AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012
2012 July 2Posted by Steve Beckow
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI~ Steve through AA Michael is sharing that Micah, One of Our Earth Allies, is not a credible source although from Our Information he is credible and is right on with the information we have been recieving. There is also menation of the evacuations not occurring, although it does not matter as when this time arrives everyone will be well informed of the changes Love The Earth Allies
OK, we’ve finished the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel and it’s historic.
What I’m going to try to do here is to give you as much detail as I can remember; then I will go back into the recording and draw out some additional details. I’m speaking from memory and it won’t be as satisfactory as quoting AAM so I ask you not to take my own recall as a true and accurate version of what he said, but as breaking news.
Geoff West will offer a special edition of Cosmic Vision News after An Hour with an Angel and give a wrap-up of this incredible day’s news. Both shows can be heard here, starting 5:00 p.m. Pacific time today:
First of all the events which we’ve referred to as the “mass arrests” are underway and started last Monday, June 25, 2012.
Archangel Michael (1) prefers not to refer to them as “mass arrests,” because that wording is not of love, but as “containments” and “removals” so we’ll change our vocabulary starting now.
The containments take several forms. The leading Illuminati are actually being placed in energetic containers that prevent them from doing any harmful actions. They can do benevolent actions, but not anything else. Eventually they’ll be removed, either to a place of trial or else to another placement.
The containments take in negative heads of state, financial leaders, and military brass. No, as we’ve been saying for as long as I can remember, President Obama is not a negative leader but an esteemed lightworker and will at some point be announcing moves towards world peace.
People who continue to buy into the characterizations of President Obama as a darkworker should stop. They are mistaken. Indeed the President will be an integral part of all that is to come, right up to leading his nation into the Golden Age.
Yes, what Cobra calls “Stardust” could be used. AAM called it “Jophi” dust (after Archangel Jophiel) and Tralana dust (after a planet that I’m not familiar with). But there is no need to use it because the energy containers suffice. The dark figures will not be permitted to exit these containers until they have completely reformed their characters.
He suggested that we watch people we regard as top Illuminati figures if we want to see what they look like under restraint.
Eventually “containment” will lead to “removals.”
The new financial changes, he said, are already underway.
He cautioned us to be simply passive but alert observers, and not to take any kind of retributive action.
He said that the Colorado wildfires and the eastern storms were designed to clear negative energy. They were not cabal-induced although they do result from our creation of negativity and are designed to remove it. One Colorado wildfire was started accidentally by a human, as will be discovered eventually.
In regards to rumors, there will be no pole shift or three days of darkness, no matter who is saying so to the contrary. There may be a minor amount of flooding, but there will not be any significant seismic activity followed by coastal flooding. There will be no need to remove significant sections of Earth’s population to Inner Earth or the ships. He was very emphatic about these statements, repeating one of them three times.
He said that there are no Archons around the Earth and any clones of theirs that existed were neutralized many years ago. Micah’s message is simply not credible.
He said that there have not been negative aliens around the Earth for ten years.
He congratulated us on our restraint and perseverence. He predicted new technology being given to us at an early date. The financial changes being underway will see an equitable distribution of resources and money. He didn’t give a date for when the system would become publicly visible. Neither Linda nor I want to traffic in dates and he recognized Linda’s resistance to him stating a date. But it’s coming.
(1) To those who believe that I’m not speaking with Archangel Michael, I got it. But just understand that I believe I am. To those who think that talk of “energetic containers” and such is fantasy, I can’t help you. Time will demonstrate whether they’re real or not. But perhaps suspend disbelief for the moment or you won’t be able to participate in this most significant of unfoldments as far as these discussions represent “participation.”
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
Freedom Project: Nazis protected by the Secret Service. German Intelligence chief resigns
Nazis protected by the Secret Service. German Intelligence chief resignsBy Stefano Council | 07/02/2012 18:07 EDT
(google translation)
Heinz Fromm, head of the Verfassungsschutz (the secret services of Germany), has resigned following an investigation initiated by the German judiciary on a series of unsolved murders dating from the period 2000-2010. During the investigations, the investigators have established a connection between the German Secret Service and the terrorist organization "clandestinity National Socialist" (NSU), a neo-Nazi terrorist cell accused of at least 10 murders, many of them to the detriment of Turkish immigrants.The resignation of Fromm, who held the post of intelligence chief since 2000, were presented to the Minister, Hans-Peter Friedrich, through a formal letter. Friedrich has accepted immediately, stating that in the coming days will be designated to ask the deputy head of the office vacant.
The resignation of Fromm represent the latest chapter of an investigation started by magistrates last November. After careful analysis, the investigators concluded that the secret services were not only aware of the terrorist organization, but at the time of the opening of investigations have conveniently destroyed seven folders containing information provided by the militant neo-Nazi group, used as intelligence informants.
The theory of collusion between the secret services and terrorist organization, seems to be further confirmed by the complete indifference shown dall'intelligenze German compared to the alarm launched by the Italian secret services, who in 2003 suggested the presence of terrorist organizations of the extreme right in Germany . Italy's interest stems from the fact that the neo-Nazi terrorist organization and they operate directly in Germany, financed by extremist groups in South Tyrol.
Shadows on the German secret service
Fromm's resignation will not stop the work of the investigators intend to clarify the links between the NSU and intelligence agencies. Meanwhile, German politicians have spoken out in favor of the former intelligence chief, believed by the majority and the opposition "intact and unconnected with the facts on which the investigations are conducted."
The political scandal caused by this investigation seriously concerned about public opinion, given the ease with which symbols and words are recalled from a past that Germany tries in every way to forget. Dike forgotten the horrors made by the Third Reich, however, threatens to create an opposite reaction than hoped. According to a survey done by the Free University of Berlin on a sample of 7,500 students of 15 years, half of them do not know who was Adolf Hitler and a third of them believe it was a protector of human rights. An alarming as to reveal the fact that burying the swastika hoping that nobody will watch, not so effective as empty of meaning through a careful policy of information that may fill gaps that might otherwise be filled by teams that make the 'ignorance and fear of their strength.
Big Banks Have Criminally Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion Dollar Market | The Galactic Free Press
… But Receive Only a Light Slap on the Wrist
We noted Friday:
Barclays and other large banks – including Citigroup, HSBC, J.P. Morgan Chase, Lloyds, Bank of America, UBS, Royal Bank of Scotland– manipulated the world’s primary interest rate (Libor) which virtually every adjustable-rate investment globally is pegged to.
That means they manipulated a good chunk of the world economy.
We actually understated the impact of the Libor scandal.
Specifically, according to the CIA’s World Factbook, the global economy – as measured by the world’s gross domestic product – is less than $80 trillion.
In contrast, over $800 trillion dollars worth of investments are pegged to the Libor rate. In other words, a market more than 10 times the size of the entire real world economy is effected by Libor.
Drug giant pleads guilty, fined $3B for drug marketing | The Galactic Free Press
Drug giant pleads guilty, fined $3B for drug marketing
By Staff and wire reports
WASHINGTON--Prescription drug giant GlaxoSmithKline will plead guilty and pay $3 billion to resolve federal criminal and civil inquiries arising from the company's illegal promotion of some of its products, its failure to report safety data and alleged false price reporting, the Justice Department announced Monday.The company agreed to plead guilty to three criminal counts, including two counts of introducing misbranded drugs — Paxil and Wellbutrin — and one count of failing to report safety data about the drug Avandia to the Food and Drug Administration.
The $3 billion fine will be the largest penalty ever paid by a drug company, Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole said. The corporation also agreed to be monitored by government officials for five years to attempt to ensure the company's compliance, Cole said.
Under the terms of the plea agreement, GSK(GSK) will pay a total of $1 billion, including a criminal fine of $956,814,400. The company also will pay $2 billion to resolve civil claims under the federal government's False Claims Act.
Barclays' chairman Marcus Agius is last of the old school | The Galactic Free Press
Barclays' chairman Marcus Agius is last of the old school
Marcus Agius is one of the City’s last bankers of the old school.
Cambridge-educated Marcus Agius will undoubtedly regret having to leave his career in the City in such a whirl of negative publicity Photo: Tom Stockill
His resignation could be seen as the final nail in the coffin for so-called Gentlemanly Capitalism, in steady decline ever since Big Bang opened up the City to Wall Street 25 years ago.
Agius, 65, has been chairman of Barclays since 2007, at first deftly presiding over the competing egos of John Varley, then chief executive, and Bob Diamond, then head of Barclays Capital, the investment banking arm.
He has also been given credit for being at the head of the boardroom table when Barclays navigated its way through the financial crisis more or less unscathed and, indeed, was able to pick up the carcass of the Lehman Brothers business.
But since Mr Diamond took over as chief executive last year, there have been mounting concerns that Agius has failed to rein in the excesses of the American banker, and the brash BarCap culture, or keep adequately in touch with shareholders and their wishes....
To read this entire Article you can follow this Link http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9368986/Barclays-chairman-Marcus-Agius-is-last-of-the-old-school.html
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~2~12 All Inevitable Events are In Process
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~2~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update All Inevitable Events are In Process~
Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Exciting and maybe for some, chaotic Energies of July. The Energies are intensifying, as we have Now put Increased pressure for Our Events as Our Gifts for Humanity to Manifest. We are well aware that many of You are awaiting of the last removal of those powers who were, and this is all in Process.
Steve Beckow with AA Michael had this to say today"
First of all the events which we’ve referred to as the “mass arrests” are underway and started last Monday, June 25, 2012.
Archangel Michael (1) prefers not to refer to them as “mass arrests,” because that wording is not of love, but as “containment's” and “removals” so we’ll change our vocabulary starting now.
The containments take several forms. The leading Illuminati are actually being placed in energetic containers that prevent them from doing any harmful actions." End of Quote
Mike Quinsey and Salusa Confirms this:
"The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests [removals] that have started taking place. Your rights are such that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone's interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light will for a time continue to work in the background, but look for the first opportunity to introduce disclosure. It not only covers our history of working for you and with you, but also the general interest shown in your evolution over a period of thousands of years... End Of Quote
If You are Confused this only comes from your Lack of trust in yourselves and lack of trust in those who are in service to you. Love is Love and Love Can Only Speak Truth In Every Moment. Our Service as Your Earth Allies is this Service In Spoken Love and True Love In Action in Every Moment. Attempting to Place blame is an energy which is not serving you or anyone.
This has Been a 19 Billion Year Event In the Making and is Now Unfolding. Our Responsibility is to assist the Energy for all of this to manifest. Your Participation is required through sharing of information, Daily Meditations, Love Parties, Council Meetings and connecting into the Oneness Energy. This is through Being Present In the Moment of Now. This is Your Mission and Responsibility in these Moments. Only In the Moment of Now, are You Serving Love On this Planet.
Michael Via Ron Head "Much is happening this day. You know this. You feel it. Yet, because the media, which you do not trust, does not report it, you are in doubt. This would bring chuckles to us, dear hearts, except for the fact that it does not serve you well at all. If you cannot clear these doubts from your minds, at the least detach yourselves and watch with anticipation.
We are at the point now where the question of when has become irrelevant. The answer to that is now. Our concern is with thoroughness and safety. You will have your confirmations soon enough. The changes you have waited for so long are proceeding. They may not appear in exactly the manner that you planned, but they will occur." End of quote
Lightships Image taken October 4, 2011 in Waddell, Arizona - no flash.
Egypt Ex-Oil Minister Fahmy Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison
Egypt Ex-Oil Minister Fahmy Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison
By Tarek El-Tablawy - Jun 28, 2012 2:11 PM GMT+0200
Egypt Ex-Oil Minister Fahmy Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison
Egypt Ex-Oil Minister Fahmy Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison
By Tarek El-Tablawy - Jun 28, 2012 2:11 PM GMT+0200
Freedom Project: July 1, 2012- More than 400,000 took to the streets in Hong Kong Today!
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
many of us are holding their breath now: will the arrests of the cabal commence shortly - or will they not? Will there be first more signs of the old world crumbling and falling apart, before we can begin to see the light of the Golden Age truly and irrevocably dawning?
As we know, we all have been warned that in these endtimes a lot of misinformation is being spread. This is not to say that those who make public announcements about these arrests, have bad intentions, but they themselves could be used by those who have them.
Therefore, less and less we can now rely on these messengers, especially as their information appears to be contradictory. And how to find out about the real truth? Perhaps there is not just one 'truth', but many and it is a sign that we are slowly moving out of a merely black and white world of duality.
Being used now through centuries to twisted mindsets and lies, also this must now come into our open awareness , to be fully recognized and acknowledged, before the collective consciousness of humanity is choosing to say good by forever to those mental tactics and techniques to deceive and create doubt.
We cannot solve this confusion and uncertainty however directly, only in our mind by trying to find out more details. This would only add to our bewilderment, insecurity and doubtful expectancy of what will be going to happen in our world.
The real challenge here is, to be centered in our heart and to stick to our vision of a new and Divine world, regardless of misinformation or not - or of even many aspects of "truth". We need to stand firm in our higher will and discriminative intelligence, which is firmly grounded in the purity of Divine Truth, - and which does not allow us to be subdued to lower emotions, such as fear or doubt or any kind of negativity. This would only lower our own vibration.
And this is it what it is really about in these times: to take very good care about our energy and vibrational level, to make sure that we vibrate at the highest level possible at all times.
In these times we must be torches of light, and hearts of infinite love, to help this planet to enter as smooth as possible into the next higher dimension. It does not matter what the messengers convey. But it does matter what each one of us is radiating and sending out into the collective morphogenetic field.
Even if "out there" the foundations of our world are shaking with uncertainty, we must remain grounded with the inner certainty of what WE ARE and of what WE WANT to achieve. We must not be influenced and allow to become weak by what the powers that were, still try to accomplish.
Dear friends, they are trying to play their last cards, and what has been successful for Millenniums, by pushing us emotionally and generating fear, to lower the vibration of this world, will not be successful anymore, because we now understand the game. Don't we.
But what they actually do, is to push us into our true creative powers, as we have now arrived at the point from where there is no return: we MUST decide and declare NOW what WE really want. We can no longer stare at the world and circumstances we don't want - If we do not want to give power to the old world.
And we must clearly and strongly stand to this vision, this heart-desire, born from love, emerging from our heart and reaching out and joining all those who share our vision of unity and a Divine World.
Together, joining the unlimited depth and width of our heart, we create a united field of New Earth, unshakable by the forces of illusion.
It is our firm will what we want to achieve, followed by appropriate actions, which gets us to the other side, regardless of what others say and tell us. It is us, the will of the people, who create together the new world. We together can build an impenetrable and indestructible force of love and wisdom, to manifest our heart's desire.
Each grain of doubt, each little trembling with fear weakens this force, and so we need now to let go what we have been doing for so long to please our dark teachers and submit to them.
We together are victorious now, because we KNOW what we desire and because we do not allow ourselves to make the smallest gesture to step out of our magic and enlightened circle of success!
But even if we do, we return to that circle as soon as we can and this return even adds power, the power of resurrection.
As we rely on ourselves, as emanations of The-All-That-Is, and not on separate outside forces, we have transgressed already into the promised land.
Oh, and I see the joy, and so much light and incredible warmth of love already embracing our world, all possibilities included, and all the Divine Abundances flowing unlimited!
Much love,
Freedom Project: July 1, 2012- More than 400,000 took to the streets in Hong Kong Today!
July 1, 2012- More than 400,000 took to the streets in Hong Kong Today! Solidarity with our brothers and sisters!
More than (400,000) Hong Kong citizens later hit the streets in an annual mass July 1 protest, sending a defiant message to China's leader that the city cherishes its freedoms in the face of perceived Beijing meddling in its domestic affairs, and calling for unfettered democracy in 2017. "Hong Kong's human rights record has backtracked," said one of the demonstrators, Theresa Cheng, a 20 year-old university student. "Freedom of speech is shrinking and reporters are facing more obstacles."source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/01/us-hongkong-china-idUSBRE86000T20120701
Freedom Project: Vatileaks, Bertone wants to resign. But Ratzinger rejects the request.
Vatileaks, Bertone wants to resign. But Ratzinger rejects the request.
(google translation)
In late June, reports "the Republic", the Secretary of State has asked to resign to Pope Benedict XVI after the scandal leaked documents from the IOR and the Holy See, which criticized him for his "management of government." The Pope, however, prefers to wait for the policies of 2013
Editor of The Done Daily | July 2 2012
Tarcisio Bertone, who met Pope Benedict XVI Gave his resignation as Secretary of State . Returned to sender because the Pope says, "is neither the case nor the time." Ten days ago, writes Republic, the cardinal in the vortex of the scandal Vatileaks that reveal tensions within the Vatican circles, would have brought a wave of his hand back documents disseminated by the media and newspapers that gave him up for leaving . Reason that had brought the prelate to give an interview to the Christian Family in which he explained that the publication of the Pontifical cards stolen in the apartment violated a "constitutional right guaranteed in Italy" and Article 5 which states: "Freedom and the secrecy of correspondence and any other form of communication is inviolable. "
The Pope confirms his position as he had done also in May, when the turmoil in the Holy See had led to the dismissal by Ettore Gotti Tedeschi at the head of the IOR and the arrest of the Pope's butler, Paul Gabriel, found in possession of confidential papers. The former president of the Vatican Bank also talk of a cranny opened at the institution on behalf of a layman used as a vehicle for money laundering. Without specifying, however, the name on that might be involved in cases Major events, P4 and Finmeccanica. For this reason, the currency of the Guardia di Finanza police of Rome is investigating "a dozen accounts for religious, but actually it was used as a straw man by whom he needed to move behind the screen of anonymity."
Among the sensitive documents emerged in recent weeks the letters sent to Bertone, secretary of the Council of the Vatican bank vice president Carl Anderson and Hermann Schmitz. where you explained how Gotti Tedeschi threw "shadows on the work of Ratzinger." And in February the Done was also published letters from Bertone former bishop of Milan Dionigi Tettamanzi, president of the Toniolo, showing that the Secretary of State in March 2011 arrogated to itself the right to dismiss the chairman of the symbol of relations between Church and politics.
As for Gabriel, however, on charges of aggravated theft was not an attack against the security of a State (or of receiving stolen property). Gabriel is considered a man of mild character, almost naive, incapable of conspiring against the Pope, even if driven by a good feeling, is not the mind, if anything, an arm. A cell of a network that was trying to convey the power and drive the conflict between Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and the rest of the Holy See in fibrillation for succession and ambitions.
In documents leaked from the Vatican halls, the Secretary of State was quoted and criticized "for his handling of government", because it had pushed for the third time to ask Ratzinger leaving office. The Pope does not want to give in to pressure from the Ravens and the controversy fueled by the press. Although, on the other hand, continued pressure from foreign archbishops and in particular the Australian cardinal Pell, convinced of the need for a replacement at the top of the Vatican Secretariat. But the right time has not arrived yet and probably prefer to wait for Benedict XVI in 2013. Only after the election results, possibly, could be the long-awaited change of guard. Or, conversely, a further extension of the assignment.
Exclusive: Bank Boss Under Bonus Pressure
Exclusive: Bank Boss Under Bonus Pressure
As the Libor scandal continues to hurt Barclays, its boss Bob Diamond is under pressure to return millions in bonuses.
By Mark Kleinman, City editor
A number of directors at Barclays believe that Bob Diamond, the Barclays chief executive, will have to hand back millions of pounds in past bonuses if he is to save his job, I have learned.
"It would have to be on a voluntary basis but a meaningful gesture of some kind is needed," a person close to the board tells me.
Leading shareholders are also applying pressure to the Barclays board to ensure that a more material financial sacrifice is made by Diamond ahead of his appearance in front of the Treasury Select Committee on Wednesday.
Last week, Diamond and three of his executive colleagues said they would waive any bonus entitlement for 2012 in light of the bank’s £290m fine for rigging the Libor benchmark interest rate.
One investor called that move "meaningless".
He said that because many shareholders believe that awarding any bonus for this year would have been impossible after Barclays’ tax avoidance settlement with the Government, the interest rate swaps mis-selling scandal and last week’s fines by regulators in the UK and US.
None of the shareholders to whom I’ve spoken think that the resignation of Marcus Agius, the chairman, will in itself be sufficient to restore faith in Diamond. Barclays confirmed this morning my disclosure yesterday that it was poised to commission an independent inquiry into the culture of the bank.
read more http://news.sky.com/story/955045/exclusive-bank-boss-under-bonus-pressure
Freedom Project: Neil Keenan Lawsuit
A Comment from Amon Christenson, A Guardian of the Global Accounts, concerning the Neil Keenan Lawsuit – plus BREAKING NEWS concerning this suite with which he is providing us.
Many thanks, Amon. ~J
Jean Haines, 2012: What’s the Real Truth, June 29, 2012
BREAKING, from Amon:
Jean, I have watched your blog from time to time and I am very comfortable with what you do. What I am writing now may . . . be published.
A couple of things you should know that will be helpful to your readers, this being a first.
I was told this morning by one of my counterparts that Keenan lawsuit has been temporarily withdrawn without prejudice. I think this was smart of Keenan as there is an entire raft of new information that has recently been discovered in Indonesia and this will change the structure of the case into something ten times worse for the Cabal.
There will be additional defendants and the impact of the case will become even far more explosive. When the withdrawal was made, Judge Furman knew it was going to be refiled and ordered that it be heard only by him. That is very unusual and very telling. Furman has made it clear that he has replaced Judge Holwell to hear this case and only he will hear it. The case will be refiled and the information it contains will shock America.
Now, here is Amon’s original comment:
The Lien document you see on Divine Cosmos is an administrative claim that substantiates the actual Lien. The Affidavit of Obligation that you see is merely the substantiation of the claim the Lien is based upon and it is directed to the Feds themselves.
Allow me to explain some background here. The Keenan case started over a theft. Stealing from Keenan was a really foolish thing to do, for anyone who knows Keenan (I met him several months ago in China, and I was there when he told Jay Rockefeller to take a hike in Monaco) should have known that Keenan was never going to allow anyone to get away with that. In the process of going after those who stole from him, Keenan met up with Scott who has worked around these accounts for years. With Scott comes the knowledge of the accounts. From the knowledge of Scott and with his help,, Keenan acquired.all the books, ledgers and codes held by those who own the gold that the Federal Reserve leases.
When the owners of the gold and the owners of the accounts that the gold is held in (Scott knows these people and the accounts intimately) realized that through this case they could get the Feds to pay what they had withheld for the past eighty years, they appointed Scott and Keenan and empowered them with full power of attorney and right of control, to have them to recover what the Feds and the Rothschild owned Global Central Banking system had not paid to them as was promised.
The Liens are for real. The process they are using may not be well known to most people, but it is the most devastating process in existence. These men know exactly what they are doing and they are being well guided in this by Winston Shrout, a person who has been teaching the basis of commerce and law in seminars all over the world. Everything they do is well planned and then executed with precision.
While the Federal Reserve might argue with this, be sure that Keenan and Scott have such a hold on this gold now that they can pull it out from under the feet of the Feds in a heartbeat. They know how to do it. The question now is, can the Feds now pay the back interest that is owing. The answer to that is…of course they cannot.. The Federal reserve at the end of the day, is just another private company and it’s debts are NOT the debts of America.or the American taxpayer.
What we are looking at folks, is the demise of the most vile and corrupt institution ever put on Earth, and not just because of Keenan and Scott, but more so because of their own corruption and abuse of the power they were given.
Amon Christenson.
When I emailed Amon privately to ask if I might post his Comment, I also asked him, since his name is completely unknown to me, if there anything he could/would share about himself that might help folks to understand how he has come to this knowledge.
Here is his response to us:
I am a Guardian of the global accounts assigned by certain National interests who are unhappy at how these accounts have been abused and misused. My main function is to observe and report, but never to intervene.
Over many years I have watched one man struggle to force this to the surface. He is measured in what he does, but over a long period he has created problems for the cabal and has suffered from all kinds of attacks on his character, but while he is a quiet and rather reserved man, he is as tough as as they come. To him, being listed by the cabal as an economic terrorist, which I suppose he is as far as the cabal is concerned. Not one of the cabal thought or dreamed that he would team up with Keenan, and it is the teaming of these two men that has the cabal so jittery. Keenan is incredibly aggressive, the kind that takes no prisoners. Scott is a gentle soul, a gentleman through and through, but he understands very well what can be done here. The shudder that went through the cabal when they learned Scott and Keenan were together was violently audible. They realized Scott would use the Keenan case as the platform through which he would expose them totally. From that point on, the cabal have thrown one offer to settle after another at Keenan, the last being a fantastic sum of money to just go away. What they have not yet offered is a solution to the wrongs committed by banks everyday as they rob ordinary people.
I know Scott and have been observing him and what he did at OITC for over 15 years. I have never met him personally and I have never spoken directly to him. This, I can say about him. Never once did he betray the trust placed in him and there is not one instance of fraud can be leveled against him. I have met Keenan twice, and he is tough. This is the kind of guy who would willingly use a baseball bat when he could not beat you with his fists. I was a mere three or four feet away from him in Monaco when he confronted jay Rockefeller who demanded entrance to the meeting of Finance Ministers at the Monaco colloquium. I later met him for an hour in China. A very tough character and very well connected.
Scott is a friend of Winston Shrout, they met in Cambodia a few years ago and exchanged views on many things. Each has the utmost respect for the other and they are really the best in the world at what they do. There is no doubt in my mind these people will win.
Freedom Project: Neil Keenan Lawsuit
A Comment from Amon Christenson, A Guardian of the Global Accounts, concerning the Neil Keenan Lawsuit – plus BREAKING NEWS concerning this suite with which he is providing us.
Many thanks, Amon. ~J
Jean Haines, 2012: What’s the Real Truth, June 29, 2012
BREAKING, from Amon:
Jean, I have watched your blog from time to time and I am very comfortable with what you do. What I am writing now may . . . be published.
A couple of things you should know that will be helpful to your readers, this being a first.
I was told this morning by one of my counterparts that Keenan lawsuit has been temporarily withdrawn without prejudice. I think this was smart of Keenan as there is an entire raft of new information that has recently been discovered in Indonesia and this will change the structure of the case into something ten times worse for the Cabal.
There will be additional defendants and the impact of the case will become even far more explosive. When the withdrawal was made, Judge Furman knew it was going to be refiled and ordered that it be heard only by him. That is very unusual and very telling. Furman has made it clear that he has replaced Judge Holwell to hear this case and only he will hear it. The case will be refiled and the information it contains will shock America.
Now, here is Amon’s original comment:
The Lien document you see on Divine Cosmos is an administrative claim that substantiates the actual Lien. The Affidavit of Obligation that you see is merely the substantiation of the claim the Lien is based upon and it is directed to the Feds themselves.
Allow me to explain some background here. The Keenan case started over a theft. Stealing from Keenan was a really foolish thing to do, for anyone who knows Keenan (I met him several months ago in China, and I was there when he told Jay Rockefeller to take a hike in Monaco) should have known that Keenan was never going to allow anyone to get away with that. In the process of going after those who stole from him, Keenan met up with Scott who has worked around these accounts for years. With Scott comes the knowledge of the accounts. From the knowledge of Scott and with his help,, Keenan acquired.all the books, ledgers and codes held by those who own the gold that the Federal Reserve leases.
When the owners of the gold and the owners of the accounts that the gold is held in (Scott knows these people and the accounts intimately) realized that through this case they could get the Feds to pay what they had withheld for the past eighty years, they appointed Scott and Keenan and empowered them with full power of attorney and right of control, to have them to recover what the Feds and the Rothschild owned Global Central Banking system had not paid to them as was promised.
The Liens are for real. The process they are using may not be well known to most people, but it is the most devastating process in existence. These men know exactly what they are doing and they are being well guided in this by Winston Shrout, a person who has been teaching the basis of commerce and law in seminars all over the world. Everything they do is well planned and then executed with precision.
While the Federal Reserve might argue with this, be sure that Keenan and Scott have such a hold on this gold now that they can pull it out from under the feet of the Feds in a heartbeat. They know how to do it. The question now is, can the Feds now pay the back interest that is owing. The answer to that is…of course they cannot.. The Federal reserve at the end of the day, is just another private company and it’s debts are NOT the debts of America.or the American taxpayer.
What we are looking at folks, is the demise of the most vile and corrupt institution ever put on Earth, and not just because of Keenan and Scott, but more so because of their own corruption and abuse of the power they were given.
Amon Christenson.
When I emailed Amon privately to ask if I might post his Comment, I also asked him, since his name is completely unknown to me, if there anything he could/would share about himself that might help folks to understand how he has come to this knowledge.
Here is his response to us:
I am a Guardian of the global accounts assigned by certain National interests who are unhappy at how these accounts have been abused and misused. My main function is to observe and report, but never to intervene.
Over many years I have watched one man struggle to force this to the surface. He is measured in what he does, but over a long period he has created problems for the cabal and has suffered from all kinds of attacks on his character, but while he is a quiet and rather reserved man, he is as tough as as they come. To him, being listed by the cabal as an economic terrorist, which I suppose he is as far as the cabal is concerned. Not one of the cabal thought or dreamed that he would team up with Keenan, and it is the teaming of these two men that has the cabal so jittery. Keenan is incredibly aggressive, the kind that takes no prisoners. Scott is a gentle soul, a gentleman through and through, but he understands very well what can be done here. The shudder that went through the cabal when they learned Scott and Keenan were together was violently audible. They realized Scott would use the Keenan case as the platform through which he would expose them totally. From that point on, the cabal have thrown one offer to settle after another at Keenan, the last being a fantastic sum of money to just go away. What they have not yet offered is a solution to the wrongs committed by banks everyday as they rob ordinary people.
I know Scott and have been observing him and what he did at OITC for over 15 years. I have never met him personally and I have never spoken directly to him. This, I can say about him. Never once did he betray the trust placed in him and there is not one instance of fraud can be leveled against him. I have met Keenan twice, and he is tough. This is the kind of guy who would willingly use a baseball bat when he could not beat you with his fists. I was a mere three or four feet away from him in Monaco when he confronted jay Rockefeller who demanded entrance to the meeting of Finance Ministers at the Monaco colloquium. I later met him for an hour in China. A very tough character and very well connected.
Scott is a friend of Winston Shrout, they met in Cambodia a few years ago and exchanged views on many things. Each has the utmost respect for the other and they are really the best in the world at what they do. There is no doubt in my mind these people will win.
Freedom Project: Neil Keenan Lawsuit
A Comment from Amon Christenson, A Guardian of the Global Accounts, concerning the Neil Keenan Lawsuit – plus BREAKING NEWS concerning this suite with which he is providing us.
Many thanks, Amon. ~J
Jean Haines, 2012: What’s the Real Truth, June 29, 2012
BREAKING, from Amon:
Jean, I have watched your blog from time to time and I am very comfortable with what you do. What I am writing now may . . . be published.
A couple of things you should know that will be helpful to your readers, this being a first.
I was told this morning by one of my counterparts that Keenan lawsuit has been temporarily withdrawn without prejudice. I think this was smart of Keenan as there is an entire raft of new information that has recently been discovered in Indonesia and this will change the structure of the case into something ten times worse for the Cabal.
There will be additional defendants and the impact of the case will become even far more explosive. When the withdrawal was made, Judge Furman knew it was going to be refiled and ordered that it be heard only by him. That is very unusual and very telling. Furman has made it clear that he has replaced Judge Holwell to hear this case and only he will hear it. The case will be refiled and the information it contains will shock America.
Now, here is Amon’s original comment:
The Lien document you see on Divine Cosmos is an administrative claim that substantiates the actual Lien. The Affidavit of Obligation that you see is merely the substantiation of the claim the Lien is based upon and it is directed to the Feds themselves.
Allow me to explain some background here. The Keenan case started over a theft. Stealing from Keenan was a really foolish thing to do, for anyone who knows Keenan (I met him several months ago in China, and I was there when he told Jay Rockefeller to take a hike in Monaco) should have known that Keenan was never going to allow anyone to get away with that. In the process of going after those who stole from him, Keenan met up with Scott who has worked around these accounts for years. With Scott comes the knowledge of the accounts. From the knowledge of Scott and with his help,, Keenan acquired.all the books, ledgers and codes held by those who own the gold that the Federal Reserve leases.
When the owners of the gold and the owners of the accounts that the gold is held in (Scott knows these people and the accounts intimately) realized that through this case they could get the Feds to pay what they had withheld for the past eighty years, they appointed Scott and Keenan and empowered them with full power of attorney and right of control, to have them to recover what the Feds and the Rothschild owned Global Central Banking system had not paid to them as was promised.
The Liens are for real. The process they are using may not be well known to most people, but it is the most devastating process in existence. These men know exactly what they are doing and they are being well guided in this by Winston Shrout, a person who has been teaching the basis of commerce and law in seminars all over the world. Everything they do is well planned and then executed with precision.
While the Federal Reserve might argue with this, be sure that Keenan and Scott have such a hold on this gold now that they can pull it out from under the feet of the Feds in a heartbeat. They know how to do it. The question now is, can the Feds now pay the back interest that is owing. The answer to that is…of course they cannot.. The Federal reserve at the end of the day, is just another private company and it’s debts are NOT the debts of America.or the American taxpayer.
What we are looking at folks, is the demise of the most vile and corrupt institution ever put on Earth, and not just because of Keenan and Scott, but more so because of their own corruption and abuse of the power they were given.
Amon Christenson.
When I emailed Amon privately to ask if I might post his Comment, I also asked him, since his name is completely unknown to me, if there anything he could/would share about himself that might help folks to understand how he has come to this knowledge.
Here is his response to us:
I am a Guardian of the global accounts assigned by certain National interests who are unhappy at how these accounts have been abused and misused. My main function is to observe and report, but never to intervene.
Over many years I have watched one man struggle to force this to the surface. He is measured in what he does, but over a long period he has created problems for the cabal and has suffered from all kinds of attacks on his character, but while he is a quiet and rather reserved man, he is as tough as as they come. To him, being listed by the cabal as an economic terrorist, which I suppose he is as far as the cabal is concerned. Not one of the cabal thought or dreamed that he would team up with Keenan, and it is the teaming of these two men that has the cabal so jittery. Keenan is incredibly aggressive, the kind that takes no prisoners. Scott is a gentle soul, a gentleman through and through, but he understands very well what can be done here. The shudder that went through the cabal when they learned Scott and Keenan were together was violently audible. They realized Scott would use the Keenan case as the platform through which he would expose them totally. From that point on, the cabal have thrown one offer to settle after another at Keenan, the last being a fantastic sum of money to just go away. What they have not yet offered is a solution to the wrongs committed by banks everyday as they rob ordinary people.
I know Scott and have been observing him and what he did at OITC for over 15 years. I have never met him personally and I have never spoken directly to him. This, I can say about him. Never once did he betray the trust placed in him and there is not one instance of fraud can be leveled against him. I have met Keenan twice, and he is tough. This is the kind of guy who would willingly use a baseball bat when he could not beat you with his fists. I was a mere three or four feet away from him in Monaco when he confronted jay Rockefeller who demanded entrance to the meeting of Finance Ministers at the Monaco colloquium. I later met him for an hour in China. A very tough character and very well connected.
Scott is a friend of Winston Shrout, they met in Cambodia a few years ago and exchanged views on many things. Each has the utmost respect for the other and they are really the best in the world at what they do. There is no doubt in my mind these people will win.
Cobra~Green Light Update
Cobra~Green Light Update
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ The Green Light from the Creator has Been Given so this Comes from the Top, Now we wait for The Physical Events to Unfold Inevitibaly So! Love,The Earth Allies
Real Green Light has not been issued yet. When that happens, action will be taken within 24 hours timeframe. This action will be very evident for everyone and nobody will have any more doubts whatsoever.
I have received hints from independent sources that action might indeed take place by Fourth of July. However, they were just hints and I can not completely confirm this. Even if nothing happens by then, rest assured that mass arrests WILL happen. The Cabal must be removed from this planet and that removal will happen within a reasonable timeframe.
It is worth mentioning that there are interesting developments in occult economy taking place. The Resistance Movement has been playing with and testing the computer systems of the Rothschilds banking casino to prepare for the Reset:
Eastern Alliance and White Dragon Society are very active during this weekend, putting additional pressure to the system.
This is all in preparation for the “financial Green Light” as Drake calls it.
Many members of the Cabal are now seriously considering “silent surrender” when the Event happens.
The Event is a worldwide operation. In USA it will happen through the Positive Military. In Canada and Australia it will be a combination of their own Positive Military and Interpol. In Europe, it will be carried out through the positive faction inside Interpol and NATO. In Asia, it will be a combination of Interpol and White Dragon Society. In Latin America it will happen through a certain positive group that has members throughout most of the South / Central America and whose name can not be disclosed. Situation in Africa is more complex and will receive special assistance.
And finally, the Resistance will give support with Operation Omega Phoenix:
Freedom Project: Neil Keenan Lawsuit
A Comment from Amon Christenson, A Guardian of the Global Accounts, concerning the Neil Keenan Lawsuit – plus BREAKING NEWS concerning this suite with which he is providing us.
Many thanks, Amon. ~J
Jean Haines, 2012: What’s the Real Truth, June 29, 2012
BREAKING, from Amon:
Jean, I have watched your blog from time to time and I am very comfortable with what you do. What I am writing now may . . . be published.
A couple of things you should know that will be helpful to your readers, this being a first.
I was told this morning by one of my counterparts that Keenan lawsuit has been temporarily withdrawn without prejudice. I think this was smart of Keenan as there is an entire raft of new information that has recently been discovered in Indonesia and this will change the structure of the case into something ten times worse for the Cabal.
There will be additional defendants and the impact of the case will become even far more explosive. When the withdrawal was made, Judge Furman knew it was going to be refiled and ordered that it be heard only by him. That is very unusual and very telling. Furman has made it clear that he has replaced Judge Holwell to hear this case and only he will hear it. The case will be refiled and the information it contains will shock America.
Now, here is Amon’s original comment:
The Lien document you see on Divine Cosmos is an administrative claim that substantiates the actual Lien. The Affidavit of Obligation that you see is merely the substantiation of the claim the Lien is based upon and it is directed to the Feds themselves.
Allow me to explain some background here. The Keenan case started over a theft. Stealing from Keenan was a really foolish thing to do, for anyone who knows Keenan (I met him several months ago in China, and I was there when he told Jay Rockefeller to take a hike in Monaco) should have known that Keenan was never going to allow anyone to get away with that. In the process of going after those who stole from him, Keenan met up with Scott who has worked around these accounts for years. With Scott comes the knowledge of the accounts. From the knowledge of Scott and with his help,, Keenan acquired.all the books, ledgers and codes held by those who own the gold that the Federal Reserve leases.
When the owners of the gold and the owners of the accounts that the gold is held in (Scott knows these people and the accounts intimately) realized that through this case they could get the Feds to pay what they had withheld for the past eighty years, they appointed Scott and Keenan and empowered them with full power of attorney and right of control, to have them to recover what the Feds and the Rothschild owned Global Central Banking system had not paid to them as was promised.
The Liens are for real. The process they are using may not be well known to most people, but it is the most devastating process in existence. These men know exactly what they are doing and they are being well guided in this by Winston Shrout, a person who has been teaching the basis of commerce and law in seminars all over the world. Everything they do is well planned and then executed with precision.
While the Federal Reserve might argue with this, be sure that Keenan and Scott have such a hold on this gold now that they can pull it out from under the feet of the Feds in a heartbeat. They know how to do it. The question now is, can the Feds now pay the back interest that is owing. The answer to that is…of course they cannot.. The Federal reserve at the end of the day, is just another private company and it’s debts are NOT the debts of America.or the American taxpayer.
What we are looking at folks, is the demise of the most vile and corrupt institution ever put on Earth, and not just because of Keenan and Scott, but more so because of their own corruption and abuse of the power they were given.
Amon Christenson.
When I emailed Amon privately to ask if I might post his Comment, I also asked him, since his name is completely unknown to me, if there anything he could/would share about himself that might help folks to understand how he has come to this knowledge.
Here is his response to us:
I am a Guardian of the global accounts assigned by certain National interests who are unhappy at how these accounts have been abused and misused. My main function is to observe and report, but never to intervene.
Over many years I have watched one man struggle to force this to the surface. He is measured in what he does, but over a long period he has created problems for the cabal and has suffered from all kinds of attacks on his character, but while he is a quiet and rather reserved man, he is as tough as as they come. To him, being listed by the cabal as an economic terrorist, which I suppose he is as far as the cabal is concerned. Not one of the cabal thought or dreamed that he would team up with Keenan, and it is the teaming of these two men that has the cabal so jittery. Keenan is incredibly aggressive, the kind that takes no prisoners. Scott is a gentle soul, a gentleman through and through, but he understands very well what can be done here. The shudder that went through the cabal when they learned Scott and Keenan were together was violently audible. They realized Scott would use the Keenan case as the platform through which he would expose them totally. From that point on, the cabal have thrown one offer to settle after another at Keenan, the last being a fantastic sum of money to just go away. What they have not yet offered is a solution to the wrongs committed by banks everyday as they rob ordinary people.
I know Scott and have been observing him and what he did at OITC for over 15 years. I have never met him personally and I have never spoken directly to him. This, I can say about him. Never once did he betray the trust placed in him and there is not one instance of fraud can be leveled against him. I have met Keenan twice, and he is tough. This is the kind of guy who would willingly use a baseball bat when he could not beat you with his fists. I was a mere three or four feet away from him in Monaco when he confronted jay Rockefeller who demanded entrance to the meeting of Finance Ministers at the Monaco colloquium. I later met him for an hour in China. A very tough character and very well connected.
Scott is a friend of Winston Shrout, they met in Cambodia a few years ago and exchanged views on many things. Each has the utmost respect for the other and they are really the best in the world at what they do. There is no doubt in my mind these people will win.