“The Underground”, by upcoming exopolitical filmmaker DARCY WEIR, provides background information and testimony as to Phil’s involvement in the building of secret D.U.M.B.S (deep underground military bases) including a base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military.
Schneider claims during the 1970’s during the construction of a D.U.M.B. at Dulce, that he had accidentally tunneled into an ET base resulting in a violent encounter, with loss of life on both sides (human and Alien), which would change his world reality. Schneider embarked on tours across the USA speaking out publically about his shoot out with the aliens, warning of preparations by the elite of a forthcoming New World Order whilst publically displaying to his audiences his chest wounds and his left hand with missing fingers as a result of the shootout.
The film 1hr 20mins provides clips from the History Channel, graphics and well-known clips from Phil Schneider’s lectures to bring the audience up to date on the story of Phil Schneider. Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould [Exopolitics HK] and Cynthia Drayer (Phil’s wife) provide expert commentary on the true story of Phil Schneider and the circumstances surrounding his untimely death.Darcy Weir has brought into the public domain, unseen footage of Phil and his family, seemingly leading a full and happy life. The authorities claimed that Schneider’s death was suicide but his wife’s testimony and the autopsy report which show graphic images of Phil Schneider with a catheter tightly around his neck, prove otherwise!
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
“The Underground”: A True Story of Phil Schneider
China US Trade Imbalance: Bad Policy or Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold? 2012 April 15
Dr. Salla does not want his articles reproduced in full. Here are two extracts. The Dragon family are very important sources of funds intended to spark economic growth. We’ll be hearing much more about them “soon.”
Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D., Exonews, © February 8, 2012
(Extract 1)
One of the enigmas of U.S. trade policy is the willingness of policy makers to allow China open access to U.S. markets while China throws up many obstacles to American imports. This has predictably led to the US China trade imbalance becoming an issue in the U.S. Presidential Republican campaign. In an interview on Fox News on February 2, 2012, Republican Presidential front runner, Mitt Romney, declared:
On my first day in office, I will label China a currency manipulator and under US law once that label has been affixed the president is able to apply tariffs to any of their goods … I’ve made it very clear to the Chinese that’s where we’ll go if they continue the practices they’re pursuing right now.
Romney’s get tough on China rhetoric impressed Donald Trump who promptly endorsed Romney for the Republican Presidential Primary. According to Trump: “I love what Mitt was saying about China and the rest of the world, which is just absolutely ripping us off and trying to destroy this nation with a smile. And I think that Mitt Romney really sees China for what they are.”
It is a fact that China maintains a huge trade deficit with the U.S. The exchange rate of China’s currency, the Renminbi, is kept artificially low making it very difficult for U.S. products to compete with cheap Chinese imports. Imports of Chinese products have devastated the U.S. manufacturing industry. To make matters worse, China establishes tariffs on a range of key U.S. export products, such as automobiles, making it even more difficult for the U.S. to reverse the trade deficit which continues to grow. Compounding the issue is China’s flagrant violation of intellectual property laws where Chinese firms pirate many U.S. products with almost total impunity thereby removing another means of balancing the trade deficit.
The trade imbalance has led to China accumulating vast reserves of US dollars, becoming the biggest purchaser of U.S. treasury bonds, and becoming America’s chief creditor. According to the U.S. Treasury, as of November 2011, China held 1.1 trillion dollars in U.S. treasury securities. All this has U.S. Republican presidential candidates and many economists speaking out loudly against China and calling for retaliatory measures such as tariffs, getting tough on Chinese violation of intellectual property laws, and pressuring China to revalue its currency. So are Romney, Trump and a host of prominent economists correct about China? Do they make a compelling case for abandoning a bad China trade policy?
(Extract 2)
1. Dragon Family Trillion Dollar Lawsuit
A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 145.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping. The lawsuit claims that 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve notes were issued to the Chinese government, and the gold transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank:
Upon information and belief, between 1927 and 1938, as a result of arrangements made between China and the United States, the United States … leased vast amounts of gold from the nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. During this period, China was partly occupied by Japanese troops and there was a fear of China being overrun by the Japanese.
It is claimed that a total sum of almost one trillion dollars representing both the principal and accumulated interest of the 1934 Federal Reserve notes was fraudulently taken from the plaintiff, Neil Keenan, an agent for the owners, a mysterious Asian entity called “The Dragon Family.” According to Courthouse News:
Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments – which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. “Kennedy” bond with a face value of $1 billion – by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.
The Japanese bonds and Kennedy bond were allegedly added to the initial bond issue as interest. To calculate the total amount of gold ‘leased’ by China’s nationalist government to the Federal Reserve we can use the 1938 historic figure for the price of gold which was $34.87 per troy oz. $124.5 billion converts into an approximate total of 3.6 billion troy oz or 110 thousand metric tons
Given that the world’s total gold reserves is officially only 165 thousand tons, this is a staggering amount of gold that was secretly leased from China’s nationalist government. Using the current spot price of gold, nearly $1700 per troy oz, the value of Chinese gold in possession of the Federal Reserve has a price of six trillion dollars! This is more than double the total income for the 2012 U.S. federal budget of 2.6 trillion dollars. Surprisingly, there appears to be another similar size cache of gold that was leased by China as an incident on the Swiss-Italian border in 2009 illustrates.
Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops
An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday.
The European police agency Europol said in a statement that "Operation Rescue" had identified 670 suspects and that 230 abused children in 30 countries had been taken to safety. More children are expected to be found, Europol said.
It said that so far 184 people had been arrested and investigations in some countries were continuing. Most of those detained are suspected of direct involvement in sexually abusing children.
They include teachers, police officers and scout leaders, AP reported. One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of abusing some 100 children over five years.
Europol director Rob Wainwright said Wednesday the ring, which communicated using an Internet forum, was "probably the largest online pedophile network in the world."
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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un spoke publicly for the first time Sunday at a massive celebration marking the 100th birthday of national founder Kim Il Sung.
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Cori Bassett, a public affairs officer for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in an email that there had been five arrests and four convictions in connection with Operation Rescue in the U.S.
"Arrests so far have been made in Georgia and Connecticut. ICE continues to pursue the leads provided by Europol," she added.
The website was shut down following the three-year investigation, Europol said.
"The website operated from a server based in the Netherlands and, at its height, boasted up to 70,000 members worldwide," it added.
"It attempted to operate as a 'discussion–only' forum where people could share their sexual interest in young boys without committing any specific offences, thus operating 'below the radar' of police attention," Europol said.
"Having made contact on the site, some members would move to more private channels, such as email, to exchange and share illegal images and films of children being abused. Computers seized from those arrested have harvested huge quantities of child abuse images and videos," it added.
Police infiltrated site
The Europol statement said U.K. and Australian police infiltrated the site to identify the members who posed the greatest danger to children. Police also sometimes posed as children online as part of the investigation.
Only on msnbc.comLaw enforcement authorities from 13 countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain and the U.K., were involved in the case, Europol said.
The statement said Europol analysts had cracked the security features of a key computer server at the center of the network which uncovered the identities of suspected child sex offenders.
And, after his arrest, the forum's Dutch administrator helped police break encryption measures that shielded users' identities, allowing police to begin their covert investigations.
"Europol subsequently issued over 4,000 intelligence reports to police authorities in over 30 countries in Europe and elsewhere, which has led to the arrests of suspects and the safeguarding of children," Europol said.
Wainwright said he was proud of the "exceptional work of our experts in helping police authorities around the world to record these groundbreaking results."
"The safeguarding of so many vulnerable children is particularly rewarding and demonstrates the commitment of our agency to make Europe a safer place for its citizens," he added.
The investigation was led by Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center.
Peter Davies, of the center, said there would be more arrests as the investigations continue.
"Those who have been members of the site can expect a knock on the door in the very near future," he said.
In Britain, police said, the children involved were aged between 7 and 14.
Australian Federal Police commander Grant Edwards said suspects arrested in Australia ranged in age from 19 to 84 and used the Internet to "prey on children with anonymity, with subterfuge and with camouflage."
Children, Edwards said, "should be able to use the Internet safely, without fear of being approached or groomed by these online predators."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
My Brothers and Sisters, A long time ago, there was a saying that goes like this:
Well, I suppose today in order to be gender equal, we could change it to bad things happen when good people do nothing. What we have been seeing and witnessing in our country for many decades now is the complete abdication of GOOD MEN doing anything about the bad they see happening around them. This is not to say that there is a certain "THEY" out there who are mostly culpable while others remain innocent. This by and large has been a societal epidemic which was "constructed" very subtly by the PROGRAMMING of our individual and group mind.
We were taught..., encouraged, bribed, and tormented into looking the other way or ignoring what was in front of our face. Sometimes, our own individual desires for a "leg up" and a "good life" was all that was necessary as a promise from those bent on doing dark deeds in order to get GOOD PEOPLE to look the other way. There was a popular movie that coined the absolutely ridiculous and preposterous phrase: GREED IS GOOD! Who with any mind or heart at all could believe such a thing? And yet..., many, many people through out the 80's and 90's and the first half decade of the 2000's were rushing forward head over heals with this idea in hand. Who can possibly point the finger totally at those around them if they are driving a Mercedes Benz when a Honda would have done just a well? Who can say I did not add to the problem if they have a 6,000 sq. ft. home when most people live in a 1,500 sq. ft home? The signs were out there..., the wars..., the problems..., but who was looking? What we had was alot of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING! Now we are about to turn this around because it has become clear that LOVE has nothing to do with inaction. One does not stand by and let a masked man RAPE a helpless high school girl because it is not "loving" to the rapist to interfere. INTERFERENCE into acts of criminal cruelty are not just necessary..., IT IS OUR COLLECTIVE OBLIGATION!! There is NO DIFFERENCE between the above mentioned rape and what the bankers have been doing to countless people around the globe. The very fact that they are NOT YET IN JAIL..., is a continued example of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING. That being said..., it is time to look into who has been doing "nothing" more that others.
The MEDIA by far is one of the biggest and most vile betrayers of our collective society, and soon you will see this as a fact. Regardless of being wholly owned by large corporations, many good men and women have reported lie after lie, after lie knowing that what they were saying was not true. How can this in any way or in any world be justified? Is the excuse: " ...well they threatened to fire me..." even measureable on a scale of one to ten when we know that as a result of saying NOTHING, and not reporting the truth..., millions of people have died in useless wars, and millions more lost their life savings, and even millions more had their homes stolen from them and were kicked out onto the street by the bankers and the illuminati? What about Scientists who know about FREE ENERGY technology but were "told" to keep their mouths shut..., so they did..., and the world was literally raped of oil and natural gas for 60 more years than was necessary? Like "Judas" supposedly sold out Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver..., many, many GOOD MEN and WOMEN have sold out their country men and the world for a stupid paycheck! The great equalization is upon us! Many, many are about to be arrested and in my mind there are millions who need to go to jail. We may see major media personalites..., ones we've seen on the TV for years going away in hand-cuffs..., and well they should! The arrests may not just be bankers and politicians..., but also judges, lawyers, scientists, University Professors, Clergy and on and on..., ALL who knew..., all who had insider information..., and yet DID NOTHING! Should there be those out there reading this..., who are of this breed and want to attone for their mis-deeds before it is too late, the answer is clear. BLAB!
Use the mouth that GOD gave you and tell EVERYTHING! Go public and tell all you know! And if not public at least tell all of your friends and family so that hopefully some of them will go public. Help to put the real leaders of the Illuminati away and in jail for a long, long time. This is the very, very least you can do for selling out the world and your brothers and sisters one paycheck at a time. And to those of you who are family members of persons who want to go public..., stand out of the way! The world is more important than your own personal tiny life-boat which does not want any waves to be made.
This time is about OTHERS..., it is about ALL OF US TOGETHER..., not just the continued comfort of a few. The phrase: LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT..., is a continuation of BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING. The massive arrests would set the world free! Seeing those who sold us out among those arrested is necessary for justice as well. To those who are Doctors and work for Phamaceutical Companies..., Lawyers for big tobacco, and crooked politicians, Scientists, Clergy, Actors and Media Personalites, and to any who have KNOWINGLY worked to keep secrets form the rest of the people which have harmed the world, the world's population, and those who are innocent... YOUR DAY OF JUSTICE has almost arrived.
My Brothers and Sisters, A long time ago, there was a saying that goes like this:
Well, I suppose today in order to be gender equal, we could change it to bad things happen when good people do nothing. What we have been seeing and witnessing in our country for many decades now is the complete abdication of GOOD MEN doing anything about the bad they see happening around them. This is not to say that there is a certain "THEY" out there who are mostly culpable while others remain innocent. This by and large has been a societal epidemic which was "constructed" very subtly by the PROGRAMMING of our individual and group mind.
We were taught..., encouraged, bribed, and tormented into looking the other way or ignoring what was in front of our face. Sometimes, our own individual desires for a "leg up" and a "good life" was all that was necessary as a promise from those bent on doing dark deeds in order to get GOOD PEOPLE to look the other way. There was a popular movie that coined the absolutely ridiculous and preposterous phrase: GREED IS GOOD! Who with any mind or heart at all could believe such a thing? And yet..., many, many people through out the 80's and 90's and the first half decade of the 2000's were rushing forward head over heals with this idea in hand. Who can possibly point the finger totally at those around them if they are driving a Mercedes Benz when a Honda would have done just a well? Who can say I did not add to the problem if they have a 6,000 sq. ft. home when most people live in a 1,500 sq. ft home? The signs were out there..., the wars..., the problems..., but who was looking? What we had was alot of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING! Now we are about to turn this around because it has become clear that LOVE has nothing to do with inaction. One does not stand by and let a masked man RAPE a helpless high school girl because it is not "loving" to the rapist to interfere. INTERFERENCE into acts of criminal cruelty are not just necessary..., IT IS OUR COLLECTIVE OBLIGATION!! There is NO DIFFERENCE between the above mentioned rape and what the bankers have been doing to countless people around the globe. The very fact that they are NOT YET IN JAIL..., is a continued example of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING. That being said..., it is time to look into who has been doing "nothing" more that others.
The MEDIA by far is one of the biggest and most vile betrayers of our collective society, and soon you will see this as a fact. Regardless of being wholly owned by large corporations, many good men and women have reported lie after lie, after lie knowing that what they were saying was not true. How can this in any way or in any world be justified? Is the excuse: " ...well they threatened to fire me..." even measureable on a scale of one to ten when we know that as a result of saying NOTHING, and not reporting the truth..., millions of people have died in useless wars, and millions more lost their life savings, and even millions more had their homes stolen from them and were kicked out onto the street by the bankers and the illuminati? What about Scientists who know about FREE ENERGY technology but were "told" to keep their mouths shut..., so they did..., and the world was literally raped of oil and natural gas for 60 more years than was necessary? Like "Judas" supposedly sold out Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver..., many, many GOOD MEN and WOMEN have sold out their country men and the world for a stupid paycheck! The great equalization is upon us! Many, many are about to be arrested and in my mind there are millions who need to go to jail. We may see major media personalites..., ones we've seen on the TV for years going away in hand-cuffs..., and well they should! The arrests may not just be bankers and politicians..., but also judges, lawyers, scientists, University Professors, Clergy and on and on..., ALL who knew..., all who had insider information..., and yet DID NOTHING! Should there be those out there reading this..., who are of this breed and want to attone for their mis-deeds before it is too late, the answer is clear. BLAB!
Use the mouth that GOD gave you and tell EVERYTHING! Go public and tell all you know! And if not public at least tell all of your friends and family so that hopefully some of them will go public. Help to put the real leaders of the Illuminati away and in jail for a long, long time. This is the very, very least you can do for selling out the world and your brothers and sisters one paycheck at a time. And to those of you who are family members of persons who want to go public..., stand out of the way! The world is more important than your own personal tiny life-boat which does not want any waves to be made.
This time is about OTHERS..., it is about ALL OF US TOGETHER..., not just the continued comfort of a few. The phrase: LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT..., is a continuation of BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING. The massive arrests would set the world free! Seeing those who sold us out among those arrested is necessary for justice as well. To those who are Doctors and work for Phamaceutical Companies..., Lawyers for big tobacco, and crooked politicians, Scientists, Clergy, Actors and Media Personalites, and to any who have KNOWINGLY worked to keep secrets form the rest of the people which have harmed the world, the world's population, and those who are innocent... YOUR DAY OF JUSTICE has almost arrived.
My Brothers and Sisters, A long time ago, there was a saying that goes like this:
Well, I suppose today in order to be gender equal, we could change it to bad things happen when good people do nothing. What we have been seeing and witnessing in our country for many decades now is the complete abdication of GOOD MEN doing anything about the bad they see happening around them. This is not to say that there is a certain "THEY" out there who are mostly culpable while others remain innocent. This by and large has been a societal epidemic which was "constructed" very subtly by the PROGRAMMING of our individual and group mind.
We were taught..., encouraged, bribed, and tormented into looking the other way or ignoring what was in front of our face. Sometimes, our own individual desires for a "leg up" and a "good life" was all that was necessary as a promise from those bent on doing dark deeds in order to get GOOD PEOPLE to look the other way. There was a popular movie that coined the absolutely ridiculous and preposterous phrase: GREED IS GOOD! Who with any mind or heart at all could believe such a thing? And yet..., many, many people through out the 80's and 90's and the first half decade of the 2000's were rushing forward head over heals with this idea in hand. Who can possibly point the finger totally at those around them if they are driving a Mercedes Benz when a Honda would have done just a well? Who can say I did not add to the problem if they have a 6,000 sq. ft. home when most people live in a 1,500 sq. ft home? The signs were out there..., the wars..., the problems..., but who was looking? What we had was alot of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING! Now we are about to turn this around because it has become clear that LOVE has nothing to do with inaction. One does not stand by and let a masked man RAPE a helpless high school girl because it is not "loving" to the rapist to interfere. INTERFERENCE into acts of criminal cruelty are not just necessary..., IT IS OUR COLLECTIVE OBLIGATION!! There is NO DIFFERENCE between the above mentioned rape and what the bankers have been doing to countless people around the globe. The very fact that they are NOT YET IN JAIL..., is a continued example of GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING. That being said..., it is time to look into who has been doing "nothing" more that others.
The MEDIA by far is one of the biggest and most vile betrayers of our collective society, and soon you will see this as a fact. Regardless of being wholly owned by large corporations, many good men and women have reported lie after lie, after lie knowing that what they were saying was not true. How can this in any way or in any world be justified? Is the excuse: " ...well they threatened to fire me..." even measureable on a scale of one to ten when we know that as a result of saying NOTHING, and not reporting the truth..., millions of people have died in useless wars, and millions more lost their life savings, and even millions more had their homes stolen from them and were kicked out onto the street by the bankers and the illuminati? What about Scientists who know about FREE ENERGY technology but were "told" to keep their mouths shut..., so they did..., and the world was literally raped of oil and natural gas for 60 more years than was necessary? Like "Judas" supposedly sold out Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver..., many, many GOOD MEN and WOMEN have sold out their country men and the world for a stupid paycheck! The great equalization is upon us! Many, many are about to be arrested and in my mind there are millions who need to go to jail. We may see major media personalites..., ones we've seen on the TV for years going away in hand-cuffs..., and well they should! The arrests may not just be bankers and politicians..., but also judges, lawyers, scientists, University Professors, Clergy and on and on..., ALL who knew..., all who had insider information..., and yet DID NOTHING! Should there be those out there reading this..., who are of this breed and want to attone for their mis-deeds before it is too late, the answer is clear. BLAB!
Use the mouth that GOD gave you and tell EVERYTHING! Go public and tell all you know! And if not public at least tell all of your friends and family so that hopefully some of them will go public. Help to put the real leaders of the Illuminati away and in jail for a long, long time. This is the very, very least you can do for selling out the world and your brothers and sisters one paycheck at a time. And to those of you who are family members of persons who want to go public..., stand out of the way! The world is more important than your own personal tiny life-boat which does not want any waves to be made.
This time is about OTHERS..., it is about ALL OF US TOGETHER..., not just the continued comfort of a few. The phrase: LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT..., is a continuation of BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING. The massive arrests would set the world free! Seeing those who sold us out among those arrested is necessary for justice as well. To those who are Doctors and work for Phamaceutical Companies..., Lawyers for big tobacco, and crooked politicians, Scientists, Clergy, Actors and Media Personalites, and to any who have KNOWINGLY worked to keep secrets form the rest of the people which have harmed the world, the world's population, and those who are innocent... YOUR DAY OF JUSTICE has almost arrived.