Independent film isn't what it used to be.
Declining production costs and ever-proliferating distribution options have encouraged everyone from the U.S. Navy to fringe religious groups to dabble in filmmaking, with results that range from unsettling to explosive.
The latest example -- The Innocence of Muslims, an incendiary piece of anti-Muslim bigotry that advertised its casting call in the pages of Backstage and shot scenes on a Paramount set -- has inflamed tensions across the Islamic world and inspired a series of violent outbreaks, including an assault on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Would a pamphlet or a web posting have had the same effect? Or is there something about filmmaking that lends authority to an expression of stupidity that would otherwise be dismissed out of hand? The answer has something to do with the history of independent filmmaking, and the changes that have turned it upside down.
During the heyday of indie movies, roughly 1989 to 2002, renegade auteurs including Jim Jarmusch, Spike Lee, Steven Soderbergh, Kimberly Peirce and David O. Russell embraced the opportunity to work outside the studio system, creating arty, low-budget movies about characters and issues that had no place at Columbia Pictures and 20th Century Fox.
They enjoyed freedom, up to a point. And their budgets were low, at least by comparison to what the Steven Spielbergs and James Camerons of the world were spending. But even guerrilla filmmaking was expensive in the pre-digital era. "My generation, we didn't go to film school to get a degree," Spike Lee told me last month. "We went to film school to get the equipment."
Moreover, most filmmakers in those days agreed that the primary purpose of these films was to tell great stories. If they made money, great, but if that really mattered to you you'd be working for a studio. If they raised awareness about a topic, swell, but if that were your primary purpose you'd be in Washington, not Hollywood. The culture of filmmaking -- its view of storytelling as an inherently valuable, even virtuous act -- shut out the most shameless propagandists and provocateurs. They weren't invited into the club.
And suppose you somehow managed to raise enough money to make a film that had nothing to do with on-screen quality and everything to do with advancing some pet cause or tearing down some enemy, real or imagined. Who would show it? A legion of tastemakers guarded every distribution outlet, from festivals to art house cinemas to VHS rental chains. Sure, you could sell your movie at one of those disreputable video shops -- right next to the imported European pornography -- but how big of an audience could you hope to reach with that strategy?
Clearly, things have changed. If Hollywood used to be a club, now it's more like a casino. At the studios, anyone with a recognizable "platform" -- be it a book, a board game or a Twitter account -- is encouraged to "monetize their brand" with a feature film. And in the indie wilds, all bets are off.
In many ways, the independent-film world is a scene of exciting innovation, as new voices gain access to audiences without having to contend with artificial barriers to entry. But there is a dark side, too.
Let's say you're the U.S. Navy. Recruitment is down, given that whole endless-wars-on-foreign-soil thing, and you could use a way to get young people excited about the armed forces again. Why not do an open call for filmmakers willing to build an action movie around the exploits of Navy SEALS, and release the resulting movie -- Act of Valor -- in theaters across the country? No one needs to know that they're sitting through a feature-length recruitment film.
Or let's say you're a rabid anti-Muslim zealot who, for reasons that remain mysterious, wants to antagonize a sizable portion of the world's population. You don't need an agency. You don't need a studio. Just put an ad in Backstage, hire up a crew and release your trailer on YouTube. The bars to production and distribution are so low today that literally anyone can do it.
Unfortunately, that's not always apparent to viewers. As laughable as the production values on The Innocence of Muslims may seem, it's reasonable to expect that those who saw the trailer's Arabic version did not immediately conclude that it had been made by a handful of charlatans. In the popular imagination, if not in reality, anyone can write a blog post or shoot a cell phone video, but only Hollywood, Bollywood and a select few others can make a movie. To get a movie made, you need backers, producers, marketers, advocates of every description. The mere existence of a film seems to suggest that it has been endorsed by a lot of people -- people with money, people with connections, people with taste.
We don't live in that world anymore, but ideas don't always move as quickly as reality. In the meantime, we should all pay closer attention to who's projecting their ideas onto our screens -- and why.
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in an attack on the U.S. embassy in Libya; the embassy is in Tripoli, and the attack that claimed Ambassador Stevens' life took place at a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi.
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Innocence Of Muslims' Proves That Literally Anyone Can Make A Movie These Days
The Threat Of CSIRO’s GM Wheat Revealed At Press Conference – 17 September 2012
Uploaded 11 September 2012 by SafeFoodFoundation
Safe Food Foundation Director, Scott Kinnear, University of Canterbury Professor, Jack Heinemann, and Flinders University Professor, Judy Carman, discuss the potential threats of CSIRO’s GM Wheat.
Professor Jack Heinemann, a molecular biologist at the University of Canterbury, says, “The technology is too new, therefore it’s important that we have a battery of studies that are conducted on the wheat to convince people, myself, scientists, regulators that the wheat can be eaten by people.”
He goes on, “What we found is that the molecules created in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes, can match human genes and through ingestion these molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence our genes.”
Watch the documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives to learn how you and your family may be on the wrong side of the genetically-modified food bet and how the health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an untested infant technology.You can watch the Genetic Roulette trailer here:
Uploaded on 8 August 2012 by GeneticRoulette
re-posted from
Bill and Eva got married and needs Your Support Find the love story behind their Lightworkers task !
Uploaded by 15 September 2012 by BillEva2012 Hello everyone here is a little Video Blog I did up to share with all of you ! Hope you like it !
We got married Aug 9th 2012 and we have reg our wedding with Paypal / New Legal defense fund raiser !!!
Please help reach our goal and get Bill an independent LawyerTo Donate go to: link to original article
Congratulations you two love birds, the time is coming when we all be free singing our song of love and peace , Love and Light, Lucas
Don't miss the opportunity to contribute to Bill and Eva's magnificent vision and mission! You will be also share in the contagious and beautiful energy of a fascinating love story! Help me help them help our mother Gaia return to Peace Thank you so much~Luz~
Ute Possega-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Throes Of The New World – 17 September 2012
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Dear Family of Light,
These are the last throes to birth the New World. In the purifying process, preceding this birth, now the last remains, the worst residues are coming to the surface. And many are suffering with the world.
They are drawn to deep down, so that the swing upward for them can be enormous.Nothing will remain the same, the swing will this time – after it reached the deepest, the rock bottom, – be catapulted in a completely new direction, it will leave the usual path und initiate a new beginning.
For those of you who have chosen to experience this development directly via the instrument of their own body, to learn, how innovations are initiated, now an especially difficult time lies ahead. This is experienced primarily on the energy level and you will undergo greater ups and downs, from low to very high levels.
Witnessing this time as part of your consciousness, you are also given the capability, not to get entrapped in this ride. You are granted a state of great peace and inner unimpeachability. Thereby you help the souls, who did not yet establish inner balance, but are seeking it, to go through this great convulsion and fluctuation safely.
This also relates to those, who experience this period not only on the physical, but especially on the emotional level. Now they have the opportunity to purify themselves, und to become free of old, and not conducive attitudes, which are not of love, forgiveness and compassion. It is about accepting them first and then let them go, as they are being dissolved by the forces of light.
In the midst of it is important always to understand and never to forget, that this is only a time of transition, for the sake of transformation of things, which still obstruct the emergence of a New and Purified World.
Who is not yet ready to use this opportunity for their own purification, will set the course for a future, which will not allow to transition into the next higher dimension.
They have chosen, to continue their present experience without great changes. Und this request will be granted. Everybody is here to make their own experiences. And this is fully acceptable.
These souls are being now identified as the ones, who will be relocated to other places, where they can continue to experience their karmas.
The great peace, which surrounds those, who consciously choose to study the mechanics of large shifts, is already leading to the New World, in which also embodiment itself will be experienced very soon as deep peace and unobstructed well-being.
Humanity as a whole is in the midst of intense exertion. The planetary and cosmic energies are exposed to a breaking test, a state, which always arises, when very dark and high light frequencies collide. It is like in a thunder storm, when cold and warm fronts meet. The electricity tension then saturates the atmosphere.
It is important, to avoid as much as possible stress, to get enough sleep and also to rest during the day, if possible. Or at least take a break, in what ever way it is possible for you.
Also your diet is of importance now. Choose something light and avoid heavy food. Eat little and do not overload your digestive system. Drink, if possible, purified and energized water.
Stay awake and alert, and do not allow to become entangled in anything, keep inner distance from disturbing energies and events. Maintain peace and equanimity. Trust your own heart.
Be who you are: Beings of Light and of Love!
With much love,
UteCopyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, link to original article
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
Lucas : As Said Things Are Played Out Behind The Scenes : The Telegraph Did Report On The Dead Of Japan’s Ambassador To China When The Tensions Rise – 17 September 2012
Lucas : You can see the events in the relation to tensions about the gas and oil beneath those small Islands that are disputed between Japan and China or you can see it as a false flag or event that is related to something other than that as in the seas surrounding is more to find than oil or gas.
The Philippines incident with American Marines searching for the hidden gold and the Russian/China big fleet naval exercises in that area do seem to indicated it is probably something else than a territorial dispute. I have addressed this a while ago. Still behind the scenes a war of factions wanting no new start of the financial system and those wanting it is outplayed. Power grabs, suspicious deaths and more are hitting the news only to be told to be for other reasons. Like suicide or accidents. We need still see the bigger picture through the veil.
Behind the scenes is a big power change and system change brought slowly to the surface and when this is emerging there will be a new light shining on Asia. Let us see the new golden age for people start without having people living under dictatorships and rules of law that just are for controlling humans. We need to see freedom and abundance for all with sharing all and creating all that is needed for anyone on this planet without having pollution and damage to Gaia, and the ecosystems. We have to have a new mindset that will bring us from taking all and being solely enjoying the benefits, profits from it to sharing all and making all having abundance for ever. We can live in peace again if we need not worry about the negative structures that a few people are wanting to instate on us with no morals, ethics or even thought of being wrong. They only intent of those to be pitied is power and money or its equal value part in what form resources, etc.
We need to see things are changing and the last hurdles are taken. Be aware of things like instigating harm onto us by creating conflict or wars or even accidents or events that will have casualties or deaths written all over it. Black-ops, dis-information, false flag events is now being used as much as they can to fight their lost battle. You just need to be aware of those things and not go into spreading the fear and evil intent. But sent love and be unconditional love, counteract just in a neutral loving way or let people just in a non-offensive way see things are not what the seem to be.
We need all to be helping this last blast of negativity to reflect upon those sending it. Let us foremost concentrate on manifesting or co-creating the new golden age in the NOW.
Now follow the short excerpt of the article and link so you can read it. Love and Light, Lucas
Japan’s ambassador to China dies amid rising tensions
Japan’s new ambassador to China has died, only five days after being appointed to the post and as relations between the two Asian neighbours sink to new lows.
Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan’s new ambassador to China, as found collapsed on a street in Tokyo on Thursday morning but died in hospital on Sunday Photo: REUTERS
By Julian Ryall
6:22AM BST 17 Sep 2012
Shinichi Nishiyama, 60, was found collapsed on a street in Tokyo on Thursday morning but died in hospital on Sunday. Police in Japan have ruled out foul play but hospital authorities have yet to confirm the cause of Nishiyama’s death.
Read the whole story at : / link to original article
Jennifer Hoffman – Archangel Uriel Message – Are You In-Joying Your Journey? – 17 September 2012
We, the Arcturians, are here to take you on a journey to our Mothership. Of course our Mothership is as large as a planet, so it needs to be “parked” outside of your Solar System. Therefore, begin your excursion in consciousness by viewing the many planets as they wiz past you.
After many images of the NOW, for you are traveling within your consciousness and free of the limitations of time, you see a huge light in the distance. This light appears formless, which is because your mind must adjust to the concept of perceiving a Mothership that is as large as a small planet.
However, as your consciousness prepares you for a journey into the unknown, the LIGHT begins to take on a form. It appears to be saucer shaped with a large protuberance attached to the underbelly of the “saucer.” Many of our smaller Ships mimic this same form and have been increasingly seen as “formations in the clouds.” We cloak our Ships in this fashion to adjust humanity’s perception to consciously, or unconsciously, perceive these shapes in their sky.
Fear of the unknown is humanity’s greatest fear. Hence, we are making ourselves known in a manner that one can “use their imagination” to see a Starship in the clouds, or simply ignore the sky and keep their “nose to the grindstone.” Either way, there are configurations in the sky that are becoming familiar. Thus, they are not “unknown” and will not illicit fear.
We have diverted from our topic. We must apologize, because we experience language that is laid out in a separate, singular form to be quite tedious. However, because we do not wish to overtax our messengers, we endeavor to limit our Light Language to this format as much as possible. Conversely, now that we have laid down the foundation of this message, we will return to our more natural Imagistic Language.
You are still holding a third dimensional form on Earth. Therefore, you are joining us via consciousness. Therefore, make sure your earth vessel feels protected so that you can focus your intention on what may appear to be a huge glow of light. As you focus on this light, it gradually takes on a form.
At this point, you will begin to feel our Arcturian energies. As the FEEL of our unconditional love fills your heart, you experience a deep sense of contentment and peace. Unfortunately, as you feel the safety of our Ship, you may realize by comparison how truly unsafe your physical world has felt.
Consequently, while your consciousness hovers before the vision of our Ship, we ask you to slowly breathe in these feelings of unconditional love and complete safety…
Now, forward that unconditional love and sense of being safe and protected back to your physical form and back into the physical form of your Gaia…
Do you see now how your consciousness is infinite and your physical form is just a vessel to holds that consciousness?
Our Mothership holds the consciousness of myriad life forms from all over the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. Before you enter our Ship, extend your consciousness into the vision of our Ship to empathically receive the Energy Field of our Starship…
There is much that is “unknown” to your current state of consciousness, and we wish to prepare you by guiding you to intermingle your Energy Field with ours. In this manner, you are calibrating your perceptions to experience novel stimuli.
Whenever, your brain experiences a novel perception, it must go through the process of determining whether or not your present state of consciousness has permission from the whole, YOU, to perceive this unique stimuli. Hence, we ask that YOU, the component of your Beingness that has the ability to take this journey, give permission to your brain to perceive this unknown.
You will give this permission to your brain by sending a message to your Pineal Gland that this information is permissible for your current state of consciousness. Then, your Pineal Gland will send this information on to your High Heart that you will NOT experience fear. We ask you to do this, for if you experience fear during your visit, your consciousness will lower and you will FALL out of this experience.
Please send that message to your earth vessel’s brain now…
As you send this message, you can relax into your adventure. Furthermore, please take this experience out of the 3D Category of “just my imagination” by intending, “I open my Third Eye because I am having a unique experience.” We teach this manner of thinking to our ascending ones, so that you can teach it to others when we begin our landings.
We have been preparing our ascending ones for their role of preparing the un-awakened ones regarding the new reality they are entering. Those of you who have been receiving and reading our messages are anxiously awaiting our entry into your world. However, there are many grounded ones to whom the prospect of a landing Spaceship could be terrifying.
Of course, the 3D power-system is working hard to dispense as many “horror pictures” as possible about the terrible ETs who are coming to conquer Earth. This story is merely one of the many ways to distribute mass fear, as frightened people are more easily controlled. Also, many of the leaders who were going to disclose our presence have not found it within them to fulfill their pre-birth contract.
Therefore, it is up to the ascending ones to prepare others for this grand adventure of being a Galactic Society. Those of you who can receive this message have already awakened to your true SELF and are happily awaiting our landings. On the other hand, there are others who will only awaken once our landings have begun. Hence, we are inviting your consciousness to our Mother Ship, to prepare you to assist those who may experience fear at our arrival.
With that said, we will continue our journey.
Take a long breath to relax into your multidimensional consciousness. In this manner, your physical form can easily remain in the physical world, your fourth dimensional aura can protect that form, and your fifth dimensional SELF can join us on this adventure.
Give a psychic hug to your physical vessel, thank your fourth dimensional Elementals for the protection they give your physical form, and turn your attention in our direction. You may be surprised to know that “our direction” is inside your SELF.
Therefore, we ask you to:Turn around inside your mind, and direct your attention into your Core…FEEL your Core around you…Open your Crown open to Spirit and Root open to Gaia…Look out through your opened Third Eye…Accept our unconditional love into your High Heart…Connect your Core to Gaia’s Core, so that She may join you…
FEEL our Mothership with your High Heart and SEE it with your Third Eye…
Now that you have fully prepared yourself, you find yourself on board our Ship. Our Mother Ship is so diverse that thousands of you could be on totally different parts of our Ship, and there would still be many unvisited areas.
Since all our Mothership Ships are biological, different areas morph and change to meet the needs of its myriad, different inhabitants. We do not think of our Ship as an object, but as an extension of the consciousness of our myriad different members.
Finally, know that your perceptions of our Ship may be totally different form any one else’s experience.
In fact, because the Ship instantly conforms to your thoughts and needs, YOU will create your experience of our Ship. However, because you are still tethered to the many “unconscious” components your human brain, you may not be fully aware of all your thoughts and emotions.
Fortunately, once you have integrated your Multidimensional Operating System into your Third Dimensional Operating System, you will no longer be unconscious in any manner. In fact, then you will be able to contain myriad experiences within the NOW.
We conclude this component of our message so that you can practice releasing ALL sense of time and allow the NOW to seep into your daily life.
We shall return, for we will never leave,The Arcturians
Jennifer Hoffman – Archangel Uriel Message – Are You In-Joying Your Journey? – 17 September 2012
The judgments you make about your path and the results you see are emotional judgments of what you created in the past. Through your judgments you ask whether something makes you happy, which is an emotion. But what you are seeking is joy, which is an energy. Do you create from the point of wanting to be happy with your results, or are you imprinting your creations with joy at the moment of manifestation? As you create a desire for change, are you unhappy and sad? What you create cannot be at an energy that is different from or higher than yours. Are you ready to be ‘in- joying’ your path?
Although being grateful creates more of what you can be grateful for, that can be hard to do with situations that make you sad, are in conflict with your desires for a more fulfilling life, and do not bring you joy, peace, love or abundance. But everything you are aware of at this moment was created in the past. If you did not create your past ‘in joy’, from the energy of joy, you will not enjoy it in the present.
The answer to your present ‘enjoyment’ is found in joy and how its energy moves from past to present. Rather than focus on what you are not enjoying, consider the energy that you used to create it. When you want to be happy you create from the emotions. When you create from joy you are setting an energetic intention, which is much more powerful. Emotions exist in the realm of the mind, joy exists in the higher realms of spirit.
Do not use this to look at the joy’-less things in your life and wonder how you can change them to be more joyful. Work from the present, not the past. Joy begins with intention, not judgment and requires faith and trust. Set an intention for joy in this moment, to be in joy as you are creating each step of your reality. It is a higher vibration that you can achieve when you decide to in-joy your journey.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may copy, quote, translate or link to this article as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.
Lucas – Merkelism Loses Out – As Germans Say No To The Euro – 17 September 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos:
Latest Polls in Germany show 65% (yes indeed) want no more Euro and think even to better of without it. What not many people know as it was not brought as big news is that there is still a blooming German D-Mark economy as people still may and are paying and exchanging with D-Mark. There are still13.2 billion D-Mark around of those very desired German D-Mark.
( See for example : or and about the poll read :
For me the stronghold of Merkel and having it her way or that of the the ECB or the EU-dictatorship under Barosso and Van Rompuy is soon history. The new message is that behind the scenes things crumble. Greece does not do what it has been told, Spain thinks to be better of not getting into the rescue fund trap in asking for a bailout, even mostly the Nothern European countries openly say not to want a banking Union which will make them a slave to the ESM and ECB in funding those who without any saveguards will not keep their budgets positive or even are willing to cut their deficits. After Bernanke’s ultimate QE3 with unlimited moneyprinting the last hurdle for a fall of the Dollar and the Euro is taken.
We will see a crash very very soon and all the hyped and rigged markets will also be crashing with it. They are working towards this crash. It is only not for the reason most of us want it. All the speaking of Glass-Seagul and other solutions are just for getting the same system restarted with a debt-forgiveness plan. It is like giving you your present you ever wanted from St. Nick and taking it back as soon as the momentum is right for stealing and deceiving, and getting you in debt again.
The evidence on the other side is coming through there is a new system and real debt-forgiveness under way. We will have real abundance that we so deerly wanted without having to get back to the old corrupt system we do not want anymore. There will be no more debt- and interest payments for your livelyhood ever. This new system is needed as long as people need to make the change into their spiritual mindset that will show there is no need for a financial system or not even money.
Seeing the sun in the sky and the moon and stars shining bright, the fruits are ready to pick as it is harvest time. All will be soon going to happen.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
(Lucas: I thanks all of you for reading the blog and hopefully awaken to your new future. I appreciate your help towards the blog surviving. If you have not yet donated to the blog or if you can make a weekly or monthly donation towards the blog than please do, the blog depends on donations to survive! Find the donate button at the front page right column and or via paypal directly and donate NOW: with reference : donation Lucas2o12Infos blog. Thanks for your support!)
Is North Korea Experimenting With Change? – 17 September 2012
(Lucas : I had just posted about changes behind the scenes and here is an example of it from 13th September 2012 from the Daily Herald/AP – Thanks Rain!)
PYONGYANG, North Korea — Deep in the North Korean countryside, in remote villages that outsiders seldom reach, farmers are now said to be given nearly one-third of their harvests to sell at market prices. Collective farms are reportedly being reorganized into something closer to family farms. State propagandists are expounding the glories of change under the country’s new young leader.
In the rigidly planned economy of this Stalinist state, could this be the first flicker of reform?
A string of long-doubtful observers have become increasingly convinced that economic change is afoot, akin to China’s first flirtations with market reforms 30 years ago.
Read the whole story at : link to original article link to article
Natural News – Mike Adams – Infinite Quantitative Easing (QE3) Now Initiated; The Final Chapter Of America’s Financial Blowout Has Begun – 17 September 20
(NaturalNews) This is it, folks: the final chapter of America’s great financial blowout has begun. The Federal Reserve’s decision to announce “infinite” quantitative easing has now put us all on the path of infinite money creation. With up to $85 billion in monthly money creation — including $40 billion a month in purchases of mortgage-backed securities — the Fed is now wholly committed to the creation of new fake money to cover old fake debts. Mathematically, this financial death spiral can only end in sheer catastrophe.
This massive money creation tactic is the Fed’s last-ditch plan to desperately try to save the economy. “I think the country should have panicked over what the Fed is saying that we have lost control,” said Ron Paul, “and the only thing we have left is massively creating new money out of thin air, which has not worked before, and is not going to work this time.”
Peter Schiff added, “This is a disastrous monetary policy; it’s kamikaze monetary policy.” (End Of the American Dream)
And he’s right. It’s suicide. It’s also highly offensive to anyone who can actually do math… which, sadly, isn’t that many people these days.
Steal from the poor to give to the rich
Quantitative easing, you see, is essentially the Federal Reserve creating money and then handing it to the richest banks. Meanwhile, all that new money floating around erodes the value of the dollars in the hands of the working taxpayers. So their grocery bills go up. Their fuel costs go up. Their daycare costs increase and their utility bills creep ever skyward.
But the rich banksters are simultaneously rolling in FREE Fed cash, and instead of actually lending this money out and doing something useful with it, they crank up their own executive bonuses to make sure they get paid while the rest of the economy crumbles. And why? It’s simple: Because people are crooks, and if they get handed $40 billion a month in free money, they’re just going to grin and say, “How can we get MORE?”
That’s the credo of the banks: MORE!
When you’re out of a job and looking for honest work just to put a roof over your head, the bank is repossessing your house and screaming “MORE!”
When you can’t make that car payment and you have to start riding the bus with the minimum wage masses, the banks scream “MORE!”
When you’re trying to put healthy food on the table for your own family, and you see food prices ratcheting higher and higher as the value of your hard-earned dollar erodes, the banks scream “MORE!”
This mantra is all they know. The top global banks do not operate on compassion, benefit to society, fairness or even anything resembling lawful activity. They simply hornswaggle their way into the receiving end of ALL the money: Mortgage money, bailout money, government money and of course Fed money. That’s the game, you see: Screw the whole world and everybody in it. There’s MORE to be had!
Law of Mother Earth sees Bolivia pilot new social and economic model based on protection of and respect for nature.
Bolivia is to become the first country in the world to give nature comprehensive legal rights in an effort to halt climate change and the exploitation of the natural world, and to improve quality of life for the Bolivian people.
Developed by grassroots social groups and agreed by politicians, the Law of Mother Earth recognises the rights of all living things, giving the natural world equal status to human beings.
Once fully approved, the legislation will provide the Earth with rights to: life and regeneration; biodiversity and freedom from genetic modification; pure water; clean air; naturally balanced systems; restoration from the effects of human activity; and freedom from contamination.