Posted on June 11, 2012Simone Foxman
Source: Business Insider
24 minutes agoWhile analysts have been making a big deal about the bank bailout in Spain this morning, it is important not to forget about Europe’s next-biggest problem: Italy.Yields on Italian government bonds are shooting through the roof today, as investors wonder how much stronger Italy’s banks are than Spain’s. In neither case, it would appear, to they believe that the bailout has divorced financial sector stress from that on the government.
The Italian FTSE MIB is also down 1.1 percent.
Check out Italian 10-year yields, up 20 bps so far today:
And here’s a look at the FTSE MIB:
Related articles
- Spanish bailout lifts world stock markets (guardian.co.uk)
- Citi: Italy Will Probably Need A Bailout Too (businessinsider.com)
- Spain’s Bank Bailout Fizzles – Italy Now in the Bailout Cross Hairs (confoundedinterest.wordpress.com)
- How eurozone newspapers view Spain’s bank bailout (telegraph.co.uk)
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Posted on June 11, 2012Simone Foxman
Source: Business Insider
24 minutes agoWhile analysts have been making a big deal about the bank bailout in Spain this morning, it is important not to forget about Europe’s next-biggest problem: Italy.Yields on Italian government bonds are shooting through the roof today, as investors wonder how much stronger Italy’s banks are than Spain’s. In neither case, it would appear, to they believe that the bailout has divorced financial sector stress from that on the government.
The Italian FTSE MIB is also down 1.1 percent.
Check out Italian 10-year yields, up 20 bps so far today:
And here’s a look at the FTSE MIB:
Related articles
- Spanish bailout lifts world stock markets (guardian.co.uk)
- Citi: Italy Will Probably Need A Bailout Too (businessinsider.com)
- Spain’s Bank Bailout Fizzles – Italy Now in the Bailout Cross Hairs (confoundedinterest.wordpress.com)
- How eurozone newspapers view Spain’s bank bailout (telegraph.co.uk)
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: Below Ben speaks of a Drone Obama. The Real Obama is who we Love and Support.. We went Ahead And Are Posting Ben's Update as We feel He has an Aspect of the Divine Plan which is Unfolding. As You, We will See How this All Unfolds. We are All In this Together. All Our Love The Earth Allies
There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.
To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.
If the committee responds positively and yet the high-level financial blockage continues, then the next level response will be directed at the P2 freemason lodge and the BIS, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
The other culprit known to be directly involved in stopping the new financial system is the drone serial killer Barak Obama, hired hand for the Federal Reserve Board owning cabal families. These families, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, The Scherffs (Bush), the Morgans, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries would then be considered to be the source of the problem and subsequently dealt with.
So far the Bushes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Black Pope and a who’s who of the Western power elite have already been offering astronomical bribes to White Dragon Society members in an attempt to maintain their control on the dollar and Euro printing presses.
Needless to say, a lot of these super-rich trillionaire families would become street trash without their fabled money printing presses. Since it costs them nothing to punch extra zeroes into central bank computers, they keep coming up with ever more absurd and astronomical numbers that have nothing to do with the real world. The last central bank cabal “bond” one this writer saw had 46 zeroes on it but it was just as worthless as the rest. What the cabal families do not have is what they need the most, the goodwill of the people of the planet earth.
We also need to keep in mind the possibility that the blockage of the financial system in the West does not originate either with the Federal Reserve Board families, the committee of 300, the P2, the BIS or any other human organization. In that case, the rogue artificial intelligence story being put out by MJ12 will have to be taken seriously. It would mean temporarily ending all electronic money, unplugging all bank and financial institution computers and reverting temporarily to cash and carry until the system can be safely rebooted. This is the worst case scenario for financial system collapse. It will mean considerable, temporary, hardship but not mass starvation.
In any case, enough people have become aware of the scam that is privately owned fiat (out of nothing) money that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The process of monetary creation and distribution will have to be carried out in total transparency from now on.
The cabal will also have to start telling the truth about their secret rule. This will mean appearing before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee and talking about their crimes against humanity in exchange for forgiveness.
This further means the robber baron control matrix that has been set up over the past 100 years (or probably much longer) will have to be dismantled.
It will involve a total rewriting of history. We already know that history as taught in Western schools is a highly censored version of what really happened. For example, in the real version of history, the robber barons won and established totalitarian rule. In the false version taught in the West the cabal monopolies and cartels were broken up by democratically elected governments.
In the cabal version, civilization began in Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago and all other civilizations are “junior” to the West. The truth is that there were advanced civilizations more than 14,000 years ago in many parts of the world (based on overwhelming archaeological and historical evidence). Perhaps opening the Vatican library to international scholars would be a good place to start.
The breakup of the media and school brainwashing system will also lead to radical changes. One Russian source says the brainwashing runs so deep it will take at least 15 years to produce a new non-brainwashed generation.
The White Dragon Society believes that from now on humans will only need one commandment: “do unto others (including non-human others) as you would have others do unto you.” The idea that apart from that one rule, people could do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, according to their desires, left the cabalist speechless.
One cabal family member seemed perplexed and scared and in awe of the idea of people being set free. The cabalists somehow think civilization will collapse if people are not kept as slaves but that is patently not true. People will continue to work and create because otherwise they will become bored.
Of course, the battle is not over yet and this free future has still not actually started.www.benjaminfulford.net link to original article Thanks Gillian
FREEDOM PROJECT: Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds... JUST A BEGINING...
Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds
Posted on June 11, 2012by Daniel Gross
Contrary Indicator
June 11, 2012Nearly four years after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the government rescue efforts and bailouts continue to wind down. The central component of the TARP was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), under which Treasury purchased preferred shares in hundreds of banks and received warrants in return. Banks started to return the capital in June 2009, with the largest institutions repaying first. In all, CPP recipients took public funds. Banks have returned $190.26 of that capital. Add in dividends ($11.68 billion), gains on the sale of Citigroup common stock ($6.85 billion), and funds received from the sale of warrants ($7.67 billion) and the CPP has turned a “profit” thus far of about $11.6 billion. (Here’s the most recent TARP summary).
Last week, taxpayers received more returns as three institutions paid back portions of the funds they had taken as part of the CPP. (Here’s the report)
Beach Business Bank, based in Manhattan Beach, California, which took $6 million in January 2009, has been repaying in bits and pieces. On June 6, it paid back $1.2 million. The bank still owes taxpayers $300,000.
Mercantile Bank Corp., based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took $21 million in May 2009. It paid back $10.5 million in April. And on June 6, it paid back the remaining $10.5 million. Treasury still owns warrants in the company.
River Valley Bancorporation, based in Wausau, Wisconsin, took $15 million in June 2009. On June 6, it paid back $10.5 million. River Valley still owes taxpayers $4.5 million.
Combined, the three banks returned $22.2 million in cash. Treasury is likely to reap more returns this week as it auctions to the public stakes in seven banks that took TARP funds.
Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance
By Daniel Gross | Contrary Indicator –
Nearly four years after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the government rescue efforts and bailouts continue to wind down. The central component of the TARP was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), under which Treasury purchased preferred shares in hundreds of banks and received warrants in return. Banks started to return the capital in June 2009, with the largest institutions repaying first. In all, CPP recipients took public funds. Banks have returned $190.26 of that capital. Add in dividends ($11.68 billion), gains on the sale of Citigroup common stock ($6.85 billion), and funds received from the sale of warrants ($7.67 billion) and the CPP has turned a “profit” thus far of about $11.6 billion. (Here’s the most recent TARP summary).
Last week, taxpayers received more returns as three institutions paid back portions of the funds they had taken as part of the CPP. (Here’s the report)
Beach Business Bank, based in Manhattan Beach, California, which took $6 million in January 2009, has been repaying in bits and pieces. On June 6, it paid back $1.2 million. The bank still owes taxpayers $300,000.
Mercantile Bank Corp., based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took $21 million in May 2009. It paid back $10.5 million in April. And on June 6, it paid back the remaining $10.5 million. Treasury still owns warrants in the company.
River Valley Bancorporation, based in Wausau, Wisconsin, took $15 million in June 2009. On June 6, it paid back $10.5 million. River Valley still owes taxpayers $4.5 million.
Combined, the three banks returned $22.2 million in cash. Treasury is likely to reap more returns this week as it auctions to the public stakes in seven banks that took TARP funds.
Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance
FREEDOM PROJECT: Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds... JUST A BEGINING...
Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds
Posted on June 11, 2012by Daniel Gross
Contrary Indicator
June 11, 2012Nearly four years after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the government rescue efforts and bailouts continue to wind down. The central component of the TARP was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), under which Treasury purchased preferred shares in hundreds of banks and received warrants in return. Banks started to return the capital in June 2009, with the largest institutions repaying first. In all, CPP recipients took public funds. Banks have returned $190.26 of that capital. Add in dividends ($11.68 billion), gains on the sale of Citigroup common stock ($6.85 billion), and funds received from the sale of warrants ($7.67 billion) and the CPP has turned a “profit” thus far of about $11.6 billion. (Here’s the most recent TARP summary).
Last week, taxpayers received more returns as three institutions paid back portions of the funds they had taken as part of the CPP. (Here’s the report)
Beach Business Bank, based in Manhattan Beach, California, which took $6 million in January 2009, has been repaying in bits and pieces. On June 6, it paid back $1.2 million. The bank still owes taxpayers $300,000.
Mercantile Bank Corp., based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took $21 million in May 2009. It paid back $10.5 million in April. And on June 6, it paid back the remaining $10.5 million. Treasury still owns warrants in the company.
River Valley Bancorporation, based in Wausau, Wisconsin, took $15 million in June 2009. On June 6, it paid back $10.5 million. River Valley still owes taxpayers $4.5 million.
Combined, the three banks returned $22.2 million in cash. Treasury is likely to reap more returns this week as it auctions to the public stakes in seven banks that took TARP funds.
Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance
By Daniel Gross | Contrary Indicator –
Nearly four years after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the government rescue efforts and bailouts continue to wind down. The central component of the TARP was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), under which Treasury purchased preferred shares in hundreds of banks and received warrants in return. Banks started to return the capital in June 2009, with the largest institutions repaying first. In all, CPP recipients took public funds. Banks have returned $190.26 of that capital. Add in dividends ($11.68 billion), gains on the sale of Citigroup common stock ($6.85 billion), and funds received from the sale of warrants ($7.67 billion) and the CPP has turned a “profit” thus far of about $11.6 billion. (Here’s the most recent TARP summary).
Last week, taxpayers received more returns as three institutions paid back portions of the funds they had taken as part of the CPP. (Here’s the report)
Beach Business Bank, based in Manhattan Beach, California, which took $6 million in January 2009, has been repaying in bits and pieces. On June 6, it paid back $1.2 million. The bank still owes taxpayers $300,000.
Mercantile Bank Corp., based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took $21 million in May 2009. It paid back $10.5 million in April. And on June 6, it paid back the remaining $10.5 million. Treasury still owns warrants in the company.
River Valley Bancorporation, based in Wausau, Wisconsin, took $15 million in June 2009. On June 6, it paid back $10.5 million. River Valley still owes taxpayers $4.5 million.
Combined, the three banks returned $22.2 million in cash. Treasury is likely to reap more returns this week as it auctions to the public stakes in seven banks that took TARP funds.
Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance
Consider this, 22$ mill. in cash returned to taxpayers directly over one weekend, yet another 300$ trillions [yes, trillions I said... this is one with 12 zeros behind… ] Already with fully executed judgments against all the 12 Central Banks in US, Federal Reserve of US [which is actually an International corporate entity, that will be dissolved in to nothingness…]
The way I see this most beautiful and wondrous events on our Planet unfolding perfectly… so perfectly that I feel God has some of his fingers in this plan… or maybe all of his fingers…
Can you imagine, or better, please just imagine the awe on the faces and in the hearts of We the People when truth comes with greatest genuine gifts of new banking system, including debt forgiveness, prosperity funds [and here I feel individual citizen, including children… but not pets for now… will be granted one time amount sufficient to live comfortably for next 200 years with no day of work…]
What we experience now is ‘slower’ introduction to changes that already happening in the background, and simply waiting for real moment of our global conciseness awareness that these events are truly possible… that these events are so much part of our future and that there is no doubts, accusations, clinging on the past, or being afraid of our briliant future… or any future…
Consider this collaboration in rising conciseness and awareness of Humanity as whole and please just consider that all of these wonderful beings are involved: White Knights, Red Dragons, Aghatrans, Arcturians, Cetaceans, Russians, Ascended Masters, Angels, CIA/FBI/UFO/CBC/CNN/RTN/GFP/UPS/GPS/FMG/, Human Patriots, Nasa, MSMedia, cabal hidden Knights, Positive Military, Archangels, We the People, Occupy Movement, Anonymous, Wikileak, Pleaidians, Nikola Tesla and his bag of tricks, Resistance Movement, Galactic Federation of Light, Anunaki’, FatherMotherGod… [and if I missed some, do not take it personally, this was only a sketch of truly Galactic proportions event, that vibrate through all the Universes and back all the way to Heaven…]
This is only yet another step in to beautiful unknown, and smooth transition in to New Aquarian Age… The way that is unfolding gives me tingles all over my head and shoulders [mostly on left side, with some sprinkles of golden colored mist…]
Plus, I even did not started with Vatican, the most richest privately owned corporate bank in the world… here I mean, rich with real assets, gold, art works, ancient artifacts [and I mean really ancient… lets say 20 – 35,000 years ago…], rich with technology patents from variety of heavenly souls who left it for Humanity when time is right… [like Tesla, Corsini, Rossi, … ] and still very poor in spiritual growth…where we all will help for their reeducation…
What if I tell you, that Vatican already started the process of returning all their stolen and wrongfully collected funds, gold, art works to respective nations and countries, even if they stole things lets say, 1,600 years ago… or earlier?... Can you imagine this awe on faces of our We the People, and especially our religious brothers and sisters?... I can, and I sow this in couple of my vivid dreams… [where I can even smell the centuries old books in Vatican Underground Libraries…]…
Can you imagine pope [sorry for non-capital letter, dear pope…] giving his last address and giving back all the moneys and things to We the People, asking for forgiveness for not doing this earlier?...
Can you imagine receiving one day at your door Cold Fusion Free energy device, as a gift from unknown donor?... what to do with all this extra money that is on your General Postal Bank account, as You do not need to spend any more, not even for pure necessities?... What to do?... Maybe start sending gifts to others, as anonymous, or even better organize group of your citizens and create bigger projects to benefit states or countries or continents or eve n Planets?...
Can you open your heart enough to feel this awesome opportunity, this awesome awareness that growing in your heart and spilling in to every other soul who come across your energy?...Can you allow self to envision Freedom where there is no police, no army, no penitentiaries, no street lights, no parking tickets, no lawyers, not even politicians?... Can YOU, dear ONE?...
All you need is to imagine, and it is yours… We are in times of manifestation with Love… Yes, instead electrical, or magnetic, or crude oil, or gas, or nuclear energies we will create with LOVE energy…
This LOVE energy cannot be measured and harnessed… THIS LOVE energy works quite opposite than any of above listed: as much you are utilizing this Love energy, it creates even more Love, so it does overspill over our Universe in all others…
This Love energy is unconditional, cost nothing, need nothing, ask nothing in return, but gives it ALL and it is there for ALL…
Well, there is a catch in this story of Our Humanity: YOU have to be fully active in creating this story… You cannot watch it as some very good Sci’Fi movie… You have to role your sleeves or your pants, and jump in this river or Love in Action…
Sitting on your couch, eating nothing but some cheep chirpy chips is the old way of your existence, will not do it…
and to let you know as well: Your body is changing with such speed that You have much more healthy cells in your body than ‘un-balanced’ ones…
Most of these great changes you can thank to FatherMotherGod, and second half is because you start changing your own views…
because you start sharing with others…
because you start paying attention more to others than to your pity self…
because you allow to observe your feelings with what is happening around you…
because you have no more fear for your future, simply because you found true faith, watching all these brave people all around the worlds…
because you observed their courage to stand tall without violence for their Freedom…
because you know there is no death, only physical change of your existence…
because you start remembering all your experiences and lessons that you gave self…
Because you know this tingeing feeling in your chest is faith that all is ok, that all is perfect…
because you remembered why you are here on this jewel Urantia of the Orvonton Universe… because you know that FMGod are here with us, all the way till eternity…
Give self a greatest Hug, knowing that We made it together… ALL of US… and only thing we need to do is: CELEBRATE LIFE, CELEBRATE SELF, CELEBRATE LOVE WE HAVE FOR SELF AND OTHERS…
Please, do not take me seriously whatever way you read… or do… will not make difference in my celebration schedule… I would love to see US all getting ready now, not when this become obvious, but now… so at least you can get your celebration clothes and hat out of the closet…
Take your HEART out of the Closet, and CELEBRATE WITH YOUR FAMILY… WITH US ALL…
Love you All, dear Brothers and Sisters… Love you… PSG
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~11~12 The Rest Period, Then The Icing on the Cake~ | The Galactic Free Press
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~11~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Rest Period, Then The Icing on the Cake~
al a mode
Greetings Love Beings, We have arrived at a Calm Point in the energies. This is A Breather to allow everyone to soak in these recent energies and Process them into the core of their Beings.The Incoming Waves Of Love after the rest period, will be like the icing on the cake with A la Mode'. Humanity asked Love For Freedom from the illusion and Into Love. Love is answering. Love is where Dreams Come True.
Michael Through Ron Head
~Listen intently to the promptings of your hearts~
"Once more we return to speak with you in these ever increasing frequencies of love and light. There is a period of slightly more than a week now during which you will feel these building once again. You have reached the end of a period of integration which allowed you a little rest from the constant build-up. There will be more of these periods, but you are becoming better able to assimilate the information and entrain on the higher energies.
It may be some little while before many of you manifest obvious changes in your mental, emotional, and physical selves. Others will notice it almost immediately. Rest assured that your fields will have received and absorbed the new light. Were this not the case, you would not be reading these messages, for they would make no sense to you.
Please attach no significance to whether you notice any major change in your selves at this time. You are not yet able to see the future you have planned for yourselves nor the immense collection of past experiences of which you are now the result. You cannot, in most cases, understand fully yet the part you have chosen to play in the unfolding of this event that you call ‘the shift of the ages’.
Rest assured that you are now exactly where you need to be to experience the fullness of your awakening. You are exactly where you need to be to best contribute to the divine plan which is now manifesting. Learn now to listen intently to the promptings of your hearts. Live in your heart, walk in your heart, speak from your heart. In all things allow your heart to be your guide. In that space you will hear your guides, your angels, and your divine self lovingly guiding your every step.
We await your asking with great love and anticipation. Spread baskets of smiles wherever you walk this day and we will speak again tomorrow. Good day." End of Quote
Daily Sun: 11 Jun 12
Sunspot 1504 is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
Footage of the SunSpots coming to see us
Our Sun is Still active. Our Sunspot 1504 has been evolving in Size and We have a High Chance of M Class Flares from this One. Currently, the 3 M Class Flares are Buffeting the Planet as the Wind Speed has Increased to over 400. Today, we had a Few Low class flares but it is crackling. Earthquakes in India have caused some Landslides and about 20 people or more were trapped underneath. To read more about this event and others you can read our Galactic Truth Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-earth-daily-truth-report-06112012-what-was-once-extraordinary-now-every-day-news
Blue Star Ufo Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/blue-star-ufo-report-06-11-12-cylinder-ufos-reported-multiple-witnesses-two-states
Earth Allies Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/earth-allies-1262012-forgivness-god%E2%80%99s-breath-yours%E2%80%A6
Messages from The Earth Allies: Awakening Sessions: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/awakening-sessions-available-now-love-beings-connect
The Entire Planet and all On Her will be experiencing these incoming Love waves all at different Levels. The Final Destiny is, We will All Together, reach the Final Destination Into The Present Moment of Now, The Oneness Energy, The Love Energy, The True Destiny. This Event will be unmistakeable.These Energies are per the Divine Plan and are right on schedule. These Will Be Arriving to Your shores with Such an Impact they will literally take Your Breathe Away.
Take My Breathe Away
God Speaks about the Cabal Through Ree
Father God through Ree "I am asking you now to place your heart centre and awareness with the countless souls who have worked behind the scenes on a physical level in assisting my plan in coming to fruition. Give thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to freedom on earth! I come through now with an update on current affairs and to confirm that which is coming to awareness amongst you dear awakened ones.
The dark cabal have surrendered to the light. As always and with all beings detained by the forces of light they were given a choice, redeem yourself in the light of God or be detained and rehabilitated until you can see the light of your own heart. Each and every member of the dark cabal on earth is receiving the appropriate assistance aligned with their choice. " End Of Quote
We are getting reports, how could this all be real? We understand comments like these, since Humanity has been asleep for 13,000 Years. Then after all these Years, Some Loving Beings Come Along who are Awake. We Say Hello, We Are Love and So Are You Equal to US. Then We See the program they have been asleep in and say Huh? All Beings On This Planet are Love. We can Only Speak Reality and We Say We Love You.
I Just called to Say We Love You
Salusa through Mike Quinsey Today "Matters are so near to coming out that you will be taken by surprise as to how quickly they will happen. We would rather that you focus upon the positive events, than spending time and energy concerning yourselves with what will happen to the dark Ones. Their fates are sealed and justice will be seen to be done.
However, our priority is to put the right people into places of authority and bring world peace about as soon as possible. From that point it will be easier to proceed with the plan for your wellbeing, and restore your freedom. Once you meet us we can then go forward together to Ascension, and commence to enjoy the many changes that will lift you up. In that period the energies will continue to raise your consciousness levels even higher, and unity of the people will take place because of the removal of barriers that were placed between you.
The Golden Age is about to be put in place and will delight you and thrill you with its beauty and harmony.. It will be home to those who have lifted up their consciousness levels sufficiently to advance to the higher realms, and from there experience the freedom of having become Galactic Beings. " End of Quote
The Beams of Love Are Directly hitting this Planet, and there is only one choice which remains. Love. Mother Earth=Heart has requested this All Exist On Her Inner and Outer Surface.
We are In Exciting Times On Planet Earth=Heart. AS The Gifts of Love's Presence are being Made Manifest.
Per Contract All Must Awaken On Planet Earth=Heart into all Love is.
Decreed by Heaven, The Gifts of Love and Truth are to Be Made Manifest. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
WE are Currently 2348.20$ Behind in our Funding Goal with 22 Days Left!!! With Over 3100 Members Now, if everyone shared a Simple Dollar we would Make our Goal Quickly!
Total Love shares for June 751.70$
June Funding Needs 3000$
Since Our Last Update we Have received 2 Love Shares.
We are Here In Service to All of You Unconditionally 24 Hours a Day. Its Our Honor, however, to be able to keep doing this Work we Need Your Support. If You can Share, Thank You For sharing with Those Who Serve Love Consistently. In the old paradigm money was used to support the illusion. Money as used right now in the New Energy is to Serve the Energy of Love. When You Share with those Who are Also Utilizing this for Love, this Energy gets returned to you. Maybe not always back in the form of money, usually Much Grander. Love Serves Love.
Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.
~Only Love can Be Consistent and Constant~
Love Party Drawing By Deigo and Friends
Join us Live Every Saturday for the Internet Love Party. At 1:30pm Pacific.To Help Bring in the Higher Energies. This will Be Announced On the Press Every Saturday. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~
Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here http://soundofheart.org/gac/
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to shala.lightworker.com
Activist Protests By Harvesting Cannabis Inside Giant Cage In Front Of White House will's picture By will - Posted on 11 June 2012
by Andrew Kirell | 10:21 am, June 11th, 2012
David Bronner, the CEO of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, began a demonstration Monday inside a large steel cage in front of the White House to protest federal policy that bans U.S. farmers from cultivating industrial hemp.
“The industrial hemp plants I am harvesting and processing into oil cannot produce a high of any kind, but according to the Obama Administration I’m in possession of approximately 10 pounds of marijuana,” Bronner said in a press release.
RousseauThe truth of this statement cannot be emphasised enough. I have tried, since my passing, to encourage you to determine the truth of who you are. Until this is uncovered, you will remain in the control of those who set out to take from you and use you as slaves, and blind you to this fact. I told you, eight years ago, when I passed to Spirit, that the Cabal were planning to create a recession; that they would use this to take complete control of your planet. The few countries which were free of bank debt had to be brought down by sending mercenaries to them to create upheaval and unrest and to pretend an uprising was happening, thus creating an excuse to invade and bring those countries to their knees. Invasions only happen in DEBT-FREE countries. It was all coldly planned and calculated to ensure the ‘banksters’ gained control. That so many lost their lives was of no consequence to them. Their plan is to reduce the population by two thirds.
Because the real truth has been kept hidden from you, it is understandable that you are confused. All that you had believed, regarding your history and religion, is total lies. Your whole world was turned upside down to ensure you never found out who you are, and more importantly, WHO THEY ARE. They created an illusion. You meekly accepted what was put before you. It is through history that you will get the full picture. It is all there, waiting to be discovered. Your complicity helped to create the prison which you now live in. But you are in a position, at this time, to open the prison gates and enter the Light.
They are using satanic rituals to try to keep you under control. You watched in horror the satanic rituals as they unfolded last week. London is a place of darkness where much of the control resides. Stop being sheep, believing what you are told to believe. Think for yourselves for a change.
The people who control your banks are the same people that control your media, your governments and your religions. They succeeded in controlling your lives also. They even believe they have the right to control your planet. The fact is that they have no right to be on your planet at all.
They stole their history from Ireland. More proof of this fact is being exposed every day from Egypt. There are scientists researching this all over the world and they are getting very excited at what they are uncovering. They are asking themselves how they could have been taken in by the false history that was forced upon them. You will not find the truth in your schools or universities or in any official “history books”. Gifted men, from time to time, have followed their intuition and uncovered the truth. It’s all there, if you take the time to look for it. You have to hand it to them, they did a good job of hiding everything. They wrote the Bible and ensured they made themselves stand above all others. They created money to enslave the masses and to ensure the people were always in debt to them. They own and control the drug companies to ensure that you get medication which human bodies cannot cope with. They put fluoride in your water to keep you docile.
If only you could see, as we see, just how controlled your lives are, you would be horrified. You were born into it, so you accept it as the norm. But I tell you, IT IS NOT.
You are waking up to the fact that you are powerful beings of light. You are seeing the corruption for the first time and you are willing to do what it takes to remove it. Innocent people are suffering at the hands of these treacherous creatures which need their “FIX” of energy, created by your suffering and bloodshed, in order for them to survive. Stop for a moment and think what your world will be like when you banish these creatures from the face of the Earth. The crimes they have committed against you will go down in history as a lesson for future generations not to unwittingly fall into such a trap again.
Ireland. Land of the Pharoahs by Andrew Power, is a wonderful example of how one man followed his intuition and uncovered so much more than he ever expected. He wrote his findings in such a way that he painted a picture of truth that has left you in no doubt about the true history of that time. The hearts and minds of people are waking up. They are seeking truth. The knowledge of the ancient Irish was beyond anything in your world today. They understood the universe. They were in contact with other planets. They knew the Earth was round and so they sailed all over it, confident in the knowledge that they would not fall off the edge. They built structures that have stood the test of time and are a testament to their knowledge and expertise. What was stolen from Ireland and placed in another part of the world has created the illusion that you have been trapped in for 2000 years.
This is why it has to start with Ireland. “Ireland is the key that will reveal everything”. Always remember that. It is there, that the FALSE WORLD can be dismantled forever. Now is the time to ensure that it happens.
They interfered with humanity and almost destroyed it. We cannot allow this to happen. Their plans to kill thousands at the London Olympics are blatantly displayed on their web sites. They feel so sure of themselves and their control over you. It is time to find your voice and say “NO. We refuse to give you permission to sacrifice our people!” Too many have already been sacrificed in their illegal wars and bombings.
The missing elements in your world today are LOVE and COMPASSION. When you have love in your life, you cannot kill or harm others. You will see yourself in others and respect them. You have been lied to for so long, that now you are awake, you will not fall for such lies again. Your eyes have been opened. Your world is changing for the better. Their satanic games no longer produce the results they want. They have been rendered powerless.
You are right, my dear, the space ships are getting closer. They are showing their support for you. It will be good to reunite with your greater family. Look to the solstice for some surprises. Everything is falling into place as promised.
It was a difficult week for you, but no matter what they throw at you, you never give up. That’s my girl.
Always your adoring husband, Monty.
Ben Fulford: Meetings set for July 15-20th in attempt to end financial crisis. June 11, 2012 Posted on June 11, 2012
There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.
To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.
If the committee responds positively and yet the high-level financial blockage continues, then the next level response will be directed at the P2 freemason lodge and the BIS, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
The other culprit known to be directly involved in stopping the new financial system is the drone serial killer Barak Obama, hired hand for the Federal Reserve Board owning cabal families. These families, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, The Scherffs (Bush), the Morgans, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries would then be considered to be the source of the problem and subsequently dealt with.
So far the Bushes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Black Pope and a who’s who of the Western power elite have already been offering astronomical bribes to White Dragon Society members in an attempt to maintain their control on the dollar and Euro printing presses.
Needless to say, a lot of these super-rich trillionaire families would become street trash without their fabled money printing presses. Since it costs them nothing to punch extra zeroes into central bank computers, they keep coming up with ever more absurd and astronomical numbers that have nothing to do with the real world. The last central bank cabal “bond” one this writer saw had 46 zeroes on it but it was just as worthless as the rest. What the cabal families do not have is what they need the most, the goodwill of the people of the planet earth.
We also need to keep in mind the possibility that the blockage of the financial system in the West does not originate either with the Federal Reserve Board families, the committee of 300, the P2, the BIS or any other human organization. In that case, the rogue artificial intelligence story being put out by MJ12 will have to be taken seriously. It would mean temporarily ending all electronic money, unplugging all bank and financial institution computers and reverting temporarily to cash and carry until the system can be safely rebooted. This is the worst case scenario for financial system collapse. It will mean considerable, temporary, hardship but not mass starvation.
In any case, enough people have become aware of the scam that is privately owned fiat (out of nothing) money that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The process of monetary creation and distribution will have to be carried out in total transparency from now on.
The cabal will also have to start telling the truth about their secret rule. This will mean appearing before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee and talking about their crimes against humanity in exchange for forgiveness.
This further means the robber baron control matrix that has been set up over the past 100 years (or probably much longer) will have to be dismantled.
It will involve a total rewriting of history. We already know that history as taught in Western schools is a highly censored version of what really happened. For example, in the real version of history, the robber barons won and established totalitarian rule. In the false version taught in the West the cabal monopolies and cartels were broken up by democratically elected governments.
In the cabal version, civilization began in Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago and all other civilizations are “junior” to the West. The truth is that there were advanced civilizations more than 14,000 years ago in many parts of the world (based on overwhelming archaeological and historical evidence). Perhaps opening the Vatican library to international scholars would be a good place to start.
The breakup of the media and school brainwashing system will also lead to radical changes. One Russian source says the brainwashing runs so deep it will take at least 15 years to produce a new non-brainwashed generation.
The White Dragon Society believes that from now on humans will only need one commandment: “do unto others (including non-human others) as you would have others do unto you.” The idea that apart from that one rule, people could do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, according to their desires, left the cabalist speechless.
One cabal family member seemed perplexed and scared and in awe of the idea of people being set free. The cabalists somehow think civilization will collapse if people are not kept as slaves but that is patently not true. People will continue to work and create because otherwise they will become bored.
Of course, the battle is not over yet and this free future has still not actually started.
God Speaks on the Dark Cabal
Dear still cabal Guest,
Yes you are forgiven too... If you look deep in your heart [simply look within, or inside out...] and you will find some tingly sensation that you did not notice before...
This is forgiveness feeling that you have, yet cannot fully understand... This is forgiveness feeling for self and for others, even a cabal one... especially for dark ones, as we all carried some dark spots, from this life or any other...
This little flame that is in your heart is truly God Given, and You know it... Only what to do with this is: NOTHING... simply to be aware that you are capable to forgive, darks or lights or self [and does not matter which box you put self in...]... to be aware of this little flame, this little spark of love and compassion and forgiveness to others is more than enough...
To be aware the box is not what Forgiveness can be fit in… Forgiveness see no boxes, no colors, no sides, no limitations, no corners….
Forgiveness is round like a Sun…
Forgiveness is here to be challenged…
Forgiveness is here to challenge You…
Forgiveness is here to be recognized…
Forgiveness is here to be forgiven…
Forgiveness is a God’s breath or Yours…
Forgiveness is all we need… yet need nothing to do for it…
We can only be Forgiveness…yet We cannot do Forgiveness…
What to do?... What to do?... and Know, there is nothing more or less to do to experience God…
Truly, God's plan is unfolding for US all to feel... God's plan is revealing for US all to experience total forgiveness for self, forgiveness for every thought, notion, action, word ever directed to self or others... God’s plan is growing in our hearts, with every single though of Forgiveness, with every single knowing compassion and every single breath of Love…
This is God's plan in a bloom, as we discovering who we truly are... Humans only?... Angels Only?...or Both?... Are We Gods as well?... maybe... Ask self only... Yet, you can ask others, only to put you deeper in doubt, only to give you more questions than answers about You… or you can share that You see God in others, in doubt or not… They are God also…
Dear Ones, who can answer Your questions about God, about Self, about godSelf?... Not me, not your neighbor, and especially not your priest…. Only YOU dear ONE…ONLY YOU CAN OPEN THE HEART OF YOURS TO KNOW GOD… TO KNOW GOD WITHIN… TO KNOW OUR FATHER GOD, OUR MOTHER GOD… TO KNOW CREATION YOU ARE…
Only Throughout compassion to others, we are discovering true meaning of our existence...
Only Throughout forgiveness for self, we are realizing our beautiful ability to live in peace...
Only Throughout pure love to self, We are giving all love needed for others [do they see it now or later, it does matter not...]
Only Throughout care for others, we are discovering true meaning of God's plan...
Through accepting our God given Freedom, we are giving Total Freedom to All and ALL...
Dear Loving Guest, give self biggest and grandest hug of forgiveness, and then observe what is tingling in your heart area....
This little tingle, what is this?... This is God within You dear One....
With unconditional Love and Forgiveness, I AM THAT I AM Predrag Saint Germain…
THis is translation from Italian comentary:
"The Cabal has surrendered to the Light? Were true, we are on the brink of the abyss .... someone save us from the bankers and their insatiable greed, HELP U.S.!"