This is really good news. Because just recently at a recent conference, Dr. Nassin Haramein gave a presentation with others on previously classified Mayan tablets found by the Mexican government. The government has now released some of the information for humanity, concluding that the events depicted in the tablet could either be an event from the past or an event to take place in the future.The information which has been protected for 80 years was expected to reveal the Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as “shocking,” also the information about Mayan contact with extraterrestrials has been awaited, this has now been verified.
I believe this is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico. And considering that this information has been protected for 80 years, and how important it really is for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us.” This is what they stated before the announcement to release this new information. (Raul Julia-Levy)
When asked if the release will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, scientist`s declined to elaborate on that point.
“I’m not allowed to speak about that,” he said. “Everything is going to come out in time, but I can’t comment on aliens or on 2012.
“I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we’ve been handling the planet.” This he said then, now it`s very much verified.
The tablet shows clearly a planet with some type of habitable atmosphere, several ships, an extraterrestrial being, and more. This could quite possibly be a message from the Mexican government in wake of the Mayan date December 21, 2012. In the tablet one can make out a ship headed toward the planet (Earth) following a comet or massive object as another UFO or ship tries to deflect the object. The UFO is emerging from the sun, this could signify a future change in the sun. What is most interesting is that, these images depict contact with another race of space travelers.
Above: To me it`s clearly a UFO at the bottom of this picture. So either they are trying to describe that they have been here or that they will come here.
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Key Senate Staffer on Military Issues Got Big Payout From Lockheed Martin Rain's picture By Rain - Posted on 01 August 2012
by Justin Elliott
July 26, 2012, 5 p.m.Ann Elise Sauer
Lockheed Martin has big business in Washington, with Defense Department contracts representing [1] more than half of the company's $46.5 billion in net sales last year. And now, Lockheed has a former top lobbyist in a key position on Capitol Hill overseeing the company.
Former Lockheed vice president Ann Elise Sauer was hired by Sen. John McCain in February as the top Republican staffer on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
To read the rest of this story, visit ProPublica.
Protests Against Election Fraud in Mexico Become Artistic | The Galactic Free Press
by Justin Elliott
July 26, 2012, 5 p.m.Ann Elise Sauer
Lockheed Martin has big business in Washington, with Defense Department contracts representing [1] more than half of the company's $46.5 billion in net sales last year. And now, Lockheed has a former top lobbyist in a key position on Capitol Hill overseeing the company.
Former Lockheed vice president Ann Elise Sauer was hired by Sen. John McCain in February as the top Republican staffer on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
To read the rest of this story, visit ProPublica.
Protests Against Election Fraud in Mexico Become Artistic | The Galactic Free Press
A group of fashion designers, writers, and visual artists meet almost every week in Mexico City to create posters, costumes, and performances. Once they figure out a “visual concept,” their art creations walk alongside thousands of protesters against the winning presidential candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
“Protests are festive and chaotic moments,” explains graphic artist Cristina Paoli who belongs to the movement Arte por la Izquierda (Art for the Left). “In my opinion, it is always useful to create a visual concept to help outsiders understand the agenda and voices of the protesters.”
To read the rest of this story, visit Politic365.
Royal Bank of Scotland faces huge fine | The Galactic Free Press
Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:56PM GMTChief of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Stephen Hester has warned that the bank’s reputation is to be hit again as it faces a huge fine from the Libor scandal, which consumed Barclays.The recent computer meltdown at the RBS prevented around 13m customers from accessing their accounts for up to a month, but the problem appeared to have been distracted by the fine on Barclays that came to £290m.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.
Bankers found to have rigged Libor rate could face jail | The Galactic Free Press
By Harry Wilson, Banking Correspondent
7:15PM BST 30 Jul 2012
Bankers found to have rigged Libor could face jail after the Serious Fraud Office said it will look to bring criminal charges against those who attempted to manipulate Libor, a key global borrowing rate.
Bankers found guilty of Libor rigging could face a prison sentence of up to 10 years Photo: Channel 4
David Green QC, director of the SFO, said existing legislation could be used to bring criminal actions against banks implicated in the Libor rigging scandal.
Mr Green did not specify the precise charges that could be brought but it is possible bankers found guilty of manipulation could receive prison sentences of up to 10 years.
To read the rest of this story, visit The Telegraph.
Quantitative easing crushes UK pound | The Galactic Free Press
Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:3PM GMT
The British pound has slumped more than a cent against both the euro and the United States dollar after the Bank of England (BoE) decided to print more notes to counter deflation.The BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to inject an extra £50bn into the British economy. However, two members of the MPC believed that the British economy needed a much bigger boost than the £50bn injection confirmed.To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.
Royal Bank of Scotland faces huge fine | The Galactic Free Press
Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:56PM GMTChief of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Stephen Hester has warned that the bank’s reputation is to be hit again as it faces a huge fine from the Libor scandal, which consumed Barclays.The recent computer meltdown at the RBS prevented around 13m customers from accessing their accounts for up to a month, but the problem appeared to have been distracted by the fine on Barclays that came to £290m.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.
Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms
Sunday, May 06, 2012
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the new research developed autism symptoms.
For their analysis, Laura Hewitson and her colleagues at UP conducted the type of proper safety research on typical childhood vaccination schedules that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should have conducted -- but never has -- for such regimens. And what this brave team discovered was groundbreaking, as it completely deconstructs the mainstream myth that vaccines are safe and pose no risk of autism.To read the rest of this story, visit Natural News.
Melchizedek ~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~ 01/08/2012 | The Galactic Free Press
Melchizedek ~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~ 01/08/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.
My Beloved Ones,
Greetings, I Am Melchizedek and I am most pleased to welcome you today. I am on my way to a very important meeting on behalf of all humanity which will bring huge changes on a worldwide scale. As you have been informed recently through numerous channelings, Disclosure is approaching and we know full well what is to be done now. Because of our close cooperation with our Galactic Brothers, who are your Brothers also, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are presently actively involved in the finalization of this enormous project to bring it to fruition on your Earth.
As Disclosure is so imminent you will at last begin to experience the enormous changes that this project will bring about on your world. This will be a “biggie” so don’t be frightened; this event will turn your world and your worldviews upside down in a manner of speaking. You will get to know the real Truth and you will observe the old regime collapsing in on itself as you have withdrawn your faith in it. That old regime has run its course and is making way for the new and enlightened paradigm of your New World. We move upwards to Ascension and the project of Disclosure is intrinsically a part of it. The Disclosure part of Ascension will establish a lot of changes and will elevate the degree of humanity’s consciousness level. Ascension is, as I have already stipulated, very imminent and can not be overlooked ; no matter what happens, all will proceed as Divinely Decreed.
What is to happen very shortly is an event of worldwide impact in the whole history of Earth. We have reached a milestone, a point which should have been reached some time ago. Nevertheless, at present we duly have arrived at the Divine and ultimate timeline and it can no longer be postponed. You are just now collectively beginning to become aware of the Galactic Presence in your moment of NOW. Let it al evolve as it should my dear ones. Don’t try to force the issues to which we are committed : you can be sure that it will come to pass in Divine Timing. The Disclosure project has to evolve along its own path and it involves so many aspects. Many souls are involved and the Lightworkerss are more than ready but don’t forget that there are also souls who have no clue as to what is transpiring at present on your world. We even take those, still ignorant, souls into account and we know perfectly well what we have to do, so have faith, be in joy, but let it go and leave it all to us!
I urge you to remain in perfect harmony and serenity, to keep on meditating daily and to send Love to all humanity and to Mother Earth. Be joyfully expectant of our First Contact but try not to force it, try not to fix it. I really have to stress that piece of advice, my beloved ones. Your own Ascension process if of the utmost importance and requires your full commitment ; so it is far better that you only focus on your Ascension. The Galactic Federation and we have taken full reins of the Disclosure project and together we all focus on that. You don’t have to think of it or be actively engaged in it. Those of the Light Workers who do their bit to contribute therein, concern the souls who have chosen this job as a soulcontract and know why they are here.. Leave this work also in their capable hands as they are aware of their tasks for which they came to Earth in the first place. Every soul has its own purpose for which they came to Earth and every soul has its own unique soul tasks to perform. That way the work and the contributions involved are evenly distributed amongst many souls in these important times. Even the unawakened ones have their purpose for being here on Earth.
The only thing we ask of you is that you are loving and that you give Love to every living soul on Earth. Since the so-called and self-proclaimed leaders remain deaf to your request and demand for freedom and Disclosure,we now take the reins in that respect and this is an assistance to you. You are all equal and the notion of leadership, of 1 person placing him/herself above all others, is alien to God. Leadership is a facet of ego-involvement and is founded on despair. Just continue on with your Ascension process and we will continue to work on announcing the Presence of the Galactic Civilizations. It is finally all about Ascension! You will be notified of the news and the announcement of Disclosure in your NOW moment, believe me, you will not miss it!
I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for the chance to bring this message forth. Namaste.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
NASA to Broadcast Mars Rover Landing From NYC's Times Square Sunday Night | The Galactic Free Press
by StaffDate: 31 July 2012 Time: 04:00 PM ET
This illustration depicts the moment immediately after the Curiosity rover touches down on the Red Planet. CREDIT: NASA NEW YORK — NASA's biggest Mars rover landing yet is about to hit Broadway.
New Yorkers hoping to see the Aug. 5/6 landing of NASA's huge Mars rover Curiosity alongside like-minded space fans can head to Times Square here on Sunday night (Aug. 5) to catch the rover's touchdown on the Red Planet live on a giant LED television screen.
To read the rest of this story, visit
kauilapele Sheldan Nidle The Time is Almost Upon You for a Number of Wonderful Events to Manifest Before You | The Galactic Free Press
Sheldan Nidle 7-31-12…”The Time is Almost Upon You for a Number of Wonderful Events to Manifest Before You”
Posted on 2012/07/31
- Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity.
- The Ascended Masters have acted globally… to move your realm into Light… exerting pressure upon the cabal… demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution.
- Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit.
- Panic continues to mount within the ranks of the dark and we expect several key arrests to follow soon.
- No longer will the cabal be permitted to use its old bag of tricks to get its way or to save its hide. We are stopping even the cabal’s most desperate plots from manifesting…
- The time is almost upon you for a number of wonderful events to manifest before you.
- It is time to say good-bye to a world that is coming to a timely conclusion, a world that engulfed you with discouragement and heartache.
- Galactic societies, like the one you are embarking upon, are characterized by harmony and noted for the enthusiasm of each member to serve the greater whole.
- Before your return to full consciousness, we wish you to experience the immense joy and deep inner happiness which bless our daily existence.
- Presently, we are completing the final series of talks with our associates, the major thrust of which is to terminate the procedures which are delaying the start of the announcements.
- Soon, full transparency will be brought to bear on matters past, present, and future, and one of the first issues requiring transparency is the many ways you can participate in cleaning up Gaia’s land, water, and air.
- …we can take the great prosperity soon to be given us to reacquaint ourselves with who we really are…
- We… intend to carry out this cavalcade of changes in a tempered manner, and so we are putting a great deal of pressure on the cabal to relent, or else face the unfortunate consequences of their recalcitrance.
- It is ill-advised for the dark to believe that its old ploys can still win the day. This is because, verily, a new day has dawned for all!
- A new initiative is in the works which will bring peace and Light to this world.
- Our fleet is stepping up its direct interaction with the dark, and this period of prolonged quiescence is about over!
Israel, US faking intelligence to attack Iran: Ex-CIA analyst | The Galactic Free Press
Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:2PM GMTIn 2003, the US invaded Iraq under the pretext that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. (File photo)
A former CIA analyst says the United States and Israel seek to come up with a pretext for attacking Iran by fabricating intelligence, a ploy similar to the one adopted by the United States for justifying the war on Iraq a decade ago.“As we saw 10 years ago with respect to Iraq, if one intends to whip up support for war, one needs to find a casus belli - however thin a pretext it might be,” Ray McGovern wrote in an article.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 1, 2012 | The Galactic Free Press
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 1, 2012
SaLuSa, August 1, 2012Your response to the recent positive messages about the Olympics has been wonderful. A wave of great expectation has swept around the Earth, and lifted people up. Such energies carry such power that they empower the object of your vision to bring about its manifestation. This is how by focusing on the same outcome you can influence what takes place. Naturally some form of Disclosure must come about very soon, so as to allow us to do our work openly and in partnership with you. Of course we could carry on as before and carry out our mission quietly and behind the scenes, but our physical presence is needed to assure people of our true intentions.
We also need the opportunity to address you directly and with the approval of your Leaders. Rest assured that they are well aware of our existence, and that we have been in contact with them for many years. The time for rejecting the peace that we bring to you is over, and they must set aside any prejudice or political ambitions. They must also step outside of the constraints placed upon them by the Illuminati, and open the doors to real freedom for the people. Leaders are supposed to lead and carry out the wishes of the people, but few if any do what they were elected for. We issue an edict that they must change or be changed, and we have suitable replacements lined up.Our actions are not in anyway interference with your elected officials and would not even need to be considered, if they had correctly carried out their duties and responsibilities to you. Greed for wealth and the desire to wield power has long motivated the people in high positions. It has corrupted so many people around them, so much so that they have become afraid to stand up for the truth. Events such as 9/11 could never have been perpetrated and got away with if not for great collusion. We know that following your conscience and the promptings of your Higher Self, can bring the weight of the dark Ones upon you. They use blackmail and direct threats to keep you in your place, and it indeed takes a brave person to confront them.
You may ask why they are not protected by the Light, but of course what they experience fits in with their life plan. Some great souls sacrifice their life to ground positive energies upon the Earth, which is often a greater achievement than if they had seen their life out as normal. All of you have an arranged time to leave the Earth, and for example if you are to experience longevity you will be placed in a family that has it. Even accidents that enable a soul to leave the Earth are part of a life plan that serves their interests. There is sometimes a need for certain types of experiences that fulfill karmic needs. We know you find it hard to understand that a soul would agree to such an arrangement, but it is crystal clear when you are out of the body before you incarnate.
Dear Ones all of your experiences are planned to further your evolution, and even now with the approach of Ascension you are still learning. You are beginning to realize the depth to which the dark Ones can drop, whilst at the same time understanding how to gather more Light to yourselves. With it you are being asked to forgive those who have abused you and taken way your freedom and rights. Your response will be a sign of how far you have evolved, and give you one of the biggest lessons that you will learn from your physical experiences. If you are sufficiently evolved you will be able to do it, as you will understand the Oneness that binds you all together. You are all responsible for each other and you should set judgment aside, as you cannot possibly know why another soul has taken on a particular life challenge.
You were eager to be on the Earth for its final time in duality and particularly your last life, so that you could experience the wonderful thrill of ascending. The story has yet to fully unwind but you will soon have the truth placed before you. By then the interference of the dark Ones will have been removed, as their power and hold over will no longer exist. Currently arrests are occurring that will lead to that end, and also enable changes to go ahead that might otherwise have been impossible. Meanwhile our allies are busy setting up the structure for our greater activity in your affairs, and all we seek to go further ahead is an official announcement of our existence. Once that has been made everything else will follow on quite quickly.
In one way or another we want to see our presence acknowledged, and there is ample time for us to arrange that ourselves if we need to. We still see the Olympic stage as giving you the greatest show on Earth, and we would like to be a part of it. We have set the deadline for Disclosure, but would rather that it came from one of your leaders. Once it has been achieved we would hope to be invited to meet your leaders, and be officially introduced to you. We cannot wait indefinitely and is why we are pushing the issue into the open. The time for persuasion has run out and so we look to other methods to achieve our goals.
We are overwhelmed by the great response we are getting from you the people, and we trust your eagerness to meet us is being noted by those in power. Their reluctance to act is all about keeping their power, and they know that eventually they will have to bow down to your wishes. Your approach to the matter is very apt inasmuch that you are badgering your authorities by placing your demands under their noses. They may ignore your petitions but in the end will have to concede to your demands. Those who still try to stand in your way will be removed, and replaced with those who are honest and trustworthy.
Keep your Light shining out and go with the flow, and know that absolutely nothing will be allowed to prevent you ascending. So do not get disturbed or downhearted when things do not seem to be going right. All will turn out well in the end so keep positive and do not fall for the tricks of the dark Ones, who will try to score off any uncertainty you display. Support those who are of the Light and band together in unity and strength.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you to know we are never out of touch with what is going on, and trust that even if you are unaware of it, we are working for your peace and freedom. We send our love and blessings to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Breaking: Extra-Terrestrial UFO Confirmed by Intelligence Agency | The Galactic Free Press
Breaking: Extra-Terrestrial UFO Confirmed by Intelligence Agency
Craft Over South Korea First Seen in 1950 (COSMIC Classified)
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and World News Tomorrow
UFO sightings are not unusual. We will be submitting full and highly classified analysis of the video below when the intelligence agency we are working with releases it to us as promised.
It is at their request we are doing this story. First, view the video:
In a discussion only moments ago with Ricardo Baretzky, an operational director of an intelligence agency’s Asian desk tasked with coordinating multinational counter-terrorism, I received confirmation of the authenticity of this video. Baretzky made the following remarks:
We had spotted a large UFO craft in the same region some weeks ago. It was sighted 20 minutes after the uniquely unsuccessful test of a North Korean missile.
It passed analysis but was of probable terrestrial origin, 1 kilometer in circumference and, by our estimations a reconnaissance craft with a 5 man crew, capable of speeds inside the atmosphere of 16,000 mph. Outside the atmosphere? We can only guess but endlessly more advanced than rocketry.
This is a different animal entirely. The old records show it to be a horseshoe shaped reconnaissance craft of possible extraterrestrial origin. This craft could pose a real global security threat should initial analysis be confirmed.
Early records indicate that a similar craft “horseshoe” shaped UFO had been sighted during the 1950s by American military interceptor craft.
Below are single frames:
These are among the first verified extraterrestrial craft capable of being submitted to the most advanced and classified analysis techniques. Other controversial and even iconic images, we are told, have totally failed analysis, and, in doing so, have become highly classified.
One of a set of analytical test images on an earlier UFO, found to have been of terrestrial origin:
This is one area where the public’s right to know is being respected and the policy known as “disclosure” is being respected. We are thankful for the cooperation we have received from Ricardo Baretzky and look forward to what we had been given earlier, hard scientific proof of secret scientific discoveries and now, we are told, that the questions as to where or not “we are alone” can finally be put to rest.
(All images copyright, property of the SACIA and not available for unlicensed distrubution)
Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view | The Galactic Free Press
Excitement mounts as the most pivotal moment in all of human history draws ever closer. Examples of previous pivotal moments in your more recent history have been: the telephone; the establishment of an electricity grid; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria leading to the first world war; radio broadcasting; the nuclear bomb; worldwide travel for all; computers; the Internet. And all of these are as nothing compared to what is about to occur.
Many of you are spending a lot of time attempting to imagine what will happen to humanity and the planet as you all awaken from the illusion. If it excites and encourages your optimism about your future, then that is very appropriate because optimism is an essential frame of mind with which to embrace and move forwards towards awakening. Your most creative imaginings of what is about to come into being are but the palest shadows of what is actually to occur.
Optimism is a very powerful energy that includes enthusiasm, cooperation, and harmony, and which brings with it happiness as an added benefit. You all have every reason to be extremely optimistic as the changes and developments leading to awakening unfold all across the planet. Make a point of focusing on the marvelous events that are bringing people together in friendship and love on a scale never before been seen on Earth. It is most definitely going to be a defining moment in humanity’s ongoing evolution as you awaken into the boundless Reality that is your eternal Home.
As you get ever closer to this exhilarating event, your momentum is increasing. No longer is there the least chance of you arresting your progress, let alone of turning back. Your arrival is inevitable, as divinely promised ever since the separation from God apparently occurred. Your intent to awaken continues to intensify as more and more of the human inhabitants of Planet Earth start getting intuitive feelings, telling them that something of enormous importance and significance is shortly to come into view, beyond the horizon that presently encloses the world that you see and in which all your activities currently take place.
Many are feeling on edge, unsettled, unsure, as the energies that are carrying you forwards strengthen and intensify even further in order to whisk you firmly and directly on your way. There will be no more deviations or detours as you follow the divine super-highway to your heavenly destination – your tanks are full and will remain so – and there is no need to stop en route for provisions of any kind. It is as though you had been catapulted into space with your ship fully victualed for the journey, and your course precisely calculated to ensure that you capture the added impetus to your trajectory that is available as you pass through the orbits of various other planets to speed you securely on your way.
You have been doing extremely well in your efforts to let go of attitudes and behaviors that restrain or restrict you from being open and honest in your dealings and communications with others. Now is the time for you to engage fully with the divine energies that are enveloping the planet, and to release whatever else is holding you back from doing so – any beliefs that are in any way unloving, and the grievances, resentments, lack of ability to forgive, or judgments that are entangled with them.
You are being offered limitless assistance with your closing tasks so that your Light may burn ever more brightly, demonstrating to all that Love is the answer to every issue, problem, disagreement, or conflict that is engaging the minds and hearts of humanity. The upswell in Love enveloping the planet is quite astounding as the meditative intents of enormous numbers of you combine together to further assist you all in releasing the remaining chains of chaos and confusion that are still binding you to the illusion. You are most definitely firmly established on your way, and nothing can prevent your arrival at your heavenly destination.
Your loving brother, Jesus.