
Health Miracles- Alternative Medicine and Healing Blog

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How to Implement Basic Feng Shui Principles You don’t have to learn or understand all about Feng Shui in order to implement it’s basic principles into your life to create a more pleasing environment in your home. The core principles such as to eliminate clutter and arrange furniture so chi can flow is a easily learned practice that you can learn to feel out on your own. When we implement these basic Feng Shui Principles we can lead healthier lives both energetically and...

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The Greatest Thing Since Sliced What? What's next? Uranium enriched Bread?! Bread is everywhere! We can’t escape it, it creeps into our diets daily. However, I try to keep it to a minimum. Here’s why: A lot of us may already know that white bread is unhealthy. Some of us may reason that as long as we are buying whole grain bread, we are making a healthy choice. If you ask me (which you did, right?) I’ll tell you that most “Whole Wheat Bread” is poison too! I’m talking...

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  • Connie: Love your blog, Jade. (And your newsletter which brought me ...
  • Baron: P...
  • Doubting Thomas: If you read enough, nearly everything has some chemical in i...
  • wholesale herbal incense: Good points I appriciate your post. I really like the look o...
  • Elvira de Keizer: Thanks for posting this great blog. This is interesting to m...
  • Theresa McLone: Bread is poison because it contains WHEAT!!! Doesn't matter ...
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Kiwifruit Health Benefits... When it comes to buying fruit, most people gravitate toward oranges, apples,...
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Dr. Simm's Smoothie ... Dr. Simm is an Acupuncture Physician and my first health guru! You can learn...
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Using Alternative and Com... http://www.flickr.com/photos/blaiq/ / CC BY-SA 2.0 While there are a number...

Worried about Skin Cancer this Summer? Then do NO...

This video by the Health Ranger confirms my belief in my post, What Dr.Oz doesn’t tell us about Vitamin D, that indeed we should not use sunscreen! But we should NOT get burned either! This text will be replaced by the player Points in this video I agree with: Take measure to burn less, by eating antioxidant rich food I used to burn a lot easier when I was 18. That was because I was eating fast food regularly. ...

The Story of Cosmetics...

Yes! A great video that explains exactly what I’ve been saying here in my article, “Clean up you Cleaning Act”. Why are there toxic chemicals in our cosmetics, shampoos, and even baby shampoos?! Chemicals linked to cancer, autism, low sperm count and more. If my post didn’t convince you, I hope this video does! Your number one assignment– find a non-toxic shampoo alternative for your...

Kiwifruit Health Benefits...

When it comes to buying fruit, most people gravitate toward oranges, apples, bananas, and grapes. They often skip over the more unusual fruits. One of the fruits that are over looked is the kiwifruit. The kiwifruit is native to China. Many regions of Europe, South America, and North America have shortened the name from kiwifruit to simply kiwi. This little fruit has a brown peel which contains many hairs. Inside the peel,...

Ask your Doctor!...

This is a guest post by Terry Reed. Terry is a Clayton College of Natural Health graduate and he has a strong opinion on that often heard phrase, “Ask your Doctor” Why is it that we are constantly told to “Ask your doctor”? I mean why are we suppose to do that when something pertains to anything like our diet, supplements, and exercise? Do they as a collective group really know about these things than...

Q+A on healing Crohn’s disease naturally...

I’m very proud to share Lauren’s wisdom here! Lauren is healing her Crohn’s disease naturally and doesn’t have to take over half the medication she used to be on due to her healing vegan diet and supplements. I found Lauren’s story over at the Crazy Sexy Life blog. (go ahead and read a little background on her, I’ll wait) You mention you stressed and worried a lot. About being...

Q+A with Breast Cancer Thriver: On treating her ca...

I’m so thrilled to share with you today the wisdom of Ani Kaspar. You can learn more about her book that details the story of healing her breast cancer naturally here. When I heard of her brave decision to stop chemo, and feed her body what it needs to heal, and believe in the healing power of her own body– I knew I had to ask her some questions to share with you here! What form of exercise do you do and how...

Promoting a Natural Cure for Breast Cancer...

When Ani Kaspar was diagnosed with breast cancer, she put her foot down on the unethical conventional cancer treatments and made a bold step to trust in her body’s natural ability to heal with alternative methods like eating organic, raw, living foods (for example). She is a four-year thriver of intra-ductal carcinoma-the most prevalent breast cancer in the world. She champions for the ethical treatment of cancer. ...

The Oil Spill Disaster– Rescue the Gulf...

Photo description: A dead Northern Gannet covered in oil lies along Grand Isle Beach in Grand Isle, Louisiana May 21, 2010. A month after the well blowout and rig explosion that unleashed the catastrophic spill, sheets of rust-colored heavy oil are starting to clog fragile marshlands on the fringes of the Mississippi Delta, damaging fishing grounds and wildlife. Scientists fear parts of the huge fragmented surface slick...

Read this before buying natural health products!...

Nothing is worse then throwing money away on a health product that is ineffective. I’m going to address this matter that runs rampant in the natural health industry today! Here are some examples of dodgy health supplements: Echinacea products In my post Alternative Antibiotics that Leave no “Superbugs” Behind! Health Expert Jon Barron says: “I’ve gone to health food stores and bought 30 brands of Echinacea,...

My “Spring Health Kick” Update...

This is an update to this post, “My Spring Health Kick– the products I picked out to help…” Well it’s been about 2 weeks taking all the supplements I ordered and I’m not sure this is going to well! I have a metallic taste in my mouth, from what I’m guessing is either the spirulina or the “Crystal Energy” drops, trying to cleanse heavy metals from my system. I’ve...

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