Road To Roota | April 10 2012
*A follow-up to Part 1: There were 2 more HUGE resignations since we did this interview. The first was the the person in charge of IMPLEMENTING THE MARKET RIGGING AT THE NEW YORK FED!
View Part 2 Here
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I sat down with Sean at last week and discussed some of the hot topics lately. In the first interview we talk about the 450+ bankers that have resigned…
Are There Signs the Good Guys Are Winning?
New York Fed Markets Group Chief Brian Sack to Resign
And let’s not forget about the London office of JP Morgan which can’t seem to get out of the way of the spotlight these days. Remember that Fortune Magazine article almost a year ago about JPM’s goal to mine gold in Afghanistan? Here it is if you forgot:
Look where the leader of this adventure is now!…OH HOW THE MIGHTY ARE FALLING!
Mining Maverick Resigns from Rainmaking at JP Morgan
There are many more and you can try to keep up with them all here:
The second part of my interview with Sean is just as fun an can be found here:
The Market is RIGGED 100%, Every Day
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Bix Weir ~ Banker Resignations & Gold/Silver Market Rigging
Visionkeeper – Soon The Craziness Will End – 10 April 2012
(picture by
For so long now we have held on and worked hard to change ourselves so we could change the world. Hold on tight for it seems that change is drawing near. Our dream of freedom may be just around the next bend in the road. At times we have all faltered and began to doubt that maybe this freedom is all just an illusion as well. This past week has been one of struggle for many, as energies began to radically shift and shake us all deeply within. I think just about everyone could feel something was in the making. For those who are still trapped in the illusion they had fears of what the dark ones would do next, rumors spread like wildfire of all the evils the were cooking up. For the awakened ones it was exhausting energetically yet exciting, for they knew the birthing was in process and the end was near. Soon ‘one world’ will be born and love will rule the planet.
Are you ready for free energy and no more light poles, or wall sockets or mercury filled light bulbs? How about cars that need no gasoline, houses no longer needing furnaces and wood stoves? This is the world we have been and are now creating and it is being born to us all. The insanity will come to an end. No more war and death and destruction, no more lies and deception, no more controlling or manipulating. It is almost more than one can dare to imagine. Life is about to do a 180 and we best hold on tight so we don’t blow off into the cosmos. There is bound to be some chaos in the adjustment period. To switch such a massive structure from one way of being to another, there are bound to be a few glitches.
It will be up to all of us to hold the fort so to speak. The newly awakened ones will need reassurance that all will be well. For many, the bedrock or foundation of their lives is not only going to shake and shift, it is going to morph into a whole new way of being. While what we are moving to is freedom and bliss compared to how we have been living, the old ways, the familiar ways, still are firmly attached to many and they will be fearful of letting go. If they can’t let go then they will remain in 3D to work through their issues and the rest will move on to 5D. This is why I have continually mentioned to you to learn how to stay in your hearts and feel love and compassion and forgiveness. This is the where we are going and 3D judgment and ego must stay behind.
This has been a great deal of work to do for many. Not only have they been facing old issues rising to the surface to be worked out, but they are trying to do this amidst the insanity going on around them. This has been no easy task. We fall down and we get up and fall down and get up, but we keep moving forward first holding the light in our minds and eventually holding the light in our hearts. Once there, the light is there for eternity. Once you feel the love and compassion and forgiveness, there is no going back. I remember the first time I realized that the world was nothing like I thought it was, that it was ruled by a few and not with good intentions. I was rocked to the core. It took three days to settle into me, but once it did there was no way I could ever go back, the genie was out of the bottle.
This will be happening to many as the shift occurs. Many will have questions, many will be looking for support, many will wonder who they are, now that the world that shaped their identity has fallen away. They may feel naked and vulnerable. This is why we must know how to stay in our hearts to balance out the chaos that will ensue and to be able to help those who are lost and in panic. This will be the time when some will not dare venture forward and will stay back and fade back into the 3D world. We must let them go for it is not their time to shift. They still have much inner work to do and they cannot handle the new energy surrounding them.
Our time is soon to come I believe. We must remain calm and stay in balance within. The world will be needing love’s light to fuel it and we must be there to supply it. We know what we must do and as the time gets ever closer I believe we will begin to know what we are here for and why. It will all become clear and we will move into our positions and the world will ascend into a new way of being. Hang tight and stay calm…
Blessings to you all.
Channeled through Wes Anac- The Pleiadian Council of 9
U.S. Filmmaker Repeatedly Detained at U.S. Border
Occupy 2.0: The Great Turning
During the May 27, 2011 protests in Barcelona, protesters wore flowers and painted their hands white to reinforce their commitment to nonviolence. Photo by Caroline Bach
Occupy 2.0: The Great Turning
Building a movement to build a new reality
By Michael Nagler
April 5, 2012
The spinning wheel, and the spinning wheel alone, will solve the problem of the deepening poverty of India.
—Mahatma GandhiAnyone who thinks consumption can expand forever on a finite planet is either insane or an economist.
—E.F. SchumacherAfter a roaring start, the Occupy movement hit a wall in the form of rough-handling and evictions by the police. Occupiers could have given up on nonviolence—as a small faction will always try to get us to do—or just given up; but instead we have gone back to the drawing board, while continuing to occupy select spaces, this time with advance training. This is exactly the right response. As my former Berkeley colleague Todd Gitlin writes in The Nation, “To take on a warped state of affairs that has been decades in the making will take decades,” and for this purpose the encampment culture is “both necessary and inadequate.”
It’s time to step back, take stock of the situation we’re in, and work out a roadmap of the way home.
If our movement is about raising the dignity and value of the human being, we cannot use the method of violence, which degrades.The worship of wealth that has brought corporations into a position of dominance in the world today has also brought in its wake two unexpected benefits. First, it planted in the minds of many the idea that some kind of world unity was possible: “Globalization from above” awakened the old dream of “globalization from below,” the dream of world unity without world domination. Secondly, by releasing many of the traditional constraints on greed (they were already pretty weak) it gave the one percent enough rope to really squeeze the economic middle class, taking away from them the false comfort of “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage,” and thereby reawakening, though in new forms, the class struggles of the 1930s. This has finally exposed the inherent contradiction of an economy based on indefinitely increasing wants—instead of on human needs that the planet has ample resources to fulfill.
These new realities are what Walter Wink calls “gifts of the enemy,” a natural feature of nonviolent struggle. The sometimes rather brutal evictions from New York’s Zuccotti Park, Los Angeles, Oakland, Washington D.C., and other sites, along with the beating and pepper-spraying of students in California last November, could redound to our advantage. They might serve as a wake-up call revealing the militarization of America—though there are not many signs of such awakening yet in this numbed nation.
I was never among those who thought that the occupation of public sites was what a serious revolutionary movement should look like (Tienanmen Square is still fresh in my memory). Now that we have been pushed off the streets we have an opportunity—as many occupiers have recognized —to regroup, reframe, and rethink what this movement is really about, how it should proceed, and what historical precedents can help us bring it to fruition.
What it’s about is nothing less than the Great Turning. Occupy 1.0 was criticized for not putting forward a list of demands. Well, if we are to escape what the late Václav Havel recently called (again in The Nation) “the omnipresent dictatorship of consumption—which underlies all the dissatisfactions that launched Occupy—then we are called to a revolution in our very way of seeing the world and sensing who we are within it.
How to carry out this great change is, at least in part, equally clear. Throughout the waves of popular uprising that keep springing up where conditions are right, from India’s freedom struggle and the color revolutions to the “Arab spring” to the global manifestations of Occupy, nonviolence has become steadily more accepted as the preferred route to freedom, so that by now it is taken for granted by the vast majority of the 99 percent. How could it be otherwise? In fact, the highly regarded study by Erica Chenowith and Maria Stefan, Why Civil Resistance Works, shows that transitions to democracy are twice as successful if they’re nonviolent, and also are three times as rapid (that part surprised even me). And, as George Lakey has shown, the only revolutions that have managed not only to establish some sort of political democracy but also make sure that the one percent don’t reestablish their grip in another form were nonviolent, at least in the sense that they did not wield weapons.
But much more than this strategic calculus is involved. Occupiers sense that nonviolence is part of their message: If our movement is about raising the dignity and value of the human being, we cannot use the method of violence, which degrades. As a Kurdish man recently told an American woman who was visiting his part of Iraq as part of a peacekeeping delegation, “Sometimes you are happy in nonviolence because you are not losing your soul. You might lose hope, or get tired, but you are not losing your soul.”
In Yemen, protestors cried, “They can’t defeat us, because we left our weapons at home.” Fair enough; but for Gandhi at least, nonviolence was far more than a protest without weapons. What was it? Particularly, what would a sophisticated, fully rounded nonviolent movement for today look like? At the Metta Center, we have been debating this question for several years, and I think we’ve come up with something that converges nicely with what Joanna Macy, David Korten, Barbara Marx Hubbard and other visionaries have also seen about the way forward.
Eyes on the Prize: MLK's Lessons for Occupy At the time of his death, Martin Luther King, Jr. was planning a campaign around economic injustice—including a mass encampment of poor people in Washington, D.C.
We start from this proposition of Václav Havel: “Human beings have created, and daily create, this self-directed system through which they divest themselves of their innermost identity.” It is by reasserting that innermost identity—our innate empathy for the suffering of others, our sense of fairness, our concern for our children—that we begin to create a better system. As Saint Augustine said when he faced the “Great Turning” of his day, “duo amores faciunt duas civitates”—roughly, ‘there are two drives within us that would lead to two very different world orders.’
This brings us to the “outer jihad”—changing the world. Gandhi made a discovery very early in his career (1894), the power of which is again being recognized by many activists. He called it Constructive Programme (CP): building what you want rather than (or as preparation for) disestablishing what you don’t want. CP recognized that truth lay with the resisters, that their dependency on an outside oppressor (today, on corporations and financial institutions) was a lie that could be exploded through constructive projects (such as, most famously in his case, making homespun cloth rather than buying British imports). There is something inherently right about building what you want in a context of a nonviolent struggle, and in fact Gandhi asserted toward the end of his career, “my real politics is constructive work.”
But CP does not mean that you neglect resistance where it’s needed: you spin your own cloth and boycott British imports. More to the point, you make your own salt and defy the police to break your head for it, thus breaking their empire. The parallel for us might be to reach out to those who still cling to militarism and try to persuade them, but to also sign the Pledge of Resistance to offer massive civil disobedience if this country attacks Iran. We, like the satyagrahis of yore, should look to trap the government in what George Lakey has called a “dilemma action” whereby if the opponent lets you do what you want, you win, and if he has to use brutality to stop you, you win on another level. The brutality meted out to the satyagrahis who attempted to enter the salt works at Dharasana in 1930 basically doomed the Raj even as they succeeded in keeping the satyagrahis out.
It is good to keep in mind how much weight Gandhi put on constructive action. A 1977 survey by the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi (Gandhi Memorial Fund) found 1,845 institutions in 22 states still functioning that were founded by Gandhi and his close associate, Vinoba Bhave. It is not that we ourselves don’t have constructive projects underway; YES! Magazine has been reporting on them for years. What we don’t have is a consciousness that these innumerable projects are part of a coherent whole.
It is by reasserting our innermost identity—our innate empathy for the suffering of others, our sense of fairness, our concern for our children—that we begin to create a better system.Recently I, with others from the Metta Center and activists from around the country, had the great privilege of hearing from someone who lived through the Salt Satyagraha and in fact spent the first 23 years of his life with Gandhi: Narayan Desai, the son of Gandhi’s lifelong secretary, Mahadev. This unforgettable weekend was the closest most of us will ever come to a living contact with the Mahatma. And his presentation of Gandhi’s legacy for us today took exactly the shape we have also reached for a revolution of peace from within: 1) personal transformation 2) constructive program, and then 3) protest — graduating, where required, to direct resistance.
From this point of view, Occupy at first picked up the stick by the wrong end. But no matter. The point now is to settle in for the long haul and draw up a cohesive strategy based on the compelling power of truth.
As Joanna Macy, and my own teacher, Eknath Easwaran, have emphasized, truth demands that we uphold a much higher vision of humanity than that currently circulating in the mass media (especially advertising media, with its dehumanizing materialism)—in other words that we uphold and embody what’s frequently called the “new story” (though it’s been around for millennia). We need to draw upon what new science and ancient wisdom are telling us: that we are conscious beings deeply interconnected with one another, indeed with “the whole of Nature in its beauty,” as Einstein said. That we are beings who can never be satisfied by consuming things but rather by building trusting relationships. And who instinctively understand that security can never come from locking up “criminals” or eliminating “enemies;” but only from building crime-free societies in which the occasional offender is restored to a life of dignity, and the goal of all conflict is to turn opponents into friends.
This is why, in the overall strategy that we’ve envisioned, with its six major problem areas, pride of place (top dead center in the diagram below) goes to New Story Creation, where we articulate and publicize the higher vision of humanity. But in another key area, militarism vs. peace, we would work on learning to transform our justifiable anger, into what Gandhi called “a power that can change the world”—for example through Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping, and/or by acting on opportunities for direct action when we are ready for them, like the above mentioned pledge of resistance.
We are not calling on anyone to stop occupying, if they feel called to do so (as we ourselves sometimes are). What’s most important, though, is that before too long the movement attains a capacity for concerted action at the national level; that we understand ourselves, as the diagram below shows, to be part of a single movement for a new kind of reality; and that we can together show the rest of the world that they want that new reality as much as we do.
Ben Fulford: Bernanke and Geithner are still Trying to Cash Bad Checks 2012 April 10
Dave: Some readers raised some questions regarding Ben’s inference that the Dragon family was in the same criminal category as the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, etc. Ben has posted an update, it is posted first, before his regular blog posting.
Benjamin Fulford 4-10-12…”Bernanke and Geithner are still trying to cash bad checks”…”Message to David Rockefeller et al: ‘you are gangsters not celestial beings.’”
[UPDATE 4-10-12 0100 HST: Clarification about the "so-called dragon family" was found here at Ben's Typepad blog: "Since my story came out, I have been given new information about the "Dragon family." There is a geniune Dragon family that is based on Asian royal bloodlines. They have been setting up a benevolent new financial system. What has happened is that the Feds, Bernanke, Geithner and their Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild bosses last week approached Japan Ministry of Finance boss Eijiro Katsu and BOJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and pretended they were the dragon family. Somebody also sent me a long article about the Merovingian kings calling them the dragon family too. It is basically the same old crooks doing their best to block the new financial system by muddying up the waters. We are on their case now and have identified specific individuals who were working for the Feds in Japan who are now being asked to back off.
"We are simply stirring things up to see who is who. The MOF and BOJ have already said they will not work with the Feds on this one. Nonetheless, I refuse to offer any specific dates for when this will all be resolved. Time is on our side, not theirs. There will be violent revolution in the US and Europe before too long if the Feds do not step aside gracefully."
April 9, 2012
by Kauilapele
“These people… thought they could buy off Japan, their largest creditor, with $10 trillion, a mere 1/60th of the money they were planning to spend. Even that tiny share of the money could only be spent pending approval from a secret committee that reports directly to “celestial beings.” Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”
“…the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.”
So that quote was a highlight for me. I do not know who was this ” secret committee that reports directly to ‘celestial beings’”, or if that was a sarcastic comment about the ones making a claim to have $600 trillion ready to go to “help humanity”. Since so much is going on out there in the world (celestial) soap opera right now, who knows.
But the second part of that quote would indicate that “the Fed” people are feeling such heat that they have to negotiate. However, I would have MAJOR qualms (doubts) about any system that involved ANYONE from “the Fed”, as Ben discusses at the end of this article (namely, “As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds”).
But, then there are dark hats turning to White Hats. What a circus.
“Buy your peanuts here, folks, and be sure to see the bearded lady and the sword swallower before you leave. Only $600 trillion a ticket.”
- It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for.
- The problem is that the same crooks who have been spreading biological mass murder weapons and carrying out countless other unfathomably evil acts are now saying they will be doing good.
- Here is what the world has to say to you murdering crooks: “you are fired.”
- …two individuals… claiming to represent the “dragon family royal society”… said they had $600 trillion waiting to be distributed to the world…
- The problem is that the representatives from the “dragon family royal society” claimed to represent Asian royal families.
- We asked that they get a formal letter… to prove they were speaking the truth… [then] their representatives dropped out of sight.
- Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”
- The “dragon family royal society,” that has been putting its name out there refers mainly to the Merovingian European Royal bloodlines, not Asian royal families.
- The CIA’s own research and historical treaties indicate the rights [to global collateral accounts] were originally given to Indonesian President Sukarno and are now held by his nephew Eddy Sukarno.
- …a counter-proposal… Japan could legally offer $80 trillion or over $100,000 to every man, woman and child on the planet.
- The White Dragon Society is proposing doing this by setting up a transparent new agency, manned by an international staff of some of the most intelligent people on earth.
- In any case, the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.
- As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds.
- Hopefully there will be further progress in negotiations this week.
Bernanke and Geithner are still trying to cash bad checks
It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for. They are running around now claiming they have 600 trillion dollars inside the Federal Reserve Board computers ready to be used for “humanitarian projects worldwide.”
Indeed both Eijiro Katsu, top bureaucrat at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa have confirmed the money is sitting there inside the Federal Reserve Board computers. The problem is that the same crooks who have been spreading biological mass murder weapons and carrying out countless other unfathomably evil acts are now saying they will be doing good.
The fact of the matter is that the owners of the Fed are a bunch of gangsters who murdered, bribed and lied their way to the top of the planetary power system only to preside over the a largest mass extinction event (including both humans and nature) since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Here is what the world has to say to you murdering crooks: “you are fired.”
This latest twist in the ongoing financial war came as two individuals (whose names we promised to keep off the record) came to Japan claiming to represent the “dragon family royal society.” They said they had $600 trillion waiting to be distributed to the world and that this could be confirmed by punching a certain access code into the Fed “Black Screens” or “Euroclear screens.” We used considerable political capital to get Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and top MOF honcho Eijiro Katsu to confirm the money was indeed sitting inside the Fed computers.The problem is that the representatives from the “dragon family royal society” claimed to represent Asian royal families. They said a man by the name of Hiroshi Nakano was the real power behind the Japanese throne and that he could confirm this.
We asked that they get a formal letter from one of the public members of the royal family such as the Emperor or the Crown Prince to prove they were speaking the truth. They apparently could not because their representatives dropped out of sight.
After that, these people changed tactics and approached Shirakawa and Katsu via some individual by the name of Akihiko Deguchi and Asahi Shinbun newspaper slave propagandist Yoichi Funabashi. They managed to get a whole bunch of ex-bureaucrats to sign on to their band-wagon.
Their claim to Asian royal family pedigree was reduced to saying their royal family representative was princess Masako, daughter of Trilateral Commission gangster and Rothschild controlled international court judge Hisashi Owada.
These people were so arrogant they thought they could buy off Japan, their largest creditor, with $10 trillion, a mere 1/60th of the money they were planning to spend. Even that tiny share of the money could only be spent pending approval from a secret committee that reports directly to “celestial beings.” Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”
The “dragon family royal society,” that has been putting its name out there refers mainly to the Merovingian European Royal bloodlines, not Asian royal families.
Then of course there is the ongoing fight over who really has the rights to the global collateral accounts. The Vatican and the P2 Freemason lodge together with their allies claim it is a Cambodian by the name of R.C. Dam who has the rights. The CIA’s own research and historical treaties indicate the rights were originally given to Indonesian President Sukarno and are now held by his nephew Eddy Sukarno.
We also have various Chinese and Japanese and Philippine royal dynasties making plausible claims to historical ownership of much of the gold. Most people would agree that the gold of the world ultimately belongs to the people of the world and that the true historical owners were entitled to a share.
Here is a counter-proposal based on BIS international banking guidelines. The Japanese have earned $8 trillion cash (they have paper receipts for all of this) based on selling cars, TVs, appliances etc. to the rest of the world for the past 60 years or so. According to the BIS rules, any cash deposit can be leveraged 10 times.
That means Japan could legally offer $80 trillion or over $100,000 to every man, woman and child on the planet. Obviously just handing out that much cash would simply result in a bubble but the money could be delivered in the form of schools, scholarships, nature preserves, infrastructure, consumer goods and other tangible things that exist in the real world.
The White Dragon Society is proposing doing this by setting up a transparent new agency, manned by an international staff of some of the most intelligent people on earth.
This plan would in no way contradict other plans by other groups to carry out similar endeavors using other organizations. The advantage of this plan is that Japan’s legal claim to the money is water-proof and does not require extensive litigation to prove. It can be acted on right away.
The government of Japan has already signaled its willingness to set up such an agency. A lot of the money released would go towards rebuilding the gutted industrial bases of Europe and the US. Much more would go towards ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and financing an exponential expansion into the universe.
In any case, the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.
As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds. The initial response was that they would offer more money but they were still reluctant to hand over any independent control of how the money was spent.
Hopefully there will be further progress in negotiations this week. However, if not, the Feds had best remember that Friday, April 13th is coming up this week. In Asia the month April is pronounced “shi,” which means death. That means it may turn out to be an especially inauspicious day for the Western banking cabal.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles, April 9, 2012
It is time you ask yourself and find out why today you are lonely. It is time for you to understand and to choose between those things in your life that give you pleasure and the things in your life that cause you displeasure.
It is time for many of you to make a new start, and it is time for many of you to leave behind the ways of the old paradigm and begin anew on a path that will deliver you to the highest self you can be. All along your journey you have chosen paths that would either bring you to a higher state or a path that would lead you somewhere else.
Your choice at this time is no different, and you are being offered the opportunity to travel a path that will bring you to a higher state or a path that will bring to you more challenges and hardships characteristic of a lower dimensional level. What you choose to do with this opportunity is entirely up to you, and we only wish to bring to the forefront of your consciousness this choice before you today. read more…
Tycoon Arrests Rock Hong Kong 2012 April 10
March 30, 2012, CNN International
Brothers at the helm of a company that helped build Hong Kong’s skyline and the man who once was the city’s number two official were arrested in an investigation of a bribery case [that] has shocked the former British colony. Thomas Kwok, 60, and Raymond Kwok, 58, and their families control Sun Hung Kai Properties, which built the city’s three tallest skyscrapers.
The billionaires were taken into custody by the city’s Independent Commission Against Corruption [ICAC]. According to local media, the ICAC also arrested Rafael Hui, 64, who was Hong Kong’s Chief Secretary from 2005 to 2007, and a former advisor to Sun Hung Kai. In a city where property is king, the sight of local royalty being taken into the ICAC headquarters riveted Hong Kong media, and comes at a time where the city’s reputation for transparency has been tainted by a number of scandals.
The Kwok brothers and their family are the 27th richest in the world, with an estimated wealth of $18.3 billion, according to Forbes magazine. The family has controlling interest of Sun Hung Kai Properties, the world’s second largest property developer by market capitalization.
Note: This is stunning news! The fact that two of the richest people in world were arrested is unprecedented. Could this be a part of the prediction of David Wilcock and others coming true about major arrests? To see a verifiable list of literally hundreds of high level resignations from financial firms in the last few months, click here. A recent Fiscal Times article at this link also dives further into this question.
Our Future after Ascension
The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, “are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.” (1) The entire Company of Heaven, according to Archangel Michael, “celebrate that Earth is no longer an ‘infant’ in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.” (2)
Sheldan Nidle explains what “Solaris” consists of. “Earth-Venus-Mars-Pax will form the nucleus of waterworlds within our future Solaris Star Nation…..and what is to be an [honorable] Galactic Federation of Light member star nation.” (3)
After Ascension, “you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now.” (4) Ker-on goes further and says we will “become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings. No more shall you be at the mercy of the dark powers, as they cannot enter the higher dimensions with their lower vibrations.” (5)
SaLuSa discusses the changes that will lead us to Ascension. When we see the galactics we are looking at our future, which will cause our yearning to return to Source to grow.
“As part of your growth in readiness for Ascension, your DNA strands are being restored and in time you will become a fully-fledged Cosmic Being. We are what you are to be, and when you attain our levels you will be able to rejoin your Space families. You have been away from your true homes for a long, long time, and with your awareness of us your yearning to return is growing.” (6)
The levels of consciousness we return to are levels that we once possessed, SaLuSa adds.“In some ways it will not be so strange, as you are returning to levels that were once quite familiar to you. You are going to be great Beings once again, with tremendous powers of creation and many will serve in our fleets for the needs of others. You will be one of us, and a fully-fledged Space Being with all of the attributes you see in us.” (7)
Only those who achieve full consciousness can join the Galactic Federation.
“Membership [in the Galactic Federation] is only open to those who have achieved full consciousness. There is a place already for you with us, as we see that once you achieve Ascension you will have acquired the level of consciousness necessary to join us.” (8)
“The Galactic Federation comprises members that have already ascended and serve in the Light. There will come a day you shall rightly stand next to us as One in the Light.” (9)
After that, we can join the galactic fleets.
“Many options are open to you after Ascension, and many will join the Galactic Fleets. For some it will be where you will meet your true family, as most members stay on board the Motherships for hundreds of years and it becomes their natural home. In some sections of them there is little to show that you are on a Space Craft, and everything is created for you to feel at home.
“It is not like military service, but more relaxing and designed for maximum comfort and happiness. ” (10)
“On your onward journey all manner of experiences will be yours, as you traverse the Universe and explore it seeking other life forms.” (11)
Atmos of Sirius describes the GF as “inter-dimensional travellers. Distance presents no problem to us. When you are of a higher consciousness and have dropped your warlike ways, you too will be permitted to travel outside of your solar system.” (12)
The universe we travel, SaLuSa say, is teeming with life and never ending.
“All is orderly and runs in perfect synchronisation as the different cycles are played out. Your one is relatively short compared to those of galactic proportions, and they all move within each other in the great scheme of the Creator. It is something that is difficult to comprehend, but it will become clearer as you lift up your vibrations.
“You are faced with a Universe that is full of life, millions of planets and suns, and dimensions that seem never ending. You can then contemplate parallel Universes and even an Omniverse, which is probably too much to take in. However, it gives you a measure of how enormous the heavens are, and how the hand of the Creator is in everything you see.” (13)
We’ll be sought out by other civilizations eager to draw on our experience, SaLuSa says.
“In the future other civilizations will call upon you to help them with their own experiences. What you know from first-hand experience is invaluable, and you will be sought after for that reason. That is how all progress by sharing and helping each other, as all are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated.
“So from experiencing the depths of separation you are going to move into Oneness with all other ascended life forms. It is for example going from individualism where the emphasis was on Self, to Oneness where all serve each other.” (14)
Far into the future, Ag-Agria of Sirius tells us, we’ll sit on the high councils that plan Ascensions and administer the Divine Plan.
“One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.” (15)
Ascension is a great leap forward in evolution, SaLuSa reveals.
“From a Human to a Galactic Being is quite a big jump in your evolution, and in every way it brings you a superior way of life. The drudgery and lack of free expression to follow your desires will no longer exist, and you will be as free as a bird to live happily and fulfilled.
“Yes, Dear Ones, there is a lot to tell you about, but we try not to overwhelm you with the details too quickly. Sufficient to say that instead of being earthbound you will be Space Beings, free to experience all of its wonders and myriad of life forms.” (16)
Yet even Ascension, he says, “is simply the commencement of another journey that will open up the Cosmos to you.” (17) Matthew Ward explains:
“The arrival of the popularized date of December 21, 2012, does not mean that Earth humankind will have entered an era of complacent stability. The only constant in the universe is change! Not only will marvelous developments continue in all areas of your world, but spiritually and intellectually, you will continue to grow through innumerable physical lifetimes, some in worlds where life will exceed even the glories of Earth’s Golden Age.” (18)
“Not all the glories of that Age will be heaped on its threshold. Everything based in darkness will be gone, but as you and your planet keep journeying, you will keep discovering wondrous ‘new’ knowledge and capabilities. ‘New’ is in quotation marks because your souls have all knowledge and capabilities, you just need to get in touch with them consciously – and you shall!” (19)
Ever after we’ll continue to evolve, SaLuSa tells us.
“As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness.
“After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside.
“There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.” (20)
The longing for liberation, (21) which Ker-on of Venus calls “a compulsive drive towards obtaining knowledge about everything within the great Cosmos,” will drive us on to seek the Source. (22) The journey will not end until we merge with the Source again, SaLuSa says.
“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is. However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (23)
Thus Ascension will see us claiming our rightful place in the councils of the Galactic Federation and regaining levels of consciousness that were formerly ours. Only those who achieve full consciousness and become godlike in their powers can join the GF. We’ll join the galactic fleets and explore a universe teeming with life and consciousness. We’ll be sought out for our experience, and eventually sit on the higher councils that plan Ascensions. Ascension is a great leap forward in the evolution of consciousness. The longing for liberation will continue leading us on until it brings us back to the Source.
(1) SaLuSa, March 26, 2012, at
(2) Archangel Michael, “The Multidimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” through Celia Fenn, March 2012,
(3) Sheldan Nidle, Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Fderation at
(4) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.
(5) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(6) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.
(7) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.
(8) SaLuSa, May 4, 2009.
(9) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009.
(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.
(12) Atmos, May 18, 2009 , at
(13) SaLuSa, May 20, 2009.
(14) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.
(15) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009, at
(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.
(18) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009, at
(19) Matthew’ s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
(20) SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.
(21) See The Longing for Liberation
(22) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(23) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.
Our future after ascension
The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, “are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.” (1) The entire Company of Heaven, according to Archangel Michael, “celebrate that Earth is no longer an ‘infant’ in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.” (2)
Sheldan Nidle explains what “Solaris” consists of. “Earth-Venus-Mars-Pax will form the nucleus of waterworlds within our future Solaris Star Nation…..and what is to be an [honorable] Galactic Federation of Light member star nation.” (3)
After Ascension, “you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now.” (4) Ker-on goes further and says we will “become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings. No more shall you be at the mercy of the dark powers, as they cannot enter the higher dimensions with their lower vibrations.” (5)
SaLuSa discusses the changes that will lead us to Ascension. When we see the galactics we are looking at our future, which will cause our yearning to return to Source to grow.
“As part of your growth in readiness for Ascension, your DNA strands are being restored and in time you will become a fully-fledged Cosmic Being. We are what you are to be, and when you attain our levels you will be able to rejoin your Space families. You have been away from your true homes for a long, long time, and with your awareness of us your yearning to return is growing.” (6)
The levels of consciousness we return to are levels that we once possessed, SaLuSa adds.“In some ways it will not be so strange, as you are returning to levels that were once quite familiar to you. You are going to be great Beings once again, with tremendous powers of creation and many will serve in our fleets for the needs of others. You will be one of us, and a fully-fledged Space Being with all of the attributes you see in us.” (7)
Only those who achieve full consciousness can join the Galactic Federation.
“Membership [in the Galactic Federation] is only open to those who have achieved full consciousness. There is a place already for you with us, as we see that once you achieve Ascension you will have acquired the level of consciousness necessary to join us.” (8)
“The Galactic Federation comprises members that have already ascended and serve in the Light. There will come a day you shall rightly stand next to us as One in the Light.” (9)
After that, we can join the galactic fleets.
“Many options are open to you after Ascension, and many will join the Galactic Fleets. For some it will be where you will meet your true family, as most members stay on board the Motherships for hundreds of years and it becomes their natural home. In some sections of them there is little to show that you are on a Space Craft, and everything is created for you to feel at home.
“It is not like military service, but more relaxing and designed for maximum comfort and happiness. ” (10)
“On your onward journey all manner of experiences will be yours, as you traverse the Universe and explore it seeking other life forms.” (11)
Atmos of Sirius describes the GF as “inter-dimensional travellers. Distance presents no problem to us. When you are of a higher consciousness and have dropped your warlike ways, you too will be permitted to travel outside of your solar system.” (12)
The universe we travel, SaLuSa say, is teeming with life and never ending.
“All is orderly and runs in perfect synchronisation as the different cycles are played out. Your one is relatively short compared to those of galactic proportions, and they all move within each other in the great scheme of the Creator. It is something that is difficult to comprehend, but it will become clearer as you lift up your vibrations.
“You are faced with a Universe that is full of life, millions of planets and suns, and dimensions that seem never ending. You can then contemplate parallel Universes and even an Omniverse, which is probably too much to take in. However, it gives you a measure of how enormous the heavens are, and how the hand of the Creator is in everything you see.” (13)
We’ll be sought out by other civilizations eager to draw on our experience, SaLuSa says.
“In the future other civilizations will call upon you to help them with their own experiences. What you know from first-hand experience is invaluable, and you will be sought after for that reason. That is how all progress by sharing and helping each other, as all are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated.
“So from experiencing the depths of separation you are going to move into Oneness with all other ascended life forms. It is for example going from individualism where the emphasis was on Self, to Oneness where all serve each other.” (14)
Far into the future, Ag-Agria of Sirius tells us, we’ll sit on the high councils that plan Ascensions and administer the Divine Plan.
“One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.” (15)
Ascension is a great leap forward in evolution, SaLuSa reveals.
“From a Human to a Galactic Being is quite a big jump in your evolution, and in every way it brings you a superior way of life. The drudgery and lack of free expression to follow your desires will no longer exist, and you will be as free as a bird to live happily and fulfilled.
“Yes, Dear Ones, there is a lot to tell you about, but we try not to overwhelm you with the details too quickly. Sufficient to say that instead of being earthbound you will be Space Beings, free to experience all of its wonders and myriad of life forms.” (16)
Yet even Ascension, he says, “is simply the commencement of another journey that will open up the Cosmos to you.” (17) Matthew Ward explains:
“The arrival of the popularized date of December 21, 2012, does not mean that Earth humankind will have entered an era of complacent stability. The only constant in the universe is change! Not only will marvelous developments continue in all areas of your world, but spiritually and intellectually, you will continue to grow through innumerable physical lifetimes, some in worlds where life will exceed even the glories of Earth’s Golden Age.” (18)
“Not all the glories of that Age will be heaped on its threshold. Everything based in darkness will be gone, but as you and your planet keep journeying, you will keep discovering wondrous ‘new’ knowledge and capabilities. ‘New’ is in quotation marks because your souls have all knowledge and capabilities, you just need to get in touch with them consciously – and you shall!” (19)
Ever after we’ll continue to evolve, SaLuSa tells us.
“As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness.
“After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside.
“There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.” (20)
The longing for liberation, (21) which Ker-on of Venus calls “a compulsive drive towards obtaining knowledge about everything within the great Cosmos,” will drive us on to seek the Source. (22) The journey will not end until we merge with the Source again, SaLuSa says.
“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is. However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (23)
Thus Ascension will see us claiming our rightful place in the councils of the Galactic Federation and regaining levels of consciousness that were formerly ours. Only those who achieve full consciousness and become godlike in their powers can join the GF. We’ll join the galactic fleets and explore a universe teeming with life and consciousness. We’ll be sought out for our experience, and eventually sit on the higher councils that plan Ascensions. Ascension is a great leap forward in the evolution of consciousness. The longing for liberation will continue leading us on until it brings us back to the Source.
(1) SaLuSa, March 26, 2012, at
(2) Archangel Michael, “The Multidimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” through Celia Fenn, March 2012,
(3) Sheldan Nidle, Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Fderation at
(4) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.
(5) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(6) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.
(7) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.
(8) SaLuSa, May 4, 2009.
(9) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009.
(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.
(12) Atmos, May 18, 2009 , at
(13) SaLuSa, May 20, 2009.
(14) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.
(15) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009, at
(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.
(18) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009, at
(19) Matthew’ s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
(20) SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.
(21) See The Longing for Liberation
(22) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(23) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.