. Your Master Guides and your soul and star family and friends of the Light embrace your lower negative lower ego aspects or sub-personalities or archetypes now, sweet ones. See how well you have perpetuated and played this game, when indeed the only real stage player is your beloved I AM Presence. Beyond all these sub-personality aspects is the desire simply to be loved. So face your fears, sweet ones, have a look at what are your greatest fears, and as you integrate them you will shift to a deeper level of these negative ego aspects within yourselves in both reflection and understanding. Embrace each one in Divine Love now.
And lastly the circle around this, those with whom you are still playing out your karmic patterning and old contracts, embrace and Love them as simply reflections to show you what you have needed to work on. Embrace them in Love and forgiveness, sweet ones. Have a look too at cancelling these old contracts that state that you will choose to learn your lessons in pain and shame and guilt and abandonment, and lack of Love, as this is how you will learn best. Take a big red rubber stamp with the word “CANCELLED”, and cancel these old contracts now as you are presented by these sacred Angelic Beings of Light within your Hearts Temple with an Akashic crystal to move through the timelines and see these karmic interchanges and to have a look at the energy cords that still exist from these timelines into this Now that may say “I don’t like you, I don’t appreciate you, I don’t hear you, I don’t see you, I don’t trust you, I want nothing more to do with you”Again with Archangel Michael’s Sword of Holy Truth you cut these energetic cords that may extend from the throat or the heart or the solar plexus, or the sacral, or any of the chakras in fact, depending on these false beliefs and judgements. This will take some time, sweet ones, to go through each of your relationships, loving and forgiving, cutting the energy cords and indeed too having a look at what those streams of energy were that you brought into your reality through your energy body. Replace each one with the affirmations of “I see you, I love you, I believe you, I trust you, I appreciate you.” It is important, sweet ones, for you to truly be able to let go of all karmic relationships and interplays and lower aspects of yourselves being played out as you move into this Golden Age of Light, through your own archetypal negative ego aspects now. You are given the gift of spinning the Tolkien wheel, the wheel of Light, through their hearts, with their permission at a Higher Light level, of clearing these memories through Divine Love, and healing and Light, and of further embracing the aspects of yourselves most needing this Love now, sweet ones. Within the radiance of your Heart Temple of Divine Love you heal and Love all Life and all aspects of yourselves. This Temple is a beautiful place for you to come back and do more work, to feel every Now moment through a deeper understanding of your Heart Temple. This focus sweet ones, will indeed assist you into a greater level of self-mastery, into the knowing that you have for ever been these magical Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
Hold yourself in this sacred space of knowing and Love and understanding and of having forgiveness, sweet ones, forgiving yourselves as well as others. Grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and experiencing the energy of your beloved I AM Presence, wrapped in angelic wings around you, feel your Angelic body of light, sweet ones, as it is superimposed over your energy bodies, your spiritual bodies, your Ascended bodies. This is you, and this is who you have forever been, these Angelic Master Beings of Divine Love. We thank you for your service work to Mother Earth and all her Life, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession
Source:, Philip Smith, 9/21/12
Switzerland is on the verge of decriminalizing the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana after the lower house of parliament Thursday agreed to align itself with the Senate's version of the legislation, according to the Swiss news portal A final reading of the bill is expected to happen before the end of the fall session next week.
That would bring Switzerland in line with most of its Western European neighbors, which tolerate small-time marijuana possession. The move comes four years after voters rejected outright legalization in a popular referendum.
Switzerland has an estimated 500,000 pot smokers, with 10% of people in their teens and twenties saying they are consumers, one of the highest figures in the world. Currently, punishment for small-time possession varies from canton to canton, with some having already virtually decriminalized it with a small fine, while in others, violators face criminal penalties. Swiss courts handle 30,000 marijuana possession cases a year.
Preliminary parliamentary approval came over the opposition of conservatives in the Swiss People's Party and some members of center-right parties. People's Party legislator Thomas de Courten unsuccessfully sought to double the proposed $108 fine and warned that decriminalization was "giving the wrong message" to young consumers.
"The very mention of the word cannabis seems to trigger psychotropic effects among some members of this chamber," retorted Yvonne Gilli of the Green Party.
The proposal was pushed by the Christian Democratic Party, one of the five parties that make up Switzerland's governing coalition, but government officials seem decidedly lukewarm about it. The cabinet supports the bill, but "without enthusiasm," Interior Minister Alain Berset said.
Sep 20, 2012 - 9:17AM PT Finland is about to start using crowdsourcing to create new laws
Who makes laws? In most of the democratic world, that’s the sole preserve of elected governments. But in Finland, technology is about to make democracy significantly more direct.
Earlier this year, the Finnish government enabled something called a “citizens’ initiative”, through which registered voters can come up with new laws – if they can get 50,000 of their fellow citizens to back them up within six months, then the Eduskunta (the Finnish parliament) is forced to vote on the proposal.
Now this crowdsourced law-making system is about to go online through a platform called the Open Ministry. The non-profit organization has been collecting signatures for various proposals on paper since 1 March, when citizens’ initiatives came in, but a couple of days ago the government approved the electronic ID mechanism that underpins the digital version of the platform. That means it can now go live on 1 October.
“The National Communications Security Authority audited our code, our security policies and our service/hosting providers to ensure that the details of citizens are safe and can’t be hacked into,” Open Ministry founder Joonas Pekkanen told me via email. “[The system verifies] the people’s identity through the APIs offered by banks and mobile operators. So people can sign the initiatives online with the online banking codes or their mobile phones.”
What’s more, the banks and operators are providing the use of their strong verification APIs for free, as part of their social responsibility policies. Welcome to Finland!
Could it work elsewhere?
There are clear similarities to be found between the Finnish model and that being experimented with by the German Pirate Party, but the Open Ministry platform is somewhat less radical and less likely to be derailed by endless collaborative editing. The first batch of proposals on the Finnish platform is pretty varied: a ban on fur farming, a requirement for all public software procurement to take into account open data and APIs, a ban on energy drinks for under-16s, and a referendum on Finland’s restrictive alcohol laws (the government has a monopoly and prices are sky-high).
Assuming they get their 50,000 signatures (the fur-farming one has already amassed 43,500 paper signatures), each will have to be voted on by the Eduskunta. Compare that with, for example, the UK system – there, an e-petition that garners 100,000 backers wins the grand prize of being considered by a government back-office and maybe being discussed in Parliament.
But could it work elsewhere? On a technical level, there is little reason why not. Indeed, the Open Ministry platform is (naturally) open-source and available on GitHub. “We encourage anyone to fork and contribute to it and use it in other countries also,” Pekkanen said.
But a lot of this drive for openness has a cultural and political basis. Perhaps it has something to do with the cold winters (as suggested to me by representatives of the Finnish Innovation Fund in Helsinki this week) or their small-ish populations, but the Nordic countries tend to have relatively close societies where people are enthusiastic about pitching into civic life. Politically, Iceland provides a great example with its partly-crowdsourced constitution.
And in terms of civic-minded tech projects that capitalize on open data, Finland has a particularly impressive roster. Just a few examples:
- The Helsinki Region Infoshare project, which collates and offers up municipal datasets.
- APIs for official campaign-funding audit data.
- The crowdsourced digitization of Finland’s national archives.
That’s give-and-take activity, with some projects engendering trust between citizenry and government, and others benefitting from trust being there in the first place – people are less likely to contribute to an officially-sanctioned project if they think it’s pointless or exploitative. By way of a slightly frivolous example, where but somewhere like Finland would you find a national patient health records co-operative with this tagline?
Tech-driven democracy fans in other countries may not find the environment as conducive to crowdsourced legislation right now, but on the other hand they just got themselves a model to study. If crowdsourced legislation is going to work anywhere, Finland would be the right place for it to happen.